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Aspectics is based on several important prerequisites.

First , we work with the problem as with a separate aspect of the personality - that is,
roughly speaking, with a clearly defined “subpersonality” that is responsible for the
undesirable behavior of a person or some problems. The problem is taken as a whole,
without splitting it into pieces as in the BSFF (however, in the case of global problems, as
with the BSFF, it is necessary to split the main problem into sub-problems, but analysis and
fragmentation of these sub-aspects into small components is not performed).

The second is that any of our problems is our ally, not our enemy.

No matter how disgusting you think a part of the character is, for example, it always carries
some kind of positive intention. Or in the words of Slavinsky, “In Aspectics, we do not
consider our personality flaws, undesirable states, etc., as enemies that need to be
controlled, defeated or removed from life. No, we see them as our allies who are trying to
make us the best possible, they are the keys to our Spiritual freedom and integration. They
are not rebels, they are not enemies - they are allies, and following the Aspectics
Technology, you will see for yourself. " However, here Slavinsky did not say much that was
new - many people, for example, Sinelnikov, say the same.

The third is the concept of working with goals.

Each Aspect of personality by its behavior is trying to achieve a certain Goal for us. As
Slavinsky writes, “Here we just need to know that the Target Structure has 3 important
elements: the person's current state of mind, the goal that the person wants to achieve, and
the emotional stress that the person feels until he reaches this goal.

When the goal is realized, the Target Structure dissipates and disappears, satisfaction
appears for a short period of time, followed by a feeling of emptiness and "aimlessness".
LRH would call this state "The End of the Game." After that, the mental essence of a
person receives a new goal, emotional stress increases, etc. "

The fourth - and very principled, is as follows (I quote Slavinsky):

“Moving up the chain of higher and higher goals

In the Technique of the Chain, which is the basis of the Aspectics process, we move up the
chain of higher and higher goals until we reach the Highest Goal (It is always Static,
Emptiness, Tao. Eastern philosophy repeats thousands of years, that everything, I repeat
ALL, in this manifested universe has an irresistible striving for the Highest. My initial idea
was: if this is true, then even the "bad" Aspects of our personality flaws, undesirable states,
etc., they all want it the Supreme Goal itself, and I found it to be true !!

Our Aspects (undesirable states, etc.) usually have the first goal - negative, because they are
unable to see far enough, just as we cannot see far enough. However, if we give them the
opportunity to realize their first goal, then the second, etc., then they will quickly come to
the highest. In Aspect, we usually reach the Void after 5-6 targets on the target chain. "

Fifth - "Realization of goals in our minds

There are two ways in which a Being (Thetan, Atman, etc.) can realize its goals: in socio-
physical reality and in its own consciousness. It is the second method that is used in
Aspectics. In Aspectics, we go through a chain of realized goals, and thus we give our
Aspect the opportunity to accelerate its evolution - to reach the Highest in 10-15 minutes,
instead of 10-15 million years.

The practitioner is supposed to know theoretically that the highest goal he can achieve is
Static / Void. If we try to achieve this immediately, it will be a not-ising of a lower goal
before it is established. And we will be stuck in this forever.

No, our path in Aspectics will experience all of this, with full emotional acceptance. Once
we do this, the target disappears, and the target structure disappears as well, we again have
an "end of the game" and be able to look at a higher target in the chain of targets.

By going this way, we will quickly reach the Highest Goal. At this moment, the PURPOSE
STRUCTURE DISAPPEARS AS A WHOLE, and this Aspect can integrate into the Void
(Static), as into the highest essence of its being. "

Thus, when the Aspect reaches the Void as the Highest goal, it simply integrates with your
main personality and stops acting, that is, we get a solution to the original problem.

Sixth - "Dynamic Emptiness, as an active element of the Aspectics process

In Eastern philosophy, all images of the Void and the Great Unmanifest are theoretical. The
use of this as an active element was first implemented in Aspectics. Only in this system (as
far as I know!) Will you learn to use it practically and in action. ”

Now the procedure itself:

1. Select the Aspect with which you will work: the manifestation that you want to change -
unwanted behavior, lack, bodily disorder etc. For example, lack of tolerance for children,
anger towards a person, jealousy of a partner, fear of the exam, anxiety, insomnia,
depression, overeating, aggressive behavior, fits of rage, tension in the presence of
superiors, fear of public speaking etc ..

2.Remember that when communicating with an Aspect, Aspect's messages may appear in
the form of a human voice, bodily sensations, feelings, or intuition. that is what is the
language used by the Aspect.

3. Submit negative confirmation. For example, "I'm tense when I communicate with

4. Then, you must close your eyes and relax. Ask yourself: "In what situations does this
manifestation appear (we are talking about the manifestation of the action of the Aspect we
are working with)? What are the TYPICAL situations in which this manifestation appears."
Describe these situations aloud or silently in a few words.

five.Find the REAL event in which this manifestation appears. Inject yourself into this
event in your mind. See what you saw then, hear what you heard then, feel what you felt
then. At the same time, begin to notice how your Aspect is manifesting.

