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The following text is for questions 1-3.
How To Make Ice Lemon Tea


 1 bag of Teabag
 2 pieces of Lemon Orange
 2 tsp of sugar
 6 Ice Cubes
 50 ml of hot water
 150 ml of cold water


1. Brewed Tea bag in 50 ml of hot water.

2. Add sugar, and then stir until evenly distributed.
3. Squeeze the lemon. Then, pour lemon juice into the tea.
4. Add ice cubes and add 150 ml of cold water.
5. Stir until the lemon juice mixes with the tea.
6. Add lemon slices as decoration.
7. Ice Lemon Tea is ready to be served.

1. Below are the ingredients to make Ice Lemon Tea, they are .....................
a. Teabag, salt, sugar, hot and cold water, ice cubes, and lemon orange.
b. Lem.on Orange, sugar, teabag, ice cubes, hot and cold water
c. Ice cubes, lemon orange, salt, hot and cold water, teabag.
d. Hot and cold water, ice cubes, sugar, teapot, lemon orange.
e. Teabag, ice cubes, cold water, orange, hot water, and sugar.
2. What is the next step after squeezing the lemon?
a. Pour lemon juice into tea and add ice cubes.
b. Add ice cubes and add cold water.
c. Stir the lemon juice with the tea.
d. Add sugar, and then stir until evenly distributed.
e. Add lemon slices as decoration.
3. How much sugar do we need to make a glass of ice lemon tea?
a. 2 spoons of sugar.
b. 2 cups of sugar.
c. 2 tea spoons of sugar.
d. It depends on us.
e. 3 spoons of sugar.
The following text is for questions number 4-6.

How to Make Pizza


 1 – 1/4 Oz Envelopes – active dry yeast (or 2 1/4 tsp)

 1 1/2 tsp. – Salt
 1 1/2 cup – warm water (110 ° F – 115 ° F)
 1 tablespoon. – Sugar
 2 tablespoons. – Extra virgin olive oil
 4 Cups – Bread flour
 Extra olive oil
 Extra flour


1. Put the yeast in a bowl, add the sugar and warm water to it.
2. Mix thoroughly.
3. Wait 5-10 minutes, after which the dough will release very few small bubbles.
4. Take the bread flour, add salt, pour the milk into the batter. Now add the yeast mixture into the
5. Knead it vigorously for about 10 minutes. Then a little oil and place the bowl of dough in it.
6. Poke the dough with your fingers about three times.
7. Cover the bowl with a paper wrap with air so tight and then let it rise for about 2 hours.
8. After about 2 hours, check your dough and move it a little to see that the texture.
9. After this you just scoop out the dough and continue kneading until you feel quite soft and not
attached to the object that you are kneading on.
10. You’ve finished, your pizza dough to a 14-inch pizza.
11. Pizza is ready to be served.

4. What is the first step of making pizza?

a. Mix the yeast and sugar.
b. Put the yeast in a bowl, add sugar and warm water to it.
c. Take the bread flour, add salt, pour the milk into the butter.
d. Add the yeast mixture into the dough.
e. Cover the bowl with a paper wrap with air so tight.

5. What should we do to the dough after adding the yeast mixture?

a. Add a little oil in it.
b. Poke it with our fingers about 3 times.
c. Knead it vigorously about 10 minutes.
d. Cover the dough with a paper wrap.
e. Add salt and milk into the batter.
6. How long should we wait till the dough rise?
a. For about two hours.
b. For about 1.5 hours.
c. For about one hour.
d. For about ten minutes.
e. For about five minutes.

The following text is for questions number 7-9.

How to Use a Printer

You need:

 Printer


Step 1

Using a printer even basic printer is extremely easy to do. There are many different models of printers out
there. You have your very basic to your all-in-one printer. The printer with everything on it works pretty
much just like the regular printer you just have a lot more buttons to push

Step 2

Make sure that your printer is hooked up properly before using it. If this is a brand new printer then it will go
through a check and print out a test page for you. A lot of different times you can just turn it on, you will hear
the ink moving around. Something might come up on the computer telling you that the printer is on and
working properly.

Step 3

Open the page you want to print. If you are on the Internet and want to print something from there. All you
have to do is go up to file, then down to page set up. This will give you more printing options to choose from.
When you are done setting up the page you can verify you have the right printer hooked up by clicking on
“Printer” at the bottom. Once everything looks good click on “OK” and now your page should print out.
Step 4

Open up a “.doc” file if that is where your page is that you need to print. When you are ready to print go up
to “File” and “Print Setup”. Again you can choose how you want your page to look, and check and make sure
the right printer is installed. If your page is set up the way you like it you can just click on the printer icon on
the tool bar or go to “File” then “Print.”

