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Code of Ethics


A code of ethics is what all teachers strive to live by. The commitment to oneself, one’s

students, and one’s profession should be created by all educators to assess one’s goals. Through

this one must maintain ethical teaching. Ethical teaching is “having a special relationship with

your students and the other people with whom you work” (Ryan, K.). It is important to keep in

mind the learning environment one would like to achieve, along with the responsibilities that

must be upheld.


Commitment to Oneself

The professional educator accepts personal responsibility for the personal rules one


In fulfillment of the obligation to the oneself, the educator--

1. Shall remember the reason for wanting to teach.

2. Shall stay conscious of the impression and impact being made.

3. Shall stay true to one's own values and beliefs.

4. Shall always do what oneself believes is correct for that situation.

5. Shall keep views separate from the learning environment.

6. Shall make positive contacts to the home of one's students.


Commitment to the Student

The professional educator accepts personal responsibility for teaching students, along

with how oneself and classmates treat the student.

In fulfillment of the obligation to the student, the educator--

1. Shall exhaust every effort to keep the student free from conditions harmful to learning

and health and safety.

2. Shall provide each student with the right to freedom of expression.

3. Shall recognize, respect, and protect each student's freedom of religion.

4. Shall respect and understand each student's personal, private life.

5. Shall provide all students with all the tools necessary to excel in their educational goals.

6. Shall treat all students equal, no matter their race, religion, sex, political or religious

views, sexual orientation, intellectual ability, national origin, or social or cultural



Commitment to the Profession

The professional educator accepts personal responsibility for the outlook of said

profession by the public eye.

In fulfillment of the obligation to the profession, the educator--

1. Shall meet and sustain all qualifications needed.

2. Shall act appropriately and professionally at all times and locations.

3. Shall give the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise to all coworkers and students.

4. Shall obtain and present high ideals of the profession.

5. Shall exhaust every resource to raise professional standards.

6. Shall stay current with advancing technology and resources.

My Personal Code of Ethics


Ryan, K., & Cooper, J.M. (2013). Those Who Can, Teach. p. 223. United States: Wadsworth

Centgage Learning.

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