Ieee STD Ansi-Ieee STD 743-1984

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ANSI/IEEE Std 743-1984

- IEEE Standard Methods and Equipment for

Measuring the Transmission Characteristics of
Analog Voice Frequency Circuits

Published by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc 345 East 47th Street, New York, N Y 10017, USA
N(nmnbw 14. 19x4 SHOBJOX
IEEE Standard Methods and Equipment for
Measuring the Transmission Characteristics of
Analog Voice Frequency Circuits

1. Introduction [4] ANSI/IEEE Std 455-1976, IEEE Stan-

dard Test Procedure for Measuring Longi-
1.1 Scope. The purpose of this standard is to tudinal Balance of Telephone Equipment
establish functional requirements for measuring Operating in the Voice Band.
analog transmission characteristics of voice
[5] ANSI/IEEE Std 488-1978, IEEE Stan-
frequency telecommunication equipment in-
dard Digital Interface for Programmable In-
cluding voiceband and wideband data trans-
mission channels and program circuits, and t o
establish functional requirements for test [6] EIA RS-232-C-1969, (R1981) Interface
equipment needed to make the required mea- Between Data Terminal Equipment and Data
surements. Communication Equipment Employing Serial
Section 2 of this standard contains defini- Binary Data Interchange.2
tions. Section 3 presents a general, somewhat
[7] EIA RS-449-1977, General Purpose 37-
tutorial review of the measurements, while
Position 9-Position Interface for Data Terminal
Section 4 presents the details of the standard Equipment and Data Circuit-Terminating
for each measurement. Section 5 addresses Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data
physical characteristics and Section 6 environ-
This standard will be useful for specifying [8] IEC 320-1981, Appliance Couplers for
test equipment for measuring the performance Household and Similar General P ~ r p o s e s . ~
of subscriber loops, message network trunks,
[9] IEC 348-1978, Safety Requirements for
PBX trunks, tie lines, and other similar facilities.
Electronic Measuring Apparatus.
1.2 References
When the documents referred to in this stan-
dard are superseded by a revision the revision 2. Definitions and Abbreviations
shall apply.
2.1 Definitions. This section contains only
[ 11 ANSI/ASTM D21-97-1968, (R1979) Stan- those definitions relating to transmission mea-
dard Test Methods for Adhesion of Organic surement which are not listed in ANSI/IEEE
C0atings.l Std 100-1984 [3] .4
[2] ANSI/IEEE Std 4-1978, IEEE Standard
Techniques for High-Voltage Testing.
131 ANSI/IEEE Std 100-1984, IEEE Stan- EIA Publications are available from Electronic In-
dustries Association, 2001 Eye Street, NW Washing-
dard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics ton, DC 20006.
Terms. IEC Publications are available in the US from the
Sales Department, American National Standards In-
stitute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
ANSI Publications are available from the Sales De-
partment, American National Standards Institute, Numbers in brackets correspond to those of the
1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. references listed in 1.2.

C-Message. A frequency-weighting character- dBmO: Decibels relative t o one milliwatt, -

istic, used for measurement of noise in voice- referred t o a zero transmission level
frequency communications circuits and de- point (0 TLP). (4.3.1)
signed t o weight noise frequencies in propor-
tion to their perceived annoyance effect in dBrn: Decibels relative t o one picowatt
telephone service. reference noise level. This is the
customary North American unit for
C-Notch. The measure of noise on a channel
measurement of noise power in com-
when a signal is present. A very narrow band-
munications signal circuits. (4.3.2)
elimination filter (notch filter) is used with a
C-Message filter t o eliminate the holding tone
dBmC: Decibels relative t o one picowatt
at the measuring end of the circuit. See also: reference noise level, measured with
C-Message, holding tone.
C-Message or C-Notch frequency
echo return loss (ERL). The return loss of a cir- weighting. (4.3.2)
cuit measured with a transmitted signal with a
flat spectral distribution between 3 dB fre- TLP: Transmission level point. The sym-
quencies of 560 Hz and 1965 Hz. bol TLP is preceded by a number
that indicates, for a particular
holding tone. A tone, usually 1004 Hz. trans- point in a transmission system, the
mitted over a communication circuit for per-
design signal level in dB relative t o
forming noise tests on systems using com-
the level at a reference point
pandors or quantizers or for the measurement
of jitter or transients. The tone is transmitted (0 TLP). (4.3.2)
at a predetermined level and filtered out at the
noise measuring set. See also: C-Notch.
longitudinal balance. The electrical symmetry
of the two wires comprising a pair with respect 3. General Description of Measurements
to ground. See also: longitudinal circuit
(telephony). 3.1 Basic Measurements
3.1.1 Level and Frequency Response. This is
quantizing noise. The noise introduced during a measurement of signal power at an access
the process of digitally encoding an analog point of nominal impedance in a circuit. The
signal. impedance may range from 135 C2 t o 1650 52
with 600 Sl and 900 Sl most commonly used.
The expected signal levels at the access points
singing return loss. The return loss of a circuit usually range from - 40 dBm t o +10 dBm.
measured with two separately transmitted
The frequency range of interest for normal
signals with a flat spectral distribution be-
tween 3 dB frequencies of 260 Hz and 500 Hz speech and voiceband data services may ex-
(SRL Low) and 2200 Hz and 3400 Hz (SRL tend from below 60 Hz t o above 4 kHz. For
High). The lower of the two return losses (SRL program circuits, the frequency range of inter-
Low or SRL High) will be the best measure of est may extend from 20 Hz t o 20 kHz. Wide-
band data circuits further extend this range
the margin of the circuit against singing.
(see 4.3.1for measurement standards).
3.1.2 Noise and Signal-to-Noise Ratio. Mea-
2.2 Abbreviations. The following abbreviations, surements are made with the channel terminated
commonly used in the communications field,
in its nominal impedance. A holding tone of
are used in this standard. Listed with each ab-
1004 Hz (see usually transmitted,
breviation is the section of the standard where
then notched out before the noise is mea-
it is introduced. sured. The holding tone activates the channel
so that harmonic distortion, quantizing noise,
dBm: Decibels relative to one milliwatt. phase jitter, and amplitude jitter become. part
This is the customary unit world- of the noise measurement. If no holding tone
wide for measurement of communi- is transmitted, the result is a background
cations signal power. (4.3.1) noise measurement. If a holding tone is trans-


mitted, the result is a noise-with-tone measure- channel. Envelope delay, or the derivative of
ment or notched noise measurement. Noise- phase with respect t o frequency, is measured
with-tone measurements give a measure of the because of the difficulty in establishing a phase
noise encountered by a continuous data signal reference and also because some channels, in-
or the noise a listener would hear during a cluding analog carrier systems, have a time-
speech burst. Signal-to-noise ratio is a compari- varying zero-frequency phase intercept.
son of the received power of the holding tone Envelope delay distortion is related to the
t o the noise-with-tone (see 4.3.2 for measure- differences in transmission time for the various
ment standards). Noise measurements are made voiceband frequencies over a given line. Such
using one of several frequency weighting net- differences in delay will produce intersymbol
works/filters. These include: interference in many data signals (see 4.3.3
for measurement standards) .
(1)C-Message. A filter frequency weighting
which weights the noise according to its per-
3.2 Transients
ceived annoyance t o a typical listener, of
3.2.1 Impulse Noise. Noise bursts or spikes
standard telephone service.
that are much higher than normal peaks of the
( 2 ) C-Notch. C-Message weighting with the
background noise or noise-with-tone are con-
addition of a narrow stop-band or notch
sidered impulse noise.
filter centered at 1010 Hz. This measurement
An impulse noise measurement is made by
is used to make a dynamic evaluation of the
counting the number of spikes exceeding a
effects of noise on voice-grade services.
preset threshold. Often it is desirable to mea-
(3) 3 kHz Flat. When used on voice frequency sure the amplitude distribution of the noise
circuits, this filter permits the investigation of spikes. This is done by counting the spikes
the presence of low-frequency noise (power exceeding three different thresholds.
induction, etc). It is a 3 kHz low-pass filter of Impulse noise spikes may have extremely
Butterworth shape rolling off at 12 dB per sharp rise times and may cause baseband filters
octave. t o ring. To avoid counting the oscillations due
(4)Program. This filter is used for weighted to the ringing, the counter(s) is blanked for a
measurements of noise on program circuits period of time after a threshold has been ex-
with bandwidths up t o approximately 8 kHz. ceeded.
(5) 15 kHz Flat. This filter is used when mak- 3.2.2 Phase and Gain Hits. A rapid change in
ing unweighted measurements of noise on pro- phase or gain of a signal is called a phase hit
gram circuits. It is a 15 kHz low-pass filter of or a gain hit. These hits are measured by
Butterworth shape rolling off at 12 dB per oc- monitoring a received tone (holding tone) and
tave. It is not ordinarily used on voice message counting hits that exceed selectable thresholds
circuits. for specified durations.
(6) 50 Kilobit. This filter is used t o measure 3.2.3 Dropouts. A 12 dB reduction in the
noise on facilities assigned to 50 kb data ser- holding tone level as measured at the start of
vice. The equivalent noise bandwidth is ap- the measurement interval is defined as a drop-
proximately 28.2 kHz. out.
( 7 )Psophometric. This measurement is a fre-
quency weighting technique very similar t o C- 3.3 Incidental Modulation
Message weighting. Psophometric weighting is 3.3.1 Phase Jitter. This measurement is the
specified by the CCITT (and therefore not in- summation of incidental phase modulation
cluded in this standard) for use in measuring and the effects of interference and noise. The
noise on telephone circuits in countries that phase modulation component of phase jitter
recognize the CCITT standards.5 typically results from unwanted phase modula-
3.1.3 Envelope Delay Distortion. This is the tion on carrier supplies in frequency division
basic measurement of the phase linearity of a multiplex (FDM) terminals. The modulation
frequencies are usually low, consisting of ring-
ing frequency, power-line frequencies and their
CCITT publications are available in the US from harmonics. Phase jitter is normally measured
National Technical Information Service, Department
of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, by examining phase disturbances on a test
VA 22161. tone.


3.3.2 Amplitude Jitter. The summation of potentially interfering effects (see 4.6.5 for
incidental amplitude modulation and the ef- measurement standards).
fects of interference and noise. Amplitude 3.4.6 Frequency. The measurement of the
jitter is usually measured by examining ampli- frequency of a transmitted or received signal.
tude disturbances on a test tone. It is usually made while setting up a test signal
or in conjunction with the measurement of
other parameters such as level or envelope de-
3.4 Other Measurements lay distortion (see 4.6.6 for measurement stan-
3.4.1 Return Loss. A measure of power re- dards).
flected back to the originating end of a channel
due to impedance mismatches throughout the 3.5 Measurements not Covered in this Stan-
channel. dard. Certain measurements of a more funda-
Return loss measurements are most im- mental nature than those previously described
portant for mixed 4-wire/2-wire systems pro- would be more valuable if they could be
viding 2-way transmission. Such systems are made conveniently. As of this issue, however,
subject to line echoes. If the return loss is low, no instrumentation exists for making such
large talker or listener echoes, or both, may oc- measurements. Specific requirements for the
cur creating what is referred to as the ruin bur- measurements listed below have not been pro-
rel effect in voice communications and may posed at this time.
also cause mutilation of some data signals (see 3.5.1 Phase Modulation. The requirements
4.6.1 for measurement standards). for an instrument to measure phase jitter are
3.4.2 P/AR. This acronym represents the given in 4.5.1.This measurement indicates the
measurement of the peak-to-average ratio of amount of jitter in the zero crossings of a re-
a specially designed test signal sent over a chan- ceived holding tone in a specified bandwidth.
nel. It is a measure of intersymbol interference Both random or quantizing noise and true
in voiceband data signals. P/AR is designed to phase modulation (sidebands in pairs about the
evaluate the simultaneous effects of envelope holding tone) will produce phase jitter.
delay distortion, bandwidth reduction, and Since the random noise or quantizing noise
poor return loss (gain and phase ripples) on can be measured more conveniently with
high-speed data transmission (see 4.6.2 for equipment meeting the standards of 4.3.2, it
measurement standards). would be more desirable to have an instrument
3.4.3 Intermodulation Distortion. Nonlinear- which measures phase modulation rather than
ities such as compression and clipping cause phase jitter. High-speed data modems react dif-
harmonic and intermodulation distortion in a ferently to noise than they do to phase modula-
transmitted signal. The extent of this impair- tion. An instrument which can measure phase
ment is evaluated by measuring intermodula- modulation is more useful to common carriers
tion products that result from the nonlinear- for trouble localization than is an instrument
ities acting on a multiple-tone transmitted which measures phase jitter.
signal (see 4.6.3 for measurement standards). The formula for a carrier that is phase mod-
3.4.4 Crosstalk. Undesirable signal coupling ulated by a single frequency and with additive
between circuits is called crosstalk. It is mea- noise may be expressed by:
sured by transmitting a sinusoidal test signal
on one channel while measuring the power of
M ( t ) = A cos (27rfct + K cos 2 n f m t ) + n ( t )
the test signal received in a second channel. where
The difference (in dB) between the transmit- f , = carrier or holding tone frequency
ted power and the received power is defined as f, = modulating frequency
the crosstalk coupling. K = peak phase deviation due to f,
3.4.5 Frequency Selective Level. Spurious n ( t ) = total random noise or quantizing noise
tones may exist on a channel in addition to
the intended signal. A frequency selective If the peak phase deviation is less than
voltmeter is used' to analyze the frequency 1 radian, the frequency spectrum of the re-
and amplitude of individual components of ceived signal will then have only a few spectral
an interfering signal to help determine its components spaced above and below the car-
source, or of a transmitted signal to judge its rier frequency f , , at low multjples off,,,.


3.5.2 Amplitude Modulation. The require- ing the performance of analog voice frequency
ments for an instrument to measure amplitude transmission channels. Specific requirements
jitter are given in 4.5.2. This measurement indi- on ranges, accuracies, and stabilities are es-
cates the amount of jitter in the amplitude of a tablished and, where appropriate, methods of
received holding tone in a specified bandwidth. testing for the requirements are suggested. Also
Random or quantizing noise and true ampli- included are suggested general descriptions of
tude modulation (sidebands in pairs about the the different classes of measuring instruments.
holding tone) will produce amplitude jitter.
Since random noise or quantizing noise can
4.2 Classes of Instruments
be measured more conveniently with equip-
4.2.1 High-Performance Instruments. Instru-
ment meeting the standards of 4.3.2, it would
be more desirable to have an instrument which ments in this category are designated Class 3
measures amplitude modulation rather than instruments and are intended primarily for
amplitude jitter. High-speed data modems react laboratory type application or special diag-
differently to noise than they do to amplitude nostic activities, or both, in an operating
modulation. An instrument which can mea- equipment environment. These instruments
sure amplitude modulation is more useful to offer the highest currently attainable degree
common carriers for trouble localization than of accuracy and stability.
is an instrument which measures amplitude 4.2.2 General-purpose Instruments. Instru-
jitter. ments in this category are designated Class 2
The formula for a carrier that is amplitude instruments and are intended primarily for pre-
modulated by a single frequency and with service routine maintenance and diagnostic
additive noise may be expressed by: activities. These instruments, therefore, offer
M ( t ) = (1+ m cos 2af, t ) cos 27rfct + n ( t ) a degree of accuracy and stability consistent
with the testing requirements and limits for
where such activities. Unless otherwise indicated,
f, = carrier or holding tone frequency the requirements of this standard refer to the
f, = modulating frequency general purpose (Class 2) instruments.
m = peak modulation index
n( t ) = total random noise or quantizing noise 4.2.3 Reduced-Performance Instruments.
Instruments in this category are designated
3.5.3 Absolute Delay. Envelope delay distor-
Class 1 instruments and are intended primarily
tion compares the difference in absolute delay for field application. Therefore, portability,
between a reference frequency and other fre-
rugged construction, and ease of operation are
quencies. The requirements for an instrument a major consideration in their design. These in-
to measure envelope delay distortion over the struments offer accuracy acceptable for basic
voiceband are given in detail in 4.3.3. parameter measurement.
It would be desirable to have an instrument
which could measure the absolute delay of a 4.3 Basic Measurements
circuit on a straightaway basis to permit predic- 4.3.1 Level and Frequency Response (in-
tion of response times on multipoint fast-poll cludes Loss and Linearity). Received level is
data networks or to measure the difference in measured with a sinusoidal test signal driving
arrival times of a single command sent simul- the circuit under test. The received level is the
taneously to several locations. The measure- power dissipated in a standard impedance by
ment precision required for the measurement the received tone. The received level is ex-
of absolute delay is at least an order of magni- pressed in dBm (dB relative to 1 milliwatt)
tude less than that required for the measure- as follows:
ment of envelope delay distortion.
Received level in dBm = 10 log (IO3p )

4. Measurements Techniques and where

p = power in watts of the received signal de-
livered to a standard impedance (usually
600 a or 900 a); that is, 1mW = 0 dBm
4.1 Introduction. This section presents require-
ments which shall be adhered to when measur- The loss (more correctly the transducer loss) of


the circuit is expressed in dB and is the dif- Oscillators, Common Require-
ference between the power available from the ments. The variable-frequency oscillator in this
source that is driving the circuit under test section is distinguished from the fixed-
(that is, the power the source would deliver t o frequency holding tone oscillator in
a standard matched impedance (600 S2 or There are certain common requirements for
900 a); also called the transmitted level) and both oscillators.
the received level. An oscillator used t o measure loss may also
The transmission level a t any point in a trans- be used for the measurement in signal-to-
mission circuit or system is the ratio, expressed noise ratio, which is described in 4.3.2.
in dB, of the power of a signal a t that point t o Output Level. The required
the power of the same signal a t a reference output level range is +10 dBm t o -40 dBm.
point called the zero transmission level point The output level setability over this range
(0 TLP). Stated another way, the transmission shall be 0.1 dB. At a test frequency of 1 kHz,
level at any point on a circuit is defined as the the output level shall be accurate t o k 0.1 dB
design gain or loss, expressed in dB, between between 0 dBm and -19 dBm and accurate
that point and an arbitrary point called the t o f 0.2 dB, elsewhere as measured with a
zero transmission level point (0 TLP). 'By de- precision level measuring set (or equivalent
sign, certain points in the telephone plant means) with a resolution and accuracy of
have fixed TLPs. For example, if the demod- 0.03 dB. A signal-off capability, while main-
ulator output of a properly aligned analog taining a constant output impedance, is de-
carrier system in a central office is a +7 TLP, sirable t o provide a quiet termination for
this means that a 0 dBm, 1 kHz test signal noise measurement. Flatness with frequency
applied at a 0 TLP will be amplified t o +7 dBm is covered in 4.3.1 3.3.
at this +7 TLP. Transmission level points for Frequency Stability. The fre-
voice frequency and data circuits at analog quency should not deviate by more than 0.1%
points in a telephone plant vary from +13 TLP in any one-hour period after an initial warm-up
t o -16 TLP. The TLP will also effect the ex- of 5 minutes while still meeting the other re-
pected value for noise measurements, which quirements for oscillator frequency accuracy.
is normally accounted for by specifying noise Level Stability. The level should
limits at 0 TLP. The term dBmO (dBm at not vary by more than 0.05 dB in any one-hour
0 TLP) is used to express the test signal power period after an initial warm-up of 5 minutes.
at any point on a circuit referred t o 0 TLP. Total Distortion. The total dis-
For example, a -16 dBmO, 1 kHz signal is tortion including harmonics, noise, and
measured as -16 dBm at a 0 TLP and as spurious tones, as measured on a distortion
- 9 dBm at a +7 TLP. analyzer which eliminates only the funda-
Linearity or tracking refers t o loss measure- mental tone, shall meet the requirements of
ments made at a variety of transmitted levels. Table 1. The bandwidth of the noise and dis- Gain Slope. The measurement of tortion presented t o the distortion analyzer
loss or received level versus frequency while may be reduced as shown in Table 1 by means
the transmitted level is held constant is refer- of a low distortion filter between the oscillator
red t o as frequency response or attenuation and the distortion analyzer.
distortion. The term gain-slope refers to the These requirements should be met over the
measurement of received level at 404 Hz, output level range of +10 dBm t o -40 dBm.
1004 Hz, and 2804 Hz and calculating the Table 1
difference between levels at 404 Hz and
Oscillator Distortion Requirements
1004 Hz for 404 Hz gain-slope and the dif-
ference between levels at 2804 Hz and 1004 Hz Distortion Total
for 2804 Hz gain-slope. Conventionally, Fundamental Analyzer Distortion
+ means more loss and - means less loss than Frequency f, 3 dB Bandwidth below Fundamental
the 1004 Hz value. The nominal 4 Hz offset (Hz) (Hz) (dB)
prevents beating problems in level measure- 100-3000 40-12 000 > 50
ments on digital systems with an 8 kHz sampling 1OO-fmax 40-4 X fmax > 40
rate. Gain-slope measurements are typically
made a t - 16 dBmO. f,,, = specified maximum frequency of the oscillator.

