CFD Modelling of Fire

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International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics

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Computational fluid dynamics modelling of fire

a a b c a
Kevin McGrattan , Randall McDermott , Jason Floyd , Simo Hostikka , Glenn Forney &
Howard Baum
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
Hughes Associates, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, USA
VTT Technical Research Centre, Espoo, Finland

Version of record first published: 26 Apr 2012

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(2012): Computational fluid dynamics modelling of fire, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics,

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International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics
2012, 1–13, iFirst article

Computational fluid dynamics modelling of fire

Kevin McGrattana*, Randall McDermotta, Jason Floydb, Simo Hostikkac, Glenn Forneya and Howard Bauma
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA; bHughes Associates, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland,
USA; cVTT Technical Research Centre, Espoo, Finland
(Received 29 August 2011; final version received 11 January 2012)

An overview of a methodology for simulating fires and other thermally-driven, low-speed flows is presented. The
model employs a number of simplifications of the governing equations that allow for relatively fast simulations of
practical fire scenarios. The hydrodynamic model consists of the low Mach number large-eddy simulation subgrid
closure with either a constant or dynamic coefficient eddy diffusivity. Combustion is typically treated as a mixing-
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controlled, single-step reaction of fuel and oxygen. The radiation transport equation is written in terms of a
spectrally-averaged grey gas. Applications of the model include the design of fire protection systems in buildings and
the reconstruction of actual fires.
Keywords: combustion; fire; large-eddy simulation; low Mach number approximation; lumped species; thermal

1. Introduction we must learn to live with idealised descriptions of fires

The idea that the dynamics of a fire might be studied and approximate solutions to our idealised equations.
numerically dates back to the beginning of the Finally, the methods should be capable of systematic
computer age. Indeed, the fundamental conservation improvement. As our physical insight and computing
equations governing fluid dynamics, heat transfer and power grow more powerful, the methods of analysis
combustion were first written down over a century ago. can grow with them.
Despite this, practical mathematical models of fire (as Models specifically designed to study the impact of
distinct from controlled combustion) are relatively fire on buildings emerged in the 1970s. The first models
recent due to the inherent complexity of the problem. were essentially empirical correlations that provided
Indeed, in his brief history of the early days of fire estimates of plume and compartment temperatures,
research, Hoyt Hottel noted ‘A case can be made for heat flux and smoke concentration. These correlations
fire being, next to the life processes, the most complex were then incorporated into what became known as
of phenomena to understand’ (Hottel 1984). ‘zone’ models, in which each compartment is divided
The difficulties revolve about three issues: First, into two spatially homogeneous volumes, a hot upper
there are an enormous number of possible fire layer and a cooler lower layer (Jones 1983, Quintiere
scenarios to consider. Second, the physical insight 1984). This choice of model was driven in large part by
and computing power for realistic fire scenarios are the capabilities of computer hardware of that time. In
limited. Finally, the ‘fuel’ in most fires was never these models, mass and energy balances are enforced
intended as such. Thus, the mathematical models and for each layer, with additional models describing other
the data needed to characterise the degradation of the physical processes appended as differential or algebraic
condensed phase materials that supply the fuel may equations as appropriate. The relative physical and
not be available. computational simplicity of the zone models has led to
In order to make progress, the questions that are their widespread use in the analysis of fire scenarios.
asked have to be greatly simplified. To begin with, Provided that the two layer assumption is valid and
instead of seeking a methodology that can be applied that detailed spatial resolution is not required, these
to all fire problems, we begin by looking at a few models are quite reliable. However, by their very
scenarios that seem to be most amenable to analysis. nature, there is no way to systematically improve them.
Hopefully, the methods developed to study these The rapid growth of computing power and the
‘simple’ problems can be generalised over time so corresponding maturing of computational fluid dy-
that more complex scenarios can be analysed. Second, namics (CFD), has led to the development of CFD-

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1061-8562 print/ISSN 1029-0257 online

Ó 2012 Taylor & Francis
2 K. McGrattan et al.

based ‘field’ models applied to fire research problems. useful discussion of the technique as applied to various
Virtually all this work is based on the conceptual reactive flow regimes. They comment that ‘There is
framework provided by the Reynolds-averaged form generally a heavy price for being able to use a single
of the Navier–Stokes equations (RANS), in particular algorithm for both fast and slow flows, a price that
the k 7 e turbulence model pioneered by Patankar translates into many computer operations per time step
(1980). The use of CFD models has allowed the often spent in solving multiple and complicated matrix
description of fires in complex geometries, and the operations.’
incorporation of a wide variety of physical phenom- The basic low Mach number framework pioneered
ena. However, these models have a fundamental by Rehm and Baum (1978) in the early 1980s has
limitation for fire applications – the averaging proce- evolved to become an open source fire model known as
dure at the root of the model equations. the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) (McGrattan et al.
RANS models were developed as a time-averaged 2007b). It was released in 2000, and is currently used
approximation to the conservation equations of fluid by several thousand fire researchers and fire protection
dynamics. While the precise nature of the averaging engineers worldwide for a wide variety of applications.
time is not specified, it is clearly long enough to require The software can run either on a single processor
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 04:52 01 July 2012