Step 5

Using a printer a lot over time will start to wear down your ink supply. Some models of printers let you know
when your ink supply is getting low. If you have an older printer you will just have to go by what the printed
page looks like. If it is very worn and faded then it is time to install a new ink cartridge.

7. What will happen to our printer if we use it a lot over time?

a. It will start to wear down our ink supply.
b. It will break very fast.
c. It will be the sign that the ink supply is getting low.
d. It will need to be installed.
e. It won’t be worn and faded.
8. What to do if we want to print something from the internet?
a. Go up to file, then down to page set up.
b. Go up to file, then choose print selection.
c. Go up to file, then verify the printer.
d. Clicking on the printer bottom.
e. Click on OK and your page should print out.
9. What is the writer intention in writing this text?
a. To tell the readers how to fix printer.
b. To tell the readers how to use a printer.
c. To tell the readers how to select a printer.
d. To tell the readers how to maintain a printer.
e. To inform the readers about printer.

The Following text is for questions 10-12.

Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located under your seat.
Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you’re your waist.
Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically inflated by pulling a cord,
but if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.
A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket should be removed only in case of
The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walkman, and any mobile phones are
prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and navigational system.
We wish you an enjoyable flight.

10. Where is the life jacket located?

a. Over the head.
b. Around the waist.
c. Outside the aircraft.
d. In the back of the seat.
e. Under the seat.
11. What can interfere the navigational system?
a. Table.
b. The life jacket.
c. Mobile phones.
d. The attached light.
e. Tape around the waist.
12. What should the passangers do if the life jacket can’t be inflated automatically?
a. Blow into the chip to inflate it.
b. Let it blow automatically.
c. Pulling a cord in it.
d. Remove it in a case of emergency.
e. Fasten it around our waist.

The following text is for questions 13-15.


1. Remove all frozen foods and ice cube trays. If you have a second refrigerator, use it to temporary store
these items. If not, put the food in a cardboard box and cover it with newspaper. Dump the ice cubes.
2. Removes all other food stuff and place on your kitchen counter or in cardboard boxes.
3. Either turn the temperature control "defrost" or unplug the electricity to the refrigerator (or both).
4. Never scrape or jab at the ice with a sharp instrument. You may cause serious damage to the freezing unit.
Allow it to melt.
5. Either put a flat pan under the freezer to catch the drips or put a large towel in the bottom of the

13. What should we do after turn the temperature control "defrost"?

a. Scrape the ice with a sharp instrument.
b. Remove all frozen foods and ice cubes trays.
c. Remove all other food stuff.
d. Allow the ice to melt.
e. Put a plat pan under the freezer.
14. “Allow it to melt" (step 4). The word "it" refers to ..
a. The food
b. The refrigerator.
c. The ice
d. The freezing unit.
e. The sharp instrument.
15. What may cause serious damage to the freezing unit?
a. Sharp instruments.
b. Cardboard boxes.
c. The electricity.
d. Temperature control.
e. The ice cubes.
The following text is for questions 16-18.

How To Operate TV

Instructions :

1. Plug the cable television into electricity

2. After that, press the power button to turn on the television
3. Wait until the television show the picture.
4. Choose the channel that you want to watch use the button or the remote.
5. Set the volume use the remote or button volume
6. Last, if you want to turn off the television you can use the power button

16. How many steps to follow if we want to operate the TV?

a. There are 5 steps.
b. There are 6 steps.
c. There are 4 steps.
d. There are no specific step.
e. It depends on the TV.
17. What should we do if we want to watch the programme we want on TV?
a. Choose the channel using the button or remote.
b. Wait until the TV shows the pictures.
c. Set the pictures we love.
d. Press the power button to turn on the TV.
e. Use the power button to turn off the TV.
18. What is the first step of operating the TV?
a. Press the power “on”
b. Choose the channel we want to watch.
c. Plug the cable of the TV into electricity.
d. Set the volume use the remote.
e. Make sure that the TV is in a good condition.

The following text is for questions 19-21.

