English Time 3 Student's Book

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Susan Rivers e¢ Setsuko Toyama OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD reat Clarendon Sueet, Oxford, ox2 6, ited Kingdon ‘Orford University ess isa department ofthe Uninet of Oxford, nfrtersthe University’s objective ofexcelence in esearch, eosin, and ection by pulsing worldwide. Oxfords eistered trie ‘mar of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain oer counties ‘© Oxford Univesity Press 2013 ‘Themoral rights ofthe author have een aseted Ars published in 2012 owe 2035 2084 2033, ‘No unauthorized photocopying. Allright reserved No pst ofthis pubicaton maybe reproduce, sored ina etrieva stem, oFansited, nan frm ory Sty means, without {he prioe permission in writing of Oxford University Press, ora expres permite y law. by cence or under terms pred withthe spocoprite eprographics ight organization Enguiies concerning reproduction autside the scope ofthe above should beseat othe FIT Rights Department, Onford Unive Prev, a the adres above Yo mus not cue hs workin any ther for andyou must pone ‘tirsame conn on any aie Links to thie panty websites ae provided by Oxf in good faith ana for information only Oxford dacaime ay responsibilty forthe materials, ‘ontained nan chia party website referenced in th work san: 9780 9 4005265 STUDENT ROOK san: 978039 goose STUDENT CO Ison: 978019 4oos209 STUDENT cx Prntedin China Thisbook sprinted on paper from certified and wellmanaged sources ‘The Pass wold I otha he flowing ford person ere eto Samy p.16(@ Glowimages in pink) Bananastock p38 boy lnral 6(boy ined Gety Images pp. (Photographers Choice. Hues nnn), 6(axIMoNo ProductonseighbousyStockphotpp 150k ft veg, pis, morgan foods) 32(3oapsmomigt in white, "anpety in stipes, JBrysonboy in geen Photltrary.com pp.15 (es Food imagesPhiip Wikinybread31(OJOimagesptartnBarsnchiliren running, 47 ips alia bere Rossii lnagebroker ne cher ‘mounts 6 (Tiketlarey Wiikey, Index Sec gery al Finn estar: Shutterstock p.15 (avs maleic, Sergey Petermanies, Itdog, burger chocolat. SasPatoutrets, marco mayerehcken 3 Lins cktnones muscles). ‘Commision phatsraphy 9 Graham Alder p64 (by nny ed and whit ‘Gareth Boden pp. 16(b) 4 (by in gre ad ed top); Did Jordan p16 ig Inyellow) 64 in yellow Mike Stone p48 git in pink. Ma hates Rass Dash Itation ‘te thst Gabriele Antonla/adocateAr (Digers World Beccy ike (Worms jay Brown (Phonics Time; ache Puller pp. 32,48, 4 Margeaax cay Arts (Songs and Chants) ner asain Pau Gibbs asl arargomend chant mie Wiliam Hz ginal earacerdevlpty Amy Wurnmer Table of Content’ syllabus wv Classroom Language vi Do You Remember? vil Unit1 1 Unit 2 5 Unit 3 : 9 « Cross-curricular 1/ Project Time 5 Unit 4 7 Unit 5 2 Unit 6 25 Res Cross-curricular 2 / Project Time 31 Unit 7 33 Unit 8 37 Unit 9 Ww Cross-curricular 3/ Project Time 47 Unit 10 ug Unit TL 53 Unit 12 57 Cross-curricular 4 / Project Time 63 Songs and Chants 65 My Picture Dictionary 70 Word List 79 Syllabu: Unit | Topic Conversation Time Word Time | Practice Time Phonics Time | 1 [es Whats wrong? kien want fish. short u/long w cant find my mom puppy 1 don't want a rabbit contrast What does she look tke? robb He wants afish, bug She's tll and thin. She's mouse Hedocsrtwonta rabbi, | ead wearing aed dress, fish {otpronnina a Isthet your mom? furte fie Yes! There she is. Thonks. lizard i Mom! bird gue 2 | Food Excuse me. Con youhelpme? | meat Do you want eggs? Short/Long Sure. posta Yes Ido Vowel Review Where's the rice? fish No don’. I want past, WsinAise3. fs nexttothe | shelish Dead aia ant case bread. ( cereal Yes, she does, How abou he chips! 50y souce No, she doesn’ She wants {don't kr: Let's took 299/998 rads Great! Thanks. vegetobie/ ‘ > pein (alt proncuns) 3 | actvitesot | Lets goto the movies on have osnack | When do you exercise? Consonant Home Thursday. exercise Texercise in the morning? | Review can. How about Friday? | useacomputer | afternoon! evening. Sony, 'mbusy. Is oturday | wolch movies| when does he ene? Nos ansasen dotomework | He exerczes nigh fo, What about Sunday? isten fo music Surel clean up | (et pronouns) Sounds good! | wosh the cor Review of Units 1-3 Cross-curricular 1:Food healthy unheathy fruits and vegetables group fals and sweeks group meat and fish group grains group dairy group Project Time: Food Journal 4 | Modes of May t help you? bus How dothey goto school? | ch chicken Transporation | Yesjpleose- One cketto | Subway They goo schoo by bus. peach New York. airplane How does she go to work? | tch kitchen (ne way of rund hip? from She goes fo work by bus, wach One way, please. Whotime | Car does Pearce fa (ol pronouns) sh fish 2:45, Please hurry! ferry ‘shell bicjle 5 | sodyrons | whats your addres? eres His foo! huts, voiced th 31 Plin Rood, corlears He teal nant mother Bordon mer fngeringers | Meth inet 31 Plain Road. knee/knees reir tarts this How do you spel“Ptain'? | legilege (possessive adjectives) Seat Pa armfarms wo Thankyou. Hove a sea, plecse, | hond hands Ee Thanks fool feet bale 6 | Personal Items ‘What are you looking for? jacket Whose camera is this/that? finaly My watchiT con find camera Teme duly pon ae Ti help you took oe Whose keys are these/those? | shy for it wallet They're hers. sky kay. Thanks hairbrush Wat coors i tuneh box (ossessve pronouns) baby It's red and blue. keys , slasses Pty Review of Units 4-6 Cross-curricular 2:Science move inside muscles bones bend joinis Project Time: Activity Body Chart @ sien Unit | Topic Conversation Time Word Time Practice Time Phonics Time 7 | ttemsina | How much are these? money Thave some shampoo. final s Drugstore _| They're one dollar each. soap don’t have any soap. eae Wow! Thats cheap. Tlltcke | shampoo ia Hab torah, gr beak spr makeup Hedoesn" have any soup, | ducks ay, Tha’ thee dolar, fon i Hey Don fergelyourchonge! | medicine (al pronouns) hom (ops! Thanks lo paste sunscreen a 8 | Noture Hey! Don't do that! ‘grass There's some grass. final es | Wha? Sand Thereisntany sand. | boxes Dor iter Usethetosncon, | Snow omeeies WES I'm sorry. Whereis i? wildit ‘There aren't ony tals. encil cases It's over there, I's under the tree. | trail/trals, | es cihdwiches: Oh T see Tyonks. free/ees ‘ountain/mountains | | fiver rvers | 9 | Food and I'm hungry. salt Is there any salt? | br Condiments | Me,too. Let's havea snack, | pepper Yes thee i, bread Doyouwanta chocolate chip | buher No, there isn brown cookie? hot sauce iainaiaany plies? oP No, thanks. {dont ike cookies. | cookies Tote” eedmoner What abotisomestrawberry | pickles Nation cent? Saar ice cream? mushrooms : Mm! That sounds good, bean sprouts estat prize | Review of Units 7-9 Cross-curricular 3:Neture ‘sland voleono ocean valley forest lake Project Time: Treosure Mop _ a Public | Look! whose wallet is this? museum I was at the bookstore. cs Buildings | Maybe i's hers Les osk movie theater Iwesntatthehospital. | erob Excuse me, department store | They were atthe ey you vt en ee f Is this your wallet? restaura They weren't at the dream a oe ee Meret ey eureka bakery: {all pronouns) t drugstore oe truck Piacesat | timbored. 7 bathroom Wes sheintheyora? | fl Home So.am I Le’ play soccer dining room Yes, she wos. flog Dadi We're going outside, bedroom No,she wasn’, she fly Remember younavetoda | yard | "Ws inthe all pl your homework hal Were they in the yard? | play know, Dad ving room fetta plum | Be back six kitchen Neitcracant they di Aight basement snare athe al eg ie sce: Have gmt {all pronouns) slide 12. | Daily Hello? Is Ted there, please? wash my hands Tealled a friend, [sm Actviies | Timsony. Youhavethe wrong | brush my teeth dla dance smell number, clean my room ial orcure| smile Isis 245-07692 callafriend = No, sn. I's 245-0768, practice the piano Bae Sony. | dance sneeze That's okey. Good-bye. play computer games boke cookies ” spel = : S spider Review of Units 10-12 | Cross-curricular 4: Geography neighborhood neighbor ly epariment bulding county former Project Time: Neighborhood Mop. Classroom Language ©*" Listen and repeat. (I’m sorry I’m late. } a EE ry. I forgot my book. } ee se I don’t understand. Can || you explain that, please? | =z A, (ag a ae { That’s okay. Use mine. AW classroom Lanauaae ee ey (Can I borrow a pencil, please? ) Please turn to page 32. ) ea . ~ Diease! om ase Turn fo page 32. aaa Do You Remember? @*""" Listen and point. I'm five. , A apples ‘/ ime is it? ) 4s- 6 (What fime isit? ) TPs 8:30. Oh, no! ____.|_ We're late! | By Ik (FF o you Remember? 4 Peete ML) A. ©* Listen and repeat. @ B. ©* Listen and point to the speakers. C. Role-play the conversation with two other students. jour mom? ) (Yes! There she is. Thanks. } ge Pass the pizza, please. && which one? The cheese pizza. EY Here. Help yourself. What's wrong? Unit 86 A. ©." Listen and repeat. B. Point and say the words. 1. kitten 2. puppy C. ©" Listen and point. 3. rabbit 4. mouse D. Write the words. (See pages 70-74.) 5. fish 6. turtle 7. lizard 8. bird . : a | ia : be ceCa fea Ta A. ©* Listen and repeat. @ Twant He wants I don’t | afish He doesn't | want a rabbit. B. ©" Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. 3. We/kitten 4. They/rabbit “~"T_puppy ) “mouse } i 6. You/turtle } ~Uish J 8. She/mouse } [ot _bird 7. He/fish ~™Llizard ) C. Look at page 2. Point to the picture D. ©’ GSMEB Listen and sing along. and practice with a partner. (See “I Want a Fish” on page 65.) @ a Twanta Fich. Uh A. ©{* Listen and repeat. @ BD: ¥ run up bug ea 6 & B. ©{' Do they both have the same u sound? Listen and write Yor X. go) e@ C. Read the sentences. |. Sue and June hum a tune. 2. The bugs run on the rug. 3. The duck has blue glue in a cup. | D. ©" Listen and match. I 2 3 - 5 6 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° . ° . ° ° flute luck duck tube Luke up @% onita short u and tong u At the Supermarket Conversation Time A. © Listen and repeat. @ B. © Listen and point to the speakers. C.. Role-play the conversation with a partner. What's wrong? Ican't find my dad. What does he look like? He’s tall and thin. afore ta =3 A pla | A. @% Listen and repeat. 1B. Point and say the words. 1. meat 2. pasta | C. © Listen and point. i E . | 3. fish 4, shellfish D. Write the words. ; (See pages 70-74.) 5. cereal 6. soy sauce a 7. egg/eggs 8. vegetable/vegetables oy A. © Listen an d repeat, @ Ido. D te | she does. jo you Doce she | want eggs? I don’t. I want ; No, | she doesn’t. She wants | Pasta. « B. © 5" Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. I. ea — ~ pec iy) 2. it/ vegetables? = Pea Nov ste No/shellfish ) pe a J. Mit pea Elis) i 5. they/shellfish? mE 6 youregge? JO™UNo/ soy sauce ) 7. he/meat? PT Nol ish No/vegetables = ‘eeeal C. Look at page 6. Point to the pictureand D. @©52' GeiN@ai) Listen and sing along. ® practice with a partner. (See “Do You Want Pasta?” on page 65.) A. © Listen and repeat. en dd 2. B 3. ( 5 4. é 5. ° . . ° . ° ° ° ° longi short a long e short e longo short u C. Read the sentences. 1. Luke needs a kite, a coat, and a cake. CAG 2. Sam pets the cat and the duck. 3. The blue and red bag is on the bed at home. <—@) D. © Listen and circle. 2. 3. 