6. Determine the place where your Aspect lives. If it is in your body, what part of your body
do you feel it most strongly? If he lives outside of your body, where is he located?

7. Determine the characteristics of the Aspect. What is its shape? How big is it? What is its
weight? How old is it? What colour is he? What is its temperature? What is its strength on a
scale of 1 to 10? What is his level of consciousness on a scale from 1 to 10?

(If you think that the Aspect does not have such characteristics, remember: "It is you who
give the characteristics to your Aspect! If the Aspect had a size, how big would it be?: If it
had a shape, what would it look like?" If it had a color, what would it be? If it had weight,
how heavy would it be? If you could determine its age, what would it be? If it had strength,
what would it be was on a scale from 1 to 10? If he had consciousness, what would it be on
a scale from 1 to 10?)

(Pay attention - this is an important stage of work, here we single out an aspect from the
"general mass", into something quite specific with whom you can communicate and work.)
8. Thank the Aspect for his appearance, and ask the Aspect to express himself as strongly
and fully as possible. Tell the Aspect telepathically: "I know that you wish me well. Thank
you. Express yourself freely, and as strongly and fully as possible, so that we can

9. Now ask your Aspect: "What do you want for me with this manifestation (behavior)?"
"What PURPOSE do you wish to achieve for me?"
“Pay attention to whatever comes up as an answer: pictures, voice, feelings and bodily

If the answer comes immediately, very good. If there is 10-15 seconds of silence, remember
that the answer can come instantly, but sometimes the Aspect takes time to find its goal.
Give him this time, tk.

If there is still no answer, you can repeat these questions to your Aspect: "What do you
want for me with this manifestation?" "What PURPOSE do you wish to achieve for me?"
(Emphasize the word "PURPOSE").

10. Write down the answer that Aspect will give. He is the First Goal in the Goal Chain.

Including accept a negative goal if the Aspect declares it, for example, desire for death,
hatred, aggression, desire to take revenge, punish others or yourself, etc. Usually, the next
goal in the chain of goals will be positive, logical, ethical or Spiritually oriented.

11. Say "Thank you" to your Aspect for the answer he gave you.

12.Create in your mind a situation in which this goal is realized, create an experience of
achieving the goal. Feel it fully. Enter this experience with the Aspect, because he is a part
of you, and feel it completely. "

When you are ready, stay in the state of the achieved goal all this time, turn to your Aspect
and ask:

" When you have fully achieved this goal, in the way you wanted, what goal do you want
for me to realize so that this goal is more important and HIGHER? (emphasize "HIGHER").

Wait for an answer and write it down. This will be the second target in the Goal Chain.
Again, you need to thank your Aspect for the answer.
thirteen. Repeat the question and process in the same way until you reach the last goal in
the Chain of Goals, which is the Threshold of the Initial Void State. This, by its nature, is a
Spiritual state. Different people express this state in different terms. Most often as - "Peace"
(here, in the sense of not war), "Full Peace", "Harmony with the whole world", "Truth",
"True Being", "True I", "I am", "God" , "Divine Grace", "Everything is as it should be",
"Unity", "Unity of the world", "Love", etc. There may be states that resemble occult
phenomena, but possess, defy description, Spiritual essence : "Light", "Golden Light",

14. Although I say "the last goal on the chain of goals," it is actually the one before the last
goal. Whether you have reached the penultimate goal, which is the Spiritual state, you will
know by the fact that you can say, without any doubt, that there is nothing beyond that goal.
At this point, you believe that this is the final goal.

That is, when you ask your Aspect, "When you have fully achieved this goal, in the way
you wanted, what goal do you want to realize for me, so that this goal is more important and
HIGHER?", And you answer: "There there is nothing more "or" There is nothing more ",
then you are in the face of EMPTINESS.

15. Define in your own words the emptiness on the edge of which you are now standing,
which eludes description and definition, since is beyond representation and is inexpressible
in words. "What would you call this nothingness? Just Nothing, or Void: Vacuum: Calm:
Silence: Light:"

Accept any answer that indicates that this is the Supreme Goal.
"Now go into the void (Nothing vacuum, and fully feel it! We identify with it, become it!
Let it permeate your entire being, down to the minutest atom".

Feel and experience is the initial state of the Void (from 20 seconds to a minute) .

16. When you spend some time in this emptiness, tell yourself the following:
“Let's see how your awareness of Void (Nothing, which is the essence of your Being, will
affect the previous goal in the Chain and how it changes that goal.”

