Physicochemical Aspects of Reactions in Ironmaking and Steelmaking Processes

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Physicochemical Aspects of Reactions in Ironmaking and

Steelmaking Processes*


Synopsis (1) the state of reactions in the blast furnace and the
This is a critical reviewof thephysical chemistry of selectedaspects of converter in relation to the gas-slag-metal reaction
ironmaking and steelmakingprocesses. The equilibrium data from gas- equilibria; (2) ladle refining; and (3) the role of vapor
slag-metal reactions are presented in a form suitablefor easy application species in metallurgical reactions, including coal
in thestudy of the state of reactions in ironmakingand steelmaking. Plant
data indicate departuresfrom equilibriumfor most reactions in the blast- gasification in liquid iron bath.
furnace bosh and hearth. In steelmaking, most reactions are close to equi-
librium at the time of furnace tapping. Comments are made on reaction II. Gas-Slag-Metal Reaction Equilibria
equilibria in relation to the ladle refining of hot metal. A summary is
made of new equilibrium data for desulfurization of liquid steel with cal- 1. GeneralConsiderations
cium aluminate slags. Various examples are given of the role of vapor Gas-slag and metal-slag reactions are redox reac-
speciesin pyrometallurgicalprocesses, e.g., silicon- and sulfur-bearing spe- tions which are accompanied by exchange of electrons
cies and alkali cyanidevapors in the blast furnace, causesof fume emission between the reacting species as they are transferred to
duringfurnace tapping, and consequencesof fume emission in coal gasifica- and from nonpolar gaseous or metallic phase and ionic
tion using liquid iron as the reaction medium. molten slag. For example, the transfer of sulfur from
metal to slag is a reduction reaction involving ex-
I. Introduction change of electrons between sulfur and oxygen atoms:
Studies of the physical chemistry of gas-slag-metal
reactions and measurements of the physicochemical 5-E-(O2-)= 0+(S2) ..................(1)
and thermochemical properties of materials pertinent where underscore indicates solute in solution in the
to ironmaking and steelmaking processes have gone
metal and ( ) species dissolved in the slag. In most
through many interesting stages of evolution during
cases, the transfer of a reactant from metal to slag is
the past six decades or more. The first textbook writ-
an oxidation process, such as
ten on the physical chemistry of steelmaking was the
classical work by Schenck, " Einfuhrung in die Phys-
ikalische Chemie der Eisenhuttenprozesse," published P+ 25 0 + 23 (02-) = (POr) ...............(2)
in the years 1932 and 1934. Belated English transla-
tion of this book in 19451)was of much value to steel- Although the reactions as formulated above are
makers in many countries and stimulated the birth of conceptually correct, their equilibrium constants can-
a new era of research on the physical chemistry of not be evaluated because the thermodynamic activity
metallurgical reactions. The symposium on physical or activity coefficient of an individual ion cannot
chemistry organized by the Faraday Society in 19482) be determined experimentally. However, numerous
set the main theme of research for the subsequent two attempts have been made in the past, following the
decades on the fundamentals of pyrometallurgical pro- work of Herasymenko,7'8) to represent the equilib-
cesses. rium constants of slag-metal reactions in terms of
Accumulated knowledge of the physical chemistry assumed ionic concentrations.9'1°) Although the deri-
of gas-slag-metal reactions and the physicochemical vation of reaction equilibrium relations from the ionic
properties of solid and liquid metallic solutions, mol- structural models are of theoretical interest, their ap-
ten slaps, and refractory materials have been critically plication to gas-slag-metal reaction equilibria in mul=
assessed and compiled by Kubaschewski and Alcock,3~ ticomponent systems has not been particularly reward-
Richardson,4) and Turkdogan.5's) These reference ing when compared with the conventional methods of
books are used for the background scientific and tech- representing the reaction equilibria in terms' of the
nical information in the preparation of the present measured thermodynamic quantities.
paper. The solution models of slaps, either constitutional
Upon kind invitation by the Iron and Steel Institute or structural, have been much exploited in pursuit of
of Japan, a critical assessment is presented in this pa- a rationale for the composition dependence of the ac-
per of some aspects of the present state of knowledge tivity of constituent oxides in slaps. No matter what
of the physicochemical aspects of ironmaking and major differences there might be between assumed
steelmaking processes. For the paper to be technical- solution models, they all yield activity vs, composition
ly comprehensive, the subject of discussion is confined relations in reasonable agreement with the same set
to a few selected topics of process metallurgy in iron- of data for binary and ternary silicate melts, because
making and steelmaking that are of current interest: of the empirically adjustable parameters involved in
* Received November 14, 1983.
** Technical Center, United States Steel Corporation, Monroeville, PA 15146, U.S.A.

Review (591)
(592) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984

the formulations. However, although the solution where, V : the basicity.

models may be fictitious, the formalisms derived there- 3 phases: MgO-saturated slag and metal,
from are helpful in the extrapolation of data to other
composition ranges. For example, Ban-ya et a1.11'12) (%P)
{[%O] , (%SiO2), V} (6)
have shown that the composition dependence of the [%P] P,T

activity coefficient of ferrous oxide in complex silicate 4 phases : MgO- and CaO-saturated slag and metal,
and phosphate melts can be represented by an em-
pirical formalism based on the regular solution model [(%P) [ ~b{[%o] , (%5102)} (7)
for polymeric melts proposed by Lumsden.l3~ [%P] P,T

Because of lack of activity data for complex slaps

and limited applicability of empirical solution models, Although qualitative, the slag basicity defined by
the slag-metal equilibrium relations are often repre- the concentration ratio (oxides of network modifiers)/
sented in terms of the concentrations of reactants and (oxides of network formers) gives a general indication
of the extent of depolymerization of the melt, hence
products by adopting the mass-action law. The iso-
thermal equilibrium constant K thus expressed varies is a simple indicator of the trend in changes of oxide
with the slag composition, on account of omission of activities with composition. Consequently, the equi-
the activity coefficients of oxide reactants and prod- librium constants for slag-metal reactions expressed
ucts in the expression of the equilibrium constant K. in terms of concentrations of slag components are often
The mass-action law has been applied in the past simple functions of slag basicity, at least for composi-
in a variety of ways to represent the state of slag- tion ranges of practical interest.
metal reaction equilibria. The apparent disparities The concept of slag basicity appears to have been
sometimes seen in the experimental data of different first introduced by Herty for steelmaking slags in the
investigators on slag-metal equilibria are often at- mid 1920's; he proposed a simple concentration ratio,
tributable to the format of representing the state of so-called the V ratio:
equilibrium for slags of varying compositions. In an %CaO
attempt to develop a relatively simple rationale, Turk-
dogans~ proposed a method of application of phase
rule to describe the slag-metal reaction equilibria as The definition of slag basicity is somewhat arbitrary.
discussed below. For example, if we were to assume that in steelmaking-
Let us consider in a general way the equilibrium type slags the concentrations of CaO and MgO are
distribution of an element X between slag and metal. equivalent on a molar basis, and similarly on a molar
basis 1/2 P2O5 is equivalent to SiO2j in terms of mass
X (in metal) _ (X) (in slag) (3) concentrations of oxides, the slag basicity B may be
defined by the ratio:
The independent state variables which determine the
solubility of X in the slag (in a simple or complex B = %CaO+1.4(%MgO) ............... (9)
ionic form) coexistent with the metallic phase may be
deduced by invoking the Gibbs phase rule: The basic steelmaking slags are saturated with mag-
nesia and dicalcium (magnesium) silicate. For such
p+f =c+2 (4) slaps containing less than about 3 % P2O5, the basicity
where, p : the number of phases B given by the above expression is essentially a linear
function of the V ratio with a proportionality factor
f : the number of degrees of freedom
c: the number of components of the system. of about 1.17.
For the phosphorus reaction between liquid iron and B =1.17 %CaO
%5 .....................(10)
slag, the system may be described by the following six 102
components: Fe, P, 0, (CaO), (SiO2) and (MO),
For blast furnace slags, which contain 10 to 20 %
where MO represents MgO plus other minor slag
components, e.g., MnO, A12O3,CaF2, ... For isobaric A12O3,the basicity is often represented by the mass
and isothermal conditions, we now have from Eq. (4) concentration ratio:
p+ f = 6. With the assumption that phosphorus has _ %CaO + %MgO 11
virtually no effect on its activity coefficient in the
metal and slag phase, the equilibrium distribution
ratio (%P)/[%P] between slag and metal may be de- 2. Ironmaking Reactions
scribed by the following functional relations, depend- The state of equilibrium in metallurgical reactions
ing on the number of phases present* : involving three or more phases cannot be evaluated
2 phases : slag and metal, accurately without giving due consideration to inter-
relations among different reactions occurring simul-
taneously. In conventional laboratory experiments
1p,T with blast-furnace-type systems at unit activities of
(5) carbon and carbon monoxide, many hours of reaction

* It should be noted that the argument presented here is the corrected version of that given by the author in Ref . 6).


Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984 (593)

time are needed to reach the equilibrium distribution (%X) _

0 {B'} (21)
of silicon, manganese, and sulfur between slag and [%X]
metal to satisfy the three-phase equilibria in the over-
all reactions: The equilibrium distributions of manganese and
silicon between slag and metal shown by dotted curves
(Si02)+2C = Si+2C0 .....................(12) in Fig. 1 are consistent with the functional relation
(21) deduced from the general thermodynamic con-
(CaO)+S+C = (CaS)+CO ............(14) siderations. Since CaO is one of the reactants as
given by Eq. (14), the sulfur distribution ratio has to
The studies made by Turkdogan et a1.14)have re- be a function of both the slag basicity B' and the con-
vealed that a partial equilibrium in such three-phase centration of CaO in the slag; the dotted curves in
systems could be realized within about 1-hr reaction Fig. 1 for (%S)/[%S] are for 40 % CaO in the slag.
time using small amounts of slag and metal samples. The dotted equilibrium curves in Fig. 1 for graphite-
They obtained the equilibrium relations for the fol- saturated melts at 1 bar CO pressure were derivedl4~
lowing three coupled reactions in graphite-saturated from the appropriate free energy data, oxide activities,
melts and blast-furnace-type slags containing 10 to and experimentally determined equilibrium relations
20 % A1203. given by Eqs. (18) and (19).
In his 1978 Howe Memorial Lecture, Turkdoganls)
2(MnO)+Si = (Si02)+2Mn ...............(15) discussed the state of slag-metal reactions in the blast
furnace hearth, based on the analysis of the daily aver-
(CaO)+ 12 Si+S = (CaS)+ 1(SiO2) 2 ......(16) age plant data for various blast furnaces of U.S. Steel
(CaO)+Mn+S = (CaS)+(MnO) .........(17) Corporation and those reported by Okabe et al.l 9>for
Chiba Works of Kawasaki Steel Corporation. The
From their own equilibrium measurements and data analyzed are typical for most blast furnace opera-
those of Filer and Darken,15) Turkdogan et a1.14)de- tions. The melt temperatures at tap are in the range
rived the following equilibrium relation for reaction 1 450 to 1 550 °C, mostly in the range 1 475 to 1525
°C . The average slag compositions in mass percent
are in the range : 38 to 44 % CaO, 8 to 10 % MgO,
[%Mn] 2 (%Si02) K 34 to 38 % Si02, 10 to 12 % A1203, 0.5 to 1.0 %
M11s1=(%Mn0) [%Si]
MnO, 1 to 2 % S, 0.1 to 0.6 % K20, <0.2 % FeO,
log KMl,Si = 2.8B'-l.16 and minor amounts of other oxides. The sum of the
concentrations of four major constituent oxides CaO,
where, B': the slag basicity as given by Eq. (11) . MgO, Si02, and A1203 is in the range 95 to 97 %.
1 400theWithin
to 1 600 °C investigated, the range The basicity of these slags, defined by the ratio
effect of tomperature on KMnslcould not be detected. (% CaO+% MgO)/% Si02, is in the range 1.25 to
Togethe with the experimental data of Filer and r 1.55. The hot metal compositions from these blast
Darken,15)Hatch and Chipman,ls) and Taylor and furnaces are in the range : 0.4 to 0.8 % Mn, 0.5 to
ti Stobo,17
relation for reaction (16) 1.5 % Si, 0.02 to 0.05 % S and other usual impurities,
was represented by the amount of carbon (%/5 %) in graphite-saturated
metal depending on temperature and the concentra-
Kb S- -[%SJ
(%S) -(%SiO2)[%Si} ) lie(%C1a0) tion of the other solutes.
The plant data are scattered, irrespective of the hot
log K515= 6327 -4.43+1.4B' metal temperature at tap, within the shaded areas
shown in Fig. 1 for silicon, manganese, and sulfur dis-
(19)14) tribution ratios. However, for a given blast furnace,
the scatter in the data is usually much less and the
Equations (18) and (19) give the followingequi- effect of slag basicity on the distribution ratios is quali-
librium relation for the manganese-sulfurcoupled re- tatively in accord with the equilibrium data. That
action (17). is, for any given blast furnace, the daily average plant
' (%S) (%MnO) 1 data give the ratio [%Si]/(%S102) that decreases with
Mils= -[%S] [Mn] (%Ca0) increasing slag basicity; [%Mn]/(%MnO) and (%S)/
20 [%S] increase with increasing slag basicity. Of the
l 6327 three reactions considered, the distribution of silicon
og KMfS= T _3
between metal and slag is closer to equilibrium for the
In most blast furnace operations, the sum of the three-phase gas-slag-metal reaction (12) in the blast
concentrations of MgO, MnO, and A1203 (=MO) furnace hearth.
does not change much. Also, in melts saturated with If there is approach to equilibrium for the man-
graphite in equilibrium with a fixed partial pressure ganese-sulfur coupled reaction (17), for small changes
of carbon monoxide, the activity of oxygen remains in the concentration of CaO in slags, the sulfur-dis-
constant for a given temperature. For these limiting tribution ratio should be directly proportional to the
conditions, the functional relation for the slag-metal manganese-distribution ratio. The plant data are scat-
equilibrium is simplified to tered, irrespective of temperature, within the shaded

(594) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984

Fig. 1.
Daily average blast furnace data are compared
with equilibrium relations for slag/metal
distribution of silicon, manganese and sulfur
in melts saturated with graphite at 1 bar pressure
of CO.

area shown in Fig. 2 (top diagram) ; the equilibrium blast furnace20~also show departures from equilibrium
lines (dotted) are from Fq. (20)) for 40 % CaO. How- for reaction (15) in a manner similar to that for the
ever, for a given blast furnace there is much less scatter iron blast furnace.
in the data which show the expected linear relation Delve et a1.21~have studied the titanium-silicon re-
between (%S)/[%S] and [%Mn]/(%MnO). action in graphite-saturated melts using blast-furnace-
Values of KMnsifrom plant data scattered within type slags
the shaded area in Fig. 2 (bottom diagram) are be- (TiO2)+Si = (SiO2)+Ti ...............(23)
low the equilibrium line (dotted). This observation
from the plant data may indicate that as the metal Their experimental results, for temperatures of 1 500
droplets pass through the slag layer in the blast fur- and 1 600 °C and basicities of 1 to 2, may be sum-
nace, the direction of the reaction might be marized by the following equation.

2(MnO)+Si -> 2Mn+(Si02) ............(22) KTiSi= [%Ti]

(%Ti0 _ (%S102)
2) [%SiJ 24
Such an intuitive deduction, however, may not be cor-
rect. Observed departure from equilibrium for re- logKTisi= 0.46-%Ca0
action (15) may be attributed to competition between
FeO and MnO in the slag for oxidation of silicon. It From the blast-furnace-plant data compiled by Delve
is a generally accepted view that with a blast-furnace et al.21j and by Hess et al.,22~it is noted that the values
burden of low basicity, the residual iron oxide in the of KTisiare two to three times lower than those given
melting zone of the bosh is higher than with a burden by Fq. (24), which presumably represents the equi-
of high basicity. In slags of low basicity, the higher librium relation. Observed departure from equilib-
concentration of iron oxide in the upper part of the rium for reaction (23) in the blast furnace hearth is
slag layer would be in competition with MnO for re- similar to the state of silicon-manganese reaction (15)
action with both silicon and carbon. Consequently, in iron- and ferromanganese-blast furnaces.
departure from equilibrium for reactions (13) and (14)
is expected to be greater in slags of low basicity. The 3. SteelmakingReactions
trend seeing from the plant data in Figs. 1 and 2 sub- Many equilibrium measurements have been made
stantiate the deductions made from the foregoing argu- of reactions between liquid iron alloys and slaps rele-
ment. A study of plant data from a ferromanganese vant to steelmaking processes. The equilibrium rela-


Transactions Isu, Vol. 24, 1984 (595)

Fig. 2.
Daily average blast furnace data are compared with
equilibrium relations for manganese-sulfur and
manganese-silicon coupled reactions in melts satu-
rated with graphite.

tions for the key reactions given below are taken from where the subscript t indicates the total iron in the
the author's critical assessment6r of the experimental slag as oxides represented as FeO, i.e., %FeOt=
data of various origin. %FeO+0.9 X %Fe2O3.
The recommended value of the equilibrium con- For the slag basicity V> 1, the equilibrium relation
stant for the carbon-oxygen reaction in liquid iron is for the manganese reaction is reduced to a simple form
that obtained by Fuwa and Chipman23} : for temperatures of 1 550 to 1 700 °C.

C0=C+0 Mn+(FeO) = (MnO)+Fe

= K
P [ao] KMn~e= [%M(%MnO)
co ............(25) n](%FeOt) (27)
l 1 168 %CaO
og K = - T --2.076


or s ags CaO and Ca4P2O9, the

where Pco is in bar and the activities ac and ao are
following equilibrium relation was obtained by Ban-
taken equivalent to [%C] and [%O], respectively, at
low solute concentrations. It should be noted that ya and Matoba24~ for the phosphorus oxidation at low
concentrations in iron.
the ratio C02/CO in the gas increases with decreasing
concentration of carbon. For a total pressure of 4CaO(s)+2P+50 = Ca4P2O9(s)
Pco2+Pco=1 bar, the CO2+C=2C0 equilibrium
gives for 1 600 °C : 0.05 bar CO2 for 0.03 % C and P_ [%P]2[~/
pO]5 ......(28)
0.14 bar CO2 for 0.01 % C in iron.
From the known oxygen solubility in liquid iron
and the iron oxide activities in the quaternary melts log Ky = 75-
5 660660-31.77
CaO-MgO-FeO~-SiO2, the following relation is ob-
tained for CaO (MgO)-saturated simple stags in equi- The temperature dependence of KP determined in an
librium with iron-carbon melts (< 1 % C) at 1 600 earlier study by Fischer and vom Fnde25~ differs con-
°C and CO siderably from the above equation. However, for the
2+CO=1 bar.
temperature range 1 530 to 1 585 °C investigated by
[%C](%FeOt)-0.33 (26) Ban-ya and Matoba,24~ the values of KP in these in-

[596) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984

Fig . 3. Equilibrium distribution of between slag and for saturation of slag with calcium
phosphorus iron

oxide or calcium phosphate.

