An Analysis of Speech Acts in The Conversation Between Habibie and Ainun in The Film Entitled Habibie and Ainun 2012

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e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)



Praditya, Dwi Jaya I Made1, Putra, Adi Jaya I Nyoman2, Artini, Luh Putu3
English Education Department, Postgraduate Program
Ganesha University of Education
Singaraja, Indonesia


This study aimed to analyze the types of speech acts and the classification of illocutionary
speech acts occurred in the conversation of Habibie and Ainun in the film entitled Habibie and
Ainun 2012. This study was a descriptive qualitative done on naturalistic inquiry on social
phenomenon. The data were analyzed based on the theory of the types of speech acts proposed
by Yule (1996), direct and indirect speech acts. The analysis of the classification of illocutionary
speech acts proposed by Searle (1977) which consists of, representative, directive commissive,
expressive and declaration. Findings of this study showed there were 196 utterances of type of
speech acts where the type of direct speech acts were 129 utterances (66%), meanwhile the type
of indirect speech acts were 67 utterances (34%). The five classifications of illocutionary speech
acts found that there were totally 158 utterances analyzed as illocution where representatives
were 90 utterances (51%), commisives were 39 utterances (25%), directive were 24 utterances
(15%), expressive were 15 utterances (9%), and there was no declaration (0%). This study
showed that the direct speech acts were the most dominant type of speech acts rather than the
type of indirect speech act. In the types of illocutionary speech acts, representatives were the
most dominant rather that the others types of illocutions. The implication of this study is to learn
and master pragmatics, especially in the theory of speech acts to be able to understand the
speaker‟s intention so that the communication expressed is able to be fulfilled.

Key Words: Types of Speech Acts, Analysis, Film of Habibie and Ainun entitled Habibie and
Ainun 2012.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tipe-tipe tindak tutur dan klasifikasi tindak tutur
illokusi yang terjadi dalam percakapan Habibie dan Ainun dalam film berjudul Habibie dan Ainun
2012. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara descriptif kualitatif dengan penyelidikan secara alamiah
terhadap fenomena sosial. Data dianalisa sesuai dengan teori tipe-tipe tindak tutur yang di
jabarkan oleh Yule (1996), yang meliputi tipe tindak tutur langsung dan tipe tindak tutur tidak
langsung. Sedangkan penganalisaan dari klasifikasi tindak tutur ilokusi menggunakan teori yang
diusulkan oleh Searle (1977) yang terdiri dari, representatif, direktif, komisif, ekspresif, dan
deklarasi. Studi ini menemukan adanya 196 ujaran tipe-tipe tindak tutur dimana tipe tuturan
langsung memperoleh 129 ujaran (66%), sedangkan tipe tindak tutur tidak langsung memperoleh
67 ujaran (34%). Dari lima klasifikasi tindak tutur ilokusi ditemukan adanya 158 ujaran dimana
representatif memperoleh 90 ujaran (51%), komisif 39 ujaran (25%), direktif 24 ujaran (15%),
ekspresif 15 ujaran (9%), dan tidak ditemukan adanya deklarasi (0%). Hasil dari analisis data
menunjukkan bahwa tindak tutur langsung yang paling dominan dari pada tindak tutur tidak
langsung. Dari analisis ilokusi, representatif yang paling dominan dari tipe tipe ilockusi yang lain.
Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari dan menguasai studi pragmatik, khususnya
teori tindak tutur, agar dapat memahami maksud pembicara sehingga komunikasi yang
diungkapkan oleh Si-pembicara dapat dipenuhi.