4. 5. short long short long short ae e io u ua | | @% unit2 short vowels and tona vowels At Annie’s House Conversation Time A. © Listen and repeat. c) B. ©" Listen and point to the speakers. CC. Role-play the conversation with three other students. A No. What about Sunday? : ae ogi ® where's the ball? &F rs next to the tree. Where's the kite? © 1 don’t know. Let's look. A Listen and repeat. LB. Pointand say the words. | |. haveasnack —2. exercise C. ©" Listen and point. D. Write the words. (See pages 70-74.) 3, useacomputer 4, watch movies 5. do homework listen fo music 4 6. 7. clean up 8, wash the car al A. © Listen and repeat. @ morning. Whe do you | a races Texercise in the afternoon. does he ? evening. He exercises at night. “have + hos exercise -> exercises use + uses watch + watches do + does listen listens clean -+ cleans — wash © —+ washes Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. 1. you/do homework? “Tf afternoon she/clean up? afternoon C. Look at page 10. Point to the picture —_D. ©! Ga Listen and chant. and practice with a partner. Make up (See “Homework” on page 65.) © the times of day. ~ A. ©® Listen and repeat. @ popcorn nurse ¢ fish : vet leg rabbit | B. ©®' Listen and circle the initial consonant. h 2. p 3 cou v 6 n i r t k gq m 9 m k s b C. Read the sentences. |. The little fish and the fat cat see the wet vet. 2. The dog on the red box and the goat with a sock eat jam. D. ©" Listen and match. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . . e . ° . e . ° ° ° ° e ° ° . U y Zz q c p t r €PY units consonant review ees ( How about this afternoon? 2 Sy Ee orry, I can’t, I clean up in the afternoon. How about this evening? y Dy LZ

— ao exercise, Max! < >] a | ES Hey! Let’s exercise and eat, too! ay BL co 7 B. Look at A. Listen and point. @3' Listen. Circle True or False. |. True False 2. True False 3. True False 4. True False 5. True False D. Role-play these scenes. (A. Read and find the picture, Write the names. |. Nats tall and thin. He has a puppy and a fish. 2. Lee is eating a big cake. He has tea in a pink cup. 3. Kimis playing the flute. She has a blue hat. 4. Rose has a red coat. She has gum and jam in a bag. 5. Sue is riding a bike tg the vet. She has a kitfen in a green box. B. Read and complete the puzzle. Down | |. Itcan swim. It's yellow. 3. IPs white. It likes carrots. 4. IPs gray. It likes cheese. Across > 2. It's green. It walks. 5. Itcan fly. It likes bread. 6. It's green. It swims and walks. a AA. What foods do you eat? C. ©" Listen and read. and vegetables group ) Fruits and vegetables are good for you. These are healthy foods. Can you see foods in the > meatand fish group? e Do you like these foods? D. Isittrue? Write V or x. |. Fruits and vegetables are unhealthy foods. 3. Candy is a healthy food. [| 5. Fries are in the fats and sweets group. O E. write the words. (See pages 70-74.) Look at the foods in the grains group. Bread, pasta, and rice are in this group. B. © Listen and repeat. unhealty ae “fats and sweets group ) Some foods aren't good for you. These are unhealthy foods. Can you see the fries and candy? (dairy grou i Foods in the dairy group come from milk. 2. Bread isin the grains group. 4. Foods in the dairy group come from meat. | | A. Write three food groups. Ask and answer with a partner. What foods do you like in the dairy group? Tlike yogurt ) and cheese. | v 2.grains B. Make a food journal. |. Write a day of the week. 2. Think of a food for each food group. 3. Draw or find pictures. 4. Share your journal. Point and say. There are carrots in my journal. Carrots are in the fruits and vegetables food group. BD rrojecttime JAY FO0D JOURNAL ‘ood. a Sit Meat and Fish &, Ce | Dairy z Grains —m rou Fruits and vegetables Fats and sweets Around Town Le eter eM) A. © Listen and repeat. B. ©" Listen and point to the speakers. C. Role-play the conversation with a partner. ——— Re (May help you? } B. | = %@ Lets have a snack. Sounds good! Do you want vegetables? F No, 1 don't. I want fruit A. © Listen and repeat. B. Point and say the words. I. bus 2. subway C. © Listen and point. 3. airplane 4, train D. Write the words. (See pages 70-74.) 5. car 6. taxi 7, ferry 8, bicycle A. © Listen and repeat. @ How | | does she do they school? — They go | | school | hus | 9910 | work? She goes work B. ©{!' Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. 1. -you/ work? 2. she/ school? | airplane ) bicycle J C. Look at page 18. Pointto the picture D. ©'3' G@@N@u Listen and chant. and practice with a partner. (See “How Do You Go to School?” on page 66.) © A. ©" Listen and repeat. @ waich B. @5' Does it have ch, tch, or sh? Listen and circle. I. 2. 3. : 4 5. a ca aroxs) — Co eo 2 = 2 <2 =) hi sh teh h tel C. Read the sentences. |. She sells shells and fish at the shop. 2. Let's chase the chicken on the beach! 3. Mitch and the witch are in the kitchen. Gn aE D. © Listen and circle. 1 2. 3. 4 5, 6. chin patch lash cheat chop dish shin sash latch sheet shop ditch @ vsits chyten, and sh PNB Mates dice Conversation Time A. ©" Listen and repeat. @ B. © Listen and point to the speakers. C.. Role-play the conversation with two other students. ag dT 9 When do you exercise? © I exercise in the morning. How do you go to work? I go to work by bus. A. ©! Listen and repeat. B. Point and say the words. 1. eye/eyes 2. ear/ears C. @"" Listen and point. 