dependent determinations agree within a factor of

about 1.5. It should be noted that the enthalpy
change accompanying reaction (28) estimated from
the thermochemical data is closer to that given by the
above equation.
Various formalisms have been used in the past to
represent the slag-metal equilibrium with respect to
the phosphorus reaction."26-29)Using the slag-metal
equilibrium data and thermochemical data available
in the early 1950's,Pearson and Turkdogan30)derived
an empirical equation for the effect of temperature
and slag composition on the activity coefficient of
P205 in the slag, relative to the hypothetical pure
liquid P205. A similar formalism was adopted by
Suito et a1.31)
to interpret their recent results for phos-
phorus distribution between liquid iron and slagssatu-
rated with magnesia. These different formalisms of
varying complexity do not fit all the experimental data
on the phosphorusreaction. Fig. 4. Variation of equilibrium relation KPS with tempera-
A new formalismproposed recently by the author° ture and iron oxide content of saturated steelmak-
is based on the functional relations given by Eqs. (5) ing-type slags. After Turkdogan.s~
to (7). Using all the available experimental data,
including the recent work of Suito et al.,31)it was
and % Si02. However, the data of Fischer and vom
found that for slaps not saturated with lime or dical-
Ende25) and of Knuppel and Oeters28) in Fig. 3 for
cium silicate, the following functional relation de-
these singly saturated phosphate melts may be repre-
scribed the data reasonably well*.
sented by a single curve. The scatter in the data
KPS= -(%P205) masks the apparently small effect of % Si02 on the
-~%P~- (1-%Si02) = {%FeOt, V} relation:
........................(29) (%P205)
-- [%P} -'"°'F eO ~} ...............(30)
For double saturation of the slag with lime and mag-
nesia, when the basicity V>2.5, the isothermal equi- for singly saturated slags containing less than 8 %
librium relation KPSis a function % FeOt and essen- S102.
tially independent of basicity, in accord with the From the analysis of available experimental data,
derivation of the functional relation (7). the relations in Fig. 4 were obtained for steelmaking-
For slags of the system CaO-FeO-Si02 P205 satu- type slags saturated with both dicalcium silicate and
rated with either CaO or Ca4P209, the phosphorus magnesio-wustite, for general guidance in evaluating
distribution ratio would be a function of both % FeO~ the state of the phosphorus reaction in steelmaking.

* All the experimental data considered in this evaluation of the equilibrium relations are for slags saturated with magnesia; therefore , the
independent variables used in Eq. (2) are those for the functional relation in Eq. (6) with % Fe01 as a measure of [% 0].


Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984 ( 597)

The representation of the experimental data in the sensitivity of KS at very high basicities to the relative
manner described did not show any effect of CaF2 on concentrations of basic oxides. For CaO-FeOt melts,
the phosphorus distribution ratio, indicating that CaF2 the curve intercepts the ordinate at Ks 540.
in moderate proportions is equivalent CaO. This Although the steelmaking methods and practices
subject is discussed further later in the paper in rela- differ to varying degrees, the same fundamental prin-
tion to the ladle refining of hot metal. ciples of gas-slag-metal reactions apply to them all.
For the low oxygen potentials sustained in the pres- In keeping with the theme of the present discourse,
ence of metallic iron, the sulfur dissolves in the slag the deliberation here is confined to the discussion of
as a sulfide ion. For the slag-metal reaction (1), the the state of reactions during steel refining as affected
equilibrium relation may be represented by by slag composition. For low phosphorus in the fur-
nace charge, i.e., <0.2 % P in the hot metal, the com-
KS- (~°-)(%FeOt) ..................(31) positions of slaps at the time of furnace tapping are in
the following ranges : 40 to 60 % CaO, 2 to 8 % MgO,
where, K5: a function of temperature and slag com- 3 to 8 % MnO, 4 to 30 % FeOt, 12 to 28 % SiO2, 1
position. to 3 % P2O5, 1 to 2 % A12O3, 1 to 2 % CaF2, 0.1 to
Various schemes were proposed in the past to repre- 0.2 % S, and minor amounts of other oxides.
sent the variation of Ks with slag composition. As Most industrial basic slags are saturated with mag-
suggested by the author32~ in an earlier study of the nesia and dicalcium (magnesium) silicate and, for the
available data, the simplest form of the composition low-phosphorus practice, the sum of the concentrations
dependence of KS is that shown in Fig. 5 for wide of CaO, FeOt, and SiO2 is in the range 87 to 90 %.
ranges of slag compositions and temperatures of 1 530 In this pseudo-ternary system, the composition of the
to 1 730 °C; the relation is well represented by a single melt is that given by the univariant equilibrium for
curve for the concentration of acidic oxides above dicalcium silicate saturation at a constant tempera-
5 %. Loscher33> studied the sulfur reaction using ture. When the slag composition is adjusted to ac-
slaps saturated with tricalcium phosphate. For melts count for entrained metallic iron and undissolved lime
containing about 42 % P2O5 and 3 to 6 % FeOt, re- particles, the total iron oxide content of the finishing
mainder being CaO, the KS is in the range 2 to 4 slag at tap decreases with increasing concentrations of
which is in general accord with other data in Fig. 5. SiO2+P2O5 and dissolved CaO as indicated by the
The greater scatter of the data points at low concen- shaded areas in Fig. 6 for basic-open hearth (BOH),
trations of acidic oxides is attributed to the greater oxygen-top blowing (BOF), and oxygen+lime-bottom

Fig. 5.
Variation of the equilibrium constant K5 with the
concentration of acidic oxides in complex slags.
After Turkdogan.s~

(598) Transactions ISII, Vol. 24, 1984

Fig. 6. Composition of steelmaking slags containing <3 % P205 and 4 to 8 % Mg0 for temperatures of 1 550 to 1 650 °C;
The dotted line is for Ca0-6%Mg0-Fe0-Si02 melts saturated with dicalcium silicate and magnesia.

blowing (Q -BOP) steelmaking practices. Variations the EMF-oxygen sensor gives the concentration of oxy-
in composition within the shaded areas suggest that gen in solution in the steel (for low-alloy plain carbon
some basic steelmaking slags may not be saturated steels). The BOF and Q; BOP data for concent-
with dicalcium (magnesium) silicate, despite the fact rations of oxygen in steel and total iron oxide in slag
that BOF and Q; BOP slags always contain entrained at tap, for temperatures of 1 550 and 1 650 °G and
particles of undissolved lime. The Q- BOP slags usu- for carbon contents in the range 0.01 to 0.8 %, are
ally contain more GaO than BOF slaps. For the distributed within the shaded area in Fig. 7(A).
range 1 550 to 1 650 °G, the tap temperature has no The dotted curve is calculated from the data on the
detectable effect on the distribution of data points in solubility of oxygen in liquid iron and the activity
this composition diagram. of iron oxide36> along the lime-saturation isotherm
The dotted line in each diagram is for dicalcium for relatively simple slaps GaO(MgO)-SiO2-FeOt.
(magnesium) silicate saturation in the simple GaO- The position and shape of the shaded area (where the
6%MgO-Fe0~-SiO2 melts in equilibrium with liquid plant data are distributed), relative to the dotted
iron at 1 600 °G. There is a pronounced shift in the line for the simpler saturated slaps, indicate that the
position of the univariant equilibrium in the composi- activity coefficient of iron oxide in steelmaking slags
tion diagram for the saturated-steelmaking slags to decreases with increasing concentration of iron oxide
higher concentrations of GaO and to the correspond- and with the corresponding increase in slag basicity.
ing lower concentrations of Si02 as compared to the From the compositions of slag and metal samples
quaternary system GaO-6%MgO-FeOt-SiO2 in equi- taken at tap in BOF and Q -BOP steelmaking at tem-
librium with liquid iron. This change in the melt peratures of 1 590 to 1 610 °G, a plot is made in Fig.
composition to higher concentrations of lime is due to 7(B) . of the product {(%MnO)/[%Mn]} (%GaO/
the presence of P205, MnO, Fe203, GaF2, and small %Si02) against the concentration of iron oxide. The
amounts of other oxides which shift the saturation iso- broken line drawn with the slope of six represents the
therm to higher concentrations of GaO. Another slag-metal equilibrium for the manganese reaction as
rationale is that the slag basicity changes from low to given in Eq. (27). It is self evident that there is close
high levels as the iron oxide content of the saturated approach to the slag-metal equilibrium with respect
slag increases, e.g., the V ratio is 2.0 to 2.5 for slags to the manganese reaction in oxygen-steelmaking pro-
containing 4 to 6 % FeOt and increases to 3.4 to 3.6 cesses, over wide ranges of carbon content of steel at
for slaps containing 28 to 30 % FeOt. That is, in tap.
saturated slags the basicity is fixed by the concentra- In oxygen+lime bottom blowing as in Q-BOP, the
tion of iron oxide, hence by the concentration of car- slag formation begins in the melt near the tuyere zone
bon in the steel. where the oxides of iron, manganese, silicon, and phos-
The oxygen activity in liquid steel measured with phorus react rapidly with the lime powder. As the

Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984 (599)

Fig. 7(A).
Oxygen contents of steel is related to iron oxide
content of slag at tap.

