5 Assessment of Impacts and Mitigating Measures: 5.1 Generic Significance Criteria

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire

Environmental Impact Assessment

5 Assessment of Impacts and Mitigating

This section identifies the permanent and temporary impacts which may be
generated by the project. Appropriate mitigation measures are proposed to avoid or
reduce adverse environmental and socio-economic consequences.
Section 5.3 describes the impacts during construction, and Section 5.4 describes
impacts during operation.

5.1 Generic Significance Criteria

The residual mitigated impacts have been categorized as Extreme, Major,
Moderate, Minor or Negligible; taking into account numerous factors such as:
 Magnitude
 Sensitivity of the receptor
 Geographical extent of the impact
 Duration of impact (short, medium, long term or permanent)
 Recoverability (natural recovery, intervention required or non-recoverable).
Furthermore, each residual mitigated impact is classified as Adverse or Beneficial.
It is possible that some impacts, i.e, visual impact are particularly subjective, where
this is the case then neither Adverse nor Beneficial is chosen.
A systematic approach has been adopted using professional judgement to allow
the significance of each impact to be assessed. The generic significance criteria
used as defined in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1– Generic Significance Criteria
Significance Criteria
Extreme These effects are generally, but not exclusively, associated with sites and
features of national importance and resources / features which are unique
and which, if lost, cannot be replaced or relocated.
Major These effects have an influence at the city wide or regional levels.
Moderate These affects will principally have an influence at the local level. Whilst
on their own they may not present a key issue, the cumulative effect of
such issues may lead to an increase in the overall effect of the project on
a particular area or resource.
Minor These effects are generally local issues and do not usually pose a
constraint on the project. Nevertheless, they are of relevance to the
detailed design.
Negligible Effects which are beneath the levels of perception, within normal bounds
of variation or within the margin for forecasting error

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

5.2 Main Impacts at Construction and Operation

Phase of Hotel
The main negative impacts that can be identified with the development of the
execution of the infrastructure works, and at a later stage for the construction of the
buildings, are:
 Air pollution owing to dust emissions and gaseous emissions from the plant
mobilised on site
 Noise from the plant and equipment
 Modification of the drainage pattern on site
 Intensification of the vehicular traffic on the regional road infrastructure
 Spilling of hydrocarbons from equipment, stand-by plants mobilised on site for
the works
 Production of effluents by the site staff facilities during construction stage
 Production of solid wastes on work site during construction stage
 Disruption of the marine benthic biotope and the seabed habitat owing to the
marine works
 Deterioration of the seawater quality in the lagoon by the increase in suspended
sediment content during construction works
 Accidental hydrocarbon spillage from mechanical equipment with adverse
consequences to the land and marine environment.
 Noise generation from operating heavy equipment and during the loading and
unloading of materials.
 Noise and dust generation during backfilling and bulk operations on site
 Mechanical destruction of seabed habitat during the implementation of the jetty
 Soiling of the marine environment by waste metal and timber from the works
and aesthetic deterioration in case bolts, nuts and fixtures are left behind on the
The main negative impacts that can be identified with the development during
operation phase are:
 Generation of solid waste from the residential units
 Additional demand on Public Utilities (potable water, electricity)
 Generation of wastewater
 Increase risk of damages to a vulnerable marine environment by intensified boat
Measures deemed necessary to eliminate/mitigate the negative impacts on the
Project Environment, are reviewed in detail hereunder, they will be proposed for
incorporation in the Project Engineering Specifications. However, impacts may still
result from the way in which the Project is run, necessitating further mitigating
measures that are also reviewed hereunder

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

5.3 Impact at Construction Phase

Road Traffic will be generated to and from the site during the construction stage
owing to:
 Transportation of construction workers
 Transportation of imported construction materials, i.e, ready mixed concrete,
reinforcement, road materials and other construction material
Impact receptors will be:
 The residents of the dwellings due east of the proposed development
The Promoter shall ensure that the site activities are confined during the
construction with the following measures adopted:
 The construction activities in the vicinity of the newly constructed road leading
to the site will be carried out in such a manner as to ensure the safety of road
users and minimise disruption, to the satisfaction of the relevant authorities.
Appropriate use of signage will be made.
 Materials haulage companies to use competent drivers and ensure that shift
patterns do not result in excessive working hours resulting in compromised road
 All haulage vehicles shall be maintained in good running order and should
comply with the requirements of Road Traffic Act.
The potential road traffic impacts during construction are therefore assessed
as Minor Adverse.