3. finger/fingers 4. knee/knees D. write the words. (See pages 70-74.) | 5. leg/legs 6. arm/arms 7. hand/hands 8., foot/feet ba cefele mii) A. ©" Listen and repeat. @ My | Your | foot hurts. Your His Their | feethurt. Her | feethurt. Our Its B. © Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. |. Our/eyes = ) 2. Your/foot £ A 4. Her/finger 6. Its/ear } C. Look at page 22. Point to the picture D. © Gana Listen and sing along. and practice with a partner. (See “My Foot Hurts” on page 66.) 9 - B. @£"' Do they both have the same th sound? Listen and write Yor X. « } 7 z that thirsty = a @ [= Sy cy SY g , | ' z C. Read the sentences. ) |. Beth’s birthday is on Thursday. 2. My mother and father hug my brother. 3. The thin brothers are in the bath. Listen and match. 1 2. 3 i | . ° . . e . ° e thick father this they {BD vans cted mand vtetens uJ CIID CTS) At the Lost and Found Table Conversation Time A. © Listen and repeat. @ B. ©" Listen and point to the speakers. C. Role-play the conversation with a partner. ee I. {What are you looking for? } §@ What's wrong? &F My ear hurts. R Pardon me? &F year hurts. § Oh. Let’s go to the nurse. A. © © Listen and repeat. B. Point and say the words. 1. jacket 2. camera C. ©" Listen and point. 3. umbrella 4. wallet D. Write the words. (See pages 70-74.) 5. hairbrush 6. lunch box 7. keys 8., glasses A. © Listen and repeat. @ . | this? mine. camerais | wo yours. Whose Its his. eae They're | hers. | keys are ese? theirs. . those? ours. « B. ©%' Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. I. hairbrush /this? oe 2. glasses/those? C. Look at page 26. Pointto the picture =D. ©53' Galea Listen and sing along. and practice with a partner. (See “Whose Keys Are These?” on page 66.) ‘ Whose camera is thie? units MR Phonics Time A. ©" Listen and repeat. @ part ®*' Listen to the word. Which pictures have the same final y sound? Circle. 5 ae = cs ; sky 2. Ss @ar w candy i C. Read the sentences. 1. Can the bunny carry candy? a Bog 2 2. The fish are in the sky in July. EK fe Se 8. Polly and Jerry go to a party in July. ieee D. ©!" Do they both have the same final y sound? Listen and write Vor X. Lp 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.7) LJ C] CI L] CJ | @ vrs trary Heviayy 2 Siosy Tie ® © Listen and repeat. ) (Thank you. Have a seat, please. )| @®~' Look at A. Listen and point. © © Listen. Circle True or False. |. True False 2. True False 3. True False 4. True False 5. True False Role-play these scenes. a, b, a. b. : } | clieyecb ___ |. My mother is a teacher. . Ihave math on Monday. .. The baby is in the bath. . The fish is in the sky. . This chicken is thirsty. . That chicken has a peach. True True True True True True False False False False False False A. Can you move your arms andlegs? ~—-B. © $"" Listen and repeat. C. ©" Listen and read. move) We can move our hands, arms, legs, and feet. Look at the children. They’re moving. The parts inside the body move, too. We have twenty- seven bones inside one hand. We have muscles inside our hands, feet, eyes, and ears. inside muscles bones The body can bend. A bone can’t bend but a joint can bend. Can you see the knee? It’s bending. The knee is a joint. What joints can you bend? D. Read and circle the correct word. |. Our bodies can can’t move. 2. Our muscles aren’t are inside the body. 3. We have three twenty-seven bones in one hand. 4. Bones can can’t bend. 5. Aknee is isn’t joint. E. Write the words. (See pages 70-74.) Ceocecenrricniar 2 EER A. Act out and say with a pariner. (Pm drawing a picture. {You're moving your hand and) ; V a ( arm bones, muscles, and joints. ) ; i B. Make an activity body chart. leg and knee bones, muscles, and joints. 1. Think of three activities. What do you move? 2. Draw or find pictures. Write. | 3. Share your chart. Point and say. feet bones, muscles, (— Iwalk to school. I move my leg) bones, muscles, and joints. I move Finger hand, and arm bones, (my feet bones, muscles, and joints. } muscles, and joints, eye muscles. arm ond leg bones muscles, and. joints. At the Drugstore Leeroy A. ©” Listen and repeat. @ B. ©% Listen and point to the speakers. C. Role-play the conversation with a partner. = " |,2..!( Wow! That's cheap. How much are these? =) I'lltake three, lis ze : \I \\ “@ Excuse me. Can you help me? Sure. “© Where's the candy? % IPsin Aisle 1. Hawa mitch ava tana? tints 7 MAP #7. toothpaste A Word Time L] Wh = ae A. © Listen and repeat. B. Point and say the words. |. money 2. soap C. © Listen and point. 3. shampoo 4. makeup D. write the words. (See pages 70-74.) 5. lotion 6. medicine d 8. sunscreen =] ; yf Cs, ME & cn Si sy ee A. ©® Listen and repeat. @& Thave Ma sere hot I don’t He doesn’t | have any soap. B. ©* Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. He/lotion {medicine Lr 2. They/makeup ~You/medicine l makeup, 8. She/money E = toot iD C. Look at page 34. Point to the picture and practice with a partner. D. ©” G@NGw Listen and sing along. (See “I Have Some Toothpaste” on page 67.) & Thave came chamnan Unit? TX @® Listen and circle. 1 2. y : oe dogs ducks bees beets bags bats cups cubs C. Read the sentences. F |. The cats and ducks have tops and caps. CVS 2. The bees see the peas in the bags. he 3. The girls sit on mats and eat chips. s&s. ©" Do they both have the same final s sound? Listen and write /or X. | i ! 20) 3.) “Ty 5] & fy t & Unit7 finals = In the State Park Peter MT) A. © Listen and repeat. B. ©5 Listen and point to the speakers. P C. Role-play the conversation with a partner. - oo >) PL Don't litter! Use the trash can. } = Te a “© whose wallet is this? What color is if? A. © Listen and repeat. I. grass 2. 3. snow 4 5. trail/trails 6. 