Fig. 7(B).
Equilibrium relation for manganese reaction
(- - - -) is compared with plant data. After

slag particles traverse the bath with CO bubbles, they the steel.
react with carbon. Because of the secondary reaction On the basis of the foregoing process analysis, which
with carbon in the bath, the concentrations of iron was discussed elsewhere5,6~in more detail, certain ad-
oxides and manganese oxide in Q- BOP slaps are vantages are anticipated in the use of argon+oxygen
lower than those in BOF (or BOP) slaps. That is, mixtures in the later stages of refining of steel in both
for a given concentration of carbon in the bath, the the top and bottom blowing practices, particularly for
metal/slag manganese-distribution ratio in Q- BOP is steels containing less than 0.02 % C. In fact, these
higher than in BOF. anticipated advantages have been realized in recent
The plant data plotted in Fig. 8 show the relation developments of combined top and bottom blowing
between the concentrations of oxygen and carbon in practices in steelmaking, e.g., LBE and K-BOP.
steel at tap. With the exception of low-carbon melts Many previous studies of plant data have shown
in the Q -BOP, the oxygen contents of steel at all car- that at the time of furnace tapping in all types of steel-
bon levels for BOF and Q-BOP steelmaking are close making processes, the sulfur-distribution ratio between
to the equilibrium values for a pressure of 1.5 bar CO slag and metal is close to the equilibrium relation
which is an average total gas pressure in the bath. shown in Fig. 5.
The lower oxygen contents of steel in Q-BOP at low The BOF and Q-BOP plant data for temperatures
carbon levels suggests that oxidation of CO to CO2 of about 1 600 °C are plotted in Fig. 9(A) showing
in the bath is well above the equilibrium values for the variation of log K 5 with the total iron oxide con-
the reaction; tent of the slag. For low P205 contents in slags satu-
CO2+C = 2CO .....................(32) rated with both dicalcium silicate and magnesia, the
concentrations of iron oxide and silica or lime in the
That is, when the rate of oxygen-bottom blowing ex- slag are interrelated. Therefore, for doubly saturated
ceeds the rate of consumption of oxygen by carbon, slaps, the phosphorus-distribution ratio alone will be
manganese, and iron, the excess oxygen will oxidize a single function of the concentration of iron oxide.
the CO generated in the bath near the tuyere zone to The equilibrium relation for doubly saturated, low-
C02, thus diluting CO and allowing the decarburiza- phosphorus slags is shown by the dotted curve in Fig.
tion to proceed at lower levels of residual oxygen in 9(B). The points for Q; BOP are scattered about the

(600) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1964

Fig. 8.
Relation between the concentrations of oxygen and
carbon in liquid steel for oxygen-top and bottom
blowing practices. After Turkdogan.6~

Fig. 9.
State of phosphorus reaction at time of furnace tap-
ping in BOF and Q -BOP for temperatures of about
1 600 °C is compared to the equilibrium relation
(- - - -) for saturated slags. After Turkdogan.6

dotted curve representing the equilibrium relation. content of the steel at tap. For steels containing 0.03
The data for BOF, for slags containing more than to 0.05 % C at turndown, the slag/metal phosphorus
about 15 % Fe01, show departures from equilibrium distribution ratio for Q -BOP is about twice that for
in favor of high phosphorus in the steel. The same BOF. Furthermore, lower levels of carbon attainable
plant data are plotted in Fig. 10 showing the variation by oxygen-bottom blowing brings about more exten-
of the phosphorus-distribution ratio with the carbon sive dephosphorization of the metal.

Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984 (601)

Fig. 10.
Phosphorus distribution ratio is related to the car-
bon content of steel at tap (4600°C) in BOF
and Q-BOP steelmaking.

As was noted in previous studies,5,6~the analysis of special applications. Such high levels of steel refine-
the plant data substantiates the view that at the time ment can be achieved only by a suitable method of
of furnace tapping there is close approach to slag- ladle treatment.
metal equilibrium for most reactions. Therefore, the Since the late 1970's, there has been a rapid growth
equilibrium data for slag-metal reactions in conjunc- of technology for ladle refining of both hot metal and
tion with plant data will provide a reliable basis for steel, the so-called secondary steelmaking or ladle
static and dynamic process control in steelmaking, metallurgy. There is an overwhelming volume of
with certain adjustments in the charge control model publications of research and development on ladle
to accommodate small differences in melt-shop prac- metallurgy. Regretably, many of the publications,
tices. both from the academia and the industry, are on re-
petitive work. A critical assessment of the accumu-
III. Ladle Refining lated knowledge and technical information on ladle
Prior to the 1970's, the ladle treatment of hot metal metallurgy in a comprehensive, yet in a condensed
was confined almost entirely to desulfurization when form, would be a worthwhile undertaking. In the
it was considered necessary. In the case of liquid present discussion of a few selected areas of ladle re-
steel, the ladle refining has been practiced for a much fining, with particular emphasis on slag-metal reac-
longer time. However, prior to the 1950's, the ladle tions, no attempt is made to cite in a chronological
refining of steel meant deoxidation, recarburization, order the large volume of repetitive publications on
resulfurization for free machinability of steel and mod- the subject. References to almost all the publica-
erate additions of alloying elements. The advent of tions related to ladle metallurgy can be found in the
continuous casting and an increase in customer de- proceedings of three series of symposia, " Scaninject ",
mand for high-strength, low-alloy steels with improved held in Lulea, Sweden, in 1977, 1980, and 1983,3'-39)
transverse mechanical properties made it necessary to and in other publications cited in this paper.
develop increasingly more sophisticated methods of
treating steel in the ladle for deoxidation, desulfuriza- 1. Rate of Refiningin Stirred Melts
tion, degassing, and shape control of inclusions. In To enhance the rate of refining of steel with the
recent years, there has been a growing demand for overlaying slag, with the injected powder reactants
cleaner steels, i.e., steels containing very low concen- and the flotation of reaction products out of the steel
trations of nonmetallic inclusions, low sulfur steels bath, various methods of stirring have been developed
(< 10 ppm S), alloy steels low in interstitial elements in the steel industry; electromagnetic, mechanical,
H, N, C, 0, and S, and for other quality steels for and argon injection. References may be made to re-

(602) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984

view papers40> on the practical merits of these pro- may be obtained from their results
cesses. Reference may be made also to Szekely41 for
D 0.85 L 0.85
studies of better understanding
mixing in stirred melts through
of the fluidynamics
mathematical model-
=150(H) (37-a)

ing and computer-aided calculations. For the pres- Haida and Brimacombe45~ also found that their re-
ent, it will suffice to state that the experimental and sults on mixing time in aqueous solutions as repre-
plant studies have shown that the rate of slag-metal sented by Eq. (37), agree well with those of Nakanishi
reactions or flotation of reaction products in stirred et a1.43~for stirred liquid steel mentioned earlier. An-
melts can be represented by an equation of the form42~ : other formulation of the mixing time given below is
Ct = C0 exp (-kt) that derived by Sano and Mori46~from a mathematical
model that describes circulating flow in a molten steel
where, C0: the initial concentration of reactant in bath with inert gas injection.
the steel
Ct : the concentration at time t
k : the apparent volumetric rate constant for
- - ----


a given type and intensity of stirring. This derived formula is also found to agree well with
The mixing time, z, to achieve about 95 % homo- the measured values of mixing time in stirred steel
genization in stirred melts is a good measure of the baths and in water-model experiments.
rate of ladle refining. From measurements of the rate Kikuchi et a1.47~ measured the rate of dephosphori-
of solute homogenization in 50 t argon stirred melts in zation of low-carbon steels in stirred melts. They
the ladle, 50 t ASEA-SKF, 200 t RH and 65 kg water found that the volumetric rate constant, k', for de-
model experiments, Nakanishi et a1.43~ derived the fol-
phosphorization increased with an increase in the in-
lowing empirical relation for mixing time z as a func- tensity of stirring. Their results may be approxi-
tion of the rate of dissipation of energy, ~, in the mated by the relation:
stirred melt.
k' (min-1) ^' 0.00 70.4 (39)
r = (6O0±100)°° (34)
which, in combination with Eq. (34), gives k'z ~ 0.07.
where z is in second and in W/t liquid steel. For That is, as one would expect from the rate of mass
gas stirred melts, is that due essentially to the buoy- transfer considerations, the volumetric rate constant is
ancy energy of the injected gas, the contributions of inversely proportional to the mixing time.
the kinetic energy of the gas, and the thermal expan-
sion of gas to the circulating flow are small enough to 2. Hot-metal Refining
be neglected.
Since the late 1970's there has been an intensified
E= 6.18 X10-3VT In 1+10pg5~ .........(35} R & D effort, particularly in Japan, to explore the
uses of fluxes in the refining of molten pig iron to low
where, V: the gas flow rate (nm3/min) levels of silicon, sulfur, and phosphorus. The objec-
T: the melt temperature (K) tives-with an economic and environmental bias-are
W: the mass of the melt (t) two-fold :
p : the density of the melt (kg/m3) (i) to increase the recycling of steelmaking slags
g: the gravity acceleration (m/s2) (low in phosphorus) to the blast furnace for the re-
H: the depth of the gas inlet (m) covery of iron and manganese; and
P: the gas pressure at inlet (bar). (ii) to develop slagless steelmaking from hot-metal
For p=7 000 kg/m3 and g=9.81 m/s2, is given by low in sulfur, phosphorus, and silicon, thus minimizing
slag disposal.
0.014VT H In his 1981 Howe Memorial Lecture, Fuwa48~present-
E= log 11+ (36)
W 1.46P ed a detailed account of research and development
in Japan on the ladle treatment of hot metal. This
Mori and Sano44~ proposed the following equation subject will not be pursued further here with the ex-
for time of mixing for the purpose of scale-up ception of citing a few selected interesting examples of
1/3 slag-metal reactions pertaining to the desulfurization
z=FL(W/p)2/3 (37) and dephosphorization of hot metal by ladle treat-
ment. In practice, the hot metal is first desiliconized
where, F (dimensionless) : a proportionality factor to about 0.1 % Si in the tap-torpedo ladle by the
that depends on the geometry of the melt addition of iron ore or manganese ore followed by
container. nitrogen stir of the melt. After deslagging, the hot
In model experiments of solute homogenization in metal is desulfurized and dephosphorized by injecting
aqueous solutions, Haida and Brimacombe45> used with nitrogen and/or oxygen a mixture of sinter fines,
torpedo- and ladle-shaped vessels, and found that F burnt lime, calcium fluoride, and some calcium chlo-
increases with an increase in the diameter/height ratio, ride. In some practices, sodium carbonate alone is
D/H, for the cylindrical ladle and length/height ratio, injected. At low temperatures and with fluxes having
L/H, for the torpedo ladle. The following relation high capacities for phosphorus and sulfur, the hot

Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984 ( 603 )

metal can be refined to the residual levels of 0.005 to the indirect method of estimating the oxygen poten-
% P and 0.002 % S. It is well to remember that the tial in their experimental system.
hot metal thus refined contains hardly any silicon, Because of current interest on fluoride-based slaps
therefore there is severe limitation to the amount of or fluxes for hot metal dephosphorization, numerous
scrap steel that can be melted during decarburization speculations have been made of the possible effect of
in the converter. CaF2 on the phosphate capacity of slags. An empiri-
At sufficiently low oxygen potentials, the phospho- cal equation proposed by Healy29) to describe the
rus dissolves in molten slags and fluxes as a phosphide phosphorus distribution ratio as a function of slag
ion (P3-). Tabuchi et a1.49) studied the following composition when used for fluoride slaps gives some
phosphide and phosphate reactions in CaO-A1203 unusual results. As shown by Kawai et a1.,52)for ex-
and CaO-CaF2 melts. ample, such an exercise would predict a distribution
ratio (%P)/[%P] in an 80 % CaF2-based slag about
2 + 23 (02-) = (P3~)+ ...
43 ...............(40) four orders of magnitude greater than that in the
CaF2-free slag, an impossible situation.
5 = (POr).............(41) As discussed elsewhere,6) and briefly mentioned
2 2 4 earlier, for lime- and magnesia-saturated slags the
KPS in Eq. (29) for a given temperature is a single
They found that the critical partial pressure of oxygen
function of the concentration of iron oxide in the slag.
for transition from the phosphide to phosphate reac-
On the basis of this reasoning, the data of Kawai
tion at 1 550 °C is about 10-18 bar 02 for the calcium
et a1.52)and Kikuchi et a1.47)for 1 600 °C are plotted
aluminate melt and about 10-16 bar 02 for the lime-
in Fig. 11 where the dotted curve represents the equi-
saturated CaO-CaF2 melt. Their experimental data
librium relation for complex steelmaking-type slags
give for the phosphate capacity, in units of wt%/
bar5/8, at 1 550 °C: (containing 0 to 5 % CaF2) assessed in a previous
study.6) It should be noted that Kikuchi et a1.47)gave
C _ (%P205)
/ / ..................4P
` (P (2) their results in a graphical form as isoplethes of (%P)/
P2)12(Po2)54 [%P] in a pseudo-ternary system CaO-CaF2 FeOt
GP=4.1 x 1022 for the aluminate melt (41 %CaO+ (total being 88 %) of MgO-saturated slags containing
59%A1203) and C =1.4 x 1021for the lime-saturated about 4 % Si02 and 1 to 2 % P205. Considering the
CaO-CaF2 melt. To facilitate comparison with other diversity in slag compositions, there is a general agree-
slag-metal equilibria for the phosphate reaction, Cp ment between the results of vastly different types of
may be converted to another formulation of the phos- experimental work.
phate capacity The alumi.nate anions copolymerize with silicate
and phosphate anions to form complex alumino-silico-
K (%P205)
p [%P][%0]2.5 phosphate anions. Therefore, in the functional rela-
tion KPSwe may include alumina. Assuming that 0.5
= CP (~{%P}
)1/2 [%]2
P2 02

.5 ...............(43) mol A1203 is equivalent to 1 mol Si02, the concen-

tration of A1203 as molar silica equivalence would be
With the known free energy data for solution of gase- 1.18 x %A1203. In the lower diagram in Fig. 11, log
ous oxygen in liquid iron50)and of gaseous phosphorus (1+ %Si02+ 1.18 x %A1203) (%P205)/[%P] is plot-
(P2) in liquid iron,51) the CP values of Tabuchi et al.49) ted against the total iron oxide content of the slag. It
for 1 550 °C give KP=4.1 x 109 for the aluminate melt follows from the foregoing analysis that CaF2 has no
(N 40 % CaO) and KP=1.4 x 108for the fluoride melt particular effect on the phosphate capacity of the slag
(N20 % CaO). where CaF2 behaves much like CaO. The major role
In the system CaO-Fe0r-P205 saturated with CaO of CaF2 in slaps for hot metal dephosphorization is to
and Ca4P209, the melt contains about 28 % P205 and lower the liquidus temperature and lower the viscos-
15 % FeOt. For this saturated slag, the equilibrium ity of the slag for use at hot metal temperatures. The
constant KP in Fq. (28) gives K=2.1 x 106 for 1 550 highest distribution ratio (%P)/[%P] attainable is
°C and KP=0.6 x 106 for 1 600 °C. The values of KP with lime-saturated slags containing 15 to 25 % FeO,
derived from the results of Tabuchi et al.49) are two and low concentrations of Si02 and A1203.
to three orders of magnitude higher than that for the As would be anticipated from the thermodynamic
lime- and phosphate-saturated melt. properties of phosphate melts, the ratio (%P)/[%P]
In laboratory experiments, Kawai et al.52) mea- obtained with soda-based slaps is higher than that with
sured the concentrations of oxygen and phosphorus in lime-based slaps. For example, Marukawa et a1.53)
iron samples equilibrated with lime/fluoride- and lime/ have found that in the dephosphorization of liquid
alumina-based slags at 1 600 °C. Their data give iron, essentially saturated with graphite, the ratio
values of KP increasing from about 105 at 50 % (CaO (%P205)/[%P] is about 1 000 at 1 300 °C for slag
+CaF2) to about 106 at 85 % (CaO+CaF2); for the basicity of Na2O/Si02=3; a similar distribution ratio
aluminate melts (with no CaF2) containing 35 to is obtained at a lower basicity of 1.5 when the tem-
40 % CaO, the value of KP is in the range 4 x 104 to perature is decreased to 1 200 °C.54) It should be
1.3 x 105. High values of KP derived from the data noted, however, that carbon increases the activity
of Tabuchi et a1.49)are inconsistent with other slag- coefficient of phosphorus dissolved in iron; for hot met-
metal equilibrium data. This disparity may be due al compositions the activity coefficient of phosphorus

(604) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984

the pattern of liquid flow. The metal was dephos-

phorized at 1 300 °C from about 0.1 to 0.01 % P with
carbon remaining at about 4.4 %. From the com-
positions of metal and slag samples and measured oxy-
gen activities near the slag layer, they estimated the
phosphate capacity of the slag. For CaF2-fluxed
slaps with basicity VN 3, they obtained values in the
range 1025to 1026for Cp at 1 300 °C; this corresponds
to Kp 1010which is close to the value estimated by
extrapolating the data for steelmaking slags from 1 600
to 1 300 °C, with due adjustment of Kpo for the ac-
tivity coefficient fp N 5 in graphite saturated iron.
Compared to dephosphorization, it is much easier
to desulfurize hot metal by various means, e.g., injec-
tion of magnesium, calcium carbide, burnt lime, and
fluoride- or soda-based slags used for dephosphori-
zation. In a recent publication, Turkdogan and
Martonik57~ presented some equilibrium data for the
gas-slag-metal reaction:
CaO(s)+S+C = CaS(s)+CO............(44)
It will suffice for the present to state that at 1 bar
pressure of CO and for graphite-saturated melts coex-
istent with solid CaO and CaS, the equilibrium con-
centration of sulfur in liquid iron is about 4 ppm at
1 600 °C and increases to about 8 ppm at 1 400 °C.
With injection of burnt lime, the hot metal can, in
practice, be desulfurized to about 20 ppm S. Emi
and Iida,58~however, were able to desulfurize hot met-
al to 12 ppm S at about 1 400 °C by injection of pow-
dered limestone into hot metal in the transfer ladle.
Improved efficiency of desulfurization close to the
equilibrium levels of sulfur is attributed to the higher
reactivity of finely dispersed CaO that is formed upon
in situ dissociation of injected limestone powder. An-
other advantage is that the CO2 generated reacts
exothermically with silicon in the hot metal, thus
compensates for the heat losses.
Fig. 11, Variation of the equilibrium relation Kp5 with the
iron oxide content of calcium fluoride and calcium 3. Liquid SteelRefining
aluminate slags is compared with saturated-steel-
In the ladle refining of steel we are concerned
making type slags at 1 600 °C,
primarily with deoxidation, desulfurization and de-
gassing of steel. Recently, the author59~ presented a
is about 5,55) which in part accounts for the attain- critical evaluation of current knowledge on ladle de-
ment of high values of the ratio (%P)/[%P] in the oxidation, desulfurization, and inclusions in steel, both
dephosphorization of hot metal. fundamental and practical aspects. The present dis-
In a recent publication, Takeuchi et a1.56jpresented cussion of this subject, which does not include degas-
an interesting account of transitory reactions that oc- sing, is an addendum to the author's previous paper.
cur in hot metal refining by injection of flux with oxy- Calcium aluminate-based slags play a key role in
gen, based on their experiments with 100 t hot metal. the ladle deoxidation and desulfurization of steel. To
A mixture of lime, iron ore, and fluorspar was injected ensure the attainment of isotropic mechanical prop-
with a 4: 1 02: N2 mixture at a depth of 1.5 m below erties in the steel, the sulfide inclusions that form
the melt surface in a transfer ladle. The oxygen ac- during solidification of the steel should be in the form
tivity in various locations in the metal bath was mea- of evenly dispersed globules of sizes in the micron
sured with an EMF-oxygen sensor. The oxygen ac- range. The presence of alumina inclusions in the
tivity in the bath at locations away from the gas steel is undesirable in continuous casting and in many
stream and well below the slag layer were close to the applications of the steel; the calcium aluminate, as
value expected for the carbon-oxygen equilibrium finely dispersed particles, is the preferred form of oxide
with C0; the oxygen activity was about 100 times inclusions in killed steels. These objectives can be
greater near the slag layer and 1 000 times greater fulfilled for killed steels containing less than a total of
near the lance tip. The variation in oxygen activity 25-ppm sulfur+oxygen by achieving a fine dispersion
with location in the melt was in general accord with of minute particles of molten calcium aluminate in

Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984 (605)

liquid steel during the ladle treatment. 1.8 % S at 1 500 °C to 2.2 % S at 1 650 °C. These
In the ladle desulfurization of steel with aluminum equilibrium data indicate that the steel containing
and prefused calcium aluminate slag, the following re- 0.03 to 0.05 % Al can be desulfurized to the levels of
action prevails. a few ppm S by interacting the argon-stirred liquid
steel with the lime-saturated aluminate slag. In fact,
(CaO)+ 23 AI+S = (CaS)+ 1(A1203) ......(45) in a well-controlled ladle refining practice,* it has
been possible to desulfurize steel on industrial scale to
The equilibrium constant for this reaction determined levels below 10 ppm S.
experimentally by Schurmann et al.60~for 1 600 °C is If the ladle treatment of steel with calcium alumi-
about three-fold of the value computed59~ from ther- nate is intended to achieve cleaner steel, i.e., low in
mochemical data and reliable equilibrium data for total oxygen as aluminate inclusions, without desul-
various gas-slag-metal reactions. To resolve this dis- furization, the ratio CaO/A1203 in the synthetic slag
crepancy, Ozturk and Turkdogan61 have recently and the residual aluminum in the metal should be
determined, under closely controlled experimental reduced as indicated by the equilibrium data. For ex-
conditions, the equilibrium distribution of sulfur be- ample, for the steel to contain 0.02 % S and 0.02 % Al
tween calcium aluminate melts and liquid iron con- after the ladle treatment, the prefused calcium alumi-
taining aluminum. Also, the measurements were nate to be used should be saturated with sulfur, e.g.,
made of the solubility of CaS at 1 550 and 1 600 °C -'2 % S, and have a mass ratio CaO/A1203 of about
over the composition range of the liquid phase from 1: 1. This is in the middle of the liquid composition
the aluminate to the lime saturation. The results of range; therefore, the slag has capacity to absorb alu-
these equilibrium measurements were found to be in mina inclusions from the steel when mixed with the
close agreement with those computed previously59~ metal with argon stirring. For the particular case
from other equilibrium data. considered as an example, the equilibrium concentra-
As is seen from the equilibrium relation in Fig. tion of oxygen in solution in the steel would be about
12(A) for steel containing 0.04 % Al in solution, the 2 to 3 ppm.
sulfur-distribution ratio increases appreciably with The aluminum-killed steel may be desulfurized also
increasing ratio CaO/ A1203. Obviously, the lime- by injecting a mixture of burnt lime and fluorspar.
saturated aluminate slag should be used for effective The extent of desulfurization that can be achieved
desulfurization of steel. The effect of aluminum con- depends on the efficiency of fluxing of the deoxidation
centration in steel on the sulfur-distribution ratio is product alumina with the injected lime. Kor and
shown in Fig. 12(B) for the lime-saturated aluminate Richardson62> determined the sulfide capacity, GS, of
melts in which the solubility of CaS increases from CaO-CaF2 A1203 melts at 1 500 °C. Their data are

Fig . 12. Equilibrium sulfur distribution between liquid calcium aluminate and low alloy steel. After Ozturk and Turkdogan.61

(a) No slag carry-over during furnace tapp ing (c) High argon flow using porous plug
Basic refractory lining for the ladle (d) Ladle cover to avoid air oxidation of th e melt

( 606) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984

Fig. 13. Sulfide capacity KS of CaO-CaF2-A120 3 slaps at

1 500 °C derived from data of Kor and Richard-

presented in a different form in Fig. 13 as a plot of Fig. 14. Equilibrium sulfur and silicon solubility in liquid
log KS against the concentration of CaF2 for indicated steel coexistent with calcium aluminate+5 % Si02
mass ratios of %A1203/%CaO. It is seen that CaF2 slag saturated with CaO and CaS. After Ozturk
has only a small effect on the sulfide capacity of the and
aluminate slag. However, CaF2 fluxes both CaO and
CaS; for the invariant equilibrium at 1 500 °C, the
liquid phase contains about 60 % CaF2, 20 % CaS, of aluminum in the steel by silica in the slag.
and 20 % CaO. Therefore, an addition of 5 to 10 %
CaF2 to the injected burnt lime would curtail the coat- Iv, Role of Vapor Species
ing of lime particles with a layer of CaS, hence would Because of the high temperatures involved, vapori-
improve the efficiency of lime usage in ladle desul- zation plays a significant role in pyrometallurgical re-
furization. actions. In a reactor such as a blast furnace, the
In the silicon-deoxidized steel, the desulfurization formation and condensation of various vapor species
is governed by the reaction : is responsible for the recycle of some of the elements
between the high and low temperature regions of the
(CaO)+ 2 Si+S = (CaS)+ 1(Si02)
2 furnace. Familiar iron oxide fumes emitted in steel-
. making operations is a consequence of enhanced va-
porization of iron under certain conditions. In the
The sulfide capacity, and the deoxidation capability nonferrous industry, the slag fuming is used in the
with silicon, of calcium silicate melts is low even at recovery of, for example, tin and zinc from slags. Va-
lime saturation; therefore, desulfurization by reaction porization in high-temperature manufacturing pro-
(46) is possible only when the activity of silica is low- cesses (i) can be an asset for the operation of the
ered significantly by using a suitable flux such as pre- process, (ii) may impede the smooth operation of the
fused calcium aluminate. The relation shown in Fig. process, or (iii) may cause pollution of the environ-
14 for sulfur and silicon concentrations is for steels ment. Many aspects of vaporization studied in the
equilibrated with calcium aluminate+5%Si02 melts past few decades have been of much value in the de-
saturated with CaO and CaS. In this slag, the ac- velopment of special processing techniques, a better
tivity of silica is in the range 10_5 to 10_4 and the understanding of the workings of the high-temperature
activity of alumina about 5 X 1013, both with respect processes and in curtailing vaporization-related pollu-
to the pure solid oxides, for which the following are tion problems.
the equilibrium concentrations of silicon and alumi-
num in the steel at 1 600 °C: 0.01 % Al for 0.07 % Si 1. Vaporization in the Blast Furnace
and 0.03 % Al for 0.3 % Si. However, at these low The countercurrent flow in the blast furnace of
oxide activities in the slag considered, the kinetics of solids from low- to high-temperature zones and of
Si-Al redox reaction would be sluggish, consequently gases from high- to low-temperature zones brings
at low solute concentrations, e.g., <0.05 % Al and about a cyclic process of vaporization and condensa-
<0.5 % Si, there may be little or no countercurrent tion which has a decisive influence on the overall
transfer of silicon and aluminum between slag and operation of the furnace. It is now well established
metal by the redox reaction in a relatively short time that the silicon and sulfur in the coke are transferred
of ladle refining. However, if the aluminate slag con- to the slag and iron in the blast furnace via the vapor
tains 8 to 10 % Si02, there could be appreciable loss species SiO, SiS, CS, and other minor sulfur-bearing
of aluminum from metal to slag because of oxidation species. The earlier and recent studies of quenched


Transactions ISII, Vol. 24, 1984 (607)

blast furnaces have revealed that while the sulfur con- the furnace by the slag and liquid iron, there is sig-
tent of the slag increases with the descent of the burden nificant recycle of silicon and sulfur in the bosh region
in the bosh, the sulfur and silicon contents of the metal by the vaporization and condensation of these species
droplets reach maxima and then decrease as they pass on the coke particles.
through the slag layer.19'63,64) This phenomenon of The alkalies constitute another dominant vapor spe-
vapor-phase mass transfer has been substantiated by cies in the bosh and stack regions of the blast furnace.
the experimental work of Tsuchiya et a1.65)and Tukr- Many studies have been made of the alkali recycle in
dogan et a1.14)under conditions partly simulating the the blast furnace via the process of vaporization and
bosh region of the blast furnace. condensation; the subject is well covered in the ref-
In the presence of carbon and depending on tem- erences cited.66,67) General concensus evolved from
perature and activity of silica in the slag or coke, the elementary thermodynamic calculations is that the
SiO vapor is generated by one of the following reac- alkali silicates in the ore and coke ash decompose at
tions. elevated temperatures in the lower part of the bosh
and the combustion zone. In part the alkali vapors
Si02 (in coke ash or slag)+C --~SiO+CO......(47)
carried away with the ascending gas react with the
SiC+CO -> SiO+2C .................................(48) slag and can therefore be removed from the furnace;
At 1 bar pressure of CO, as1o2=1and above about part are converted to alkali cyanides and carbonates
1 500 °C, Si02 is converted to SiC and SiO is gen- and deposited on the burden and the refractory lining
erated by reaction (48); for a5102=0.1, reaction (48) of the furnace stack. Some new thoughts are pre-
applies only at temperatures above about 1 610 °C. sented in the following discussion on the sequence of
In the experiments cited,14) the SiO generated by pas- reactions and vapor species that may govern the alkali
sage of CO through a coke bed at temperatures of recycle in the blast furnace.
1 600 to 1900 °C, were found to be close to the equi- As an example, let us calculate the equilibrium va-
librium values for reaction (48). Volatile SiS is gen- por pressure of potassium for the reduction reaction :
erated by reactions of the type with the coke ash :
(K20)+C = 2K (g)+CO (g) ............(53)
CaS (in coke ash)+SiO -->SiS+CaO ............(49) The computed equilibrium values in Table 2 are for
FeS (in coke ash)+SiO+C -p SiS+CO+Fe a blast furnace slag containing 0.5 % K20 and having
........................(50) a basicity of B'= 1.5 : K is the equilibrium constant
for reaction (53) from the thermochemical data and
The reaction of these vapor species with metal and aK2ois the activity of K20 in the slag, relative to the
slag may be represented by the equations: hypothetical solid K20, from the experimental data of
SiO+C = Si+CO Steiler.6S)
Metal SiSSi If the potassium input with the blast furnace burden
+S ..............................(51) is 4 kg. Kf t-HM and 80 % of it is removed by the
SiO+0.5 (02-)+0.5C = ( )Si-O-)+0.5C0 slag, about 0.8 kg. Kit-HM will be in the vapor phase
Slag SiS+ 1.5 (02-)+0.5C = ()Si-O-)+(S2-)
+0.500 Table 1. Calculated equilibrium vapor pressures in
........................(52) bar for the systems gas-slag and gas-coke
ash at 1 500 °C and 1 bar pressure of CO.
Experiments have been made to simulate the events
in the upper part of the blast-furnace hearth where
metal droplets pass through the slag layer.14) Within
a short residence time (1 to 2 s) of metal droplets in
the slag, appreciable changes occurred in the composi-
tion of the metal droplets : manganese oxide in the
slag oxidized silicon in metal droplets from 1.0 % Si
to about 0.2 % Si and the metal was desulfurized
from 0.1 % S to about 0.02 % S.
Coke samples taken from the tuyere zone of the
blast furnace usually contain 12 to 16 % ash which
has a basicity (CaO+MgO)/Si02 of about 0.6; for a Table 2. Equilibrium vapor pressure of potassium for
typical blast furnace slag, the basicity is about 1.5. reaction (53) with slag having 0.5 % K20
Therefore, the partial pressures of SiO and sulfur- and B' -1.5.
bearing species in the gas near the coke surface are
expected to differ from those interacting with the slag.
For the purpose of comparison, calculations are made
for assumed local equilibrium at 1 500 °C for the sys-
tems gas-slag and gas-coke ash; the results are given
in Table 1. The amount of ash in the tuyere coke
and its composition suggests that, although most of
the silica and sulfur in the coke ash are removed from