CHARACTERISTICS OF ANALOG VOICE FREQUENCY CIRCUITS Std 743-1984 Background Noise. If oscillator than 0.2 dB. For frequencies above 15 kHz,
levels below -40 dBm are possible, the distor- a flatness within 0.5 dB shall be measured
tion requirements in be changed with a level set (or equivalent) with an ac-
consistent with a noise floor of - 90 dBm. curacy and resolution of 0.1 dB. Variable Frequency Oscillators Holding Tone Oscillator. The hold- Frequency Accuracy. The ac- ing tone oscillator finds most frequent use in
curacy requirement for the oscillator fre- the measurement of signal-to-noiseratio (4.3.2),
quency is a function of the manner in which impulse noise with tone, phase hits, gain hits,
the frequency is displayed. and dropouts (4.4),phase jitter (4.5.1),ampli-
(1)The frequency accuracy of oscillators tude jitter (4.5.2),and frequency shift (4.6.6).
whose output frequency is indicated by the Frequency Range. Acceptable
operation of one or more switches or push- frequencies may range from 1002 Hz to
buttons is a function of how the sinusoidal 1020 Hz. Care should be exercised that the
tone is generated. tone frequency does not drift below 1002 Hz
(a) RC or LC oscillators shall be accurate as a result of the permissible frequency drift.
to ? 0.4% of the indicated frequency with the Oscillator for Frequency Shift
frequency vernier, if any, in the detented posi- Measurement. Because of the requirement t o
tion. measure frequency shift t o f 0.1 Hz, an oscil-
(b) C r y s t a l - c o n t r o l l e d o r f r e q u e n c y - lator for this use shall be stable t o f 0.005 Hz
synthesized oscillators shall be accurate t o under all conditions, and have the frequency
? 1 Hz from 50 Hz to 9999 Hz (or t o the identified t o the nearest 0.1 Hz on the front
highest advertised frequency below 9999 Hz) panel. Crystal-controlled oscillators a t 1004 Hz
and accurate to f 10 Hz from 10 kHz to are frequently used as holding tone oscillators
100 kHz (or to the highest advertised fre- for making frequency shift measurements.
quency below 100 kHz.) Spurious Noise. The holding
(2)Calibrated dial oscillators shall be ac- tone oscillator should have:
curate t o f 3% of the indicated setting. (1)0.2 degree phase jitter or less
(3)If the oscillator frequency is displayed (2)0.2% amplitude jitter or less
on a four or five digit display as the means for (3)No impulsive noise at a level 20 dB be-
adjusting the oscillator frequency, then the low the power of the tone
actual frequency shall be within f 1 least (4)No phase hits greater than 3 degrees
significant digit or 0.01%, whichever is greater. (5)No gain hits greater than 0.5 dB
In addition, the frequency shall be adjustable All of these tests may be performed using
in increments of: equipment defined in this standard, with (4)
1 Hz (or less) for frequencies of 4 kHz or less and (5)requiring the addition of a controlled
5 Hz (or less) for frequencies ranging from amount of phase or amplitude modulation, or
4 kHz to 10 kHz both.
10 Hz (or less) for frequencies above Level Measurement
10 kHz. Level Range. The input level Frequency Range. The oscil- range shall be +10 dBm t o - 49.9 dBm.
lator shall have a frequency range of at least
50 Hz t o 3900 Hz. Accuracy. The level measuring
set shall meet the accuracy requirements shown Flatness. The properly termi-
in Table 2 for its specified frequency range.
nated output of the oscillator shall be flat t o
within 0.2 dB (or less) over the frequency Table 2
range of 200 Hz t o 15 kHz (or t o the top of Level Measuring Accuracy Requirements
the frequency range, if less than 15 kHz). This
measurement shall be made by a precision level Frequency Range Accuracy
(Hz) (dB)
measuring set (or other equivalent means)
which has an order of magnitude (0.03 dB) 20 t o 200 +_ 0.5
200 to 1 5 000 f 0.2
more resolution and precision than the 0.2 dB 1 5 000 to f,,, t 0.5
requirement. As the frequency is varied at any 1002 to 1020 ?- 0.1 (0 to - 1 9 dBm)
output level setting, the maximum and mini-
mum level readings shall not differ by more f,,, = specified maximum frequency of the oscillator.


For auto-ranging detectors, the accuracy shall Display Respone Time. For a
be checked near auto-ranging points as the suddenly applied 1 kHz sine wave, the display
input signal is being lowered and raised through shall be within f 0.1 dB of the final reading
the auto-range points. within 3 seconds. This requirement shall be Bridging. The front panel of the met for a signal suddenly applied consisting
set shall clearly indicate the impedance for of a 0 dBm 1kHz tone with a 50 V dc bias.
which the bridging reading is calibrated. In ad- Crosstalk into Level Detector.
dition t o meeting the bridging impedance re- Care shall be taken in test sets which contain
quirements of 5.6, the level displayed on the an oscillator and a level detector to ensure
set shall be compensated t o be that which that the oscillator of the test set does not
would have been observed if the bridging im- crosstalk into the level detector at a level
pedance were infinite. All other requirements which materially affects the level measure-
of 4.3.1 apply t o the set in the bridging mode. ment. To test for the presence of such cross- Low-Frequency Noise Protec- talk the following methods may be used:
tion. In some applications, levels of ac power (1)Terminate the oscillator of the test set
(60 Hz) may be encountered which are high in 600 C! and set the output level to the lowest
enough t o affect the accuracy of the loss mea- possible value. If it is possible, turn off the
surement. A filter having at least 20 dB loss at transmitter.
60 Hz and below should be provided. Since the (2)Apply a 1 kHz test tone from a separate
filter can affect the accuracy of loss measure- oscillator t o the test set level detector so that
ments at low frequencies, its insertion should it reads - 39.0 dBm on the receiver.
be controlled by a front-panel switch. The ef- (3) With the test set oscillator now turned
fect of its insertion on loss measurements on, adjust the output t o the highest possible
above 400 Hz should be negligible (less than level.
0.1 dB). (4)The reading now observed should not dif- High-Frequency Noise Protec- fer from -39.0 dBm by more than 0.1 dB
tion. Noise above voiceband frequencies is of- as the test set oscillator frequency is varied
ten encountered on voiceband facilities. Inter- in the regions close t o 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz,
ference from AM broadcasting transmitters is 3 kHz, and at its highest available transmitting
an example. A low-pass filter rolling off at frequency.
12 dB per octave with a comer frequency no Crosstalk into Oscillator. High-
higher than 10 kHz and having more than level signals on the input to the set could
60 dB loss at all frequencies above 500 kHz conceivably crosstalk into the oscillator. To
should be provided. If measurements are not ensure that this crosstalk does not materially
t o be made above the voiceband, this filter affect level measurements being made with the
should be present for all measurements. If oscillator, the following test should be per-
measurements are t o be made above the formed:
voiceband, a low-pass filter rolling off at (1)Set the oscillator t o 1 kHz, -39.0 dBm
least 6 d B or more per octave with a corner and 600 f2 as monitored by another level
frequency no higher than three times the top measuring set connected t o the oscillator
of the specified frequency range should be output.
present for all measurements. Detector. An average detector (2)Apply a +10 dBm, 1 kHz tone to the
shall be used since it is 2 dB t o 3 dB less sensi- set under test from a separate oscillator.
tive t o interfering noise than an rms detector. (3)The observed reading on the separate
The displayed reading shall be the rms power level measuring set should not differ from
of the sine wave. -39.0 dBm by more than 0.1 dB as the sep-
A frequency selective detector normally arate oscillator frequency is varied in the re-
should not be used for level detection because gions close t o 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 3 kHz,
of accuracy and cost considerations. If the test and at the highest advertised receive fre-
set has some alternate means for determining quency.
that a test tone signal-to-noise ratio of at least
19 dB (0.05dB error with an rms detector) is 4.3.2 Noise and Signal-to-Noise Ratio. This
present at the level measuring set input, then section covers the requirements for the mea-
an rms detector may be used. surement of noise and the requirements for a


set which measures signal-to-noise ratio auto- Table 3

matically ( 3). 3 kHz Flat and 15 kHz Flat
Noise power is measured in dBrn referenced Weighting Requirements
to one picowatt, as given by the formula:
N(in dBrn) = 1 0 log (10l2 P ) Frequency Tolerance
(Hz) (dB)
where 30 0 t 2.5
N = displayed noise reading 60 0 t1.7
P = received noise power, watts 400 0 t0.5
1000 0 t0.2
For example, if 0.67fo 0.8 i1.0
f0 3.0 t1.8
P = lpW, 2fO 12.3 t 3.0
N = 60 dBrn or (- 30 dBm).
The unit symbol dBrnc (dBm C - M ~ is ~ ~The ~ loss
~ shall
~ ) continue to increase at a minimum of
12 dB per octave until a loss of 60 dB is achieved. At
used for noise Inwxmment with C-Message higher frequencies the loss shall be at least 60 dB.
or C-Notch weighting.
Noise may be measured either with or
without a holding tone present. If no holding
tone is present, the background noise, or both sinusoidal and random noise inputs. The
idle channel noise is measured t o a far end accuracy of a C-Notch noise measurement
termination which normally consists of a when a holding tone is present is covered in
nominal6 600 n t o 900 resistive termina- 4-3.2*13*1*
tion. The rms noise power is measured through Weighting Network Tolerances.
an appropriate weighting network. If a holding Standard weighting networks conform t o the
tone is used, the noise-with-tone measurement tolerances shown in Figs 1 through 4 and in
is made with an oscillator having a 600 52 or Table 3. The response at 1 kHz of all noise
900 52 output impedance, an output frequency measuring networks, except the 1010 Hz
between 1002 Hz and 1020 Hz and an output Notch of Fig 2, in a given set shall be the
level appropriate for the system under test. The same t o within a tolerance o f t 0.2 dB.
rms noise power is normally measured with a The combined response of the C-Message
weighting network after rejection of the hold- filter (Fig 1) plus the 1010 Hz Notch filter
ing tone with a sharp notch filter (notched (Fig 2) should be verified by observing the
noise measurement). The displayed reading for noise reading while employing a low-distortion
notched noise is the summation of noise on the variable-frequency oscillator t o trace the com-
circuit that is not a function of the holding bined filter shape (C-Notch) on a point-by-
tone plus any harmonic distortion or quantiz- point basis.
ing noise that is a result o f the holding tone. The 3 kHz Flat and 1 5 kHz Flat filters shall
Amplitude or phase modulation sidebands may have a Butterworth low-pass filter shape with a
fall outside of the notch filter rejection band 1 2 dB per octave roll-off. The loss of the filter
and thus contribute t o the reading. is given by:
Noise-to-ground measurements permit evalua-
tion of the longitudinal (common mode) volt-
age present on facilities. There is no need t o
Loss = 1 0 log [ l + (f/f, )4 1
make noise-to-ground measurements with a where
longitudinal holding tone or notch filter f, = 3 kHz or 15 kHz
present. Noise-to-ground measurements are
not normally made where a low impedance t o
ground is present. The total response of the filter and the noise Accuracy. The noise measurement measuring set is not specified below 30 Hz.
shall be accurate t o f 1 dB. The noise-to- The nominal values for loss and permissible
ground measurement shall be accurate t o tolerances are given in Table 3.
A k 1.5 dB. These accuracies shall be verified for The 50 Kilobit filter of Fig 4 is used for the
measurement of background noise on wide-
See band data circuits at an impedance of 135 n.



Tolerance (NOTE (1)) Design Loss

Frequency (dB)
60t o 300 Hz f 2 dB
300 t o 1000 Hz t 1 dB 60 55.7
1000Hz 0 100 42.5
1000 t o 3000 Hz f 1 dB 200 25.1
3000 t o 3500 Hz f 2 dB 300 16.3
3500 t o 5000 Hz f 3 dB 400 11.2
-. 1.7
600 5.0
NOTES: (1)To ensure that production models of noise 700 2.8
measuring sets will be within tolerances, including vari- 800 1.3
ations in components and manufacturing procedures, 900 0.3
tolerances one half the values given above are recom- 1000 0
mended for design purposes. 1200 0.4
(2)The attenuation shall continue t o increase at a 1300 0.7
rate of not less than 12 dB per octave until it reaches 1500 1.2
a value of 60 dB. 1800 1.3
(3)See for required pole-zero locations for 2000 1.1
a C-Message filter for impulse noise measurement. 2500 1.1
2800 2.0
3000 3.0
3300 5.1
3500 7.1
4000 14.6
4500 22.3
5000 (NOTE 2) 28.7

Fig 1
C-MessageWeighting Characteristic


60 lo00 4000

- 0.5 dB
+ 0.5 dB 7/

400 862


9 9 5 1 L-1025

NOTE: See for additional requirements for a

1010 Hz Notch Filter used for impulse noise measure-
Fig 2
1010 Hz Notch Filter

Table 4
Noise Measurement Ranges

Noise Noise-to-Ground
Filter (dBrn) (dBrn)
C-Message 10 to 60 40 to 110
3 kHz Flat 20 to 70 50 to 130
15 kHz Flat, Program 20 to 70
C-Notched noise with a holding tone 20 to 70
50 Kilobit 20 to 7 0 (135 impedance) Noise Range. The required mea- ity, the 3 kHz Flat noise measuring range
surement range for noise is a function of the could be extended to 90 dBm so as to per-
type of filter selected as shown in Table 4. mit a rough measurement of the holding
These ranges already take into account the tone level, so that the tester could compute
transmission level point (TLP) discussed in the ratio of holding tone level to the C-notch
4.3.1. If the set has no level measuring capabil- noise with an overall accuracy of f 2 dB.