Noise and Vibration

Construction techniques will involve:
 Noise generated through construction traffic
 Noise generated through the operation of heavy construction plant
Impact receptors will be:
 The residents of the nearby morcellement
All construction activities will be of a temporary nature and unavoidable. The
following mitigation measures are proposed to reduce the impacts:
 When machinery is not actually being used, it should be switched off and not
left idling.
 Construction workers will be provided with appropriate ear protection
 Noisy operations will be restricted to daytime operation, i.e. from 7h00 to 18h00.
 Construction plant will be maintained in good running order; all vehicles should
comply with the requirements of Road Traffic Act.

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

The potential noise and vibration impacts during construction are therefore
assessed as Minor Adverse.

Air Quality
The main issues with regard to air quality during construction are:
 Dust generated during the earthworks
 Dust and particles generated during general construction activities
 Exhaust gases from the operation of heavy plant can be a potent source of NOx.
CO, PM and other pollutants.
Impact receptors are:
 Construction workers within the site
 Nearby lagoon and wetland
The following mitigation measures are proposed to reduce the air quality impacts:
 For earthwork operations, construction workers to be enclosed within ventilated
cabs or provided with face masks for potentially dusty earthworks operations
 If appropriate, water damping to be used to control dust
 Construction plant will be maintained in good running order; all vehicles should
comply with requirements of Road Traffic Act and its subsequent regulations
for emission control.
 Solid or shade cloth barriers will be used as appropriate to shield construction
dust along the perimeter of the construction site.
 Appropriate setback will be maintained from environmentally sensitive areas;
appropriate shade cloth barriers will be used as appropriate to shied construction
The potential air quality impacts during construction are therefore assessed
as Minor Adverse.

Surface and ground water quality

The main issues with regard to water quality during construction are:
 Silt loaded surface water run-off generated by the construction works
 Hydrocarbon spills resulting from equipment leaks, breakdowns, on-site
servicing and maintenance of construction vehicles, fuel storage and re-fuelling
of vehicles.
 Silt or contaminant loaded run-off occurring during wash-down of equipment,
i.e., post concreting.
 Avoidance of contamination from contractor’s sewage; refer to Section 5.3.7.
Impact receivers will be:
 The construction areas

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

In order to minimise the risk of reduced water quality during construction the
following measures will be adopted:
 Earthworks shall be halted when rain conditions are such that excessive erosion
and silt loaded run-off can be expected.
 The construction programme will avoid excessive exposure of bare earth
surfaces which may be prone to erosion.
 Care will be taken to avoid excessive mud being transferred by construction
plant to the access road. The vehicles will be driven on firm part of the site to
release excess mud from the wheel before they reach the road. If this becomes
a nuisance, it will be cleared by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the
 Consideration will be given to undertaking routine maintenance of plant and
vehicles off-site in a properly equipped workshop.
 Avoidance of water accumulation and stagnation.
 All plant and vehicles shall be maintained in good running order and should
comply with the requirements of Road Traffic Act.
 Used oil to be disposed of by approved practices.
 Refer to Section 5.3.7 for mitigation measures associated with sewage disposal.
Potential water quality impacts during construction are therefore assessed as
Minor Adverse.

An electrical supply will be provided for the contractor’s site establishment for a
temporary supply from a suitable location on the existing CEB network (to be
applied for by the contractor if and when required.)
The electrical usage for the contractor’s site establishment will be monitored to
ensure usage is commensurate with construction operations. Efforts will be made
to minimise energy use during construction.
The potential electrical energy usage impacts during construction are
therefore assessed as Minor Adverse.

