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Price £1 Issue 18 Stickers (cheques £4 for100 payableto 'TAL') CELTIC FANS AGAINST FASCISM The Green Mole | nd Another Thing... The Jason Campbell Affair The Scum Alliance Anti-Fascist Action Fans Around The World Readers Writes The TAL Interview Tt costs £5 for 4 issues of TAL (Overseas sub costs £8) Make cheques and PO's (Brit , "TAL" —— Alirontings, ravings, rhs, halfaruths and downright PO's only) payable to "TAL lies willbe gratefully recetved and printed in future ‘© cannot accept responsibility for cash sent Re ener ne through the post TAL is available from selected bookshops, ‘newsagents, vendors and sellers in the following cities: f you would Dublin, Belfnt, Cork, Derry, Glargom, Edinburgh, — <0Pt a Requests for from other political prisoners will be ‘Manchester, Birmingham, London, Berlin and Hamburg treated as above.) Tiocfaidbh Ar La! PO BOX 266, GLASGOW G42 8EA Tiocfaidh Ar La! WEEN ee Cred It is clear from the letters pages of Pravda (The Celtic View) in the last few weeks that readers of TAL have been setting the agenda in tems of challenging” the club's attacks upon the roots and traditions. of our supporters, The View's editor and the club have become involved in a protracted debate about the club's origins and the rights of fans to continue singing rebel songs and ‘waving tricolours. It is obvious from the club's attempt to end the debate in Pravda's letters page that they are losing the argument, and not only with hard-liners like us, We have heard rumours that a very well-heeled financial backer of the club from Ireland has, through his representative on the board, mised doubts as to the wisdom of the Bhoys Against Bigotry initiative being aimed at republican Celio fans. Henec the recent statement ffom the club conceming people's rights to hold “even the most extreme views” but not to voice them at the matches. This, of course is a sop. If the club are non-political, as they claim, then why the need for the ‘octal Mission Statement and Bhoys Against Bigotry in the first place? ‘There is a political agenda at the chub and it continues to be anti-republican in nature, We wil continue to fight for oar comer. In Ireland the tepublican movement arc now sitting at the talks table with the British government. It seems that the IRA. are good enough for the British establishment to talk to, bu republicans at Celtic Park are still outlawed and condemned as “terrorists” by a clique who support the almost politically extinct Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party! OF course, we recognise that Celtic is “only a football club”, but it represents also a cultural and political identity that was denied to the Irish in Scotland for two generations. We still beieve that this is an identity and calture worth fighting for, and we reserve the right to continue to give it expression through our songs and flags inside Celtic Park. Hold your heads up high and give it laldy!!! We Are Celtic Standing outside the stadium selling TAL has it’s ups and downs The lest issue completely sold out after a couple of games and the response to the fanzine gots better every issue. One or two wankers, who hide in the crowd on the way out, have shouted abuse about how we are “JRA scum” and needlessly attacking our ‘saviour, The Blessed Fergus McCann! Their devotion to Saint Fergus is touching! Similar to the idiots who defended the Kelly’s. We restate our view that Mr McCann is a capitalist who will walk away with a healthy profit when he sells his shares in the club. Fergus McCann isnot Celtic. We, the supporters, are Celtic! Join The TAL Supporters Club In response to the growing demands of our readers. and the absence of a working class solidarity movement worthy of the name, we at Tlocfaidh Ar Lat are establishing our own ‘supporters club’. The response to the initiative launched in the last issue has been briliant and confirms our reasons for starting the club. There are no restrictions to membership, other than a commitment to Caltic, Ireland and the political independence of working class people. The main reason for starting the lub is to create a network of Celtic fans who want to do a bit more than just sing songs and wave flags. As individuals we can achieve litle. Together we ean make our views heard and our actions count. Solidarity isn't about how many songs you know or how many books you've read or even how many marches you've been to, Don't talk about how much you do- ask yourself, "What difference do I make?" If you don't make a difference, then you aren't involved in effective solidarity work or effective political ction. eC ee er ae eT Nene ee ee Rec en ee ey Cram oe AO Corenrer iy rer ea Ree mo will receive a club membership] card. The cost of membership to non-subscribers is eer ea Sees tee also covers the cost of re ra persh Pore r Fish, 3 eee Meta ete near a Pee een Sema eee Pee identity of Celtic supporters, Oe Re rene ee oe TNC te acces Aine ncn en ROU oni in sour local area. etn eee ee eee LEC) Creme ene me eC Siena ae ee ee oe STC ae OO CL fi Pern one emcee Cen) TAL, PO BOX 266, GLASGOW 642 BEA Judgement Day Much of the doom and gloom after the two early defeats has now been replaced with increasing optimism as Wim"s methods appear to be having the desired effect. The pessimism after the gubbings from Hibs and Dunfermline wes probably down to a hangover from last season, an influx of new personnel and a general lack of direction, tea Many fans (til carrying. a forch for TB perhaps?) fe hat Win Tanaka might tm ont to be a terkay. How wrong conld ws have toe? He has certainly made i tpeation onthe player, an el brining i his own fen like Laarson, Biker and Reiper. At the sa tins ie has iven player ike Wiephons the opportunity to prove tke: Worth it in Morte's cas iere has been, a postive respons, : The ltest ation oF Paul Laer, to the side should be the final piece in the midfield igs. There's no doubt that Celi jock a sia side interns of confide a8 have seen in recent years. okay Gould has pertommd very well sine joining the club. Hi ood 8 keeper a8 we have