Kata Kunci: Tipe-tipe Tindak Tutur, Penganalisaan, Film Habibie dan Ainun berjudul Habibie dan
Ainun 2012.
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

INTRODUCTION explicit and an implisit utterance. By

As social beings, people always using an explicit utterance, the listener
relate to others and they cannot live will be easier to understand what the
without others. It means that people speaker really wants, because he or she
need people. When people need people, just looks at the utterance and that is the
they will try to communicate with each real meaning. While by using implicit
other by using language. Language is utterance, the listener needs to look at a
one of tools of communication. different meaning, deep meaning or
Language is very important in our life. In intended meaning from the utterance of
communication, language has an what the speaker wants to deliver of his
important role because it is used to or her intention. In this case, the listener
deliver informations, ideas, feelings, needs to do an analysis of the speaker‟s
desires of what the speaker wants in intention to realize the speaker‟s
delivering language to the listener or to objective so that the listener may fulfill
explain what the speaker wants the its intention.
listener to do something in delivering By using the explicit and an
language. implisit utterance, the speakers are able
Austin (1962, 1975) has to deliver their intention through direct
reminded us that we can act through and indirect utterance. The both of direct
language, do things through words, and and indirect utterances have their each
get others to do things for us through our function where a direct utterance
words. A language functions as a functions when there is a relationship
communication where the focus of it is between the form of the utterance and
on the meaning of a speaker‟s intention. its function, meanwhile an indirect
The purpose of communication itself is utterance is used to make an indirect
informative which means as relationship between the form of the
requirements done by a speaker and utterance and its function. Yule (1996)
delivered through language. When says that the use of indirect utterance
people try to communicate to others, can be considered with greater
they use utterances to express what politeness than direct. Thus, the theory
they have in their mind toward the of speech acts is the theory how the
listener. speakers accomplish their intention
People usually talk for a purpose using utterances. The utterances can be
to assert beliefs, request help, promise like a declarative, an interrogative, and
action, express congratulations, or ask an imperative. The function of the
for information. Listeners would be utterances can be as a statement, a
remiss if they did not register this question, and an order/a reguest. All of
purpose and act accordingly. In normal the forms and their functions in the
circumstances, listeners record beliefs, utterances are to express a certain
provide help, record promises, attitude and the type of speech act that
acknowledge congratulations, and is performed corresponds to the type of
provide information. In the process of attitude being expressed. For example,
comprehension, listeners figure out what a statement expresses a belief, a
a sentence is meant to express. They request expresses a desire, and an
also register how the sentence is meant apology expresses regret. As an act of
to carry forward the purpose of the communication, a speech act succeeds
speaker through utterances. The if the hearer identifies, in accordance
utterances produced by speaker do not with the speaker‟s intention, the attitude
only show the relationship between being expressed.
them, but its function is also to explain From what is presented above, it
the speaker‟s mind toward the listener shows that, it is not easy to recognize
through utterances. what the utterances look like. In this
Utterances organized by the case, the researcher needs the theory of
speaker and they can be done through speech acts, which the researcher calls
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