Potable water will be provided for the welfare of construction workers. A potable
water supply will be provided for the contractor’s site establishment from a
temporary supply from a suitable location on the existing CWA network (to be
applied for by the contractor if and when required).
The potential potable water usage impacts during construction are therefore
assessed as Minor Adverse.

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

The daily rate of sewage production will evidently depend upon the number of
workers present any day on site, but from past observation, for a site of similar size,
an average of 4 to 7 m³/d can be expected.
Foul effluents will be collected in an appropriate mobile toilet facility that shall be
connected to a conservancy tank.
In order to minimise the impacts of sewage disposal during the construction stage,
the following measures will be adopted:
 No. and location of toilet/shower blocks to be adequate for peak no. of
construction workers, facilities to be regularly cleaned.
 The Contractor shall ensure that appropriate toilet facilities are available on site
during the whole duration of the works. The toilet block shall be connected to a
conservancy tank and the content of the tank shall be carted away by an
authorised waste carrier to Roche Bois Pumping Station.
 Measures to be enforced to ensure that construction workers do not foul areas
surrounding the site.
Potential impacts due to the generation of foul effluents during construction
are therefore assessed as Minor Adverse.

Solid Wastes
Solid waste produced on site will include:
 Food wastes from the staff, which will attract stray dogs and cats and rodents
such as rats and sundry vermin
 Vegetal remaining after clearing the site
 Basalt blocks and surplus earth resulting from earthworks
 Asphalt and concrete leftovers
 Paper, plastic and metal packages
 Pipes, conduits, wires etc.
These solid wastes, will apart from attracting stray animals and other rodents, but
will also constitute a visual impact of untidiness that does not tally with the notion
of improvement of quality of life expected of the Project.
In order to minimise the impacts owing to the generation of solid wastes during
construction stage, the following measures will be adopted:
 The Contractor shall put in place a waste management plan aimed at minimising
the production of all wastes.
 Where practical, the Contractor shall put measures in place to recycle materials
such as metal off-cuts, some plastics and clean paper/cardboard utilising
existing specialist recycling firms in Mauritius.

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

 A suitable location within the site for placing excess concrete and washing down
equipment will be agreed prior to final removal from site by a licensed waste
operator, or incorporation as backfill material on site.
 Non-recyclable materials will be stored in plastic bins, collected and disposed
of through the municipal waste system.
 Potentially hazardous wastes shall be stored separately, i.e., hydrocarbon
containers, used batteries.
 Waste bins to be provided at toilet blocks, changing areas and other key
 Regular inspections to be made of site and surrounding area to remove litter.
 All wastes collected and disposed of regularly by a licensed carrier.
Potential impacts due to the generation of solid wastes during construction are
therefore assessed as Minor Adverse.

Terrestrial Biodiversity
With reference to Section 4.12, the Promoter has considered various options with
respect to the presence of the ESA wetland No.76 on site. The Promoter wishes to
develop the site and fully mitigate its loss by creating a new wetland system around
the northern, eastern and southern perimeters of the site. The Promoter also wishes
to create a native coastal forest due north east of its development and restore the
coastal sand dunes in front of its hotel. A total area of 111,620m² has been allocated
for the implementation of the conservation areas.
A detailed conservation plan together with a detailed wetland management plan will
be prepared prior to the implementation of the project and submitted for approval
to the authorities.
All the proposed works will be implemented with the collaboration of the relevant
It is therefore concluded the project impact on the existing wetland results in
a major impacts but the proposed mitigating measures, introduction of a
managed wetland, conservation areas to ensure a similar ecosystem and
performance would result in a moderate adverse impact during the
implementation of the works and a neutral impact in the long term.

The development will provide employment opportunities during construction.
Subject to the selection of a Main Contractor, it is hoped that some of the labour
will be sourced from the district in order to provide local benefit and increase skills.
Temporary jobs will be created for artisans, masons, electricians, plumber,
carpenters, landscapers, unskilled workers etc.
It is therefore concluded that the employment opportunities during
construction will provide a Moderate Beneficial socio-economic impact.

