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A thermoelastic theory with microtemperatures of type III

Moncef Aouadia,∗, Michele Ciarlettab , Francesca Passarellac

a Université de Carthage, UR Systèmes dynamiques et applications, 17ES21
Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Bizerte, 7035, BP66, Tunisia
b Università degli Studi di Salerno, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale

Via Giovanni Paolo II 132, 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy

c Università degli Studi di Salerno, Dipartimento di Matematica

Via Giovanni Paolo II 132, 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy

arXiv:2103.10956v1 [math.AP] 19 Mar 2021

In this paper, we use the Green-Naghdi theory of thermomechanics of continua to derive a nonlinear theory
of thermoelasticity with microtemperatures of type III. This theory permits propagation of both thermal
and microtemperatures waves at finite speeds with dissipation of energy. The equations of the linear theory
are also obtained. With the help of the semigroup theory of linear operators we establish that the linear
anisotropic problem is well posed and we study the asymptotic behavior of the solutions. Finally, we
investigate the impossibility of the localization in time of solutions.
Published as:
Moncef Aouadi, Michele Ciarletta & Francesca Passarella, Thermoelastic theory with microtemperatures and
dissipative thermodynamics, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 41(4), 2018 522–542
Keywords: microtemperatures, Green-Naghdi theory of type III, well-posedness, asymptotic behavior,
localization in time

1. Introduction

The origin of the theories of microtemperatures in elastic solids goes back to works of Eringen (1999), Grot
(1969), Wozniak (1967a,b), Ieşan (2001, 2007) and Ieşan and Quintanilla (2000, 2009). The experimental
observations have shown that the classical continuum theories cannot be used to describe satisfactorily some
phenomena. The interest of microtemperatures is stimulated by the fact that this theory is adequate to
investigate important problems related to size effects and nanotechnology. This represents an important
improvement in the perspective of real applications in many engineering and geophysics applications and
also in nanomanufactured activities. Analogous to the concept of micro-deformation introduced by Eringen
(1999) in his celebrated theory of micromorphic continua, Grot (1969) extended the thermodynamics of a
continuum with microstructure so that the points of a generic microelement are assumed to have different
temperatures. In (Grot, 1969), Grot supposed that the inverse of the microelement temperature is a linear
function of microcoordinates. The Clausius-Duhem inequality is modified to include microtemperatures,
and the first-order moment of the energy equations are added to the usual balance laws of a continuum with
microtemperatures. The concept of microtemperatures has been introduced for the first time by Wozniak
(1967a,b). He considered in (Wozniak, 1967b) that the continuum (macromedium) is composed of particles
X with macrocoordinates. Each particle is assumed at the same time as the origin of the so-called system of
spatial local microcoordinates (x1 , x2 , x3 ). The spatial coordinates x′i of the point X ′ of the microelement

∗ Corresponding author at : Université de Carthage, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Bizerte, 7035, BP66, Tunisia.
Email addresses: (Moncef Aouadi), (Michele Ciarletta), (Francesca Passarella)

Preprint submitted to Mechanics Research Communications March 23, 2021

are represented in the form x′i = xi ψik ξk , where xi are the spatial coordinates of the centroid X of the
microelement; Xk′ and Xk are the material coordinates of X ′ and X, and ξk = Xk′ − Xk . The functions
ψik are called microdeformations. Wozniak (1967a,b) assumed that all the properties of the macromedium
of particles X are deduced from the structural properties of the micromedium associated with each particle
X and from the way in which these micromedia are interconnected. In particular, the temperatures at
points belonging to micromedium are assumed to be known functions (depending on local microcoordinates)
expressed by the mean temperature of the micromedium and its gradient. In (Grot, 1969), Grot established
the thermodynamics of continua with microstructure when the points of a generic microelement have different
temperatures. In this theory the temperature θ′ at the point X ′ of the microelement is a linear function
of the microcoordinates xk , of the form θ′ = θ + τk ξk , where θ is the temperature at the centroid X. The
vector with the components Tk defined by Tk = −τk /θ is called the microtemperatures vector.
The usual theory of heat conduction based on the classical Fourier’s law allows the phenomena of “infinite
diffusion velocity” which is not well accepted from a physical point of view. This paradox of the heat
conduction, is physically unrealistic since it implies the propagation of thermal waves with infinite speed.
In contrast to the classical Fourier’s law, nonclassical thermal laws came into existence during the last
decades to eliminate this shortcomings. A survey article of representative these new models is due to
Hetnarski and Ignaczak (1999). One of these theories may be mentioned that of Green and Naghdi who
have developed in a series of articles (see (Green and Naghdi, 1991b,a, 1993)) a thermomechanical theory
of deformable continua that relies on an entropy balance law rather than an entropy inequality. However,
we want to mention the total compatibility of the entropy balance law with the entropy inequality. They
proposed the use of the thermal displacement
Z t
α(x, t) = θ(x, s)ds + α0 ,

where θ is the empirical temperature, and considered three theories labelled as type I, II and III, respectively.
These theories were based on an entropy balance law rather than the usual entropy inequality. The type
I thermoelasticity coincides with the classical one; in type II, the heat is allowed to propagate by means
of thermal waves but without dissipating energy and, for this reason, it is also known as thermoelasticity
without energy dissipation. The heat equation of type III, where the heat flux is a combination of type I
and II, contains both type I and II as limiting cases. In addition, the thermoelasticity of type III allows
the constitutive functions for free energy, stress tensor, entropy and heat flux to depend on the strain
tensor, the time derivative of the thermal displacement, the gradient of thermal displacement and the time
derivative of the gradient of thermal displacement. This theory allows the dissipation energy, but the heat
flux is partially determined from the Helmholtz free energy potential. Both, type II and III, overcome the
unnatural property of Fourier’s law of infinite propagation speed and imply a finite wave propagation.
It is worth citing several papers on thermoelastic theory with microtemperatures and/or in the frame of
Green-Naghdi models have been published in the recent years (see, e.g., (Ieşan and Quintanilla, 2000, 2009;
Puri and Jordan, 2004; Quintanilla, 2009; Giorgi and Montanaro, 2016; Quintanilla and Straughan, 2000;
Quintanilla, 2007; Lazzari and Nibbi, 2008; Aouadi, 2012; Aouadi et al., 2014, 2016b,a)). One of these,
one can cite an intersting paper published by Ieşan and Quintanilla (2009) who derived a linear theory of
thermoelastic bodies with microstructure and microtemperatures in the frame of Green-Naghdi theory of
type II. This theory permits propagation of both thermal and microtemperatures waves at finite speeds;
but without energy dissipation and consequently with constant energy. It is worth mentioning that few
applicability studies have been developed type II model. However, mathematical and physical analysis is
needed to clarify its applicability. In this paper we extend this theory to the nonlinear type III model
without considering the microstructure of the material which is not our main concern here. The obtained
equations for temperature and microtemperatures allow the transmission of heat with finite speeds and with
energy dissipation. For this, the type III model seems physically more acceptable than type II model since it
allows the propagation of the resulting deformations with decaying energy when the tensors of thermal and
microthermal conductivity are both positive definite. Also a comparative test in (Giorgi and Montanaro,
2016) between type III and type I models reveals that the type III model is more preferable . On the other