in this part is “Speech Acts” theory. perform the illocutionary act of

According to Austin (1962), speech act promising. (c) Perlocutionary act is “what
is a theory of performative language in is done by uttering the word” which is
which to say something is to do actually the effect on listener‟s reaction.
something. In speech acts, the The utterance “there is something in
information conveyed sometimes your shoulder!” may cause the listener to
contains intended meaning in which the panic and to look on his shoulder. Thus,
speaker does not want to deliver the real this perlocution is to cause those
meaning from what is said from the emotion and action of the hearer.
utterance expressed where the listener To be able to gain the types of
is expected to fulfill the speaker‟s speech act, the researcher needs to find
intention which its focus is in illocution. one of oral or written communication
Speech acts occur because it may be whether they are monolog or dialog.
the speaker realizes there are some Conversation is one of the sources of
differences between a speaker and a getting types of speech act because
hearer for instance, a difference of through conversation, the researcher
culture, education, norm, age, may gain many utterances, which are
profession, economy etc. On the other not directly spoken to the listener so that
hand, it may be also because of the researcher needs to analyze those
politeness, making the communication utterances into a target meaning. By
polite such as being tactful, generous, doing so, it means that the researcher
modest and sympathy towards others needs to analyze to understand a deep
(Yule, 1996). When the speakers deliver meaning of what is said by the speaker.
their speech politely, they tend to The researcher is interested in
mitigate a direct conversation into trying to do a research concerning an
indirect conversation which the purpose analysis of Speech Act in the
of being polite is to soften the conversation produced by Habibie and
communication. When the speaker asks Ainun in the film Entitled Habibie and
the hearer to do something, he or she Ainun 2012. This film is about the real
may imply a speech into indirect speech life story of Habibie and Ainun who
for example, asking the hearer to open struggles to get his big dream. This film
the window by just saying “this room is was chosen based on the researcher‟s
very hot or do you feel hot?”. Through point of view concerning pragmatics
the sentence, the speaker does not field, which is rich of performative
directly ask the hearer to do something, language where it refers to the speaker‟s
but he or she may say a condition is meaning and it needs to be analyzed to
being felt. get the speaker‟s intention and purpose.
On any occasion, speech acts A diffeance of this film, Habibie and
usually perform an action. An action Ainun 2012 among to the others is a real
performed produces an utterance, which life story of Habibie and Ainun who are
consists of three aspects of acts (Yule, able to inspire the readers by their hard
1996:48), which can be seen in the work to chase their dream. The
examples of Austin‟s categorization of researcher assumes that, it is better to
speech acts as follows: (a) Locutionary do a research on a real life story rather
act is “what is said” in the form of than fictive story since the language
utterance that is the act of saying used is a real life based on their life
something. If someone says „knock the story. Individually, besides the
door!‟ the locutionary act is the pragmatics field, the researcher is really
realization of the speaker‟s utterance. like this film because it contains valued
(b) Illocutionary act is “what is done in encouragement, which can give a
uttering the word”, the function of the motivation to chase a dream and love
word, and the specific purpose of the someone perfectly. With the
speaker‟s mind. The utterance “I swear researcher‟s point of view, interest, and
to give it back next time” is used to curiousness through that film, he tried to
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

do a research in the conversation RESEARCH METHOD

produced by Habibie and Ainun in the Research design used in this
film entitled Habibie and Ainun 2012, study was descriptive qualitative since
where the focus of the researcher is in the source of the data came from the
speech acts production. conversation between two people,
Based on the reasons, the Habibie and Ainun in the film entitled
researcher decided to put the objectives Habibie and Ainun 2012. This study was
of this study to attempt to find and analyzed naturally every single speech
analyze the types of speech acts and acts occur based on the theories of
the classification of speech acts speech acts proposed by Yule (1996) in
proposed by Yule (1996) and Searle his theory of types of speech acts, direct
(1977) in their theory of speech acts. and indirect speech acts, and Searle
The researcher in this case wants to (1977) in his theory of the classification
present the following statements to be of types of speech acts into
able to be investigated for further study. representative, directive, commissive,
They can be formulated as follows: expressive, and declaration.
Qualitative descriptive studies
1) What types of speech acts occur tend to draw from the general tenets of
in the conversation of Habibie naturalistic inquiry. Naturalistic inquiry
and Ainun in the film frame of implies only a commitment to studying
Habibie and Ainun 2012? something in its natural state, or as it is
2) What are the classifications of to the extent that, this is possible in a
speech act in the conversation of research enterprise (Lincoln and Guba,
Habibie and Ainun in the film 1985; Willems, 1967). That is, in any
frame of Habibie and Ainun naturalistic study, there is no pre-
2012? selection of variables to study, no
3) What are the underlying reasons manipulation of variables, and no a priori
for the occurrence of speech acts commitment to any one theoretical view
in the conversation of Habibie of a target phenomenon. Accordingly,
and Ainun in the film frame of the naturalist inquirer will use techniques
Habibie and Ainun 2012? that allow the target phenomenon to
present itself.
Then, the objectives of the study intend This study can be categorized as
of figure out the following description. a pragmatics and also discourse
1) To find the type of speech acts: analysis study since this study is related
direct and indirect speech acts on the study of speaker‟s meaning and it
produced by Habibie and Ainun needs to be analyzed as the study of
in the film of Habibie and Ainun discourse analysis using speech act
2012. theory. The focus of this study was to
2) To find the classifications of find the types of speech act, direct and
illocutionary speech acts: indirect speech acts and their
representative (assertive), classifications of types of speech acst,
directive, commisive, expressive, which can be formulated into
and declaration (declarative) representatives, directives,
produced by Habibie and Ainun commissives, expressive, and
in the film of Habibie and Ainun declarations (Searle, 1977, in Kess
2012. 1993).
3) To find the underlying reasons of
the occurance of speech acts FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS
occur in the conversation of
Habibie and Ainun in film of a. Findings
Habibie and Ainun 2012.
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