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

5.4 Direct Impacts during the Lagoon Works

Generation of sediment plume during placing of stilts

Sediment plumes may be generated by the pile-driving activities and by the workers
walking into the area.
Impact receptors may be:
 The local benthic population along the shoreline
In regard to the above impact, it will be imposed on the Contractor that the jetty
work zone will be clearly delineated and enclosed with double layer geotextile
screens during the whole duration of the works. Daily inspection and maintenance
shall be carried out by the Contractor prior to the start of the works.
The potential impacts from the generation of sediment plume during the
placing of silts are therefore assessed as Minor Adverse.

Mechanical impediment by driven stilts

The source of the impact are generally associated with the jetty stilts driven into the
The impact will be the mechanical destruction of any species living in and around
where the piles will be driven.
Impact receptors will be:
 Local species located within the proposed work area
 Considering that jetty piles will each be 120x120x10mm thick, the surface area
occupied by all the stilts will be less than a square meter. The amount of
disturbance caused might not be significant.
The potential impact associated with mechanical impediment by driven stilts
is therefore assessed as Minor Adverse.

Disturbance of the seabed by workers and materials

The disturbance of the seabed will result from the stockpiling of any material on
the seabed during the construction works and the circulation with hard shoes of
workmen in the work zone.
Impact receptors will be:
 Any local benthic species that can occur on the seabed.
The following mitigating measures will have to be taken in regard of the above:
 Adhere strictly to the method of construction, namely starting construction
operations from the shore by keeping mechanical contact by workers with the
seabed to a minimum by proceeding seaward from the partially constructed jetty.

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

 The seaweed to be demarcated and not be interfered with; ideally installing the
geotextile screen to keep them out the workmen’s reach
 Visual check of the work zone every morning and hand-picking of any
significant benthic species for relocation outside the working area.
The potential impact associated with disturbance of the seabed by workers and
materials is therefore assessed as Minor Adverse.

Soiling of the coastline and seabed by waste materials

This will result from the construction works whereby redundant steel and timber
cuttings, bolts, washers, nuts and nails are dumped on the seabed.
Impact receptors will be:
 Any local species associated within the sediments deposits occurring on the
The impact will be mainly of aesthetic significance though the presence of sharp
and pointed objects represent serious risks of injury to coastal users.
The Contractor shall ensure that all pieces of scrap metals, timber and fixtures be
immediately placed in the waste container, destined for the purpose, for carting

Disturbance to the existing activities of fishermen and

tourist boat operators
The works will be carried out in phase so that least disturbance to the fishermen and
tourist boat operators. Moreover, the Contractor will put in place a
communication/consultative platform to inform them about the programme of
The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions so as not to undermine the safety
of fishermen and boat operators during the renovation works. For their safety, the
work zones will be delimitated with floating buoys and no boat traffic will be
allowed. The Contractor to ensure that after the completion of works , the working
area will be clear from any encumbrance.
Given the phasing and the short duration of the proposed works, estimated to 4 to
6 months, this impact is therefore temporary. Upon the completion of the works,
the access to the lagoon will be restored.
The potential impacts associated with the reduced beach accessibility is
assessed as Minor Adverse ad this will only be temporary.

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

5.5 Impacts during Operation

Noise and Vibration
The main issues to consider with regard to noise and vibration during operation are:
 Noise generated through increased road traffic
 Noise and vibration generated through use of equipment like air conditioning,
domestic pumps.
 Noise generated by the high pressure pumps and the energy recovery systems
used in the desalination process.
Impact receptors will be:
 On-site properties
The noise nuisance may be generated by increased road traffic or domestic pumps,
air blowers, enclosed standby generators during operation, it is thus essential to
attenuate the sources of the noise. The noisy equipment/plants shall be housed
inside a fully enclosed room in the Technical building. The high pressure pumps
will be enclosed inside canopies. It will be the responsibility of the Hotel’s
Representative to ensure that the noise level generated within the site is in
compliance with the local norms
The potential noise and vibration impacts during operation are therefore
assessed as Negligible Adverse.

