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17 January 2019

Early Availability

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CPView: Monitor Security Gateways Guide R80.20.M2 | 2

Important Information

Important Information
More Information
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Please help us by sending your comments on CPView: Monitor
Security Gateways R80.20.M2 Guide.

Revision History
Date Description
17 January 2019 First release of this document

CPView: Monitor Security Gateways Guide R80.20.M2 | 3

Important Information................................................................................................... 3
CPView .......................................................................................................................... 5
Starting CPView ............................................................................................................ 5
Syntax............................................................................................................................ 5
User Interface ............................................................................................................... 6
Navigating CPView ........................................................................................................ 7
Views ............................................................................................................................. 8
Overview.................................................................................................................... 8
SysInfo....................................................................................................................... 9
Network .................................................................................................................. 10
Network Interface Overview ..........................................................................................10
Network Interface Traffic ..............................................................................................11
CPU ......................................................................................................................... 12
I/O............................................................................................................................ 12
Hardware-Health .................................................................................................... 13
Getting CPView Data from SNMP ................................................................................ 14

You can monitor your network activity and Software Blade performance using Check Point
SmartView Monitor, and using SNMP-based management tools to monitor the system and to
modify selected objects.
In R80.20.M2, CPView, is an infrastructure that runs on Check Point managements and collects
statistical information about the system.
The CPView infrastructure has two main applications:
• Shell tool with navigable menus that continuously updates the data in the different views.
• Services module that:
 Keeps a history DB of the collected data in 1 minute intervals.
 Exposes the data via SNMP.

Starting CPView
To start CPView, run cpview in Clish or Expert Mode, in SecurePlatform and in Gaia.

cpview [ -t [<timestamp>] | services {on | off | stat}]

Parameter Description
-t [<timestamp>] Start CPView in History mode to show a data snapshot, stored in the
History Daemon database. If the timestamp is not specified, CPView shows
the oldest available snapshot. If it is specified, CPView shows the database
snapshot for the specific timestamp. The historical data is stored at
configured refresh rate in /var/log for 30 days, unless the available
storage space is less than 512 MB.
The format of the timestamp is: [Jan..Dec] [01..31] [4-digit
Year] [hh:mm:ss].
services {on | Control the services daemon:
off | stat}
• on - start the services daemon
• off - stop the services daemon
• stat - show the current state of the services daemon (activated or
not activated)
Note - the state of the services daemon does not change after you restart
Check Point applications.

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User Interface

User Interface
The CPView user interface sections are:
• Header - Shows the name of the view with the full navigation path and the current date and

• Navigation menus - Open different views

• View - Shows the data collected by CPView, with a predefined format and refresh rate (default
is 2 seconds)

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Navigating CPView

Navigating CPView
Use these keys to navigate and control CPView:

Key Description
Arrows Change view and scroll in a view.
Tab See the next view in the menu.
r Change the refresh rate.
• In History mode, set the rate (in seconds) for database snapshots, between 60.0
and 86400.0 (default = 60 )
• In other modes, set the interval of seconds for data collection, between 0.1 and
86400.0 (default = 2).
+ and - Show the database snapshot. Only in History mode (cpview -t [<timestamp>]).
Plus - Show the database snapshot of the next timestamp
Minus - Show the database snapshot of the last timestamp.
t Change the timestamp in History mode.
m Turn on (or off) navigation with the mouse.
p Pause (or resume) the collection of statistics.
c Save the current view to a file. The filename format is cpview_<pid>.cap<n>
Where pid is the CPView process ID and n is the sequential number of the capture.
q Quit CPView.

CPView: Monitor Security Gateways Guide R80.20.M2 | 7


CPView has a number of views. Each view shows statistics related to a specific aspect of the

The Overview view is the primary view in CPView. It shows information about the state of the

• In the CPU section:

• Num of CPUs - Number of CPUs
• Used - Percent used of the CPU's capacity
• In the Memory section, for different memory partitions:
• Physical - Physical RAM (Mbytes): Total, Used, and Free
• FW Kernel - Firewall kernel memory (Mbytes): Total, Used, and Free
• Swap - Swap memory(Mbytes): Total, Used, and Free
• In the Disk space section, for the three most used partitions:
• Partition - Path of the partition
• Total MB - Total space allocated to the partition (Mbytes)
• Used MB - Amount of space used by the partition (Mbytes)
• Free MB - Amount of free space in the partition (Mbytes)
• In the Events section:
• Number of monitored daemons that crashed from the last restart

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The SysInfo view shows general information about the system.