the introduction of large-eddy transport coefficients to personal computer or it can operate over multiple
describe the unresolved fluxes of mass, momentum and computers using Message Passing Interface (MPI).
energy. Unfortunately, the evolution of large-eddy Desktop computers limit the number of cells to at most
structures characteristic of most fire plumes is lost with a few million. This means that the ratio of largest to
such an approach, as is the prediction of local transient smallest eddy length scales that can be resolved by the
events. It is sometimes argued that the averaging computation (the ‘dynamic range’ of the simulation) is
process used to define the equations is an ‘ensemble on the order of 100. Parallel processing can be used to
average’ over many replicates of the same experiment extend this range to some extent, but the range of
or postulated scenario. However, this is a moot point length scales that need to be accounted for if all
in fire research since neither experiments nor real relevant fire processes are to be simulated is roughly
scenarios are replicated in the sense required by that 104 to 105 because combustion processes take place at
interpretation of the equations. The application of length scales of 1 mm or less, while the length scales
large-eddy simulation (LES) techniques to fire is aimed associated with building fires are of the order of tens of
at extracting greater temporal and spatial fidelity from meters. The form of the numerical equations discussed
simulations of fire performed on the more finely below depends on which end of the spectrum one
meshed grids allowed by ever faster computers. wants to capture directly, and which end is to be
The phrase LES refers to the description of ignored or approximated.
turbulent mixing of the gaseous fuel and combustion The remainder of this article describes the basic
products with the local atmosphere surrounding the methodology of FDS, an example of its validation
fire. This process, which determines the burning rate in process, and a few practical applications.
most fires and controls the spread of smoke and hot
gases, is extremely difficult to predict accurately. This
is true not only in fire research but in almost all
phenomena involving turbulent fluid motion. The 2. Model overview
basic idea behind the LES technique is that the eddies This section presents the governing equations of FDS
that account for most of the mixing are large enough to and an outline of the general solution procedure.
be calculated with reasonable accuracy from the Details are presented in the technical documentation of
equations of fluid dynamics. The hope (which must the model (McGrattan et al. 2007b). The purpose of
ultimately be justified by comparison to experiments) is this section is to highlight aspects of the solution
that small-scale eddy motion can be modelled. methodology that make it practical for thermally-
The general equations of fluid dynamics describing driven flow simulations, in particular fire. Some of the
the transport of mass, momentum and energy by fire- major features of the model, in its default operation,
induced flows must be simplified so that they can be are:
solved efficiently. The simplified equations, developed
by Rehm and Baum (1978), have been widely adopted . Low Mach, LES
by the larger combustion research community, where . Explicit, second-order, energy conserving
they are referred to as the ‘low Mach number’ numerics
combustion equations. They describe the low-speed . Structured, uniform, staggered grid
motion of a gas driven by chemical heat release and . Simple immersed boundary method (IBM) for
buoyancy forces. Oran and Boris (1987) provide a treatment of flow obstructions
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 3

. Generalised ‘lumped species’ method (simplified performed in the algorithm except within the dynamic
reaction progress variable approach) procedure (Germano et al. 1991).
. Smagorinsky subgrid closure (constant or dy-
namic coefficient)
. Constant turbulent Schmidt and Prandtl 2.2. Numerical grid
numbers FDS is designed to be used by practicing engineers
. Eddy dissipation model (fast chemistry) for for a variety of fire protection and other thermal
single-step reaction between fuel and oxidiser flow applications. Therefore, it must be relatively fast
. Grey gas radiation with finite volume solution to and robust, and it must be easy to describe the
the radiation transport equation, including ab- scenario. This means that the user should only have
sorption and scattering by droplets to specify a small number of numerical parameters,
. Coupled heat transfer on solid surfaces. focusing instead on the physical description of the
problem. Because the computational domain usually
The model, however, is not limited to these encompasses a volume within a building, or the
assumptions. For example, the user may specify entire building itself, the most obvious and simplest
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 04:52 01 July 2012

