Notification North Central Railway Act Aprentice

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‘North Central Railway Office of the DRM (P) Jhansi . No- P/161/Act. Apprentice/1HS/2019-20/Rect. Date-15.03.2021 Notification No-01/2020/JHS Sub- Engagement of ActApprentice under Apprentice Act 1964 for the year 2019-20 Interns of Railway Board's instructions in their letter No. E(MPP) 2013/6/14 dated: 03.12.2016, the panel of Act Apprentices is proposed fo be formed through online process, Accordingly, appl-atsrs Te are ee act APhiod for Act Apprenticeship Training under Act Apprentice Act, 1961 by North Central Raitvay, ORM Office, Jnansi. Eligible candidates may apply and register their application we. 1 website www Details of the seats in diferent trades are given below:- 7.03.2021 to 16.04.2021 on Sr No. of Seats i) Training period No Trade | Tot ere i ur} osc | sc} st | | om | HH | Apprentice Act. 1961 + | Fitter ae] 77 | 43 | 21 | 286 | OTB | 4 | One year 7 | Welder GastElec) | os | os [or] or| | NU __| Nt | Oneyear 2 hanie(DSL) az {23 | 13 | 06 | 64 | 2OUBD) | 1 | Oneyear_ | | Carpenter os [vos for for [11] NE [NW |Oneyear | 3_| Electrician aa | 2a [43 | 07 [08 | 28 [1 [One year Total zai | 132 | 71 | 36 | 400 : j 's contained in Rly Ba's L.No E(MPP) 2002/6/10 dated- 17.06.11, Babe SC 15%, ST 7.5% and OBC 27%. If adequate candidates belonging to Scheduled cdstes wey Scheduled Tribes are not available, then the seats so reserved for them may be filed by GEndidates belonging to ST by SC and SC by ST as the case may bellf the prescribed seats Cannot be filed even in the manner given above, then the seats lying unfiled may be filed by ‘Candidatesother than SC or ST. Similarly the seats remaining unfiled for OBC candidates will be filed by unreserved category. 01. Reservation as per instruction «3% of folal seats are reserved for Ex. Servicemen, their children and children of armed Forces, Personnel, as per delails mentioned below-( Authority- E(MPP) 2002/06/VI dt, 31.07.2006 ) Children of deceasedidisabled Ex-Servicemen including those deceasedicisabled during peace time b) Children of ex-servicemen, ©). Children of serving jawans. 4) Chiidren of serving officers. e) Ex-servicemen: a) 3% of total seats will be reserved for physically handicapped candidates. Only locomotor disabledor Cerebral palsy (OH) who suffers from 40% or more than 40%of relevant disabiity and heanng handicapped (HH) having 60 decibels or more in ear in the conversational range of | frequency are eligible to apply. A physical handicapped person who wants to aval ne Donel of. esorvation wil have to submit a disability. Certiicate issued by a competent authonly Le. Medical 2 Board constituted by the Central or state Government eal oe Scanned with CamScanner a 8. Before applying onine,appicant should say himseY that he is fuling desired qualiication, eighty and other tems and conditions, Admnistation has tn right fo eancel tne applcaton at any stago of Selection, I candidal is ot fling the requisite quaificaon and has boon eroneousl seected, tre candidature of such candidate wb terminal witout any oman. 8. Candidate not possessing the ITI certificate issued by NCVT are not eligible to apply. In such applications, no correspondence wil be made wih any person or organization 10. Selection Process-Panel will be formed as per the instructions contained in North Central Raitway Headquarters office, Prayagrals letter No. - 797-E/Trg/Act App. 1S61/NCR/2013 Part-1 at. 23.11.15 {The selection of Act Apprentice for training will be done on the basis of merit prepared from the list of eligible candidates. There will be no writen or oral examination for this selection, (Ment ist will be prepared on the basis of average of percentage of marks obtained in10” or equivalent ‘examination from any recognized Board/Institute and percentage of marks obtained in IT! (ii) The calculation of percentage of marks will be based on the total marks obtained in 10” or its ‘equivalent examination from an education Board/insttute and not on the basis of marks of any subject or group of subjects. (iv) If more than one candidate get equal average marks/percentage, than the older candidate will rank higher in the list. The above information wil be computerized and the mert will be prepared in this manner. . (¥) Final select list will be prepared Tradewise, Communitywise, Categorywise, Reservationwise prepared ut of the combined merit fe: (vi)The select list equal to