100 200 300 400 600 800 1000 2K 3K 4K 6K 8K 10K


Tolerances [NOTE (l)] Frequency Design Loss

100 t o 500 Hz f 2 dB (Hz) (dB) Ref t o 1000 Hz
500 t o 2000 Hz + 1 dB
2000 to 5000 Hz f 2 dB 100 26.3
5000 t o 8000 Hz f 3 dB 200 17.3
8000 t o 1 0 000 Hz f 4 dB 300 12.2
400 9.0
500. 6.6
600 4.7
NOTES: (1) To ensure that production models of 700 3.2
noise measuring sets will be within tolerances, includ- 800 2.0
ing variations in components and manufacturing pro- 900 0.8
cedures, tolerances one half the value given above are 1000 0 Ref
recommended for design purposes. 1500 -3.2
(2)The attenuation shall continue t o increase at a 2000 -4.8
rate not less than 12 dB per octave until the insertion 2500 -5.6
loss is not less than 60 dB. 3000 -6.0
4000 -6.5
5000 -6.5
6000 -6.4
7000 -5.8
8000 -4.0
9000 -1.5
10,000 8.5
(NOTE 2)

Fig 3
Program Weighting Characteristic


10 20


Frequency Design Loss Tolerance

(Hz) (dB) Ref t o 1000 Hz (dB)
0 > 30
50 2.7 * 1.5
200 0.2 k0.5
1000 0 (Ref) 10.2
5000 0.1 t0.5
10 000 0.3 t0.5
15 000 0.7 f 1.0
20 000 1.3 t1.0
25 000 2.1 t 1.0
30 000 3.3 11.5
35 000 5.0 t1.7
40 000 7.8 t 2.0
45 000 14.0 i 3.0
50 000 > 22.0
>55 000 > 30.0

Fig 4
50 Kilobit Weighting Characteristic

Std 743-1984 IEEE STANDARD METHODS FOR MEASURING THE TRANSMISSION Noise-to-Ground Input Configura- For a set having a digital display, it is permis-
tion. The impedance between the balanced sible t o adjust the total input power with a
inputs when shorted together and ground shall 1 dB vernier control t o a point where the digi-
be at least 100 ki2 between 20 Hz and 800 Hz. tal display does not change so as t o pass the
This requirement is decreased inversely with less than 1 dB requirement.
frequency above 800 Hz. There shall be no Damped Response. If a set has a
dc path to ground for a 200 V dc longitudinal DAMPED display capability, then in addition
signal of either polarity. t o the requirements of which shall be
Under certain conditions, such as with E- met in the NORMAL mode, the following re-
type signaling units, if a polarized capacitor quirement shall be met with DAMPED mode.
is used t o block dc flow, the 100 ki2 The damping factor is determined by measur-
impedance cited above can cause false signal- ing the gating frequency as in which
ing. This problem shall be avoided by using just causes a 3 dB spread in the noise readings
a nonpolarized capacitor t o block dc in the in first the NORMAL mode and then in the
noise-to-ground mode. DAMPED mode. The ratio of these gating fre-
The reading displayed shall indicate the quencies is the damping factor, which shall lie
power dissipated in a 600 52 resistor with the between 2.4 and 4.8.
measured voltage applied. Display Response Time. For a sud- Detector. The detector circuit shall denly applied random noise signal
measure the rms value of the noise. An ap- 20 dBrn or greater, the display shall be within
proximate, or full-wave Quasi-rms detector f 1 dB of the final reading within 3 seconds.
circuit may be used if its output does not This requirement shall be met with a 50 V dc
differ from a true r m s detector by more than bias on the random noise signal.
f 0.5 dB for the following input signals: Loss of Holding Tone. A nominal
(1)Random noise 1 kHz holding tone is necessary t o provide
(2) S’me wave more meaningful measurements of noise on -
(3) Two nonharmonically related sine waves certain facilities. For a noise-with-tone mea-
of equal level, and a t least 100 Hz apart. surement, there should be an unmistakable
(4) Gated bursts of a 1.8 kHz sine wave, at indication if the holding tone level drops be-
a 50 Hz rate, with 20% of the cycle a t full low -40 dBm or if the frequency is outside the
amplitude and 80% of the cycle down 8.4 dB range of 995 Hz t o 1025 Hz.
from the full amplitude. An rms detector Holding Tone Level. The set shall
would indicate a drop in level of 5.0 dB com- accommodate received holding tone levels from
pared t o the full amplitude sine wave for this 0 dBm t o - 40 dBm.
case. The 8.4 dB drop in level should be chosen Crest Factor. To not signifi-
t o avoid autoranging points. cantly impair the measurement of noise level, Measurement Averaging Time. The the set shall not compress signals that are at
response time for the detector and indicating least 8 dB above the highest permissible dis-
means shall meet the following limits. With played reading by more than 0.5 dB.
the application of bursts of 1.8 kHz tone to Turnover. With a 3 kHz Flat
the input of the set, gated a t a duty cycle of weighting filter in place, apply a rectangular
50%, with half the cycle at full amplitude and waveform of 300 Hz t o the input with a 20%
the other half down 8.4 dB from full ampli- duty cycle, and note the noise reading. Invert
tude, the meter or digital display device shall the input leads. The new noise reading shall be
indicate a variation as shown below. The levels within 1 dB of the first reading.
should be chosen t o avoid autoranging points. Signal-to-Noise Ratio Signal-to-Noise Ratio Display.
Gating Peak-to-Peak If the set measures signal-to-noise (C-Notch
Frequency Indicator Variation only) ratio, then the ratio shall be displayed in
decibels in a manner so that it is clearly dis-
(Hz) (dB)
tinguished from a noise measurement. The level
10 <1 and the noise shall be monitored separately and
2 2 3 continually during the measurement period.
Each displayed measurement shall be the re-


sult of a new measurement of the level (as per amplitude-modulated signal at a modulation and the C-Notch noise. The re- frequency of 83* Hz. The modulation shall be
quirements of, 2, 9, 10, and 11 apply maintained between 45% and 55% and the
t o the noise measurement. The requirements frequency variation held t o f 0.1%.
of, 6 , and 10 apply, with the addition Test Signal Distortion. All
that holding tone shall be added a t the input harmonics or other spurious outputs from the
to produce an in-range signal-to-noise ratio. transmitter shall be individually at least 46 dB
The set shall continuously display the signal- below the power of the carrier frequency
to-noise ratio in dB and the received sinusoidal ( f , ) . In addition, 8 3 9 Hz and 3 f, + 8 3 3 Hz
tone level in dBm. shall be down at least 52 dB. Total distortion Signal-to-Noise Ratio Range. and spurious output shall be at least 43 dB
The set shall measure signal-to-noise ratio over below the power of the carrier frequency.
the range of 10 dB t o 45 dB with an accuracy Frequency Range. The carrier
of 2 1 dB over the 10 dB t o 40 dB range, and frequency shall have a range of at least 300 Hz
with an accuracy of + 2 dB or better over the to 3.5 kHz.
41 dB t o 45 dB range. Frequency Accuracy. The out- Signal-to-Noise Ratio Display put frequency shall be within 40 Hz of the in-
Response Time. For a suddenly applied dicated freqJency. If a frequency counter is
random noise signal with holding tone, the present in the envelope delay set, the fre-
reading should be within f 1 dB of the final quency displayed shall be within 4 Hz of the
reading within 4 seconds. transmitted frequency. Output Level Range. The out-
put carrier-frequency power shall have a range
4.3.3 Envelope Delay Distortion (EDD). of at least 0 dBm to - 4 0 dBm. Adjustment
Common methods of envelope delay distortion shall be in 5 dB steps or less.
(EDD) measurement are based upon measuring Flatness. The output power
the phase shift of the envelope of low-frequency shall be flat to f 0.2 dB from at least 300 Hz
modulation placed on a carrier relative t o the t o 3.5 kHz.
modulation placed on a reference-frequency Compatibility. Because the
carrier or relative t o the original modulation. transmitter of one envelope delay set may be
The North American method uses a separate used with the receiver of another set, it is
reference path except for the special case of necessary that the delay flatness of the trans-
loop-around measurements. In the latter case, mitter be better than the back-to-back delay
the original modulation source itself serves as flatness required in, in that a maxi-
reference. The CCITT method (Recommenda- mum of one-half of the permitted back-to-
tion 0.81) uses an alternate measure-reference back envelope delay distortion m&y be in the
carrier frequency t o time-share the measure transmitter.
and reference carriers and, therefore, no separate Receiver
reference channel is required. The CCITT mod- Accuracy and Resolution. The
ulation (“split”) frequency is 4 1 3 Hz, whereas back-to-back measurement accuracy shall be
the North American method uses 834 Hz, with ?r 10 ps or finer from 600 Hz to at least
some instances of 25 Hz and other frequencies 3.5 kHz and f 30 ps from 300 Hz t o 599 Hz.
being encountered. The resolution shall be 10 ps or finer.
In addition t o the differences in modulation Range. The set shall have an
frequency, the technical and operational dif- envelope delay distortion measurement range
ferences between the North American and capability of at least 10 000 ps.
CCITT methods are so great that they are in- Input Power. The receiver shall
compatible. Since detailed specifications exist meet the accuracy requirements for an input-
for the CCITT method, the following specifica- carrier power range of at least +10 dBm to
tions will be confined t o only the North Amer- - 4 0 dBm. Some means shall be provided t o
ican method. show if the received signal is not within the Transmitter useful range of the instrument. Amplitude Modulation. The Display Response Time. After
transmitted test signal shall consist of a 50% the application of a 3000 ps step change in


delay, the instrument shall indicate within Distortion levels are t o be established by either
30 ps of the final delay distortion indication a selective level meter or a spectrum analyzer
with 3 seconds. with a 1 0 Hz resolution bandwidth. Distortion Frequency Accuracy. The in- adjustments of the test network are t o be made
dicated frequency shall be within 40 Hz of the so that the fundamental carrier is 25 dB above
input frequency. If a frequency counter is the 2nd harmonic and 20 dB above the 3rd har-
present in the envelope delay set, the fre- monic outputs at the receiver input. The test
quency displayed shall be within 4 Hz of the signal applied to the test network input shall
input carrier frequency. conform t o the requirements of Amplitude-to-Phase Conversion. Recommended circuits for distortion genera-
The indicated envelope delay in the back-to- tion are a high-quality half-wave rectifier for
back mode shall not change by more than 5 ps creation of the 2nd order products, a high-
for a transmitted level shift of 5 dB.
_+ quality limiter for the 3rd order products and Internal Crosstalk. The mea- means for summing these in adjustable ratios
sured envelope delay distortion for a low-loss with the undistorted input.
network with at least 1000 ps of envelope de- Self-check Capability. A self-
lay distortion shall not differ by more than contained means should be provided for de-
_+10 ps if 35 dB of flat loss is inserted in series termining that the envelope delay distortion
with the network. This test shall be conducted measuring portion of the instrument is proper-
in the back-to-back mode. ly calibrated. Signal-to-Noise Ratio. The ac- Turnover. The set shall meet
curacy objectives given above shall be met all of the requirements of this section if the
on a back-to-back basis with a line signal-to- input leads are interchanged. This permits only
noise ratio as low as 24 dB. The noise level a constant shift in EDD.
shall be measured with a 3 kHz Flat weight- Analog Output. Means should
ing filter. The noise shall be introduced by be provided for a dc output proportional to
summing linearly the test signal and a filtered delay for purposes of X-Y chart recording, etc.
noise source. The noise source shall be flat t o Means should be provided for f full-scale cali-
f 0.5 dB from below 60 Hz t o above 14 kHz bration and range changing for this output.
and shall be filtered by tandem 2-pole Butter- Drift. After the specified
worth high-pass and low-pass filters with cut- warm-up period, once the reference zero has
off frequencies of 120 Hz and 6.5 kHz, re- been set at the reference frequency. it shall
spectively, t o provide a relative response given not drift by more than 1 0 ps in any half-
hour period. This applies to the display and

r+(yy] (&)'I
by :
the analog output.
Noise filter response (dB) = Repeat Mode. To permit envelope
delay distortion measurements with envelope
-lo-log [1+ delay measuring sets at each end of the facil-
ity, the equipment shall be designed so that
The filter shall conform t o this response in the repeat mode, it can transfer the 835 Hz
within f 0.5 dB from 85 Hz to 9.2 kHz. envelope of a received envelope delay signal t o Harmonic Distortion to Phase a new carrier for transmission back to the
Conversion. The indicated delay for a test originating end. This establishes a phase ref-
network having at least 500 ps of envelope erence over the loop.
delay between 1 kHz and 2 kHz and a fre- When the set is operating in the repeat mode,
quency response flat within k 0.5 dB from it shall be capable of meeting the preceding
600 Hz t o 3.5 kHz, shall not change by more transmitter and receiver requirements where
than f 5 ps when the received signal is sub- appropriate. In addition, it shall meet the
jected t o 25 dB of 2nd order distortion and requirements of through
20 dB of compressive 3rd order distortion in- Display of Frequency. The set
troduced after the test network. The circuitry shall have the ability to display either trans-
creating these harmonic distortions should have mitted or received frequency without loss of
no frequency dependent phase or amplitude phase reference.
characteristics within the band of interest. Display of Received Level. The


set shall be able to display the received level noise and rapid changes in phase or gain (in-
to ensure that the receiver input range cluding sudden loss of signal). Impulse noise
capability is not exceeded at any carrier is a large excursion of an input voltage signal
frequency of interest. level that is not correlated with the trans- Forward Reference Mode. In mitted signal (if any) and is higher than the
the forward reference mode, the originating normal peaks of message circuit noise. A
end sends a modulated fixed-frequency signal rapid change in phase is called a phase hit.
to the far end. There the modulation is re- A rapid change in received signal amplitude is
covered and used to modulate a variable- called a gain hit. The phase or gain may stay
frequency carrier that is sent back to the at its new value or return to the original value
originating end where it is possible to measure some time later. A dropout occurs when the
the relative delay and amplitude response of loss of the circuit increases by 12 dB or more
the return path as a function of frgquency. compared to that at the start of the measuring
The variable carrier frequency can be selected interval .
by an operator at the far end, set for specific Transients are usually measured in the
sweep routines, or otherwise programmed. presence of a sinusoidal signal called a holding
In some cases, the reference signal level re- tone as described in impulse noise
ceived at the far end is used to control the re- measurement, either the holding tone is
turn frequency. In such applications, it is notched out and the background noise is
necessary to ensure that level-to-phase con- monitored for peaks exceedingpreset thresholds
version effects that may arise in compandored or the holding tone is not used at all. Noise
channels or channels with nonlinear distortion peaks within 12 dB of the measured message
problems do not cause unacceptable errors in circuit noise could be attributed to the message
delay measurement. To ensure that the test circuit noise rather than to impulse noise.
is not a source of such error, the requirements To ensure that impulse noise thresholds are set
in shall be met for a received level at least 12 dB above message circuit noise, it
shift of f 5 dB located anywhere over the is important to have knowledge of the rms
permissible receive level span. This requirement noise level. It is, therefore, important that an
applies to transmitter and receiver individually impulse-noise measuring instrument also be
and collectively. capable of measuring message circuit noise. Return Reference Mode. In the A holding tone is always used for the mea-
return reference mode, the originating end surement of phase hits, gain hits, and dropouts.
sends a modulated, variable-frequency signal to The phase and level of the holding tone are
the far end. A t the far end, the modulation is monitored for changes exceeding preset
recovered and used to modulate a fixed- thresholds. In any transient measurement,
frequency carrier that is sent back to the counts of transients exceeding thresholds
originating end where it is used to measure the are accumulated and displayed continuously
relative delay of the forward path as a function or for preset measurement time intervals.
of frequency. In some cases, both the ampli- Surveys of telecommunication facilities have
tude and the delay responses of the forward shown that dropouts, phase hits, and gain hits
path can be measured by using the received occur less frequently than impulse noise. Tests
level to control the level of the return refer- show, however, that each dropout causes
ences modulated fixed-frequency carrier. This more modem errors than each phase or gain
may cause the same problems cited above for hit, which in turn cause more errors than im-
the forward reference. It is necessary that pulse noise.
level-to-phase conversion effects in the re- To ensure that hit counters have protection
turn path not cause unacceptable errors in against low-frequency noise and noise at the
delay measurements. Therefore, for such use, upper end of the voice band, a front-end
the requirements of apply. bandpass filter is required which passes energy
near 1 kHz. The detection process for hits mea-
4.4 Transients sured through this filter shall therefore be dif-
4.4.1 Description. This section describes the ferent from that of high-speed data sets which
measurement of two classes of transient utilize all the available passband of a voice
phenomena in telephone circuits: impulse channel.


It is the function of the hit counter t o Qualification Interval. A qualifica-

approximate the sensitivity of high-speed tion interval of 4 f 4- periods of the holding
data sets t o hits t o permit sectionalization tone is necessary to distinguish phase hits,
and clearing of troubles on telecommunica- gain hits, and dropouts from each other and
tion facilities. The wide variety of hit wave also from impulse noise. This qualification
forms, the effects of noise on measurements, interval is also necessary t o avoid counting
and allowable tolerances in thresholds and individual cycles of a damped oscillation im-
measurement circuitry, will generally contri- pulse. This interval begins at the time a
bute to different hit counts even on instru- transient first crosses the preset threshold.
ments of identical design. Only those phase hits, gain hits, and dropouts
This variability will lead t o some confusion that exceed the threshold for longer than the
among those testing with hit counters of dif- qualification interval shall be counted. Each
ferent manufacture. The alternative of speci- counter and associated qualification interval
fying the entire hit counting circuitry is under shall be independent (see
further investigation. Dropout counting re- Polarity. Interchange of the input
quirements in the presence of noise and single- leads of the measuring equipment shall not de-
frequency interference are also being investi- grade the accuracy or the dynamic character-
gated. istics of the measurements.
4.4.2 Common Requirements. The follow- Counting Interval. A timer accurate
t o at least f 5% shall be provided for the con-
ing requirements are common t o the measure-
venience of the tester. Time periods of
ment of all transient phenomena.
5 minutes, 15 minutes, and 60 minutes, in Holding Tone. Transient measuring addition t o free running, shall be provided if
instruments shall meet the requirements
the timer is not continuously adjustable.
of this section with the received holding
tone level between +10 dBm and -40 dBm, Counting Hierarchy. Whenever sev-
the frequency between 995 Hz and 1025 Hz, eral types of transient phenomena are being
and at least 20 dB signal t o C-Notch noise measured simultaneously, the following
ratio. Specifications for the transmitted hold- hierarchy applies.
ing tone are given in test setup Dropouts. Detection and count-
shall either display the holding-tone frequency ing of a dropout shall block the counting of
or indicate when the holding-tone frequency hits or impulse noise for a period of time be-
is out of range. ginning when the dropout is first qualified and
ending one second after the dropout ends. Counting Rate. Except for the
requirements of,the nominal count- This implies a maximum count of 1 per second.
ing rate shall be 8 counts per second. For Phase and Gain Hits. Detection
electromechanical counters the rate shall be and counting of a phase or gain hit shall not
8 counts per second f 10%. For electronic block the counting of impulse noise. Phase
counters a blanking interval of 125 ms f 10% and gain hits shall not block one another. When
shall be provided. The timing of this blanking they occur simultaneously, both shall be
interval begins when a transient first crosses counted.
the preset threshold. Each counter and associ- Bandpass Filter for Hit and Drop-
ated blanking interval shall be independent out Ccunter. In order to provide some immun-
(see ity t o single frequency interference and noise,
As an aid in troubleshooting, an additional it is recommended that an input bandpass
faster counting rate may be provided. This is filter precede hit and dropout detection cir-
not a quantitative measurement and while in cuits. Although the number of poles and type
this mode other specifications may be ex- of filter used are not critical, the rise time (and
ceeded. This is especially true for phase hits therefore the bandwidth) is critical. The filter
where a longer time may be required for the and detection circuit designs shall be such that
phase lock loop t o fully recover following a the requirements for single-frequency interfer-
large hit. The nominal fast counting rate ence in,,and and the _-
shall be 100 counts per second with a blank- requirements for amplitude and duration limits
ing interval of 10 ms. in and all satisfied.


