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M02 Study Questions-Teamwork

Alisha Short

1. After reading The handbook of high-performance virtual teams, list and

explain in your own words three requirements for successful collaboration
in a virtual team context.

Three requirements for successful collaboration are trust, consideration and


Trust is the foundation to great teamwork. Building trust virtually can be challenging, it
will take some time. When team members interact and follow through on their
commitments the other members gain confidence that they will be successful.

Consideration is an important requirement because team members need to be aware of

each other’s opinions. They must keep and open mind and consider what each person
has to say.

Communication is important when it comes to understanding each other. By

communicating with each other, and learning different opinions, team members will
figure out a solution to reach their goals. Lines of communication must always be open
in order to succeed.

2. After reading "Teams and team building", in your own words, explain
the five-stage team process described by Robbins.

The first stage in team development is ‘Team Formation’. This is the stage where the
team members will be known. This is the stage where team members get to know each
other and where they will determine what characteristics they bring to the team.

The second stage in team development is ‘Storming’. This is the stage where the team
conflicts come into play. Some will start to struggle with the ‘team’ aspect of the
requirements. The teammates will have to figure out how to work in a group setting.

The third stage in team development is ‘Norming’. This is the stage where the team
members start to bond, and they start accomplishing their tasks together. This is the
stage where you learn how their team really operates.

The fourth stage in team development is ‘Performing’. This is the stage where the team
members know each other, and it is time for them to complete the assignment. They will
take all their research and put together their projects.
The fifth stage in team development is ‘Adjourning’. This is the final stage where the
team will wrap up and finish their project. After the assignment is completed, team
members will go their separate ways.

3. After reading "Conflict management", in your own words, describe two

different strategies for managing conflict discussed in the
article. Describe a scenario when you would use one of the strategies to
manage conflict while working on a group project in this course?

Two different strategies for managing conflict are Compromising and Avoidance.
Compromising is when team members come up with a solution that is fair to everyone.
Members will have to make a sacrifice, no one will completely get their way. Avoidance
is when team members ignore the matter completely. Some may not contribute to any
of the team’s responsibilities.

During the team project if a member has a different idea than yourself, you must work
with them and come up with a solution for everyone.

If it seems that one person is not contributing to the assignments, you must talk with
them, so they know the importance of their input.

Team members will have to talk and negotiate while doing the team project. Teammates
must have an open mind and realize that everyone handles situations differently. The
team will always have to keep communication lines open . They must work together to
come up with a solution to the assignment.

4. After reading "Adventures of Team Fantastic: A Practical Guide for

Team Leaders & Members",  in your own words, explain how this chapter
advises you to receive feedback from a team member.

Receiving feedback from a team member helps you learn and improve over time.
Feedback, whether good or bad, helps you to better yourself. It is best to know which
areas you can improve on. When you overcome obstacles and succeed at your goals,
you gain confidence. You are likely to remember what team members advise you to
improve on. Study the feedback you receive and turn it into action. Also, accept criticism
and consider what your team members are trying to teach you.

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