sean it recent years and ceriinly deserves the nod over Kerr and Marshal Can this really be Celie? Two good keepers athe club atthe same time! What was thar? Tesi for Marshall, did you say?! (on the fet Mahe is owing grea ‘Potential as weil asa penchant for ryero mareuts. tal back wag “ear actually defend i etation to. tng forward to provide the ‘osset. Agana Liverpool in the fist eg he shoal hive kicked NeNanaran tothe and before Themiads off on that ran 2 ‘for go: Seiteimes you canbe, just hit too sporting. Stephane tt” ‘the right full back position iathe ‘ver present Tommy Beye. His ‘experience has given him the apt but, (be ori, is playing out of postion «again = aid ‘tahoe, Tomany sal ful of running butt would appear it he seve ie eat performances for ‘when he is wea a blue sr In the cane of deteuce we nave the ‘new combination of Stubbs and _Reiper. Raiper’s obvious clas has “Seadied Subbs and restored some of the éonfidenc tha he had ow. ‘Even without Refper, asin the tw ft an Lverpo), Sati ‘as been oulstafditg: Tr te second ‘game he was supported by an ‘inspirational display trom Enrico “Anno. Ti makes me wonder why ico hs fond 90 dent 6 break into the top am. As for Reiper, isa case of so far 0 good. in shoer presence has brought a much needed stability tothe defence, Much of the time you forget that he ison the park - thar ‘mans that unlike other Cekic fenders, Marc Reiper's performances have been devoid of the Keystone Cop syle cock-ups ‘hat Wenave become accustomed to, {Last sedion otf indoing was largely in midfield, Bverybody except ergs kite that we teeded to buy ~gomeons. This season has teen the Dlichase of Craig Buitey and Paul Lambert not mention the reith of Big Morten. After fly shaky ‘stat, the engine room began to ‘work wall The addition of Lambert's with Ris Puropeon experience should, of paper af lest, ive ts the beat midfield league. With Thom roving sole ‘re now have a midfield that can dlitte agame and sp up a gear {when necessary, : Ivatick we have confounded the aly Seago entice. Larson is undoubtedly one of ou best Sigiings of recent years Tevould ‘have been great 10 waich Henrik Bley hn te es of Cute or ‘ala, its not to tips oe wtttsta male do with Simon Donnelly ‘Even though Donnelly haa lod the lino woll and fired in afew goals, I stil have the fecking that we ae asking a bey to do a man's job The best chance ofthe second match against Liverpool fll to Donnelly ‘and he contrived to missit. For every goal that he scores yon can count another nine chances that he's mised With Jackson and Johnson both ont fot long periods, Celtic should have pulled oat the stope-and Fergus should have parted with some of these thin dimes that he’s always om abou - and bought aa experienced goal scorer to partner Laarson up front It world have been tremendous to see ig Pierre back at Celie Park, wearing the hoops and banging in the goals, but talk i vaneve oye Gates the rumour inthe, press, the favourable comment from Pere and the teat noite rom Parkhead the tule ter Péfzns stl regards Pierre troublesnlt, MeCatn fa, sbsoluldly ha ineton of ever, Jeting ha big aa ba ever the dooesep, Prove me wrong plouse Ferg?! Reg Blinkers the type of bau that we Heed Pven fhough he wil never fi dhe yolden boots of Pi canfo, he has ateady shawn his. cominitment to he eange an wi 10 be one season vender. facie MacNéaara was oul of voor with ‘Wim fot a while becanye he filed back. Jansen tld hith tat fhe wasn't prepired toichass bck mt all times in order plug the gaps i his atacking play fe. then be should not go fetivard a. McNamara had oft idea about that and was subsequeaty dropped. It now looks as though Wis profs ssmore robust iype of full back it has taken to playing Jackie, 0 very” ‘good effect, in the midfield, Jansen Goes have ax eye for a player's best ‘Postion, Pils a the sama time ‘maintaining the basic shape end tactics that he wani he team. play, [Phil “The Paint, O Dorit! ‘represents the worst £) ?Smition ‘we bave spent. glorious start he otered out to a miserable career ot Calc. Wich the acquisition of amber, ae should off load O*Domneltiniigaasly. Som Pil, ‘tit fst hasnt worked out mate ‘David Hari bad his best game for ‘the hoops marking MacManaman ‘ontiofthe-Anfielé match. Stil, one ‘gpod game does not ful back alee! Malky MeKay seems to have ‘een retained as acovering squad ‘player. Let's hope no-one gets fnjuied!)! ‘Tosh MeRiflay sek soother... extension tohisevtratalthoveh’) convekontthat Cébic should have taken hat they could have-got for him. ‘Tock ie well part hi soll-by date but ‘we still might gat eomething for him ‘as Long, asic is partic the Scouand ‘et up. His akeation wits Henk {Ladiscon shOuld be the final nail in ‘hs coffin, ‘On the whole, Wim has, turned the sustion at Celtic Park around in a very short space of time. There have, however, beon false dawns before. As we go to press, we hhave just fallen atthe frst Old Fim hurdle with a lack lustre display. The form that we have shown recenily must be ‘maimaned end the formula for success over the Huns will be the key to rediscovering the formula to win leagues, caps, doubles and trebles. ‘Wim Tas to persuade the small cross-eyed genileman to hhand over the dosh for a striker and another seasoned defender. Articles in Pravda by Jock Brown about “scouring the globe” for suikert are not io be belioved Read between the lines and you wil ind ‘that Brown is making a case forthe continuance ofthe Lanraon and Donnelly parnecship as stop-gap ‘hilt we await the return of Johnson and Jackson. Even with al ‘of our current front men fit, there is ‘a strong argument that we stil need. tobuy a proven out-and-out striker, Let'shope that Wim Jansen does ‘io fail tis season as a result of Fergus’ lack of ambition. team talk rT ta) The Kidder Geka Pe uss for Deus! | ‘The tabloid press had a field day with news of mn undercover sting at Celtic pak during the recent game v Raith Rover. “Drug dealers arrested during game", etc. ‘The truth, as is often the ‘as, it somewhat different. Five people vere arrested at the start of w game for smoking dope is the ful extent of this “drugs scandal”. & botle of Buckfast ‘was also found at the scene which just 20¢8 to show that some Celtic fans ae smoking dope other than to point out hat, if the football is good enough you shouldn't need i, and if the football is, that vad, dope won't help! (On the same right as “the major drugs scandal", we heard a strange story of a real se-to in one of the alas shoe boxes ‘you see at the back of the stands. As many a sever men were involved with hair, bles and gaaees being drown around. Sounds like a bit of a bate! Strange iat like more was heard of this, but the story revolves around well-heded Hun who took Fergus’ “Bhoys Against Bigotry” message a bit too far and decided to give his fellow ‘box holders a rendition of “The Sash”. [Not having all the facts we can only conclude tha six of the seven don't support the “Bhoys Against Bigotry” because they kicked the shit ont of him! ‘Thin of coure is not the image the board are trying to project s0 i looks as ifthe drugs bus Became the tig story in order to cover up the other incident. By way of a footnote, the Singing Hun is fac from being a lone Hun in the Paradise boxes, but that's another story forthe neat issue. Time it was told (One might be forgiven in recent times for thinking tha the behaviour at football games in Scotland Ins improved to such an exent that the rules governing the taking of containers into football grounds could be relaxed. Given. the aforementioned executive ‘boxes and those who warm their arses con the heated lesther seats, I for one would like to know just how much alcohol is consumed on match day ‘inside Celtic park. The ontinary punier can't even take in a can of Coke, yot ‘some of those in the executive boxes are enown to have a litle something to brighten up a dull game. This situation has, of course, passed by the stewards Se eet as er eter following Mr. Douglas’ instructions to ehuck ont people singing songs and waving flags. ee foe pee wi ke cen a Sar total Tine Go ee eae pee gern eat teats for “The People's Princess" that Wractinte ter aaeet A.week after the death of “The Queen of Tarts", three ‘over the hill! Huns were so “upset” that they withcrew from the Scotland pool for the game v Belarus. They conld not come 10 terms ‘with their “gre” in time to play in a mere football mach. Not alone of ‘course as the whole courtry appeared 10 ‘be involved in a hysteria contest. In due course the game Was put back 24 hours. Jim Farry was, for once, ight when he referred to ".. mast hysieria led by the press.” ‘One pertinent point was that the entize Premier League programme was played only three days after the Dunblane ‘Tragedy, and one minule’s silence was ‘deemed sufficient. Not asingle player of club made any request to be excused and no games were cancelled or On the up side, the whole affsir demonstrted what a shower of ‘scombags and hypocrites the royals we. ‘This is the somy outfe to whom our (Orange brothers and sisters are 80 loyal. Earl Spencer gave an object lesson in the at of wellying the ball when it's in ‘your penalty area! Their antics have ‘only reinforced The Mole’s belief that the Royals, without exception, should be abolished and put to work in the fields or sewing mail begs. Anything ‘Oat invotves prison and hard labour elf 77- we know who thay meen! ees T ave noticed that a fot of people, and ‘not just your everyday Huns, are taking exception (0 the term “Huns” when referring to supporters of the Forces of Darkness. Are we reaching the day when we have to be politically corect when deseabing this scum? Can it be thie after thiry years of calling them Huns ead everyone Knowing, exactly who you meant by the term, it now seems you get aa indignant, "What do you mean by Hyns?”. This from people claiming not to be Huns - but bviously with 1 sof spot for them. 1 think it woald be a great pty if this age old term of endearment was allowed to slip into misuse. This PC madness is not restricted to sensitive ‘Gers fans. When ‘TAL finn sated, some trendy telly tart ‘who frequented Sinn Fein circles a the time threw a copy of TAL's fint issue on the table at a meeting and declared excitedly, “Do we really want to be associated with people who use the term ‘Huns’ 212” Eighieen issves and 3,000 readers per issue later, | think we hhave the answer. Huns i is then! ‘The news hat reached us that an ‘enginocring firm from Lanarkshire is (0 close. Not a cause for celebration you might think but in this case we wil ‘make an exception. Anderson Boyce, ‘Anderson Maver, Anderson Srahlyde, ‘end. its may other guises, will be remembered as Orange holes. At its height it employed 2500 people and was ‘pond ofits “No Catholics” work force policy. This company could early have feed into the six county Orange taclet. Of coume the history of engineering in Scoland is blighted by such recruitment potices and it is a source of somewhat perverse pleasure ‘hatin the last twenty years or 80, one by one, these dens have closed. For ‘many years Rangers FC, who probably employed a couple of Iundred at most. war the public face of a more ‘widespread policy of discrimination by employers, Unlike Rangers, however, the big firms employed thousands, As ‘oll as engineering. the print industry is rotten (ois core andthe proctce in all rife in many of the warehousing Jobs Ss And Another thing... Wee Bek adds his tuppence worth on team matiers, club shenanigans and the general state of the nation. (please note that this column was not inspired by Andrew ‘Smith's ramblings in the Celtic View, but then again...) ‘After all the excitement of two matches against the Huns ‘which stil leaves us looking for our first league victory over the scum in ages, It’s hope that a cup win uf the end of the ‘month has been secured. We could have been out of the league running at the end of Novernber bu, luckily enough, the Huns dropped poinis as well and we are stil in with shout, Roll on the New Yeartt! ‘What about Regi Blinker? Deary me! | am not ax convinced fas my good mate Kidder seems to be, that the bold Regi will come good eventually. There's no doubting his skill and tall control, but