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©2017 Society of Economic Geologists, Inc.

Economic Geology, v. 112, pp. 275–294

The Nuevo Chaquiro Cu-Au-(Mo) Porphyry Deposit, Middle Cauca Belt, Colombia:
Geology, Alteration, Mineralization
Paul J. Bartos,1,† Cesar Garcia, 2 and Javier Gil 2
1 AngloGold Ashanti, 6300 South Syracuse Way, Suite 500 Centennial, Colorado 80111, USA
2 AngloGold Ashanti Colombia, Avenida Calle 116, #7-15, Bogotá, Cundinamarca 110111, Colombia

Nuevo Chaquiro is a newly discovered blind porphyry Cu-Au-(Mo) deposit located in the Middle Cauca belt,
Colombia, approximately 60 km south-southeast of Medellin. The most recent resource estimate was stated as
566 M tonnes (t) averaging 0.64% Cu, 0.31 g/t Au, 4.34 g/t Ag, and 127 ppm Mo.
The geology of Nuevo Chaquiro consists of a Miocene volcanic sequence of andesitic tuffs, agglomerates, and
flows (Combia Formation) intruded by small stocks and dikes of diorite and quartz diorite also of Miocene age.
Sparsely occurring outcrops at Nuevo Chaquiro consist of a 1.2 × 0.8 km zone of pervasive sericitic alteration
with locally well developed quartz-Fe oxide stockworks. The sericitic alteration grades downward into sericite-
chlorite alteration and then predominantly potassic (biotite-magnetite) alteration at depths of 250 to 400 m.
Calcic-potassic alteration, containing actinolite and epidote, occurs at greater depths. A high-grade sheeted vein
complex occurs immediately adjacent to the upper contact of an Early quartz diorite intrusion. Quartz veinlet
density in this area reaches up to 80% quartz by volume, accompanied by up to 5 vol % chalcopyrite. Later
Intermineral porphyries created a second orebody slightly to the west but contiguous with the Early orebody.
Here Cu-Au-Mo mineralization in an inverted bowl shape is associated with potassic alteration that manifests
itself as secondary flooding of the tuff wall rock matrix by hydrothermal biotite, accompanied by disseminations
and hair veinlets of chalcopyrite, magnetite, pyrite, and molybdenite. The porphyry system is also accompanied
by intermediate-sulfidation carbonate–quartz-base metal veins, typically with sericitic alteration selvages, which
occur on the upper western flank of the deposit.
At Nuevo Chaquiro, multiple intrusions of Early and Intermineral porphyry contain calcic-potassic and potas-
sic alteration, with a later overprint by sericite-chlorite alteration centered on intrusion apexes. The amount
of sericite-chlorite overprinting varies with each intrusion. Collectively, these intrusions are all overprinted by
a single, later sercitic (phyllic) alteration event that is superimposed as a broad cap upon the entire system.
There is a consistent paragenesis for the alteration/mineralization associated with each intrusion, suggesting
a relatively stable underlying shallow magma chamber that fluxed geochemically similar pulses of magmatic/
hydrothermal fluid with each porphyry.
In many aspects, Nuevo Chaquiro is a “typical” Au-rich porphyry copper system. However, the contrast
between the mineralization styles between the Early and Intermineral orebodies as well the timing differences
in copper deposition suggest that differences in porphyry mineralization styles also occur at Nuevo Chaquiro.

Introduction and Exploration History The Nuevo Chaquiro deposit is located approximately
Nuevo Chaquiro is a newly discovered blind porphyry Cu- 60 km south-southeast of Medellin, Colombia, in the depart-
Au-Mo deposit in the rapidly developing Middle Cauca belt ment of Antioquia (Fig. 1) at the approximate coordinates
of Colombia, about which published information remains of 75°43'28' W, 5°45'21' N, in heavily vegetated terrain with
scarce. This report is the first detailed description of the geol- minimal outcrop. Initial entry into the area was in 2004 as part
ogy, alteration, and mineralization of the deposit. Of particu- of a regional stream sediment survey by AngloGold Ashanti.
lar interest is a high-grade zone associated with a sheeted vein This generated a modest –200 mesh stream sediment gold
complex that occurs at the cupola of an Early quartz diorite anomaly, which was followed up by detailed grid sampling that
intrusion. Copper mineralization consisting of up to 5 vol % generated additional gold soil anomalies. These were drilled
chalcopyrite is found here in association with sheeted quartz and proved to be associated with a zone of quartz-carbonate–
veins with sericite-chorite selvages. Later Intermineral por- base metal intermediate sulfidation (IS) veins, located to the
phyries created a second orebody slightly to the west but west of the then-undiscovered porphyry mineralization. Deep
contiguous with the Early orebody. Here mineralization in drilling beneath a 0.8 × 1.2 km barren cap of strong sericitic
an inverted bowl shape is associated with potassic alteration alteration containing locally intense stockworks of quartz-
(principally as hydrothermal biotite disseminated throughout iron oxide veinlets discovered the porphyry-style mineraliza-
the groundmass) accompanied by disseminations and hair tion. At first, only low-grade copper-gold mineralization was
veinlets of chalcopyrite, magnetite, pyrite, and molybdenite. encountered. Vectoring east toward the presumed core of the
Thus, Nuevo Chaquiro comprises two contiguous but tempo- system using a multidisciplinary geological/geophysical/min-
rally distinct orebodies, each with a different overall alteration eralogical approach led to the discovery of a high-grade zone
style (potassic vs. sericite-chlorite). of copper and gold mineralization in an Early quartz diorite
porphyry stock. Current resources are estimated at 566 mil-
lion tonnes (Mt) averaging 0.64% Cu, 0.31 g/t Au, 4.34  g/t
† Corresponding author: e-mail, Ag, and 127 ppm Mo, with a higher grade core of 104 Mt
Submitted: January 14, 2016
0361-0128/17/4469/275-20 275 Accepted: August 16, 2016

Pulido, 2003; Leal-Mejia, 2011). In general, the Romeral fault

system, with a total length on the order of 700 km (Paris et al.,
2000; Cediel et al., 2003; Pulido, 2003) marks the boundary
between dominantly oceanic rocks to the west and dominantly
continental rocks to the east (Fig. 1). This fault system also
forms the eastern boundary of an inferred pull-apart basin
which was subsequently filled with Miocene volcanic rocks
(Combia Formation) and intruded by Miocene age diorite
and quartz diorite porphyries, one cluster of which comprises
the Nuevo Chaquiro deposit (Fig. 2).
In the general region of Nuevo Chaquiro, the Romeral fault
system changes strike from NNE with a right lateral sense of
movement in the southern part to NNW with a left lateral
sense of movement in the northern part (Ego et al., 1995; Fig.
2). This likely created the open space which was subsequently
filled by the mineralizing intrusive rocks or exploited by them
as a conduit.
Middle Cauca belt
The Middle Cauca belt of Colombia, as defined by Silli-
toe (2008), is a N-S–trending Miocene-aged magmatic arc
approximately 350 km long × 50 km wide (Fig. 1). It is adja-
cent and parallel to the Romeral fault system (Garcia, 2011).
Two principal styles of mineralization have been documented
from the Middle Cauca belt: (1) porphyry Au-Cu-(Mo),
comprising stockwork and disseminated Au-Cu mineraliza-
Fig. 1. Middle Cauca belt, Colombia, showing known deposits including tion hosted within diorite porphyries, and (2) intermediate
Nuevo Chaquiro. Modified from Sillitoe (2008). The red line shows the sepa- sulfidation (IS) Au-Ag-Zn veins with zoned sericitic/argillic/
ration of underlying oceanic crust from continental crust and tends to fol-
low the trace of the Romeral fault system. The Dosquebradas and Miraflores
propylitic alteration selvages, also typically associated with
deposits are contained within the greater Quinchia district. porphyry rocks (Shaw et al., 2011). At least 11 porphyry or
porphyry-related IS vein deposits are now known from the
belt (Fig. 1). In addition, numerous prospects are currently
averaging 1.1% Cu, 0.64 g/t Au. The higher grade portion of in the early stage of exploration for which resources have not
the deposit is currently the subject of additional drilling and been announced. Table 1 summarizes the identified resources
study activities. Additional details on the discovery history can associated with each deposit, as well as their associated igne-
be found in Bartos et al. (2015). ous intrusions and wall rocks.
Nuevo Chaquiro is among the largest of the known por-
Geologic Setting phyry deposits in the Middle Cauca belt (Table 1). Through-
out the belt there is a wide variety of wall rocks associated
Regional geology with these deposits, ranging from carbonaceous black schists
The Colombian Andes records a complex geologic history and micaceous metapelites, to andesites flows and tuffs,
of collision, accretion, subduction, and arc-magmatism that basalts, tonalities, and siliciclastic sandstones, conglomerates,
has occurred since the meso-Proterozoic (Cediel et al., 2003; mudstones, and coal beds. In contrast, the composition of the