4.4.3 Impulse Noise. An impulse is counted locations will meet the requirements of Fig 2,
when the received signal exceeds a preset but different pole-zero locations will yield
threshold, provided the impulse is not blocked different peak responses for voiceband im-
by a dropout (see pulses. For this reason a 1010 Hz Notch filter Threshold Setting Range. Adjust- used for impulse noise measurement shall con-
ment of the threshold level in 1dB steps shall form to more specific requirements. In par-
be provided for balanced (metallic) signals ticular, the notch transfer function shall con-
ranging from 30 dBrn t o 110 dBrn and for im- sist of three complex pole pairs and three real
pulse noise-to-ground measurements, ranging frequency zero pairs. One suitable design is a
from 60 dBrn t o 140 dBm. stagger-tuned set given by: Threshold Accuracy. The test set zeros (radians): f j6202, f j6346, f j6494
shall be calibrated in dBrn to read the peak poles (radians): - 197 f $5640, - 1310 f j6209,
value of the received signal. The accuracy - 249 f j7132
of the threshold setting shall be f 1dB for Other suitable designs include Butterworth
balanced impulse noise measurements, and 3rd-order band-reject responses meeting the
f 1.5 dB for impulse noise-to-ground measure- magnitude requirements of Fig 2.
ments. With the tandem connection of the C- In all cases, it is essential that the filter
Message and notch filters described in steady-state response meet the requirements
and (2), the counting threshold for a steady of Fig 2 and the time-domain response re-
sinusoidal input shall be checked as follows: quirements of the following paragraph.
Apply a 0 dBm, 1.8 kHz tone to the input of Filter Response to a Standard
the set (which will be attenuated by 1.5 dB Impulse. Apply the standard impulse, By of
in the filters) and verify that counting does Fig 5, at a rate of twice per second, to the im-
not occur with a 92 dBrn threshold and that pulse noise counter with the C-Message weight-
continuous counting occurs at a 9 1 dBrn ing filter and the 1010 Hz Notch filter in
threshold. tandem. With the attenuator set at 0 dB and
-. Count Capacity. A register with a the count threshold set to 83 dBrn the counter
capacity of at least 998 counts shall be pro- shall count each impulse applied and no counts
vided. A means for indicating overflow shall shall be recorded at a threshold setting of
be provided. 85 dBrn. Filters When the rate of impulses is changed from
(1)C-Message Weighting. If a C-Message filter twice per second to a rate of one every five
is required only for measurement of noise as seconds for each of the above thresholds the
described in 4.3.2, then the gain versus fre- above counting criteria shall be met.
quency plot of Fig 1 is a sufficient specifica- With appropriate gain or loss following the
tion. Many filter pole-zero locations will meet Butterworth filter of Fig 5, the impulse noise
the requirements of Fig 1, but different pole- counter shall meet the accuracy objective of
zero locations will yield different peak re- over a threshold setting range of
sponses for voiceband impulses. For this 30 dBrn to 110 dBrn.
reason, a C-Message filter for impulse noise Turnover. There shall be no dif-
measurement shall conform to more specific ference in the response of the impulse noise
requirements. The C-Message filter shall have counter if the signal, A, of Fig 5 is applied to
the following pole-zero locations. the input of the impulse noise counter in a
zeros (radians): 0, 0 , 0 , 0 , ~ , ~ , ~ , ~ , ~
normal manner or with the input leads reversed.
poles (radians): - 1502 f j1267,
- 2439 k j5336, Impulse Noise Distribution Set. If
- 4690 f j15 267,
provision is made for obtaining impulse noise
-4017 f j21 575 amplitude distributions, then at least three
separate storage registers shall be provided,
(2) 1010 Hz Notch Filter. If a 1010 Hz Notch each having a capacity of at least 998 counts. A
filter is required only for measurement of means for indicating overflow on each register
noise-with-tone as described in 4.3.2, then the shall be provided.
-_ gain versus frequency plot of Fig 2 is a suf- If only three registers are provided, with no
ficient specification. Many filter pole-zero provision for selection of threshold differences,


0.6 , ,- TESTSET -




0 ’ 0

- 0.2

- 0.4

- 0.6 0.5654

At Point D Peak Threshold

Standard Impulse after C-Notch
1.095 V
0.3886 V
9 3 . 0 dBrn
8 4 . 0 dBrn

Fig 5
Test Configuration for a Standard Impulse

the threshold difference between them shall be LOW threshold, followed in 100 ms by an im-
set at 4 dB. Otherwise, the threshold differences pulse exceeding the MID threshold, followed
for the individual registers shall be capable of in 100 ms by an impulse exceeding the LOW
being set t o at least 2 dB, 4 dB, and 6 dB. The threshold, should register as one MID count
reference level shall correspond t o the lowest and two LOW counts.
threshold setting. Overload Characteristics. An im-
The registers shall display the cumulative pulse 6 dB greater than the highest avail-
distribution function of impulses, each sub- able counter threshold shall register on all
ject to the 8 counts-per-second rate. Each
counters for any threshold setting.
register should have its own independent
blanking-interval timing circuit so that an Operation Without Holding Tone.
impulse just exceeding any lower threshold Provisions shall be made t o allow impulse
will not block other registers from counting noise counting without holding tone.
on a subsequent higher impulse within the Loss of Holding Tone. For a set
125 ms f 10% of the original impulse. For which has no dropout counter, if the holding
example, if an impulse exceeding a LOW tone drops below - 40 dBm for a period longer
threshold is followed in 30 ms by an impulse than 1 2 5 ms then:
exceeding a MID threshold, one count should (1)N o impulses shall be counted during
be recorded on the LOW register and one on the interval beginning 1 2 5 ms after the tone
the MID register. An impulse exceeding the drops below -40 dBm and ending when the


g 20



Eo 10
I 5

1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig 6
Phase Hit Amplitude and Duration Limits

tone has returned to a level above - 4 0 dBm of at least 998 counts with an overflow indica-
for 125 ms. tor shall be provided.
(2) An indicator shall signify loss of holding Single-Frequency Interference. To
tone. The indicator should remain latched un- check for single-frequency interference pro-
til reset. tection, perform the following tests.
(1)Set the phase hit threshold to 10". Ap-
4.4.4 Phase Hits. A phase hit is counted when ply a -20 dBm, 1004 Hz holding tone with
a change in phase of the holding tone exceeds 25", 5 ms phase hits occurring once per second.
a preset threshold for a period of time longer (2) Add a 300 Hz tone at - 30 dBm to the
than the qualification interval. This may be a holding tone with phase hits. All of the 25"
positive or negative phase change. phase hits (and no extra) shall be recorded at Threshold Setting Range. Threshold the 10" threshold.
settings from 5" to 45" in 5" steps shall be (3) Remove the 300 Hz tone and add a
provided. 120 Hz tone at -22 dBm. All of the 25" Threshold Accuracy. The accuracy phase hits (and no extra) shall be recorded
of the threshold settings shall be f (10% of at the 10" threshold.
the setting plus an additional 0.5"), for phase (4) Remove the 120 Hz tone and add a
- changes of either polarity occurring within a
0.2 ms transition time.
3100 Hz tone of -30 dBm. All of the 25"
phase hits (and no extra) shall be recorded Count Capacity. A register capacity at the 10" threshold.

Std 743-1984 IEEE STANDARD METHODS FOR MEASURING THE TRANSMISSION Amplitude-to-Phase Conversion. holding tone with gain hits. All of the -6 dB
A 10 dB gain hit shall not cause a phase hit to gain hits (and no extra) shall be recorded at the
be counted at the 10" threshold. 3 dB threshold. Qualification Interval. A phase hit (3)Remove the 300 Hz tone and add a
exceeding a threshold by 5" shall not be 120 Hz tone at - 22 dBm. All of the - 6 dB gain
counted if the holding tone returns to its hits (and no extra) shall be recorded at the
original phase within 3.5 periods of the holding 3 dB threshold.
tone and shall be counted if the tone returns (4) Remove the 120 Hz tone and add a
to its original phase after 4.5 periods of the 3100 Hz tone at -30 dBm. All of the -6 dB
holding tone. gain hits (and no extra) shall be recorded at Loop Recovery Time. If the phase the 3 dB threshold.
of the test tone varies linearly for 100" in Phase-to-Amplitude Conversion.
either direction over a period defined as the A 180" phase hit shall not cause a gain hit to
rise time, a 20" phase hit shall be counted for be counted at the 2 dB threshold.
a 20 ms rise time and shall not be counted for Qualification Interval. A gain hit
a 50 ms rise time. This roughly approximates exceeding a threshold by 1 dB shall not be
the performance of high-speed modems. counted if the holding tone returns to its Phase Hit Amplitude and Duration original value in 3.5 periods of the holding
Limits. Figure 6 is a graphical representation tone, and shall be counted if the tone re-
of the amplitude and duration requirements turns to its original level after 4.5 periods of
that shall be met for phase-hit measuring in- the holding tone.
struments. The instrument shall not count Loop Recovery Time. If the ampli-
phase hits for conditions below and to the tude of the test tone varies linearly for 4 dB
left of the shaded area and shall count all in either direction over a period defined as the
phase hits above and to the right of the shaded rise time, a 2 dB gain hit shall be counted for
area when tested with a 1004 Hz holding tone. a 200 ms rise time and shall not be counted for
This requirement shall be met for thresholds a 600 ms rise time. This requirement roughly
of 5" through 45" over the range of hit inputs approximates the performance of high-speed
of 180" to +180". modems. Gain-Hit Amplitude and Duration
4.4.5 Gain Hits. A gain hit is counted when Limits. Figure 7 is a graphical representation
a change in the amplitude of the holding tone of the amplitude and duration requirements
exceeds a preset threshold for a period of time that shall be met for gain-hit measuring instru-
longer than the qualification interval. This ments. The instrument shall not count gain hits
may be an increase or a decrease in ampli- for any conditions below and to the left of
tude. the shaded area and shall count all gain hits Threshold Settings. Threshold set- above and to the right of the shaded area when
tings of 2 dB, 3 dB, and 6 dB shall be provided. tested with a 1004 Hz holding tone. This re-
In addition optional settings of 4 dB, 8 dB, and quirement shall be met for thresholds of 2 dB
10 dB may be provided. through 6 dB over the range of hit inputs of Threshold Accuracy. The accuracy - 12 dB to +7 dB.
of the threshold settings shall be f 0.5 dB, for
gain changes of either polarity occurring within 4.4.6 Dropouts. A dropout is counted when
a 0.2 ms transition time. the level of the holding tone decreases by at Count Capacity. A register capacity least 1 2 dB for a period of time longer than
of at least 998 counts with an overflow indica- the qualification interval. The dropout measur-
tor shall be provided. ing set shall measure the received holding tone Single-Frequency Interference. To level at the start of the measuring interval and
check for the single-frequency interference establish a dropout threshold 12 dB below this
protection, perform the following tests. level. This threshold will remain fixed during
(1)Set the gain hit threshold to 3 dB. Apply the remainder of the measuring period.
a - 20 dBm, 1004 Hz holding tone with 6 dB, Threshold Setting and Accuracy.
5 ms gain hits occurring once a second. One threshold shall be provided at 1 2 dB k 1dB.
(2) Add a 300 Hz tone of - 30 dBm to the Count Capacity. A register capacity


Fig 7
Gain Hit Amplitude and Duration Limits

of at least 98 counts with an overflow indicator 4.5 Incidental Modulation

shall be provided. 4.5.1 Phase Jitter. Phase jitter measurements Single-Frequency Interference. To indicate the cumulative effect of incidental
check for single-frequency interference pro- phase modulation and additive tones or noise
tection, perform the following tests. on the phase of a holding tone (see for
(1)Apply a - 20 dBm, 1004 Hz holding tone holding-tone requirements). The peak-to-peak
and start the dropout detection. Apply - 20 dB, deviations in phase of the received signal are
5 ms gain hits t o the holding tone once every detected after band limiting to reduce the
2 seconds. effect of additive noise.
(2) Add a 300 Hz tone at - 30 dBm to the The most commonly found single-frequency
holding tone with hits. All of the -20 dB gain components of phase jitter are 20 Hz (ringing
hits (and no extra) shall be recorded as drop- current), 60 Hz (commercial power) and the
outs. 2nd through 5th harmonics of these. Since the
(3) Remove the 300 Hz tone and add a peak phase deviation caused by ac components
120 Hz tone at -22 dBm. All of the -20 dB of phase modulation rarely exceeds 0.2 radians
gain hits (and no extra) shall be recorded as (low-index phase modulation) only one pair
dropouts. of significant sidebands is produced for each
(4)Remove the 120 Hz tone and add a sinusoidal component. Hence, a bandwidth
- -
3100 Hz tone at - 30 dBm. All of the 20 dB of approximately 600 Hz centered about a car-
gain hits (and no extra) shall be recorded as rier near 1 kHz suffices to recover the major
dropouts. suspected sinusoidal phase modulation without


incurring large amounts of uncorrelated inter- Table 5

ference. Frequency Weighting Band of 20 Hz t o 300 Hz
Since noise can cause what would appear t o
be a significant amount of phase jitter, a C- Difference Frequency Phase Jitter
Notch weighted noise measurement should (Hz) Degrees Peak-to-Peak
always be made in conjunction with phase 2 < 1.0
jitter measurements. Also, because quantizing 5 < 3.0
noise can cause a significant phase jitter read- 10 < 8.0
20-240 10.8 t o 12.2
ing, care is needed in the choice of the carrier 300 10.0 to 12.2
frequency and in the filtering t o suppress the 500 < 3.0
effect of noise on the measurement.
Incorrect phase jitter readings (lower than
true value) will result if a 1000 Hz carrier is em-
ployed on a pulse code modulation (PCM)sys-
tem with an 8 kHz sampling rate (see Table 6
Instances of phase jitter in the region from Frequency Weighting Band of 4 Hz to 300 Hz
4 Hz t o 20 Hz have been noted on some facil-
ities. Since some data sets are affected by this Difference Frequency Phase Jitter
low-frequency jitter, there may be a need for (Hz) Degrees Peak-to-Peak
an option which permits testing in this range 0.4 < 1.0
with equal frequency weighting in the total 1 < 3.0
band of 4 Hz t o 300 Hz. 2 < 8.0
4 9.2 to 12.2 Accuracy. The displayed peak-to- 8- 240 10.8 to 12.2
peak reading shall be accurate t o k 5% of the 300 10.0 to 12.2
measured value f 0.2". 500 < 3.0 Level Range. The set should accom-
modate input signal levels from -40 dBm to
+10 dBm. The set also should have means t o
indicate when the signal is outside of this rier and a second pure tone 20.0 dB lower in
range. level as a source of phase jitter. Frequency Range. The set shall ac- For purposes of this test, a pure tone is de-
commodate input frequencies from 990 Hz t o fined as a signal source that meets the require-
1030 Hz. The set should give some indication ments of a holding tone oscillator as specified
when the signal is outside the range of 990 Hz in 5 and 6 give the jitter read-
t o 1030 Hz. ing limits as a function of the difference in fre- Display Range. The set should be quency between the two tones.
capable of displaying phase jitter readings Single-Frequency-Interference.Ap-
from 0.0" t o at least 25" peak-to-peak. ply a 1 kHz tone to the input of the set a t a Noise Rejection. A band-limited 0 dBm level. Add in a second tone down 20 dB
white noise signal down 30 dB from a 1 kHz in level and vary its frequency. For frequencies
sine-wave carrier shall indicate less than 4" below 300Hz, the displayed reading shall be
peak-to-peak jitter. For purposes of this test, less than 1".For frequencies between 1.5 kHz
the band-limited white noise signal shall be and 4 kHz the displayed reading shall be less
flat t o within +1 dB from 250 Hz t o 3.5 kHz than 3". For frequencies above 4 kHz, the dis-
with asymptotic slopes of 12 dB per octave. played reading shall be less than 0.5".
When a limiter is used in the detection process, Level-to-Phase Conversion. With the
this requirement typically dictates a bandpass test setup as in the previous test and the sec-
filter in front of the limiter. ond tone at 1.1 kHz, change the composite Frequency Weighting. After de- level over the range of +10 dBm t o -40 dBm
modulation, the signal shall be weighted so without a change in the ratio of the test-tone
that jitter components in the selected band and the second tone amplitudes. The spread of
are given equal weighting. The weighting char- the readings shall not exceed 0.7".
acteristics may be measured by applying a Amplitude-to-Phase Conversion.
pure 1 kHz tone at a 0 dBm level as the car- Apply a 10% amplitude-modulated 1 kHz car-


rier t o the input of the set at a 0 dBm level. As Demodulated Carrier. If the set
the modulation frequency is varied from 2 Hz employs a phase locked loop, the demodulated
to 900 Hz, the displayed jitter indication shall carrier from the phase locked loop should be
be less than 1". made available for measurement of frequency Averaging Time. The offset over the facility. This carrier is relatively
detector and indicating circuits for the 20 Hz free from the interfering effects of noise on
to 300 Hz frequency weighting shall have re- the facility.
sponse averaging time characteristics as fol- Demodulated Phase Jitter. The
lows: apply a gated sine-wave phase modula- test signal, after phase demodulation and fre-
tion on a steady 1 kHz carrier t o the test set. quency weighting, should be made available on
The modulation signal shall be gated at a duty an external jack t o permit analysis of the jitter
cycle of 50%. The indicator shall show a varia- signal.
tion as shown here:
4.5.2 Amplitude Jitter. Amplitude jitter mea-
surements indicate the cumulative effect of in-
Gating cidental amplitude modulation and additive
Frequency Indicator tones or noise on the envelope of a holding
(Hz) Variation tone (holding-tone requirements are found in Peak-to-peak deviations in the en-
5.0 2 (Max - Min) < velope of the received signal are detected
M a x + Min after band limiting t o reduce the effect of ad-
2 (Max - Min) 40% ditive noise.
Max + Min The most commonly found single-frequency
components of amplitude jitter are 60 Hz Detector (commercial power) and its 2nd through 5th Peak-to-Peak. The detector harmonics. A bandwidth of approximately
shall be a true peak-to-peak detector. Do not 600 Hz centered about a carrier near 1 kHz suf-
use a two-times-peak detector. fices t o recover the major suspected amplitude Response t o White Noise. The jitter without incurring large amounts of uncor-
detector should measure white noise at the 2.58 related interference .
sigma (99%)point. Since group delay distortion and frequency Two-Tone Response. A test response of a channel can cause amplitude jit-
for the quality of peak detection is as follows: ter to be created from phase jitter, and vice
(1)Apply a 0 dBm, 1000 Hz carrier tone t o versa, it is recommended that amplitude jitter
the input of the set together with a second be measured in conjunction with phase jitter.
tone at 1100 Hz which is adjusted in level t o Comparison of amplitude jitter measurements
produce a phase-jitter reading of exactly 10.0". with phase jitter measurements can be an ef-
(2) Remove the 1100 Hz tone and add a tone fective tool in the diagnosis of channel impair-
at 1170 Hz with another oscillator which is ad- ments.
justed in level t o produce a phase-jitter reading Since noise can cause what would appear to
of exactly 10.0". be a significiant amount of amplitude jitter, a
(3)Add the 1100 Hz tone, at its previously- C-Notch weighted noise measurement always
adjusted level, t o the carrier plus the 1170 Hz should be made in conjunction with amplitude
tone. The phase-jitter reading shall lie between jitter measurements. Also, because quantizing
18.5"and 19.8'. noise can cause a significant jitter, care shall be Time to Display Correct Reading. exercised in the choice of the carrier frequency
When the 20 Hz t o 300 Hz weighting is used, and in the filtering t o suppress the effect of
the display shall be within 0.7" of the final noise on the measurement.
reading in at a difference frequency of Incorrect amplitude jitter readings (lower
100 Hz, within 4 seconds of application of the than true value) will result if a 1000 Hz carrier
complete test signal. When the 4 Hz t o 300 Hz is employed on a PCM system with an 8 kHz
. weighting is used, the time to display the cor-
rect reading shall be within 25 seconds of appli-
sampling rate. (See
Instances of amplitude jitter in the region
cation of the complete test signal. from 4 Hz t o 20 Hz have been noted on some


