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AISL Pty Ltd T/A Rosehill College

RTO No: 41257 | CRICOS Code: 03622A

This document is Code of Ethics.

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 5 of BSBMGT605.

Boutique Build Australia

Code of Ethics

All staff should act with honesty, sincerity and integrity in their approach to their work for the
Boutique Build Australia.
All staff should behave with integrity, honesty and fairness in all business, professional and
personal relationships.
Staff should not knowingly or recklessly supply any information which is confidential, or make
any statement which they know is misleading, false or deceptive to a colleague, client of the
Boutique Build Australia, or the general public.
While Boutique Build Australia staff must observe the terms and conditions of their
employment, staff cannot be required to be complicit in any illegal act. If advised, instructed or
encouraged to engage in unlawful activity, they must decline, and report the matter to a line

Conflicts of interest
Boutique Build Australia staff should both be and appear to be free of any interest (financial or
otherwise) which might be regarded as being in conflict or incompatible with their integrity and
Independence is the cornerstone of objectivity. Both external and internal parties have a need
for credibility of information and action in relation to Boutique Build Australia activities.
Boutique Build Australia management at all substantive levels seeks credibility and
accountability in information and in the activities of all of its staff. Boutique Build Australia
management must be careful to apply an attitude of professionalism within the bounds of
commercial confidentiality, and should remain independent in fact as well as independent in
Accordingly, Boutique Build Australia staff should recognise and avoid situations which may
affect their integrity and objectivity by:
 being cautious of undue benefits or preferential treatment received in the course of
their employment. Such benefits may cloud their judgement or objectivity
 ensuring Boutique Build Australia facilities or property, information or resources are
used in the best interests of the Boutique Build Australia community

© J&S Learningwork 2018 BSBMGT605    Rosehill College RTO No.41257 CRICOS 03622A v2019
AISL Pty Ltd T/A Rosehill College
RTO No: 41257 | CRICOS Code: 03622A

This document is Code of Ethics.

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 5 of BSBMGT605.

 guarding against conflicts of interest arising from inappropriate financial involvement
and personal relationships.

© J&S Learningwork 2018 BSBMGT605    Rosehill College RTO No.41257 CRICOS 03622A v2019
AISL Pty Ltd T/A Rosehill College
RTO No: 41257 | CRICOS Code: 03622A

This document is Code of Ethics.

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 5 of BSBMGT605.

The interests of the Boutique Build Australia and the broader community
Boutique Build Australia staff comprises a diverse population of individuals with differing roles
and functions, ethnic and cultural backgrounds and differential and sometimes complex
relationships within the community. For such a community to function fairly and effectively,
due regard must be given to behaviour which recognises the dignity and privacy of individuals,
enhances fair dealing and representation both in action and perception.
The effective functioning of Boutique Build Australia depends on the mutual respect required
of individuals co-existing within that diverse community and with its broad clientele, together
with the pursuit of an environment characterised by co-operation, collegiality, impartiality,
equity, and financial responsibility.
Individuals must therefore be accountable for their actions both in a social and financial sense
by clearly establishing their own personal standards and those of the staff for whom they are
responsible and being aware of how these standards may conflict with tasks they ask others
(or themselves are asked) to do.
This should be in consonance with the Boutique Build Australia's strategic intentions,
recognising that the Boutique Build Australia has a responsibility both to its stakeholders and
the broader community.

Boutique Build Australia staff must protect the confidentiality of information acquired in the
course of their work. No staff member should use or disclose any confidential information to a
colleague, client of the Boutique Build Australia or any other party without specific authority or
unless such use or disclosure is:
 in the normal course of business within the Boutique Build Australia, or
 there is a legal or professional duty to disclose the information.
Staff may acquire confidential information in the course of their employment. This may take
the form of confidential information about staff, customers, suppliers or other information
intended to be confidential. It is important that this information should not be disclosed to third
parties except when consent has been obtained from the Boutique Build Australia or with the
consent of the other party, when there is a duty to disclose.
Staff members should discuss the matter fully with their immediate superior if they are in doubt
as to whether there exists a right or duty to disclose confidential information. If the problem
cannot be resolved by this action, they should consult an appropriate higher authority within
the Boutique Build Australia, and/or the Boutique Build Australia's legal advisors.

