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FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost full score / condensed score Tn de haske~ FLASHING WINDS - Jan Van der Roost Ditflisendewerkjewerd Cette petite ceuvre jail- This flashing piece was Diese temperamentvolle geschreven in opdracht —_lissante a été écrite su written on commission Komposition wurde im van “Hetmuziekverbond ordre de “Het Muriek- from “Het muziekver- Auftrag des Westflimi- van West-Vlaanderen” verbond van West- bondvanWest-Vlaande- schen Musikverbandes cen isopgedragen aanhet Vlaanderen" etestdédiée ren” and is dedicated to _geschrieben und ist dem jeugdorkest“Arlequino”. _& orchestre de jeunesse the “Arlequino” youth- —_Jugendorchester “Arle- Het is een effectvol en “Arlaquino”. band. quino” gewidmer. Kleurrijk geinstrumen- Il s'agit dune pitce or- Colourfullyandeffectful- _Esisteineffektvollesund teerdnummerdatnaeen chestrée d'une manitre ly instrumentated, this farbig_ instrumentiertes korte inleiding zonder coloréeet pleined’effets piece speeds towards its. Werk. tempoveranderingen et qui aprés un bréve __ finale without any tem- Die Akkordblocke, die doorraast tot het slot. _ introduction sans chan- _po-changes. die Introduktion kenn- De akkoordblokken die gementsderychmefonce —Thechord-blocks,which _zeichnen, werden am de introductie kenmerk- sans cesse jusqu’a la fin. characterized the intro- Ende wieder aufgenom- ten, komen bijheteinde Les blocs d'accords qui duction, unite this vir- men, sodass diese virtuo- terug, zodat dit virtuoze caractérisaient lintro- twoso piece by reappea- se Komposition ein werkjealduseeneenheid duction reviennent vers ring in the end. Ganaes bilder. vormt. la fin, de sore que ce petit ouvrage forme ainsi ‘une unié. Mociliheidsgraad/Degré de difficule/Diffculty/Schwierigkeitsgrad: gE ‘Grammofoonplaat/Disque/Recorded on/Schallplatte: Flashing Winds CD-MC. Lengte/Durée/Duration/Davee —__________—_——— —_—— 407 min. Bezetting/Formation/Instrumentation/Beset=ung: - w.b fralfa FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost Duration / Lengte / Durée / Dauer:4'07" Difficulty / Moeilikheidsgraad / Degré de difficulé / Schwierigkeitsgra ET) CONCERT BAND Full Score 1 | Extra voor sommige tanden/ Piccolo / Flute | 4 | Additional parts for several countries / Flute tl 4 | Extra pour des pays étrangéres / Oboe FI 2 | Zusétzlich fir das Ausland: Bassoon | 1 Bassoon I! 1 | HARMONIE Eb Clarinet 1 Bb Clarinet | 5 | Bb Soprano Saxophone 1 Bb Clarinet Il 5 _ | Eb Flugel Horn 1 Bb Clarinet Il 5 | Bb Flugel Hom | (ad. lib. 2 Eb Alto Clarinet 1 | Bb Flugel Horn I! (ad. lib.) 2 Bb Bass Clarinet 1 | Bb Trombone | 4 and> 1 Eb Alto Saxophone | 1 | Bb Trombone Il ¢ and > 1 Eb Alto Saxophone It 1 | Bb Trombone Ill $ and 1 Bb Tenor Saxophone 2 | Bb Baritone Il 2 Eb Baritone Saxophone 1 | Bb Tenor Tuba / Euphonium § and > 2 Bb Trumpet / Comet | 2 | EbBass$and> 2 Bb Trumpet / Cornet I 2 | BbBass$and> 2 Bb Trumpet / Cornet Ill 2 F/E Hor Ill 2 F/Eb Hom IIl-1V 2 © Trombone | 2 C Trombone Il 2 C Trombone tll 2 C Baritone / Euphonium 2 Bb Baritone 1 2 CBass 3 String Bass 1 Timpani / Triangle 1 Percussion | 1 Percussion Il 1 Percussion Il 1 | FULLSCORE FLASHING WINDS Jan-Van