Mechanical Nonlin 13.0 WS 07A Hyperelasticity

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Customer Training Material

Workshop 7A

Hyperelastic Curve Fitting

ANSYS Mechanical
Structural Nonlinearities

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-1 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Goal
– Use curve-fitting tool to create a hyperelastic material model from
test data.
– Analyze
A l 3d ttensile
il rubber
bb test
t t specimen
– Plot and graph results

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-2 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Model Description
– 3D large deflection with nonlinear material
– Three
Th planes
l off symmetry
t (1/8th off the
th actual
t l model)
d l)

• Loads and Boundary Conditions:

– Frictionless supports on each plane of symmetry
– Displacement load to elongate one end.

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© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-3 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

Steps to Follow:
• Restore Archive… browse for file “W7A-hyper.wbpz”

• Save as
– File name: “W7A-hyper”
– Save as type: Workbench Project Files (*.wbpj)
( .wbpj)

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-4 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

The project Schematic should look like the

picture to the right.
– From this Schematic, you can see that
E i
i (material)
( t i l) Data
D t and d Geometry
G t
have already been defined (green check
– It remains to set up and run the FE model in

– Highlight the Engineering Data Cell and open

by clicking on the Right Mouse Button
(RMB)=>Edit to verify the default linear
material properties.
– Verify that the units are in Metric
(Tonne mm ) system
(Tonne,mm,…) system. If not,
not change this by
clicking on…
• Utility Menu=>Units=>Metric(Tonne,

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-5 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Click on ‘Return to Project’

• Double click on the Model Cell to open the FE Model (Mechanical
Session) (or RMB=>Edit…)

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© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-6 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Once inside the Mechanical application, verify the working unit system
– “Unit > Metric (mm,kg,N,s,mV,mA)”
• Open the folders beneath the model branch to become familiar with the
model set-up.
set up
– Confirm the three frictionless boundary conditions.
– Confirm the displacement load of 19mm on the far end.

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© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-7 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Preview the mesh:

The default mesh should be swept with hexahedral elements

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© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-8 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• I
d hyperelastic
h l i material
i l test data
– Return to the Project Schematic
– Open the Engineering Data Cell
– Highlight the
Structural Steel”
Steel material and
RMB duplicate.

– Change the name of the duplicated material

to “Elastomer” and the description to “test

– Verify metric units are active

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© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-9 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• With the Elastomer material highlighted, insert hyperelastic material test

– From the Toolbox, expand the “Experimental Stress Strain Data” Folder
– Highlight “Uniaxial
Uniaxial Test Data
Data”, RMB>Include Property
– Repeat for:
– Biaxial Test Data
– Shear Test Data

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-10 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• B
Become ffamiliar
ili with
ith the
th property
t tables
t bl and
d chart
h t
a Properties Outline Dialogue box should now include three additional cells for the
hyperelastic test data
b The Table of Properties represents the data for the cell that is highlighted in “a”.
a .
c The Engineering Data Chart is a graphical display of the tabulated data in “b”.

The question mark next
to each cell indicates
that no data has been
read in yet a

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-11 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Read in material test data

– Browse for and open “tension-uni.xls”
– This spread sheet contains two columns of data that
p uniaxial strain-stress data
– Highlight the two columns and copy them with ‘Ctrl-C’

– Return to the “Table of Properties Row 9: Uniaxial Test

Data” in the Engineering Data Cell
– Highlight the asterisk * at the bottom of the Uniaxial Test
Data Table and RMB>Paste to the insert data

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© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-12 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

The Table of Properties should now display the Uniaxial Test Data in
tabular form. The Chart should display of the data in graphical form.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-13 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Repeat procedure for biaxial test data and shear test data using excel files
‘tension-eb.xls’ and ‘tension-pt.xls’ respectively.

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© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-14 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• From the Toolbox, open the Hyperelasticity Folder and highlight “Yeoh 3rd
Order with RMB> Include Property.
– You should now see a Yeoh 3rd order cell in the Properties Dialogue box with
undefined constants; hence
hence, the question mark

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-15 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Execute “Solve Curve Fit”.