hand, we need to warm the reader that our model predicts an asymptotic behavior of solution (see the fifth
section) which is not possible in the frame of type II model established in (Ieşan and Quintanilla, 2009).
That is, we prove that the solution tends to zero when the time tends to infinity (see Theorem 3 in the
fifth section). Moreover, it is known that in many situations the decay can be exponential. This proof is
omitted in this paper for the sake of brevity. It should be noted that this paper is the first one that derives
a Green-Naghdi theory of type III in the presence of microtemperatures. Hence, the theory derived in this
article will be of great importance in real applications in many engineering and geophysics applications and
also in nanomanufactured activities.
The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section 2 we use the theory established by Green and Naghdi
(1991b,a, 1993) to obtain a nonlinear theory of thermoelastic with microtemperatures of type III, which ad-
mits the possibility of “second sound” with energy dissipation. The type II model is also derived as a step in
the derivation of the type III which our main concern in this paper. In fact the type III model is obtained
by adding to the heat flow of the type II model the dependency on the temperature gradient and on the
microtemperatures gradient. The process of linearization of the obtained equations is presented in Section
3. With the help of the semigroup theory of linear operators an existence result is obtained in Section 4. In
Section 5, the asymptotic behavior for the solutions of type III problem is studied. Finally, in Section 6, we
investigate the impossibility of the localization in time of solutions of type III problem. It is worth noting
that we focus on the analysis of the qualitative properties of solutions of type III problem. However, some
particular aspects of the type II problem are also pointed out.

2. Nonlinear theory
In this section we present a nonlinear theory of thermoelasticity with microtemperatures in the context
of the Green-Naghdi model of type III.
We consider a continuous body that at time τ0 occupies a bounded region Ω of the Euclidean three-
dimensional space with smooth boundary ∂Ω. For any sub-body we denote with B the corresponding region
in the reference configuration Ω, which is bounded by a regular surface ∂B, and with ni the components
of the unit outward normal to ∂B. We shall employ the usual summation and differentiation conventions:
Latin subscripts are understood to range over the integers (1, 2, 3), summation over repeated subscripts is
implied and subscripts preceded by a comma denote partial differentiation with respect to the corresponding
cartesian coordinate. Moreover a superposed dot denotes the partial time derivative.
We take the configuration Ω as reference configuration and refer the motion of the continuum to the
reference configuration. Fixed system of rectangular cartesian axes, we denote with Xi the coordinates of
a point in the reference configuration and with xi the coordinates of the same point at time t, where xi =
x̂i (X1 , X2 , X3 , t). We assume that the functions x̂i are continuously differentiable as it is necessary. Following
Grot (1969) and Eringen (1999), we wish to extend the linear thermoelastic theory with microtemperatures
of type II derived by Ieşan and Quintanilla (2009) to the nonlinear type III model. This can be done by
deriving the balance laws to the case in which the temperatures of the particles are different. In the spirit of
their works, let assume that X be the center of mass of a generic microelement in the reference configuration.
We assume that deriving the particle temperature T ′ have the form (Grot, 1969)
T ′ (X′ , t) = T (X, t) + Ti (X, t)(Xi′ − Xi ) (1)
where the function Ti is called microtemperatures. The variables in (1) form a vector and represent the
variation of the temperature within a microvolume. They will be considered as independent thermodynamic
variables to be determined by the balance laws.
The balance of linear momentum can be written in the form
ρẍi = tki,k + ρfi (2)
where tik is the first Piola Kirchhoff stress, ρ is the reference mass density and fi is the body force. The
surface traction ti at regular points of ∂B are given by
ti = tik nk . (3)
Following (Green and Naghdi, 1991b,a, 1993) we postulate, for each microelement, the local balance of
ρ′ Ṡ ′ = Φ′k,k + ρ′ (s′ + ξ ′ )
where ρ′ is the mass density of the microelement, S ′ the entropy density per unit mass of the microelement,
Φ′k the microentropy flux vector, s′ the external rate of supply of entropy per unit mass of the microelement
and ξ ′ the internal rate of production of entropy per unit mass of the microelement. The heat flux vector
associated with the microelement is given by qi′ = T ′ Φ′i and the external rate of supply of heat per unit mass
is defined by r′ = T ′ s′ .
According to (Green and Naghdi, 1991b,a, 1993), we postulate the local balance of entropy

ρṠ = Φk,k + ρ(s + ξ) (4)

and the balance of first moment of entropy

ρε̇i = Λji,j + Φi − Hi + ρ(Qi + ξi ) (5)

where S is the entropy per unit mass of the body, Φi is the entropy flux vector, s is the external rate of
supply of entropy per unit mass, ξ is the internal rate of production of entropy per unit mass, εi is the first
entropy moment vector, Λij is the first entropy flux moment tensor, Hi is the mean entropy flux vector, Qi
is the first moment of the external rate of supply of entropy and ξi is the first moment of the internal rate
of production of entropy.
Moreover, following the arguments of Green and Naghdi (1991b) and Ieşan and Quintanilla (2009), we
postulate for every subregion B of Ω and every time t, the following balance equations for the energy
ρ(ẋi ẍi + ė)dv = ρ(fi ẋi + sT + Qi Ti )dv + (ti ẋi + ΦT + σi Ti )da, (6)
B B ∂B

where e is the internal energy per unit mass. The entropy flux Φ and the first entropy moment flux vector
σi at regular points of ∂B are given by

Φ = Φk n k , σk = Λjk nj . (7)

Therefore, thanks to the arbitrariness of B, equations (2)-(6), we obtain the following local form for the
balance equations

ρė = tki ẋi,k + ρsT + ρQi Ti + Φk,k T + Φk T,k + Λkj,k Tj + Λkj Tj,k . (8)

By eliminating ρsT and Λkj,k Tj from (8) through the use of (4) and (5), we obtain

ρė = tki ẋi,k + ρṠT − ρξT + Φk T,k + Λkj Tj,k + ρε̇k Tk + (Hk − Φk )Tk − ρξk Tk . (9)