twice the number of Act Apprentices slot will be prepared L.e. main list equat to number of Act Apprentices stot and waiting list of equal number of candidates. equal to the number of Act Apprentices slot will be called from the main list for document verification and medical examination. Thereafter, candidates equal to the number of candidates found unsuitable during document verification or medical examination or being absent will be called from the waiting list in order of merit and seniority. (vi) The candidate will be eligible for training only after being declared medically ft by Authorized Raitway Medical Officer. If the candidate fails in mecical examination, his/her ciaim for training will not: be accepted, * (wii) No Daily allowance or Traveling allowance will be payable to the candidates called for document ~ verification and medical examination. 11. HostelResidential facilty will not be provided to selected candidates, The selected candidates will have to make boarding and lodging arrangements themselves during the course of training period 12, The ment list of selected candidates will be uploaded on the North Central Railway's website www ner ingianraiway govin and candidates included in eligible list will be informed by post. No corespondence will be made in this regard with other candidates 49. It is made clear that there is no guarantee of Indian Railways to provide employment after training, (Authority- Railway Board'sL.No.€(MPP)2009/6/14 dt. 06.10.15) 114, The candidates who have already completed their training under Apprentice Act,1961 from any other institute/establishment are riot eligible to apply under this notification, 15. Agreement of Tralning- The selected candidate or hismer guardlan(n case of minor) has to execute an apprenticeship contact or agreement with employer before apprenticeship training as prescribed Under the Apprentice Act, 1961 46. After completion of taining every apprentice has to undertake Trade Test on a inca level conducted by Director General, Employment & Training, Ministy of Labour & Employment, New Deki, Passed Candidate wil get National Trade Certificate bul wil have no guarantee of employment after training Scanned with CamScanner ee ~3- 8. Belore applying ontino, applicant should saisty himsor that ho is fulfling desired qualification, eligibility ‘and other terms and conditions, Administration has the tight to cancel the application at any stage of Selection. If Candidate is not futiling the requisite qualification and has been erroneously selected, the Candidature of such candidate wil ba terminatod without any information. 8. Candidate not possessing the IT! cerca issued by NCVT are not eligible to app, In such appleatons, no comespordenco wil bo made wih ary person or organization 10. Selection Process-Pane! will bo formed as per the instructions contained in North Central Raitway Headquarters office, Prayagrals letter No. -797-E/Trg/Act App. 1961/NCR/2013 Part-11 dt. 23.11.15 (The selection of Act Apprentice for raining will be done on the basis of mertist prepared from the ist of eligible candidates. There will be no written or oral examination fo this selection. {Ment list wil be prepared on the basis of average of percentage of marks obtained in10” or equivalent examination from any recognized Boardnsitute and percentage of marks obtained in ITI (ii) The calculation of percentage of marks will be based on the total marks obtained in 10” or its. equivalent examination from an education Board/insttute and nit on the basis of marks of any subject or 2 group of subjects (i) if more than one candidate get equal average marksipercentage, than the older candidate will rank higher in the lst. The above infomation wil be computerized and the ment wil be prepared in this manner. - - (v) Final select ist will be prepared Tradewise, Communitywise, Categorywise, Reservationwise prepared out of the combined mer Zs (viThe select list equal to twice the number of Act Apprentices slot will be prepared i.