multiple reactions, finite-rate chemistry, a wide-band numerical grid is rectilinear. In fact, because FDS is
radiation model and a variety of other special features. an LES model, uniform meshing is preferred, and
The more detailed physics incur increased computa- the only numerical parameters chosen by the end
tional cost and it is incumbent on the user to justify the user are the three dimensions of the grid. Once
added expense in terms of improved accuracy. The established, it is relatively simple to define rectan-
default model options have been selected based on gular obstructions that define the geometry to the
results from a wide variety of full-scale validation level of resolution determined by the grid. These
experiments (McGrattan et al. 2007a). obstructions ‘snap’ to the underlying grid, an
The algorithm outlined below has evolved over elementary form of IBM.
roughly three decades. Initially, it was designed to The governing equations are approximated using
study buoyant plumes in the Boussinesq limit; that is, second-order accurate finite differences on a collection
the fluid was assumed incompressible but included a of uniformly spaced three-dimensional grids. Multiple
source term for buoyancy. This approach was based on meshes can be processed in parallel using MPI
a long tradition in fire research of modelling smoke libraries. Scalar quantities are assigned to the centre
movement using dyed salt water introduced into a tank of each grid cell; vector components are assigned at the
filled with fresh water. Eventually, this approach appropriate cell faces. This is what is commonly
proved too limiting, but some of the major features referred to as a staggered grid (Harlow and Welch
of the algorithm, like the low Mach number approxi- 1965). Its main purpose is to avoid spurious oscilla-
mation, were retained. tions in various scalar quantities, sometimes known as
checkerboarding, by naturally representing the cell
velocity divergence, a very important thermodynamic
2.1. LES formalism quantity in the model.
The equations for LES are derived by applying a low-
pass filter, parameterised by a width D, to the transport
equations for mass, momentum and energy. For our 2.3. Mass and species transport
purposes, it is sufficient to think of the filtered fields in The most basic description of the chemistry of fire is
the LES equations as cell means. For example, in one a reaction of a hydrocarbon fuel with oxygen that
dimension the filtered density, r ðx; tÞ, for a cell of produces carbon dioxide and water vapour. Because
width D is: fire is a relatively inefficient combustion process
Z involving multiple fuel gases that contain more than
1 xþD=2 just carbon and hydrogen atoms, the number of gas
ðx; tÞ ¼
r rðr; tÞ dr: ð1Þ
D xD=2 species to track in the simulation could be large if
detailed chemistry is employed. However, because
In FDS, the filter width D is equivalent to the local each species’ transport equation increases the com-
cell size, dx, and is a key parameter in the submodels putational cost by approximately 5%, we limit the
for the turbulent viscosity and the reaction time scale number of fuels to one, usually, and the number of
discussed later. The practice of taking D ¼ dx is called reactions to just one or two. We also leave open the
implicit filtering. In what follows, the filter formalism possibility that the reaction may not proceed for lack
is relaxed (the overline notation is suppressed for of sufficient oxygen in the incoming air stream, as
clarity) since no explicit filtering operations are when a fire in a closed compartment extinguishes
4 K. McGrattan et al.

itself. This simplified approach to the chemistry still within the governing equations as point sources of
involves at least six gas species (Fuel, O2, CO2, H2O, mass, momentum and energy.
CO and N2) plus soot particulate. If we assume a The transport equation for each of the lumped
single-step reaction, we do not need to solve species minus one (usually air) has the same form as
explicitly seven transport equations. We only need the transport equation for a single species:
to solve two: one for the fuel and one for the
products. The background air makes up what is ðrZa Þ þ r  ðrZa uÞ ¼ r  ðrDa rZa Þ þ m_ a 000 þ m_ b;a 000 :
neither fuel nor products. Whereas the fuel is a @t
single gas species, the air and products are referred ð6Þ
to as ‘lumped species.’ A lumped species represents a P
mixture of gas species that are created, transported Here, m_ b 000 ¼ a m_ b;a 000 is the production rate of
or destroyed en masse (i.e. the lumped species has a species by evaporating droplets or particles. Summing
single set of transport properties), and from the these equations, over all species yields P the original
point of view of the numerical model it can thus be mass
P 000 conservation P equation because Za ¼ 1 and
treated as a single species. In fact, the mass transport m_ a ¼ 0 and m_ b;a 000 ¼Pm_ b 000 , by definition, and
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 04:52 01 July 2012

equations make no distinction between a single or because it is assumed that rDa rZa ¼ 0. This last
lumped species. For example, air is a lumped species assertion is not true, in general. However, transport
that consists of nitrogen, oxygen and trace amounts equations are solved for total mass and all but one of
of water vapour and carbon dioxide. We use the the species, implying that the diffusion coefficient of
symbols ZA, ZF and ZP to denote the mass fractions the implicit species is chosen so that the sum of all the
of air, fuel and products (ZA ¼ 1 7 ZF 7 ZP). The diffusive fluxes is zero.
lumped species mass fractions are linearly related to It is still possible in FDS to solve for all the
the primitive species mass fractions, Ya; thus, primitive gas species. For direct numerical simulations,
conversion from one to the other is a simple matter this is the preferred approach because we can then
of performing a matrix multiplication. For example, specify the appropriate diffusion coefficients for each
the complete combustion of methane: species.