der Roost for band south band (cond. R. Van Maris), Marke (Belgium) "commissioned by the “Arlequin Obees 3 1 assoone} EbClarinet Eb Alto Clarinet Bb Dase Clarinet Bbatto 1 Saxophones? Bb Tenor Saxophone Eb Baritone Bhornets/ | ‘Trumpets F Horne ‘Trombones 2 Baritone base (steing Bass) ‘Timpani @) (F=Bb-Eh) Percussion {© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-B440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. esis ‘oor BeitvPour ia Beigque:De Haske Publications BVBA,B-2550 Konic, Saipum / Fr Deutschland: Muskveriag De Haske Gb, 0-72221 Haketach, Causcland/ 0 Ose: Muslin e Haske Gm, A840 Dams Austia/ FOr de Scwl . Lechlonstoin: De Haske Iernatoral AG, CHS2 Hagens, Schwel/Swtzetand! Foral otter cous: Os Haske Publcatone BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Hola BE ere FL Eber Tre, 2 ase Timp. FL eb. ct. cor. tm Ha. Tr, Timp. ior Dede 1. ni ebal. Act. Bal, tb. Timp. Pere, Ba. ct Tr. Pere 0. eu cu. acl Bc. ase fe rsa, Tee. 2 real, a. ac Bc. Asan. sax, Tb. Timp. Pere. © d.do02 sn. ou. Acct. Bel. d-d0+0 cor. To Tre. 2 Ebert a. Tre. Fi cn. ery poy 20d ems al, pie 2 tne ot ua ts Ho, tet a, I tao cs | pty 2 uncon %, 5 | a austin nt aay rae 7 Timp. amb. ad time cl 15 Joe a —— | acs Bal. sux. 4] Ts, Bar.Sax, ee. | FL Ba. sax. To, ay It and nd tine mated a ey It and 2nd time mated Timp. Pere. on, Ben, Bbc. pci. Aux. 15a. Tre, Base Timp. Ack. acl, Asx Tse. ar Sa or. /, Te tre, Timp. Pere, 20 21 ea, a. ac. Ase} Ten, far. sax, or-/a Ta. Ha, Tr, 22 rd chai. B.ct. sax. | sax. Timp. 2 yma Pere, 23 Picola FLASHING WINDS Jan Vander Roost for band 8 icc. Allegro energico(d=160) tr. Maestoso(4 = 80 ) @ nd xonlybe ba of) Whrmvervenee, (+Pice.) ~ : f. play Sd —== nf al Coda @ 2 Zh eS ee ——— fo 5 a 2nd x only by et (mf) —== ® (d= dx3+2) =. (© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BY, P.O. Box 744, NL-2440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 00152 oor Bellow a Begiqe: De Haske Pubicatons BVBA, 6.2550 Konteh, Begum /FOr Deuschiand: Mustvertag De Haske GmbH, O-72221 alletach, Deuschiand Fs Oxia: Musverag De Haske GmbH, AB4O Dams, Aisa Fur ce Scwel . Lechtenstn Do Haske Ierabnal AG, GH 6832 Hagendom, Scnwee/Swizetand/ For aller countias: De Haske Publeatons BY, P.O. Bor 748, NBO AS Heerenveen, Holand — ip semnennwnrreeee $ dal Segno al Code 6 / fra gates Flue FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band Allegro energico(d =160 ) 2nd x only Maestoso(e = 80) = EN Sva(adlib). . - - ~~ Perec! $—— : tr * 2nd x only by if (mf) —=— (dada +2 © Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BY, P.O. Box 744, NL-$440 AS Heerenveen, Hol 90152 ‘oor BeljQ/Pouria Blpaue: De Haske Publeatons BVBA, 6-2550 Konich, Boipum /Fur Deusciand: Mushveriag De Haske GmbH, O-7222' Halterbach, Oeutschiand Ferenc useage Fas Gro, ABO Den, Ata Fre Scheer Laces: Do Haske momataral AC, CHES Hgeain, Shwe Swzein or al other counties: De Haske Pubkcabone BV, P.O, Box 74, NL-B44D AS Hosrenveen, Halland, Pp Ff ——— & Dal Segno al Coda (Sta) ee Otoe FLASHING WINDS Jan Vander Roost for band Maestoso(e = 80) (3 By Alero energicotd =160) apy a». xO (dedo+2 ‘© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 90152 ‘oor BelgttPourls Bagg: De Haske Publeatons BVEA,8:2559 Konteh, Begum / For Dousclana: Muskveriag De Hasko GmbH, 0-7222t Haterbach, Oeuscand/ For Getroch: Musiteay De Maske GmbH, 46840 Cams, Austia/F6 ge Sowelu. chars De Haske Itamatonal AG, CH-633 Hapondor, Schwal/SwizetanG/ Focal oer cournes: De Haske Publication BV, P.O. Box 744,NLB440 AS Heererwoon, Holand. 