Type of Direct Speech Acts (66%) Type of Indirect Speech Acts (34%)

Chart 1: The Percentage of Types of Speech Acts Found in the Conversation between
Habibie and Ainun in the Film of Habibie and Ainun 2012







Representatives Directives (15%) Commisives Expressives (9%) Declaratives (0%)
(51%) (25%)

Chart 2: The Percentage of Classification of Illocutionary Speech Acts Found in the

Conversation between Habibie and Ainun in the Film of Habibie and Ainun
It could be stated that, the film of
b. Discussion Habibie and Ainun 2012 who were
From the analysis of types of spoken by Habibie and Ainun analyzed
speech acts (Chart 1) occurred in the that, direct speech acts is higher of
conversation between Habibie and performance rather than indirect speech
Ainun in the film entitled Haibie and acts. The researcher convinces that the
Ainun 2012, the researcher found that conversation of Habibie and Ainun
there were totally 196 utterances tended to be direct. In the other hand,
analyzed as direct and indirect speech both Habibie and Ainun prefered to talk
acts. From the total of speech acts, the to each other using direct rather than
direct speech acts got 129 utterances indirect utterances. Yule (1996-56)
(66%), meanwhile, the indirect speech states that indirect speech acts are
acts got 64 utterances (34%) spoken by generally associated with greater
Habibie and Ainun in the film entitled politeness rather that direct speech acts.
Haibie and Ainun 2012. Based on Yule‟s opinion the
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

conversation of Habibie and Ainun are then directives, 15% and expressives
less politeness because there were only 9% but the last one, declarative was 0%.
34% type of indirect speech acts. From the proportion of five
If the researcher compares the classifications of illocutionary speech
use of direct and indirect speech acts acts, the researcher concluds that
between Habibie and Ainun, it was clear representatives were the most dominant
that Habibie tended to speak much more types of illocutionary speech acts
than Ainun Habibie contributed 108 because the speakers, Habibie and
utterances where the contribution of Ainun in the film entitled Habibie Ainun
direct speech acts were 76 (70%) 2012 tented to deliver their conversation
utterances, meanwhile indirect speech to the truth of some expressed
acts were 32 (30%) utterances. proposition by asserting, concluding,
Whereas Ainun‟s speech contributed claiming, hypothesizing, telling and etc.
only 88 utterances where the Then the least ones of those fives
contribution of direct speech acts were classification of illocutionary acts was
53 (60%) utterances, meanwhile indirect expressive and declarative. Based on
speech acts were 35 (40%) utterances. the theory of Searle (1997), five
Concerning the frequency of the classifications of illocutionary acts stated
utterances produced between Habibie that declarative is like excommunicate,
and Ainun, the researcher concludes appoint, declare, christen as well as
that Habibie spoke much more than some uses of suggest, state, insist, in
Ainun. Eventhough the widespread formalized setting, bring into reality
belief that women talk more than men, some new state of affairs noted in the
most of the available evidence suggests proportional content of declarative (I
just the opposite. When women and hereby appoint you a President).
men are together, it is the men who talk The researcher found nothing
most (Deborah, and Drakich, 1993. 281- (0%) on declarative part in the film
312). entitled Habibie Ainun 2012 between
In the portion of type of speech Habibie and Ainun‟s conversation. It was
acts, Habibie spoke much more direct because there was no a formal
than Ainun, in contrary Ainun spoke conversation in formal setting between
much more indirect than Habibie. Yule Habibie and Ainun‟s conversation in
(1996:56) states that indirect speech their film as what stated in the theory of
acts are generally associated with five classification of illocutionary acts
greater politeness rather that direct (Searle, 1977).
speech acts. Concerning of the result,
Lakoff (1975) also claims that women CONCLUSION AND SUGESSTIONS
are more likely than men in the same Based on the researcher‟s
situation to use extra-polite forms (e.g., analysis on the types of speech acts in
“Would you mind....”) because he claims the conversation between Habibie and
that the difference in language between Ainun in the film of Habibie and Ainun
men and women is a consequence of 2012, he found that direct speech acts is
male dominance and female the most dominant than indirect speech
subordination. act. In the conversation, Habibie spoke
From the analysis of types of much more than Ainun where both of
illocutionary speech acts (Chart 1) them, Ainun and Habibie tended to
above, showed the percentage speak more direct than indirect. The
proportion from five classifications of comparison the use of the types of
illocutionary acts which are speech acts, Habibie tended to be more
representatives, directives, commisives, direct, but Ainun tended to be indirect.
expressive, and declaration. It showed Concerning the analysis of classification
that representative was the highest part, of illocutionary speech acts,
51% then followed by commisives, 25% representative is the most dominant
speech act among to the others, and
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