Table 1. Compilation of Known Resources, Middle Cauca Belt (data from company websites and 43-101 reports)

Deposit Owner Mt Category % Cu Au g/t Ag g/t Moz Au Mlb Cu Mineralizer Wall rock

Nuevo Chaquiro AGA/B2Gold 565.7 i+inf 0.64 0.31 4.34 5.66 7,968 Diorite, quartz diorite Combia Fm tuffs
Buritica Continental Gold 8.4 m+i+inf 10.4 31 2.8 Andesite porphyry Andesite porphyry
Titiribi (Cerro Vetas) Sunward Res. 184 m+i 0.16* 0.48 4.63 0.654 Diorite porphyry Amaga, Combia Fm
  siliciclastic rocks
La Mina Bellhaven 79.9 inf 0.24 0.62 1.62 0.4 Andesite porphyry Combia Frm tuffs
Marmato Gran Colombia 410 m+i 0.90 6.1 Dacite porphyry Dacite porphyry
Quinchia Batero Res. 131.8 m+i+inf 0.11 0.59 1.8 2.5 319 Diorite Combia Fm,
  Amaga Fm
  Mafic volcanic rocks
Dosquebradas Seafield Res. 57.8 inf 0.04 0.50 0.92   56.8 Diorite Basalt
Miraflores Seafield Res. 72.6 m+i 0.78 1.5 1.82 Hydrothermal bx Basalt
La Colosa AGA 904.9 inf 0.92 26.8 Diorite porphyry Cajamarca Fm schist

Notes: * = portion of total resource; Titiribi also contains Au-only resources (not shown); information from company websites and 43-101 reports
Abbreviations: Fm = Formation, i = indicated, inf = inferred, m = measured

75°45’W 75°30’W


Late Miocene
Intrusive bodies
(Diorite-Qz Diorite)
Late Miocene
5°45’N Combia Formation

Middle Oligocene
Sediments with
coal seams
Amaga Formation

Early Cretaceous
Igneous and
sedimentary rocks

Early Cretaceous
5°30’N Igneous and
sedimentary rocks

sequence, schists

Fig. 2. Regional geology, Nuevo Chaquiro deposit.

intrusive rocks associated with mineralization in the districts copper dominant, although early drill results from San Matias
within the belt, including Nuevo Chaquiro, is remarkably con- (101 m of 1% Cu, 0.65 g/t Au; 200 m averaging 0.4%  Cu,
sistent, comprising diorites and quartz diorites (Table 1). 0.33 g/t Au; Northern Miner, May 14, 2015, p. 1) at the far
In terms of gross metal distribution of the various por- north end of the belt, suggest that it, too, may be copper dom-
phyry prospects, the Middle Cauca belt contains three types: inant. Even the other prospects near Nuevo Chaquiro, such
gold-dominant with no copper such as La Colosa; gold-cop- as Aurora or Tenedor, appear to be of the gold-copper type.
per (where Au expressed as g/t is typically greater than Cu Nuevo Chaquiro also contains significant molybdenum as a
expressed as %), such as Titiribi, La Mina, Quinchia, and potential by-product, which also sets it apart from the other
Dosquebradas; and copper-dominant (where Au expressed as known deposits in the Middle Cauca belt.
g/t is typically is less than Cu expressed as %) such as Nuevo
Chaquiro (Table 1). The IS vein deposits such as Buritica District geology
and Marmato (as well as the Miraflores breccia pipe) are all Wall rocks-Combia Formation: The Nuevo Chaquiro deposit
gold-dominant (with by-product silver) but with no significant is hosted within the Miocene Combia Formation, which is a
resource values coming from copper. Nuevo Chaquiro is the relatively poorly defined sequence of pyroclastic and volcani-
only known porphyry deposit in the Middle Cauca belt that is clastic rocks and flows, with a total thickness up to 600 m, and

with ages between 6 and 10 Ma (H. Gonzalez, 1976, 2001; close juxtaposition. Nonetheless, the crosscutting relation-
Ramirez et al., 2006; Vinasco et al., 2011). Gonzalez (1976) ships are sufficiently present to establish the timing relation-
divided the Combia Formation into two members: a Lower ships between the intrusions.
volcanic member characterized by agglomerates, tuffs, basalt With the exception of some of the Late and Postmineral
flows, and andesite dikes; and an Upper sedimentary member dikes, igneous intrusions did not reach the present-day sur-
characterized by conglomerates, sandstones, and shales of vol- face. Cupolas for both the Early and Intermineral porphy-
canic origin. Surface exposures of Combia Formation within ries are well defined at depth, with the best copper grades
the district are dominated by various types of andesitic tuff being spatially associated with them. The Late diorite consists
(Fig. 3). As seen in drill core at Nuevo Chaquiro, the Com- of two thin dikes, both pervasively sericitized with minimal
bia Formation is composed of a series of tuffaceous volcanic disseminated pyrite and no veining. The Postmineral diorite
and volcaniclastic rocks, dominantly andesitic in composition, and quartz diorite are likewise volumetrically minor and are
comprising in relative order of abundance: ash tuff, lapilli tuff, typically observed on the periphery of the deposit, principally
and crystal tuff, with much lesser agglomerates, and andesite in outcrops to the west and southwest (Fig. 3a). Postmineral
flows. These have been grouped by district geologists into a intrusive rocks are minimally altered, either being fresh or
single wall-rock unit labeled “tuff.” Individual lithofacies are weakly propylitically altered (Fig. 3b).
discontinuous and extremely variable in distribution later- Other nearby intrusive centers (Aurora, Tenedor): The
ally and vertically; it has proved impossible to correlate them Aurora and Tenedor prospects (Fig. 3), represent separate,
laterally over any distance or to construct a comprehensive nearby intrusive centers, distinct from Nuevo Chaquiro. Both
stratigraphy for the district. prospects have been drilled to a limited extent. The Aurora
Nuevo Chaquiro intrusive complex: The Nuevo Chaquiro prospect covers an 800 × 700 m area and contains multiple
intrusive complex comprises multiple intrusions of quartz mineralized hornblende-biotite-diorite intrusions within basal-
diorite to diorite, all highly similar in appearance, grain size, tic andesite flows of the Combia Formation. The inner portion
and gross petrography. All are fine to medium grained, equi- of the prospect is cored by a late, barren andesite porphyry.
granular to weakly porphyritic rocks with a phenocryst to Au-Cu mineralization occurs as disseminated chalcopyrite with
groundmass ratio on the order of 80:20. Phenocrysts are com- lesser bornite and pyrite, and abundant magnetite, quartz-mag-
prised of plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, and in the case of netite, magnetite-actinolite veins in potassic and calcic-potassic
the quartz diorites, quartz; locally, there can be some minor altered rocks. There is a minor overprint by carbonate-pyrite,
primary K-feldspar. The intrusive morphology is a combina- sphalerite, galena, arsenopyrite veins. A single zircon U-Pb
tion of small, (75–400 m diam) composite stocks and subverti- date from an Aurora diorite porphyry suggests that it is slightly
cal dikes radiating from these stocks; this is well constrained older than the igneous rocks at Nuevo Chaquiro (8.0 +0 .9
–0 .4 Ma vs.
by the presence of septae of wall-rock tuff separating them. 7.47 ± 0.09 Ma (Leal-Mejia, 2011; Table 2). Tenedor features
The intrusive rocks have been placed into four main groups multiple diorite and quartz diorite intrusions, with moderate
based on crosscutting relationships (utilizing the terminology potassic alteration containing quartz-magnetite-chalcopyrite
of Sillitoe, 2010): Early, Intermineral, Late, and Postmineral. veins.
There are changes in the primary hornblende to biotite ratio These other prospects appear to be gold dominant relative
with time, as Early porphyry phases tend to have greater to copper (gold in mineralized intervals [as g/t Au] typically
abundances of hornblende compared to the Intermineral two to five times copper [as % Cu]). In contrast, Nuevo Cha-
porphyries, which tend to contain more and somewhat larger quiro typically has Cu values (as % Cu) that are two to three
euhedral biotite and lesser hornblende. However, these dis- times those of Au (as g/t Au) for a given mineralized interval.
tinctions are quite subtle and variable. Ten different intrusive
bodies have been differentiated: one Early quartz diorite, one Structural geology
Early diorite, two Intermineral diorites, three Intermineral Mineralization at Nuevo Chaquiro has a distinct E-W ori-
quartz diorites, one Late diorite, one Postmineral diorite, and entation. In spite of this, intrusive contacts where measured
one Postmineral quartz diorite. Crosscutting relationships in orientated core tend to be NW, with subvertical SW dips.
between the various intrusive rocks are scarce in spite of their Regional map configurations suggest a general flat-lying