(608) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984

carried away by the furnace gas. For a typical total rence in all steelmaking operations, e.g., in melting, in
gas volume of 2 300 nm3/t-HM, the partial pressure of refining with oxygen blowing, and during furnace tap-
the total potassium vapor species would be 7.2 X 10.4 ping. The mechanism of this interesting phenom-
bar (for a total gas pressure of 3.6 bar in the bosh enon was resolved in an earlier study by Turkdogan
region). Comparison of this total potassium pressure et al.,71) based on the concept of diffusion-limited en-
in the gas with those in Table 2 for the gasslag equi- hanced vaporization of metals in an oxidizing envir-
librium indicates that the slag particles will pick up onment. In this counterflux-transport process, at
potassium from the gas only at temperatures below some short distance from the surface of the metal, the
1 200 °C. The ash in the coke samples taken from oxygen and metal vapor react to form a metal oxide
the tuyere zone contains 2 to 4 % (Na20+K20) mist (fume). The formation of an oxide in the gas
which is several fold of that in the original coke ash. phase provides a sink for the metal vapor and oxygen
Because of the low basicity of coke ash, the amount resulting in the counterflux of these two gaseous spe-
of alkali therein is expected to be 5 to 10 times greater cies. An increase in the oxygen partial pressure, and
than that found in the slag. In the upper part of the or an increase in the gas-film mass-transfer coefficient
bosh, the slag and coke will pick up alkalies from the for oxygen, decreases the thickness of the sub-bound-
gas. As the temperature of the slag and coke increases ary layer through which the metal vapor is diffusing,
during descent in the bosh, they will emit alkali vapors hence increases the rate of fuming. Also, the higher
to the gas phase. However, the partial pressure of the vapor pressure, or higher the temperature, the
potassium vapor in the gas would probably be below faster would be the rate of fuming. For given tem-
that given in Table 2 for the gas-slag equilibrium. perature and conditions of gas flow over the metal sur-
Nevertheless, the numerical examples cited suggest face, the rate of vaporization is represented in a gen-
that much of the alkalies accumulated in the bosh and eral form by the relation :
hearth zone of the blast furnace, via recycling, are in
the gas phase. Rate of fuming = P(1-0) exp (-EJRT)
According to a mass spectrometric study of vapori-
zation of potassium cyanide by Simmons et al.,69) the
_ 0(1- D)p~,, }
equilibrium pressures of vapor species are in the order
p2(KCN)> PKCN > P3(KCN). For atmospheric pressure of where, F: is the energy of vaporization
nitrogen and at graphite saturation, the following are b, ~ : constants for given conditions of
the equilibrium ratios of the vapor species : at the steady-state vaporization
melting point of KCN (635 °C), (KCN)2: KCN: K (1-0) : the fraction of metal surface exposed
=2: 1: 0.76 and at the boiling point (1 132 °C), to the oxidizing gas stream.
(KCN)2: KCN: K=4.6: 1: 0.19.* It is all too clear When the flux of oxygen toward the surface of the
that (KCN)2 is the dominant alkali-bearing species in metal is greater than the equivalent countercurrent
the blast furnace. The sodium in the burden under- diffusi ve flux of the metal vapor, the metal surface
goes cyclic reactions similarly to potassium; however, becom es oxidized, i.e., (1-D) 0, and consequently

the concentration of sodium-bearing species are about the fur ing ceases. Just before this cutoff, the rate of
one-tenth of the potassium-bearing species. fumin g will be close to the maximum rate of vapori-
In addition to the well-known problems associated zation that is attainable is vacuo. These theoretical
with alkali accumulation in the blast furnace stack, expect ations have been well substantiated ex perimen-
the alkali cyanides are also responsible for the genera- tally.
tion of ammonia and hydrogen cyanide in the upper During furnace tapping, the metal stream is ex-
part of the stack by the reactions : posed to air, consequently the iron oxide fumes are
emitted by the mechanism described. The fume emis-
2KCN+3H20 = K2C03+2NH3+C ..... .(54) sion is particularly intensive in the blast furnace metal
NH3+C0 = HCN+H20 .................... (55) runner, because of the high vapor pressure of man-
ganese at the concentrations present in the hot metal.
These and other organic volatile matters thus gen- Furthermore, the metal droplets ejected by gas evolu-
erated in the stack end up in the wash water of the tion from the hot metal in the runner increase the
blast furnace off-gas. Recent experimental work of gas-metal interfacial area, consequently intensify the
Turkdogan and Josephic,70) under conditions partly fume emission. It follows from the basic concept of
simulating the blast furnace stack, substantiated the the mechanism of fuming that the extent of fume emis-
validity of this mechanism of generation of ammonia sion can be suppressed by either eliminating gaseous
and hydrogen cyanide in the stack. oxygen from the exposed surface of the metal or by
covering the metal surface with a layer of slag. De-
2. Iron Oxide Fumes pletion of oxygen near the metal surface can be
Evolution of iron oxide fumes is a common occur- achieved by shrouding the metal runner with a gas

* It should be noted that in the free energy tables in p . 12 of Ref. 5), the value given for the vaporization of liquid KCN is incorrect;
it should have been, according to the data of Simmons et
2KCN (1) _ (KCN)2 (g)
4G° = 52180-36.64Y(cal)

Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984 ( 609)

flame. Extensive plant trials done recently in U.S. tion available is meagre, therefore we can at present
Steel have substantiated the viability of this method only speculate on the possibility of vaporization-in-
of fume suppression during furnace tapping. duced side reactions and consequences thereof.
In the coal gasification processes that are now being
3. White Fumesfrom Blast Furnace Slag Runner developed, e.g., CGS, COIN, KR, the pulverized or
White fumes emitted from the blast furnace slag granular coal is partially combusted with oxygen and
runner is another example of vaporization-induced oc- steam in a bath of liquid iron to generate a reducing
currence. Samples of white fumes collected over the gas for use in the ore reduction and smelting processes.
slag runner have been characterized recently by Simon In his doctorate dissertation, Fukagawa74~presented a
and Kelly,72~in U.S. Steel Research Laboratory, using comprehensive review of much of the work done to
the scanning electron microscope. The X-ray scan date on coal gasification using liquid iron as the re-
spectra revealed that the potassium and sulfur were action medium. Technical developments made to
the most dominant elements in the fume samples. date on direct usage of coal in the steel industry are
Such a finding is consistent with the expected reaction presented in a series of papers published recently in
of slag with air during tapping. Ironmakingand Steelmaking.75~
The blast furnace slag contains 1.5 to 2.0 % S, and Bench scale experiments and pilot plant tests have
as discussed earlier, the potassium vapor pressure of shown that about 15 to 30 % of the sulfur in coal is
the slag is relatively high. Therefore, upon exposer absorbed by the molten iron and slag in the gasifier
to air, the potassium and sulfur will be evolved from and the remainder transferred to the gas and iron dust
the slag as potassium sulfate by the reaction: (fume) emitted. The gas--metal interaction in the
combustion zone is conducive to enhanced vaporiza-
2 (K+)+(S2-)+202 = K2SO4 (white fume) tion of iron by the mechanism already described.
...........................(57) Away from the combustion zone, the iron oxide fume
is reduced to metallic iron dust which interacts with
In addition, there is SO2 evolution, readily evidenced sulfur-bearing vapor species in the reducing gas. As
by the characteristic odor in the casthouse, the temperature of the dust-laden gas decreases, more
sulfur is absorbed by the iron dust. Upon cooling
(S2-)+ 3 02 ` (02-)+S02 ............(58) 2 and dedusting, the reducing gas generated contains
less than 300 vol-ppm H2S. The iron oxide fume
In the oxidizing atmosphere over the slag, the sulfur emitted during gasification of coal is an efficient gas
dioxide is partly oxidized to sulfur trioxide. In the desulfurizer contained in the system only when the
cooler ambient atmosphere away from the slag sur- reducing gas is cooled and dedusted. The dust re-
face, 503 and K2SO4 will react with moisture in the moved from the cooled reducing gas contains up to
air and form a sulfate complex xK2SO4.yH2SO4 which about 8 % S, a material not suitable for recycle.
appears as white fume. The X-ray scan spectra indi- The sulfur and dust-related problems with these
cated an atom concentration ratio K/S of about one coal gasifiers have to be surmounted for direct usage
in the collected fume samples, which apparently has of hot reducing gas in the shaft or fluidized bed reduc-
the composition of K2SO4. H2SO4. The higher the tion of iron ore. Noting that the hot reducing gas
slag temperature, the greater the extent of fuming enters the ore reducer at about 900 °C, the gas has to
caused by the above reactions. be dedusted at a relatively high temperature, for
The emission of white fumes can be suppressed by which a new technology is needed. In a reducing
spreading a thin layer of sand over the slag surface in gas containing 25 vol% H2, the entrained iron dust
the runner. This simple remedy works for two rea- will not desulfurize the gas below 800 vol-ppm H2S at
sons : added sand, or other inert powder, chills the salg 900 °C. Such a high sulfur-bearing gas is not suitable
surface and also reduces the surface area of slag ex- for the reduction of iron ore. Hot dedusting and de-
sulfurization may be achieved by passing the gas, for
posed to air.
Yamamoto and Harashima73~ studied changes in example, through a bed of calcined dolomite at about
chemical composition of slag during the refining of 950 °C. In such a process, the sulfided doloma has
hot metal with sodium carbonate and oxygen-top to be removed periodically from the reactor and be
blowing. They deduced from the composition of slag treated for disposal. Of course, other methods of hot
and fume collected that there was preferential vapori- dedusting and desulfurization can be visualized; the
zation of sulfur and sodium from the slag. This ob- subject will not be pursued further here.
servation can be explained also in terms of reaction Another problem to be resolved is that involving
alkalies in the coal. Since coal contains some nitro-
(57) written for Na+ in the slag and Na2SO4 in the
fume. gen, most of the alkalies will be contained in the gas
generated as alkali cyanide vapors, which will even-
4. Vaporization in Coal Gas cation tually condense in the ore reducer. Obviously, mea-
Certain vapor species that are generated in some sures have to be taken to prevent the accumulation of
coal gasification processes may cause side reactions alkali carbonates and cyanides in the upper part of
which could affect the industrial application of the the shaft reducer.
We see from the examples cited, there are many
gasification process. Because such processes are still
in the early stages of development, technical informa- ramifications to the role of vapor species in pyrometal-