Air Quality
The main issues to consider with regard to air quality during operation are:
 Indirect emissions, e.g. through increased traffic, generators etc.
 Refrigerant of ozone depleting sources for air conditioning devices
 Avoidance of odour nuisance from sewage; refer to Section 5.4.6.
Impact receptors will be:
 On-site properties
The following mitigation measures will be recommended to reduce the impacts:
 Utilisation of domestic air conditioning devices with zero ozone depleting
 Refer to Section 5.4.5 for mitigation measures associated with sewage disposal.
The potential air quality impacts during operation are therefore assessed as
Minor Adverse.

Surface and ground water quality

The main issues to consider with regard to water quality during operation are:

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

 Potential for hydrocarbon contamination of surface water runoff from paved

roads, due to oil leaks etc from cars.
 Avoidance of contamination from sewage, refer to Section 5.4.5.
 Potential impacts from the discharge of concentrated brine
 Potential impacts from chemicals used in the RO process
 Leakage into the transfer pipelines from the desalinated water storage to the
hotel storage tanks will cause desalinated water to infiltrate into the aquifer.
 Leakages from the borehole intake delivery pipe and the diluted brine reject
pipe would impact upon the quality of underground water
Impact receivers will be:
 On-site properties
 Nearby wetland
In order to minimise the risk of reduced water quality during operation, the
following measures will be adopted:
 Use of bunded fuel tanks and hydrocarbon separators where appropriate
 Any hydrocarbon separators to be regularly inspected and emptied of
hydrocarbon accumulations
 Any hydrocarbon spills to be isolated and cleaned up as quickly as possible to
prevent washing into surface water drains during rainfall
 Refer to Section 5.4.6 for mitigation measures associated with sewage disposal
 The brine generated will be diluted with seawater from the intake borehole
before it is discharged into the rejection borehole.
 The salinity of the reject brine after primary dilution will only be 20% higher
than the intake salinity of water.
 The chemicals will be used in a controlled manner, such that the impact of their
discharge in the environment will be insignificant
 The cleaning water that will be generated during the maintenance of the reverse
osmosis plant will be channelled to the wastewater treatment plant
 At construction stage, the diluted brine network and the seawater intake
borehole delivery network shall be tested according to Code of Practice before
they are operational.
 Meters shall be placed at the intake borehole, the intake to the SWRO, the
permeate delivery pipe, the brine rejection pie, and the diluted brine reject
injection borehole to monitor the volume of water within the whole process.
This will allow for the identification of any water loss in the system.
Potential water quality impacts during operation are therefore assessed as
Minor Adverse.

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

The main issues to consider with regard to hydrology during operation are:
 Managing on-site flood risk
 Avoiding increases to off-site flood risk
Impact receivers will be:
 On-site properties
 Ground water systems
In order to minimise the hydrological impacts during operation, the following
measures will be adopted:
 Creation of wetland area 54,030m² to intercept upstream runoff
 Storm water network to be inspected and any blockages cleared on frequent
 Road alignments will be designed to ensure that the storm run-off is not
channelled into properties or towards critical infrastructure, even when the
drainage system capacity is exceeded.
Potential impacts to the site hydrology during the operation phase are
therefore assessed as Minor Adverse.

There is no public sewage collection network in the region; therefore all sewage
must be treated and disposed of appropriately on site.
The main issues to consider during operation are:
 Avoidance of odour nuisance
 Avoidance of contamination of ground water and surface water
Impact receivers will be:
 On-site properties
 Local/sub-regional surface and ground water users.
In order to minimise potential impacts from disposal of sewage during operation
the following measures will be adopted:
 A 450m³ wastewater treatment plant that will be operated in compliance with
the requirements of the Wastewater Management Authority and the standards
of effluents for irrigation as per EPA (2002) as amended in 2008
 The wastewater from the kitchen, being normally loaded with oil and grease,
will initially be discharged into a grease trap for the removal of the oil and
grease. The overflow from the grease trap will then be channelled to the
wastewater treatment plant.