If we introduce the specific Helmholtz free energy per unit mass

Ψ = e − T S − εk T k , (10)

the energy equation (9) becomes

ρ(Ψ̇ + Ṫ S + Ṫk εk ) = tki ẋi,k − ρξT + Φk T,k + Λkj Tj,k + (Hk − Φk )Tk − ρξk Tk . (11)

We introduce the notations

qj = Φj T, qji = Λji T. (12)
The heat flux q and the heat flux moment vector Λi at regular points of ∂B are given by

q = qj nj , , Λi = qji nj (13)

respectively. We shall now introduce the nonlinear model of type II to deduce the type III model.
2.1. Type II - dissipationless theory
According to the Green-Nagdhi theory (Green and Naghdi, 1991b), we introduce the thermal displace-
ment α whose derivative coincides with the absolute temperature, i.e., α̇ = T . This scalar, on the macroscopic
scale, is regarded as representing some “mean” thermal displacement magnitude on the molecular scale. In
a similar way, we introduce a scalar function βi related to the microtemperatures by the equation β̇i = Ti
(see (Green and Naghdi, 1991b; Ieşan and Quintanilla, 2009)).
We assume that the response functions

Ψ, tkj , S, εi , Φk , Λjk , Hk , ξ, ξk (14)

depend on the set of the independent variables

A1 = (xi,k , T, Tk , α,k , βi,k ).

Thus, we consider constitutive equations of the form

F = Fb(A1 ) (15)

and we assume that the response functions are of C 1 −class. Using the chain rule

∂Ψ b
∂Ψ b
∂Ψ ∂Ψb b
Ψ̇ = ẋj,k + Ṫ + Ṫk + α̇,k + β̇j,k , (16)
∂xj,k ∂T ∂Tk ∂α,k ∂βj,k

the comparison of Eqs. (11) and (16) yields

! ! ! !
∂Ψb ∂ b
Ψ ∂ b
Ψ ∂Ψb
ρ + ρSb Ṫ + ρ + ρbεi Ṫi + ρ −b tkj ẋj,k + ρ bk
−Φ α̇,k
∂T ∂Ti ∂xj,k ∂α,k
! (17)
+ ρ − Λki β̇i,k + ρT ξb + (Φ
b b k )Tk + ρξbk Tk = 0
bk − H

which must hold for all choice of Ṫ , Ṫi , ẋj,k , α̇,k and β̇i,k . From this equality we see that the constitutive
equations are compatible with the energy equation if satisfy the following relations

b 1)
∂ Ψ(A b 1)
∂ Ψ(A b 1)
∂ Ψ(A
b 1 ),
Ψ = Ψ(A S=− , εi = − , tkj = ρ ,
∂T ∂Ti ∂xj,k
b 1)
∂ Ψ(A b 1)
∂ Ψ(A
Φk = ρ , Λki =ρ , ρT ξ + (Φk − Hk )Tk + ρξk Tk = 0.
∂α,k ∂βi,k

Remark 1. Since the last equation of (18) must be satisfied for all process and the temperature and the
microtemperatures can not vanish for all process, we conclude that

ξ=0 whenever Φk − Hk + ρξk = 0.

The thermal displacement α and the microtemperatures displacement βk are defined analogously to the
well-known mechanical displacement. For this, the entropy flux vector Φk and the first entropy flux moment
tensor Λij are deduced from a potential in the same way as the stress tensor is derived in mechanics.

2.2. Type III - dissipation theory
Whereas in case of heat flow of type II the response functions (14) are assumed to depend on the material
deformation gradient xi,k , the temperature T , the microtemperatures Ti , the thermal displacement gradient
α,k and the microtemperatures displacement gradient βi,k , for type III we now add the dependency on the
temperature gradient α̇,k and on the microtemperatures gradient β̇i,k . Hence, we assume that the response
functions (14) depend on the set of the independent variables

A2 = (xi,k , T, Ti , α,k , βi,k , α̇,k , β̇i,k ) = (xi,k , T, Ti , α,k , βi,k , T,k , Ti,k ).

In this case, using the chain rule

∂Ψ b
∂Ψ b
∂Ψ b
∂Ψ b
∂Ψ ∂Ψb b
Ψ̇ = ẋj,k + Ṫ + Ṫk + T,k + Ti,k + Ṫ,k + Ṫi,k , (19)
∂xj,k ∂T ∂Tk ∂α,k ∂βi,k ∂T,k ∂Ti,k

the comparison of Eqs. (11) and (19) yields

∂Ψb b
= 0, = 0,
∂T,k ∂Ti,k

b i,k , T, Tk , α,k , βi,k ) = Ψ(A

that is Ψ = Ψ(x b 1 ), and

b 1)
∂ Ψ(A b 1)
∂ Ψ(A b 1)
∂ Ψ(A
S=− , εi = − , tkj = ρ ,
∂T ∂Ti ∂xj,k
! !
∂Ψb b
ρ bk
−Φ T,k + ρ b ki
−Λ Ti,k + ρT ξ + (Φk − Hk )Tk + ρξk Tk = 0. (20)
∂α,k ∂βi,k

3. Linear theory

We consider a reference configuration which is in thermal equilibrium and free from stresses, with α and
βk constant. We assume that the deformations and the changes of temperature and microtemperatures are
very small with respect to the reference configuration in such way that, if T0 and Ti0 are respectively the
(constant) absolute temperature and the (constant) absolute microtemperatures of the body in the reference
configuration, we can write

xi − Xi = ui = εu′i , T − T0 = θ = εθ′ , Ti − Ti0 = Mi = εMi′ (21)

where ε is a constant small enough for squares and higher powers to be neglected, and u′i , θ′ and Mi′ are
independent on ε. Under these hypotheses, the strain tensor is approximated with
eik = (ui,k + uk,i ). (22)
3.1. Green-Naghdi theory of type II
The set of the independent variables for the Green-Naghdi model of type II (without energy dissipation)
Ae1 = (eik , θ, Mi , τ,i , Ri,k )
where Z Z
t t
τ= θds, Ri = Mi ds.
t0 t0