4, obl. (Ist & 2nd time) ‘cresc. poco & poco @ obt (Ist and 2nd time) 142 mp $$ Dal Segno al Coda Bassoon FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band Maestoso( = 60) 1B) Allegro energico(d = 160 ) (d= dna +2 = ae ‘© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. so0152 ‘oor BelgtPour le Belgqus: De Haske Pubicalons BVBA,8-2850 Konic, Beigum Fur Dauseriand: Muskvorag De Haske GmbH, 0-7222% Haterbach, Oaustiand/ Fir Oster Moriwerag Ov Haske Gri, A640 Dame, Auta / For a Schwoi u. ichlansar De Haske iematonal AG, CH-St2 Hagondom,SchwoiSwizrand For at otter counties’ De Haske Publeabons BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-440 AS Hoorerwoon, Holand = = a eee nd xonly mf cantabile =— play (Ist & 2nd x) —— Dal Segno al Coda eee 7 Basson I FLASHING WINDS Jan van der Roost for band Maestoso(¢ = 80) (Bi) Allegro energicotd = 160 ) > oH d2)3+2, >> BF o a —=—=—— _% © Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 890152 ‘oo! BeitPeur ia Belgique: De Haske Pubiaione BVBA,B:2550 Kontch, Baljum / Fur Deutschland: Muskverag De Haske Gab, 0-72221 Haterbach, Deutschland / Fur Osertch’ Musivotap De Haske GmbH, A840 Dari Ausiia Fr a Soro. achensa: De HaskoIematonal AG, CH-533 Hagondor,Schwel/Swizerand/ Forallotar counts: De Haske Pbleatone BV, P.O, Box P44, NLB44O AS Heerenveen, Holand 2nd time only mf cantabile Play (Ist & 2nd x) $ Dal Segno al Coda nf FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band Eb Clarinet & Allesro energico(J=160) BS 2nd x only rrr Maestoso(d (mf) <. (tr ad libs © Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-G440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 800152 2850 Konic, Baum / Fur Douishlane Musiverag Oe Haske Gmbh, 0-72221 Haterbach,Dauscland/ oor Bolp@Pour a Bofius: De Haske Pubscaons SVB Fir steric: Msaverg Oe Haske Gris, 6340 Dams Aust Fre Scheu Vachon: Ow Haske ternational AG, CH6932 Hapender,SehwaizSwtzrand For aoe counties: De Haske Pubicabons BV, P.O, Sox 74, NL-B440 AS Heerenveen, Holland f @ cantabile eresc. poco a poco a a § Dal Segno al Coda BbCtarinee | FLASHING WINDS for band Jan Van der Roost Allegro energico(d = 160 ) Maestoso(d = 80 ) @ 2nd x only —— (d= di3 +2) oof ‘© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BY, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen Holland. ‘oor BelgtiPeurlaBaigqve: Da Haske Pubicatons BVBA, Fr Osterech Mostverag De Haska Gb AG24D Damo, Avan / Fore Sehwolr u Leconte: De Haske nrnatonal AG, CH-63%2 Hagendom, Schweu/Swizorand/ Fora oer counties De Haske Pubeaons BY, P.O Dor 744, NL-B440 AS Hearenvee, Holland 90152 50 Kone, Balu For Deutschland: Musivorag De Haske Gmbt,0-72221 Haterbach, Deutschland cresc. poco & poco ae us a De PE See P———————_ Ff =. 