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Trends in Plant Science

Do Cell Wall Esters to maintain a net carbon sink and conse-
quently mitigate anthropogenic climate

Facilitate Forest
5,10-CH2-THF: 5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate, the
effects in the atmosphere. For example, universal one carbon (C1) donor.

Response to Climate? reductions in net primary productivity Egg-box structure: calcium-induced association of
two parallel pectic galacturonan chains with a pattern
(NPP), decreases in biomass gains, of specific de-esterified galacturonic acid monomers
Rebecca A. Dewhirst,1,* increased vegetation mortality, and short- ionically bound via Ca2+ ions.
Jenny C. Mortimer,2,3,* and ening of carbon residence times have Hemicellulose: plant polysaccharides that contain a
1,4, ,@ β-(1→4) linked backbone, traditionally characterized
Kolby J. Jardine , * been linked to drought and warming
by alkaline extraction. Hemicelluloses include xylan,
anomalies across numerous ecosystems arabinoxylan, xyloglucan, glucomannan, and
[1]. However, mortality-linked generation mannan.
Terrestrial ecosystem dynamics of forest gaps can lead to the release Pectin: a component of the plant primary cell wall.
Pectic polysaccharides are characterized by a
are strongly modified by stresses of suppressed understory trees and in-
galacturonic acid–enriched backbone. There are four
associated with climate change, creased rates of early successional spe- major pectic domains: homogalacturonan,
impacting plant growth and de- cies recruitment. Thus forest regrowth xylogalacturonan, rhamnogalacturonan I, and
rhamnogalacturonan II.
velopment, mortality, and ecologi- can counterbalance carbon losses and Plant cell wall: plant cells are surrounded by a cell
cal succession. Here we highlight contribute to accelerated forest dynamics wall which provides shape and strength. Cell walls
the potential role of plant cell with the majority of tree biomass being in consist of polysaccharides, including cellulose,
the form of plant cell walls (80–95%; hemicellulose, and pectin, proteins, and lignin.
wall esters to link changes in cell Primary cell wall: a thin cell wall that surrounds all
see Glossary). Here, we highlight cell
wall structure and function with cells. It consists of cellulose, hemicellulose, and
wall–derived emissions of methanol and
biosphere–atmosphere fluxes of acetic acid, along with associated changes pectin. It provides structure while retaining the
flexibility and extensibility necessary to allow cell
methanol, acetic acid, carbon in cell wall structure and function as a com- expansion.
dioxide (CO2), and water (H2O). mon thread among the processes that ROS: reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen
peroxide, singlet oxygen, superoxide anion, and the
underlie ecosystem responses to climate hydroxyl radical.
Terrestrial ecosystem dynamics, including change (Figure 1). Secondary cell wall: the secondary cell wall is
carbon stocks and biosphere–atmosphere deposited after the cell stops growing, and provides
more strength and rigidity. The secondary cell wall
fluxes of CO2, H2O, and volatile organic Methanol is the most abundant non- contains mainly cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose.
compounds (VOCs) are dramatically chang- methane volatile in the atmosphere, with The secondary cell wall accounts for the majority of
ing in response to climate factors such as emissions from terrestrial vegetation the plant biomass.
trends in surface warming and a higher fre- largest global source. High methanol emis- Xylan: a hemicellulosic component of the cell wall, it
is a polysaccharide with a β-1,4 linked xylose
quency and intensity of large-scale droughts sions, often dominating ecosystem release backbone, which carries various chemical
and associated insect infestation epidemics of VOCs, have been reported from agricul- substitutions.
[1]. Understanding the mechanisms that tural crops and temperate, boreal, and
drive forest responses to climate change is tropical forests. Methanol emissions are
vital for predicting how the structure and closely associated with plant growth, elevated emissions of methanol and acetic
function of natural and managed ecosys- stress, and senescence processes attrib- acid [6], while detached leaves undergoing
tems will react to environmental change, uted to physicochemical changes in cell desiccation release large pulses of metha-
including alterations in carbon and H2O walls [2]. While field observations are rare, nol and acetic acid [4]. These findings
cycling, and the ecosystem services and acetic acid is also an important volatile suggest that methanol and acetic acid
products provided. Therefore understand- emitted by terrestrial ecosystems [3], and emissions increase together with NPP
ing the underlying biochemical, physiologi- like methanol was recently suggested to during forest growth and recovery pro-
cal, and ecological processes including derive primarily from cell walls [4]. Methanol cesses, but diverge during high tempera-
plant growth and development, abiotic emissions tightly correlate with leaf expan- ture and drought stress with stimulated
and biotic stress responses, mortality, and sion rates, and young expanding leaves emissions of methanol and acetic acid
ecological succession and forest recovery, emit substantially higher amounts of both and suppressed NPP. Thus if terrestrial
are critical for accurately predicting the methanol and acetic acid than mature forests are becoming more dynamic, gap-
future of forest structure and function. leaves. Moreover, leaf methanol emissions phase processes play a critical role in
more than double for each 10°C increase determining carbon stocks, residence
Increased abiotic and biotic disturbances in leaf temperature [5]. Furthermore, leaves times, and biosphere–atmosphere fluxes
threaten the ability of terrestrial ecosystems undergoing age-related senescence show of VOCs, CO2, and H2O.