How To Be The Best Student

Do you want to be the best student in your class? Be the envy of all of your friends in school and
earn the respect from teachers and students alike!
In order to be the best student in your school, you must first be optimistic about everything. In
addition, you must be very disciplined and well-behaved. You must be able to balance everything.
Second, a best student must study hard. This is the primary task of a student. To study hard
and succeed. Remember, if you do not take the initiative, you will accomplish nothing. Ask questions
in class if you do not understand something.
Next, let’s go over some study habits. When studying for a test, make sure that you first have
all of the proper materials including books, pencils, paper, calculator, etc. Underline the words that
you do not understand. In addition, try highlighting some of the themes mentioned in the book. Ask
your parents for tutoring. Based on some surveys, students who come in for tutoring tend to do better
in class as well as improve their grades.
Lastly, you will be on your way in becoming the best student! Remember to never give up and
make a commitment to work your best. The truth is, it’s okay to fail, as long as you pick yourself up
and try even harder. A lot of the famous people were all once failures. Only by persevering did they
manage to climb to the top and succeed.
19. What is the first thing to do to be the best student?
a. Be optimistic about everything.
b. Study hard.
c. Must be able to balance everything.
d. Change the way of studying.
e. Be very diciplined.
20. The following statements are correct based on the text, except ...............
a. In order to be the best student, you must first be optimistic.
b. The primary task of a student is studying hard.
c. Students who come in for tutoring tend to do bad in class as well as improve their grades.
d. To be the best student you have to make sure that you first have all the proper materials.
e. A lot of famous people ever failed.
21. What is the synonym of the word “famous”? ............
a. Clever.
b. Generous.
c. Good.
d. Well known
e. Well behaved.

The following text is for questions 22-24.

How To Use Rice Cooker

You need :

 Rice cooker

Directions :

 Add the rice to the rice cooker pot. Read the directions on the rice package, and measure rice
according to these instructions. Use a regular measuring cup for this step, since rice cookers
sometimes come with non-standard measuring devices.
 Add the amount of water specified on the rice package. Be careful not to fill the cooker beyond the
overfill line.
 Put the rice cooker pot into the cooker unit, and cover the pot with the lid. Most cookers come with a
tight-fitting lid, but if your lid is too loose, consider adding a layer of aluminum foil.
 Plug in the cooker and push the button to start cooking rice. If your cooker has a timer, you may
choose to have the rice cook at a later point in the day. Some higher-end units include a warmer,
which will help the rice stay warm after it has finished cooking. While the rice is cooking, refrain
from lifting the lid to check on it.
 When the rice is done, the cooker will beep or make a clicking sound.

22. The text above tells us about ...................

a. How to use rice cooker.
b. How to cook rice.
c. How to measure rice according to the instructions.
d. How to set a timer in our rice cooker.
e. How to make the rice stay warm.
23. What shoud we avoid while the rice is cooking?
a. Lifting the lid to check the rice stay warm.
b. Refrain from lifting the lid to check on the rice.
c. Refrain from closing the lid to check on the rice.
d. Clicking sound after finished cooking.
e. Choosing to have the rice cook at a later point in the day.
24. What to do if our cooker’s lid is too loose?
a. Consider adding a layer of aluminium foil.
b. Consider buying a new rice cooker.
c. Consider to cover the pot with the lid.
d. Push the button to start cooking.
e. Put the rice cooker pot into the cooker unit.
25. After you prepare the baking pan which cover with the butter and flour, .............. the dough into it.
a. Pouring.
b. Pours.
c. Pour.
d. Is pouring.
e. Poured.
26. Add the sugar and the vanilla, and in well.
a. Stirring
b. Stirred.
c. Stirs.
d. Is stiring.
e. Stir
27. Below are the correct generic structures of Procedural Text,..............
a. Goal, materials, and steps.
b. Introduction, goal, and steps.
c. Materials, steps, conclusion.
d. Materials, directions, suggestions.
e. Aim, directions, steps.
28. Below are the verbs in the present form, except ....................
a. Make.
b. Doing.
c. Operate.
d. Use.
e. Prepare.
29. “Clean the LCD screen surface to make it as bright as a new one”. What is the aim of cleaning the
LCD screen?
a. To make it new.
b. To make it clean.
c. To make it as bright as a new one.
d. To make it clear.
e. To remove the dirt from it.
The following text is for question 30 – 31.