2 $ Dal Segno al Coda Bb Carne FLASHING WINDS len Van der Roost for band Maestoso(d = 80) (By Alero energie 160) i, 1 (d= dna +2) > oS (© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 890152 ‘Yoo Belpt/Pourla Beigque-De Haske Publcatone BVBA,&-2550 Karten, Belgium Far Datscland: Musiwvarlag De Haske GmbM, 0-72221 Haterach, Oouschiand For Ostoneich: Mstverag Oe Haska Gm, A840 Damo, Austna/ Faro Schwa, Lecnsie: De Haske nieational AG, CH-682 Hagendom, Schwoi/Swtzerand/ Forat oer counties: De Haske Pubicaiors BV, P.O, Bor 744, NLBAADAS Hoarenveen Holand =——_ $$ Dal Segno al Coda Bb Clarinet Ill FLASHING WwW NDS Jan Van der Roost for band Maestoso(d = 80) [Bl Allegro energico(d=160) (BS (© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Py 890152 ‘oo: BolpaPoura Belgque: Os Haske Publealons BVBA, 2550 Konic, Gel For Deuischand: Muskverag De Haske GmbH, 0-72221 Matec, Dausciand/ Fir Oster: Musiverag De Haske GnbM, A6340 Dams, Aust For de Schwor u. Lechlension De Haske ntmatonal AG, CH-633 Hagondom, Shwe Swizedans For athe: counties: De Haske Pubeatons BV, 0, Bor 744, NL-B440 AS Heerenveen, HOS. ps fF ——>——__ $§ Dal Segno al Coda Bb Alto Clarinet FLASHING WINDS Jan van der Roost for band Macstosod = 80) (A) Allegro energicotd = 160) =~ ‘© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-B440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. sa01s2 ‘oor BagiPour a Belgaue: Oe Haske Pubealone BVBA,&-550 Koch, Belgum / Fur Deuscland: Musiwverlog De Haske GmbH, D-72221 Haterbac, Deutschland Fur Ostler: Mushverg Oe Haske Gri, 46340 DamUs, usta / Fr de Schwa v_Lecttesie: De Haske Inomalonal AG, CH-63i2 Hagendom, Schwel/Swizetand/ Fora ober countes: De Haske Publcatons BV, P.O. Gox 744,NL-G440 AS Heerenveen, Hollen, f =— $% Dal Segno al Coda Bb Bassclarnet, FLASHING WINDS Jan van der Roost for band Maestoso(d = 80) (Al Allegro energico(d = 160) = SF 2 RE UDR UE = © Copyright 1988 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. so0182 ‘oor BaigPour a Boigiue: De Haske Pubicabons BVBA, 8.2580 Konch Blgum /Fur Deutsche: Musiverag Oe Haske Gmbh, 0-7222t Haterbach, Davscland/ Fir Ostet: Maskverg De Haske Gri, 6340 Danas, Asti / Fr a Setwoiu. Llcense: De Haske nieratenal AG, H-8352 Hagen, Schwol/Swtzetand/ For at ete counties: De Haske Pubicatons BV, P.O, Box P4a,N-B440 AS Heerenveen Halla, G 2nd x only nf obl, (Ist & 2nd time) ——— —- 8 Dal Segno al Coda fo Bb Alto Sex. FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band Hy Alleto enerpicotd=160) gg cs Maestoso(e = 80), ‘© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BY, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. + 90152 ‘oor BaigaPourlaGaigque: De Haske Publcatons VBA, B-2S50 Konic, Belglsm FOr Dautchana: Mushverag De Haske GmbH, 0-72221 Haterbach, Detschand Fir Ostereh: Mushverag De Haske GN, M6840 Dare, Aust Fr i Schwa u. Lectteston De Hasko Inematonal AG, CH-832 Magenaon, Schwab/Swizarard/ Fora cise comes: De Haske Pubalon BV, P.O, Box 74, M-B44O AS. Hoarnveen, Holand tb =——— $ Dal Segno al Coda Coda Eb Alto Sox. I FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band ney apAllesro energico(d=160 © Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BY, P.O. Box 744, NL-B440 AS Heerenveen, Holland, 90152 oor BeltPour a Begiue: De Hasko Publealons BVBA,6:2550 Kanth, Balm /Fr Dauschand: Muskverag De Haske Gb, 0-72221 Haerbach