facilities. Since some data sets may be affected are given full weighting. The weighting char-
by this low-frequency jitter, there may be a acteristics may be measured by applying a pure
need for an option which permits testing in 1 kHz tone at a 0 dBm level as the carrier and
this range with equal frequency weighting in a second pure tone, 20.0 dB lower in level,
the total band of 4 Hz t o 300 Hz. as a source of amplitude jitter. For this test, Accuracy. The displayed reading a pure tone is defined as a signal source that
shall be accurate t o 25% of the measured meets the requirements of a holding tone os-
value 0.2% peak.
_+ cillator as specified in 7 and 8 Level Range. The equipment should give the jitter reading limits as a function of
accommodate input signal levels from - 40 dBm the difference frequency between the two
t o +10 dBm. The set should have means t o tones.
indicate when the signal is outside of this range. Single-Frequency Interference. Ap - Frequency Range. The set shall ac- ply a 1 kHz tone to the input of the set at a
commodate input frequencies from 990 Hz 0 dBm level. Add in a second tone down 20 dB
t o 1030 Hz. The set should give some indica- in level and vary its frequency. For frequencies
tion when the signal is outside of this range. below 300 Hz the displayed reading shall be Display Range. The set should be less than 0.9% peak and for frequencies be-
capable of displaying amplitude jitter readings tween 1.5 kHz and 4 kHz the display reading
from 0.0% peak t o at least 25% peak. shall be less than 2.6% peak. For frequencies Noise Rejection. A bandlimited above 4 kHz, the displayed reading shall be
white noise signal down 30 dB from a 1 kHz less than 0.5% peak.
sine-wave carrier shall indicate less than 4% Level-to-Amplitude Jitter Conver-
peak jitter. For this test, the bandlimited sion. With the test setup as in the previous test
white noise signal shall be flat t o within ?I dB and the second tone at 1.1 kHz, change the
from 250Hz t o 3.5 kHz with asymptotic composite level over the range of +10 dBm t o
slopes of - 12 dB per octave. -40 dBm without a change in the ratio of the Frequency Weighting. After de- test-tone and the second tone amplitudes. The
modulation, the signal should be weighted so spread of the readings shall not exceed 0.6%
that jitter components in the selected band peak. Phase-to-Amplitude Conversion.
Table 7 Apply 11.5" peak-to-peak phase modulated
Frequency Weighting Band of 20 Hz to 300 Hz 1 kHz carrier t o the input of the set at a 0 dBm
level. As the modulation frequency is varied
Difference Frequency Amplitude Jitter from 2 Hz t o 900 Hz, the displayed jitter indi-
(Hz) % Peak cation shall be less than 0.9% peak. Measurement Averaging Time. The
2 < 0.9
5 < 2.6 detector and indicating circuits for the 20 Hz
10 < 7.0 t o 300 Hz frequency weighting should have
20-240 9.4 to 10.6 response averaging time characteristics as fol-
300 8.7 to 10.6
500 < 2.6 lows: apply a gated sine-wave amplitude mod-
ulation on a steady 1 kHz carrier t o the test
set. The modulation signal should be gated at a
duty cycle of 50%. The indicator should show
Table 8 a variation as follows:
Frequency Weighting Band of 4 Hz to 300 Hz
Difference Frequency Amplitude Jitter Frequency Indicator
(Hz) % Peak Variation
0.4 < 0.9
1 < 2.6 2 (Max - Min)
2 < 7.0 5.0 < 10%
4 8.0 to 10.6 Max + Min
8- 240
9.4 to 10.6
8.7 to 10.6 2 (Max - Min)
1.0 > 40%
500 < 2.6 Max + Min

CHARACTERISTICS OF ANALOG VOICE FREQUENCY CIRCUITS Std 743-1984 Detector The 2-wire return loss at frequency ( f )can be Peak-to-Peak. The detector calculated by :
shall be a true peak-to-peak detector. Do not
use half-wave or a peak detector. Response to White Noise. The
detector should measure white noise at the
2.58 sigma (99%)point. Two-Tone Response. A test where
for the quality of peak detection is as follows: Z(f) = impedance of the circuit under test
(1) Apply a 0 dBm, 1000 Hz carrier tone t o at frequency ( f )
the input of the set together with a second Z , , f(f) = reference impedance at frequency ( f )
tone at 1100 Hz which is adjusted in level t o
produce an amplitude jitter reading of exactly Return loss measurements require a suitable
10.0%. termination at the distant end of the circuit.
(2) Remove the tone at 1100 Hz and add a On2-wire circuits, a hybrid is a necessary part
tone at 1170 Hz with another oscillator which of the measuring system t o permit application
is adjusted in level t o produce an amplitude jit- of the transmitted signal and measurement of
ter reading of exactly 10.0%. the reflected power. Measurements on 4-wire
(3) Add the tone at 1100 Hz at itspreviously- circuits do not require the use of a hybrid
adjusted level, t o the carrier plus the tone at in the measuring system.
1170 Hz. The jitter reading shall lie between The result of a single frequency return loss
18.5%and 19.8%. measurement shall specify the measurement Time t o Display Correct Reading. frequency. Return loss as a measure of im-
When the 20 Hz t o 300 Hz weighting is used, pedance match is usually specified as the mini-
the display shall be within 0.6% peak of the mum for any frequency within a specified band.
final reading in at a difference fre- Average return loss over a specified band of
quency of 100 Hz, within 4 seconds of applica- frequencies may be measured using a sweep
tion of the complete test signal. frequency signal generator. The average return
When the 4 Hz t o 300 Hz weighting is used, loss over the band is a power average. If the
the time t o display the correct reading shall be quantity available for averaging is voltage pro-
within 25 seconds of application of the com- portional, then the sum of squares averaging
plete test signal. followed by log conversion should be used. If Demodulated Amplitude Jitter. the quantity, RL(f) expressed in decibels,
The test signal, after amplitude demodulation is t o be averaged, an antilog-average-log opera-
and frequency weighting, should be made avail- tion may be used t o obtain the power aver-
able at an external jack t o permit analysis of age in decibels. Alternatively, a nonlinear cir-
the jitter signal. cuit which approximates power averaging,
4.6 Other Measurements analogous t o the quasi-rms detector described
in, may be used if accuracy specifica-
4.6.1 Return Loss. Return loss is the ratio, tions for the set are met.
in decibels, of the power incident upon a trans-
mission system discontinuity t o the power re- Echo return loss (ERL) is the return loss of a
flected from the discontinuity. Return loss circuit measured with a transmitted signal
measurements are made on both 2-wire and whose spectral distribution is defined in
4-wire circuits. The 4-wire return loss at fre- Table 9.
quency ( f )is given by: Singing return loss is the return loss of a cir-
cuit measured with two separately transmitted
transmitted power ( f ) signals whose spectral distributions are defined
RL ( f ) = 1 0 log in Table 1 0 (SRL Low) and Table 11 (SRL
received power ( f )
The 2-wire return loss at frequency ( f ) is
given by : These three measurements may be made
- either with a swept-frequency signal or a band-
transmitted power ( f ) limited noise signal. When they are made with a
RL ( f ) = 10 log
reflected power ( f ) signal source consisting of noise limited t o the


Table 9 bands indicated in Tables 9, 10, and 11, a

ERL Filter Response power average is immediately available because
(Frequency Weighting) all measurement frequencies are present simul-
taneously. When these three measurements are
made with a swept sinusoidal signal, the power
average shall be weighted according t o Tables
9,10, and 11, respectively.
< 200 > 30.0 - The midband frequencies measured by ERL
300 21.8 f 2.3 are most important t o end-to-end subjective
560 3.0 2 0.4
750 0.2 r0.2 echo quality for voice communications, and
1000 0.0 20.1 stringent requirements have been established
1500 0.1 t0.2 for ERL. SRL Low and SRL High have less
1965 3.0 f 0.4
2400 10.9 f1.2 stringent requirements designed t o protect
3000 22.9 2 3.0 against circuit instability. Before the availabil-
4000 42.6 25.0 ity of test equipment which had singing return
> 5000 > 45.0 -
loss capability, amplification was added in
Return loss transmitters have designated this response 4-wire circuits until singing occurred, normally
as ERL. This response should continue to be desig- at a frequency covered by the present SRL Low
nated as ERL. or SRL High band. Singing point for a 4-wire
Table 10 circuit is the single-frequency return loss a t
SRL Low Filter Response that critical frequency. Singing point and the
(Frequency Weighting) singing-return loss measurements for the band
which contains the critical frequency have been
Relative found t o be essentially the same.
Frequency Loss Tolerance Although the following specification implies
(Hz) (dB) (dB)
a shaped transmitted spectrum and wide-band
< 100 > 20 - receiver, the specification should not be inter-
120 20 f 3.0 preted t o preclude the use of a stepped or
200 9.5 f 1.1
260 3 r 0.5 swept measurement, or frequency shaping in
360 0 20.2 the receiver in place of a shaped transmitted
500 3 20.5 spectrum. The overall performance of such
650 10 21.2
1000 20 23.0 systems shall be equivalent t o that which is
> 1200 > 20 - contained in the following specification. In
addition, any flat noise spectnim should be
Most return loss transmitters have designated this
response as SRL. This response should be designated band-limited t o 4000 Hz.
as SRL Low. Transmitter
Table 11 Transmitted Signal Weighting
SRL High Filter Response Requirements. Three signal weighting filter
(Frequency Weighting) responses are given in Tables 9, 10, and 11.
In each case, the applied test signal is derived
Relative by passing a wideband random or pseduo-
Frequency Loss Tolerance
(Hz) (dB) (dB)
random noise signal through a bandpass weight-
ing network. The noise source should be flat
< 1000 > 30 -
k0.5 dB from 200 Hz t o 4 kHz as measured
1300 30 f4.0
2000 11.5 f1.3 with a selective detector with approximately
2200 3 f0.5 a 100 Hz bandwidth ( 3 dB) and no more than
2700 0 f0.2 a 400 Hz bandwidth a t the 60 dB points. A
3400 3 2 0.5
selective detector meter damping time constant
3700 10.9 21.3
5700 30 2 4.0 of at least 0.7 seconds will be required t o obtain
> 6000 > 30 - a reasonable estimate of the central value of the
noise. (If a pseudo-random or frequency step
Most return loss transmitters have designated re-
sponse as SRL HI. This response should be designated generator i' used, its line 'pacing be 50 HZ
as SRL High. or less, and if the flatness specification above is


not met, such lack of flatness shall be compen- used as the display device, it shall have at least
sated for in the bandpass filters.) a 10 dB display range with 0.5 dB markings.
For echo return loss .(ERL), low-frequency 60 Hz Loss. A filter shall be
singing return loss (SRL Low) and high- provided a t the input t o the return loss set to
frequency singing return loss (SRL High) mea- minimize the effects of power-line hum. The
surements, the test signal is obtained by passing filter shall have at least 20 dB of loss at 60 Hz,
a wideband noise source signal through a band- with less than 0.5 dB loss at 200 Hz.
pass filter network meeting the requirements Transhybrid Loss Compensa-
given in Tables 9 , 1 0 , and 11. tion. In order to compensate for transhybrid Output Level. To avoid both loss on 4-wire return loss measurements, gain
system overload and background noise, the shall be provided in the receiver in 0.1 dB or
output level for ERL, SRL Low, or SRL High 0.2 dB steps from 0 dB t o at least 29.8 dB.
shall be in the range of - 2 dBm to -10 dBm,
as measured across a resistive termination. The Test Hybrid
preferred value is - 10 dBm. Standard Impedances. The re- Level Stability. The transmitter turn loss of a 2-wire circuit is measured by
and receiver when used together shall meet the comparing it to a standard impedance. Nominal
accuracy objective of k 0 . 5 dB for the periodic impedances are 600 s1 or 900 s1 (*1%) in series
recalibration interval specified by the manufac- with 2.16 p F (+3%).Since under certain cir-
turer. The allocation of drift between trans- cumstances, such as cable acceptance testing,
mitter and receiver is the decision of the manu- neither of the two standard impedances is ap-
facturer. propriate for the measurement, means for con- Harmonic Distortion. The total necting an external standard impedance shall
harmonic distortion plus noise at the output be provided.
shall be down at least 30 dB for each of the Loss. Return loss measurements
three transmitted signals and for the sinusoidal on 2-wire circuits require the use of a hybrid
output, if an external oscillator jack is provided. in the testing arrangement. The transhybrid Receiver loss shall be sufficiently high t o have little ef- Accuracy and Range. The re- fect on the actual measurement. This loss can
ceiver accuracy shall be k0.5 dB or better over be checked by causing a deliberate mismatch
a range of 0 dB to 50 dB return loss for 4-wire between an external 900 i2 resistor and the
measurements and k0.5 dB or better over a internal 900 s1 resistor with a series 2.16 p F
range of 0 dB to 40 dB return loss for 2-wire capacitor. With the line terminals either open
measurements. circuited or short circuited, the return loss in- Measurement Averaging Time. dicated on the 2 W-900 s1 position of the test
The response time for the detector and indicat- set shall be 0 dB 20.5 dB. With the line input
ing means shall meet the following limits: ap- terminated in 900 s1 (?0.25%), the indicated
ply gated bursts of 1 kHz tone to the input of return losses shall be within k0.4 dB of the fol-
the set gated at a duty cycle of 50%, half of the lowing values:
cycle at full amplitude, and the other half
may be chosen to avoid receiver autoranging ERL 28.3 dB
points. SRL Low 18.9 dB
The indicator or digital display means shall SRL High 36.6 dB
show variation as below:
4.6.2 P/AR. The P/AR system consists of a
transmitter and a receiver connected to op-
Peak-to-Peak posite ends of a voiceband transmission system.
Gating Indicator The transmitter generates a precisely controlled
Frequency Variation complex pulse train of known peak-to-average
ratio. In passing through the system, the pulses
1.5 Hz Not more than 1 dB are dispersed by the distortion they encounter.
0.3 Hz Not less than 3 dB The P/AR receiver measures the absolute peak
and full-wave rectified average values of the Meter Display. If a meter is pulse train and displays ratio of these values on


Table 12
Filter Transfer Characteristic and
P/AR Test Spectrum

Line Spectrum Receiver Test Spectrum

Frequency Magnitude Phase Loss Phase Magnitude Phase

(Hz) (dB) (degree) (dB) (degree) (dB) (degree)

140.625 -33.737 -173.73 50.498 173.73 -74.780 0.0

390.625 -15.881 -161.24 31.518 161.24 -37.945 0.0
640.625 -14.556 -143.95 20.377 143.95 -25.478 0.0
890.625 -15.181 -114.31 10.629 114.31 - 16.355 0.0
1140.626 -16.303 - 55.37 2.112 55.37 - 8.960 0.0
1390.625 -11.937 30.19 0.610 - 30.19 - 3.092 0.0
1640.625 - 3.961 86.41 5.493 - 86.41 0.0 0.0
1890.625 - 0.000 113.78 10.505 -113.78 - 1.050 0.0
2140.625 - 0.438 128.62 14.520 -128.62 - 5.503 0.0
2390.626 - 3.104 137.78 17.741 -137.78 -11.390 0.0
2640.625 - 6.512 144.00 20.402 -144.00 -17.459 0.0
2890.625 - 10.082 148.52 22.662 -148.52 -23.289 0.0
3140.625 -13.658 151.95 24.624 -151.95 -28.828 0.0
3390.625 -17.240 154.67 26.361 -154.67 -34.146 0.0
3640.625 -20.892 156.87 27.917 -156.87 -39.355 0.0
3890.625 -24.722 158.70 29.330 -158.70 -44.597 0.0

a zero-suppressed scale. This ratio serves as the Transmitter

basis for the P/AR rating, that is, P/AR Line Spectrum. The rela-
tive magnitude and phase of each spectral com-
ponent of the P/AR line spectrum shall be as
specified in Table 12.
where Line Spectrum Distortion. All
E(peak) = normalized absolute peak value of spurious outputs from the transmitter at fre-
the pulse train quencies up to 4 kHz shall be at least 50 dB
E(fwa) = normalized full-wave rectified aver- below the power of the reference component
aged value of pulse train at 1890.625 Hz. Spurious components above
4 kHz shall be down at least 40 dB.
A P/AR rating of 100 signifies no pulse de- Line Signal Period Stability.
gradation The period of the line signal is 64.0 ms, and
The P/AR system is designed t o measure the shall be accurate t o k0.196.
simultaneous effect of envelope delay distor- Output Level Range. The out-
tion, bandwidth reduction, and poor return put level shall have a range of at least 0 dBm t o
loss (gain and phase ripples) on intersymbol - 40 dBm (true rms).
interference of voiceband data signals. The Output Level Resolution. The
P/AR measurement is largely insensitive to output level shall be adjustable in 1 dB incre-
noise and nonlinear distortion, and unaffected ments or finer.
by frequency shift or transient phenomena. Receiver
The spectrum of the transmitter output, Accuracy. The measurement ac-
termed the P/AR line signal, consists of 16 curacy shall be k2 P/AR units for P/AR read-
components at frequencies of: ings from 40 t o 110, and +4 P/AR units out-
f, = (2n - 1) 125 + 15.625 HZ side this range.
with Accuracy Verification. The
n = 1,2,. . .16 P/AR system measurement accuracy shall be
The absence of even harmonics produces a verified by the following procedure.
pulse train with half-wave symmetry, thus (1)Measure the loss and phase of passive test
minimizing the influence of system nonlinear networks at each spectral frequency of the
distortion on the P/AR measurement. P/AR signal.