Table 2. Nuevo Chaquiro Age Dates (data from Leal-Mejia, 2011, 2014; G. Gonzalez, 2012; Valencia, 2012)

Method1 Mineral Age (Ma) Error (Ma) Sample Lab Re (ppm) Re187 (ppm) Os187 (ppb) Reference2

U-Pb Zircon 10.9 0.5/0.6 Andesite–Combia Formation VUGC 1

U-Pb Zircon 7.6 0.2 Mineralized quartz diorite (Early?) VUGC 1
Re-Os Molybdenite 7.53 0.04 Distal (ISS) mineralization VUGC 295.73 185 23.1 1
Re-Os Molybdenite 7.51 0.04 Mineralized Early diorite VUGC 32.97 20 4.1 1
Re-Os Molybdenite 7.437 0.097 Mineralized Early quartz diorite CCIM 157.4 98.95 12.26 2
Re-Os Molybdenite 7.397 0.043 Mineralized Early quartz diorite CCIM 171.4 107.7 13.27 2
U-Pb Zircon 8.0 0.9/0.4 Aurora diorite porphyry ALC 3

Lab Abbreviations: ALC = Arizona LaserChron Center (University of Arizona), CCIM = Canadian Center for Isotopic Microanalysis (University of Alberta),
VUGC = VU Geoservices Corporation (Tucson, Arizona)
1 See Appendix Figure A1, A2 for Corcordia plot of zircon U-Pb analyses
2 References: 1 = G. Gonzalez, 2012, Valencia, 2012; 2 = Leal-Mejia, 2014; 3 = Leal-Mejia, 2011

Fig. 3. a. District scale geologic map, Nuevo Chaquiro deposit. Outcrops are sparse and usually only seen intermittently in
creek beds. b. District scale surface alteration map, Nuevo Chaquiro deposit.

sequence of volcaniclastic rocks (Fig. 2). Surface data from widths of gouge (5–50 cm), as seen in drill core. Slickensides
detailed mapping within the greater Nuevo Chaquiro area associated with this fault set only occur rarely and are not
indicate that the bedding has an ENE to WNW strike and a definitive with respect to assessing possible lateral movement.
low-angle dip to the north, averaging 17°. The minor tilt pres- Some of these faults can be marked within the drill core by
ent in the deposit is interpreted to be postmineral, although zones of intermediate argillic alteration, which consist of nar-
a component of pre-mineral/intrusive tilt in the Combia For- row, vertical plunging pipes with widths up to 80 m across
mation volcanic rocks cannot be ruled out. (20–50 m is more typical) and vertical extensions to depths up
Faulting in the greater Nuevo Chaquiro area has a gridlike to 350 m (Fig. 4).
configuration with the main orebody cut by a series of sub- Cutting the ESE fault set with apparently limited left lat-
parallel ESE-trending (100°–115°) faults cut and in places eral displacement (on the order of 25 m) is the N-S fault set
offset by later NNE (10°–15°) faults (Fig. 3). The ESE fault (Fig. 3). Faults of this orientation occur in the western por-
set typically has strike lengths of 375 to 850 m, although the tion of the mineralization area. The IS and D veins (described
northernmost of these (Fea Creek 2) connects with another below), which are also concentrated in this area and which
similar fault segment (Fea Creek 1) to create a continuous also have N-S strikes, are believed to be part of this general
strike length of 1,400 m (Figs. 3, 4). Faults typically align with structure set. These faults also correspond to surface linea-
pronounced surface lineaments. Dips on these structures are ments. Significant offsets associated with this fault set could
vertical to steeply dipping to the north. Systematic review of not be determined. Surface expressions consist of 0.5- to 5-m
these faults in section indicates no offset (or at best, minimal zones of gouge, in some cases with slickensides, suggesting
offset) on these structures. The physical expression of these dips of 70° to 80° to the west. Field evidence suggests this was
structures as seen in drill core is typically a thin (0.5 m) zone the latest faulting event seen at Nuevo Chaquiro.
of gouge within an approximate 2-m zone of breccia. Where Farther to the west, beyond the zone of IS-Au mineraliza-
these structures are exposed on surface, the breccia zone tion, field mapping indicates a third set of faults orientated
tends to be wider, on the order of 2 to 5 m, but with similar N 40°–45° E (Fig. 3). Field relations are indeterminate as


Intrusive contact
Early Diorites,
Qtz Diorites
Intermineral Diorites,
Qtz Diorites



Sericitic (Phyllic)





Cupola Zone

Drill trace

Fig. 4. Nuevo Chaquiro cross section. Section location is shown as A-A' line on Figures 3a, b. a. Lithology and alteration cross
section. Neither the Late nor Post-mineral dikes occur within the plane of the section. b. Lithology cross section showing
copper grades. c. Lithology cross section showing quartz A and B vein density.

150 m
150 m

Early Diorites,
Qtz Diorites
Intermineral Diorites,
Qtz Diorites

TUFF (Combia Fm)

> 0.6% Cu

> 0.45% Cu

> 0.3% Cu

150 m

150 m

Early Diorites,
Qtz Diorites
Intermineral Diorites,
Qtz Diorites

TUFF (Combia Fm)

> 20 volume % Quartz Veins

> 10–20 volume % Quartz Veins

> 5–10 volume % Quartz Veins

Fig. 4. (Cont.)

to the relative age of this fault set. Limited outcrops reveal sericite-chlorite alteration than is the tuff. In contrast, the
fault gouge-slickenside zones with widths of 0.5 to 5 m, and tuffs appear to allow more intense and widespread potassic
near-vertical dips. Possible displacements on this fault set also alteration, particularly as fine-grained flooding of the ground-
could not be determined. mass with hydrothermal biotite.
In summary, although field mapping and drill core exami-
nation reveal the presence of gouge/breccia zones with sig- Calcic-potassic alteration
nificant strike length and vertical extent, there is no evidence Calcic-potassic alteration typically occurs at depth and within
for significant displacement on any of these inferred faults to the core of the deposit. At Nuevo Chaquiro, it is considered
date. Exclusively premineral faults were not observed. among the earliest alteration events. The rock is commonly
white in color, owing to the absence of hydrothermal biotite
Alteration flooding, particularly in the Intermineral porphyries. Plagio-
Description of the alteration types is based principally on hand clase in general appears stable and does not appear altered to
lens examination of drill core (54 drill holes, 48,602 m) sup- albite, although there is local replacement of plagioclase by
plemented by petrographic examination of 43 thin sections. epidote. Mafic sites are typically altered to actinolite. There
Table 3 is a summary of the pertinent petrographic observa- are minor actinolite and quartz-magnetite-actinolite veinlets,
tions that characterize the mineralogy of the various alteration lacking alteration selvages and appearing to coexist with sec-
zones. At Nuevo Chaquiro, six different alteration types have ondary biotite, particularly near the interface with potassic
been defined: calcic-potassic, potassic, sericite-chlorite, ser- alteration. In addition, epidote ± calcite trace pyrite veinlets
icitic, argillic, and propylitic. These are listed in general para- with actinolite selvages are also seen (Fig. 5f). Calc-potassic
genetic order of occurrence (with the exception of propylitic, alteration features lower Cu, Mo, and Au grades with sulfides
from which timing relations were not determined). as pyrite and chalcopyrite in roughly co-equal proportions,
Intensity of alteration is in part influenced by the rock type. and lesser molybdenite. In general, calcic-potassic alteration
Intrusive rocks are far more intensely altered with respect to serves to mark the bottom of the ore shells. This alteration

Table 3. Characteristic Petrology of Alteration Types

Alteration Plagioclase Mafics Groundmass Assemblage Minor phases Sulfides

Potassic Plag intact hbl → bio2 bio2 bio2 ± mt K-feld, anhy mt, cp>py, mo
bio → bio2
Potassic-calcic Plag intact ± epid act + epid intact plag act + epid mt, cp = py, (mo)
Sericite-chlorite ser ± (chlor) ser + chlor + ti + py chlor + ser ser + chlor qtz cp<py
Sericitic ser ± cal ser + py + ti qtz + py qz + ser + py tour py>>>cp
Argillic ill + smec ± cal ser + py + ti ill + smec ill + smec + py + ser py
Propylitic plag intact ± cal chlor intact plag cal + chlor epid (py)