he locks fost at times. | would love him to be a big sensation. He was a passenger in the first game against the Huns and the stupid sending off against Motherwell probably coat vs that game. OK! OK! I agree that Paul “Elbows” Gascoine gets away with that sort of stuff and worse every week, but we've come to expect that. Blinker was practically standing next to te referee when he elbowed the defender not once, but twice. It's sheer madness, I tell you ‘Spare a wught for dreary old Partick Thistle, Glasgow's ‘other team’, Despite @ team and m stadium that's been. dying on it’s arse for years, somebody forgot 0 tell the Jags" fans. Nevertheless, the “Save The Jags” campaign is a worthy ‘exercise. If a team like Thistle collapse under the financial ‘train, it moans that outside the Premier League set-up there are few safe havens. Every other team in the lower divisions 4s susceptible to the same pressures as Thistle. It's in every genuine football fans’ interest that Partick Thistle should survive their current crisis 1's hard, 1 know. The advent of ‘Pay Per View’ TY and the clamour of the Premier League ciubs to divide the spoils among themselves will leave Scottish football in an irretrievable mess, Despite the enthusiasm of everyone at Celtic for the new Super League and Pay Per View, it can only Jead to more clubs in crisis in the Jong run. Blinded by greed, the top ten clubs are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. The loss of TV revenue for the smaller clubs will mean inevitable mergers and closures. The lifeblood of the game - young players who get their first break with smaller teams - will dry up. The notion that the Premier League clubs will supply their younger stars on loan to the other leagues thereby creating. & feeder system is a pipe dream. It won't happen. How would you fancy watching a team full of other people's youngsters ‘tying hard not to get injured anc, as soon as one of them hits ‘a bit of form for you, he gets recalled to his ‘parent’ club? ‘Worse still would be having to watch a load of old donkeys play for you that a ‘parent club’ is simply trying to piss off in ‘order to cancel their contracts. Oh Yes’ This new league set up whereby ten Premier League clubs break the mould of Scottish Football to form a Premiership consisting of, er, ‘hem, the same ten clubs! - sounds great, doesn’t it? Breaking the mould? Looks Hike the same old shite in a different ‘wrapper to me! Back on the theme of the Jags, I was not totally surprised when I read a story that those fine upstanding ‘non- sectarian’ gentlemen from the West End finally let their cover Boia ora Toya ter inc en psed esoes te Ge tee we 0 es oe ay ey aes Be acre tre cstcry cael tue aie Ae ti cava ing uve Soon Oe igen the club and other Thistle fans’ have tried to cover it up. Worst of all, the black player was reported to the police (presumably by Thistle fans) after he finslly snapped at the barged rnpnegial Most Caltie fans already know that the ‘non-sectarian family image’ of Thistle ix 2 misnomer. | had the great misfortune a fow years ago to have to stand among their fans at Fichill due to the lack of tickets for the Cekic End. Non sectarian? You ust be joking! We were called all the “fentan so-and-so's that you could imagine, More venomous bile I have only encountered from Huns and the odd snake from Tynecastle. I told a Thistle supporter about this and he replied, “Ah, that's because you. were standing, near the Thistle Huns, you should have gone to the other side of the terrace where the ‘Tims stand!” Another illusion shattered! ‘As we go to press, another young fan has been stabbed and ‘lashed across his neck outside the Windsor Bar where Jasort Camptell murdered young Celtic fan, Mark Scott, Thankfully this time the fm escaped with a nasty neck injury and a scar for life. This lates sectarian atack should art as the final ‘warning (o Celtic fans that the Bridgeton X area is not safe, ‘The police have not significantly upped their numbers since the murder, 90 it was only a matter of time before another Han felt lucky. The last time 1 passed through Pridgeton Station, I counted two uniformed coppers at the station ‘entrance, and | saw none near the site of the murder and latest slashing. or anywhere else in Bridgeton for that matter. ‘Hey mate! Is that the Messiah?’ NFR Wa CARL NOL Ay Orn LL Ea eS Jason Campbell Political Prisoner or Psychotic Murderer? Labour's Mo Mowlam and the PUP's David Ervine would have bestowed political status upon the cold-blooded murderer of schoolboy Celtic supporter, Mark Scott. Here, Wee Eck tells the whole story and reveals TAL’s part in halting Jason ‘Campbell's transfer to the H-Blocks..... (On Saturday, 26% September, a full 8 days before the story broke in the Scottish press, the Belfast-based nationalist newspaper, the Irish News, revealed that the Northem Ireland Office (NIO) had approved the request of the UVFs political wing, the Progressive Unionist Party (PUP) for a transfer of two prisoners from British jails. One of these was an inmate of Shotts Prison, Jason Campbell, from Bridgeton in Glasgow. ‘The PUP confirmed to the NIO that Campbell was a UVF prisoner and had family connections in the north of Ireland. The UVF membership was bestowed upon Campbell after his crime, but his claimed family links in the north were tenuous given that the “uncle” he sited was dead at least a couple of years. The whole case stank to high heaven of complicity and double dealing by the Loyalists and the Labour Party. ‘The Irish News revelations were closely followed by a letter in Republican News which expressed outrage at Campbel!’s transfer being rushed through the normally stringent NIO procedures in order to appease the threatening noises being made by the PUP and UVF The letter also condemned the sectarian murder of Mark Scott and the fact that his killer’s transfer was being used as part of the peace process negotiations by the PUP. The Green Gremlin, of the TAL Team, telephoned the Scottish press and the rest, as they say is history. The news of Campbell's transfer provoked outrage and had labour MP’s - and those of other parties - queuing up to be quoted as they realised what « blunder their party chiefs were making. Mowiam at first overruled the statement of Scottish Office Minister, Henry McLeish that Campbell would be transferred to the H- Blocks “..over my dead body". When Mowlam realised the fury that her decision was creating in Scotland she quickly faded into the background leaving the man who negotiated the deal wih the PUP, junior NIO Minister for Security, Adam Ingram, to take the heat, Ingram is the Labour MP for East Kilbride (near Glasgow) and would have been thoroughly aware of the facts surrounding Jason Campbell's crime. Ingram is a self-confessed former member of the Orange Order and would naturally find common ground with, and perhaps share, the PUP’s analysis of Campbell's crime as “political” rather than the random sectarian murder that it was. That no-one’s head rolled over this affiir has demonstrated Labour's contempt for the feelings of Mark Scott’s fiumily, Celtic supporters in general, and nationalists in the north of Ireland. It also demonstrates the contempt of the PUP and UVF for the peace process, in that they attempted to push its Jason Campbell David Ervine, the leader of the Progressive Unionist Party, stretched the imagination even further when he claimed that transferring Campbell from Shotts to the loyalist wings of the Maze Prison would make a ‘better person of him” and remove him from the potsonous sectarian atmosphere that surrounds ‘him in Glasgow"! That's right Mr. Ervine, I neatly forgot that there are no bigots or sectarians among the loyalist paramilitaries, are there? The Shankill Butchers, Michael Stone, Billy Wright, Johnny Adair - all well known “Joyalist political activists” with not an ounce ‘of hatred for Catholics among them! It is comforting to note that the man from the UDA, John White, who along with Ervine stood at the shoulders of David ‘Trimble, the Official Unionist leader, did his time in the Maze for murdering a young nationalist couple in a lovers lane sectarian killing which involved the most ‘obscene and eppalling acts of torture moa David "Ervine’s contention, that the Maze makes “better people” of those loyalists who pass through its ‘wings, should be taken with an extremely large pinch of salt. Put another way, it could hardly make them any worse than they already are, could it? ‘The Campbell's fumily have lived off the reputations of his father, Colin, and uncle, “Big Bill” Campbell, for their parts in the UVF bombings of two Glasgow Irish pubs in the 70's. Jason Campbell is the archetypal school bully. Not being hard enough himself to beat anyone up, he invariably picks on those younger and obviously weaker than himself, always wih the proviso that he can threaten his vietims with the wrath of the Campbell cian should he get out of his depth. According to one of TAL's Bridgeton sources who attended school with Campbell, "He was just JRMMINS a daft wee guy, abvays threatening someone with Big Bill and his Da’ ~he was a prick!” Nreaero it wearing a Celtic sven in Bridgeton the SORA Campbell's legend only went as far as the street where they lived. Tensions between the local UVF and UDA have often spilled over into feuds with severe violence being meted out by both sides. Three years ago the Evening Times reported on it’s front page that the “Wombles” of the UDA boarded a local Rangers Supporters Club bus at Bridgeton Cross. and stabbed, slashed and dragged their screaming UVF enemies from it. The Campbell's days as top dog loyalists were coming to an end. No- ‘one in Bridgeton had any sympathy. Members of the Campbell family and. their loyalist alkes were instrumental in systematically threatening and intimidating the local witnesses to Mark Scott's murder. As the police said at the trial they “..have never known 30 many men to be in a pub toilet at the same time” Two female witnesses, from outside of Bridgeton, who had been shopping in the area at the time, continued to tell the truth and Campbell was ‘convicted. ‘The young Celtic supporter was the innocent victim of « vicious and mindless sectarian attack He was on Campbell's “patch”, he was wearing a Celtic jersey, he Was probabiy a Catholic - these are all the reasons that Jason Campbell needed to cut the throat of Mark Scott. When the police arrived at the murder scene, they initially thought that they were dealing with « double murder. Mark’s 14 year old best pal had collapsed with the shock of seeing his friend brutally siain and both boys were lying in a pool of blood. Just the image of that horrific scene says it all. Jason Campbell laughed, accepted the congratulations of his low-life pals, went home, showered, had his mother dispose of his blood- Serra Mee CCIE attack. He was on Campbell's “patel sey, he was probably a reentrant ones Ee eco eee eee eR ORS tLAA VLL Sacoies soaked clothes, and headed to Greenock where more loyalist friends would be recruited as alibis. Whilst her son was on remand for the killing, Mrs Campbell who had advised her son about what to do after the murder, further distinguished the fimily"s reputation. She started appearing every Saturday at Bridgeton Cross as Celtic fans were retuming fiom home matches, to harangue, insult and threaten more of the fans that they could “expect the same as that other Fenian bastard!” A proud mother to her doting son. The police amested and charged her on at least one ‘occasion and, as a result, she was compelled to attend her local police station (London Road) between the hours of 2pm and Spm when Celtic were playing at home in order to protect supporters fiom her foul OR a Ireland are victims of the peculiar political situation. Whilst making no excuses for the sectarian nature of their crimes or the false ideology that drives their hatred - and callsit “tradition” - you can at least see a ‘warped logic to their actions. The loyalists really are the “terrorists” in this war. They are fascist death squads in true South American fashion. British imperialism created them, sustained them, colluded with them, provided them with arms and information, and