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Piano Fundamentals 
Course Syllabus | Course No. PA805T 
Williamsburg Charter High School, Trimester II, 2020-2021 
Jennifer Rose Parker-Sparks, Instructor 

Course Description:​ ​Students will learn musical skills by playing songs and by 
producing original music. During this class, students will deepen their knowledge of 
musical cultures, performance techniques, and theory. Piano Fundamentals is an 
elective course that students may take to fulfill their arts requirements for graduation. 
Course Objectives  
● Realize artistic ideas and work through interpretation and presentation. 
● Understand and evaluate how the arts convey meaning 
● Relate artistic ideas and work with personal meaning and the world around 
● Conceive and develop new artistic ideas and work. 
Course Requirements 
Mandatory for this course, students will need access to a computer (with 
microphone, speakers, camera, and USB port - Chrome books are 
available), a midi keyboard, and a set of headphones. I’m proud to 
announce the success of a large fundraising campaign and this year, every 
student in my classroom will have access to borrow a MidiPlus AKM320. 
After signing and submitting the contract in Google Classroom, students 
must come into school and pick up their midi keyboard. This keyboard 
may be loaned along with school Chrome books and must be returned in 
excellent condition at the end of the trimester. If you prefer, you can 
purchase one for your home here: ​ 
As we all know by now, technical challenges are inevitable. All students 
will be expected to promptly problem solve and communicate with Ms. 
Parker about any issues they have that get in the way of completing their 
work. In the event that the problems can’t be solved, students will be 
expected to return to the school and replace the equipment so they can 
continue to meet class expectations. 
Long finger nails can prevent a pianist from mastering certain techniques 
and performing to the best of their ability. For this reason, I strongly 
encourage students to keep their nails short for the duration of the class. 
A good rule of thumb is to hold your palm up to your face: if you can see 
your nails above your fingertips, they are too long for playing the piano. 
● Email: ​​.   
● Google Classroom: ​Period 5: ​ybkiavy  
● Please note that all parents may sign up as a guardian in Google Classroom 
and will have their own access to Powerschool to see grading in real time. 
Please contact your academy leader for more information on access to 
Good attendance is essential for success in this course. Students with 
excused​ absences will be able to make-up most daily assignments.   
Students will play a role in establishing classroom procedures and 
expectations. We will follow the Golden Rule and all expectations 
established in the WCHS Community Covenant. 
Plagiarism Policy 
Plagiarism  is  using  another  person’s  thoughts  and  accomplishments 
without  proper  acknowledgment  or  documentation.  It  is  an 
unconscionable  offense  and  a  serious  breach  of  the  honor  code.  In 
keeping  with  the  policy,  students  will  receive  a  zero  for  the  plagiarized 
work/assignment.  Repercussions  are  in  accordance  with  school  policies, 
and further disciplinary and legal action could follow. 
Classroom  30%  ● Do Nows 
● Daily reflections or 
● Materials 
● Reflections 
● Signed Syllabus 

Performance  40%  ● Performance Assessments 

Assessments  ● Program Notes 
● Concert Promotion 
● Projects 
● Compositions 
● Attending Performances 

Summative  30%  ● Written or Aural Exams 

Assessments  ● Sight-reading 
● Written Quizzes 

Course Progression 
This course consists of concurrent units which will overlap throughout the  
Performing: ​By learning to perform a series of pieces, we will master elements  
of music theory and technical skills while exploring the rationale behind regular  
practice and best ways to approach it. Some students will be selected by Ms.  
Parker and some by the students. This course will culminate in a performance  
of a song selected by the student. 
Creating​: Students will create original music using Soundtrap music production 
Responding & Connecting​:  We will spend time team building during the start  
of this unit as making music is part of being in a community. Students will 
research, respond to music that they perform as well as other music examples 
through a Reaction Video and Podcast. 
Parent Name: Nandee Fenelus  Parent Signature: 
Parent Phone: 347-987-5177  Parent Email: 

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