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NO. ABSEN : 33



So Cause and effect text is a type of paragraph that contains of cause and effect. This paragraph begins
with the reasons described at the beginning of the sentence and then draws into a general conclusion
which is the result of the reasons that have been explained.

Cause and effect teks adalah jenis paragraf yang berisi tentang sebab dan akibat. Paragraf ini diawali
dengan sebab – sebab yang dijabarkan di awal kalimat dan kemudian ditarik menjadi satu kesimpulan
umum yang merupakan akibat dari penyebab – peyebab yang telah dijabarkan tersebut.

You can usually easily identify sentences that have a cause-and-effect relationship if they contain words
or phrases such as:Due to, Because of, Owing to,Thanks to, As a consequence of, As a result of, Because,
Sinc, For, Because of, Thanks to, As a result of, Due to, As a consequence of, Owing to.

Example :

I was lost so I opened Google Maps

Aku tersesat jadi aku membuka gmaps

Cause : I was lost

Effect : I opened Google Maps

Conjunction : so

The journey was quick because the road was quite

Perjalanan jadi cepat karena jalanan sepi

Cause : the road was quite.

Effect : the journey was quick

Conjunction : because

Adjective clause or relative clause is a dependent clause which acts as an adjective which explains the
noun (noun) or pronoun (pronoun) in the main clause of a complex sentence.

Adjective clause atau relative clause adalah dependent clause yang berperan sebagai adjective (kata
sifat) yang menerangkan noun (kata benda) atau pronoun (kata ganti) pada main clause suatu complex

Relative pronoun +/- S * + V

A relative pronoun (which, who, that) can function as a subject if there are no other subjects. The
position of the adjective clause in an English sentence always follows the nouns and pronouns that are
explained. The noun or pronoun in the main clause can function as a subject, object, or subject
complement in a sentence.

Example :

who He is the man who works hard to support their daily needs.

(Dia pria yang bekerja keras untuk menanggung kebutuhan sehari-hari mereka.)

menerangkan “man” (subject complement)

whom The woman whom you saw last night is my sister.

(Wanita yang kamu lihat tadi malam adalah saudara saya.)

menerangkan “woman” (subject)

whose The man, whose car had a flat tire, works as an English Teacher.

(The man yang ban mobilnya kempes bekerja sebagai guru bahasa Inggris.)

menerangkan “man” (subject)

which Tom, which is very cute, is my

(Tom, yang sangat manis, adalah kucing saya.)

menerangkan “Tom” (subject)

that It is the car that I really like.

(Ini mobil yang saya sangat sukai.)

menerangkan “car” (subject complement)

Relative adverb + S + V

Apart from the relative pronoun, there are also relative adverbs (when, where, why) that can be
juxtaposed in the use of the adjective clause. Relative adverb serves to explain or explain a noun as a
description of place, adverb of time, and also reason.

Axample :

where Bandar Lampung is a city where I was born.

(Bandar Lampung adalah kota dimana saya dilahirkan.)

menerangkan “city” (subject complement)

when I still remember the day when we first met.

(Saya masih ingat hari ketika kita pertama bertemu.) menerangkan “day” (object)

why This pie chart shows the main reasons why customers leave your company.

(Bagan pai ini menunjukkan alasan utama mengapa pelanggan meninggalkan perusahaanmu.)

menerangkan “reason” (object).


Adverbial clause is a dependent clause which functions as an adverb and provides information about
verbs adjectives or adverbs that are in the independent clause with the capacity to answer questions
such as: how, when, where and why

Adverbial Clause Subordinate Conjunction + S + V +/- …

Complex Sentence Independent Clause (S + V +/- …) + Adverbial Clause

You were sleeping when she arrived.

(Dia tiba ketika kamu sedang tertidur.)


verb = were sleeping

subordinate conjunction = when

Her face looks fresh because she always eats well, sleeps enough, and exercises.

(Wajahnya tampak segar karena dia selalu makan dengan baik, tidur cukup, dan berolahraga.)


adjective = fresh

subordinate conjunction = because

He drove fast in order that he could arrive on time.