To obtain a linear theory, we consider the free energy Ψ function in the quadratic approximation
1 ρcE 2 1 1 1
ρΨ = Aijkl eij ekl −aij eij θ+Bijkl eij Rk,l −bij Ri,j θ− θ + Kij τ,i τ,j + Cijkl Ri,j Rk,l −dij Mi τ,j − cij Mi Mj
2 2T0 2 2 2
where cE is the specific heat at constant strain, Aijkl is the tensor of elastic constants, aij is the tensor
of thermal expansion, Bijkl is the tensor of microtemperatures expansion, Kij is the tensor of thermal
conductivity and cij is the tensor of microthermal conductivity. The tensors dij and bij are, respectively,
measure of thermal and microthermal gradient displacement. The constitutive coefficients have the following
Aijkl = Ajikl = Aklij , aij = aji , Bijkl = Bjikl = Bklij , Kij = Kji
Cijkl = Cjikl = Cklij , cij = cji , bij = bji , dij = dji .
For centrosymmetric materials, the compatibility conditions (18) give the following linear constitutive
tij = Aijkl ekl − aij θ + Bijkl Rk,l ,
ρS = aij eij + θ + bij Ri,j ,
ρεi = cij Mj + dij τ,j , (25)
Φi = −dij Mj + Kij τ,j ,
Λij = Bklji ekl − bji θ + Cjikl Rk,l .
Moreover, by using (25), the linear approximation of (12) is given by
qi = T0 Φi = T0 (−dij Mj + Kij τ,j ),
qij = T0 Λij = T0 (Bklij ekl − bji θ + Cjikl Rk,l ).
By Remark 1, we find that, in the linear theory of centrosymmetric materials, we have ξ = 0 and consequently
Φk − Hk + ρξk = 0. Thus, (4) and (5) become
ρṠ = Φk,k + ρs, ρε̇i = Λji,j + ρQi . (27)
The basic equations of the linear theory of type II consist of the equations of motion (2) and (3), the
energy equations (27), the constitutive equations (25) and the geometrical equation (22). These equations
furnish the following system of partial differential equations for the unknown functions ui , τ, Ri
ρüi = (Ajikl ekl − aji τ̇ + Bjikl Rl,k ),j + ρfi ,
cτ̈ = −aij ėij + (−dij Ṙj + Kij τ,j ),i − bij Ṙi,j + ρs, (28)
cij R̈j = (Bklji ekl − bji τ̇ + Cjikl Rk,l ),i − dij τ̇,j + ρQi ,
where c = T0 . If the material is isotropic, then the constitutive equations (25) become
tij = λekk δij + 2µeij − βθδij + γ1 Rk,k δij + 2γ2 (Ri,j + Rj,i ),
ρS = βekk + θ + ̟Rk,k ,
ρεi = αMi + ~τ,i (29)
Φi = −~Mi + Kτ,i ,
Λij = γ1 ekk δij + 2γ2 eij − ̟θδij + η1 Rk,k δij + η2 Ri,j + η3 Rj,i ,
where δij is the Kronecker’s delta, λ and µ are Lamé’s constants, β = (3λ + 2µ)αt and αt is the coefficient
of linear thermal expansion.
By following the previous procedure, it follows from (29) that the field equations of the theory of homo-
geneous and isotropic bodies for the functions ui , τ, Ri can be expressed as
ρüi = µ∆ui + (µ + λ)uj,ji − β τ̇,i + γ2 ∆Ri + (γ1 + γ2 )Rj,ji + ρfi
cτ̈ = −β u̇r,r + K∆τ − (̟ + ~)Ṙi,i + ρs
αR̈i = γ2 ∆ui + (γ1 + γ2 )uj,ji + η2 ∆Ri + (η1 + η3 )Rj,ji − ~τ̇,i + ρQi ,
where ∆ is the Laplacian.
Remark 2. System (28) can be deduced from system (3.18) of (Ieşan and Quintanilla, 2009) by eliminating
the porosity. The model of the Green-Naghdi theory of type III was not covered in (Ieşan and Quintanilla,
2009). We derive this model here and study some of the corresponding qualitative properties to fill this gap.

3.2. Green-Naghdi theory of type III

By using the same hypotheses and notations of the previous subsection, the set of the independent
variables for the Green-Naghdi model of type III (with energy dissipation) becomes

Ae2 = (eik , θ, Mi , τ,k , Ri,k , θ,k , Mi,k )

and, as a consequence of (20), the quadratic approximation of the free energy Ψ is given by (23). Moreover,
the constitutive equations for tkj , S and ρεi are equal to (25)1,2,3 , respectively. The condition (20) leads, in
the linear context, to
! !
∂Ψb ∂ b
ρ b i θ,i + ρ
−Φ −Λb ji Mi,j + ρT0 ξ + (Φi − Hi )T 0 + ρξi T 0 = 0. (30)
i i
∂τ,i ∂Ri,j

The condition (30) is satisfied if we choose for a centrosymmetric material

Φi = −dji Mj + Kij τ,j + K̃ij θ,j ,

Λij = Bklji ekl − bhji θ + Cjikl Rk,l + C̃jikl Mk,li,
qi = T0 Φi = T0 −dji Mj + Kij τ,j + K̃ij θ,j ,
h i (31)
qij = T0 Λij = T0 Bklji ekl − bji θ + Cjikl Rk,l + C̃jikl Ml,k ,
ρT0 ξ = K̃ij θ,i θ,j + C̃jikl Ml,k Mi,j ,
ρξi = Hi − Φ i ,

where K̃ij and C̃ijkl are tensors characteristic of the type III model. In view of (31)5,6 , the local balance of
entropy and the balance of first moment of entropy, in the linear context, are given by (27). Using (31) and
(27), we obtain the following evolutive equations of the theory of thermoelastic centrosymmetric materials
with microtemperatures of type III (with energy dissipation)

ρüi = (Ajikl ekl − aji τ̇ + Bjikl Rl,k ),j + ρfi ,

cτ̈ = −aij ėij + (−dij Ṙj + Kij τ,j + K̃ij τ̇,j ),i − bij Ṙi,j + ρs, (32)
cij R̈j = (Bklji ekl − bji τ̇ + Cjikl Rk,l + C̃jikl Ṙk,l ),j − dij τ̇,j + ρQi ,

where the above constitutive coefficients satisfy the following symmetry relations

Aijkl = Ajikl = Aklij , aij = aji , Bijkl = Bjikl = Bklij , Kij = Kji
Cijkl = Cjikl = Cklij , cij = cji , bij = bji , dij = dji , K̃ij = K̃ji , C̃ijkl = C̃klij .

Remark that the evolutive equations (28) of the thermoelastic diffusion theory of type II (without energy
dissipation) can be deduced from (32) by taking K̃ij = C̃ijkl = 0.
If the material is isotropic, then the constitutive equations become

tij = λekk δij + 2µeij − βθδij + γ1 Rk,k δij + 2γ2 (Ri,j + Rj,i ),
ρS = βekk + θ + ̟Rk,k ,
ρεi = αMi + ~τ,i ,
Φi = −~Mi + Kτ,i + Hθ,j ,
Λij = γ1 ekk δij + 2γ2 eij − ̟θδij + η1 Rk,k δij + η2 Ri,j + η3 Rj,i + ̺1 Mk,k δij + ̺2 Mi,j + ̺3 Mj,i .