¢. main list equal to number of Act Apprentices slot and wating ist of equal number of candidates. Candidate equal to the number of Act Apprentices slot will be called from the main list for document verification and medical examination. Thereafter, candidates equal to the number of candidates found unsuitable during document verification or medical examination or being absent will be called from the waiting list in order of merit and seniority. j ¢ (ui) The candidate willbe eligible for training ony ater being declared medically fit by Authorized Railway Medical Offcer. i the candidate fais in medcal examination, his her claim for training wil not: be accepted ‘ (vil) No Daiy allowance or Traveling allowance will be payable to the candidates called for document Verfication and medial examination 11, HostelResidential facility will not be provided to selected candidates, The selected candidates will have to make Boarding and lodging arrangements themselves during the course of traning pertod. 12, The ment list of selected candidates will be uploaded on the North Central Railway's webste owner indianraiway.govin and candidates included in eligible list will be informed by post. No Correspondence wil be made inthis regard with clner candisates 13, is made clear that there is no guarantee of Indian Rellways to provide employment after traning (Authonty- Railway Board's. No.E(MPP200916/14 dt. 06.10.15) 14. The candidates who have already completed ther taining under Apprentice Act 1961 from any ether instiulerestabishment are not elgibe o apply under ts notification. 16, Aagseement of Tralning- The selected candidate or hismer guardian(in case of minor) has to execute an’ apprenticeship contract or agreement with employer before apprenticeship training as prescribed tinder the Apprentice Act, 1981 16. After completion of training every apprentice has to undertake Trade Test on all inca level conducted 1 by Director General, Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour & Employment, New Delhi, Passed candidate will get National Trade Certificate but wil have no guarantee of employment after training, oe ~ Scanned with CamScanner ee | Every candidatei applying. Aller eenelesed proforma win nna (tthe seals noted by NG Ralees OMe Othe ai, TUS! be brought atthe iy Meat documents, Apart rom ths,'s copy of omenen atherwise appication wai nor Cocuent verdcaton fo ths offen song wan te soot Gan bo oblained tron Oe emetained. Proceaue for egstaton a tevin Mereeen wo. apprenticeshipinaet, ("FAQ mentioned at “nhl “comor “of the wopece 2. Training Perioa ated 31.05 2017 (Rae Seg Mace Tranny 'BE- 84/2017) Training pla Ellabitty. 3. Age limit. © Praag msthave completed 15 years and should ol be more than 24 years of age aon TORS etl May be relaxed by 5 years in ease of SC/ST candidates and 3 years in ase of OBC candidates, ©) For physically hancicapped persons, upper age iit is relaxed by 10 years ‘for absational qualiication. me canddate must have passed 10" cass examination or its equivalent (eee Or? System) with mirimum 80% marks and IM passed certieate in enous te from a be aseented usta! Training Institute aiiated to NEVT. GerieateIseued by Princiner i e accepted. 8. Stipend.Stipend wi bs paid as per ins 19 Period will be as prescribed vide Railway Board's letter 1c9 willbe N.C. Raliway, RM Office, Jhansi ») structions issued by Railway Board from time to time. 7. Mode of Application. wore. mpontine gov in Important instructions- Willing candidates may register and apply online on thi Only eligible candidates should apply who full the eligibilty conditions mentioned in the (hey, Snouid carefull read the advertsement. f they are satisfied tat they full the chibi y terms and conditions applicable and have all the requisite documents at tne time of applying, tee poe view. Edt option is available for correcting the data pr eeieearion gumber wil be allotted after submiting the form, printout of the orn filed completely all respect must be kept by the candidate with hinvher. XN 0 eee eee Sees rae or meee 7 yy, Hern rt creo RO ot ata x 06 {al mnatetes moeetonyttatuycmtecruicernemnn nc F & od by respective Board, IT! marksheet and d duly scanned. Applications attached with net will ba summarily rejected. I disability certificate must be altached duly a ee Scanned with CamScanner Gandhi Nagar Bhopal (MP) 462036, India dnlin e.Limit @ d Jnl Flor, Ste Pak, Abi Noga Tar n S8Cii0n of Raway Ag ny Stage i is found Ta cat te9arding selection of candidates and ther traning wil be integrity is fou that notice, 49d doubt, then themne e29 ancidate has given wrongfalse information ong heft Andidature wll be terminated at any stage without giving any 18. the car diate is found in be terminat woken. Led in indisciplinary activities during the tiring period, his training ed ghng a week ge inary setvtes during the training period his training wil Gandidates may apply ontine as, Time limit tor Apherge