7. mountain/mountains 8. B. Point and say the words. sand C. © Listen and point. wildlife D. write the words. (See pages 70-74.) tree/trees river! rivers Gy Listen and repeat. @ A. @f There’s some grass. | There isn’t any sand. There are some trees. | There aren't any trails. ‘There’s = There is Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. as 3 >) (2. mountains p44} 5. grass = rivers 8. wildlife r trails 7. trails I C. Look at page 38. Pointto the picture =D. ©’ GGG Listen and sing along. and practice with a partner. (See “There’s Some Wildlife” on page 67.) Thara’e cama nenes lini == pencil cases sandwiches B. ©" Does it have final es? Listen and write Yor X. REO BS, C. Read the sentences. | | |. The nurses eat peaches with the witches. ass 2. She runs on beaches with foxes on leashes. stim” = 3. There are sandwiches and pencil cases in | boxes under the buses. =O” | D. ©? Listen and match. | 2 3 Ls 5 . ° . . . . ° ° ° ° purses kisses lashes matches bushes Tame dicots) Cee ery $2 Listen and repeat. © B. © Listen and point to the speakers. C. Role-play the conversation with a partner. Ts eT zi >) Ce | Se eb . bee Gites ) | b «| Do you want a chocolate chip cookie? ) (Me, too. Let’s have a snacl mr g © Hey! Don't do that! &F what? Don't litter. Use the trash can. F okay. Sorry. Yim hunnew tint MM A. ©? Listen and repeat. B. Point and say the words. Il. salt 2. pepper C. © Listen and point. 3. butter 4. hot sauce D. Write the words. (See pages 70-74.) 5. cookies 6. pickles 7. mushrooms 8, bean sprouts a ® | Ao! Food and condiments A. ©% Listen and repeat. @ Wikiere any sain | Yes, there is. Are there any Yes, there are. is Mere any sau? No, there isn’t. pickles? | No, there aren’t. B. © Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. |. pepper? j 2. pickles? 7 Yes Zt aa Yes 3. bean sprouts? J ee ae Nc peal ay C. Look at page 42. Look atthe picture D. ©}? GES Listen and sing along. ~y and practice with a partner. (See “Is There Any Pepper?” on page 67.) @ Tethera anv ent? tinita MEL C. Read the sentences. |. The bride and her brother bake brown bread. Xe Gar 2. Prue got a prize for her pretty prune. aDOZfy 3. Grandmother grows big, green grapes. & aI D. © Listen and write br, gy, or pr. ee QA its be.ar.and or ® © Listen and repeat. Hi! Do you want some vegetables, Max? 7 Fi] aa es I s) Ye Here you are. je fes, there is. Fe gas iaNog 0 Yes, there are. Here you are. > { Max! No! That isn’t DA. hot sauce. I's... © Look at A. Listen and point. ® |. True False 2. True False 3. True False 4. True False 5. True False Listen. Circle True or False. Role-play these scenes. Look, read, and circle True or False. Ee |. The cats are on the bed. True False 2. There are peas and grapes in the brown boxes. True False 3. There is some bread in the green bag. True False 4. The girl has some caps. True False 5. The girl has some sandwiches. True False 6. The man has a prize and a present. True False B. Look and write. Then find the words in the puzzle. > w|plo|s|blult|tle|r | m{m|d[h|e|j | f{m|x|k Lelg|rja|s|sija fip e jd|/bjo|mi/djo pje|sic ifk[t]plile[k/tlels B cee. fefalaloli[n|r|flz|t b Ee 7 T LQ SS) esse ijw}s|ofa|p{|s/ijpin n}s|sjoja|k|m{t|cli felx|j|tlqlo|c|m| fiw Which word isn’t in the puzzle? Write. [tjolg}|himjojnjely|t AA. What can you see in nature? C. © Listen and read. D. Is ittrue? Write V or X. |. There’s a valley on the island. { 3. There’s salt water in the ocean. | 5. There's a lake in the valley. |_| E. Write the words. (See pages 70-74.) B. ©’ Listen and repeat. Look at this picture. This is an island. Is there a mountain on the island? No, it's a volcano. It's very hot inside. Look at the water. Is it a river? No, i's an ocean. The water in the ocean is salt water. There are fish in the ocean. Look at this picture. There’s a valley and there are mountains. Can you see the trees? That's a forest. There’s wildlife in the forest. Is there a river in the valley? No, that’s a lake. There are fish in the lake. 2. There are fish in the forest. (_| 4. There’s a volcano in the lake. (__] eeisier isis scsucs wilel9 A. Think of three nature words. Tell your partner. Look! There's a valley, a volcano, and an ocean! Draw a valley, a volcano, and an ocean. B. Make a treasure map. |. Draw an island. Draw things on the island. 2. Draw some treasures on the island. 3, Share your treasure map. Point and say. Look! On the island, there’s a forest, a lake, and a mountain. The treasure is on the mountain. Yea oan Peter) A. © Listen and repeat. @ B. @©{ Listen and point to the speakers. C. Role-play the conversation with two other students. Maybe its hers. Let’s ask. & iwantice cream. > okay. How much is that? It’s two dollars. & creat! We'll take wo. wk [i oat —— A. ©°’ Listen and repeat. Point and say the words. | 1. museum 2, movie theater Listen and point. Write the words. 3. department store 4. hospital (See pages 70-74.) 5. restaurant . bookstore . drugstore @ 2) unit 10 Public buildinas A. © Listen and repeat. & I wasn’t They weren’t Twas They were | at the hospital. | at the bookstore. B. ©” 1. We/museum i_bakery a Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. + (2. He/bakery 7. You Jdepariment store (drugstore Yo" 8. I/drugstore = x ( department fore C. Look at page 50. Point to the picture =D. ©” G@NEB Listen and chant. ag and practice with a partner. (See “She Was at the Bakery” on page 68.) Iwas atthe bookstore. unit10 E@M aaa em A. © Listen and repeat. @ ee ae | C. Read the sentences. |. The crabs cry as they cross the creek. 