By following the previous procedure, it follows that the field equations of the theory of type III for
homogeneous and isotropic bodies for the functions ui , τ, Ri are
ρüi = µ∆ui + (µ + λ)uj,ji − β τ̇,i + γ2 ∆Ri + (γ1 + γ2 )Rj,ji + ρfi ,
cτ̈ = −β u̇r,r + K∆τ + H∆τ̇ − (̟ + ~)Ṙi,i + ρs, (34)
αR̈i = γ2 ∆ui + (γ1 + γ2 )uj,ji + η2 ∆Ri + (η1 + η3 )Rj,ji + ̺2 ∆Ṙi + (̺1 + ̺3 )Ṙj,ji − ~τ̇,i + ρQi .

To the field of equations (32) (or (28)) we add initial and boundary conditions. Summarizing, the
following initial boundary value problems are to be solved for type III model (or Type II model):
Find (ui , vi , τ, θ, Mi , Ri ) solution to (32) (or (28)) subject to the initial conditions

ui (·, 0) = u0i , vi (·, 0) = vi0 , τ (·, 0) = τ 0 ,

θ(·, 0) = θ0 , Mi (·, 0) = Mi0 , Ri (·, 0) = Ri0 in Ω,
and the boundary conditions

ui = ũi on ∂Ωu × (0, ∞), τ = τ̃ on ∂Ωτ × (0, ∞), Mi = M̃i on ∂ΩMi × (0, ∞),
tji nj = t˜i on ∂Ωt × (0, ∞), Φi ni = Φ̃ on ∂ΩΦ × (0, ∞), Λji nj = σ̃i on ∂Ωσi × (0, ∞),

where ũi , τ̃ , M̃i , t˜i , Φ̃ and σ̃i are prescribed functions, u0i , vi0 , τ 0 , θ0 , Mi0 and Ri0 are given and

∂Ω = ∂Ωu ∪ ∂Ωt = ∂Ωτ ∪ ∂ΩΦ = ∂ΩMi ∪ ∂Ωσi , and ∂Ωu ∩ ∂Ωt = ∂Ωτ ∩ ∂ΩΦ = ∂ΩMi ∩ ∂Ωσi = ∅ .

In the following, some qualitative properties of the solutions to type III problem are studied. However,
some particular aspects of the type II problem are also pointed out.

4. Well-posedness
We will prove the existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence from the initial values and the
external loads of the solution for system (32) using the semigroups theory. Seeking for simplicity, we will
restrict ourselves to homogeneous boundary conditions

u = 0, τ = 0, R = 0, on ∂Ω × (0, ∞) (37)

where u and R denote the vectors of components ui and Ri , respectively.

In the rest of the paper we assume:
(i) relations (33) are satisfied;
(ii) ρ > 0 and1
K̃ij θ,i θ,j + C̃ijkl Ml,k Mi,j ≥ 0 ; (38)

(iii) there exists a positive constant c0 such that

Z   Z
Aijkl ekl eij + 2Bijkl eij Rk,l + Kij τ,i τ,j + Cijkl Ri,j Rk,l dv ≥ c0 (eij eij + τ,i τ,i + Ri,j Ri,j )dv. (39)

We now wish to transform the initial boundary value problem defined by the equations (32), the initial
conditions (35) and the boundary conditions (37) to an abstract problem on a suitable Hilbert space. In
what follows we use the notations vi = u̇i , θ = τ̇ , Mi = Ṙi . Let define the following Hilbert space:
n o
H = (ui , vi , τ, θ, Ri , Mi ); ui , Ri ∈ W1,2 2 1,2 2
0 (Ω); vi , Mi ∈ L (Ω); τ ∈ W0 (Ω); θ ∈ L (Ω) ,

1 The inequality sign is a consequence of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which requires the non-negativeness of the

functional ξ (see (Green and Naghdi, 1991b)) and of our choice (31)5 .

where W01,2 (Ω) and L2 (Ω) are the familiar Sobolev spaces and

W1,2 1,2 3
0 (Ω) = [W0 (Ω)] , L2 (Ω) = [L2 (Ω)]3 .

We introduce the inner product in H defined by

hU, U ∗ i = ρvi vi ∗ + cθθ∗ + cij Mi Mj∗ + 2W[(ui , τ, Ri ), (u∗i , τ ∗ , Ri∗ )] dv, (40)
2 Ω

where U = (ui , vi , τ, θ, Ri , Mi ), U ∗ = (u∗i , vi∗ , τ ∗ , θ∗ , Ri∗ , Mi∗ ) and

2W[(ui , τ, Ri ), (u∗i , τ ∗ , Ri∗ )] = Aijkl ekl e∗ij + Bijkl (eij Rk,l

+ e∗ij Rk,l ) + Kij τ,i τ,j∗ + Cijkl Ri,j Rk,l


If we recall the assumption (39), the first Korn inequality and the Poincaré inequality, we conclude that
W[(u, τ, R), (u, τ, R)]dv

defines a norm that is equivalent to the usual norm in W1,2 1,2 1,2
0 (Ω) × W0 (Ω) × W0 (Ω). Hence, the bilinear
form (40) defines an inner product equivalent to the usual one in H .
We introduce the following operators

Ai u = ρ−1 (Ajikl uk,l ),j ,

Bi θ = −ρ−1 (aji θ),j ,
Ci R = ρ−1 (Bjikl Rl,k ),j ,
Dv = −c−1 aij vi,j ,
Eτ = c−1 (Kij τ,j ),i ,
Gθ = c−1 (K̃ij θ,j ),i , (41)
JM = −c−1 ((dij Mj ),i + bji Mi,j ) ,
Ls u = ℓsi (Bklji uk,lj ),i ,
Zs θ = −ℓsi ((bji θ),j + dij θ,j ) ,
Ns R = ℓsi (Cjikl Rk,l ),j ,
Ps M = ℓsi (C̃jikl θk,l ),j ,

where ℓsi is defined by ℓsi cij = δsj . We consider the matrix operator A on H by
 
0 Id 0 0 0 0
 A 0 0 B C 0 
 
 0 0 0 Id 0 0 
A =  0 D
 (42)
 E G 0 J  
 0 0 0 0 0 Id 
L 0 0 Z N P

where Id and Id are the identity operators in the respective spaces, A = (Ai ), B = (Bi ), C = (Ci ), L = Li ,
Z = Zi , N = Ni and P = Pi . The domain of A is

D = D(A ) = {(ui , vi , τ, θ, Ri , Mi ) ∈ H ; A (ui , vi , τ, θ, Ri , Mi ) ∈ H } .