Trends in Plant Science, Month 2020, Vol. xx, No. xx 1

Trends in Plant Science

metabolism [10]. Following activation to

acetyl-CoA, acetic acid can participate in
numerous catabolic and anabolic pro-
cesses whereas methanol initiates the C1
pathway integrating into photosynthesis/
photorespiration via formaldehyde/formate/
CO2 and the universal C1 donor 5,10-
Methylenetetrahydrofolate (5,10-CH2-THF).
Given that high temperature and drought
stress suppresses stomatal conductance
and photosynthesis and accelerates pho-
torespiration, enhanced release of cell
wall–derived methanol and acetic acid
may play important roles in thermal toler-
ance by (i) providing an alternative carbon
source for glycine methylation in photo-
respiration, thereby potentially reducing
glycine decarboxylation; (ii) enhancing
CO2 concentrations within chloroplasts
Trends in Plant Science for photosynthesis; and (iii) producing
Figure 1. Acceleration of Forest Dynamics and Biosphere–Atmosphere Interactions Associated key C 2 intermediates (e.g., acetyl-CoA)
with Cell Wall–Derived Methanol and Acetic Acid Emissions under Future Predictions in Surface used in lipid and secondary metabolite
Warming, Droughts, and Biotic Stress. The size of the arrows representing emissions of methanol and
acetic acid are indicative of the relative strength of these emissions. Methanol is emitted in greater quantities
biosynthesis, energy generation during
than acetic acid, and emissions of both increase under stress. Figure created using mitochondrial respiration, and regulation
Abbreviations: CO2, carbon dioxide; H2O, water. of biopolymer function via acetylation.
However, little is known about the quanti-
The primary cell wall, which surrounds occur in response to environmental or tative significance of cell wall ester me-
all plant cells, provides shape, strength, developmental cues. For example, non- tabolism to plant carbon and energy
and flexibility. It consists of a complex cellulosic cell wall polysaccharides can be requirements during stress.
structure composed of hemicellulose extensively modified with methyl and/or
and cellulose microfibrils embedded in Although many hemicellulose and pec-
O-acetyl esters [7,8]. The removal of esters
a gel-like matrix composed of pectin. In via enzymatic hydrolysis leads to rapid tin polysaccharides can be heavily
addition to providing structure, the cell physicochemical changes in the cell wall O-acetylated, only pectin is thought to
wall is dynamic, facilitating numerous inter- and the release of methanol and acetic be substantially methyl esterified. Pectin
actions within the extracellular matrix acid, which can then be transported in theprovides both mechanical and adhesive
including cell adhesion, migration, and transpiration stream and emitted to the properties within the cell wall, properties
growth, and exchange of macromolecules, atmosphere as a VOC, or feed into central which can be dramatically altered through
nutrients, metabolites, and hormones. carbon and energy metabolism (Figure 2). de-esterification. Newly synthesized pectin
Such dynamic responses are facilitated by Changes in cell wall esters during stress is exported to the cell wall in a highly methyl
chemical modifications that can signifi- induce signaling via damage-associated and O-acetyl esterified state. Once posi-
cantly alter physicochemical, mechanical, molecular patterns, which in turn activatetioned in the cell wall, pectin methyl and
and biological properties. The cell wall immunity responses [9]. This suggests acetyl esterases can selectively hydrolyze
is the first line of defense against many that cell wall–derived methanol and aceticthese esters. For example, following de-
stresses, and cell wall remodeling is a com- acid are involved in signaling and immune methylation, the generation of carboxylate
mon stress response. While cell wall struc- responses as an essential component of anion side chains can bind Ca+2 cations
ture and function are controlled to a large plant monitoring systems. in an egg-box structure, increasing
extent by the polysaccharide composition, cell wall rigidity. Alternatively, the de-
which varies with tissue type, developmen- Once released from the cell wall, acetic methylated pectin can be targeted
tal stage, and plant species, more rapid acid and methanol may be efficiently for degradation by polygalacturonases.
secondary chemical modifications can integrated into central carbon and energy De-methylated pectin is suggested to be