used them as a bulwark against the legitimate demands of Irish nationalism and republicanism, Loyalists in the north have the situation to blame for their predicament. The same cannot be said of Jason Campbell who was a product of a working class background in Glasgow and whose only real experience of the war was visiting the Shankill with his local flute band to be lauded by the UVF associates of his father and uncle. Jason Campbell is no vietim, no hero and certainly has no political convictions apart from a deeply ingrained hatred of Catholics. ‘One of the main reasons that Campbell wants a transfer is due to the outrage that his crime has caused. Rightly oo wrongly, there have been threats made to his life by fellow prisoners in Scottish jails. He will not leave his cell at Shotts unless loyalist sympathisers among the prisoners come to get him and accompany him around the prison. His request for a transfer to the H-Blocks should be seen against the background of his own paranoia and fear. Jason Campbell has made his bed and he has to lie in it. Perhaps Jason Campbell now understands just 2 litle of what it was like to be @ ‘vulnerable and fiightened wee boy. 10 ANTI - FASCIST ACTION teen metres Dalitabacen es ctret tcc el London, October 1997 er ee ee Seer cae ee ee Te mena ae a Cee Sennett an Dea ee Ce a ee eres Cerca ee ecce nin ein et ere pogerer ce Ra ante n et? The weekend's events included workstops om Football. the Tees co Serer ean eS ee etn ee tere tr NI ent ean 1. ete). 1 ert pervert ieee era SR Crea eee eer Ani Content ae Pens Ont eeran ee ig Sern eee ea eee eet oes) cot ane io ne er et eC Ree re een forel who played in Celt ei acy Ce Senn en Pen emeee Simin ree ‘Asnong the many topics discussed by the conference workshoys ‘Was the ise of fighting the infience ofthe farright a focal ‘Supporters trom Celie, Man United, Aston Vila, Huddersfield ‘Town, Colchester United, Cardiff Chelsea, West Ham, Arsenal and Charlion were in atendance. Although notall of hese huts have organised ant-fascst groups among their supporter, tis ‘etreshing to see tha AFA (unlike anyother movernent cathe lt) ‘hat asignifcant tase among focxall fins from which to launch a ‘campaign. Supporter ffom abroad inciuded Niomberg. Crus, Hanover 96 Germany), Bordecase France) Bohemians and Dublin GAA Qreland) and Hammerty (veden). This might ‘appear smal at fit butitg'ves us the resources to build a ‘European wide network of militant ant-facist football ins. Olviouy Cel and Manchester United fans tead the way, tat the workshop wos booued by the fit ha the Bordeaux URras Who were atthe confrence, had ge home wih Ube tation of Penting heir ovm sks and wah the promise that they wil be approaching the ctr main utr group ther chub wi 2 View to establishing a united an-ficist mob among the fine ‘Vita Fans Against Loyal and Fascsm Inve produced an impresive fit iswecof ther fanzine “Well Prepared’ and have tad agood respons io thei tickers Hanover Aref already hare strengfnks wah afzjne athe cb and have priced anit tickers The prblers are more difficult Nurnberg and Cotibus wher tere istrenger presence of fncits bit ha wil to do sting about the probiom and it ws suggested tat tckor tnd gai ana word be a good start ‘Whitt Hamanartiy in Sickhilmn, Swesen, there are aready some tn-ficish fn, th antfa group does nt yet have Eaks but seam heen wo ge them ‘Unoanerety some oF the cubs Who have been working longest oman ici and an-ricisives were unable to attend Scanédidn' ever ve fe courtesy io teply to dh the AFA and ‘TAL mings that hey Were sent. Atco Biba, who appear be supportvsof sich intitives ar «ee point. They can contac peo fr digs when thelr team plays ip Europe or when supporters come overto watch English ama bt can’ replyto intaives oh ae AEN W the sor, pele? Despate cxpaniing impreesve ponforeneasoflef wing ukrasin Italy, th orgies OF hia grotp abo cd nok nerd. Ye, tet own consent gai sym fey haw apeaker - representing fotial fou Brian” - represen of Searchlight mags eer pksopiry forthe poceto solve theproblem of fst fool). Search have no infience among footll g, Despa thet sang aegpaintances, the ‘hatans contnbited 1 very god interview to Red Attinde recent, ut were aussing When # came to meeting her antifascist. Whe theca? The ished fe ripatondence ofthe x Paul fas wh Have been an inwpiratentto Boctball fans crows urope die Use etnies nt faci and race. Abed, Wo ths tail Sie id cute by way of reports om thinnctvities nd espeied reget rox being able ated, surely scuneoit cht Save been spared? ‘This s hiendly cic and is bonte out of Sustration that we could ha tee more tat into the conference fom footall fans, and disappointment that we didn't AFA are not the type of PC, tight-on, lies tha most Fotball fans wouldn't sve the time of ayto.I 8 sx omen, many of whose steetightes have come directly froma fetal background. Regalos. the seeds have been sown fer thé fit flarmal network: an fiasist otbal {fans in Perope, You ca be pat of «colectve sction or remain 1 well meaning individual groape.Alroady weer seriously Jnoking at forming an intentional at-feit bcc at net year's Wedd Cup in France. One hing is cca the fists ae unl {o mise he opportunity and we shoul be there to ensure that hey ont gett all thir own way, For further details of the Football Fans Against Fascism network contact TAL or AFA. AFA (FOOTBALL DEPT.) BM 1734, LONDON, WCIN 3x. 4 Ultras ‘Bordeaux ‘At the beginning of 1987 some fans of Bordeaux, who were impressed by the Italian way of “supporting” football teams, decided to create an Ultra organisation of our own. The first activities of our group were to organise the away trips of our fans (before this nothing existed!) and to create some choreography on the terraces. Since this time, and after the realisation of these two goals, we decided that we must give a real identity to our group. Therefore, we made contact with the regionalist groups who fight for the recognition and rights of our homeland, Gascogne. At the same time ‘we developed our links with the local music scene and we organised gigs for young bands from Bordeaux. aero