It is clear that

0 (Ω) ∩ W
(Ω)) × W1,2 1,2
0 (Ω) × (W0 (Ω) ∩ W
(Ω)) × W01,2 (Ω) × (W1,2
0 (Ω) ∩ W
(Ω)) × W01,2 (Ω)

is a subset of D which is dense in H .

In the frame of type II theory, we have that K̃ij = 0 and C̃ijkl = 0, so that G = 0 and P = 0 in Eqs.
(41) and (42).
The initial boundary value problem (32), (35) and (37) can be transformed into the following Cauchy
problem in the Hilbert space H ,

= A U(t) + F (t), U(0) = U0 , (43)
U = (ui , vi , τ, θ, Ri , Mi ), F = (0, ρfi , 0, ρs, 0, ρQi ), U0 = (u0i , vi0 , τ 0 , θ0 , Ri0 , Mi0 ).
Now, we use the theory of semigroups of linear operators to obtain the existence of solutions to the
Cauchy problem (43).
Lemma 1. The operator A satisfies the inequality

< A U, U >≤ 0

for every U ∈ D(A ), solution to (43).

Proof: Let U = (ui , vi , τ, θ, Ri , Mi ) ∈ D(A ). Using the divergence theorem and the boundary conditions,
we have
Z h   i
< A U, U > = W (ui , τ, Ri ), (vi , θ, Mi ) − vi,j tji − Φi θ,i − Λji Mi,j dv

= − (K̃ij θ,i θ,j + C̃ijkl Ml,k Mi,j )dv .

The thesis follows from our hypothesis (38). 

In the context of type II theory (K̃ij = C̃ijkl = 0), this lemma implies < A U, U >= 0, which means
conservation of the energy
E(t) = ρvi vi + cθ2 + cij Mi Mj + Aijkl ekl eij + 2Bijkl eij Rk,l + Kij τ,i τ,j + Cijkl Ri,j Rk,l dv. (44)
2 Ω

This confirms the result obtained in (Ieşan and Quintanilla, 2009).

It is worth remarking that this quantity is also conserved even if we do not impose conditions (i) − (iii).
Lemma 2. The operator A has the property that

Range(I − A ) = H .

Proof: Let U ∗ = (u∗i , vi∗ , τ ∗ , θ∗ , Ri∗ , Mi∗ ) ∈ H . We must prove that the equation

U − A U = U∗

has a solution U = (ui , vi , τ, θ, Ri , Mi ) ∈ D. This equation leads to the system

u∗ = u − v,
τ∗ = τ − θ,
R∗ = R − M,
v∗ = v − (A u + Bθ + C R),
θ∗ = θ − (Dv + Eτ + Gθ + JM),
M∗ = M − (L u + Zθ + N R + P M).

Substituting the first three equations in the others, we obtain

R(u, τ, R) = (u∗ + v∗ − Bτ ∗ , θ∗ + τ ∗ − Du∗ − Gτ ∗ − JR∗ , R∗ + M∗ − Zτ ∗ − P R∗ ) (46)

where  
Id − A −B −C
R =  −D Id − (E + G) −J .
−L −Z Id − (N + P)
To solve the system (46) we introduce the following bilinear form on W01,2 (Ω) × W01,2 (Ω) × W01,2 (Ω),
B[(u, τ, R), (u′ , τ ′ , R′ )] =< R(u, τ, R), (u′ , τ ′ , R′ ) >L2 ×L2 ×L2 .
A direct calculation shows that B is bounded. Using the divergence theorem, we have
Z h i
B[(u, τ, R), (u, τ, R)] = ρui ui +Aijkl ekl eij +cτ 2 +cij Ri Rj +K̃ij τ,i τ,j +C̃ijkl Rl,k Ri,j +2W[(u, τ, R), (u, τ, R)] dv.

In view of our assumptions on the constitutive coefficients, we see that B is coercive on W−1,2 (Ω) ×
W −1,2 (Ω) × W−1,2 (Ω). On the other hand, it is easy to see that the vector
(u∗ + v∗ − Bτ ∗ , θ∗ + τ ∗ − Du∗ − Gτ ∗ − JR∗ , R∗ + M∗ − Zτ ∗ − P R∗ )
lies in W−1,2 (Ω) × W −1,2 (Ω) × W−1,2 (Ω). Hence the Lax-Milgram theorem (Gilbarg and Trudinger, 1983)
implies the existence of (u, τ, R) ∈ W1,2 1,2 1,2
0 (Ω) × W0 (Ω) × W0 (Ω) which solves equation (46). Now, we may
also conclude the existence of v ∈ W0 (Ω), θ ∈ W0 (Ω) and M ∈ W01,2 (Ω) solving system (45).
1,2 1,2

The previous lemmas lead to next theorem.
Theorem 1. The operator A generates a semigroup of contraction in H .
Proof. The proof follows from Lumer-Phillips corollary to the Hille-Yosida theorem (Pazy, 1983). 
It is worth remarking that this theorem implies that the dynamical system generated by the equations
of thermoelasticity with diffusion of type III (or type II) are stable in the sense of Lyapunov.
Theorem 2. Assume that the conditions (i) − (iii) hold, fi , s, Qi ∈ C 1 ([0, ∞), L2 ) ∩ C 0 ([0, ∞), W01,2 )
and U0 is in the domain of the operator A . Then, there exists a unique solution U(t) ∈ C 1 ([0, ∞), H ) ∩
C 0 ([0, ∞), D(A )) to the problem (43).
Since the solutions are defined by means of a semigroup of contraction, we have the estimate
Z t 
kU(t)kH ≤ kU0 kH + kfi (ξ)kL2 + ks(ξ)kL2 + kQi (ξ)kL2 dξ

which proves the continuous dependence of the solutions upon initial data and body loads. Thus, under
assumptions (i) − (iii) the problem of linear thermoelasticity with microtemperatures of type III (or type II)
is well posed.

5. Asymptotic behavior of solutions

In this section we study the asymptotic behavior of solutions, whose existence has been proved previously.
We consider in the following sections the homogenous case (fi =0, s=0, Qi = 0). In particular we are
interested in the relation between dissipation effects and time decay of solutions. Therefore, we will continue
to assume that the assumptions (i) − (iii) considered in the previous section hold. However it is worth noting
that the results for this section only hold for type III theory.
To this end, we recall that for a semigroup of contraction, the precompact orbits tend to the ω−limit
sets if its generator A has only the fixed point 0 (see (Dafermos, 1976)) and the structure of the ω−limit
sets is determined by the eigenvectors of eigenvalue iλ (where λ is a real number) in the closed subspace
L =≪ {U ∈ H ; < A U, U >= 0} ≫ ,
where ≪ C ≫ denotes the closed vectorial subspace generated by the set C.
From the assumptions (i)-(iii) it is easy to check that A −1 (0) = 0, while the precompactness of the
orbits starting in D is a consequence of the following Lemma (Pazy, 1983).
Lemma 3. The operator (I − A )−1 is compact.