Deutschiand/ Fur Oserlh: Musivorg De Haske GroH, 6340 Danis Asta Fra Seto u Litehonson: De Maske itmatonal AG, CH 6x2 Hependom, Schwal/Swizerand/ Forallter counties De Haske Puteaone BV, P.O. Bor 748, NU-o440 AS Heerenveen, HOLA mp- mf = = =F —— trbemeesaenrsnassnene $§ Dal Segno al Coda Coda Bb Tenor Sax FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band oe [Al Allegro energico(d = 160) i © Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, .0. Box 744, NL-6440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 290152 oot BolpPour a Beliue: De Haske Pubicatons SVB, 8.2580 Kantch, Balgum /FUr Deischland: Mushvorag De Haske GmbH, 0:72221 Halerbach, Deutshand/ Fur Oster: Musivetag Oe Haske GnbM, A630 Damdls, Astle / Fora Serwelu. License: De Masks Intemational AG, CH-tG2 Hagendom, Sctwei/Swiuerand/ For al cer counties: De Hasko Pubeatons BV, P.O, Box 744, NL-B440 AS. Horeroen, Holand 2nd x only =f play (st and 2nd time) —- p a ——— eel is f ——— i oroeerneenneenrrerenceneereee $§ Dal Segno al Coda a FLASHING WINDS Jan Vander Roose for band Maestoso(d = 80 ) (Al Allegro energicotd = 160) (d= dy3 +2) ae > > = Box 744, NL-6440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 80152 jairPourla Boigave: De Heske Pubteatons BVBA, 6-2550 Konich, Bolum /FUr Deischland: Mushveriag De Haske Gb, 0.72221 Hatorbach,Oouschand/ rey Mesvrtag ba Haske GmbH, A640 Dams, Auta / Fur a Schwa . Lectenstn- Do HaskoInrtattora AG, CH-6852 Hagendor, Schwaa/Swzafand Foralloer countries: De Haske Pubeations BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holand © Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BY, v. mp-mf =——_ p $ Dal Segno al Coda nf Coda Figltoradiety FLASHING WINDS san van der Roost for band Maestoso(d = 80) "A" f p— f dada +2) 1. Golo) Tutti consord mf open (dedv3 +2) 1. (oto) _— con sord. mp ‘open: © Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BY, P.O. Box 744, NL-6440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 990152 oor BegiPour a Blgaue: De Haske Pubieatons BVBA,B:2SS0 Konic, Balgum For Oauschand: Musivorag De Haske GmbM, 0-72221 Haltlebach, Deusen Fir Ose: Musiverag Do Maske GmbH, AGB40 Dama, Aisa / For Go Schwou u. Lechlonsion: De Haske Inematoal AG, CH-6302 Hapendom, Schwere For al oer countnas: De Haska Pubtcatons BV P.O, 8oe 744, NL-O44O AS Hosrenvoon, Hoan, G@ ana x only con sord. mf = = play (Ist and 2nd time) 2 2s $ Dal Segno al Coda f e ——__—., > >~ Pugetnamm adits) — FLASHING WINDS Jen Van der Roost for band Maestoso(e = 80 ) sonore a _ A f Allegro energico >> d= 160) B (d= bya +2) (© Copyright 1999 by De Haske Publications BY, P.0. Box 744, NL-2440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 890152 oo: Beitr ia Belge: De Haske Pubicaions BVEA,B-2580 Kontch, Balgum /Fur Dutschlana: Mushwenag De Haske Gri, 072221 Hatebach, Oeuschand Fir Osea: Mushverag De Haske GmbH, A840 Dams, Austra Fc Senwoi . Lchensee De Haske itmatoal AG, 6982 Hagendom, Schweu/Swzorard/ For aloter counties De Haske Pubicatons BV, P.O, Box 744, NL-O44D AS. Heerenveen Holand G 2nd x only con sord. ™F —==— fF play (Jst and 2nd time) 60m Sora 9, Ae Dal Segno al Coda f _. | FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band Maestoso(d = 