Abbreviations: act = actinolite, anhy = anhydrite, bio = magmatic biotite, bio2 = hydrothermal biotite, cal = calcite, chlor = chlorite, cp = chalcopyrite, epid
= epidote, ill = illite, hbl = hornblende, K- feld = K- feldspar, mo = molybdenite, mt = magnetite, plag = plagioclase (magmatic), py = pyrite, ser= sericite,
smec = smectite, ti = titanite, tour = tourmaline, → = replaced by, ( ) = minor

Fig. 5. Drill core photos. a. Ribbon quartz veining and strong biotite (black), chlorite-sericite alteration (dark brown), cut
by later chalcopyrite veining. High-grade sample from cupola zone. CHA-048 505 m. b. Strongly quartz, chalcopyrite veined
core from Early diorite cupola zone. CHA-048 518 m. c. Close-up of high-grade chalcopyrite-quartz-(magnetite)-(pyrite)
crenulite pegmatite (UST). Note chalcopyrite filling around previously formed quartz crystals. The magnetite is bladed (after
specular hematite?) CHA-042 1240 m. d. Reopened pyrite veinlet with sericitic selvage cutting chlorite-sericite altered tuff.
Veinlet is subsequently filled by later sphalerite-carbonate. CHA-032 911.3 m. e. Hydrothermal biotite flooded tuff cut by
quartz A veinlets (white, subvertical); these are cut by chalcopyrite hair veinlets (yellow), with no alteration selvages. f. Potas-
sically altered andesite tuff showing overprint of calcic-potassic alteration. Suparallel veinlets are epidote ± calcite, minor
pyrite, with actinolite selvages. There is also fairly extensive actinolite flooding of the wall rock. CHA-074 696n m. g. Xenolith
of biotized tuff containing truncated quartz-(pyrite, epidote, actinolite, biotite) veinlets within Intermineral diorite. The
diorite and the xenoliths are cut by later chalcopyrite-pyrite and quartz-pyrite veinlets. The Intermineral diorite appears rela-
tively unaltered, with traces of disseminated pyrite and epidote. The interpretation is that xenolith with the truncated veinlets
was derived from a deeper, earlier stage of mineralization than that associated with the diorite. Coin is approximately 1.5 cm
in diameter. CHA-054 1159 m. h. Intermineral diorite containing chlorite-(sericite) veinlets with sericite selvages overprint-
ing weak potassic alteration (dark-brown blotches). CHA-016 555.2 m. i. Strong biotite (dark-brown–black) flooding (potassic
alteration) of Combia Formation tuff with accompanying quartz veining. CHA-049 470 m. j. Typical D vein stockwork (pyrite
± minor quartz veinlets with serictic selvages) cutting biotite-flooded (potassically altered) tuff. k. Unidirectional solidifica-
tion texture (UST) from Intramineral quartz diorite. Note dark-brown–black biotite flooding (potassic alteration). The black
spots are unaltered magmatic phenocrystic biotites. CHA-042 1043 m. l. Sheeted subvertical quartz-magnetite veins, from
cupola zone. Sheeted veins with magnetite tend to occur at somewhat deeper depths than quartz sheeted veins without mag-
netite. CHA-042 911 m. m. Intermineral quartz diorite porphyry breccia. Breccia matrix dominated by hydrothermal biotite.
Overprinted by pyrite veinlets with sericite-chlorite selvages. CHA 039-981.3 m. n. Distal potassic alteration in andesite tuff.
o. Andesite tuff showing typical pervasive sercitic (phyllic) alteration. Note large abundance of pyrite.

a b c

d e

f g

h i

j k

l m

n o

zone attains thicknesses of at least 700 m in depth (from the between potassic and sericite-chlorite alteration). The impli-
boundary of potassic alteration to the bottom of the drill cation is the broad sericite-chlorite alteration zone marks a
holes) and 1,000 m laterally. Albite halos on several quartz- generally outward fluid flow featuring declining chemical con-
actinolite-chlorite ± pyrite, chalcopyrite, or quartz-pyrite ditions of temperature and alkalinity.
veinlets were noted in the deepest drill holes of the system In the high-grade cupola associated with the Early quartz
within the calcic-potassic zone. diorite (Fig. 4a), relict potassic alteration was not observed.
Farther at depth within this intrusion, relict potassic altera-
Potassic alteration tion overprinted by sericite-chlorite alteration becomes read-
Potassic alteration features a pervasive flooding of the dikes ily observable; this in turn quickly transitions downward to
and tuff matrix by hydrothermal biotite accompanied by dis- calcic-potassic alteration (Fig. 4a).
seminated magnetite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and molybdenite,
giving an overall dark brown rock color (Fig. 5e, i, n). Plagio- Sericitic alteration
clase phenocrysts in many cases appear unaltered and intact Sericitic alteration is the most common alteration observed
(Fig. 6b). In other cases, the plagioclase phenocrysts appear at surface above the orebody. It forms a blanket above all
partially absorbed by the groundmass which was then subse- the intrusive centers and attains thicknesses of about 175
quently flooded with hydrothermal biotite (Fig. 6c). Magmatic to 300 m, and locally up to 425 m (Fig. 4a). Sercitic altera-
hornblende phenocrysts are replaced by shreddy biotite; mag- tion is commonly texture-destructive but where textures can
matitic biotites are partially rimmed by hydrothermal biotite be discerned, mafic minerals are altered to sericite ± pyrite
and there is sparse K-feldspar (Fig. 6b). Anhydrite is locally ± titanite; plagioclase is altered to sericite ± calcite, and the
seen within quartz-magnetite or biotite veinlets. The thick- groundmass is composed of fine-grained quartz with a white
ness of the potassic alteration zone varies from 325 to 775 m gray color (Fig. 6e). Tourmaline can be locally abundant at
(Fig. 4a). In the distal, upper portions of this alteration type, the approximate interface between sericitic and chlorite-ser-
secondary biotite is not accompanied by magnetite (Fig. 5n); icite alteration. D veinlets, composed of pyrite ± quartz with
associated Cu, Au values here are also low. The main portion sericite selvages (as per Gustafson and Hunt, 1975) can be
of potassic alteration contains abundant quartz, biotite, chal- extremely common in this zone. Veinlets of this sort always
copyrite, and magnetite veinlets, commonly up to 30 veinlets postdate potassic alteration where timing relations can be
per meter, and locally up to 50 veinlets per meter. Potassic observed (Fig. 5j). There is a large amount of sulfide asso-
alteration grades laterally to propylitic alteration and down- ciated with this alteration type, on average approximately
ward to potassic-calcic alteration, in both cases featuring a 6 vol %, the vast majority of which is pyrite (Fig. 5o). Cu, Mo
significant decrease in Cu, Mo, and Au content and veinlet values in this zone are minimal.
density. Rare early dark micaceous (EDM) veinlets (as per Rare late veinlets of pyrophyllite ± quartz in sericitically
Meyer et al., 1968), sometimes with chalcopyrite centers, altered rocks are locally observed (Fig. 6f), particularly close
were observed in some of the deeper drill holes within potas- to the present-day surface. Other advanced argillic alteration
sic alteration. indicator minerals such as alunite, dickite, or vuggy silica are
not found at Nuevo Chaquiro.
Sericite-chlorite alteration
Overprinting the potassic alteration is sericite-chlorite altera- Argillic alteration
tion. The general alteration assemblage is chlorite-sericite- Argillic alteration is associated with structurally controlled
pyrite with lesser quartz imparting an overall greenish gray zones at shallower levels within the sericitic alteration zone.
color to the rocks (Fig. 5h). Sericite-chlorite alteration typically These zones define narrow, steeply dipping pipes from the
features mafic minerals altered to sericite-chlorite ± titanite, surface with widths up to 80 m and vertical lengths up to
and plagioclase altered to sericite + (lesser chlorite) ± calcite. 400  m (Fig. 4a). They appear to be centered on faults and
Calcite appears to increase in abundance toward the sericitic fracture zones and narrow with depth within the overlying
zone. Associated sulfides are pyrite and lesser chalcopyrite. sericitic cap. Spectral data suggest that the argillic alteration
Magnetite is typically absent. There are very local areas within is a mixture of illite (+ clay?) in addition to muscovite, pyrite,
the sericite-chlorite portion of the Early quartz diorite where and limited amounts of quartz.
magnetite is converted to hematite (as per Sillitoe, 2010; how-
ever, in much lesser abundance than suggested there.) Propylitic alteration
Figure 4a draws a distinction between the sericite-chlorite Propylitic alteration is observed on surface spatially distal
alteration overprint superimposed upon the apexes of the from the sericitic zone and in postmineral dikes at the fringes
Early and Intermineral intrusive rocks and the broad sericite- of the mineralization. The typical propylitic mineral assem-
chlorite halo extending outboard beyond potassic alteration, blage is calcite-chlorite-(epidote)-(pyrite), which commonly
typically seen within tuffs. Mineralogically, there is little dif- occurs as disseminations, selective replacements of pheno-
ference between the two: the mineral assemblage—chlorite- crysts, or as relatively sparse veinlets. Because the propylitic
sericite-pyrite with lesser quartz—is the same in both cases. zone has been outside the area of drilling, our information to
The distinction is that at the Intermineral intrusive apexes, date has been based on limited surface samples.
the sericite-chlorite alteration can be clearly seen to overprint
preexisting potassic alteration whereas in the more pervasive Mineralization
sericite-chlorite zone, the overprinting of preexisting potassic The Nuevo Chaquiro intrusive complex can be divided into
alteration cannot be discerned (except at the zone boundary an eastern Early intrusive center which contains widespread