CH4 þ2 ðO2 þ3:76 N2 Þ ! CO2 þ2 H2 O þ 7:52 N2 ; ð2Þ

is expressed as: 2.4. Low mach number approximation

Rehm and Baum (1978) observed that for low speed
Fuel þ 2 Air ! Products; ð3Þ applications like fire, the spatially and temporally
resolved pressure, p, can be decomposed into a
and the primitive species can be recovered from the ‘background’ pressure, pðz; tÞ, plus a perturbation,
lumped species via: p~ðx; y; z; tÞ, with only the background pressure
2 3 2 3 retained in the equation of state:
YN2 0:77 0:00 0:73 2 3
6 YO2 7 6 0:23 0:00 0:00 7 X Za rRT
6 7 6 7 ZA p ¼ rT R  ð7Þ
6 YCH4 7 ¼ 6 0:00 1:00 0:00 74 5 ð4Þ  :
6 7 6 7 ZF : a
Wa W
4 YCO 5 4 0:00 0:00 0:15 5 ZP
YH2 O 0:00 0:00 0:12 Note that z is the spatial co-ordinate in the
direction of gravity; thus, the stratification of the
The lumped species approach does not change the atmosphere is included in the background pressure.
basic mass transport equations. The equation for the The perturbation, p~, drives the fluid motion. This
total gas density, r, is written: approximation has a number of consequences. First,
building compartments connected via a heating,
@r ventilation and air conditioning system can each
þ r  ðruÞ ¼ m_ b 000 : ð5Þ
@t maintain individual background pressures. The air
flows between compartments can be described in terms
Note that the source term on the right hand side, of the differences in the background pressures,
m_ b 000 , represents the addition of mass from evaporating eliminating the need to solve detailed flow equations
droplets or other subgrid-scale particles that represent within the ventilation ducts.
sprinkler and fuel sprays, vegetation and any other The second consequence of the low Mach number
type of small, unresolvable object. These objects are approximation is that it eliminates the need to solve
assumed to occupy no volume; thus, they are treated the energy transport equation explicitly. The energy
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 5

conservation equation is written in terms of the sensible The term, fb, represents the drag force exerted by
enthalpy, hs: the subgrid-scale particles and droplets. The viscous
stress, t, is closed via gradient diffusion with the
@ Dp
ðrhs Þ þ r  ðrhs uÞ ¼ þ q_ 000  q_ b 000 þ r  krT turbulent viscosity obtained from the Smagorinsky
@t X Dt model (constant or dynamic coefficient) (Smagorinsky
þr hs;a rDa rZa  r  q00r : ð8Þ 1963, Germano et al. 1991, Moin et al. 1991).
a It is convenient to write this equation in the form:

Note that the material derivative of the thermo- @u

þ F þ rH ¼ 0 ð12Þ
dynamic pressure is simplified because of the low Mach @t
number approximation:
so that a Poisson equation for the pressure can be
Dp @p @ p @ p derived by taking its divergence:
 þ u  rp  þw : ð9Þ
Dt @t @t @z
r2 H ¼  ðr  uÞ  r  F: ð13Þ
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_ 000
The term, q , is the heat release rate (HRR) per @t
unit volume from a chemical reaction, i.e. the fire. The
term, q_ b 000 , is the energy transferred to subgrid-scale Note the appearance of the time derivative of the
droplets and particles. The term, r  q_ 00r , is the net divergence. This is an important feature of the time
absorption and emission of thermal radiation. marching scheme. Note also that the right hand side of
As discussed earlier, we do not actually solve the Poisson equation retains a term that includes the
Equation (8). Instead, we form an expression for the perturbation pressure, p~ rð1=rÞ. This term accounts
divergence of the velocity starting with the mass for the baroclinic torque. It is included on the right
conservation Equation (5), and then take the material hand side of the Poisson equation by using its value
derivative of the Equation of state (7): from the previous time step. This approximation
    allows us to solve a separable form of the Poisson
1 Dr 1 000 1 D
p  D 1 equation, for which there are fast, direct solvers that
ru¼ m_ 000
b  ¼ m_  þ W
r Dt r b p Dt Dt W  are optimised for uniform grids (Sweet 1973).
1 DT When the momentum equation is integrated over a
þ : ð10Þ cell adjacent to a solid boundary, the normal gradient of
T Dt
the stream-wise velocity component cannot be resolved.
Expanding the material derivatives on the right hand Note that the subgrid-scale (sgs) stress at the wall is
side of this equation produces a fairly complicated identically zero. We have, therefore, an entirely different
expression for the divergence that includes the source situation than exists in the bulk flow at high Reynolds
and diffusion terms from the mass, species and energy number where the viscous terms are negligible and the
conservation equations. However, its importance to the sgs stress is of critical importance. The fidelity of the sgs
overall algorithm is that it can be computed using only the model still influences the wall stress, however, since
thermodynamic variables r, Za, and p. As will be shown other components of the sgs tensor affect the value of the
below, the way to advance the flow velocity in time is to near-wall velocity and hence the resulting viscous stress
first estimate the thermodynamic variables at the next determined by the wall model. The stream-wise velocity
time step, compute the divergence, and then solve an component near the wall in FDS is treated using the
equation for the pressure that will guarantee that the model of Werner and Wengle (1991).
divergence of the updated velocity is identical to that
computed solely from the thermodynamic variables.
2.6. Combustion, radiation, and surface heat transfer
Combustion and radiation are introduced into the
2.5. Momentum transport governing equations via the source terms, q_ 000 and
Noting the vector identity ðu  rÞu ¼ rjuj2 =2  u  o r  qr 00 , in the energy transport equation. Since the
and defining the stagnation pressure per unit mass H  energy equation is not solved explicitly, these terms
juj2 =2 þ p~=r, the momentum equation can be written as: find their way into the expression for the divergence.
@u 1
 u  o þ rH  p~ r
@t r 2.6.1. Combustion
1 For most applications, FDS uses a combustion model
¼ ½ðr  r0 Þg þ fb þ r  t: ð11Þ
r based on the mixing-limited, infinitely fast reaction of
6 K. McGrattan et al.