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

 The residual grease accumulated in the grease trap will be removed and treated
by a specialist sub-contractor on a regular basis.
 The effluent quality after chlorination and filtration will conform to
Environmental Standards for treated effluents for irrigation as per EPA (2002)
as amended in 2008.
Potential impacts associated with sewage disposal during operation phase are
therefore assessed as Negligible Adverse.

Decommissioning of the desalination plant

At the decommissioning phase, all the equipment which were installed during the
installation and commissioning of the plant namely beach intake borehole,
desalination plant and inter-connecting pipeline will be removed from the site.
Should the desalination plant still be functional, it will be dismantled and sold, else,
the metallic part of the plant will be recycled as scrap metal. HDPE tanks, bag filters
shall be disposed of as solid waste and carted away by authorised solid waste
The boreholes that have been drilled for pumping of raw water will be backfilled
and land restored to its initial condition.

Solid Waste
Solid wastes produced during operation will include:
 Domestic recyclable materials (e.g. paper, cardboard, plastics, aluminium
cans, etc).
 Domestic green waste
 Domestic food wastes
 Domestic non-recyclable materials
 Domestic hazardous materials (e.g. paints, batteries, etc)
 Public landscaped area green waste
Impact receptors will be:
 An increased load on the municipal waste authority.
Beachcomber Hospitality Investments Ltd shall implement an integrated solid
waste management on site and it will be managed by Don’t Waste Ltd. This shift
in thinking is essential for the implementation of a sustainable resource-efficient
waste management programme which shall integrate recycling, mulching of green
waste and reduction of solid waste sent to La Chaumière Transfer Station and
ultimately to the Mare Chicose Landfill.
Potential impacts due to the generation of solid waste during operation are
therefore assessed as Minor Adverse.

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

Operation of Jetty
The impacts may be generated by the number of pleasure crafts or powered pirogues
boarding the jetty are:
 Hydrocarbon spillage into the sea from the outboard motors powering the
 The generation of turbid sediment plumes as the seabed sediments are sheared
off by the rotating velocity fields induced by propellers and that can be
responsible for the biological destruction of the benthic populations, thereby
deprived of photosynthesis processes.
 Mechanical contact between the keels of the vessels, particularly at low tides
and under wave agitation by oars, poles, etc.
 The permanent casting over the seabed, of shade from sunlight by the planked
footpath running on top of the jetty.
The main impact receivers will be:
 The littoral and beaches adjacent to the jetty, particularly prone to receiving
hydrocarbon spills drifting at the surface to be washed ashore, polluting the
 The seagrass located with the proximity of the jetty may be destroyed either
biologically by the permanent generation of sediment plumes by propeller, or
mechanically by contact with boats, oars, poles, etc.
The following measures will be enforced to mitigate the adverse impacts described
 Outboard motors to be well maintained, in perfect order of operation, with
prohibition of refuelling, servicing, etc on the jetty
 The approach to the jetty will be clearly demarcated with buoys towards the
deeper waters to favour travel in deeper waters
 Jetty boarding will be strictly limited to the landing platform
 Leaving spaces between the planks of the walkway to allow sunlight to reach
the benthos as much as possible; a clearance of 50mm has been allowed for
between each plank.
Potential impacts due to the operation of the jetty is therefore assessed as
Minor Adverse.

With reference to the social assessment, report in Appendix O, New Mauritius
Hotels Limited is assessing the social needs of the area and shall work in
collaboration with the inhabitants of Grand Rivière Noire VCA to enhance their
quality of life.
It is also anticipated that the development will provide employment opportunities
during operation and this shall benefit the people from the local district.

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New Mauritius Hotels Limited Resort Hotel at Les Salines, Rivière Noire
Environmental Impact Assessment

Employment opportunities will include gardeners, domestic staff, cleaners, security

Potential impacts associated with the socio-economic aspects of the project
has been assessed as Moderately Beneficial.

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