© J&S Learningwork 2018 BSBMGT605    Rosehill College RTO No.41257 CRICOS 03622A v2019
AISL Pty Ltd T/A Rosehill College
RTO No: 41257 | CRICOS Code: 03622A

This document is Code of Ethics.

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 5 of BSBMGT605.

Boutique Build Australia staff at all levels should ensure that staff members for whom they are
responsible, are aware of the confidential nature of relevant information acquired by them in
their work, and should inform them of the need to maintain confidentiality of such information.
Staff members in receipt of confidential information should not use or appear to use such
information to gain personal advantage for themselves or for a third party.

© J&S Learningwork 2018 BSBMGT605    Rosehill College RTO No.41257 CRICOS 03622A v2019
AISL Pty Ltd T/A Rosehill College
RTO No: 41257 | CRICOS Code: 03622A

This document is Code of Ethics.

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 5 of BSBMGT605.

Technical standards
Boutique Build Australia staff shall carry out their job responsibilities in accordance with
relevant contractual arrangements and/or in accordance with the technical and professional
standards relevant to that work. In this sense, Boutique Build Australia staff members owe a
duty of skill and care to the Boutique Build Australia.

Fair and honest dealing

Boutique Build Australia staff must be fair and must not allow bias or prejudice to influence or
override their objectivity in academic, research, administrative, business or management
matters. Staff should maintain an impartial attitude, particularly in terms of the equity of
individuals (including colleagues) or groups who may be vulnerable.
Objectivity is an important characteristic of Boutique Build Australia staff. If the work of a staff
member is influenced by dishonesty, prejudice, conflict of interest or bias, or involves misuse
of a Boutique Build Australia position for personal gain (financial or otherwise), then that staff
member cannot meet the test of objectivity.
The 'reasonable person' test is appropriate in determining whether a staff member has
behaved in an objective manner. In other words, whether a reasonable colleague, knowing all
the facts and circumstances, would conclude that the staff member has acted properly and

Gifts, benefits and hospitality

 Gifts, benefits or hospitality which are irregular and of nominal value, used for
promotional purposes by the donor and seen as generally accepted commercial
practice (such as a business lunch), may be accepted.
 Gifts, benefits or hospitality which exceed a nominal amount, must be declared to the
staff member's line manager and must not be accepted if in the view of the line
manager the acceptance of the gift or gratuity would compromise objectivity and be
seen by the wider community as likely to influence the staff member in their official
 Gifts, benefits or hospitality offered as an inducement to place a staff member under
an obligation to purchase goods or services cannot be accepted.
 Staff must not accept gifts of money.

© J&S Learningwork 2018 BSBMGT605    Rosehill College RTO No.41257 CRICOS 03622A v2019
AISL Pty Ltd T/A Rosehill College
RTO No: 41257 | CRICOS Code: 03622A

This document is Code of Ethics.

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 5 of BSBMGT605.

Ethical behaviour
Boutique Build Australia staff should conduct themselves in a manner which is consistent with
the Boutique Build Australia's strategic intentions, reputation, and functions for which it was
created under the Boutique Build Australia of South Australia Act. Staff should refrain from any
conduct which might bring discredit to the Boutique Build Australia.
It is important that colleagues, clients, suppliers and the wider community, be satisfied that
Boutique Build Australia staff are acting fairly, honestly and in good faith. You should not
condone misleading, false or deceptive statements. The character of staff will be judged by
their conduct, real or apparent.

Indicators of personal ethical behaviour

 You must not allow dishonesty, personal prejudice or bias to influence you in the
conduct of your employment.
 You should not accept gifts, benefits or hospitality if their nature and value may be
seen as compromising your objectivity and influencing you in your official capacity.
 Your actions should be fair, honest, and truthful.
 You should avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest.
 You should not condone the use of any statement which is misleading, false or
 You should conduct yourself with care and skill, and ensure your actions do not conflict
with the requirements of integrity and objectivity.
 You should not use confidential or other information for personal advantage or for the
advantage of another.

If you would be ashamed if your conduct was reported in a Boutique Build Australia newsletter
or a local newspaper read by friends and colleagues, you should question whether your
behaviour is ethical.

© J&S Learningwork 2018 BSBMGT605    Rosehill College RTO No.41257 CRICOS 03622A v2019

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