Proof. Let (ûn , v̂n , τ̂n , θ̂n , R̂n , M̂n ) be a bounded sequence in H and let Un = (un , vn , τn , θn , Rn , Mn ) be
the sequence of the respective solutions to the system (45). We have
P[(Un , Un )] = R[(un , τn , Rn ), (un , τn , Rn )] ≤ Constant × P[(Un , Un )] 2 . (47)

Inequality (47) implies that (un , τn , Rn ) is a bounded sequence in W1,2 1,2 1,2
0 (Ω) × W0 (Ω) × W0 (Ω). The
theorem of Rellich-Kondrasov (Ciarlet, 1988) implies that there is exists a subsequence converging in L2 (Ω)×
L2 (Ω) × L2 (Ω). In a similar way

vnj = unj − ûnj , θnj = τnj − τ̂nj , Mnj = Rnj − R̂nj

has a sub-sequence converging in L2 (Ω) × L2 (Ω) × L2 (Ω). Thus we conclude the existence of a sub-sequence

(unjk , vnjk , τnjk , θnjk , Rnjk , Mnjk )

which converges in H . 
Now, we can state a theorem on the asymptotic behavior of solutions.

Theorem 3. Let U0 = (u0 , v0 , τ 0 , θ0 , R0 , M0 ) ∈ D(A ) and U(t) be the solution to the problem (43) with
F = 0. Then
τ (t) → 0 as t → ∞ in W01,2 (Ω) and θ(t) → 0 as t → ∞ in L2 (Ω).
u(t) → 0 as t → ∞ in W01,2 (Ω) and v(t) → 0 as t → ∞ in L2 (Ω)
R(t) → 0 as t → ∞ in W01,2 (Ω) and M(t) → 0 as t → ∞ in L2 (Ω)
whenever the system
Au + λ2 u = 0 in Ω
Dv = 0 in Ω
Lu = 0 in Ω
u = 0 on ∂Ω
has only the null solution.
Proof. To prove the theorem we have to study the structure of the ω−limit set. Thus, we must study the
AˆU = iλU (49)
for some real number λ, where U ∈ D(Aˆ) and Aˆ = A|L is the generator of a group on L . If U ∈ L
then < A U, U >= 0. Under the assumption that the tensors K̃ij and C̃ijkl are definite positive, it follows
that θ = Mi = 0 and then τ = Ri = 0. Thus, the asymptotic behavior of the temperature and the
microtemperatures is proved. Now, Eq. (49) can be rewritten as
    
0 Id 0 0 0 0 u u
 A 0 0 B C 0  v   v 
    
 0 0 0 Id 0 0   0   0 
   = iλ  .
 0 D E G 0 J  0   0 
    
 0 0 0 0 0 Id   0   0 
L 0 0 Z N P 0 0

Introducing the first equation into the others we obtain the system (48).
If the system (48) has only the trivial solution, we obtain ω−limit(U0 ) = 0 and u(t) → 0 in W01,2 (Ω)
and v(t) → 0 in L2 (Ω) when t → ∞. 

6. Impossibility of localization in time
In previous sections we have proved that the solutions of type III theory are stable asymptotically and
also in the sense of Lyapunov. A natural question is to ask if the decay is fast enough to guarantee that the
solutions vanishe in a finite time. In fact, when the dissipation mechanism in a system is sufficiently strong,
the localization of solutions in the time variable can hold. This means that the decay of the solutions is
sufficiently fast to guarantee that they vanish after a finite time.
In the context of Green-Naghdi thermoelasticity of type III, Quintanilla (2007) has shown that the ther-
mal dissipation is not strong enough to obtain the localization in time of the solutions. In this section
assume the quadratic form (38) positive definite and prove that the further dissipation effects due to the
microtemperatures of type III are not sufficiently strong to guarantee that the thermomechanical deforma-
tions vanish after a finite interval of time. This means that, in absence of sources, the only solution for the
evolutive problem that vanishes after a finite time is the null solution, that is the following theorem holds.
Theorem 4. Let (ui , τ, Ri ) be a solution of the system (32), (35) and (37) which vanishes after a finite
time t0 . Then (ui , τ, Ri ) ≡ (0, 0, 0) for every t ≥ 0.
In order to prove this theorem, generalizing the technique used in (Quintanilla, 2007), we show the uniqueness
of solutions for the related backward in time problem. Backward in time problems are relevant from the
mechanical point of view when we want to have some information about what happened in the past by
means of the information that we have at this moment.
For our model, the system of equations which govern the backward in time problem is given by
ρüi = (Ajikl ekl + aji τ̇ + Bjikl Rl,k ),j + ρfi ,
cτ̈ = aij ėij + (dij Ṙj + Kij τ,j − K̃ij τ̇,j ),i + bij Ṙi,j + ρs, (50)
cij R̈j = (Bklji ekl + bji τ̇ + Cjikl Rk,l − C̃jikl Ṙk,l ),j + dij τ̇,j + ρQi .

Proposition 1 (Uniqueness). Let (ui , τ, Ri ) be a solution to the problem (50), (37) with null initial data
and sources. Then (ui , τ, Ri ) = (0, 0, 0) for every t ≥ 0.

Proof. Let us introduce the following functionals

E1 (t) = ρu̇i u˙i + cτ̇ 2 + cij Ṙi Ṙj + Aijkl ui,j uk,l + 2Bijkl ui,j Rk,l + Kij τ,i τ,j + Cijkl Ri,j Rk,l dv ,
2 Ω
E2 (t) = ρu̇i u˙i − cτ̇ 2 − cij Ṙi Ṙj + Aijkl ui,j uk,l − Kij τ,i τ,j − Cijkl Ri,j Rk,l dv ,
Z Ω 
1 1
E3 (t) = ρui u̇i − cτ̇ τ − cij Ṙi Rj + K̃ij τ,i τ,j + C̃ijkl Ri,j Rk,l + aij τ ui,j dv ,
Ω 2 2

and compute their time derivatives. By multiplying the first equation of (50) by u̇i , the second one by τ̇
and the third one by Ṙi , we get
Ė1 (t) = K̃ij τ̇,i τ̇,j + C̃ijkl Ṙi,j Ṙk,l dv.