(2) Calculate the objective P/AR rating of the The output of the receive filter is termed
test networks using a computer. A listing of a the P/AR test signal. The receive filter transfer
Fortran IV subroutine that calculates the P/AR characteristic, and the P/AR test spectrum shall
rating is given in the Appendix. be as specified in Table 12. The acceptable
(3) Measure the P/AR ratings of test net- spectrum tolerances are specified in Table 13.
works. Detectors. The P/AR receiver
(4)The measured and objective P/AR values shall utilize a full-wave rectified average detec-
shall differ by no more than 22 units. tor and an absolute peak detector. Range. The receiver shall have Display Response Time. The
a P/AR display range of at least 0 to 120 P/AR P/AR receiver shall indicate within one unit
units. of the final indication in less than 5 seconds Resolution. The receiver shall after the input signal is applied, or within
have a P/AR display resolution of 1P/AR unit. 3 seconds after a 10-unit drop in the P/AR Input Level Range. The P/AR value of a test circuit.
system shall meet the accuracy requirements Out-of-Range Indication. The
over a true rms input level range of 0 dBm to P/AR equipment shall indicate when the re-
- 40 dBm. ceived level is above or below its permissible Turnover. The P/AR system range. Self-check Capability. A self-
shall meet accuracy requirements if the input
contained means should be provided for deter-
leads are interchanged.
mining that the P/AR system is properly cali- Receive Filter. The pulse train brated.
shall be shaped by a fourth-order bandpass Crosstalk. If the test set has a
filter in the receiver prior to detection. The
P/AR transmitter in the same case, terminate
filter shall consist of two second-order band- the transmitter in 600 fl and set it to its high-
pass filters each having a center frequency of est output level. From a separate P/AR trans-
1.3 kHz and a Q of 2.00 connected in cascade. mitter obtain a test signal through a network
The Q of the filters when connected in cas- with a P/AR between 50 and 80, first at the
cade shall be 3.108. The receiver shaping filter maximum and then at the minimum received
reduces the effects of power-line frequency level by means of an attenuator. The two P/AR
interference, and spurious high frequency readings should not differ by more than one
interference. P/AR unit.

Table 13 4.6.3 Intermodulation Distortion. Intermod-

Spectrum Tolerances ulation distortion can be broadly defined as
the generation of signal components from the
Line Spectrum Test Spectrum
transmitted signal that add to the transmitted
Tolerance Tolerance signal, usually in an undesired manner. Second
and third order products are usually the most
Level Phase Level Phase significant.
Frequency (idB) (+ degree) (*dB) (+ degree)
A test signal is used which consists of four
140.625 0.80 5.0 8.0 7.0 equal-level tones. Two of the tones are
390.625 0.30 3.0 0.5 5.0 nominally 6 Hz apart centered at 860 Hz and
640.625 0.20 2.0 0.4 3.0
890.625 0.20 0.5 0.4 1.0 the other two are nominally 1 6 Hz apart cen-
1140.625 0.20 0.4 0.3 0.6 tered at 1380 Hz. The total power nominally
1390.625 0.10 0.4 0.15 0.6 due t o the six 3rd order intermodulation
1640.625 0.10 0.4 0.15 0.6
1890.625 0.00 0.4 0.05 0.6 products in a narrow band centered at 1.9 kHz
2140.625 0.10 0.4 0.15 0.6 is measured and expressed in dB below the
2390.625 0.10 0.4 0.15 0.6 received signal. The power nominally due
2640.625 0.20 0.5 0.30 1.0
2890.625 0.20 1.0 0.30 2.0 to the four 2nd order intermodulation prod-
3140.625 0.30 3.0 0.40 4.0 ucts in a narrow band centered at 520 Hz
3390.625 0.30 4.0 0.50 5.0
3640.625 0.30 5.0 0.50 7.0 and the power nominally due to the four 2nd
3890.625 0.50 5.0 0.80 7.0 order intermodulation products in a narrow
band centered 2240 Hz are also measured.


These two 2nd order distortion product signal. (Long-term objective: 90 dB below
powers are then averaged and the result ex- signal.)
pressed in dB below the received signal. Alter- Probability Density Function.
natively, it is permissible to measure one-half The probability density function of the trans-
the total power in the combined 520 Hz mitted signal shall be that of four independent
and 2240 Hz bands and to express the result sinusoidal oscillators even if the tones are syn-
in dB below the received signal. thesized from a single source.
Second order intermodulation distortion is Signal-to-Noise Check. A front-
defined as follows: panel means shall be provided to determine
Intermod, d = 20 log (v4T /v2 n d ) (dB) the contribution of noise to the measurement
by disabling either the two tones centered at
where 1380 Hz or the two tones centered at 860 Hz
V4 ,= r m s voltage in the 4-tone signal and increasing the other two tones by
3 t0.25 dB. Receiver. The following require-
ments shall be met.
where Accuracy. The measurements
V, = rms voltage in the frequency band shall be accurate to within k 1dB.
centered at 520 Hz Input Level Range. The re-
V, = measured rms voltage in the frequency ceiver shall meet the accuracy and measure-
band centered at 2240 Hz ment range requirements for an input power
Third order intermodulation distortion is range of 0 dBm to - 4 0 dBm.
defined as follows: Measurement and Display
Range. The test set shall be capable of measur-
Intermod,,, = 20 log - (dB)
v4 T
ing and displaying the measurement of 2nd and
v19 3rd order products from 10 dB to 70 dB be-
where low the signal level.
V,, = measured
rms voltage in the 4-tone Filter Specifications. The six
3rd order products to be measured fall in the
Vlg =measured rms voltage in the fre-
range of 1877 Hz t o 1923 Hz. The lower four
quency band centered at 1900 Hz
2nd order products in the range of 503 Hz and Transmitter 537 Hz and the four upper 2nd order products Level Accuracy. The composite in the range of 2223 Hz to 2257 Hz. (This al-
signal output level shall be accurate within lows for frequency shift in the channel and
t 1 dB. transmit signal frequency drift.) Level Range. The output level Filters used t o recover the products shall be
range shall be at least 0 dBm to - 4 0 dBm. At- wide enough to measure the total power with-
tenuator increments of 1dB or smaller shall be in the overall accuracy requirements of 2 1 dB
provided unless a level indicator is part of the and shall be narrow enough to reject out-of-
test set, in which case a vernier is acceptable. band noise. The filter bandwidths may be Spectrum. The transmitted checked by adding a 3.5 kJ3z band-limited
signal shall consist of four equal-level tones. white noise signal (see, at a level of
Two of the tones shall be 6 ?1Hz apart cen- - 4 0 dBm to the input of the set in addition
tered at 860 k 1 Hz and two of the tones shall to the 4-tone signal at - 1 0 dBm. The 2nd and
be 16 +1 Hz apart centered at 1380 t 1 Hz. 3rd order intermodulation products displayed
The tones shall be of equal level within shall each be down at least 46 dB from the
* 0.25 dB. power of the -10 dBm tone signal. The effect Harmonic Distortion. Any of a reading of X dB of 2nd order distortion
harmonic of any of the four tones shall be at should be down at least X +25 dB in the 3rd
least 35 dB below the tone. order distortion channel and vice versa. Background Interference. Any Response to Spurious Tones.
noise, distortion, or interference falling within With a spurious tone 1 5 dB below the total
the three distortion filter passbands as specified signal power, the 2nd and 3rd order measure-
in, shall be at least 70 dB below the ments shall be 55 dB or more below the


4-tone signal. This requirement shall be met for 4.6.4 Crosstalk. Crosstalk is measured with
spurious tones from 50 Hz to 4 kHz, but not in- a sinusoidal test signal driving one circuit and
cluding frequencies within 300 Hz of 520 Hz, the received level measured on a second parallel
1900 Hz, or 2240 Hz. At 60 Hz and 180 Hz, circuit. Crosstalk coupling (crosstalk loss) is
the rejection shall be at least 25 dB greater expressed in decibels (dB) and is the difference
than the above requirement. between the transmitted level in one circuit Detectors. The intermodulation and the received level in another circuit. Mea-
products shall be measured with an average or surements are usually made at an impedance of
an rms detector. An approximate or quasi- 600 S’L or 900 a .
rms detector circuit may be used if it meets Oscillator-Transmitter. See
the requirements of and Display Response Time. The Measuring Set-Receiver. See 4.6.5.
instrument shall indicate within 1 dB of the
final indication within 1 0 seconds after the ap- 4.6.5 Frequency-Selective Level. Frequency-
plication of a test signal. After this initial pe- selective level measurement is the technique of
riod, the display shall be updated at least once analyzing individual components of signals to
every five seconds on the basis of continuing determine frequency, level, or interference
measurements of both the received 4-tone level within a band of frequencies.
and the intermodulation products. Frequency-selective level meters or wave Crosstalk with Transmitter. The analyzers should be used if single-frequency-
receiver shall meet overall accuracy require- interference is heard, if higher frequency inter-
ments when its associated transmitter is set to fering tones are suspected, or if tone levels
its highest output level and terminated in are to be measured in the presence of other
600 R , and a second transmitter set 40 dB be- tones or noise of sufficient magnitude to inter-
low this level is used as a signal source for inter- fere with accuracy of the measurement.
modulation measurement. Level Range. The useful input range Self-check Capability. A self- shall be at least +10 dBm to -90 dBm. Dy-
contained means should be provided to ensure namic range shall be 60 dB with 75 dB being
that the receiver is calibrated within 2 1 dB for desired.
2nd and 3rd order distortions. Level Accuracy. The displayed Improper Received Signal level shall be accurate to 2 1 dB for a single
Level. An indication shall be provided for re- tone input. The response from the band center
ceived test signals outside of the input level t o the 3 dB point shall be monotonic within
range of 0 to - 40 dBm. 0.3 dB. Monitor of Signal to Noise Frequency Range. The selective
(S/N) Check. A means should be provided for level meter shall be able to measure frequen-
determining that a signal-to-noise check signal cies from 20 Hz to 4 kHz. Higher frequency
is being received. ranges may be desirable in some applications. Correction for Signal t o Noise Frequency Accuracy. If the analyzer
(S/N). Generally, the readings observed with has a frequency counter, it should be capable of
the 2-tone S/N check will be higher than for measuring a tone in the filter passband to an
the 4-tone signal, so the correct reading is less accuracy of k2 Hz. If the analyzer does not
than that for the 4-tone test signal. The op- have a frequency counter, it should have a tone
erating instructions shall include a suitable output which permits the use of another fre-
correction curve or correction table, unless quency counter t o measure a tone in the filter
the test set automatically makes the correc- passband t o an accuracy + 2 Hz.
tion in the observed reading after the S/N Filter Bandwidth 3 dB. The analyzer
check transmission. shall have a 1 0 Hz _+ 30% bandwidth at the Spurious Tone Monitor. A 3 dB points. If optional bandwidths are pro-
means should be provided to determine if a vided, 3 Hz, 30 Hz, and 100 Hz are suggested.
spurious tone or noise equal to or greater 4:6.5.6 Filter Bandwidth 60 dB. The band-
than the test tone is being received. Frequen- width of each filter at the 60 dB loss points
cies closer than 2100 Hz about 860 Hz and shall be less than 13 times the filter 3 dB band-
1380 Hz are excluded from this requirement. widths given above.

Std 743-1984 IEEE STANDARD METHODS FOR MEASURING THE TRANSMISSION Sweep. Provision should be made for noise requirement shall be met for band-
automatic sweep. If the sweep rate chosen is limited white noise as follows:
too fast to permit 1dB level accuracy for the (1)Voiceband instruments: noise bandwidth
selected filter bandwidth, then there shall be as defined in
some positive indication of this undesirable (2)Wideband instruments: noisee bandwidth
condition. extending from 50 Hz t o the highest frequency AFC. There should be some provi- that the set can measure.
sion for locking on a tone which drifts slowly Display Response Time. The re-
in frequency. sponse time of the measuring set display is a Overload. There shall be some clear function of the required accuracy.
indication if the total input signal causes an (1)For a suddenly applied 1 kHz sine wave
overload condition. with a 20 dB signal-to-white noise (50 Hz t o
4000 Hz) ratio, the display shall be within
4.6.6 Frequency Measurement. The fre- the stated accuracy within:
quency measurement capability of an instru- - 30 seconds for frequency shift measurement
ment shall meet the following specifications. - 3 seconds for frequency measurement
Requirements for an optional frequency shift (2) For an intantaneous 100 Hz frequency
measurement capability are added in those sec- shift, or of a sinusoidal tone, the display shall
tions where they differ from the frequency be within the stated accuracy within:
measurement capability. - 1 5 seconds for the frequency shift measure- Level. The frequency measuring set ment
shall be capable of accepting inputs from - 2 seconds for frequency measurement
+10 dBm t o - 50 dBm. Frequency Range. If the frequency
measuring set is part of a larger test set, it shall
cover the frequency range of that set. If it -
5. Test Equipment Characteristics
stands alone, it should have a range of at least
20 Hz to 50 kHz. For frequency shift measure-
ment, the set shall have a range of at least 5.1 Physical Characteristics
400 Hz t o 1999.9 Hz. 5.1.1 Shock and Vibration Test Require- Accuracy. The frequency measur- ments. Upon completion of each test the in-
ing set shall be accurate to -+1 Hz for frequen- strument shall meet its required specifications.
cies up t o 10 kHz. It shall be accurate t o In addition, the instrument shall not have any
*lo Hz for frequencies above 10 kHz and up mechanical damage which could interfere with
t o 100 kHz. It shall display frequency up to or be detrimental t o the operation of the
10 kIIz with an accuracy of +1Hz. For fre- instrument.
quency shift measurement, the display shall Shock Tests (Packaged). Drop tests
be accurate t o +0.1 Hz for frequencies up t o shall be peformed on the instrument in its
1999.9 Hz. packing (shipping or designated transit) con- Update Rate. The frequency mea- tainer. The height of the drop test is based on
suring set shall display a new measurement at the gross weight of the package (see Table 14).
the rate of once per second. If the frequency The impact surface shall be concrete. The unit
measuring set is 'often used to display the fre- shall be dropped once on each face and once
quency of a manually-tuned oscillator t o 1Hz, on each corner.
it shall display a new measurement at a rate of Shock Tests (Unpackaged). If the
at least 4 times per second. instrument is advertised as a portable unit it Interference and Noise. The fre- shall meet the requirements of Table 14. The
quency measuring set shall meet the accuracy drops shall be made once on each rest surface
requirements in the presence of single-frequency and once on each comer adjacent to a rest sur-
interference or noise with a signal-to- face. The impact surface shall be concrete.
interference or signal-to-noise ratio of 20 dB. Vibration Tests (Packaged). In its
The single-frequency interference requirement packing (shipping or designated transit) con-
shall be met for any interference frequency tainer the instrument shall be vibrated as in-
within the measurement range of the set. The dicated in Table 14. The tests shall be per-


Table 14
Shock and Vibration Test Requirements

Condition Test Requirement

Packaged Shock (drop) < 20 lb: 30 in high, each face and corner
20-50 lb: 24 in high, each face and corner
50-100 lb: 21 in high, each face and corner
100-200 lb: 18 in high, each face and corner
(Portable Only) Shock (drop) < 1 0 lb: 12 in high, once each rest surface
and 6 in high once each corner adjacent
to rest surface
10-33 lb: 6 inch high, once each rest surface
and 3 in high once each corner adjacent to
rest surface
Packaged Vibration once for each axis:
swept from 5 Hz t o 100 Hz at a rate of
0.1 octave/min
at 0.5 G ( 1 . 0 G for overseas)
swept from 100 Hz t o 500 Hz at a rate of
Unpackaged Vibration 0.25 octave/min at 1.5 G with a dwell at
(Portable Only) peak response for 15 min
Same as packaged vibration above

formed along each of the three orthogonal Taber Abraser machine, or equivalent. The
axes. wheels shall be CS17 Calibrase with 1000 g load.
Along each axis the peak response frequency The abraser wheels shall be properly dressed
of the unit shall be determined and the unit before each test.
shall be vibrated a t the specified frequencies (3) Chemical Resistance. The finish and
for a minimum of 15 minutes at the G level markings shall be resistant t o 1, 1, 1 - tri-
indicated in Table 14. chloroethane when tested a t 25 "C and 50% Vibration Test (Unpackaged). If relative humidity as follows: lightly and uni-
the instrument is defined as a portable instru- formly rub a wad of cotton [approximately
ment, it shall meet the requirements of 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter] moistened with
without being in a packing container. the chemical over an area approximately 1 inch
5.1.2 Finish and Markings. The test equip- (2.5 cm) by 2 in (5 cm) for 15 seconds. The
ment case shall be protected by a suitable cotton shall not be discolored nor shall the
finish. The texture of the finish shall be free wiped area be discernible from the surrounding
of dirt and grit and shall not show objection- area after 30 minutes recovery period.
able orange peel effect or other unevenness 5.1.3 Knobs and Controls. All controls shall
of coverage. Panel markings shall be permanent, be located where they are easily accessible.
well defined, and legible. The permanence of They shall be engineered for convenience and
markings shall be determined as follows. suitability of operation. In general, concen-
(1) Adherence. The finish and markings shall tric knobs shall be avoided unless the intent
not be removed from the base metal nor show of such knobs is obvious. Markings for push
any separation of coats when tested using the buttons shall be such that their function is
conditioning and apparatus described in ANSI/ clear in both the IN and OUT position.
ASTM D21-97-1968 (R1979) [ 11, Adhesion 5.1.4 Portability. To provide easy handling,
of Coatings of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Re- test sets should have a single handle placed on
lated Products loaded with a 4000 g load. the case of the set (not the cover) so that the
- (2) Abrasion Resistance. The markings shall set may be moved or carried comfortably. The
remain legible and there shall be no wear- set, plus cover and power cord or batteries
through t o the base metal after 1000 turns in a should weigh no more than 15 kg (33 lb). If


the set is more than one part, then each part with a 3-contact polarized plug or cap suitable
should meet the above requirement and the for the intended voltage range.
parts should stack conveniently. 5.4.2 Battery Power. Power may be supplied
5.1.5 Rack-Mounted Equipment. Rack- by batteries, which may be rechargeable. There
mounted test equipment shall not rely on shall be some provision for indicating when the
cooling from convection air currents which batteries need recharging or replacing. If the
can be blocked by other equipment above or batteries are not rechargeable they shall be of
below it. a type readily obtainable locally. If they are
rechargeable, a means of recharging shall be
5.2 Identification of Equipment provided with the equipment.
5.2.1 Markings. The name and model num- If test equipment is t o be powered from the
ber of the test equipment and also the name office battery, the equipment shall meet the
of the manufacturer shall appear on the out- specification of this standard with central of-
side of the set, or on its cover so that it may be fice battery voltages from -42.5V t o -56.5V
easily identified while in a storage position. with respect t o ground.
5.2.2 Updated Markings. If a set is modified 5.5 Presentation of Measurement Results
t o change its original form or function or in 5.5.1 Analog Displays. If an analog meter
any way alter its suitability for an intended is used as the output display, the spacing of
measurement, the set designation should be the meter markings shall be proportional to
clearly changed t o indicate its new use and the approximate accuracy of the meter a t that
make rapid and positive identification possible. point, and there shall be an area of the meter
where the markings permit readings accurate
5.3 Safety Requirements t o the specifications for the given measure-
5.3.1 Safety Standards. Detailed safety re- ment. For example, if a measuring set with
quirements are beyond the scope of this stan- +1 unit accuracy has a range switch with ten-
dard. National or local authority may require unit steps, a t least a ten-unit range on the
conformance t o safety standards applicable in meter shall be marked in increments of one
the location where the equipment will be used. unit or less.
In the absence of such standards, equipment If the equipment has supports or feet sug-
shall conform t o the International Electro- gesting usage in more than one position, the
Technical Commission, IEC 348-1978[9]. meter shall be balanced so as not to degrade
5.3.2 Third-Wire Ground. All ac-line powered the measurement accuracy in any of these
equipment shall be provided with a third-wire positions.
safety ground in accordance with the ref-
erenced standards (IEC Safety Class 1 or 5.5.2 Digital Displays
equivalent). This requirement is waived where Resolution. The resolution of a
local authority requires the use of double in- digital display, or the unit value of the least
sulation (IEC Safety Class 11). significant digit, shall be commensurate with
the specified accuracy of the measurement
5.4 Operating Power being displayed. The resolution shall be at
5.4.1 AC Line Power. Equipment designed least as fine as the maximum permissible error
t o operate from ac line power shall meet the in either direction. A one unit resolution is
performance requirements of this standard and required t o display -+1unit accuracy. Because
of the individual equipment specification while of the decimal nature of the display, a one
operating with power line frequencies of 50 Hz unit resolution is also required t o display lower
or 60 Hz and voltages between 100 V and accuracy, such as + 5 units, even though this
129 V or between 200 V and 250 V. Equip- resolution is much finer than the measurement
ment that is switchable between these two accuracy. On the other hand, display of extra
ranges shall be equipped with an appliance inlet nonsignificant digits should be avoided.
connector in conforinance with IEC 320-1981 Round Off. The worst-case round-
[ 8J . Equipment intended for one voltage range ing error in the display shall be included in de-
only may be equipped with the appliance inlet termining the accuracy of the measurement.
connector or may have a permanently attached Normally, the point at which a display changes
3-conductor AWG 18 flexible cord equipped from one number t o the next should be a t the


