Hist 1011w Lec 1

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Terms: Lecture #1

The Dialectic of Technology and Environment

Chimpanzees vs. Bonobos

Skeletal Remains

Radiocarbon Dating

The “Genetic Clock”

Australopithecus, “Lucy” (4 million – 1 million B.C.E.)

This Just In: Homo Naledi (2.5-2.8 million BCE)

Homo Erectus (2.5 million to ???? B.C.E.)

Homo Neandertalensis – “Casale”? (200,000 – 15,000 B.C.E.)

Homo Sapiens and the “Great Leap Forward” (75 to 50,000 B.C.E.)

Cultural Evolution vs. Genetic Evolution

The Cave Paintings of Lascaux

Venus of Willendorf

Homo Floresiensis, “The Hobbit” (??? – 13,000 B.C.E.)

Denisovans (400,000-50,000 B.C.E.)

We Are All Neanderthals

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