pie 398 Politically we have also evolved. ‘Ten years ago there weren't the same problems and our group declared that we were apolitical Ge. we had no polities) but now with the development of Le Pen's Front National (FN) in France, we decided thet we must “ become involved in the fight against fascism. At this time, forus, itis alright because the far ight are not very strong in Bordeaux. We do not encourage fights with the supporters of other teams, but we do get trouble from rival fans, We tend to have trouble with the fans of Marseille, PSG, Toulouse, ‘Nantes and Strasbourg. ‘Our fan club is independent of the chub in terms of finance and views. We have ‘a good relationship with the club in general terms. Our fan club, Ultras Bordeaux, may not be the best in Europe but with limited resources we do what we can. For Bordeaux and Celtic, Laurent Hello Celtic Fans, Tm a very big fan of FC St. Pauli, Hamburg, and also a fun of Celi. A friend of mine had some copies of ‘Tiacfaidh Ar La and T read it and liked it very much. My question is hhow do Tpay for some issues of TAL? ‘Thanx and bye, Nicole, Doromund. Hello Tloefetdh Ar Lat Lam a St Pauli fan from Copenhagen, Denmark. Me and ‘some friends went to the Karlsruhe game last March where I got a fanzine called Spliter 1 bought a fanzine called Spliter and there was an article about Cetic which got me interested in finding out more. I fonnd your address in Splitier and 1 would like to know hhow much it costs to subscribe to your fimvine. All the best, Jacob, Copenhagen. Please send me some information how I can buy your fanzine, 1 got your address from a St, Pauli fanzine. Tam a Swedish guy and I live in Stockholm md I support Hammarby. Hammarby 3s the working class iam in Stockholm and they get the ‘biggest crowds. Formany years Ihave been fond of Celtic and Ireland - 80 please send me some info. I Ihave sent you a picture of the Hanmarby crowd Jonas, Stockholm, Sweden, Hit My name is Borja and I live in a litle town neat Bilbao. I om an anti-fascist and 1 work in en organisation who fight fascists in the streets and footbell fields, The name is Heri Norte Taldea (HNT) and we are supporters of Athletic Bubeo, I have written of many supporters such as Manchestet United, St. Pauli, Barca Dut not yet of Celtie Glasgow. | need to have an interview in order to explain your problems with the fans of Glasgow Rangers (pro- British) and the views of Celtic fans (pro-Iish). Our fanzine would like to have contact with people in Scotland I'ma skinhead, Are there a lotof skins in Glasgow? Do you have problems with the Boneheads or police? Please write and tell us! Borja, Bilbao, Buskadi 12 1 have just received your magazine (TAL 10) wd rend with interest your etl “Focal! Hooligans and Pass”. T ‘woul eo poi oo few fancruracies Inthe art oot abe thatthe OSC neers wer ling the rath she sw it The nt digi tw asmember of ‘Capit Cis Service (CCS) aroun snppesedly beng ledby a poioe Inomant "I vas pl at Fa McLeod ‘as to in Tralgar Square with is mates ‘re had o med ofhim md his faciat allies The ads who were there were not Inereaedin ae aliaece with eyed at swe relied ht we tab sted in the bucky ou ft ed The ma bo Med cam is apoiceinermant secved 8 yar imprtooment sr a ial {een which lames McLeod walked fee ‘This bapened despite MeLeod being starsed toring the tial with nimiaing ‘witnesses Some inferman eh? ‘As fr Limon iki in Southend - ot tre he ad dred eet footer would have lethim low wat we tought this “Zoytist lionce™ He is ot the “Top Boy but fa ching shebg wh cant fe hte unless he i "eo por with 20 of i sen een bot, ‘he ib canal ht you refer to rein fact bunch ofwonhees who Roque « ‘called The Lae Bar in Lath Thre fe fer exe boye whe run with hen tat thy are natreliahe wt hey are rou for leaving he ens out on aid. they ire doing dg deals with the IC ite ‘og do wih the rea His Boys who arent aug dealing oramistion 1 woud ale ie to pie ost tat Ind ‘hers wo stewarded the James Conolly ‘March ic ainburgh wer md il ae prow of ur prin mating te Soylit ‘wala inthe Grasse th ay. road my rsh enestry mad bing labeled at part ofa 'Zapait lance? sakes my bod bol “The Hits cams are stil n independ sme and aways willbe Ther iso el ued hee is 0 international me involving Hibs and, eves ift dd happe, Rangers and lear ete would never be allowed init ‘Well now tat have et the record stag | woul ike ket ‘oppor a congrie ou on cxrelient publication Tam fervent ‘opprterofrepbiianinn wet ast Dope hat reland and Scotland can rid ‘Beniselves ofthe English scum in the not too distant fre. I canbe of ny assistaee to you magazine, do not ‘stage vo comtact me, Thre are plenty of sspporsrs ofthe cause behind bars i Scotland to! Teefaith Ar La, Disgratled Hite Cama, HMP Saxghton Comrades Pd like to take this opportnity to apologise for some of he elemests ofthe (Cardfmeb atthe recent Celtic/ner Cardiff Cl cant call them Cable-Tel) ‘EUFA Cup match. Much has been made of the scat inuence inthe City mob but much of this has been greatly exaggerated “There we however lemexts prev, ese being based woundiwo exuupler of ab taunaniy ealled Chae Wipkin (bared in Derby) and a cernis Devil Braddon who ‘ew the Loylit nga the match, Duet lick of mmbers we were wale to do smyhing bat steps wil be ken in fre os thei prezence can mo longer be tolerated. ‘Ar both a Cardi and Celtic mipporer. I was realy embarrassed by some ofthe hcting from City supporters and by the reception thatthe Celtic supporters got in the gromd and around own I wil say ‘tough tat it was greatto meet 9 may Celtic mpporters with Sout Wales ‘scents one dey. Diack Ye Rawr, Ie Solidanty. Gareth Cant. Cyne. begged your fazine off amate om, Glasgow when he was down for the FUPA (Cup mach against ery tam, Liverpool, ‘Apoiogiesto all Cet, fr putting you out ‘f Earope, especially with perfommances ike that from Liverpool. Don't worry, F on’ hink thet we" Il ast auch long in ‘rope ourselves! Did you know tha the “rede” win were waving the Ulter fags ring te game gor bavered whe ea You Aver Walk Alone, Darren, Norns Green, Liverpedl. Dear TAZ, Win goed news tht you ns planting fo produce 5 iementhissenson (in the past it ‘nw always been too long ta wait erveen insues). No-one bere in 8. Pali can nderstand why the other Celtic fines donot campaign against the clb's policy of igoring Celtic's root in Irelmal Ie ‘mother brick inthe wall of football aan subjection to the coramercial overload. ‘We met Gal in Imbruk s give him the ‘seetings of our Crew. Lay, pleas nate the new adress of cur fanzine. We're back in St.Paul where we belong. [Beet wishes for the fasine aad your wtivtin, Kaphao, Splitter Farina, Hopfonstr 4 20359 Hamburg. Germany. 