Repeat this question, DOWN THE GOAL CHAIN, and take short pauses at each Goal so
that to be able to integrate this experience.
In most cases, you will say that Emptiness reinforces states and goals that were positive or
morally acceptable, or that they remain the same. But if the goal is negative, then you will
say that this goal seems unnecessary, dumb, or meaningless, or that it is no longer there, or
that it has disappeared, or something similar

.When, descending the Chain, you come to an Aspect or unwanted behavior with which you
started the process, you should see how the Void will affect it or change it.

Ask yourself: "How does the awareness of the Void, the essence of my Being, affect and
change my Aspect in comparison with what I started with, which is (say the initial
limitation or lack)?"

If the Chain Technique has been properly provided, then this limitation will disappear or
simply will not exist at the moment. You will say that it has disappeared, that it never
existed, or what is more common, that it now seems dull, meaningless, or meaningless.

eighteen.The final test follows. Try to give the same negative affirmation you gave in the
beginning (in this example, the affirmation was, “I’m tense when I talk to strangers”). You
will not be able to do this! Or you can say it without any emotional duplication, and it will
be crystal clear.

19. The next step is extremely important. It checks if the opposite answer exists. I
emphasize this because Practitioners tend to forget when an unwanted Aspect becomes
integrated. Ask yourself the question: "Does any of my Aspects feel resistance or oppose
the fact that the previous Aspect (formulates an undesirable state), is experiencing
integration with my whole Being?"

If such an Aspect exists, then you start a new process with it.

21. An important last step: you must fill with light the place where the unwanted state was
previously located. Just imagine a point of light where you feel strongest in his body. This is
usually the chest or, sometimes, the head. Then, breathe in and make that light more with
each breath. Let it, in your imagination, take the same form that the unwanted Aspect had.
Then, place this light in the same spot. We know that nothing, neither in nature nor in the
human mind, tolerates emptiness, and therefore must be filled. Therefore, fill it with light,
which is the essence of goodness. "

Helpful Hints on the Aspectics Process for Practitioners:

It is very important to clearly highlight the aspect! To do this, we immerse ourselves in the
situation where it manifested itself in order to feel it well. And then we take an important
step - we give him subjective characteristics, such as position, weight, age, color, etc. All
this serves one purpose - to describe as best and accurately as possible what we will be
working with.

Sometimes it happens that in the process of work you seem to bump into a wall - you do not
want to work, you do not see the further goal of the Aspect. In this situation, IT should be
taken as a new aspect (unwillingness to continue to work, for example) and work it out
from the beginning with Aspectics. Then return to the original Aspect and it may turn out
that he has already disappeared.

It happens that the process goes "through the stump-deck", and there is quite clear
resistance and sabotage, such as "I can't", "this is all bullshit", "Fuck you all with this
aspect" I definitely won't be able to do it "and so on. In this case, this thing follows, which
you feel (resistance) to take as an Aspect and work through, after which the further process
is already quite fast. For individuals prone to mental masturbation and digging in deposits
of shit in their mind, this advice can be very useful, since their mental self-sabotage is very
high (I know from myself).

If there is a more difficult Aspect, or a stubborn Aspect, we should work on diametrically

opposed things as well. For example, if the original aspect was "bad relationship with the
wife", then the aspect of "love for the wife" should also be worked out. It should be noted
that working through this aspect (love for the wife) will not cause the disappearance of love
! In this case, deeper results will simply be achieved than when working out one pole. By
the way, it happens that the diametrically opposite polarity pops up on its own after working
through the original aspect, when you ask for opposition (that is, is there another aspect that
resists integration).

If you have a terrible problem and you are in a bad state and cannot get an intelligible
answer from an aspect, ask him directly - is your goal my physical death? If the answer is
"yes" - work with this goal as with the first in the chain.

It happens that after working through some complex aspect and its integration, other deeper
aspects emerge. This process is well known to those who deal with BSFF, when, after the
elimination of some problem, a new one suddenly emerges. In the case of Aspectics, we
take a new aspect and work it out in a standard way.

The end point of this whole process is the integration of the aspect into you, which is a very
delicate process. Don't expect thunder and lightning or the angels of the Lord to trumpet. It
will be more like a light breeze, or the sensation of a trickle finally flowing into the sea.
Over time, you yourself and your environment will begin to notice very big changes in you
and in your behavior, but this will not happen right away. However, BSFF people know
what “time to integrate changes” is, so they will be ready for such things. As with the BSFF,
you should not wait for the result, but simply process it daily, and after a couple of months
you will not recognize yourself.

The result of using Aspectics for a longer time is a state of complete integration of the
personality. You will no longer have personality parts or aspects; instead, you will become

Well, now about the mistakes.