followed by commissive, then directive, 2012. Representative speech

expressive. In the conversation of acts was the most dominant
Habibie and Ainun, declaration was not among the others, then
found since it refers to a formal followed by directive, and
institutional setting, therefore, the commissive, the least one
researcher did not find a formal was expressive speech acts.
institutional setting in the conversation of The researcher could not
Habibie and Ainun so that the found declarative speech act
researcher found nothing on the type of because there was no formal
illocutionary, declaration speech act. institutional setting in the
From the analysis of types of conversation of Habibie and
speech acts and the classification of Ainun. The researcher
illocutionary speech acts in the assumes that Habibie and
conversation betwen Habibie and Ainun Ainun tended to deliver their
in the film entitled Habibie and Ainun speech in the truth of
2012, then this study of speech acts proposition expressed. In the
could be concluded as the following other hand, they believed
description. what is said is considered as
1) Direct and indirect speech the truth. The second
acts are the types of speech dominant is commisive
acts found in the speech acts, which means
conversation of Habibie and there are utterances refer to
Ainun in the film of Habibie the commitment of the
and Ainun 2012. In the film, speaker in doing something
Habibie tended to speak in the future. Then there are
much more than Ainun. The not many illocutionary
type of direct speech act is directive which asks the
more dominant than the type hearer to do something
of indirect speech acts. action. The least one is
Habibie and Ainun tended to expressive which refers to a
speak more direct than speaker‟s psychology or
indirect; however, the mental state on the hearer.
comparison that Habibie 3) The researcher reckons that
spoke more direct than the underlying reasons why
Ainun, in contrary Ainun the types of speech acts
spoke more indirect than occur in the conversation
direct. Yule (1996) states that between Habibie and Ainun
indirect speech acts are are because of: (1) Speaker‟s
generally assosiated with Belief, (2) Politeness, (3)
greater politeness. Therefore, Relationship, (4) Setting, (5)
in this case Ainun spoke Feeling or Psychology, (6)
more polite rather than Desire or fulfill desire.
Habibie. Therefore, Speaker‟s belief in this case
according to Yule‟s opinion means that a statement
Ainun spoke more polite than refers to the truth of what is
Ainun. said on some matter for
2) The classifications of example, “Hey Ainun, you
illocutionary speech acts, are ugly and pale like
representative, directive, Javanese Sugar”. The
commissive, and expressive utterace signs that the
were found in the speaker tries to describe a
conversation between person who is considered be
Habibie and Ainun in the film true on what is said.
entitled Habibie and Ainun Politeness in this case
e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Volume 2 Tahun 2014)

means that how to be tactful, better to meet perfection in the future, so

generous, modest, and that further readers are able to
sympathetic toward others understand well concerning the study of
(Yule, 1996). He said that speech act. Besides, the researcher
indirect speech acts is a part expects that this thesis needs to be
of politeness in English. The improved concerning the theory used,
utterance “moom, do you see analysis, and the source of data where
my red pen?” is considered they are quite important in doing the
to be indirect asked research.
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e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
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