one-half unit point. For example, the display RS-449-1977[7], ANSI/IEEE Std 488-1978
should go from one to two at 1.5.The worst- [ 51 , corresponding CCITT (International Tele-
case rounding error will then be 0.5 unit. This graph and Telephone Consultative Committee),
round-off rule is essential in the case of a one- or IS0 (International Organization for Stan-
unit resolution for f 1unit accuracy. dardization)' standards, or a combination of
If a different round-off rule is used, such as the above.
simply discarding less significant digits, the 5.5.4 Audible Monitor. A simple listening
rounding error may be as great as one full unit. test is a valuable adjunct to quantitative mea-
This is acceptable if the specified accuracy is, surements in the audio frequency range be-
for example, +5 units, but is not acceptable for cause it will often reveal the reason for an un-
+1 unit accuracy. satisfactory measurement result. The human Update Rate. When it is likely that ear can detect an interfering tone in the audio
the user will make a manual adjustment while range if its level is within 3 dB of a single tone
observing the result on a digital display, a fast or random noise. A listening test will reveal the
real-time response is essential for convenient presence of single frequency interference,
adjustment. For this purpose, the measurement which can then be measured as described in
shall be made and the result displayed at least 4.6.5. During noise-with-tone measurement,
four times per second. Liquid crystal displays a listening test made after suppression of the
shall respond to the four per second rate at the holding tone will reveal the presence of single
lowest specified operating temperature unless a frequency interference, harmonic distortion,
statement to the contrary is included in the impulse noise, or hits.
equipment specifications. For these reasons, wherever applicable,
For other measurements of continuous equipment for measuring analog voice fre-
quantities, the display of new measurement quency transmission characteristics shall in-
clude either a built-in loudspeaker monitor or
data shall occur at least once per second. The
results of measurements such as event counts means for connecting external headphones.
shall be displayed as they are completed. The A loudspeaker monitor or headphone jacks
result of each measurement shall be held and should be provided with a volume control
displayed until the next measurement result is having an OFF position, or a volume control
received, or until occurrence of a manual reset, and separate ON/OFF switch.
timeout, or some other deliberate erasure or 5.5.5 Display of Incorrect Results. Care shall
blanking as may be determined by the set be exercised in the design of test equipment
manufacturer. to prevent the display of incorrect results. For Damping and Fluctuation. N o example,
digital display, regardless of the update rate, (1)If input ranges are exceeded, there shall
has the ability of an analog display (meter) be some kind of out-of-range indication. For
to permit convenient estimation of the peaks example, a digital display could show only a
and mean value of a fluctuating measurement. + for overrange, and only a - for underrange
A compromise update rate of two or three (2) If the presence of a holding tone is neces-
times per second may be used for such mea- sary for a measurement, its absence shall be
surements. clearly indicated Autorange. Autorange circuits, if (3) Changing a step attenuator or a scale fac-
any, shall be fast enough that the time to dis- tor shall not permit a steady-state incorrect
play the correct reading meets the requirements reading to be displayed, unless warning of such
for the particular measurement in Section 4,if is indicated on the front panel by some means
given. (4)If the power of a transmitted signal may
be monitored other than by manual connec-
5.5.3 Output Interfaces. Provision of analog
and digital output interfaces, for remote dis- tion of an appropriate receiver, the power dis-
played shall be that which would be dissipated
play or acquisition and storage of measure-
ment results, is recommended. In the absence in a resistance equal t o the nominal transmitter
of applicable standards, analog output inter-
. faces shall conform to good engineering prac-
' I S 0 standards are available from the Sales Depart-
tice. Digital output interfaces shall conform ment, American National Standards Institute, 1430
to EIA RS-232-C-1969(R1981) [6], EIA Broadway, New York, NY 10018.


output impedance. (The displayed power shall Table 15

not be a function of the impedance connected Input and Output Impedance
to the transmitter terminals.) This prevents a
Return Loss
tester from varying the transmitter power out- (Impedance
a) Frequency Range (dB)
put for different frequencies to match a
frequency-variable facility input impedance. 600 or 900 200 Hz to 4 kHz 2 30
135 or 150 800 Hz to 1 6 kHz > 30
1 3 5 , 150, 600, or Full operating > 15
5.6 Functional Requirements 900 range of the set
5.6.1 Input and Output Impedances. Mea-
surements on balanced audio frequency circuits
are ordinarily made on a bridged or terminated
basis. For bridged measurement, the input im- the termination used for measurement of
pedance shall be high enough t o minimize the Echo Return Loss or Singing Return Loss,
effect of the measuring equipment on the cir- which is 600 f2 or 900 f2 in series with 2.16 pF.
cuit being measured. For terminated measure- See
ment, the input impedance should be designed Return Loss. The return loss of
to match the nominal impedance of the circuit input and output impedance against the
being measured. nominal impedance shall be as shown in
Transmitters of test signals used on balanced Table 15.
audio frequency circuits should provide output Reduced Frequency Range.
impedance which matches the circuit under For test sets with reduced frequency ranges,
test. if the 30 dB requirement is not met for the Terminated Impedance. Terminated range from 200 Hz to 4 kHz, the user shall be
input or output impedance is usually 600 f2 or cautioned about the use of the set as a termina-
900 f2 for voice frequency circuits and 135 ll tion for other measurement sets.
for program or wideband data circuits. Other Calculation of Transmitter Re-
impedances may be provided for specific re-
turn Loss. If the return loss of transmitter out-
quirements. Some applications may require
put impedance cannot be measured directly
separate send and receive impedance selection.
because the set’s output signal cannot be Accuracy. Signal and noise mea- eliminated, the return loss can be calculated
surement levels are expressed in terms of the from a knowledge of the set’s phasor output
power which would be dissipated in a precise impedance as given in The phasor
nominal termination. If the terminating im- output impedance can be measured by using a
pedance differs from nominal, the set can still bridge circuit having a selective detector. The
be calibrated to read correctly with a nominal detector is tuned to the bridge measurement
source impedance, but there will be an error if frequency while the set’s output is tuned to an-
the source impedance also differs from nominal. other frequency rejected by the detector.
Accuracy of terminating impedance is ex- Bridging Input Impedance. Bridging
pressed in terms of return loss measured
input is intended to have negligible effect on
against the nominal impedance, because high
the circuit being measured. Bridging loss is
return loss will ensure minimum sensitivity
defined as the change in level which occurs
to errors caused by source impedance deviation
when the set is connected to a test circuit
from nominal. The value of return loss, at fre- having nominal source and terminating im-
quency ( f ) ,is given by
pedance (that is, the set is connected to an im-
pedance of one-half circuit nominal).

Return loss ( f )= 20 log
Zrer - Z(f) Bridging loss ( f ) = 20 log 1 + - dB
Where Z ( f ) = R ( f ) + jX(f) is the actual
phasor impedance at frequency (f). Zret is where
the nominal impedance, and is a pure re- 2, = nominal circuit impedance
sistance when measuring return loss of test Z ( f ) = actual bridging input impedance at
equipment input and output terminating im- frequency f
pedance. (This should not be confused with Bridging loss for Class I1 and 111 instruments


shall not exceed 0.2 dB over the specified op- to the point of the telephone set installation
erating frequency range of the set. In addition on/at the customer premises and therefore
the set shall be calibrated so that the total error does not have to provide current over a long
including the effect of bridging loss is within central office loop. These circuits will normally
the accuracy specification given in Section 4 hold with a current flow of 16 mA. The prob-
for the intended measurement. See ability of having t o make comprehensive trans- Impedance t o Ground. There shall mission measurements on these carrier derived
be no dc path from either input or output circuits is very low and therefore would not
terminal t o ground. The ac longitudinal im- necessarily be subject to the restraints of
pedance, measured from the balanced input or
output terminals (shorted together) t o ground, Holding Timing. After a line is
shall be greater than 20 000 S2 for frequencies seized and dialing has been completed, opera-
below 4 kHz. Above 4 kHz, the requirement tion of panel controls on the set shall not inter-
decreases in inverse proportion to frequency. rupt the hold current for a period exceeding
5.6.2 Line Holding and Signaling. It may be 100 ms.
necessary to operate and hold supervisory Dialing. It is desirable for sets
relays in line type telephone circuits which which have holding capability t o provide for
supply a dc holding current in order t o establish the convenient connection of a handset with
and maintain transmission integrity over the a dial.
circuit. Ground Start. Loop signaling
The following parts describe telephone cir- ground start circuits require a momentary
cuit characteristics and requirements which ground applied t o the Ring (R) conductor t o
shall be met for line holding: operate the supervisory relays. This is ac- Voltage versus Current. Transmis- complished by providing up t o 600 S2 resistive
sion test equipment may be used t o test a vari- path between ring and ground until tip ground
ety of circuit types and may be connected t o or the initial dial tone is received from the cen-
the circuit at locations that subject the test tral office. At that point, the holding current
equipment t o a wide range of voltages and cur- previously specified is sufficient to maintain
rents. The most common circuit encountered operation of the relays.
consists of a nominal 48 V office battery in Provisions may be made for supplying a
series with some dc line resistance, with a momentary ground start signal in the test set.
minimum of 20 mA required between tip and Loop Reverse Battery Signaling
ring t o hold the office relay. With some facil- Circuits. These circuits require that the
ities it may be necessary t o pass currents up terminating end of the loop furnish battery and
t o 26 mA to ensure seizing the line. To ensure ground t o the conductors. In the idle condition
holding these circuits, the dc drawn by the test the ring (R) conductor shall be negative with
set holding circuit shall be at least 20 mA with respect t o the tip (T) conductor. Battery sup-
42.5 V dc of either polarity applied t o the in- ply voltage should be between -42.5 V dc and
put through an external 1700 S2 resistance. Ad- -56.5 V dc. The total loop plus central office
ditionally, the hold current shall not drop be- resistance will range from a minimum of
low 20 mA for any combination of open cir- 500 S2 t o be a maximum of 2450 L?.A mini-
cuit voltage between 42.5 V dc and 105 V dc, mum of 16 mA is required t o hold reverse bat-
and any resistance up t o 1700 S2. tery circuits. Provisions may be made for
Other voltages and currents may be encoun- furnishing the ground and battery supply.
tered. The voltage supplies may be nonlinear, Effect on Measurement. The hold
but the dc V-I characteristic describing them circuit, when connected t o 53 V source of
will fall within the boundaries indicated by either polarity through an external 330 S2 dc
the IL MAX and IL MIN limits shown on resistance, shall not degrade the accuracy of
Fig 8. any measurement. that the test set performs.
In a small, indeterminate number of instances, It also shall not cause the test set to fail any
residential line service may be provided by a of the general requirements, except that the
- _ subscriber line carrier system which may pro- return loss requirement of 30 dB may be re-
vide a tip t o ring open circuit voltage as low as laxed by 6 dB per octave for frequencies be-
7.8 V dc. This voltage is generated at or close low 300 Hz.




0 40



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160


10 I L MAX: 105.0 107.0 981.3
IL MIN: 42.5
5 7.8 41.1 189.8

+ 5

0 10 20 30


Fig 8
Line Holding Current Requirements

In addition, when connected to a 42.5 V quirement decreasing 20 dB per decade from

source through 1700 5 2 , the hold circuit shall 120 Hz to the maximum operating frequency
not degrade the accuracy of any measurement of the set.
made at a level below - 9 dBm. Longitudinal balance in the voice frequency
5.6.3 Longitudinal Balance. All test equip- band shall be measured in accordance with
ment inputs and outputs shall have a longi- ANSI/IEEE Std 455-1976 [ 4 ] . The same me-
tudinal balance of at least 90 dB at frequen- thod may be extended t o higher frequencies
cies between 50 Hz and 120 Hz, with the re- for measurement outside the voice band.


Fig 9
Standard Driving Test Circuit of
ANSI/IEEE Std 455-1976[ 41

5.6.4 Effect of Longitudinal Voltages on sulting change in set measurement shall be

Measurement Accuracy. The presence of longi- within the limits specified below for each
tudinal voltages at the input terminals can af- frequency sweep.
fect measurement accuracy of test sets due to Figure 9 shows for reference the standard
the combined effect of longitudinal imbalance, driving test circuit of ANSI/IEEE Std 455-
common mode response, and nonlinearity of 1976 [4]. The impedances Z,, Z,, and 2,
the input circuits. Test sets shall be capable of include the series reactance of dc blocking
normal operation in the presence of a standard capacitors and the shunt impedance of dc
longitudinal voltage source whose r m s magni- supply circuits.
tude is given by the expression
The values are:
v, = f
2, = 736 C2 +5% ,@ 24"
for any frequency, f in hertz, from 50 to
500 000.In addition, the presence of this stan-
2, = 2, = 368 C2 +5% /o" +4"
dard longitudinal voltage shall not degrade the Means shall be provided for precisely bal-
accuracy of the measurement the set performs ancing 2, and 2,. An Appendix to ANSI/
except as provided below. IEEE Std 455-1976 [4] describes one imple-
This requirement shall hold for all permissible mentation of the standard driving test circuit,
levels, frequencies, and operating conditions including means for introducing dc bias through
of the test set (such as dc holding current). the driving test circuit to the test specimen
If the test set is to be tested in the bridging and also a method for balancing 2, and 2,.
mode, an external terminating resistance shall Figure 10 shows the overall test configura-
be added across the input terminals. tion for testing the effect of longitudinal Test Configuration. To test for con- voltage. The capacitors C1 and C2 and trans-
formance with this section, the standard longi- former T1 provide a means for driving the set
tudinal voltage source is applied to the set in- under test with an appropriate metallic test
put terminals through the standard driving test signal. These components may be omitted if
circuit as defined for longitudinal balance mea- the output of the signal source is suitably
surement in ANSI/IEEE Std 455-1976 [4]. blocked, balanced, and isolated.
A source of signal or noise for the measure- The impedance 2, has the effect of double-
ment in question is also connected to the set terminating the measurement circuit. The out-
input terminals. With the standard longi- put level of the signal source shall be set, in the
tudinal voltage source turned OFF but the presence of this double termination but with
drive circuit connected, the set measurement the standard longitudinal voltage source OFF,
6 in question is made. The standard longitudinal to produce a measurement indication by the
oltage source is then turned ON and stepped set under test as specified for each of the tests
or swept through its frequency range. The re- of