Always enter into the state of accomplishment of the goal, created in your mind,
TOGETHER with the aspect, and do not leave it to watch as you are there. The aspect must
survive the fulfillment of the goal with you! It is very important. Also, experience the state
of achieving the goal of the aspect to the maximum - as fully as possible, immerse
yourself in it , and not just quickly draw a picture for yourself and say "here, dude, your
goal is like achieved, be happy, let's go for the next one." Engage all senses. Can't you?
Exercise, the trees are fallen!

Don't change the basic words and procedure! It is clear that everyone is a great guru who is
smarter than everyone else, and knows a lot of gadgets from different books, but do
yourself a favor - until you perfectly master the Aspectics technique, do as written. Then,
over time, you will understand whether you can change something, and most importantly -
whether it is necessary. By experimenting initially, you can fail all the work.

It is important to understand that the goals of the aspect are not for him, but for YOU.
Therefore, in the wording of the question about the goal, it is necessary to emphasize this -
pay attention - "When you have fully achieved this goal, in the way you wanted, what goal
do you want to realize for me, so that this goal is more important and HIGHER." It is also
very important to emphasize the phrase "HIGHER" - to literally insist on it. The fact is that
if this is not done, the Aspect can give you a million other goals, and you will steam until
the end of the century, realizing them in your mind, but these will be just equivalent goals
from the HORIZONTAL plane of goals, and we need to rise with each goal up the chain
VERTICAL, this is essential. Therefore, if the aspect gave you a goal that you see as
equivalent to the previous one, then thank him and ask the question again, with special
emphasis on "higher". Most of the problems in Aspectics arise from wandering on
horizontal planes due to lack of understanding or emphasis on this point.

Do not invent the goals of the aspect yourself, instead of it! If there is a feeling that you
invented it yourself, and he did not answer, then ask him - "Did I understand correctly that
the goal that you want to achieve for me with this manifestation is ...?"

It is important to turn off any mental masturbation and introspection COMPLETELY. In

aspect (as in other Slavinsky techniques), the emphasis on the mind is practically zero.
Therefore, it is not necessary to breed there a bodyaguer like “Tell me the aspect, what is
the reason that I have hatred for my mother,” and so forth. The work is simple. Asked a
question about a goal - got a goal - realized it, asked a question about the next one - and so
on until the Void. All. No analyzes, no reflections.

If you get two or more goals from an aspect - like “so that everyone loves me and that I
have a beautiful and tasty smell” - thank the aspect and ask him to choose one thing. We
work with ONE goal and are constantly moving up the chain.

Sometimes some citizens express a different aspect as the goal of the former. This is
mistake! If something pops up like "I'm afraid I'm going to die" or something like that,
that's not the goal! This is another aspect, it should be set aside and worked out later (unless
it requires urgent attention to itself and does not block the elaboration of the initial aspect,
in which case we take it for processing right away). And the initial aspect is to ask for a

Some citizens express theirgoals, not goals of the aspect. It is fundamentally. Your goals in
this case are not at all important, we work ONLY with the aspect and with HIS goals. So
always ask him, not yourself, about the goal.

The first goal in the chain is often negative or selfish. Maybe "So that they all suffer for
what they did to me" or "so that everyone dies" or "so that everyone understands that I'm
really a tough dude." The second is also negative, but less often. But the third and fourth
and further negative can not be at all in principle. If this happens, pay attention to the aspect
that the goal should be MORE IMPORTANT and HIGHER with an emphasis on the latter.
The same is true if, after several positive goals, a negative one suddenly comes.

Sometimes it happens that after the process a person feels worse than before. This is
impossible in principle, with the correct process. And it is possible only if somewhere they
cheated, and pretended to have survived the process of achieving the goal, but in fact,
nifiga. So you need to check the process step by step and find where the hack was. And fix

Some citizens say that all the goals on the chain were negative (these are rare) and yet they
achieved integration. It's impossible. This means they were moving horizontally instead of
going vertically towards a higher goal. Focus the aspect's attention on this moment when
working - a HIGHER goal is expected from it.

Any deviations from the process are fraught with the fact that the process will stall. If you
suddenly start to see pictures of a mother who yells at you or fear of dwarfs while working
on the aspect "I'm afraid of cats" - write down these new aspects separately on a piece of
paper and return to work on the main ones. All this that pops up is completely unimportant
for work, and must be stopped. We are only interested in the goals of the aspect, and their

It is VERY important to correctly describe the aspect, and for this you need to immerse
yourself in a SPECIFIC situation where it manifested itself, and not say to yourself "ah, it
always manifests itself." No, give a specific situation that you can enter - since it is simply
impossible to immerse yourself in “always”. It's the same with the location of the aspect.
Options like "I have him everywhere" are not suitable. If you have it “everywhere”, where
is it most felt? Don't let your masturbating mind play games with you, be specific!

Finally. Aspectics is an extremely powerful process that, if applied correctly and regularly,
can lead to a complete transformation of the personality.

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