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Guía de Aprendizaje 4. Ciclo celular y división celular (cap 11).

DNA y su papel en la herencia (cap



1. 11.1. RECAP: Four events are required for cell division: a reproductive signal,
replication of the genetic material (DNA), segregation of replicated DNA, and
separation of the two daughter cells (cytokinesis). Prokaryotes often have just one
chromosome, and cell division can be rapid. Eukaryotes usually have multiple
chromosomes, and the process of cell division is more intricate, involving either
mitosis or meiosis.
a. What is the reproductive signal that leads the bacterium Bacillus subtilis to
divide? See p. 206
b. Explain why DNA must be replicated and segregated before a cell can
divide. See p. 206
c. Describe the major steps in binary fission. See pp. 206–207 and Figure 11.2

2. 11.2 RECAP: The eukaryotic cell cycle is under both external and internal control.
Cdk’s control the eukaryotic cell cycle and are them- selves controlled by cyclins.
External signals such as growth factors can initiate the cell cycle.
a. Draw a cell cycle diagram showing the various stages of interphase. See p.
208 and Figure 11.3
b. How do cyclin–Cdk’s control the progress of the cell cycle? See pp. 209–210
and Figure 11.6
c. What are growth factors, and how do they act to control the cell cycle? See
p. 211


3. 11.3 RECAP: Mitosis is the ordered division of a eukaryotic cell nucleus into two
nuclei with identical sets of chromosomes. The process of mitosis, while
continuous, can be viewed as a series of events (prophase, prometaphase,
metaphase, anaphase, and telophase). Once two nuclei have formed, the cell
divides into two cells by cytokinesis.
a. What is the difference between a chromosome, a chromatid, and a
daughter chromosome? See Figures 11.8, 11.10
b. What are the various levels of “packing” by which the genetic information
contained in linear DNA is condensed during prophase? See p. 212 and
Figure 11.9
c. Describe how chromosomes move during mitosis. See p. 216 and Figure
d. What are the differences in cytokinesis between plant and animal cells? See
pp. 216–217 and Figure 11.13
4. 11.4 RECAP: Meiosis is necessary for sexual reproduction, in which haploid
gametes fuse to produce a diploid zygote. Sexual reproduction increases genetic
diversity, the raw material of evolution.
a. What is the difference, in terms of genetics, between asexual and sexual
reproduction? See pp. 217–218
b. How does fertilization produce a diploid organism? See p. 218
c. What general features do all sexual life cycles have in common? See pp.
218–219 and Figure 11.15


5. 11.5 RECAP: Meiosis produces four daughter cells in which the chromosome
number is reduced from diploid to haploid. Because of the in- dependent
assortment of chromosomes and the crossing over of homologous chromatids, the
four products of meiosis are not genetically identical. Meiotic errors, such as the
failure of a homologous chromosome pair to separate, can lead to abnormal
numbers of chromosomes. Several important crop plants, such as wheat, are
a. How do crossing over and independent assortment result in unique
daughter nuclei? See pp. 219–222 and Figures 11.16, 11.18
b. What are the differences between meiosis and mitosis? See pp. 221–222
and Figure 11.19
c. What is aneuploidy, and how can it arise from nondisjunction during
meiosis? See pp. 222–224 and Figure 11.20

6. 11.6 RECAP Cell death can occur either by necrosis or by apoptosis. Apoptosis is
governed by precise molecular controls.
a. What are some differences between apoptosis and necrosis? See p. 225
b. In what situations is apoptosis necessary? See p. 226
c. How is apoptosis regulated? See Figure 11.23


7. 11.7 RECAP: Cancer cells differ from normal cells in terms of their rapid cell division
and their ability to spread (metastasis). Many proteins regulate the cell cycle,
either positively (oncogenes) or negatively (tumor suppressors). In cancer, one or
another of these proteins is altered in some way, making its activity abnormal.
Radiation and many cancer drugs target proteins involved in the cell cycle.
a. How are oncogene proteins and tumor suppressor proteins involved in cell
cycle control in normal and cancer cells? Review p. 228 and Figure 11.25
b. How does cancer treatment target the cell cycle? Review pp. 228–229 and
Figure 11.26
8. 13.1 RECAP: Experiments on bacteria and on viruses demonstrated that DNA is the
genetic material.
a. At the time of Griffith’s experiments in the 1920s, what circumstantial
evidence suggested to scientists that DNA might be the genetic material?
See p. 260
b. How did the experiments of Avery and his colleagues pro- vide further
evidence that DNA was the genetic material? See p. 261 and Figure 13.2
c. What attributes of bacteriophage T2 were key to the Hershey–Chase
experiments demonstrating that DNA, rather than protein, is the genetic
material? See pp. 261–262 and Figure 13.4


9. 13.2 RECAP: DNA is a double helix made up of two antiparallel polynucleotide

chains. The two chains are joined by hydrogen bonds between the nucleotide
bases, which pair specifically: A with T, and G with C. Chemical groups on the bases
that are exposed in the grooves of the helix are available for hydrogen bonding
with other molecules, such as proteins. These molecules can recognize specific
sequences of nucleotide bases.
a. Describe the evidence that Watson and Crick used to come up with the
double helix model for DNA. See pp. 264–265
b. How does the double-helical structure of DNA relate to its function? See p.
266 and Figures 13.7, 13.8

10. 13.3 RECAP: Meselson and Stahl showed that DNA replication is semiconservative:
each parent DNA strand serves as a template for a new strand. A complex of
proteins, most notably DNA polymerase, is involved in replication. New DNA is
polymerized in one direction only, and since the two strands are antiparallel, one
strand is made continuously and the other is synthesized in short Okazaki
fragments that are eventually joined.
a. How did the Meselson–Stahl experiment differentiate be- tween the three
models for DNA replication? See p. 268 and Figures 13.9, 13.10
b. Name five enzymes needed for DNA replication. What are their roles? See
pp. 271–274 and Figures 13.13–13.17
c. Why is the leading strand of DNA replicated continuously while the lagging
strand must be replicated in fragments? See pp. 272–273 and Figure 13.16


11. 13.4 RECAP: DNA replication is not perfect. In addition, DNA may be altered or
damaged by environmental factors. Repair mechanisms detect and repair
mismatched or damaged DNA.
a. Explain the roles of DNA proofreading, mismatch repair, and excision
repair. See Figure 13.20
b. Busquen 2 genes de reparación en el genoma humano
c. Mutaciones en esos genes están asociados a cancer?

12. 13.5 RECAP: Knowledge of the mechanisms of DNA replication led to the
development of a technique for making multiple copies of DNA sequences.
a. What is the role of primers in PCR? See p. 277 and Figure 13.21
b. Cómo se usa el PCR en diagnóstico de enfermedades infecciosas?
c. Cómo es el protocolo de PCR para diagnostico de covid-19?

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