lumped species. In reality, the reaction of fuel and transport equation (RTE) for a non-scattering grey
oxygen is neither instantaneous nor complete, and gas:
there are several optional schemes that are designed to
predict the extent of combustion in under-ventilated s  rIðx; sÞ ¼ kðxÞ½Ib ðxÞ  Iðx; sÞ: ð18Þ
For an infinitely fast reaction, reactant species in a In practical simulations, the spectral dependence of
given grid cell are converted to product species at a I, Ib and k cannot be resolved accurately, nor do we
rate determined by a characteristic mixing time. If any have reliable data for non-ideal fuels typical of real
grid cell contains all the reactants of the chemical fires. While FDS does have an option to divide the
reaction and the mass fractions of reactants and radiation spectrum into a relatively small number of
products meet certain criteria, the HRR per unit bands and solve a separate RTE for each band, it is
volume is given by the eddy dissipation model usually not necessary because in real fires, soot is the
(Magnussen and Hjertager 1977, Poinsot and Vey- dominant source and sink of thermal radiation and is
nante 2005): not particularly sensitive to wavelength. The mean
  absorption coefficient, k, is a function of species
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 04:52 01 July 2012

000 000 Y O2 YP composition and temperature. Its values are obtained

q_  m_ f DH ¼ r min YF ; ;b
s 1þs by table look-up using a narrow-band model, RadCal
  WF (Grosshandler 1993).
 1  edt=tmix DH; s ¼ : ð14Þ
nO 2 WO 2 Although soot-laden gases are assumed to be non-
scattering, water droplets can absorb and scatter
Here, YF, YO2, and YP are the mass fractions of thermal radiation. This is important in cases involving
fuel, oxygen and products within a grid cell; b is an water mist, but also plays a role in all sprinkler cases.
empirical parameter. The mixing time tmix is given The absorption and scattering coefficients are based on
by: Mie theory.
The radiation source term, Ib, requires special
tmix ¼ max ðtchem ; min ðtd ; tu ; tg ; tflame ÞÞ; ð15Þ treatment because of the limited resolution of the
underlying numerical grid in the vicinity of flames. In
where, large-scale fire simulations, grid cells are typically on
sffiffiffiffiffiffi the order of tens of centimetres. Relatively thin flame
Sct rD2 D 2D sheets cannot be resolved, in which case, the computed
td ¼ ; tu ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; tg ¼ : ð16Þ
m 2ksgs g temperature field does not reflect the true temperatures
one would expect to find within the fire itself. In the
model, the radiation source term is calculated differ-
Note that ksgs is the subgrid kinetic energy per unit ently in grid cells where fuel and oxygen mix and react.
mass which is closed by integrating a model Kolmo- A specified fraction of the energy generated, wr, is
gorov spectrum. The acceleration time scale tg is the assumed to be emitted as thermal radiation. Outside
time required to travel a distance D starting from rest the flame region, there is greater confidence in the
under a constant acceleration, g ¼ 9.81 m/s2. The resolved temperature field, and the source term can be
chemistry time scale tchem (usually very small) and computed directly. Thus, the source term is computed
the flame time scale tflame (usually very large) are as follows:
physical limits on the mixing time which may be 
adjusted if necessary by the user. wr q_ 000 =4p Inside flame region
kIb ¼ ð19Þ
k s T4 =p Outside flame region:

Typically, two-thirds of the total energy released

2.6.2. Radiation by a fire is convected upwards via the smoke plume.
The net contribution from thermal radiation in the The remaining fraction is taken to be wr. There is a
energy equation is defined by: subtle distinction between the model definition of this
parameter and that which is conventionally used in
 r  q_ r 00 ðxÞ ¼ kðxÞ ½UðxÞ  4p Ib ðxÞ; fire protection engineering. It is not a fundamental
property of the fuel, and it depends on the fire size
UðxÞ ¼ Iðx; s0 Þ ds0 ð17Þ
4p and configuration. However, it has been shown
through a wide range of validation exercises that
where k(x) is the absorption coefficient, Ib(x) is the the specification of the measured radiative fraction
source term, and I(x, s) is the solution of the radiation via Equation (19) produces a very good estimate of
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 7

the measured radiative heat flux to surfaces near (2) Compute the divergence, ðr  uÞ , from Equa-
and far. This result is undoubtedly due to the fact tion (10) using the estimated thermodynamic quanti-
that the luminous flame emits most of the thermal ties. Note that we use the parentheses to emphasise
radiation. that an estimate of the velocity field, u*, at the next
The radiation equation is solved using the finite time step has not been computed yet, only its
volume method for radiation (Raithby and Chui 1990). divergence.
Using approximately 100 discrete angles which are (3) Solve the Poisson equation for the pressure
updated over multiple time steps, the finite volume term:
solver requires about 20% of the total CPU time of a
calculation, a modest cost given the complexity of ðr  uÞ  r  un
r2 Hn ¼   r  Fn : ð22Þ
radiation heat transfer. dt

(4) Estimate the velocity at the next time step:

2.6.3. Surface heat transfer
In fires, the gas phase temperature field is tightly coupled u  un
þ Fn þ rHn ¼ 0: ð23Þ
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to the temperatures of the surrounding surfaces. Because dt

the variation in temperature is most prominent in the
direction normal to the surface, it is sufficient to write the Note that this procedure guarantees that the
heat conduction equation for the normal direction only: divergence of the estimated velocity field, r  u , is
identically equal to the divergence that is derived from
@Ts @ @Ts the estimated thermodynamic quantities, ðr  uÞ , in
rs c s ¼ ks þ q_ s;c 000 þ q_ s;r 000 ; ð20Þ
@t @x @x Step (2).
(5) Check that the time step, dt, satisfies the CFL
where rs, ks and cs are the temperature dependent and Von Neumann stability conditions:
density, conductivity and specific heat of the material  
mixture, and q_ s;c 000 and q_ s;r 000 are the chemical and juj jvj jwj
dt þ þ < 1;
radiative source terms, respectively. Specification of dx dy dz
appropriate reaction schemes and model parameters m 1 1 1
2dt þ þ < 1: ð24Þ
for the real-world materials has become an active r dx2 dy2 dz2
research topic within the fire community.
If the time step is too large, it is reduced so that it
satisfies both constraints and the procedure returns to
3. Solution procedure the beginning of the time step. If the time step satisfies
For each grid cell at the nth time step, we have the density, the stability criteria, the procedure continues to the
rn, lumped species mass fractions, Zna , velocity vector, un corrector step.
and perturbation pressure term, Hn . In addition, for each
compartment in the computational domain, we have a
background pressure, pn . The temperature is found from 3.2. Corrector stage
the equation of state. These variables are advanced in (1) Correct r, Za and p at the next time step. For
time using an explicit second-order predictor/corrector example, the density is corrected:
scheme. The basic procedure is listed below and the
details are provided in McGrattan et al. (2007b). r  12 ðrn þ r Þ
þ r  r u ¼ 0: ð25Þ

3.1. Predictor stage Za, and p are corrected in a similar way. The
(1) Estimate r, Za and p at the next time step with an temperature is obtained from the equation of state.
explicit Euler step. For example, the density is estimated (2) Time splitting for mass source terms. After the
by: corrector step for the transport scheme, source terms
are applied to the scalars. The source terms are
r   rn
þ r  rn un ¼ 0: ð21Þ evaluated using the results from the corrected scalar
dt transport scheme:

The asterisk denotes a first-order accurate estimate ðrYa Þnþ1 

ijk  ðrYa Þijk
at the next time step. Note that the source term is time- ¼ m_ a;ijk 000 ðY ; T Þ: ð26Þ
split (Corrector Step 2). dt
8 K. McGrattan et al.

(3) Compute the divergence, ðr  uÞnþ1 , from the fire Froude number. The correlation has been experi-
corrected thermodynamic quantities. mentally validated for a range 0.1 5 Q* 5 10000,
(4) Compute the pressure term using the estimated which represents fires ranging from a lazy camp fire
quantities: to an oil well blowout. Figure 1 compares the FDS
" # predictions with Heskestad’s empirical correlation.
nþ1 1  n
ðr  uÞ  ð r  u þ r  u Þ Note that the definition of flame height is consistent
r2 H  ¼  2
 r  F :
dt=2 in both the simulation and the experiment, but the
definition of the visible flame in the model is somewhat
arbitrary. It is taken as the location at which 99% of
(5) Correct the velocity at the next time step: the fuel has been consumed. For high values of Q*, it
does not matter how the flame envelope is defined. For
unþ1  12 ðu þ un Þ low values, it does matter, but it is difficult to say what
þ F þ rH ¼ 0: ð28Þ
dt=2 is appropriate because there are several empirical
flame height correlations that differ by factors of two
Note again that the divergence of the corrected to three in the low Q* regime due to the specifics of the
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 04:52 01 July 2012

velocity field is identically equal to the divergence that burner geometry and measurement method (Heskestad
was computed in Step (3). 2008).
Note also that the simulations were run at three
different grid resolutions. A convenient length scale is
4. Model validation given by:
The single most important quantity of any CFD fire  2=5
scenario is the HRR:  Q_
D ¼ pffiffiffi : ð32Þ
Z r1 cp T1 g
Q_ ¼ q_ 000 dV: ð29Þ