2. Anape ina dress dreams at its desk. 3. Trent and Trish trade trucks in the tree. D. © Listen and match. | 2 3 4 5 6 . ° ° e ° ° ° e ° e . ° dr i At Home Peete eM) >” Listen and repeat. ( « ©’ Listen and point to the speakers. Li \d reps B. © d pi he speak C. Role-play the conversation with two other students. 2. | ing outside. ) ea — > So am I. Let's play soccer. =) ia { Remember, you have to do your homework. ST (Tknow, Dad, ) Be back atsix.) 4. at ight. Bye! ) Allrig YF What are you looking for? Y My sunscreen! I can't find it. © Don't worry. I'll help you look for it. 2 Okay. Thanks. +h A. © Listen and repeat. B. Point and say the words. 1. bathroom 2. dining room C. © Listen and point. 3. bedroom 4. yard D. write the words. (See pages 70- 5. hall 6. living room = 7. kitchen 8. basement A. ©® Listen and repeat. @ Was she Were they | in the yard? No, < she was. they were. she wasn’t. She was they weren't. They were | in the hall. B. ©{ Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. |. they/ bathroom? y— - ves 5. he/hall? I Yes = 7. you/ bedroom? } | Yes | C. Look at page 54. Point to the picture and practice with a partner. >) (2. she/living room? 1_No/kitchen é 6. you/kitchen? I= No/living room } 8. she/yard? >a ‘_No/basement @Y GENED Listen and sing along. (See “Were You in the Living Room?” ‘on page 68.) aaron MU LT} fly plum ide B. © Listen and circle fi, pl, or st. I. 2. 3. 4 , 5 pl fl pl fl pl fl pl P C. Read the sentences. |. The fly and the flea float on the flag. 2. The plums play on the plate. 3. The slug sleeps on the slide. D. © Listen and write fi, pl, or ! ow 2. ow 3. ake 4, AA initst A nt andl eeve 5. SR at Around the House Conversation Time A. © Listen and repeat. & B. ©£ Listen and point to the speakers. C. Role-play the conversation with a partner. ET ? Is Ted there, please? ) Eel 7 >) I’m sorry. You have the wrong number. a a \ (Thats okay. ) Good-bye. } No, itisn’t. Its 245-8768. } I'm bored. Let's go to the museum. No, I was at the museum on Monday. How about the movies? & Good idea! Holla? Te Ted there. nlanca? Unit? eA A. ©® Listen and repeat. B. Point and say the words. |. wash my hands 2. brush myteeth ©- ©” Listen and point. 3. clean my room 4. calla friend D. Write the words. (See pages 70-74.) 5. practice the piano 6. dance 7. playcomputer —_, 8. bake cookies games ; @ FY unit12 Daily activities \ A. ©® Listen and repeat. @& I called a friend. I didn’t dance. wash —+ washed brush —+ brushed clean + cleaned call -+ called practice +> practiced dance -+ danced play + played bake -+ baked « B. ©®*" Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. |. He/brush his teeth ag) 2: L/ wash my hands ® wash his hands | [PL brush my teeth ) 3. She/practice the piano bake cookies clean your room play computer games C. Look at page 58. Point to the picture 2) Listen and sing along. and practice with a partner. (See “Today is Monday” on page 69.) nt eat C. Read the sentences. I. The spider can spell “Spain.” 2. The snake sneezed in the snow. 3. Ms. Smith smells smoke. D. ©5? Listen and match. | i 2 3 4 | ° ° ° e | | e ° e e | snatch speak smash spring | @B unit12 sm, sn, and sp ° sniff ° small os © Listen and repeat. Sorry, Digger. = I didn’t clean up. ®©""" Look at A. Listen and point. ©" Listen. Circle True or False. |. True False 2. True False 3. True False 4. True False 5. True False Role-play these scenes. guia; Nai) als Read and match. asnake on aslide a spider with a plum a tree in a truck asleeping crab a fly ina dress Read and fill in the blanks. Then complete the puzzle. Down | 1. You want bread. You go to | a 5 3. You wash your hands in | a : 4. You want sunscreen. You go toa Across + 2. You bake cookies in iz a . 5. Your foot hurts. You go to a . | 6. You want a book. You go to | a : brushed my teeth | called a friend | cleaned my room | played computer games me What did you do yesterday? Write /. Then ask your partner. | | my partner A. Where do you live? c@ Listen and read. neighborhood (neighbor ' rv ‘apartment building D. Read and match. |. We alllive ine 2. People in a neighborhood are « 3. People in the city live in © 4. Some people in the country live one 5. Some people in the country are e E. write the words. (See pages 70-74.) ‘Gross-curniculart B. © Listen and repeat. This is a neighborhood. People live in neighborhoods. The people in the neighborhood are neighbors. Do you like your neighbors? This is a city. There are a lot of people in a city. There are a lot of cars, buses, and buildings. People in the city live in apartment buildings. They have a lot of neighbors. This is the country. People in the country live in houses. Some people live on farms. Can you see the farmer? There are a lot of fields and pastures. People in the country don't have many neighbors. e farmers. # neighborhoods. © apartment buildings. farms. e neighbors. ross-curriculars (2X B. Make a neighborhood map. I . Share your map. Point and say. /U0\ a ? ate Is there a hospital in your (_ neighborhood? _ neighborhood. Think of the places in your ‘My Neighborhood Make a map. Draw and write. & ~~ (This is my neighborhood. _) (There's a park and there’ Songs and C © | Want a Fish (Melody: Alouette) Idon’t want a lizard. I don’t want a turtle. Idon’t want a rabbit. Iwanta fish. Iwanta fish, fish, fish. Lwant a fish, fish, fish. Fish, fish, fish! Fish, fish, fish! - Oh! She doesn’t want a kitten. She doesn’t want a puppy. She doesn’t want a rabbit. She wants a bird. She wants a bird, bird, bird. She wants a bird, bird, bird. Bird, bird, bird! é Bird, bird, bird! - Oh! He doesn’t want a puppy. 