Fig 10
Equipment Configuration for Longitudinal Voltage Tests Specific Requirements. All of the standard longitudinal voltage source switched
requirements below shall be met with dc volt- ON, the equivalent noise reading of the set
ages applied to any line holding circuits (see under test shall not exceed 30 dBrn.
5.6.2).The specific requirements for maximum When the noise weighting networks of Figs 1
error caused by the presence of the standard through 4 are selected, the permissible reading
longitudinal voltage source of Fig 10, for the of the set under test is further reduced by
various measurements covered in Section 4, the network weighting factor at the longi-
are as follows: tudinal test frequency. For example, with a Level Measurement. Use the C-Message loss of 25 dB at 200 Hz the maxi-
test configuration of Fig 10. The signal source mum permissible reading of the set under test
shall have an ouptut impedance equal to the when the standard longitudinal voltage source
nominal input impedance of the set under test. is switched on is 30 - 25 = 5 dBrnC.
With no harmonic relationship between the If the maximum permissible equivalent noise
frequencies of the test oscillator and the stan- reading is below the sensitivity of the set
dard longitudinal voltage source, for any level under test, then the test shall be conducted in
measurement above 50 dBm, switching on the the same manner as for level measurement in
standard longitudinal voltage source (at longi- The requirement is that for any
tudinal frequencies of 120 Hz and above) shall measurement reading of a signal source 10 dB
not cause a level measurement change of more or more above the maximum permissible
than 0.1 dB. For longitudinal frequencies be- equivalent noise reading resulting from the
low 100 Hz,the no greater than 0.1 dB change standard longitudinal voltage source, switching
requirement shall be met for level measurements ON the standard longitudinal voltage source
above - 40 dBm. shall not cause the observed reading to change Noise Measurement. Use the by more than 0.5 dB (1 dB in the case of a
test configuration of Fig 10. For this test, the digital readout with only 1 dB resolution).
signal source of Fig 10 is replaced by a Envelope Delay. Use the test
terminating impedance equal to the nominal configuration of Fig 10. The signal source for -
input of the set under test. With either 3 kHz this test is an envelope delay transmitter pro-
Flat or 15 kHz Flat weighting selected and the viding a 50% amplitude-modulated metallic


signal at a level of - 3 dBm. When the standard longitudinal voltage source at any frequency
longitudinal voltage source is turned on, at within its range. The 10% amplitude jitter
any frequency within its range, the variation reading shall not change by more than 1%.
in envelope delay measurement shall not ex- Return Loss. For 4-wire re-
ceed the accuracy limitations of turn loss measurement, connect the test cir-
Particular attention should be paid t o the effect cuit of Fig 10. Set the signal source t o
of longitudinal frequencies at the upper and - 6 0 dBm. Note the apparent return loss read-
lower side-bands of the AM signal. ing on the set under test. Now switch ON the Impulse Noise. Connect the standard longitudinal voltage source. The read-
test circuit of Fig 1 0 as for noise measurement ing shall not change more than 1.5 dB.
( For any threshold setting higher For 2-wire return loss measurement, connect
than 30 dBrn, the presence of the standard the longitudinal driving test circuit as shown
longitudinal voltage shall cause no impulse in Fig 10 t o the LINE or 2-wire transmit/
counts. receive terminals of the set under test. The Phase Hits. Connect the test signal source of Fig 10 is omitted. Connect a
circuit of Fig 10. The signal source for this resistance which is adjustable over a range of
test shall be a 1 kHz holding tone at -40 dBm approximately *lo% around 736 f2 to the
with 5 ms, 10" phase hits occurring once a external standard terminals of the set under
second. With the threshold set at 20°, no test. The set will now read the return-loss of
phase hits shall be recorded in the presence the longitudinal driving test circuit metallic
of the standard longitudinal voltage. impedance against the adjustable resistor. Gain Hits. Connect the test Adjust the resistor t o obtain the highest return
circuit of Fig 10. The signal source for this loss reading the set is intended to measure
test shall be a 1 kHz holding tone at 40 dBm (but not more than 50 dB). When the standard
with 5 ms, 2 dB gain hits occurring once a sec- longitudinal voltage source is turned ON at
ond. With the threshold set a t 3 dB, no gain any frequency within its range, the reading
hits shall be recorded in the presence of the shall not change more than 1.0 dB.
standard longitudinal voltage. P/AR. Connect the test cir- Dropouts. Connect the test cuit as shown in Fig 10. The metallic signal
circuit of Fig 10. The signal source for this source for this test shall be a P/AR transmitter
test shall be a 1 kHz holding tone at - 40 dBm. sending an undistorted P/AR signal at a level
After establishing the dropout threshold with which depends on the frequency of the stan-
this tone, apply 5 ms, 11 dB negative gain dard longitudinal voltage source, as follows:
hits to this holding tone occurring once a sec-
ond. No dropouts shall be recorded in the Received Level of the
presence of the standard longitudinal voltage. Longitudinal P/AR Signal Source Phase Jitter. Connect the test Source Frequency (Lon&udinal Source
circuit of Fig 10. The signal source for this Turned Off)
test shall provide two test signals at 1 ldlz 50 - 800 Hz - 38 dBm
and 1100 Hz. Set the 1 kHz oscillator t o a 800 - 2700 Hz - 20 dBm
level of - 1 5 dBm, and the 1100 Hz oscillator 2.7 kHz - 1 MHz - 30 dBm
t o a level which produces a 10" phase-jitter
reading on the meter. Now switch on the
standard longitudinal voltage source at any The received P/AR value shall not change
frequency within its range. The 10" phase- by more than 3 P/AR units as the standard
longitudinal voltage source is varied in fre-
jitter reading shall not change by more
quency from 50 Hz t o 1 MHz and in voltage
than 1".
as shown in Fig 10. Amplitude Jitter. Connect the
test circuit of Fig 10.The signal source for this Intermodulation Distortion.
test shall provide two test signals a t 1kHz and Connect the test circuit of Fig 10 using a
- 1100 Hz. Set the 1 kHz oscillator t o a level of
- 15 dBm, and the 1100 Hz oscillator t o a level
metallic signal source meeting the requirements
of the output level of this inter-
which produces a 10% amplitude jitter reading modulation test signal source for a received
on the meter. Now switch on the standard signal level of -10 dBm on the set under test.


When the standard longitudinal voltage source all accuracy requirements when operating at
is turned on, the observed second and third their most sensitive ranges. All sets shall have
order intermodulation distortions shall be at proper input signals and a common ground. In
least 50 dB down when the longitudinal source addition, for sets measuring transient
frequencies are set to 520 Hz, 1900 Hz and phenomena, turning an adjacent similar set ON
2240 Hz. For other frequencies that are not or OFF shall not cause a count.
closer than 300 Hz to 520 Hz, 1900 Hz or High-Frequency Noise Protection.
2240 Hz, distortion products shall be a t least Facilities close t o AM broadcasting transmitters
70 dB below the input signal. will often pick up the AM signals both metal- Frequency Selective Level. lically and longitudinally. Transmission measur-
Connect the test circuit of Fig 10. For this test, ing sets covered by this standard should be de-
the signal source is replaced by a terminating signed to minimize the effects of this interfer-
impedance equal to the nominal input im- ence on the accuracy of measurements. The
pedance of the test set. Tune the selective tests which follow for susceptibility t o metallic
detector to 15 kHz or the highest test fre- and longitudinal AM broadcast signals are for
quency of the set if lower than 15 kHz. The sets which do not make measurements above
observed level reading shall remain below voiceband frequencies. Such sets should have a
- 5 6 dBm when the standard longitudinal low-pass filter in the measuring path with a
voltage is applied. This requirement shall be corner at 10 kHz, a slope of a t least 1 2 dB
met for tuned frequencies down to the lowest per octave, and a loss greater than 60 dB for
advertised frequency limit of the set. all frequencies above 500 kHz. Frequency Measurement. Con- While specific requirements are not given
nect the test circuit of Fig 10. The signal in this section for the low-pass filter for sets
source for this test shall be a tone of frequency which measure parameters above voiceband
f a t a level of - 46 dBm. The observed frequen- hequencies, the performance of such a set
cy, f , shall not change by more than 1 Hz for the tests which follow is likely t o be of
when the standard longitudinal voltage is ap- interest t o a user. The requirements below
plied. The frequency of the signal source, f , shall be met with dc voltages applied t o any
shall be varied t o include the low end through line holding circuits (see 5.6.2).
the high end of the advertised frequency mea- (1) To test the susceptibility of a voiceband
surement range. set t o metallic AM broadcast interference,
5.6.5 Effect of External Interference. The use the test setup of Fig 10, but with the
test set should be protected against errors caused standard longitudinal voltage source removed.
by power line transients and radio frequency Add the outputs of a 1004 Hz tone source
signals or noise which may be radiated or and an amplitude modulation rf signal genera-
longitudinally conducted into the set. tor at the input t o transformer T 1 in such a Battery-Operated Sets. A battery- manner that the output level of either may be
operated set should meet all of its accuracy reduced to zero without changing the effective
requirements while an ac powered electric 600 Ll drive impedance seen looking toward
drill of at least 0.2 hp is running continuously these sources from the input t o transformer T1.
within 3 ft of the set. The set should be mea- With the output of the amplitude modulation
suring a proper signal at its lowest threshold or rf signal generator reduced t o zero, adjust the
most sensitive range. The input leads t o the set level of the 1004 Hz source for a level indica-
should be shielded. If the set measures transient tion of - 49.9 dBm on the voiceband set under
phenomena, then no counts should be registered test (600 Ll input impedance). Bridge a high-
when the drill is turned ON or OFF. frequency, high-impedance voltmeter across AC Powered Sets. The requirements the input to the set under test and note the ob-
of should be met when the 0.2 hp elec- served voltage.
tric drill is plugged in t o an outlet o n the same (2) Set the output level of the 1004 Hz
bus approximately 6 f t from the outlet supply- source t o zero. Set the carrier frequency of the
ing power t o the test set. amplitude modulation source t o 1MHz and ad- Stacking Sets. Test sets of the same just it for 50% amplitude modulation with a
type when stacked on top of one another and 1300 Hz modulation frequency. Using the
power from the same ac outlet shall meet bridged high-frequency voltmeter, adjust the


- output level of the amplitude modulator for a noise power output from the receiver terminals,
voltage reading 100 times (40 dB) larger than or from the transmitter terminals when in an
that observed for the 1004 Hz source in (1). XMT OFF position, shall be less than 10 dBm,
(3) Remove the bridged high-frequency volt- measured with 3 kHz Flat weighting.
meter and apply the 1004 Hz tone at the level Conducted Outputs. For any
set in (1). The observed level reading shall signal input or output port, the power in any
remain at 49.9 dBm as the carrier frequency is 10 kHz band up t o 1 GHz conducted out of
varied from 0.5 MHz t o 1.6 MHz. either terminal shall be less than - 5 5 dBm.
(4)Remove the amplitude modulator used as The measurement shall be made as follows:
the source of metallic interference in (1)-(3) both terminals of the port shall be terminated
above and use it t o replace the standard longi- with 100 t o ground and the power measured
tudinal voltage source in Fig 10. Set its output from either terminal t o ground. Good rf mea-
level t o zero. Use the 1004 Hz oscillator as the surement techniques shall be employed. This
source of metallic test signal for the set under requirement applies only in cases not previous-
test, and adjust its level for a level reading of ly addressed in other parts of the text.
- 49.9dBm on the set under test.
5.7.3 (SF) Single Frequency Skip. On circuits
(5) Connect the high-frequency, high- employing single frequency (SF) signaling,
impedance voltmeter between an input terminal transmission of a tone at or near 2600 Hz will
of the set under test and ground. Adjust the cause disconnection of the circuit. For test
level of the amplitude modulator (with a car- sets which have tone sweeping capabilities,
rier frequency of 1 MHz and 50% amplitude a switchable means should be provided for
modulation at 1300 Hz) for a reading of blocking transmission of tones between 2450 Hz
0.775 V rms (0 dBm in 600 a).Remove the and 2750 Hz during a tone sweep on circuits
high-frequency , high-impedance voltmeter. The with SF signaling.
level reading shall remain at -49.9dBm as the 5.7.4 4 kHz Pilots. For testing on N3 car-
carrier frequency of the longitudinal 1300 Hz rier facilities, transmitted sweep should stop at
amplitude-modulated signal is varied from 3980 Hz maximum so as t o prevent interfer-
0.5 MHz to 1.6 MHz. ence with 4 kHz pilot tones.
(6) Successful completion of these tests indi- 5.7.5 Ease of Use. Detected signal outputs
cates suppression of high-frequency interfer- for plotters are frequently useful. Internal pro-
ence, and that nonlinearities do not exist which visions for calibration or verification to show
would demodulate the 1300 Hz amplitude- that the set is working properly will build con-
modulated signal in the broadcast band. fidence in the users of a set.
The requirements of the previous sections, if
5.7 Miscellaneous Requirements met, do not guarantee that the transmission
5.7.1 Warm-up Time. The time required, test set will be useful. Good human engineering
after a test set is first turned on, before speci- is the best precaution. Among the pitfalls that
fied accuracy is assured shall be specified by should be avoided are:
the manufacturer. This time should not exceed (1)Confusing instruction material
five minutes when the instrument is at ambient (2) Interactive front-panel controls
temperature. The manufacturer shall specify (3)Ambiguous switch designations
the wann-up time when the instrument is used (4)Proliferation of controls or calibration
with an initial 25 "C change t o room tempera- adjustments
ture. (5) Handle not over center of gravity of set
5.7.2 Extraneous Output from the Equip- (6) Small readouts or designations
ment (7) Noisy fan Electromagnetic Interference. So as (8) Loose but necessary accessories without
not t o interfere with nearby receivers or other provisions for storage
sensitive equipment, the test set shall meet the 5.7.6 Instruction Material. Instruction ma-
radiation requirements of applicable standards. terial t o ensure satisfactory operation and Undesired Output when Used as maintenance should include:
- Circuit Termination. To permit the use of a (1)Photograph or line drawing of the front
voice-band transmission test set as a termina- panel
tion for a paralleled noise measuring set, the (2) Complete performance specifications


(3) Detailed instructions on operation (1)Temperature: 0 "C t o 50 "C.

(4)Theory of operation with block dia- (2) Relative humidity: 10% t o 90% non-
grams condensing.
(5) Schematic diagrams, including typical (3) Altitude: up to 5000 m.
voltages and waveforms Portable test sets shall be capable of being
(6) Flow chart of the test set measurement turned on without damage at temperatures
functions, where applicable down to - 30 "C.
(7) Parts list, including manufacturer's name
and part ordering information 6.4 High-Voltage Protection. The test set should
(8) Part locating diagrams, including be protected against high voltage which can be
terminal identification of all multiterminal de- encountered on the facilities being measured.
vices The test set should be turned on during these
(9) Printed wiring board component and tests, and work properly at their conclusion.
path locating diagrams 6.4.1 Longitudinal Voltages. Damage t o the
(10) Routine maintenance and calibration measuring set shall not result from the presence
procedures of a longitudinal voltage of 250 V dc or
(11)Troubleshooting procedures 250 V rms at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, or less. Above
60 Hz, the voltage requirement decreases in
(12) Minor repair procedures inverse proportion t o frequency.
5.7.7 Calibration. A set specified as meeting 6.4.2 Metallic Voltages. The inputs and out-
the accuracy requirements of this standard puts of test equipment used on balanced audio
shall meet the accuracy requirements when the frequency circuits shall not provide a dc metal-
set is received. It shall continue t o meet the lic path of less than 100 kR resistance except
stated accuracy requirements until passing through hold circuits as described in 5.6.2.
of the time period designated by the manu- It is necessary that the set withstand dc volt-
facturer as the recalibration interval. ages which may be present. In certain metal-
lic, low-frequency telegraph or alarm loops
as much as 260 V dc may appear across the
6. Environment balanced input terminals. A set which may be
used to test this kind of service should have
6.1 Scope. This section provides the operating 300 V dc blocking capability; otherwise, the
and nonoperating environmental requirements requirement is 150 V dc blocking capability.
of voiceband transmission test equipment. The In addition, the set should be capable of with-
test equipment requirements are categorized standing, without damage, an ac ringing volt-
by the intended use of the set, and the prevail- age of 150 V r m s at frequencies of 15.3 Hz
ing environmental conditions at such use loca- to 68 Hz, applied through a resistance of
tions. 400 R for a repeated cycle t o 2 seconds ON,
4 seconds OFF, or until ring-trip occurs. Ring-
6.2 Nonoperating Environment. The equip- trip may be accomplished by drawing holding
ment shall meet its specified performance and current as described in
accuracy requirements after being stored for
a minimum period of 12 hours under the fol- When a dc metallic path is present in the set,
as through a hold circuit, the set shall not be
lowing nonoperating conditions.
damaged when its input is connected to a
(1)Temperature: - 40 " C to +75 "C. source of 150 V dc of either polarity applied
(2) Relative humidity: 10% to 90% noncon- through a resistance of 400 a.
6.4.3 Lightning. The test set shall be capable
(3) Altitude: up to 15 000 m.
of withstanding, without damage, a simulated
A 20 minute warm-up period following a 2 hour
lightning-created transient surge across any
stabilization period at +15 "C t o +25 "C is al-
pair terminals or from any terminal t o ground.
lowed before performance tests are made. The surge voltage may be simulated by a surge
6.3 Operating Environment. The equipment generator having an internal impedance of
shall meet the specified performance and ac- 1 0 R and being capable of delivering a 1000 V,
curacy requirements under the following op- 1 0 (maximum) times 1000 (minimum) wave-
erating conditions: form t o a noninductive 600 R resistor.



0, TI = 1 . 6 7 A B

Fig 11
Definition of Standard Waveform for Simulating Lighting-Induced Voltages Referring t o Fig 11,the designation (1) For voltage waves with front durations of
of current or voltage impulse using a combina- less than 30 ps, either full or chopped on the
tion of two numbers as 10 times 1000 is the front, crest or tail; 1.67 times the time for the
standard IEEE numerical representation of a voltage to increase from 30% t o 90% of its
wave shape. The first, (T1 in Fig 11)an index of crest value.
the wave front, is the virtual duration of the (2) For voltage waves with wave front dura-
wave front in microseconds. The second, (T2 in tions of 30 ps or more; the time taken by the
Fig 11)an index of the wave tail, is the time in voltage t o increase from actual zero t o maxi-
microseconds from virtual zero t o the instant mum crest value.
at which the voltage has decreased t o one-half The virtual zero time is the inter-
of the crest value on the wave tail. section with the zero voltage axis of a straight The virtual duration of a wave line drawn through the points on the leading
front as defined in ANSI/IEEE Std 4-1978 edge of the wavefront 30%and 90% of its crest
r21 is as follows: value.


(This Appendix is not a part of the IEEE Std 743-1984, IEEE Standard Methods and Equipment for Measuring the
Transmission Characteristics of Analog Voice Frequency Circuits.)

Fortran IV Subroutine that

Calculates the P/AR Rating8


C PONENT IS OFFSET BY 125./8=15.625 HZ
C ENDING AT 3890.625 Hz.
C AND ENDING AT 3890.625 HZ.
DATA TSD B(1),TSD B(2),TSDB (3)/-74.780,-37.945,-25.478/
DATA TSDB (4),TSDB (51,TSDB (6)/-16.355,-8.960,-3.092/
DATA TSDB (7),TSDB (8),TSDB (9)/0.00,-1.050,-5.503/
DATA TS DB(10),TSD B(11),TSDB( 12)/-11.390,-17.459,-23.289/
DATA TS DB ( 13),TSD B( 14),TSD B(15)/-28.828,-3.146,-39.355/
DATA TSD B( 16)/-44.597/

Reprinted by permission of AT&T. 0 1975 American Telephone and Telegraph Company.


PI =3.1415926
TWOPI =6.2831853
NC = 16
N =64

DO 5 I=l,NC
A(I) = 100.*10.**(ADBl20.)
5 B(I) = PHASE(I)"P11180.
DO 10 J =1,N
x =o.
Y =o.
DO 15 I=l,NC
PH = B(I) + C"FLOAT(1)
X = X +A(I)"COS(PH)
15 Y = Y +A(I)*SIN(PH)
E(J) =SQRT(X*X + Y*Y)
FWA = 0.
DO 16 J=2,N,2
16 FWA = FWA + 2."E(J-1) + E(J)
PK(1) =O.
E(N + 1 ) = E(1)
E(N +2) = E(2)
DO 25 J=2,N1
PK(1) = E(J)

Std 743-1984

DO 35 K =2,3
x =o.
Y =o.
DO 30 I = l , N C
PH = B(I) + C*FLOAT(I)
X = X +A(I)*COS(PH)
30 Y = Y +A(I)*SIN(PH)

PK(K) = SQRT(X*X + Y*Y)
PEAK = PK(2)+ (PK(1)-PK(3))"*2/8./(2.*PK(2)-PK(l)-PK(3)+ .0001)
PO =423.6377
FO = 101.6241
PEAKN = 100.*(PEAK/PO)
FWAN = 100.*(FWA/FO)
PAR = 200 .*(PEAKN/FWAN)-lOO.
106 FORMAT('O',l lX,'ENVELOPE PEAK = ',F8.4,2X,'ENVELOPE FWA = ',F8.4)

1 F7.2//1W,'P/AR RATING = ',F7.2)



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