Batch 2 - 1ST Summative Oral Communication - Key To Correction

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1. Feedback is a listener's ....

a. aversion to a message
b. verbal or nonverbal response to a message
c. acceptance of a message
d. verbal critique of your message
2. Feedback can come in the form of …
a. verbal and nonverbal listeners responses
b. verbal communication only
c. nonverbal communication only
d. environmental noise
3. In the communication process, the receiver is ___
a. the person who encodes an idea
b. message interference
c. a message pathway
d. the person who decodes a message
4. A message can only be considered effective when it is
a. repeated back as proof of understanding
b. understood by others and produces intended results
c. communicated face-to-face
d. delivered with confidence
5. The process of exchanging messages between a sender and a receiver.
a. Channeling
b. Communication
c. Feedback
d. Listening
6. The ability to communicate effectively
a. depends on not using technology and send messages
b. depends on the education level of those around you.
c. can be learned
d. is a natural talent that can be learned
7. Which of the following indicates the correct sequence of the elements of communication in
a. sender, receiver, message, feedback
b. receiver, feedback, sender, message
c. sender, channel, message, feedback, receiver
d. sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback

1. The amount of information that we remember when listening.

a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
2. Percentage of information that we remember with the things that we see.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
3. It completes the communication process.
a. feedback
b. decoding
c. channeling
d. not mentioned
4. Communication is considered a _____ it has no beginning or end.
a. process
b. mediation
c. interaction
d. speech
5. According to Aristotle, a good communicator should be a ____ to large audience.
a. Speaker
b. Orator
c. Sender
d. Pathos
6. The sixth element in Shannon’s Communication Model which serves a dysfunctional factor that
interferes with communication.
a. filter
b. barrier
c. noise
d. all of the above
7. Views communication as a one way process in which the speaker SPEAKS and the listener LISTENS.
a. Aristotle’s Model of Communication
b. Linear Model
c. Transactional Model
d. Shannon’s Model
1. The study of sound system in a language that includes knowledge of how one organizes and
structures sound to a conveying meaning.
a. Phonology
b. Pragmatic
c. Morphology
d. Semantics
e. Syntax
2. Is the study of meaning of words, phrases and sentences in a language.
a. Phonology
b. Pragmatic
c. Morphology
d. Semantics
e. Syntax
3. It is the reaction observed in both the sender and the receiver.
a. Feedback
b. Non-verbal cues
c. Oral response
d. All of the above
4. Is the study of language use and how words can be interpreted in different situations.
a. Phonology
b. Semantics
c. Morphology
d. Syntax
e. Pragmatics
5. The study of how words are put together to form grammatically correct sentences in a language.
a. Phonology
b. Semantics
c. Morphology
d. Syntax
e. Pragmatics
6. Deals in the formation of words.
a. Phonology
b. Pragmatic
c. Morphology
d. Semantics
e. Syntax
7. A category of nonverbal communication that deals with body movements, facial expressions and
a. Kinesics
b. Proxemics
c. Haptics
d. Paralanguage
1. Involves the role of time in communication.
a. Appearance
b. Artifacts
c. Chronemics
d. Proxemics
2. The physical look that conveys a message. How a person looks convey a message.
a. Artifacts
b. Appearance
c. Kinesics
d. Proxemics
3. Are simply objects used as tools to convey a message. i.e. pictures, possessions.
a. Artifacts
b. Appearance
c. Paralanguage
d. Proxemics
4. The ability to use language, behavior, emotion, gesture to manage individual or a group in an
a. Regulation/Control
b. Social Interaction
c. Motivation
d. Information
e. Emotional Expressions
5. Humans need to develop and maintain relationships in their everyday life through
a. Emotional Expressions
b. Information
c. Motivation
d. Regulation/Control
e. Social Interaction
6. Used to control the behavior of people or to regulate the nature and amount of activities people
engage in.
a. Emotional Expressions
b. Information
c. Motivation
d. Regulation/Control
e. Social Interaction
7. Used to produce social relationships and allows people to be connected.
a. Emotional Expressions
b. Information
c. Motivation
d. Regulation/Control
e. Social Interaction
1. The fear or anxiety that a person experiences as a result of either real or anticipated
communication with a person or group of persons.
a. communication apprehension
b. Context apprehension
c. social anxiety
d. Shyness
e. public speaking anxiety
2. Is anxiety of communicating in a particular context such as interpersonal, small group or public
a. communication apprehension
b. Context apprehension
c. public speaking anxiety
d. Shyness
e. social anxiety
3. Anxiety present in an interpersonal communication.
a. communication apprehension
b. Context apprehension
c. public speaking anxiety
d. Shyness
e. social anxiety
4. Also known as stage fright wherein it is common to people who seldom speak to a big group of
listeners or audience.
a. communication apprehension
b. Context apprehension
c. public speaking anxiety
d. Shyness
e. social anxiety
5. Language used between friends-often very relaxed and focused on just getting the information
a. casual d. formal
b. consultative e. intimate
c. frozen
6. It is the act of referring and predicting expressions to call out a proposition.
a. illocutionary
b. locutionary
c. perlocutionary
d. speech act
7. The real intended meaning of the utterance. ( dependent on where, why, when, how).
a. illocutionary
b. locutionary
c. perlocutionary
d. speech act

1. The speaker tries to make the listener do something.

a. assertive
b. commissive
c. declarative
d. directive
e. expressive
2. Commits the speaker to a course of action as described by the propositional content.
a. assertive
b. commissive
c. declarative
d. directive
e. expressive
3. Expresses the “sincerity condition of the speech act.
a. assertive
b. commissive
c. declarative
d. directive
e. expressive
4. The consequent effect on the hearer which the speaker intends to be followed from his utterance.
a. illocutionary
b. locutionary
c. perlocutionary
d. speech act
5. A way in which a sentence is used to express an attitude with a certain function or “force”.
a. illocutionary
b. locutionary
c. perlocutionary
d. speech act
6. If you're having a hard time, ask your communication partner to rephrase what he or she has said.
a. Topic Control
b. Restriction
c. Turn-taking
d. Repair
7. Ways of closing the dialogue, it can be said in a nice way or the use of signal to end the
a. Nomination
b. Restriction
c. Turn-taking
d. Termination

1.-2. In Berlo’s Communication Model, what do the acronym SMCR, stands for.

3 – 5. Give the 3 Developmental Stages of Regulatory Function.

6-8. Name the different speech acts.

9. The _______ of the communicator is a reflection of a person, the communicator as seen by

the listener.

10. These are called ________ questions because they are asked without any expected answers
or have obvious answers.

11. __________ is the study of human language.

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