Given a grid cell size, dx, the three resolutions can

In fact, when fire protection engineers talk about be characterised by the non-dimensional quantity, D*/
the ‘size’ of the fire, they are referring to its HRR dx, whose values in this case are 5, 10 and 20. A
rather than its physical dimensions. The ‘fire plume’ is simulation where the characteristic diameter of the fire
the most fundamental fire-driven flow, encompassing is spanned by only five grid cells might be considered
both the visible flames and the thermal, smoke-laden poorly resolved, but it is not unusual in a practical fire
plume. The first test of a fire model, therefore, is to protection design application where the overall volume
simulate a fire plume; predicting the height of the of the enclosure may be much larger than that of the
visible flames, its centreline velocity and temperature, fire plume.
and its pulsation frequency.

4.1. Flame height

To assess the model’s prediction of flame height, we
need to look at a wide array of fires. Heskestad (1983)
defines flame height as the distance above the base of
the fire where flames can be seen 50% of the time. His
correlation for flame height, Lf, is:
¼ 3:7ðQ Þ2=5  1:02; ð30Þ

Q ¼ pffiffiffi 5=2 ; ð31Þ
r1 cp T1 gD

is a non-dimensional quantity that relates the fire’s

HRR, Q, _ with the diameter of its base, D. The greater
Figure 1. Comparison of FDS predictions of flame height
the value of Q*, the higher the flame height relative to from a 1 m square pan fire for Q* values ranging from 0.1 to
its base diameter. Q* is sometimes referred to as the 10,000.
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 9

4.2. Puffing frequency fire’ is specified either by a regulatory authority or by

Any fire pulsates with a frequency that is largely the engineers performing the analysis. Because the
dependent on its HRR. The fundamental, or ‘puffing,’ fire’s HRR is specified, the role of the model is to
frequency is a quantity that the fire model ought to predict the transport of heat and combustion products
predict accurately. Figure 2 displays sequential flame throughout the space of interest. Ventilation equip-
images for a single puff from a simulation of a 1 m ment such as fans, blowers, exhaust hoods, heating
methane fire experiment (Test 17) conducted at Sandia ducts and smoke management systems are often
National Laboratories (Tieszen et al. 2002). This is a included in the simulation. Sprinkler and heat and
well-resolved calculation, with dx ¼ 1.5 cm (D*/dx ¼ smoke detector activation are also of interest. The
100). To determine the puffing frequency, we record a effect of the sprinkler spray on the fire is usually of less
time series of the vertical component of velocity along interest since the HRR of the fire is specified rather
the plume centreline half a diameter from the base (this than predicted. Detailed descriptions of the contents of
is the same location of the velocity measurement used the building are usually not necessary because these
to determine the puffing frequency in the Sandia items are assumed not to contribute to the fire. Even if
experiment). The power spectrum of the signal, taken they do contribute, their burning rate will be specified,
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 04:52 01 July 2012

between 10 s and 20 s from the simulation, is plotted in not predicted. Sometimes, it is necessary to predict the
Figure 3. The dominant puffing mode shows good heat flux from the fire to a nearby ‘target,’ and even
agreement with the measured puffing frequency of though the target may heat up to some specified
1.65 Hz, denoted by the vertical dashed line. Higher ignition temperature, the subsequent spread of the fire
frequency fluctuations from the simulation exhibit the usually goes beyond the scope of the analysis because
classic 75/3 scaling of Kolmogorov turbulence (Pope of the uncertainty inherent in object-to-object fire
2000). The temporal Nyquist limit of the simulation spread.
(the highest resolvable frequency due to the discrete Figure 4 displays an example of a fire modelling
time increment) is roughly 1000 Hz for this case study. As part of the modernisation of the Rhode
(dt ¼ 0.0005), which means that the 75/3 scaling is Island State House (the rotunda is the fourth largest,
physical, not fortuitous numerical noise. self supporting dome in the world), FDS was used to
model a number of fire scenarios within the structure.
The building supervisors wished to avoid having to
5. Practical applications disrupt the historical fabric of the rotunda while
Given the importance of the HRR in fire science, it is updating the building’s fire protection systems. The
not surprising that the fire scenarios analysed by the model was used to examine a number of fire scenarios
model fall into two classes: those for which the HRR is and how they might impact the ability of occupants to
specified as an input to the model and those for which evacuate the building. Note in Figure 4 the use of
the HRR is predicted by the model. The former is often
the case for a design application, the latter for a
forensic reconstruction.