2 Trends in Plant Science, Month 2020, Vol. xx, No. xx

Trends in Plant Science

enter central metabolism in distant tissues

or be emitted into the atmosphere as
gases, but plant and ecosystem emissions
studies investigating this are rare. Thus
interdisciplinary studies linking cell wall
biochemistry and metabolism with plant
physiology and biosphere–atmosphere
gas exchange will lead to better predictive
understanding of the mechanisms through
which cell wall esters facilitate forest re-
sponse to climate extremes. Of particular
interest are high latitude forests responding
to rapid warming through expansion of
deciduous broadleaf trees and commensu-
rate declines in evergreen conifer trees [15].
These distinct plant functional types vary in
their leaf phenological cycles and cell wall
composition, with deciduous trees under-
Trends in Plant Science going seasonal leaf emergence and senes-
Figure 2. Integration of Cell Wall Methyl and O-Acetyl Esters with Atmospheric Emissions and cence while conifer trees retain their
Primary Carbon Metabolism. Figure created using and FigShare ( needles over the winter months. This may
impact the timing, spatial distribution, and
magnitude of biosphere–atmosphere fluxes
of VOCs, CO2, and H2O in such changing
an essential component of plant response upregulation in reactive oxygen species
forests in the future.
to heat stress through its role in controlling (ROS) detoxification. These findings sup-
cell wall mechanical properties [11], and is port an emerging view of the interacting 1
Climate and Ecosystems Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley
deemed vital for stomatal function [7]. roles of cell wall esters and ROS in National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA
Joint BioEnergy Institute, Emeryville, CA, USA
Enriched levels of methyl esterified pectin sensing and signaling pathways involved 3
Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology, Biosciences
in stomatal guard cell walls lead to a in cell wall remodeling in response to Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley,
reduced dynamic range of conductance stress [14]. 4
which in turn impacts transpiration and (K.J. Jardine)

evaporative cooling as well as photosyn- *Correspondence:

thesis and growth.
Concluding Remarks (R.A. Dewhirst),
While little is known about the functions of (J.C. Mortimer), and (K.J. Jardine).
cell wall ester modifications in trees, evi- @
Twitter: @CarbonKolby (K.J. Jardine)
Recently it has been reported that acetyl dence from model plant systems like
groups on xylan, a major component of Arabidopsis thaliana suggests that they
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
the secondary cell wall, are essential may be highly dynamic, playing central
for proper xylem structure and function roles in cell growth, tissue development,
through facilitation of xylan–cellulose inter- and function, participating in sensing and References
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