• In the Configuration Information section:

• Platform - Operating system
• Configuration - Type of Check Point configuration - VSX Security Gateway, Secure Web
Gateway, or Standalone Gateway
• In the General information section:
• System uptime - Time elapsed since the last reboot
• In the Version Information section:
• fw1_wrapper package version - Version of the installed wrapper package
• FW User Mode - Branch name and build number of the FW in user mode
• Accel Module - Stat is irrelevant for Management
• Adpdrv Module - Stat is irrelevant for Management
• SIM Module - Stat is irrelevant for Management
• In the Hardware information section:
• HW Model - Hardware Model

CPView: Monitor Security Gateways Guide R80.20.M2 | 9


The Network view shows these subviews:
• Network Interface Overview
• Network Interface Traffic

Network Interface Overview

The Network Interface Overview view shows summary of information about the network

Under Network, the first sub-menu is Network > Overview to show the defined interfaces on the
Management machine with these stats:
• Interface - Name of the network interface
• State - State of the network interface - on (up) or off (down)
• Type - Type of the network interface - loopback, ethernet, WAN
• Port - Port supported by the interface
• Driver - Driver installed on the interface
• Speed - Network speed of the interface
• IPv4 - IPv4 address and mask of the interface
• IPv6 - IPv6 address and mask of the interface

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Network Interface Traffic

The Network Interface Traffic view shows detailed information about the network traffic at each
network interface.

• In the RX Traffic section, see network traffic received by each interface: total packets from
last restart, pps, packets at peak, total bits since last restart, bps, bits at peak.
• In the TX Traffic section, see network traffic transmitted by each interface: total packets
from last restart, pps, packets at peak, total bits since last restart, bps, bits at peak.
• Packets - Number of packets that have gone through the interface
• PPS - Packets per Second
• Peak - Peak PPS
• Mbits - Number of mega bits that have gone through the interface
• Mbps - Mega bits per second
• Peak - Peak Mbits
• In the Errors and Drops section, see the number of incoming and outgoing packets that were
dropped or had errors, for each interface.
• RX drops - Number of incoming packets that were dropped by this interface
• RX errors - Number of errors generated on the inbound of this interface
• TX drops - Number of outgoing packets that were dropped by this interface
• TX errors - Number of errors generated on the outbound of this interface

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The CPU Overview view shows a summary of information about CPU usage.

• CPU - Sequential number of the CPU (the count starts at 0)

• User - CPU utilization by execution of user space code
• System - CPU utilization by execution of the kernel code
• Idle - Percentage the CPU resources in idle state
• I/O wait - CPU utilization by Input/Output operations
• Interrupts - Number of interrupts a CPU has handled since the last restart

The I/O Overview view shows a summary of information about Storage I/O usage.

• Requests Per Second - Input/Output requests per second for the storage devices
• Read/Write Per Second - Reads and writes on storage devices in KBs per second
• Average - Average request sizes, waits and service for all the storage devices
• CPU Utilization - The amount of cpu usage for the storage devices during Input/Output

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The Hardware-Health view shows a summary of information about the machine.

• Temperature
• Name - Name of the temperature sensor
• Value - The actual reading of the temperature sensor
• Unit - The unit of the measured value (Celsius/Fahrenheit)
• Min - The minimum recommended value (from the manufacturer)
• Max - The maximum recommended value (from the manufacturer)
• Status - The value "1" shows an error (either below the minimum or above the maximum
recommended value from the manufacture)
• Voltage
• Name - Name of the voltage sensor
• Value - The actual reading of the voltage sensor
• Unit - The unit of the measured value (volts)
• Min - The minimum recommended value (from the manufacturer)
• Max - The maximum recommended value (from the manufacturer)
• Status - The value "1" shows that the voltage is outside the recommended range (from the
• Power-Supply
• Name - Name of the power supply sensor
• Value - The actual reading of the power supply sensor
• Unit - The unit of the measured value (power)
• Status - The value "1" shows a detected problem with the power supply
• Fan
• Name - Name of the fan sensor
• Value - The actual reading of the fan sensor
• Unit - The unit of the measured value (RPM)
• Min - The minimum recommended RPM value (from the manufacturer)
• Max - The maximum recommended RPM value (from the manufacturer)
• Status - The value "1" shows a detected problem with the fan
• Bios
• Name - Name of the Bios sensor
• Value - The actual reading of the Bios sensor
• Unit - The unit of the measured value
• Status - The value "1" shows a detected problem with the Bios

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Getting CPView Data from SNMP

Getting CPView Data from SNMP

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a protocol that monitors the health of network
equipment, computer machines, and other devices.
SNMP has CPView data available. For information on how to configure SNMP, see sk90860

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