(Dia mengemudi dengan cepat agar dia dapat tiba tepat waktu.)


adverb = fast

subordinate conjunction = in order that


Noun clause is a dependent clause or dependent clause that serves as a noun. What is a dependent
clause? It is a clause that can not stand alone as a whole sentence because the dependent clause does
not convey complete thinking even though he has the subject and the verb. While the noun clause can
serve as a component of sentences such as: subject, object of verb, object of preposition, and subject
complement and can be replaced with the pronoun "it".

Rumus Noun Clause

Noun clause dapat diawali oleh noun clause markers atau subordinator berupa question word, if atau
whether, dan that.
if/whether/that/ question word + S + V + …
Noun Clause Marker

Question word exp: what(ever), what (time, kind, day, etc), who(ever) ,whose, whom(ever), which(ever),
where(ever),,when(ever),how (long, far, many times, old, etc),if/whether

1 What she cooked was delicious.

(Apa yang dia masak lezat.) subject

2 I want to know how he was in real.

(Saya ingin tahu bagaimana dia aslinya.) direct object


Expressing concession and contrast

The same sentence showing concession or contrast can be expressed in several different ways.

Study the examples given below.

She is pretty. She is not popular with men.

The two sentences given above express contrasting ideas. We can connect them in several different

Using though and although

Both though and although have the same meaning. They can both be used to connect these two clauses.

Although she is pretty, she is not popular with men.

As and though

As and though can be used in a special structure after an adjective or adverb. In this case, they can both
mean ‘although’, and suggest an emphatic contrast.

Pretty as she is, she is not popular with men.

Using all the same and at the same time

These are discourse markers used to suggest that the second statement contrasts with the first. Note
that a discourse marker does not connect two clauses. They merely show how the ideas are related. In
writing, we separate the two clauses with a semicolon. A full stop is also possible.

She is pretty; all the same, she is not popular with men.
She is pretty; at the same time, she is not popular with men.

Using nonetheless, however and nevertheless

These are also discourse markers and cannot connect two clauses.

She is pretty; nonetheless, she is not popular with men.

She is pretty; however, she is not popular with men.

Using in spite of and despite

In spite of and despite are prepositions.

She is not popular with men in spite of being pretty.

She is not popular with men despite being pretty.


Reading Comprehension in English text is not only about how you read well which includes
pronunciation accuracy and loud voice. However, Reading Comprehension itself is an activity to build an
understanding of the meaning of a text which can then be translated by you and through your own
language. Furthermore, this understanding can be useful for others. PTER 6 SOME READING TEXT

Effective reading: general advice

The following advice may seem obvious, but is important.

Consider where you read. Always read in a well-lit and quiet place that is free of

distractions, and don’t get into the habit of reading uni materials in bed! (unless you

want to go to sleep).

Don’t vocalise as you read. This will slow you down, it won’t help concentration, and

it will lead to bad reading approaches.

Read at times when you can concentrate, and maintain concentration by taking

regular short breaks, perhaps every 30 or 45 minutes.

Set yourself reading tasks (10 pages, 1 chapter, 1 section of a chapter etc).

Remember that reading often takes longer than you expect and you often need to

go beyond set texts. Give yourself enough time!


1.I am late ……. My car

a. because of

b. because

c. for

d. since

2. The school closed down …….covid 19

a. for

b. before

c. when

d.because of

3. She passed the test ……. she had a good teacher.

a. because of

b. because

c. but

d. since

4. I can not eat the indomie.......i don’t like it.

a. because

b. because of

c. as

d. since

5.They can win the competition ..... they always have a very hard exercise everyday.

a. Act

b. As

c. For
d. Whereas


6.It was my best friend …hit the badminton ball over the net.

a. That

b. Where

c. When

d. Who

7.The woman …has six children is my mother

a. Whom

b. Who

c. Whose

d. Where

8.She has a house...has a beutiful garden

a. That

b. Where

c. When

d. whom

9.Bali …is located in Indonesian, was may favourite destination to visit

a. Which

b. That

c. Where

d. Whom

10.Special prizes is available for the class … wins in the English contest.

a. Which

b. That

c. Where
d. Whom.