A quick and easy cheese cake recipe

Yield : 6 servings
Prep. Time :5 minutes
Cook Time : 40 minutes
Total Time : 45 minutes
16 ounces cream cheese, 2 packages, softened
½ cup sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla
2 large eggs
4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 prepared Graham cracker crust
Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed until well-blended. Blend in 2 eggs. Stir in chocolate
chips then pour batter into Graham cracker chust. (you may sprinkle ¼ cup mini semi sweet chocolate chips
on top if you desire).
Bake at 35celcius for 40 minutes, or until certer is almost set. Cool.
For best results refrigerate for 3 hours.
30. How long does it take to make cheese cake?
a. 40 minutes
b. 45 minutes.
c. 35 minutes.
d. An hour.
e. It depends on the cook time.
31. Below are imperative sentences found from the text above, except..................
a. Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at medium speed.
b. Stir in chocolate chips.
c. 1 prepared Graham cracker chust.
d. Blend in two eggs.
e. Bake at 35 celcius for 40 minutes.
Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!
1. You can make instant noodles with the help of a microwave.
2. Finally, add any items that you want and serve the noodles.
3. First, fill the bowl with two cups of water and the noodle.
4. Microwave it for about three to five minutes.
5. Then, take the noodles out of the microwave and pour the seasonings.
6. After the microwave beeps, wait for three minutes in the closed microwave.
7. Next, stir the noodles until the seasonings dissolve.
32. The best arrangement of the sentences above is:
a. 1-7-5-6-2-4-3
b. 1-3-4-6-5-7-2
c. 1-2-7-3-6-5-4
d. 1-4-7-5-2-6-3
e. 1-4-6-5-2-3-7How to make a
33. The text which aims to tell the readers about how to make/operate something is called....
a. Analytical exposition.
b. Procedure.
c. Steps.
d. Direction.
e. Descriptive.
The following text is for questions 34-35.
How to Make Starfruit Punch
• 250 gr yellow starfruit in slices
• 100 ml water 2 spoonful of vanilla
• 8 teaspoonful of lemonade extract Procedure
• Put slices of starfruit and water in the blender. Wait until it’s soft. Skim it.
• Add syrup, lemonade extract, and soda water. Stir thoroughly.
• Pour it in the glass and put in the ice cubes.
34. What is the text about?
a. How to use blender.
b. The ingredients of starfruit punch
c. How to make starfruit punch
d. How to stir thoroughly
e. How to slice starfruit
35. Which of the following procedures is true?
a. Skim the slices of starfruit and water which have already been softened
b. Wait until the ice cubes are melted.
c. Put slices of starfruit in the glass.
d. Put ice cubes in the blender.
e. Skim two spoonful of vanilla.

The following text is for questions 36-38.

Burning a CD allows you to take music from one CD and transfer it onto another CD. This process is
possible with any computer that has a CD driver, but it is easier on a computer that can run two CDs at once.
Either way, you can copy all your music from one CD to the next. Here is how to copy from one CD to
another, using one and two CD drivers.
Instructions Burning with two CD Trays
1. Insert the CD from which you want to burn music into your computer’s CD tray. Insert a blank CD into
your computer’s second CD tray.
2. Open windows media player and wait for it to recognize the CD.
3. Click the “burn” option at the top of Windows Media Player. Drag the songs you want from the list of your
songs into the area on the right labeled “Burn List”.
4. Choose the blank CD onto which you want to burn your song. This can be done at the top of the Burn List
5. Click the “Start Burn” button when you have all the song you want for the CD added to the Burn List.
Wait for your computer to finish the CD, then take both of the CDs out.
36. What is the topic of the text?
a. Copying a compact disc.
b. Choosing the blank CD.
c. Inserting the CD into computer.
d. Running two CDs.
e. Opening Media Player.
37. “The process of copying CD is possible with any computer…” The word “possible” is closest in
meaning to…
a. Unlikely.
b. Doubtful.
c. Improbable.
d. Probable.
e. Suspicious.
38. Which statement is incorrect based on the text above?
a. Burninga a CD allows us to take music from ane CD and transfer it onto another CD.
b. The first step of burning CD is open windows media player.
c. We can click the start burn when we have all the song we want for the CD added to the burn list.
d. Burning your song can be done at the top of the burn list menu.
e. After opening windows media player, we need to wait for it to recognize the CD.
39. The following sentences are imperative, except ...............
a. Turn on your computer.
b. Melt the chocolate before using it to decorate the cake.
c. Wash your hand before touching your face.
d. Save your maney for your future.
e. Do not litter.
40. Which verb is imperative?....
a. Copying.
b. Burning.
c. Melting.
d. Chop.
e. Chopping.

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