5.1. Fire protection design

Design applications typically involve an existing
building or a building under design. A so-called ‘design

Figure 3. FDS power spectrum for the Sandia 1 m diameter

methane pool fire. The dominant mode of the power
spectrum from the simulation agrees well with the
Figure 2. Snapshots of the flame envelope from a experimentally measured puffing frequency of 1.65 Hz. The
simulation of the Sandia 1 m diameter methane pool fire higher frequency fluctuations from the simulation exhibit the
using 1.5 cm grid resolution. The images span a single ‘puff’. classic 7 5/3 scaling of Kolmogorov turbulence (Pope 2000).
10 K. McGrattan et al.
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Figure 4. View from the floor of the rotunda of the Rhode Island State Capitol, looking upwards at smoke emanating from a
hallway at the upper level of the building. Courtesy Hughes Associates, Baltimore, Maryland.

rectangular obstructions to approximate the very transfer to surfaces, pyrolysis, flame spread and
complicated geometry of the building – a simple suppression. In general, forensic reconstructions are
alternative to a more CPU intensive body-fitted co- more challenging simulations to perform because they
ordinate system. In this case, the numerical grid require more detailed information about the room
consists of approximately 1.4 million cells, each contents, and there is much greater uncertainty in the
0.4 m on a side. The computational domain spans a total HRR as the fire spreads from object to object.
volume that is approximately 60 m by 50 m by 30 m The two most notable examples of fire reconstructions
high. The calculation was performed on a single by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
processor personal computer, and the run time was (NIST) using FDS were the fires within different
on the order of a few days. However, such calculations buildings of the World Trade Center (WTC) on 11
are now more commonly performed using parallel September 2001 (McGrattan et al. 2005); and the
processing – either by utilising multiple computers to Station Nightclub Fire in Rhode Island in February
process individual rectilinear meshes or by using a 2003 (Grosshandler et al. 2005).
single computer with multiple processors to speed up Fire reconstructions are a combination of numer-
the processing of a single mesh. ical simulation and small-, medium- and large-scale
experimentation. Small-scale experiments are con-
ducted to measure the thermo-physical properties of
5.2. Fire reconstructions the furnishings, carpeting and equipment that are
Forensic reconstructions require the model to simulate assumed to have played a major role in causing or
an actual fire based on information that is collected spreading the fire. Medium-scale experiments are
after the event, such as eye witness accounts, unburned conducted to measure the burning rates of individual
materials and burn signatures. The purpose of the pieces of furniture. Large-scale experiments are con-
simulation is to connect a sequence of discrete ducted to measure the HRR and temperature within
observations with a continuous description of the fire compartments that are characteristic of the actual
dynamics. Usually, reconstructions involve more gas/ building under study. The small- and medium-scale
solid phase interaction because virtually all objects in a experiments provide input data for the model. The
given room are potentially ignitable. Thus, there is large-scale experiments determine if the model has the
much more emphasis on such phenomena as heat necessary physics to describe the behaviour of the fire.
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 11

For example, Figure 5 shows a photograph of an In other words, the prediction is not based solely on
experiment that was designed to replicate the fire material properties derived from bench-scale measure-
conditions within the two towers of the World Trade ments. Thus, this is not a true validation exercise, but
Center. The adjacent plot shows the measured and rather one in which the model is calibrated based on
predicted HRR of the fire. small- and medium-scale experiments. The model is
The simulation was performed before the experi- then shown to predict the fire behaviour at the scale of
ment, but the model representation of the office interest. Assuming that the model adequately describes
furnishings within the compartment were based on the fire behaviour, it is then used to simulate the actual
bench-scale measurements of material properties and fire event. Figure 6 displays the movement of the fire
medium-scale burns of individual office workstations. over two floors of WTC 1 (the north tower) for the
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 04:52 01 July 2012

Figure 5. (Left) Fire experiment conducted in support of the investigation of the collapse of the World Trade Center. (Right)
Comparison of predicted and measured heat release rate of the fire.

Figure 6. Movement of the fires over two floors of World Trade Center 1, the north tower of the World Trade Center. Shown
are contours of the gas temperatures just below the ceiling. The dark (or red) areas correspond to temperatures on the order of
1000 8C.
12 K. McGrattan et al.

period of time between airplane impact and collapse. conditions, but progress in CFD modelling of fire
The purpose of the calculations was to provide the cannot advance further until the mathematical descrip-
thermal boundary conditions for the structural models tion of real materials reaches the same level of fidelity
that were used to identify the collapse sequence. The as that of the gas phase.
large-scale compartment experiments confirmed the
model’s ability to predict the temperatures of such a fire. Acknowledgement
The authors would like to thank Sheldon Tieszen of Sandia
National Laboratories for providing measurement data on
6. Conclusion the methane pool fire experiments. The authors would also
like to thank William Mell, Timo Korhonen and Ronald
CFD modelling of fire has made tremendous progress
Rehm for their contributions to the development of FDS.
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