4 He doesn’t want a turtle. He doesn’t want a kitten. He wants a mouse. He wants a mouse, mouse, mouse. He wants a mouse, mouse, mouse. Mouse, mouse, mouse! Mouse, mouse, mouse! - Oh! © Do You Want Pasta? (Melody: La Cucaracha) Do you want pasta? Do you want pasta? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Do you want soy sauce? Do you want soy sauce? No, I don’t. I want eggs. Does he want vegetables? Does he want vegetables? Yes, he does. Yes, he does. Does he want cereal? Does he want cereal? No, he doesn’t. He wants eggs. Do they want fish and meat? Do they want fish and meat? Yes, they do. Yes, they do. Do they want shellfish? Do they want shellfish? © Homework When do you do homework, Annie? I do homework at night. I’m busy in the afternoon. Ido homework at night. When does she do homework, Ted? She does homework at night. She’s busy in the afternoon. She does homework at night. When do you watch movies, Ted? I watch movies at night. I’m busy in the afternoon. Iwatch movies at night. When does he watch movies, Annie? He watches movies at night. He’s busy in the afternoon. He watches movies at night. Sanne and Chante AR Songs and Cha © How Do You Go to School? How do you go to school? How does she go to school? 1.go to school by bus. EZ She goes to school by bus. How do you goto schoo? => © How does he go to school? Tgoto school by car. “Mel Ler He goes to school by car. How do you go to school? We go to school by train. How do they go to school? aus : They go to school by train. They go to school by bus and car. a They go to school by bus and car. They go to school by train. They go to school by train. © My Foot Hurts (Melody: Three Blind Mice) My foot hurts. My foot hurts. My leg hurts. My leg hurts. My knees hurt, my hands hurt. My arm hurts, my ears hurt. My eyes hurt, my finger hurts, and my foot hurts. © Whose Keys Are These? (Melody: Auld Lang Syne) Whose keys are these? Whose keys are these? Whose keys are these? They're mine. Whose glasses are those? Whose glasses are those? Whose glasses are those? They're hers. 3 songs and chants Whose wallet is this? Whose glasses are those? Whose wallet is this? They're hers. Whose wallet is this? Whose jacket is that? Its mine. Its his. Whose jacket is that? Whose keys are these? Whose jacket is that? Whose keys are these? Whose jacket is that? Whose keys are these? Its his. They're mine. @ I Have Some Toothpaste There’s Some Wildlife (Melody: He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands) Thave some toothpaste in my bag. Thave some toothpaste in my bag. Thave some toothpaste in my bag. But I don’t have any soap. (Melody: Camptown Races) There’s some wildlife. There’s some grass. Wildlife! Wildlife! There’s some wildlife. There’s some grass. She has some toothpaste in her bag. There aren't any trails. She has some toothpaste jn her bag. She has some toothpaste in her bag. But she doesn’t have any soap. There aren't any trails. There aren't any trails. There’s some wildlife. There’s some grass. ¥* There aren’t any trails. Thave some shampoo in my bag. Ihave some shampoo in my bag. Ihave some shampoo in my bag. But I don't have any soap. There’s some wildlife. He has some shampoo in his bag. There's some sand. He has some shampoo in his bag. There's some wildlife He has some shampoo in his bag. . ” But he doesn’t have any soap. here cee There aren't any trees. There aren't any trees. © Is There Any Pepper? There’s some wildlife. (Melody The Whees on he Bus) oe Is there any pepper? Yes, there is. Yes, there is. Yes, there is. Are there any pickles? No, there aren’t. There aren't any pickles here. Oh, no! Is there any hot sauce? Yes, there is. Yes, there is. Yes, there is. Are there any bean sprouts? No, there aren’t. There aren't any bean sprouts here. Oh, no! Songs and Cha {© She Was at the Bakery IT wasn’t at the museum. She wasn’t at the museum. I wasn't at the hospital. She wasn't at the hospital. I wasn’t at the bookstore. She wasn’t at the bookstore. Iwas atthe bakery. « She was atthe bakery, Mm. That sounds good. He wasn’t at the movie theater. I wasn't at the department store. He wasn’t at the department store. I wasn't at the drugstore. He wasn’t at the drugstore. Iwas at the restaurant. He was at the restaurant. ‘Mm. That sounds good. I wasn’t at the movie theater. | | A sonas and chants @ Were You in the Living Room? (Melody: Do You Know the Muffin Man?) Were you in the living room? The living room? The living room? Were you in the living room? No, I wasn't. I was in the yard! Was he in the living room? The living room? The living room? Was he in the living room? No, he wasn't. He was in the yard! Were you in the dining room? The dining room? The dining room? Were you in the dining room? No, we weren't. We were in the hall! Were they in the dining room? The dining room? The dining room? Were they in the dining room? No, they weren't. They were in the hall! @ Today is Monday (Melody: Today is Sunday) Today is Monday. Today is Monday. I brushed my teeth. Ididn’t clean my room. He didn’t clean his room. , Today is Tuesday. TV Today is Tuesday. Tbrushed my teeth. I washed my hands. I didn’t clean my room. He didn’t clean his room. Today is Wednesday. Today is Wednesday. T brushed my teeth. I washed my hands. I called a friend. I didn’t clean my room. S& He didn’t clean his room. Today is Thursday. Today is Thursday. I brushed my teeth. Iwashed my hands. I called a friend. I practiced the piano. I didn’t clean my room. He didn’t clean his room. Today is Friday. Today is Friday. I brushed my teeth. I washed my hands. I called a friend. I practiced the piano. I played computer games. I didn’t clean my room. He didn’t clean his room. Today is Saturday. Today is Saturday. Tbrushed my teeth. Iwashed my hands. I called a friend. I practiced the piano. I played computer games. I baked cookies. Ididn’t clean my room. He didn’t clean his room. Today is Sunday. Today is Sunday. I brushed my teeth. Iwashed my hands. I called a friend. I practiced the piano. Iplayed computer games. I baked cookies. I danced and danced. Ididn’t clean my room. He didn’t clean his room. anne and Chante AM My Picture Dictionary Write the words. 