a b

c d

e f
Fig. 6. Thin section photos. a. Chalcopyrite-pyrite vein filling center portion of quartz A vein. Sericite-chlorite at vein mar-
gin. From high-grade sheeted vein cupola zone. CHA-048 505.3 m. b. Potassically altered diorite porphyry. Hornblende
sites altered to hydrothermal biotite. Magmatitic biotite (green) shows slight corrosion or rimming by hydrothermal biotite
(brown). Plagioclase appears unaltered, but slightly resorbed by groundmass which is then flooded with hydrothermal biotite.
Quartz-K-feldspar-pyrite veinlet cutting the biotite alteration. CHA-036 687 m. c. Quartz-actinolite-magnetite-molybdenite
veinlet cutting biotite-flooded (potassically altered) tuff. Plagioclase appears partially resorbed by groundmass, which in turn
is altered to hydrothermal biotite. CHA-016 867 m d. Anhedral quartz with pyrite, magnetite, lesser chalcopyrite, and associ-
ated sericite, chlorite. From high-grade sheeted vein cupola zone. CHA-048 548.9 m. e. Texturally destructive sercitically
altered (quartz-sericite-pyrite) quartz diorite, cut by a quartz-pyrite-calcite veinlet. CHA-019 526.7 m f. Pyrophyllite-quartz
veinlet cutting sericitically altered tuff. CHA-042 208.7. Abbreviations: ACT= actinolite, BI = biotite, BI2 = hydrothermal
biotite, CA = calcite, CP = chalcopyrite, CT = chlorite, KFD = K-feldspar, ILL = illite, MO = molybdenite, MT= magnetite,
PG = plagioclase, PY = pyrite, PYR = pyrophyllite, QZ = quartz, SE = sericite.

high-grade mineralization (>1%, and in some cases, >2% Cu), as blebs, fractures, stringers, and disseminations (Fig. 6a-c).
and a central Intermineral diorite and quartz diorite center, The quartz appears granular and coarse grained, and sec-
which features an ore shell of lower grade mineralization ondary chlorite, sericite, and biotite are observed. This zone
(>0.3% Cu) superimposed over the top of the intrusives (Fig. hosts the highest Cu-Au grades in the deposit and can attain
4a, b). The vast majority of copper mineralization is restricted a vertical thickness up to 225 m (Fig. 4c). Unidirectional
to the broad area of potassic alteration (Fig. 4b) and the Early solidification textures (USTs), vein dikes, hydrothermal/
quartz diorite cupola zone. This also includes areas where ser- magmatic breccia, finger dikes, and small-scale pegmatite
icite-chlorite alteration has overprinted preexisting potassic pods of coarse-grained quartz-K-feldspar were all observed
alteration at intrusive tops. There is some copper mineraliza- in the general vicinity associated with the Early quartz dio-
tion within the broad pervasive zone of outer sericite-chlorite rite; these are all typical cupola indicators in a porphyry sys-
alteration, but it is relatively minor. tem (Seedorff et al., 2005).
There is a strong correlation between density of quartz
veining and copper grade (Fig. 4c). This reflects two types Medium-grade mineralization
of quartz veining: (1) early wavy, irregular A-type veinlets A second contiguous orebody, consisting of an inverted cup
(as per Gustafson and Hunt, 1975) which consist of quartz ± oreshell (at lower grades of 0.3% Cu) occurs in the central
magnetite ± chlorite typically lacking alteration selvages and portion of the deposit, draped over the cupolas of a series
preceding deposition of metal (as sulfide hair veinlets) and of Intermineral diorite and quartz diorites. Unidirectional
(2) straight, continuous, railroad track (incipient coxcomb) Solidification Textures (UST) (Fig. 5k) and sheeted quartz-
B-type (after Gustafson and Hunt, 1975) quartz-sulfide veins magnetite veining (Fig. 5m) have been identified within the
with chlorite selvages which follow deposition of the sulfide Intramineral porphyry cupola.
hair veinlets.
IS veins
Ore mineralogy The upper western flank of the porphyry system contains a
Ore minerals at Nuevo Chaquiro are principally chalcopyrite set of abundant N-S–striking IS carbonate-quartz-base metal
and molybdenite. Traces of bornite and cubanite have been veins. These are carbonate (50–70 vol %) veins with associ-
locally observed, but in amounts not exceeding 0.1 vol %. ated quartz (10–40 vol %), and minor (typically 0.5–5 vol %)
Other sulfides include pyrite and minor amounts of pyrrho- amounts of pyrite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite, and chalcopyrite,
tite. Chalcopyrite is present as fine-grained disseminations with traces of galena, molybdenite, stibnite, marcasite, and
and stringers, or within quartz veinlets within potassic alter- rarely, native arsenic (Figs. 5d, 7d). They tend to have ser-
ation (and to a lesser degree in calcic-potassic alteration) and icitic alteration selvages and typically contain minor amounts
rarely as meter-thick massive sulfide zones within the cupola of gold. These veins are typically centimeters to tens of cen-
zone. Chalcopyrite hair veinlets without accompanying timeters in width, with a maximum width on the order of one
alteration selvages are commonly seen in potassically altered meter. In close association with these veins are numerous
rocks. In addition, chalcopyrite hair veinlets were seen with D veins of pyrite-quartz with sericitic selvages that locally can
rare biotite and more commonly, chlorite selvages. A few also contain minor Au values. These veins occur on the upper
local chalcopyrite-pyrite veinlets with sericitic selvages were western flank of the deposit in a 600 × 200 m area that was
also seen. drilled to approximately 250-m depth.
Molybdenite appears as inclusions in quartz-sulfide vein-
lets and in veinlets without other sulfides. There are multiple Hydrothermal breccia
generations of molybdenite mineralization: very early, asso- In general, hydrothermal breccia comprises a minor compo-
ciated with chalcopyrite-magnetite hair veinlets (rarely with nent of the overall Nuevo Chaquiro hydrothermal system.
potassic alteration halos); later, with quartz-pyrite veinlets Typically, breccia occurrences are thin, less than a meter in
with sericitic selvages; and latest, anhydrite-pyrite veinlets width, and are only locally observed. One breccia style was as
cutting sericitic alteration. There is also considerable dis- hydrothermal/magmatic breccia in which clasts of Early diorite
seminated molybdenite within the biotitic alteration. Molyb- and A quartz veins were contained within a matrix of igneous
denite distribution is such that the highest grades tend to material and alteration minerals at the upper side contacts of
form an inverted cup coincident with the upper portion of the stock or its apex within the high-grade sheeted vein zone.
the copper shell. Another mode of occurrence is associated with potassic alter-
No discrete silver or gold phases were observed, excluding ation at the contact of a quartz diorite porphyry, where clasts
a single micron-sized gold grain in one thin section. There is a of the porphyry were contained within a matrix of hydrother-
good correlation between copper, gold, and silver grades; the mal biotite (Fig. 5l). Another mode of hydrothermal breccia is
latter two elements are believed to reside within the matrix associated with sericitic alteration in which strongly sericitized
of chalcopyrite, although this has not yet been confirmed by tuff fragments locally containing up to 20 vol % pyrite were
detailed metallurgical tests. brecciated and cemented by a matrix of quartz and black tour-
maline. In another instance, a meter-wide hydrothermal brec-
High-grade sheeted vein/cupola zone cia comprising rounded, milled clasts of potassically altered
The contact between the tuffs and the top of the Early east- quartz diorite with truncated quartz-magnetite-chalcopyrite
ern intrusive center is characterized by an area of intense veinlets was contained within a matrix of rock flour, sericite,
veining and stockwork, containing up to 80% by volume of and secondary pyrite. In turn, the hydrothermal breccia at this
massive and banded quartz, and up to 5 vol % chalcopyrite, locale was cut by later carbonate veinlets.

a b

c d
Fig. 7. Reflected light photos showing sulfide paragenetic relations. a. Massive chalcopyrite-pyrite vein in reopened quartz
A vein. Pyrite appears corroded by the chalcopyrite. Late calcite filling vugs. CHA-048 505.3 m. b. Early magnetite, pyrrho-
tite rimmed, replaced by chalcopyrite. Later generation of pyrite. CHA-048 703.1 m. c. Molybdenite rimmed/replaced by
chalcopyrite. Later euhedral pyrite. Biotite replaced by chlorite, replaced (?) by chalcopyrite. CHA-048 703.1 m. d. Calcite-
marcasite vein with botryoidal native arsenic. CHA-042 933.1 m. Abbreviations: AS = native arsenic, BI = biotite, CA =
calcite, CP = chalcopyrite, CT = chlorite, EA = open space, MAR= marcasite, MO = molybdenite, MT = magnetite, PO =
pyrrhotite, QZ = quartz, PY = pyrite.

