BE GOING TO Exercise 1

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Exercise 1. Make sentences using the correct form of Be Going to.

e.g. 1. I__________ (to visit) my granny.

I am going to visit my granny.

1. He ______________ (to drink) coffee with friends next weekends.

2. _________ he ______________ (to work) for this company till June?

3. Nobody ______________ (to live) your life for you.

4. They _____________ (to finish) this project next week.

5. Next summer my husband __________ (to start) a new business.

6. Ben ____________ (not/to meet) his friends tonight, because he is extremely tired.

7. You’d rather finish your work, we ___________ (to go) shopping.

8. Jennifer __________ (to park) her car.

9. My brother __________ (to become) a dentist.

10. ________ Lilly __________ (to buy) that dress?

11. _________ we ___________ (to present) this bottle of wine to her friends?

12. Molly ______________ (to brush) her teeth right after a dinner.

13. Ben and Jim _____________ (not/sell) their company.

14. Andy __________ (to buy) a new smart phone.

15. She ___________ (not/do) shopping next week.

1. He IS GOING TO DRINK coffee with friends next weekends.

2. IS he GOING TO WORK for this company till June?

3. Nobody IS GOING TO LIVE your life for you.

4. They ARE GOING TO FINISH this project next week.

5. Next summer my husband IS GOING TO START a new business.

6. Ben ISN’T GOING TO MEET his friends tonight, because he is extremely tired.

7. You’d rather finish your work, we ARE GOING TO GO shopping.

8. Jennifer IS GOING TO PARK her car.

9. My brother IS GOING TO BECOME a dentist.

10. IS Lilly GOING TO BUY that dress?

11. ARE we GOING TO PRESENT this bottle of wine to her friends?

12. Molly IS GOING TO BRUSH her teeth right after a dinner.

13. Ben and Jim AREN’T GOING TO SELL their company.

14. Andy IS GOING TO BUY a new smart phone.

15. She ISN’T GOING TO DO shopping next week.

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