9% + ue panne, TY, = 8 (Unis -3) Iwant a puppy. I don’t want a turtle. She wants a turtle. She doesn't want © puppy. Do you want meat? Yes, I do. Does he want eggs? No, he doesn’t. He wants pasta. When does she exercise? She exercises in the afternoon. When do they do homework? They do homework in the afternoon. Ican read these words. [| |. lake 2. cat 3. meat 4. red 5. bike 6. sit 7. goat 8. pot 9. tune 10. up (Units =) My knees hurt. His foot hurts. How does she go to work? She goes to work by taxi. How do they go to school? They go to school by bus. Whose keys are those? They're hers. Whose wallet is this? It’s mine. Ican read these words. |_| I. match 2. shop 3. peach 4. mother 5. bath 6. sky 7. baby 8. wash 9. thick 10. cheap hsaises (Units 729) Ican say these patterns. |_| Ihave some medicine. I don’t have any sunscreen. She has some money. She doesn't have any sunscreen. There are some mountains. There isn’t any snow. There’s some grass. There aren’t any rivers. Are there any cookies? Yes, there are. Is there any salt? No, there isn’t. Ican read these words. |_| 1. ducks 2. bags 3. boxes 4. bride 5. green 6. prune 7. tags 8. bread 9. present 10. grape (Units 10=12)) Ican say these patterns. {| Iwas at the bakery. I wasn’t at the restaurant, You were at the restaurant. You weren't at the bakery. Were you in the kitchen? Yes, I was. Was she in the kitchen? No, she wasn’t. She was in the bathroom. She practiced the piano. She didn’t bake cookies. They played computer games. They didn’t clean their room. Tcan read these words. |_| 1. crab 2. dream 3. tree 4. fly 5. play 6. sled 7. smile 8. snake 9. spider 10. flag Word List Words in biue appear only in the art on the Conversation Time pages. A address page 2! afternoon, i airplane 18 aisle 5 all right 53 answer any apartment building 63 arm(s) 22 ask 49 at I B baby 28 bags 36 bake cookies 58 baked 59 bakery 50 basement 54 bath ou bathroom 54 bean sprouts 42 bed 8 bedroom 54 bee 8 bend 31 bicycle 18 bike 8 bird 2 blue 4 bookstore 50 bones 31 bored 53 box 8 boxes. 4O bread 5 brown 44 brush my teeth58 brushed 59 bug 4 bus 18 buses 4O. busy 9 butter 42 by . 19 € cake 8 callafriend 58 called 59 camera 26 candy 15 caps 36 car 10 cat cat 8 cereal 6 change 33 cheap 33 chicken 20 chocolate chip 441 city 63 clean my rooms8 clean up 10 cleaned 59 cleans W coming vii computer 10 computer games 58 cookies 4 63 52 52 D dairy group 15 dance 58 danced 59 department store 50 59 dining room 54 do homework 10 does i A ' dollar 33 door 12 dream 52 dress ! drugstore 50 duck 12 ducks 36 ic each 33 ear(s) 22 egg(s) 6 evening tl exercise 10 exercises i explain vi eye(s) 22 F farmer 63 fats and sweets group 15 feet 22 ferry 18 find I finger(s) 22 fish 2 flag 56 fly 56 foot 22 forest 4u7 forget forgot Friday friend fries fruits and vegetables group G girls glasses glue go go outside good-bye grains group grandmother grass great green gum H hairbrush halt hand(s) hand in has have a snack have fun have to healthy her hers hey his (poss. 33 vi 9 58 15 36 26 53 57 15 44 38 44 26 54 22 vi u 10 53 53 homework 10 horse 12 hospital 50 hot sauce 42 how about 5 how much 33 hurt 23 I Tl 25 inside 31 island 47 its 23 J jacket 12 joints 3 July 28 justa minute vii K key 12 keys 26 kids 53 kitchen 20 kitten 2 knee(s) 22 know 5 L lake 47 leave 7 leg 12 legs 22 listen to music 10 listens ul litter 37 livingroom 54 Wordist @E) lizard look ook like look for lotion Luke lunch box M makeup maybe meat meat and fish group medicine mine mom money morning mother tore mountain(s) mouse move movie theater movies muscles museum mushrooms music neighbor neighborhood New York night nose | nurse oO ocean one way | CD) words 31 50 42 i) 63 63 7 ut 2 12 oops 33 our 23 ours 27 outside 53 P page vii painta picture party 28 pasta 6 peach 20 peanut bute! pead 36 pencil cases 40 pepper 42 piano 58 pickles 42 play 56 play a g¢ 9 play soccer 53 play computer games 58 played 59 plum 56 popcorn 12 practice the piano 58 practiced 59 present 44 prize 44 puppy 2 Q queen 12 R rabbit 2 recess vi remember 53 restaurant 50. river(s) 38 road i room round trip run s salt sand sandwiches Saturday seat shampoo shell shellfish shy sing six skateboard sky sleep slide smell smile snack snake sneeze snow soam I soap soccer some sorry sounds soy sauce spell spider store strawberry strawberry jam Sunday sunscreen 58 7 34 20 53 tape taxi teeth thank you so much thanks a lot that their theirs thirsty this Thursday ticket to toothpaste trail(s) train train station trash can tree(s) truck tune turn (n., v.) turile U umbrella understand unhealthy up 38 52 vii use a computer uses v valley vegetable(s) vet volcano 10 " 47 6 12 47 Ww wallet 26 want 3 wants 3 was 5I wash my hands 58 wash thecar 10 wash the dishes washed 59 washes: u wasn't 51 watch (n.) 20 watch movies 10 watches (v.) 11 waterfalls 3 wearing I were 51 weren't 51 whatabout 9 when "1 whose 27 wildlife 38 window 12 work 19 worry 25 wow 33 writealetier 9 wrong number 57 Y yard 54 yours 27 yo-yo 12 Zz zero 12

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