mt"? #8 PEF the time schedule given below The date of opening of online 9 of online application is: 47.03.2024 Last date of submission of online application ie too, 2024 farts wl be soley response for tn ntmatn fished by him through onine application if itis canceled Tae age tht the information fumished by him is neonect hen Peer eae is dung te cg ORM Offce, Jhansi wi not be responsble for any eran feeneres ee uling the course of submission of online application Note- (0 Cancidate must keep the printout of onin filed application to produce it as a pro RY] Called for document verticaton by his offes. ch\* (The candte long wih te priate led appicaton must potion tof reap oS altechnical and educational cerifcates, caste certfeate, photo and ldentifcalbn Gerd > ‘AachaarCard and PAN Card in original as wel as copy ofall the documents attested by se, (ii) Candidate will be devarred for vertication process # he fails to produce printout af ontne’< S072) = ‘iled appication and requste original documents. (~) Mf, during the course of selection process, change in policy takes place in the ebovb selection Process, the changed selection poly wil be folowed, a (Shaiiendra Shrvbstavy \ Assistant Personnel Officer. RM Office, Jhansi Copy to- (CME, CEE, CPO and SDGM-NCRIALD for kind information, CPRO- NCRIALD- It is requested to publish the above notification in the newspapers. The above notification will be uploaded on NCR website- (Allocation No. 12512099) AILSSE- C&W, DSL, TRS, JHS Jhansi. Ch/OS- C&W, DSL, TRS DRM(P) Jhansi Divisional Seeretary- NCES, NCRMU, OBC and $C ST Association JHS Division District employment officer, Jhansi ‘The Superintendent, Vocational and Rehabilitation centre for physically handicapped, ATI Campus, Govind Nagar, Kanpur | | Director, RDAT, Kanpur, District Sainik Kalyan Board, Jhansi | Scanned with CamScanner we ‘Application Format ‘Application for Engagement of Act Apprentices,1961 for the year 2019-20 In Jhans! Division NCR ‘Nontication ne 2020/35 1. MTITradetin capital etter), 2_Please tick suitable bows) Gen sc] 3. Fullname fin Captalletion)) © Fatertoane ee nae) Self attested ey pastor Ste Farrah doen ea mort pest bere 98. Corresponding Address 410. Permanent Address 11 Mobile No. 32, EmaillD: 33, Educational Qualification- High School] Year of Board/Educational ‘Marks Obtained | Maximum — | Percentage passing | Authority/insttute Macks I 14 Technical Qualfcation- Tifrom | Yearof | Board/Educational Trade | Marks | Maximum | Percentage NCVI/SCVT | passing | Authority/institute ‘Obtained _| Marks I I | 435, Registration no, of 16. Two personal identification marks- (i). 17. No. of enclosures: 18, Tickon the enclosures attached: (Please enclose Set-Attested copy of required documents) a) High Schoot Mark Sheet ) High School Pass Certificate ©) MMarksheet N.CVT. 4) Caste /Ex-Serviceman/PH certificate ©) Any Other: 19. Declaration- | do hereby declore thot sil the statements es mentioned in the above application are true, ‘complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. | understand that in the event of any particular Of information given above is found false or incorreet, my eandidature will able to be rejected. | also understand fully that the obligation under apprentice act 1961 on the part ofthe Railways isto provide me ‘only training in the allottad trade and not to giva amployment inthe Railways on comalation of my training and thus | have no right to claim for employment forthe same. | declare that | have registered on the portal werw.apprenticeshipindia.omg as required. Place- Date- ra Impression of left thumb Scanned with CamScanner CALLLETTER Engagement of Act Apprentices under Apprentice Act, 1961 for the year 2019-20 In shans! Division NCR. (To be filed by the Applicant in his own hand writing) Notification no. 01/2020/Hs Self attested i Passport size Photo to be | pasted here 2. Name of the candidate ee => 2. Father's Name el : 3. Registration no. of — 4. Correspondence address with police station Police station = ee 5. Nearest Railway Station - ee (Tobe filed by the office) ‘Youare directed to appear for verification of your orignal testimonials and physical fitness in Recruitment Section of Personnel Branch, Jhansi Division. fthe candidate falls to attend the sore 35 on date——-----_--he will not be given other chance, ‘No TA/DA will be given. Date-——————_ Seal & Signature of Authority Se Scanned with CamScanner

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