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Daniel Santiago Ortiz Mosquera 20182174637

1. Writing:

Hello, my dear friend.

I so happy to know about you again. I will be on vacation for the next month, so I
think I could go to visit you, but I don't know anything about your city, please tell
me where is the exactly location and how is the weather there? You know, is
important to me know about what clothes I need wear there. In addition, can you
pick me up from the airport when I arrived there, please?

I so excite for visit you and I am sure it will be so much fun; I want to be there
already. I can‘t wait! Ok, I love you, and please answers my question soon. Bye.

2. Listening:

a. __5__ b. __3__ c. __6__

d. __2__ e. _4__ f. _1__

3. Reading:
a. _2_
Steve Hello?
Patrick Hi Steve, would you like to go for coffee with me this afternoon?
Steve I'd like to, but I have to help my friend, Tracey. You see, she's leaving
for Rome tonight and she has to finish a presentation. Sorry.
Patrick I see. Never mind. Maybe another time?
Steve Yes. OK.
Patrick I have to go, Steve. There's Molly. Maybe she's free.
Steve OK bye.

b. _3__
Patrick Hey Molly! Are you doing anything this afternoon?
Molly Not really.
Patrick Would you like to go for coffee?
Molly Why not? That sounds good.
Patrick Great. Let's meet at Tommy's cafe shop at 5:30.
Molly Could we make it a bit later?
Patrick Sure. What about 6:00 o'clock?
Molly OK. See you then.

c. _1__
Patrick Another exam over. Hey, Jason. Would you like to go for coffee this
Jason Sorry pal, I have to go to the dentist. I have an appointment at 5:30.
Patrick All right, I'll call Steve. Good luck.
Jason Thanks, bye!

Patrick. He is has to meet Molly at Tommy‘s café shop at 6:00 o‘clock.

Jason. He has to go to the dentist and he has an appointment at 5:30 p.m.
Steve. He has to help his friend Tracey.
Tracey. She has to finish a presentation.
Molly. She has to meet Patrick at Tommy‘s café shop at 6:00 p.m.

4. Speaking:

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