(610) Transactions ISIJ, Vol. 24, 1984

lurgical or other high temperature processes. The 3) 0. Kubaschewski and C. B. Alcock: Metallurgical Ther-
vapor species generated may cause pollution prob- mochemistry, 5th ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford, (1979).
lems, may impede the operation of the process or may 4) F. D. Richardson : Physical Chemistry of Melts in Metal-
assist the process reactions. lurgy, I & II, Academic Press, London, (1974).
5) E. T. Turkdogan: Physical Chemistry of High Tempera-
V. Concluding Remarks ture Technology, Academic Press, New York, (1980).
6) E. T. Turkdogan : Physicochemical Properties of Molten
Scope of the physical chemistry of ironmaking and Slags and Glasses, The Metals Soc., London, (1983).
steelmaking is, of course, much greater than what has 7) P. Herasymenko: Trans. Faraday Soc., 34 (1938), 1245.
been presented in this discourse. Therefore, the con- 8) P. Herasymenko and G. E. Speight: JISI, 166 (1950), 169
cluding remarks are confined to the subjects discussed & 289.
in this paper. The state of reactions in pyrometal- 9) H. Flood and K. Grojtheim: JISI, 171 (1952), 64.
lurgical processes can be evaluated with confidence 10) T. Forland and K. Grojtheim: Met. Trans., B8 (1977),
from accumulated knowledge of the physicochemical 645.
and thermodynamic properties of materials and of 11) J. D. Shim and S. Ban-ya : Tetsu-to-Hagane, 67 (1981),
the process engineering concepts pertinent to high 1745.
12) S. Ban-ya, T. Watanabe and R. Nagabayashi: Japan/USA
temperature technology. The analysis of plant data
Seminar on Advances in the Science of Iron- and Steelmak-
indicates departures from equilibrium for various
ing, Kyoto, May 1983, (1983), 27.
gas-slag-metal reactions in the bosh and hearth 13) J. Lumsden: Physical Chemistry of Process Metallurgy, I,
zones of the blast furnace. The least departure from G. R. St. Pierre, ed., Interscience, New York, (1961), 165.
equilibrium is for the distribution of silicon between 14) E. T. Turkdogan, G. J.W. Kor and R. J. Fruehan : Iron-
metal and slag. Departure from equilibrium for the makingSteelmaking, 7 (1980), 268.
manganese-silicon reaction is greater for slags of low 15) E. W. Filer and L. S. Darken: Trans. AIME, 194 (1952),
basicity. Despite departures from equilibrium, the 253.
silicon and sulfur contents of the hot metal change 16) G. G. Hatch and J. Chipman : Trans. AIME, 185 (1949),
in a systematic manner for a given blast furnace, i.e., 274.
high silicon/low sulfur and low silicon/high sulfur. 17) J. Taylor and J. J. Stobo: JISI, 178 (1954), 360.
18) E. T. Turkdogan: Met. Trans., B9 (1978), 163.
In oxygen steelmaking processes, most reactions ap-
19) K. Okabe et al.: Kawasaki Steel Tech. Res. Lab. Rept., (May,
proach slag-metal equilibrium at the time of furnace 1974), 1-43; (Nov., 1974), 1-11.
tapping. However, some differences are seen in the 20) E. T. Turkdogan: JISI, 182 (1956), 74.
behavior of phosphorus reaction in the oxygen-top and 21) F. D. Delve, H. W. Meyer and H. N. Lander: Phys. Chem.
-bottom blowing processes . The salg/metal phospho- Process Metallurgy, G. R. St. Pierre, ed., Interscience, New
rus distribution is closer to equilibrium in Q; BOP than York, (1961), 1111.
in BOF steelmaking, particularly for low carbon con- 22) W. Hess, S. Mayer and P. Schulz: Stahl u. Eisen, 93 (1973),
tents at tap. 107.
A greater use is being made of the gas-slag-metal 23) T. Fuwa and J. Chipman: Trans. Metal. Soc. AIME, 218
equilibrium data in recent developments of ladle re- (1960), 887.
24) S. Ban-ya and S. Matoba : " Studies in Metallurgy for
fining of hot metal and steel. At temperatures of
Sachio Matoba," Tohoku University, Sendai, (1969), 50.
about 1 300 °C and with fluxed-basic slags of low 25) W. A. Fischer and H. vom Ende: Stahl u. Eisen, 72 (1952),
melting temperatures, it is now possible to dephospho- 1398.
rize hot metal to the levels of 0.005 % P at carbon 26) T. B. Winkler and J. Chipman: Trans. AIME, 167 (1946),
contents in the range 4.0 to 4.5 %. The aluminum- 111.
killed steel can be desulfurized to levels below 10 ppm 27) K. Balajiva, A. G. Quarrell and P. Vajragupta: JISI, 153
S by interacting liquid steel with a lime-saturated (1946), 115; 155 (1947), 563.
aluminate slag using argon stirring for slag-metal 28) H. Knuppel and F. Oeters : Stahl u. Eisen, 81 (1961), 1437.
mixing. 29) G. W. Healy: JISI, 208 (1970), 664.
30) J. Pearson and E. T. Turkdogan: JISI, 176 (1954), 19.
Vapor species are now known to play various roles
31) H. Suito, R. Inoue and M. Takada: Trans. ISIJ, 21
in pyrometallurgical processes. The alkali cyanide
(1981), 250.
vapors are responsible for alkali recycle and accumula- 32) E. T. Turkdogan: Iron Coal Trades Rev., (Dec. 16, 1955),
tion in the blast furnace and also for the generation of 1471.
ammonia and hydrogen cyanide in the upper part of 33) W. Loscher: Arch. Eisenhuttenw, 36 (1965), 237.
the stack. The silicon and sulfur-bearing vapor spe- 34) K. L. Fetters and J. Chipman : Trans. AIME, 145 (1941),
cies are responsible for the transfer of silicon and sul- 95.
fur from coke to metal and slag in the bosh region of 35) G.J.W. Kor: Metal. Trans. B8 (1977), 107.
the blast furnace. Fumes emitted upon exposure of 36) C. R. Taylor and J. Chipman: Trans. AIME, 154 (1943),
liquid steel, hot metal or blast furnace slag to air are 228.
consequences of some vaporization phenomenon. 37) Proc. Scaninject I, June 1977, MEFOS, Lulea, (1977).
38) Proc. Scaninject II, June 1980, MEFOS, Lulea, (1980).
39) Proc. Scaninject III, June 1983, MEFOS, Lulea, (1983).
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Univ., May 1983. (1983), 32.
57) E. T. Turkdogan and L.J. Martonik: Trans. ISIJ, 23 74) S. Fukagawa " Studies on Metallurgical Processes Using
(1983), 1038. Coal for Iron- and Gas-Production," Doctorate Dissertation,
58) T. Emi and Y. Iida: Proc. Scaninject III, MEFOS, The Royal Inst, of Tech., Stockholm, (1983).
Lulea, (1983), 1: 1. 75) A series of papers in Ironmaking Steelmaking, 10 (1983), 98-
59) E. T. Turkdogan: Arch. Eisenht ttenw., 54 (1983), 1 & 45. 142 & 196-239.

* The material in this paper is intended for general information only. Any use of this material in relation to any specific application
should be based on independent examination and verification of its unrestricted availability for such use, and a determination of suit-
ability for the application by professionally qualified personnel. No license under any United States Steel Corporation patents or other
proprietary interest is implied by the publication of this paper. Those making use of or relying upon the material assume all risks and
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