80) Sonore_ 4 Allegro energico (g=160) @ a 6 (de dx3 +2) ‘© Gopyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 200152 Voor Gelpiour a Begtue: De Haske Pubicatone BVBA 82550 Kontich, Begum / For Deuaciane Musiwverlag De Haske GmbH, 0-72221 Haterbach, Doshi Fr Osa: Musivorg Oe Haske Gri, 6840 Damo, Austia! Fr cn Se 'u- Uetensten De Haske Inoratenal AG, CH-8332 Hagendom, SchwelySwizetand/ For aloe counties: Ds Haske Pubcators BV, P.O, Box 744, NL-B440 AS Heerervoen, Holand (G con sord, (2nd time only) nf =—— mp > F play (Ist and 2nd time) ~p——$—$—$———_ & Dal Segno al Coda f Coda F Horn LIL FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band Maestosold= 80) ag sonore‘ Z> f fo — Ff (© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 890152 ‘oo! BegivPeur la lglque-Da Haske Pubscatons BVBA, 2550 Kontch,Balgum / For Deischland: Muskvorag De Haske Gril, -72221 Halltach, Oeuscand Fo Osere: Musivoray De Haske Gm, 6540 Dams, Astia/ For ao Swe . Lectanstan De asks Ilrnaonal AG, CH-6362Hagendomn, Schwel/Swtzefand/ Fevallotes counties: Oo Haska Pueatons BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-S44O AS Heerenveon, Hoard b-d3 +2) of GD quai tegato mp-mf Dal Segno al Coda F Hom ILIV FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band Maestoso(d= 80) sonore A fF fest I attegro energico(d=160) _ T z ® =— = (© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. : 890152 ‘oor BegiPour'a Belgique: De Haske Pubscatons BVBA,@-2550 Konich,Beigum /For Davtchisne: Muskverag De Haske GmbH, D-72221 Haebach, Dewschiand/ Fur Osi: Musivorag be Haske GmbH, A840 Dams Aust /Fr de Sahweu. Aconson: De Haske Intemational AG, CH6332 Hegendom, Schwea/Swlzarand Fecal ob cunts: Oe Ha Pubtcatione BV, P.O, Box 744, NL-G449 AS Haorenveen Hasan G auai tegato mp - mf 2 $$ Dal Segno al Coda C Trombone FLASHING WINDS ben van der Roost for band sonore A by Maestoso(e = 80 ) —= TB) Altegro energicotd = 160) Ed > - > > > > > >.> G (d= da +2) con sord. mf al Coda > a a —— >>> con sord. mp © Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BY, P.O. Box 744, NL-6440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 290152 oo: SeiiPou a Balgque: De Haske Publications BVA, 8:2550 Kontch, Balgum/ For Oaulsenane: Musawerag De Haske GmbH, 0-72221 Haefbach, Dauschland/ Fir Osteen: Mushvetag De Haske Gn, A840 Dans Austin Fr de Schwet u Uschi: Oe Hae Itarnaonl AG, C1 898 Hagonsom,Setwoewizetad/ For aoe counts: Oe Haste Publcatons BV, P.O, Box 744, NL-S440 AS Hearenven, HOA. Gq 2ndxonly con sord. mf — & Dal Segno al Coda = — eo = > 3S>58A > > 2 ye C Trombone Il FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band sonore A by Maestoso(d = 80) f pF i = 2 ff ————— —— —— Qo d= dia +2) con sord. mf al Coda @ ? Ara > > ‘open nf ——- §-—f = 8 (d= dx3+2) consord. mf {© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. so01s2 oo: BexjePour a Boigue: De Haske Pubicatons GVBA, 8.2680 Konic, Gaxgum / For Deischlans: Mustverag De Haske Gib, 0.72221 Haterbac, Dostschiand / Fir Oster: Masia Oe Haske GrH, A-6340 Damas, Austia| For a Schwa. chensan De Haske Intemational AG, 4232 Hagendom, Schwol/Swizerand/ For aloe counties’ De Haske Pubicabons BV, P.O, Box 744, NL-S440 AS Hootorvoan, Hoan g 