Veinlet Types interpreted as corresponding to B veins. General parage-

The following veinlet types were observed, listed in their netic relations among the sulfides are as follows: (1) mag-
approximate paragenetic order as determined from crosscut- netite, (2) molybdenite ± pyrite, (3) chalcopyrite ± pyrite,
ting relationships (from earliest to latest, with parentheses (4) chalcopyrite-pyrite, and (5) pyrite.
indicating uncommon phases):   6. Chalcopyrite hair veinlets with chlorite selvages. In the
deepest part of the deposit, epidote may locally accom-
 1. Pervasive hydrothermal biotite ± disseminated magne- pany chlorite in the alteration selvage.
tite, chalcopyrite, (molybdenite), (pyrite).   7. Pyrite hair veinlets with no selvages.
  2. Biotite or actinolite hair veinlets ± anhydrite.   8. Quartz-pyrite-molybdenite ± (chalcopyrite) veinlets with
  3. Diffuse quartz “A” type veinlets ± magnetite ± (chlorite). sericitic selvages.
These are commonly reopened and filled with sulfides   9. Chalcopyrite hair veinlets with sericitic selvages.
from the next stage. 10. Pyrite-quartz ± tourmaline “D veins” with sericite +
 4. Sulfide hair veinlets of magnetite-chalcopyrite- quartz selvages.
(molybdenite), typically with no alteration selvages. 11. Anhydrite-pyrite-(molybdenite) veinlets, no selvages.
Rarely, veinlets of this type are seen accompanied by bio- 12. Pyrophyllite-quartz veinlets, no selvages.
tite, K-feldspar, or EDM selvages. They appear stable in 13. Carbonate-quartz-pyrite-sphalerite, galena, arsenopyrite
biotite-altered rocks. veins commonly with sericitic selvages. These show a
  5. Quartz-sulfide veinlets, commonly with chlorite selvages. general paragenetic sequence of (1) quartz, (2) chalcopy-
Quartz abundance appears to increase with time, and rite, pyrite, (3) sphalerite (zoned from early light colored
quartz tends to be elongated perpendicular to the vein to later dark colored), (4) arsenopyrite, native arsenic,
walls, approaching a coxcomb appearance. These are and (5) calcite.

If one correlates the alteration selvages associated with spe- gypsum (after anhydrite) veinlets with sericitic selvages
cific veinlet types to the broader-scale alteration patterns suggests anhydrite deposition may extend into sericitic
seen within the deposit as a whole, then (1) potassic altera- alteration conditions.
tion would be associated with veinlet types a through d; (2)   6. Minor pyrophyllite-quartz veinlets cutting sericitic altera-
calcic-potassic alteration would be associated principally with tion suggests incursions into advanced argillic conditions
veinlet type b and to a lesser degree, veinlet type a. A third toward the end stages of the hydrothermal system.
veinlet type – epidote ± calcite, (pyrite) with actinolite sel-  7. The carbonate-quartz–base metal veinlets consistently
vages – would also be associated with calcic-potassic altera- demonstrate decreasing sulfidation state with time inter-
tion; timing relations of this veinlet type to other veinlet types nally within individual veinlets. Timing relations between
are uncertain; (3) Sericite-chlorite alteration (indicated by the carbonate-base metal veins and pyrophyllite-quartz vein-
presence of chlorite) would be associated with veinlet types lets were not observed. A generalized paragenetic dia-
e through g. (4) Sericitic alteration would be associated with gram is shown in Figure 8.
veinlet types g through m. The general temporal sequence of
calcic-potassic and potassic, then sericite-chlorite, then ser- Supergene Effects
icitic is suggestive of an overall decreasing temperature and Supergene effects at Nuevo Chaquiro are minimal. Typically,
pH, and increasing oxidation conditions. pervasive oxidation marked by clays and iron oxides replacing
sulfides extends at depth to 20 to 40 m below the surface with
Paragenesis patchy oxidation extending tens of meters below that along
Key paragenetic observations include the following: fracture zones. There is no supergene blanket or obvious
enrichment of hypogene grades. Trace amounts of supergene
  1. Biotite and actinolite (and by extension, the potassic and chalcocite and covellite were seen rimming chalcopyrite blebs
calcic-potassic alteration zones) appear roughly synchro- within shallow levels of the IS veins.
nous. Quartz-sulfide veinlets containing actinolite cut
and are cut by quartz-sulfide veinlets containing biotite Age Dates
selvages. However, there are also numerous examples of There are currently six age dates available from Nuevo Cha-
actinolite-bearing veinlets (without alteration selvages) quiro, two obtained using U-Pb techniques on zircons, and
cutting through biotite flooded wall rocks, suggesting that four using Re-Os methods on molybdenite (Table 2). The old-
at the interface between the two alteration types, calcic- est obtained date is 10.9 ± 0.2 Ma which was derived from
potassic alteration is expanding upon earlier potassic one of the andesitic flows of the Combia Formation. This age
alteration. is a little older than the published ages for this unit (6–10 Ma;
  2. Magnetite and sulfides (in the general sequence of first, Vinasco et al., 2011), but the age of the Combia Formation
magnetite, then pyrrhotite, molybdenite, chalcopyrite, and is felt to be not particularly well constrained (Ramirez et al.,
pyrite), appear at the end stages of potassic alteration. Sul- 2006).
fides tend to occur in three subequal modes: (1) as hair Three Re-Os age dates and one U-Pb date for the main
veinlets typically lacking alteration selvages comprised of age of mineralization at Nuevo Chaquiro have been obtained.
essentially pure sulfide commonly cutting earlier A-type These are, respectively, 7.51 ± 0.04, 7.397 ± 0.043, 7.437 ±
quartz veins in potassically altered rocks; (2) as dissemi- 0.097, and 7.6 ± 0.2 Ma (Table 2; G. Gonzalez, 2012; Valencia,
nations within biotite-altered rocks without reaction rims; 2012; Leal-Mejia, 2014). The average of these four dates is
or (3) in association with quartz-sulfide B veinlets. The 7.47 ± 0.09 Ma. A single Re-Os age date from molybdenite
quartz-sulfide B veinlets are commonly accompanied by from the IS carbonate-quartz-base metal vein zone gives an
chlorite as vein filling or selvages, but there is also rare local age of 7.53 ± 0.04 Ma, which is within error to the average
K-feldspar as selvages or vein filling, suggesting compat- main porphyry mineralization age of 7.47 ± 0.09 Ma (Valen-
ibility with both potassic and sericite-chlorite conditions. cia, 2012; G. Gonzalez, 2012; Table 2). This supports that the
These veinlets extend temporally and spatially beyond IS vein zone represents a distal effect of the main porphyry
the potassic zone into sericite-chlorite alteration. Copper mineralization as opposed to a separate, later event.
deposition, as chalcopyrite, appears to have occurred dur-
ing the end stages of potassic alteration and in the general Time/Space Evolution
transition time between potassic and sericite-chlorite con-
Figure 9 shows the inferred time-space evolution of the
ditions with considerable overlap either way.
Nuevo Chaquiro system with overall inferred flow lines of the
 3. The presence of chalcopyrite and quartz-chalcopy-
hydrothermal fluid depicted. There are several broad conclu-
rite-pyrite veinlets with sericitic selvages suggests that
sions that can be derived:
deposition of copper continued in part beyond sericite-
chlorite conditions into sericitic conditions. This, how-  1. The magmatic-hydrothermal system progressed from
ever, appears to be relatively minor. east to west with the Early quartz diorite at the eastern-
  4. Paragenetic relations typically have magnetite first, sur- most portion of the system, and with Intermineral por-
rounded by chalcopyrite ± a later generation of pyrite. phyries being emplaced progressively westward. The
Pyrrhotite tends to occur in calcic-potassic alteration and apices of each intrusion also appear to have vertically
in the deeper portions of potassic alteration. decreased westward, with the apex of the earliest Inter-
  5. Anhydrite appears broadly (if on a relatively minor basis) mineral intrusive (phase 2), being approximately 120 ver-
coincident with potassic alteration. The presence of rare tical meters below that of the Early quartz diorite, and

