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“Even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will
hold me fast.” Psalm 139:10


Sweet Peas & Baby Carrots Franklin, TN Feb 18-20
Mothers Of Preschoolers
Encores and More Franklin, TN Feb 19-26

Questions? Kidz Klozet

Little Sprouts
Spring Hill, TN
Franklin, TN
Feb 23-26
Feb 25-27
Co-coordinator Reruns Are Fun Franklin, TN March 1-5
Danica Giffen

Speaker Spotlight: Alicia Jordan

Mandy LeFevre Alicia Jordan will be the first to testify of God’s
615.830.4373 faithfulness and goodness. She has tasted and seen first hand the goodness of God! She has
been married to the love of her life for 16 years.
Moppets After several years of infertility, God blessed
Jennifer Ellis them with three children through adoption. They domestically adopted three children as
infants within a three-year time period. She will
be the first to tell you that neither adoption nor
Check out our Blog: infertility defines their story, the goodness and faithfulness of God is what defines their family.
Her life verse is Ephesians 3:20-21 because God
has proven time and time again that He does
“exceeding abundantly beyond all that we can
ask or think”. She wants her life to always give Him glory, because He is worthy!
CORNER She has been involved in a variety of ministries including Christian high school
Today the Moppets teacher, women’s ministry director and assistant preschool minister. Each ministry
will be learning has prepared her for the next task that the Lord has for her. Her heartfelt message
about Jesus and for anyone in this world whether orphan or widow, rich or poor, child or adult is that
there is always hope in Christ.
making a craft
There are two places in the world that she absolutely loves, the beach (especially
Moppets Birthdays: the Gulf Coast of Florida) and Africa. Her love for the people of Africa and her desire
2/4: Kylie Butler to see God move mightily among the nations is behind all that she does. Every knee
3/19: Nathan Hammer will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! She currently
3/30: Odyssey Reeves works as a Missions Specialist at Visiting Orphans in Nashville, Tennessee.

You can read more about her family and her trips at

February Events: {Psalm 94:18-19}
February Birthdays:
2/21 & 28: Forgotten God 2/2: Jennifer Ellis
Bible Study 7:00pm 2/13: Alisha Kelley “When I said, ‘My
*at Becki Kuhl’s home
Mary Kay: July 3
2/19: BUNCO!!
2/20: LeeAnn Malm
foot is slipping,’
Nicole S: July 16
Emily: July 22 at The Garden @ March Birthdays: Your love, O Lord,
Beth P: July 24
3/10: Suzy FitzGibbon
3/23: Danica Giffen
supported me.
Michelle A: July 29
When anxiety was
great within me,
Your consolation
brought joy to my
SPEAKERS Snack Schedule:
3/4: Sherry’s Table
March 4: Missions Day
4/1: Melanie’s Table
***** NO MEETING MARCH 18th ******
April 1: Kate Watkins

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Bible Study 7PM MOPS Bunco

22 22 23 24 25 26 27
Bible Study 7PM
$ 15

Bible Study 7PM
We have MOPS t-shirts available
for $15 each. Email Bethany at if you
would like to buy one.

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