2nd x only con sord. "I Cre) nf $9 Dat Segno al Coda = > ———S > - eye € Trombone ll FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band Maestoso(4 = 60) sonore > =e SS > > a > of = =—— a h=d +2) con sord. mf al Coda > A> ee con 50rd. nf © Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. eo0152 oot GelptPoura Bogcus: De Haske Pubicatons BVEA, 6.2580 Kontch, Belgium Fut Deutsclan Musivarag De Haske Gmbh, 0-72221 Hazerach,Oausciand/ Fur Oster: Musiverag De Haske GmbH, A-6840 Dandi, Atia/ For Sewer u Lchenstn. De Mask rtmatonal AG, Cr-6352 Hagncom, Scwe/Smtzerend/ For aloe counties De Haske Publeatons BV, P.O, Box 744, NL-2440 AS Howrenveen, Holland G con sord. (2nd time only) of — $$ Dal Segno al Coda (ele) FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band Maestoso(@ = 80) sonore my Seer energico(d = 160 ) © Copyright 1988 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 890182 oo: SeigPour a Belgique: De Haske Pubicalons BVBA, 6.2580 Koniich, Blgum /Fur Deutschland: Mustverg De Haske Gmbh, 0-72221 Haterach, Deuschiard/ Fr Osterect: Musivetog De Haske Gmbh, A-6840 Damas, Aina Fr de Schwa u. ichonsen: De Hast ntmaional AG, CH-8832 Hagen, Schwel/Swezetand/ For al cer counties: De Haske Pubeabons BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-G44D AS) Heerenveen Holand Stst = =p ——=—> — ¢ [Gi 2nd x only >>> mf play (1st and 2nd) es =— Pp —_—___ Sp» $$ Dal Segno al Coda C Baritone FLASHING WINDS | Jan Van der Roost for band sonore Maestoso( = 80) i [Al Allegro energicotd=160) > SS © Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 830152 ‘os: GelpaPour a Bigaue: De Haske Pubicatons BVA, 550 Kanth, Geigum /Fur Deusclane: Musaverag De Haske GmbH, 0-72221 Matrbach, Deutschland Fr Ostertech Musaverng De Haske GmbH, 6640 Dam, Aus Fur ce Schw ». Lechtansar De Haske atonal AG, CH6352 Hagendom,Schwed/Swiaand or alter counnes. De Haske Pubestons BV, .0, Box 744, NL-B440 AS. Hearamvoon, Holand =p = f Ff tnd xony >>> a @ nf play (ist & 2nd time] a ume — > >—= ‘Segno al Coda sie > o> = >> Sdai SS ® Zoe? Bases FLASHING WINDS Jen Van der Roost for band Maestoso(d = 80) re ae ec ee eee ee - fp =F Bako emanate +String Bass ang ( tb) my ——$=—_— = : m =—— (+8va ad lib.) = {© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. s00152 oor BePout a Boigauo: De Hasko Pudieatons BVBA.8-2550 Konic, Begum /Fur Dachand: Muskvarag De Haske GmbH, 0-72221 Haterach, Deutsana Fir Oso: Musiveriag De Haske GmbH, A840 Dams, Ausra Ure Schwol , Lechiesion De Hasko Ilratonal AG, CH-332 Hagendom, SchwelySmizefand/ Fora oer counties: De Haske Pubiatons BV, P.O. Box 744, N-O44O AS Hosrenvean, Holand = > = cd —— Se i ied (+8va ad lib.) G 1, quai legato a mp- mf (tui) $ Dal Segno al Coda ceo FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band All ico ( d= 160} (ay Alero energico ( J 160) Maestoso ( d =80) pee! ae sempre Bs o (d= dy +2) © Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 890152 oor BeigsPour a Geltue: De Haske Pubicabons BVBA, ©:2580 Konch lpm Fur Dauschiand: Mushverag De Maske Gri, 0-72221 Hallack, Deuslans/ Fr Osieren Musaverag be Haske GnbM, A630 Dams, Asta Fr Ge Swe u. Uachenio: De Haske lvematona AG, CH-6932 Hagendom, Schwol/Swizeand/ For at other counties De Haske Pubcatons BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-G44D AS Heerenvoon, Holle § Dat Segno al Coda pi. = ™P TinpanifTriangle FLASHING WINDS Jan Vander Roost for band (F-Bb.