If we multiply the first equation of (50) by u̇i , the second one by −τ̇ and the third one by −Ṙi , we have
Ė2 (t) = − − 2aij u̇i τ̇,j + Bijkl (u̇i,j Rk,l − uk,l Ṙi,j ) + K̃ij τ̇,i τ̇,j + C̃ijkl Ṙk,l Ṙi,j dv

and, finally, if we multiply the first equation of (50) by −ui , the second one by τ and the third one by Ri ,
we obtain
Ė3 (t) = − Aijkl uk,l ui,j +bij (τ Ṙi,j −τ̇ Ri,j )+dij (τ̇,j Ri −τ,i Ṙj )+cτ̇ 2 +cij Ṙi Ṙj −Kij τ,i τ,j −Cijkl Ri,j Rk,l −ρu̇i u̇i dv.

Moreover, a well-known identity for type III thermoelasticity (see equation (3.9) in (Quintanilla and Straughan,
2000)) for our model becomes
Z   Z  
Aijkl ui,j uk,l + cτ̇ 2 + cij Ṙi Ṙj dv = ρu̇i u̇i + Kij τ,i τ,j + Cijkl Ri,j Rk,l dv. (51)
Then we have Z  
E2 (t) = Aijkl ui,j uk,l − Kij τ,i τ,j − Cijkl Ri,j Rk,l dv

and Z  
Ė3 (t) = − bij (τ Ṙi,j − τ̇ Ri,j ) + dij (τ̇,j Ri − τ,i Ṙj ) dv.

We consider the function
Z t
E(t) = [ǫE1 (s) + E2 (s) + λE3 (s)] ds
Z Z h i
1 t
= ǫρu̇i u̇i + ǫcτ̇ 2 + ǫcij Ṙi Ṙj + (ǫ + 2)Aijkl ui,j uk,l + 2ǫBijkl ui,j Rk,l dv ds
2 0 Ω
Z Z n o
1 t
+ [λK̃ij + (ǫ − 2)Kij ]τ,i τ,j + [λC̃ijkl + (ǫ − 2)Cijkl ]Ri,j Rk,l dv ds
2 0 Ω
Z tZ h i
+ λ ρui u̇i − cτ̇ τ − cij Ri Ṙj + aij τ ui,j dv ds
0 Ω
where ǫ and λ are positive suitable constants such that the quadratic form
Z n o
[λK̃ij + (ǫ − 2)Kij ]τ,i τ,j + [λC̃ijkl + (ǫ − 2)Cijkl ]Ri,j Rk,l dv

is positive definite. By using the null initial data hypothesis and the Poincaré inequality we have
Z tZ Z Z
ǫ t
λ [ρui u̇i − cτ̇ τ − cij Ri Ṙj ]dv ds ≤ [ρu˙i u̇i + cτ̇ 2 + cij Ṙi Ṙj ] dv ds
0 Ω 4 0 Ω
for any t ≤ t0 , where t0 is a positive time which depends on λ, ǫ and the constitutive coefficients. Therefore
E(t) is a positive definite quadratic form for 0 ≤ t ≤ t0 , in particular
Z Z h i
1 t
E(t) ≥ ǫρu̇i u̇i + ǫcτ̇ 2 + ǫcij Ṙi Ṙj + (ǫ + 2)Aijkl ui,j uk,l + 2ǫBijkl ui,j Rk,l + 2λaij τ ui,j dv ds
4 0 Ω
Z Z n o
1 t
+ [λK̃ij + (ǫ − 2)Kij ]τ,i τ,j + [λC̃ijkl + (ǫ − 2)Cijkl ]Ri,j Rk,l dv ds. (52)
4 0 Ω
Moreover, recalling the null initial data assumption, we have
Z tZ   Z tZ 
E(t) = (ǫ − 1) K̃ij τ̇,i τ̇,j + C̃ijkl Ṙi,j Ṙk,l dv ds − − 2aij u̇i τ̇,j + Bijkl (u̇i,j Rk,l − uk,l Ṙi,j )
0 Ω 0 Ω

+ λbij (τ Ṙi,j − τ̇ Ri,j ) + λdij (τ̇,j Ri − τ,i Ṙj ) dvds.
Choosing 0 < ǫ < 1 and using the inequality of arithmetic and geometric means, we have
Z t Z  

− 2aij u̇i τ̇,j + Bijkl (u̇i,j Rk,l − uk,l Ṙi,j ) + λbij (τ Ṙi,j − τ̇ Ri,j ) + λdij (τ̇,j Ri − τ,i Ṙj ) dvds ≤

0 Ω
Z tZ   Z tZ Z tZ
(1 − ǫ) K̃ij τ̇,i τ̇,j + C̃ijkl Ṙi,j Ṙk,l dv ds + K1 ρu̇i u̇i dv ds + K2 [cτ̇ 2 + cij Ṙi Ṙj ]dv ds
0 Ω 0 Ω 0 Ω
Z tZ Z tZ Z tZ
+K3 Aijkl ui,j uk,l dv ds + K4 Bijkl ui,j Rk,l dv ds + K5 aij ui,j τ dv ds
0 Ω 0 Ω 0 Ω
Z Z n o
1 t
+ [λK̃ij + (ǫ − 2)Kij ]τ,i τ,j + [λC̃ijkl + (ǫ − 2)Cijkl ]Ri,j Rk,l dv ds
2 0 Ω
where the positive constants Ki can be calculated by standard methods, so that
Z tZ n o
Ė(t) ≤ K ǫρu̇i u̇i + ǫcτ̇ 2 + ǫcij Ṙi Ṙj + (ǫ + 2)Aijkl ui,j uk,l + 2ǫBijkl ui,j Rk,l + 2λaij ui,j τ dv ds
0 Ω
Z tZ n o
+ K [λK̃ij + (ǫ − 2)Kij ]τ,i τ,j + [λC̃ijkl + (ǫ − 2)Cijkl ]Ri,j Rk,l dv ds (53)
0 Ω

with K = max{ 12 , K1 , K2 , K3 , K4 , K5 }. Inequalities (52) and (53) yield

˙ ≤ 4KE(t) ,
E(t) 0 ≤ t ≤ t0 .

This inequality and the null initial data imply E(t) ≡ 0 if 0 ≤ t ≤ t0 . Reiterating this argument on each
subinterval [(n − 1)t0 , nt0 ] we obtain E(t) ≡ 0 for t ≥ 0.
If we take into account the definition of E(t), the uniqueness result is proved. 


Part of this work was done when the first author visited the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale,
Università degli Studi di Salerno, in June 2016 and February 2017. He thanks their hospitality and financial
support through FARB 2015.


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