Mineral Early Late

High T Medium T High/Low T

Potassic Calcic- Sericite-Chlorite Sericite Argillic Propylitic












K Feldspar














Native Arsenic

Fig. 8. Generalized paragenetic diagram, Nuevo Chaquiro deposit. Line thickness proportional to abundance. Individual
intrusions (and their fluid/metal pulses) have not been broken out.

a b

c d

Fig. 9. Proposed time/space sequence for the Nuevo Chaquiro deposit, drawn along the same line of section as Figure 4. a.
Intrusion of Early quartz diorite porphyry. Formation INTRUSIVES
e of sheeted vein zone at cupola accompanied by a very strong sericite-
chlorite overprint. Highest grades in the deposit. b. Intrusion of Intermineral porphyry phase 2: western portion of Early
quartz diorite consumed. Weak sericite-chlorite overprint, but with significant Cu grades Intrusive contact
(but less than those associated with
the Early quartz diorite). c. Intrusion of Intermineral porphyry phase 4 and associated hydrothermal system
Early Diorites, (phase
Qtz 3 is out of
section and not shown). Moderate sericite-chlorite overprint; moderate Cu grades. Calcic-potassic alteration occurs at higher
elevations than in previous intrusions. d. Intrusion of Intermineral porphyry phase 5 and associated hydrothermal system.
Moderate sericite-chlorite overprint, comparable to that of phase 4, but with significantly Diorites,
lower Cu grades. Qtz Diorites
e. Formation of
sericitic/phyllic cap. Late intrusive rocks emplaced at this time; Postmineral dikes followed later. Argillic pipes within the
phyllic cap form centered on faults/fracture zones. Advanced argillic alterationALTERATION
(pyrophylite ± quartz veinlets) formed in
upper portion of the phyllic cap (above strong dashed line); this has been largely eroded away. Qtz = quartz.
the latest Intermineral porphyry, phase 5, being approxi- overprint; and the younger
Sericitic Intermineral porphyries, phases
mately 365 m below the Early quartz diorite (Fig. 9). 4 and 5, have moderate overprints (Fig. 9).
  2. The apex of each intrusion has an overprint of sericite-chlo-   3. There is only a weak correlation between the intensity
rite alteration superimposed on earlier potassic alteration. of the sericite-chlorite
Potassic overprint (which presumably
The intensity of the overprint varies: The Early quartz dio- reflects the extent of hydrothermal
Calcic-Potassic fluid flow) and cop-
rite has a very strong sericite-chlorite overprint; the oldest per grades. The intrusion with the most intense sericite-
Intermineral porphyry, phase 2, has a weak sericite-chlorite Propylitic
chlorite overprint, the Early quartz diorite, does have
Cupola Zone
Chlorite-Sericite Overprint


Intrusive contact
Early Diorites, Qtz Diorites

Intermineral Diorites, Qtz Diorites

Sericitic (Phyllic)
Cupola Zone
Chlorite-Sericite Overprint

Fig. 9. (Cont.)

the highest copper grades. However, despite a relatively  5. Although the pulses of magmatic/hydrothermal fluid
weak sericite-chlorite overprint, the earliest of the Inter- accompanying each porphyry appear geochemically
mineral porphyries, phase 2, had significant intermediate similar, there were minor differences. For example,
grade copper deposited with it. It may be that some of the the elevation at which calcic-potassic alteration first
copper associated with Intermineral phase 2 represents occurs in Intermineral phase 4 is considerably higher
recycled copper from the Early quartz diorite which was (by approx. 275 m) than that seen in Intermineral phase
partially consumed by Intermineral phase 2. Intermineral 2, possibly suggesting a relatively higher temperature of
phase 4 has a significantly more intense sericite-chlorite those fluids.
overprint than Intermineral phase 2. Nonetheless, the   6. The sericitic/phyllic cap on top of the system is inferred to
grade of copper associated with Intermineral phase 2 is have formed after emplacement of the last Intermineral
considerably greater than that in Intermineral phase 4. porphyry and its associated potassic alteration. The chem-
The latest Intermineral porphyry, phase 5, has copper ical components comprising the phyllic cap were proba-
values that are lower still, being only strongly anoma- bly introduced by all the porphyries, Early, Intermineral,
lous to at best very low grade—this, despite Intermineral and Late; their deposition did not occur until after the
phase 5 having strong potassic alteration and a sericite- potassic and calcic-potassic alteration had ceased. In all
chlorite overprint comparable to that of Intermineral field relations seen to date, sericitic alteration crosscuts or
phase 4. The suggestion is that available copper was being replaces earlier potassic alteration; there is no evidence
removed from the overall hydrothermal/magmatic reser- for an advancing potassic alteration front superimposed
voir following the successive emplacement of the various upon any earlier sericitic alteration. A similar model (a
porphyries, with the earliest fluids tapping effectively single, late sericitic cap following the emplacement of
more available copper. By the end stages of Intermineral multiple intrusions, each with its own associated potassic
porphyry emplacement, there appears to have been mini- alteration) has been proposed by Seedorff and Einaudi
mal available copper remaining in the system. (2004a, b) for the sericitic alteration associated with the
  4. The Early quartz diorite had extensive internal recircula- Seriate and Henderson intrusive centers at the Hender-
tion of progressively cooling and evolving hydrothermal son porphyry molybdenum deposit.
fluid to considerable depths (on the order of 830 verti-   7. The time of formation of the pervasive propylitic and ser-
cal meters) within the intrusion. This is evidenced by the icite-chlorite alteration zones beyond the pervasive potas-
presence of quartz-pyrite veining with sericite selvages, sic alteration (as opposed to the specific sericite-chlorite
carbonate-base metal veinlets (also with sericitic selvages), overprints occurring at individual porphyry apexes) is
and small pockets of white illite occurring deep within the not completely clear. It is believed that, as depicted in
Early quartz diorite. Similar features were not seen within Figure 9, a pervasive sericite-chlorite and propylitic
the Intermineral porphyries. In these porphyries, the evo- alteration shell formed synchronously with the general
lution and the internal recirculation of hydrothermal fluids potassic alteration halo accompanying the intrusion of
within the apexes appears to have been considerably less, each individual porphyry and the release of its associated
with total sericite-chlorite overprint heights on the order of magmatic-hydrothermal fluid, likely brought about by
330 to 450 vertical meters (Fig. 4a). progressive fluid cooling.