£b) Macstosotd = 80) (hard sticks) tp =f Sp > =f [Bl Allegro energico(d = 160) > > > ae) f Sy —— ae (- dus +2) Le d-d =—=— pp P.Sepyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BV, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. Yoo! Boli/Pour la Belgique: De Haske Pubicaions BVBA, 8-250 Root, Fs Oster: Msiveriag De Masha GmbH. AGE40 Oambls. Asia! Por oo ora ar counties: De Haske Publeaine BV. P.O. Box Yaa mL-oaus 890152 Belgium / Far Ooutschland Musievorag Oo Hacke GmbH, 072221 Hakerbach Deutschand’? Shwe us Liechonsein: De Haske ntmatonal AG, H-&2 Hapendom, Seamel/Smlatand/ AS Heerenveen, Hoan mp — =F f= & >>> Triangle 2nd x only of Timpani $ Dat Segno at Coda Percasion tbls, olshone, FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost ibals, \bourii come tambourine for band Maestoso(d = 80) (Gi) Allegro energico(d = 160) tf f Tambourine o cdedya +2) . Xylophone mf al Coda Bo Tambourine mp ——————— © Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BY, P.O. Box 744, NL-6440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. ao01s2 ‘oo! BolgiPeur a Blgaue: De Haske Pubtcatons GVBA, 6.2550 Konic, Bagum For Douschand: Mushvorog De Haske Gib, 0-72221 Hate‘bach, Deus / or Oxrale: Msinveap Oe Haske GmbH, A 6849 Dama, Ausra/ Fe Senwod U. Ueconston: De Hasa imatonal AG, CH-5332 Mapendom, Schwein For aller countras De Haske Puseatons BV, P.O, Bor 744, NL-B44D AS Heerenveen, Hoare, $ Dal Segno al Coda 7 Oo 2. Cymbals (clashed) eee) ae oF Percussion II: hi-hat FLASHING WINDS Jan Van der Roost for band Maestoso(d = 80) Susp.Cymbal (soft mallets) p—— ff Hi-Hat Hii- Hat (closed) Dl Altegro energico(d = 160) ra ee eee —OOeaaeaeeeemeoT.|) 2 © (dadx3 +2: ——————— nf ‘© Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BY, P.O. Box 744, NL-8440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 390152 ‘Yor Belg&iPoula Belgique: De Haske Publcaions BVEA.B-2580 Konich, Blgum /ForDautschiand: Muskcertag De Haske GmbH, 0-72221 Hatorbach, Desctiand/ For Ostet Musiverag Oe Haske Gril, 6340 Dum, Austra FOr de Swat u. Lechlension: De Haske Iterational AG, CH-6332 Hagendom, SchweiSwtreans Forat oer counties: De Haske Pubicaons BV, P.O. Box 74, NLB#40 AS Heerenveen, Holand. Percussion 3-2 i 12. o ‘Susp.Cymb.(soft mallets) pp ——__ +f -f ‘Susp.Cymb. $$ Dal Segno al Coda p—s meen oo Coda Percussion FLASHING WINDS Jan van der Roost side dr ambourir oe for band Maestoso(d = 80 ) (A) Allegro energie =160) Side drum F —_—_—_—_—_———_ — © Copyright 1989 by De Haske Publications BY, P.O. Box 744, NL-B440 AS Heerenveen, Holland. 0152 oo: SeiptPour a Belgie; Oe Haske Pubicatone BVBA, 6:2580 Konch Bolpium Fur Deutscvare: Musiveriag De Haske GmbH, 0-72221 Haterbach, Dtsch Fur Onerse: Musivarag De Haske Gm, A640 Dardis Austia/ Fr de Schweiz u Lechlast: De Haske Inmatonal AG, CH6332 Hagendom, Schweiz Sluorana For aloes counties De Haske Pubicabons BV, P.O. Box 744, N-B440 AS Hoerenveo, Holland, ® (d= da +2) § Dal Segno al Coda

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