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Does the teacher have a Teaching Task Distribution Decree from the principal of the last school year.

Does the teacher have a schedule of lessons of at least 24 hours per week

Did the teacher make an annual program in the last year.

Does the teacher have a self-made syllabus

Does the teacher have their own compiled lesson plans

Is the teacher learning according to schedule

Does the teacher own and use text books and reference books

Does the teacher have instruments, keys, rubrics and UH assessment criteria.

Does the teacher have instruments, keys, rubrics and UTS assessment criteria

Does the teacher have instruments, keys, rubrics, criteria and UAS assessment grids

Does the teacher correct the test results

Does the teacher make structured assignment programs and instruments and unstructured
independent activities

Does the teacher have a value list book and contains UH, Remedy, Mid-Term Exam, Final Exam and
Assignment Value.

Do teachers compile and implement enrichment programs.

Do teachers get additional and have administrative data on assignments other than teaching?

Do teachers have Permendiknas number 22, 23 of 2006 and Permendiknas number 20 of 2007

Does the teacher have guidebooks (lesson plan development guide, syllabus development guide,
teaching material development guide, etc.)

Does the teacher develop teaching materials

Do teachers have popular scientific papers

Do teachers have CAR results

To determine whether the observed teachers are included in the category of teachers who are
professional, we can determine it through the criteria table below;

So from the results of observations and interviews conducted by the research group, it was found that
Ms. Netty Susanti and Ms. Juwita Hana had applied the attitudes and behavior of professional teachers
based on the certification requirements received by both of them. Among the 20 statements given, the
two teachers did not meet the requirements in point 19, which is regarding the making of scientific
papers. From this we can see that one of the obstacles in the application of a professional attitude as a
certification teacher is the creation of scientific papers that are less understood by every teacher in

4.3.2 Teacher Attitudes and Behaviors in Accordance with the Teacher's Code of Ethics

Based on the results of observational research and interviews with two (2) mathematics teachers, it is
found that;

Co-workers help each other in work and complete additional tasks from school

Co-workers can encourage teachers to work well.

If there are problems at work, teachers get moral support from colleagues.

The teacher is responsible for completing the assignment entrusted by the principal on time.

Teachers are responsible through being actively involved in school activities.

Teachers have the awareness of completing tasks maximally in meeting the expectations of the

Teachers are given the freedom to work with discipline.

Teachers make student progress reports every month to be submitted to the principal and parents of

The teacher establishes intensive communication with parents to find out about the progress of
students at home
The teacher will start carrying out the assignment before being reminded and reprimanded by the

The teacher came and left work on time

Teachers obey the rules in school

Teachers need to find new ideas / ideas to solve problems related to student learning development

The teacher actively provides input on work programs at the class level where I teach

Teachers are not arbitrary in making decisions

At the beginning of the school year the teacher must renew the work program

Teachers must use proper teaching and learning procedures

Teachers must use appropriate teaching methods for each subject matter

Teachers must have a clear vision and mission in teaching

The teacher is a very dominant determining factor in education, so that teachers have multiple roles as
both a teacher and an educator for students

To determine whether the observed teachers are included in the category of teachers who are
professional in terms of the implementation of the teacher's code of ethics, we can determine through
the criteria table below;
Maka dari hasil observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan oleh kelompok peneliti,
diperoleh bahwa Ibu Netty Susanti dan Ibu Juwita Hana telah menerapkan sikap dan perilaku
guru profesional berdasarkankode etik guru. Diantara 20 pernyataan yang diberikan, Ibu Netty
Susanti tidak memenuhi syarat pada poin ke 5 ( lima) yaitu turut serta berperan aktif dalam
kegiatan sekolah, selain itu pada poin yang ke delapan (8) dan ke sembilan (9), yaitu tidak
membuat laporan mengenai perkembangan siswa untuk disampaikan pada orangtua dan sekolah
serta belum menjalin komunikasi intensif dengan orangtua untuk mengetahui perkembangan
peserta didik. Lain halnya dengan Ibu Netty Susanti, Ibu Juwita Hana hanya belum
melaksanakan poin ke sembilan (9), yaitu menjalin komunikasi intensif dengan oramngtua untuk
mengetahui perkembangan peserta didik. Dari hal ini dapat kita ketahui bahwa salah satu kendala
dalam penerapan sikap profesional sebagai seorang guru ditinjau dari segi pelaksanaan kode etik
guru adalah kurangnya komunikasi aktif antara orangtua dan peserta didik denagn guru di

4.3.3 Educational Supervision Activities or Clinical Supervision Received by Teachers

Based on the results of observational research and interviews with two (2) mathematics subject
teachers who have received educational supervision and clinical supervision, it is found that;

The teacher plans learning activities.

Teachers carry out learning

The teacher assesses the learning process and outcomes

The teacher makes use of the results of the assessment

The teacher provides feedback

Teachers serve students who have difficulty

The teacher creates a fun learning environment

Teachers develop and utilize learning aids,

The teacher makes use of the available learning resources

The teacher develops learning interactions (strategies, methods, and techniques).

The teacher conducts practical research to improve learning

Teachers involve students actively in the learning process that is carried out seriously and deeply to
achieve conceptual understanding, not limited to the material provided by the teacher

The teacher is responsible for the quality of the planning of learning activities for each subject that they
Preparation, implementation and assessment of learning by teachers

The relevance of the material to instructional purposes.

Provide motivation to students.

The teacher uses good language

The teacher uses a learning strategy

The teacher's style, attitude and behavior towards students are good.

The teacher can manage the class.

The teacher ensures that all students get the same opportunity to actively participate in learning

Teachers use various techniques to motivate students' willingness to learn.

The teacher carries out learning activities in accordance with the complete design and the
implementation of these activities indicates that the teacher understands the purpose.

The teacher carries out learning activities that aim to help the learning process of students, not to test
so that it makes students feel depressed.

The teacher communicates new information (for example, additional material) according to the age and
level of learning abilities of students.

The teacher responds to the mistakes made by students as a stage of the learning process, not merely
mistakes that must be corrected. For example: by knowing first the other students who agree / disagree
with the answer, before giving an explanation of the correct answer.

The teacher carries out learning activities according to the content of the curriculum and relates it to
the context of students' daily lives.
Teachers carry out various learning activities with sufficient time for learning activities that are
appropriate to the age and level of learning abilities and maintain the attention of students.

Teachers treat all students fairly, provide attention and assistance according to their respective needs,
regardless of personal factors

Teachers are able to adjust learning activities designed with classroom conditions. use teaching aids,
and / or audio-visual (including ICT) for

The teacher provides many opportunities for students to ask questions, practice and interact with other

The teacher arranges the implementation of learning activities systematically to help the learning
process of students. For example: the teacher adds new information after evaluating students'
understanding of the previous material

Teachers use teaching aids, and / or audio-visual (including ICT) to increase students' motivation to
achieve learning goals.

Teachers actively help students in the learning process by paying attention to each individual.

Teachers provide learning opportunities to students according to their respective ways of learning.

The teacher focuses on interactions with students and encourages them to understand and use the
information conveyed.

The teacher listens and pays attention to all the answers of students, both correct and wrong, to
measure the level of understanding of students.

The teacher presents learning activities that can foster good cooperation between students.
Teachers are mature in receiving input from students and provide opportunities for students to
participate in the learning process.

The teacher starts and ends the lesson on time.

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