  8. The intermediate argillic alteration and the IS veins likely similar pulses of magmatic/hydrothermal fluid accompanying
formed toward the end stages of phyllic time. Advanced each porphyry intrusive. Although geochemically similar, these
argillic alteration, of which sparse remnants occur in the fluid pulses varied in magnitude and grade, typically decreas-
upper reaches of the present-day deposit, also appeared ing in copper and gold with time. Thus, the Early quartz dio-
to have formed at this time, centered over the intrusion rite contains the deposit’s highest grades, and the various later
apexes. Intermineral porphyries appear to show generally decreasing
copper grades with time, with the minor late dikes still being
Discussion pervasively sericitically altered, but barren of copper.
At Nuevo Chaquiro, there have been multiple cycles of cal- At Nuevo Chaquiro, the close association of high copper
cic-potassic and potassic alteration, with later overprinting by grades with A quartz veins at or surrounding the upper parts
sericite-chlorite alteration, each associated with an individual of the Early porphyy, the abundant secondary magnetite, the
intrusion of either an Early or Intermineral porphyry; these strong association of copper with potassic (biotitic) altera-
are all overprinted by a single, later sercitic (phyllic) altera- tion (or chlorite), and the minimal occurrence of EDM vein-
tion event superimposed as a broad cap upon the entire sys- lets all suggest that emplacement of the magmatic chamber
tem. There is also an evolution in veinlet types with A veinlets responsible for the hydrothermal fluids and porphyries was
being far more commonly associated with the Early quartz at relatively shallow levels. By comparison with the Yering-
diorite and much less common in the Intermineral porphy- ton, Nevada, deposit, this is estimated to be less than 5 km
ries. In addition, the amount of sericite-chlorite overprinting below the paleosurface (Proffett, 2009). There are a couple of
varies with each intrusion. Some are pervasively overprinted important differences in Nuevo Chaquiro compared to Yer-
such that relict potassic alteration can barely be discerned. ington. One is the virtual absence of bornite and K-feldspar
Others have only a weak sericite-chlorite overprint upon in the high-grade zone (and the deposit as whole) as well as
potassic alteration. Copper grades appear to have only a rela- the more mafic, possibly more reduced, initial igneous com-
tively weak correlation to the intensity of the sericite-chlorite positions (diorites and quartz diorites vs. quartz monzonites).
overprint (the potassic alteration in all the Intermineral por- Another significant difference is the overall igneous morphol-
phyries tends to be consistently pervasive and strong; it is the ogy. Yerington is an elongated dike cluster (See fig. 1B of Prof-
sericite-chlorite alteration which appears to vary). fett, 2009) whereas Nuevo Chaquiro is a combination small
The high-grade Cupola/Sheeted vein zone at Nuevo Cha- stocks complex with extruding dikes (Fig. 5a). This would pos-
quiro stands out and can be compared to a subparellal array of sibly suggest a somewhat deeper level of emplacement for the
sheeted A veins, in which the early quartz veins are repeatedly underlying magma chamber than at Yerington, but still rela-
deposited in a manner similar to a UST, and then reopened tively shallow (perhaps a depth of emplacement of ~4.5 km as
and filled by subsequent massive sulfide (typically chalcopy- opposed to ~4 km?).
rite with minor pyrite). Porphyry deposits with comparable
features include Yerington, Nevada (Dilles and Einaudi, 1992; Timing of copper deposition
Proffett, 2009); Bajo de la Alumbrera, Argentina (Proffett, The relative timing of copper deposition in porphyry copper
2003); Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia (Khashgerel et al., 2006); Ok deposits appears to vary. Many deposits, perhaps the major-
Tedi, Papua New Guinea (Rush and Seegers, 1990); and Red ity, appear to have copper depositing early at relatively high
Chris, British Colombia (Rees et al., 2015). All these deposits temperatures as chalcopyrite ± bornite, commonly with mag-
feature zones containing high-grade copper associated with netite, and synchronous with potassic alteration (Hemley and
multiple generations of A veins occurring within and immedi- Hunt, 1992; Dilles et al., 2000). Deposits where this occurs
ately surrounding the upper cupola portion of early porphyry include Bingham, El Salvador, Yerington, Dos Probes, and
phases (Sillitoe, 2000, 2010). Bajo de la Alumbrera (Seedorff and Einaudi, 2004b, and
It is not clear exactly when the broad disseminated bio- references therein). At other deposits, such as Sierrita-Espe-
tite alteration in the wall-rock tuffs was formed. There is the ranza (Preece and Beane, 1982), Santa Rita (Reynolds and
sense that the Early quartz diorite was sealed and essentially Beane, 1985), and Far Southeast (Hedenquist et al., 1998),
stewed in its own juices, with relatively little outward fluid copper occurs relatively later at inferred lower temperatures
flow beyond the immediate intrusive contact. In contrast, the as chalcopyrite with pyrite and chlorite ± sericite broadly syn-
outer biotite halo in wall-rock tuffs near the Intramineral por- chronous with the onset of sericitc alteration. Both variants
phyries was much more extensive than that near the Early occur at Nuevo Chaquiro: chalcopyrite-magnetite in associa-
quartz diorite, suggesting considerably more outward hydro- tion with biotite (potassic alteration), and chalcopyrite-pyrite
thermal fluid flow with these porphyries. In part, the large in association with sericite-chlorite alteration.
scale potassic (biotitic) alteration halo reflects the permeable,
mafic nature of the Combia Formation andesitic tuffs; Silli- Classification
toe, (2010, p. 11, 20) notes that ferrous Fe-rich host rocks In terms of dominant metal, the principal criterion used in
have a tendency to favor large potassic halos and high-grade the classification scheme of Seedorff et al. (2005), Nuevo
porphyry copper mineralization. However, there also seems Chaquiro falls within the tonalitic-granodioritic Cu-(Au-
to be a difference between the respective porphyries as to the Mo) subclass of porphyry copper deposits (Seedorff et al.,
extent of their outward potassic wall-rock alteration haloes. 2005, Table 1). Overall metal ratios such as Au/Ag and Cu/
There is a consistent paragenesis for the alteration-mineral- Mo (0.071, and 50, respectively) also support placing Nuevo
ization associated with each intrusion, suggesting a relatively Chaquiro within this subclass (Seedorff et al., 2005, fig. 13A).
stable underlying magma chamber that fluxed geochemically However, the strong association of mineralization at Nuevo

Chaquiro with intrusions of diorite to quartz diorite compo- the upper central portion of the system; this has been largely
sition also suggests affinities with the dioritic porphyry gold eroded away.
class, despite an overall gold grade of 0.31 g/t Au, which is In many aspects, Nuevo Chaquiro is a “typical” Au-rich por-
below the 0.40 g/t Au minimum proposed by Sillitoe (1993) phyry copper system. Detailed geologic logging confirms that
for gold-rich porphyries. As noted by Seedorff et al., 2005 (p. many of the generalizations postulated by Sillitoe (2010) for
285), there is a continuum between the two classes; it would this class of deposit are indeed present at Nuevo Chaquiro.
appear the Nuevo Chaquiro (and most likely, the other por- Nonetheless, important geologic and exploration questions
phyry occurrences in the Middle Cauca belt, all of which have remain. In particular, the contrast between the mineraliza-
dioritic or quartz dioritic compositions; Table 1) falls within tion styles between the Early and Intermineral orebodies
this continuum. (sheeted subparallel high-grade zones vs. broad zones with
disseminated mineralization of moderate grade) as well the
Summary and Conclusions timing differences in copper deposition (associated with both
Nuevo Chaquiro is a Miocene age, unexposed porphyry Cu- potassic and sericite-chlorite conditions) suggest that Nuevo
Au-Mo deposit located in the Middle Cauca belt of Colombia. Chaquiro may represent a combination of different porphyry
The subsurface geology comprises a stock-dike cluster of dio- mineralization styles.
rites and quartz diorites intruded into a package of Miocene
age andesitic tuffs. None of the intrusive rocks, excluding some Acknowledgments
Late and Post-mineral porphyry dikes, breached the present- The authors would like to thank the following geoscien-
day surface, much less the paleosurface, of which an esti- tists who made contributions to the observations and ideas
mated 1 to 1.5 km have been estimated to have been removed expressed within: Rex Brommecker, Leonardo Cajica, Andres
by erosion (based on the presence of incipient advanced argil- Giraldo, Jhon Alfonso, German Gonzalez, Anwar Urquiza,
lic alteration in the upper reaches of the deposit). Julian Valencia, Andrei Perez, Nick Winer, Sergei Diakov,
There are four main intrusive groupings: Early, Intermin- and Timo Garzon. Eric Seedorff and Richard Tosdal provided
eral, Late, and Post-mineral. Immediately within and adjacent critical insights during their reviews of the project. Luke Swift
to the apex of an Early quartz diorite is a zone of highly devel- and Derek Nicholson assisted in the unraveling of the igneous
oped quartz veins and associated high-grade copper mineral- architecture; their contributions are particularly appreciated.
ization. This comprises a zone currently estimated at 104 Mt, Nuevo Chaquiro is a 92:8 joint venture between AngloGold
averaging 1.1% Cu, 0.64 g/t Au, within the overall resource of Ashanti and B2Gold. Both companies are thanked for permis-
566 Mt, averaging 0.64% Cu, 0.31 g/t Au. Mineralization in sion to publish. Reviews by Nathan Fox, Victor Maksaev, and
the high-grade zone is dominated by A and B quartz veinlets. Thomas Bissig significantly improved the manuscript.
Chalcopyrite occurs within re-opened A veinlets, as crosscut-
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data-point error ellipses are 2σ data-point error ellipses are 2σ


0.20 0.0014

207Pb/ 206Pb

206Pb/ 238U



0.08 Aurora-IM-01
AGE: 8.0+0.9/-0.4Ma
0.04 20 16 12 8 0.0004
300 500 700 900 1100 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06
238U/206Pb 207Pb/ 235U

Fig. A1. Concordia plot for zircon U-Pb analyses of Nuevo Chaquiro miner- Fig. A2. Concordia plot for zircon U-Pb analysis of Aurora diorite porphyry
alized quartz diorite (Valencia, 2012) (Leal-Mejia, 2011)

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