– Expand the Yeoh 3rd Order Cell
– Highlight the Curve Fitting Cell
RMB S l Curve
RMB>Solve C Fit

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© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-16 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

When complete, the Engineering Data Chart will display all three modes of
test data in dot-dash lines. Superimposed on this is the predicted Yeoh
behavior in solid lines for comparison.

Note: The Coefficients have been calculated, but no material model has been saved
to the Engineering
g g Data yet.
y This is by
y design.
g If you
y are not satisfied with the
resulting curve fit, you can try other functions, or perhaps suppress a less dominate
mode of loading and rerun the curve fitting routine for a better result.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0
© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-17 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Change the
Ch h E Error N
Norm ffrom “N
li d Error”
E ” to “Absolute
“Ab l Error”
E ” and
d run
the curve fitting routine again.
– Recall the normalized error approach gives equal weight to all data points while the
abso ute e
o app
oac g gives
es more
o e weight
e g t to larger
a ge st
a values.
a ues

This results in a slightly improved curve fit at higher strain values.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-18 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Once a successful curve fit is achieved

achieved, copy the data to the Engineering
– Highlight “Curve Fitting” RMB> ”Copy Calculated Values to Property”

– The Yeoh coefficients are now copied to the Properties Table. Notice the “D”
parameters are all zero.
zero This is in keeping with the assumption that the material
will be fully incompressible if no volumetric strain data is read into the curve
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0
© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-19 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• From the Utility Menu:

– Click on “Refresh Project”

• Return to the Mechanical Session and

highlight the 3 bodies that make up this
part and change the default material
assignment from “Structural
Structural Steel
Steel” to

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-20 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Return
R t tto th
the M
h i l Session
S i and
d specify
if Analysis
A l i Settings
S tti as shown

Turn on Auto Time Stepping

Specify enough substeps

to enhance convergence

Turn on Large Deflection

• Execute the Solve

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© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-21 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Model converges very nicely in less then 20 iterations

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-22 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Post process results (i.e. deformation, stress, strain,…etc).

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0

© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-23 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Select
S l t Vertex
V t as shown
h andd insert
i t User
U defined
d fi d results
lt to
t postt process
stress and strain along x direction

Vertex for user defined post processing

– Expression for x direction of stress is “SX”

– Expression for x direction of strain is “EPELX”
– Refer to documentation on PRNSOL command for syntax of user defined

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ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Add chart
h t ttooll and
d iinsertt EPELX and
d SX user d
fi d results
lt as objects
bj t
for plotting stress vs strain as shown below.

Q Why
Q. y doesn’t this curve match up p exactly
y with the tensile test data curve?
A. The test data is engineering stress-strain, the results are post processed as true
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0
© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-25 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Change the displacement load to 50mm and re-run the solution.

- Model still converges without trouble in 22 iterations, no bisections, even
though the loading is outside of the bounds of the original test data.

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© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-26 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Notice the dramatic stress stiffening effects at higher strain values, a

common characteristic of most elastomers.

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ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Return to E
R Engineering
i i data
– Insert a Response Function from the
– Note that the Yeoh 3rd order model is
automatically suppressed

– Note also that the Response Function is

now the active material. The test data
previously read in is automatically
included under this material model, but
no curve fitting solution is required.

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© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-28 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Refresh the Project, return to Mechanical and rerun the Solution without
making any other changes. Notice the solution now fails to converge at
about 40% of the full load due to excessive element distortion

• Try
y adjust
j the time step
p range
g and executing
- Solution still fails to converge.
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© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-29 December 2010
ANSYS Mechanical Structural Nonlinearities

… Workshop 7A - Hyperelastic Curve Fitting Customer Training Material

• Reduce
R d the
h displacement
di l load
l d back
b k to 19mm,
19 reset the
h original
i i l time
i step
range and rerun solution.
- Solution now converges successfully to same results as Yeoh 3rd order model

- Response Function is useful for complex nonlinear elastomers that are hard to
curve fit, but is only effective for loading inside the test data range and typically
involves a longer run time as compared with the traditional strain energy functions.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary Release 13.0
© 2010 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. WS7A-30 December 2010

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