45 Dear TAL. Fint ofall erento see another iue ‘ofthe fanzine ou. opeflly tere will be ‘afew more this reason. ‘Whilst in Dali fer the Cebic games 1 ‘managed to pickup iasues 15 and 16 of ‘Fightag Tal. Judging by the write-ups in both issues, Cetic Ami-Fassst eve got 8 lotto be proud of aud seem 0 te going ‘om strength to strengh. One subject of Dublin, befor te final games were played mu and Ged swore in MeCra's Pub al the top af O'Connell Street The ‘ub was motly couples and families ‘ating out There were abou ten to twelve knead in, giving the usual “No Surender” md Nazi salutes. They were very quickly removed from the pub. Nice of he fatto flex theirrmscies in a quiet family pub, ei! My main reesoe for writing is for more {nfrmation on how so get involved inthe ‘TAL, Supporters Chub. The paragraph on. soliderty work realy made me mak aye at you ey, what diferece do T tke? ve encloned a SAF med Tope that you will reply ws soon m possible. ‘Thanks for your time un keep wp the good werk Onwards to Metory) soe. iverelyde. We EMR Fellow Radicale fare due not aly forthe ‘excellent 17" ine, but for fe progression ‘of your peblication from inferier to ‘nuemial. Youwill sppreciate tht ithas been a very long te since ast read a copy, bul what diference! Ad lnt a [penedical dat defines wed promote he ideology af Sesteh and Irish Republican mula forging inky with ‘other eppressed factions. (ard ef eourse cerposina Bi bestdat McCann’) ‘Axa former bards menber, activist aed ‘APIRN vendor, have always maintained the aeed fora intelligence dossier of ‘those subverts with similar information oo ‘ourselves anf activities, Ihas been well ‘nows for awhile fat Loyalist, Orange and Pscist groups hve instigate such ‘pecutions is coboxts with regcnal sd ‘national police, ad civil organisations, To ‘qute fora arecent film script, fe only ‘ay that we em beat hem to ind ont “what they had for Breakfast”, ‘You ae tobe aplunded fr your initiive sad inthe foreseeable are T would omicer tan henoar to aid (and bet) in ite promotion. There area ot more eople ox thre wid a weal ‘nfrmation waiting tobe taped Inte meatine while you check me oa, ‘may I rberbe for foe isure of TAL nd 100 adhesives. As ee Wo nat somevsere might a wel be the am ‘Pubs in ical wre Alowgh wine Provocative design would be more Ile for ne place, cre fat wee tetfaciatsicher wil look rll tc the doors of eis frome siechone! Uh the day ‘BMchael, Glesgow. ANTI - FASCIST ACTION AFA BANNED BY LABOUR’S LACKEYS IN IRISH CENTRE Pe eee eet MO Sere eae d ea ere ee a Tee ce eect Msn er etn nS Tae Rina ren cree eco P iret Sern nreeni nn set irs ere ern eee eet eee ne er ee en) een ee er! een eee ee See ae eet Panu ac) ict So ees ee Cr ee eer ee ore te ee) nC ren Sa en Centre Re cma te PRRs ee Ste een toy in Bethnal Green called “The Sun”. rica. back th Wakefield and his brewery employers resiied ARA'S et re eer ee ents eee eres 4 ST ee et es vii, the Riis extabiment fas heen abe os oat caer eer ee -_ fear honey nani with rantieriey Aree se oe Set aeeret eect eer eee ne eer: earner eee ne et ee ane era Senet er er et os See ene Tn eR ee Con nS Cees et a Kate Hall ean erent Sree: FELEPHONE:0171 916 “22 The London Irish Centre Torment ea) MI5, ‘The Irish World, It's Editor and his Handler!!! There is a strange and murky workd sumounding the Ish community in London tha warrans father investigation. ‘The Irish World newspaper (sd. up with money from " Trish urinessmcsi"!) played a curious rele in the barning of the AFA conference ftom the Irth Centre, The Sun would have been proud of the above hesdline. It then followed up the orignal smear of AFA the following, week with asympathaie aricle and ctitorid. 1 aso reported the proposed platform for an AFA speck atthe Camden Inst Cenge a arnesting onzaised by de Tish Republican Soca Paty and Republica Sinn Fein. ‘Subsequently the IRSPIRSF meeting was abandoned ale a hoax ‘bomb threat which police sad was," cr coded warming from an unknown loyalist group operating in London”. The potce Sstement begs the question tht ifthe waming. war a recognised nde then the police must have Inown to whom the cade beelongad! The pofce cordoned off the area at each end of the sreet thereby preventing the mesting’s autience gating near the Isah Contre. They did not evacuate all tf? from the centre and they alowed the fe movement cf riders who ved inside the ‘coWoned area It boks as if everyone was in on the joke except the AFA members proert. The ish Cenre’s ban on AFA remains unbroken. A hack trom tke fr Word hat the nerve to ‘ask an Irish activi if he thought thatthe bomb threat had come ftom AFA. ‘TAL lus made its own enquires into these strange on-goings. We coat exclusively reveal thatthe source of the Mail on Sunday's ssnem story on the AFA conference - which clasely fllowed the ‘Worlds revebtions - wae none ihr than the editor of the Zrieh World hirnalf The Irish World's editor Darien Cathey hee, we ‘understand, supplied smear stories on AFA, Red Action and the Republican Movement tothe sam Mai! wales, Danie! Fogo, in (he pat. Foggio was lat week described by one prominent smernber cf London's Irish community a: “Nat so much a journals wo does some work for MIS, but ‘more of an MIS man who does some work as a journalist”. ‘What, therefore, is Damien Gaffhey’s connection with. Foggio and MIS? Why i Gaffhey'sJnth BTorld paper being sed am stalking, horse by one of the most ani-liish tabloids (The Ma) in the itsh establstiment's propaganda arena?” And just who exxly

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