11. Sorry you can speak _______, I cannot hear you.

A. loudly

B. hardly

C. slowly

D. softly

12. You should _______ do everything makes you feel bad

A. always

B. never

C. usually

d. must

13. We searched ________ but were unable to find her phone

A. nowhere

B. everywhere

C. anywhere

D. wherewer

17. I hope to see you _______

A. soon

B. random

C. never

D. often

18. Deepak never dresses ______ for work

A. formally
B. dirtily

C. coolly

D. easily


18. . . You want something do it youself

a. If

b. What

c. Whether

d. Does

. . . you want is not my business

a. If

b. What

c. Whether

d. Does

19. . . Tristan did was very amazing

a. Who

b. Whom

c. Why

d. That

20. . . Tistan told you yrsterday is not a lie

a. That

b. If

c. What

d. How

I promise . . . I will take care of you

a. whether

b. why

c. what

d. that


21. I think he will do nothing …….if he is fired and doesn’t receive his final paycheck.





22. I will bring it …..if it’s so heavy.





23. ……. if I was tired, I had been reading the message as soon as possible.





24. This flower will be sold ……if it is very expensive.




24. ………was studying in the library, someone greeted me.



c.while i

d. even though

25. You knocked on the door ……she was taking a bath.




d. even though


Naval architects never claim that a ship is unsinkable, but the sinking of the passenger-and-car ferry
Estonia in the Baltic surely should have never have happened. It was well designed and carefully
maintained. It carried the proper number of lifeboats. It had been thoroughly inspected the day of
its fatal voyage. Yet hours later, the Estonia rolled over and sank in a cold, stormy night. It went
down so quickly that most of those on board, caught in their dark, flooding cabins, had no chance to
save themselves: Of those who managed to scramble overboard, only 139 survived. The rest died of
hypothermia before the rescuers could pluck them from the cold sea. The final death toll amounted
to 912 souls. However, there were an unpleasant number of questions about why the Estonia sank
and why so many survivors were men in the prime of life, while most of the dead were women,
children and the elderly.

26.One can understand from the reading that

A) the lifesaving equipment did not work well and lifeboats could not be lowered
B) design faults and incompetent crew contributed to the sinking of the Estonia ferry
C) 139 people managed to leave the vessel but died in freezing water
D) naval architects claimed that Estonia was unsinkable

27. It is clear from the passage that the survivors of the accident
A) helped one another to overcome the tragedy that had affected them all
B) were mostly young men but women, children and the elderly stood little chance
C) helped save hundreds of lives
D) are still suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder
28. According to the passage, when Estonia sank,
A) there were only 139 passengers on board
B) few of the passengers were asleep
C) there were enough lifeboats for the number of people on board
D) faster reaction by the crew could have increased Estonia’s chances of survival

Erosion of America’s farmland by wind and water has been a problem since settlers first put the
prairies and grasslands under the plow in the nineteenth century. By the 1930s, more than 282
million acres of farmland were damaged by erosion. After 40 years of conservation efforts, soil
erosion has accelerated due to new demands placed on the land by heavy crop production. In the
years ahead, soil erosion and the pollution problems it causes are likely to replace petroleum
scarcity as the nation’s most critical natural resource problem.

29. As we understand from the reading, today, soil erosion in America

A) causes humans to place new demands on the land
B) is worse than it was in the nineteenth century
C) happens so slowly that it is hardly noticed
D) is the most critical problem that the nation faces

30. The author points out in the passage that erosion in America
A) has damaged 282 million acres ever since settlers first put the prairies and grasslands under the
B) has been so severe that it has forced people to abandon their settlements
C) occurs only in areas with no vegetation
D) can become a more serious problem in the future

1. A
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. A
16. B
17. B
18. D
19. A
20. D
21. B
22. B
23. B
24. C
25. C
26. E
27. B
28. C
29. B
30. D

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