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J Epidemiol Community Health: first published as 10.1136/jech.2004.028985 on 14 July 2005. Downloaded from on December 4, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Health and happiness covary strongly at higher levels of social
....................................................................................... organisation. This is precisely what
Subramanian and colleagues report for

Health, happiness, and higher levels of

US communities.
But why do we not see the same
degree of alignment of health and
social organisation happiness within individuals? Myers
states emphatically that ‘‘age, gender
Nancy Ross and income (assuming people have
enough to afford life’s necessities) give
................................................................................... little clue to someone’s happiness’’
(page 65), although we know these to
Healthy communities tend to be happy communities be strong predictors of an individual’s
health status through years of epide-
miological study.3 Health, however mea-

n their paper Subramanian and col- direction of causality running from
leagues show us that both individual health to happiness and not the other sured, tends to decline with age. Women
and community level health and way around.2 Marriage has a lasting consistently outlive men in most coun-
happiness tend to covary but that the positive effect on happiness and divorce tries around the world. Despite the
community level health-happiness cov- a lasting negative effect. The case of modest role of health selection effects,
ariation is quite a bit stronger than that income, however, is quite different. the epidemiological evidence supporting
for individuals.1 Their approach is novel Although cross sectional studies like the causal relation between income and
in that they examine the covariation in that of Subramanian and colleagues health status is strong. Thus it would
these two outcomes nested within indi- typically show a significant positive seem that some of the most important
viduals who are in turn nested within association between income and happi- common indicators of health and hap-
USA communities. ness even in the presence of control piness are probably still out there
The study design of the Subramanian variables, he suggests that cohort stu- to be measured in a future study.
paper forces the questions: Are people dies show no trend of increased income Among other candidates, things like self
naturally endowed with a degree of being associated with increased happi- esteem, extent and quality of social
relationships, job satisfaction, and
happiness that life events, whether posi- ness. So according to Easterlin’s ideas,
leisure time activities should probably
tive or negative, are unlikely to influence? health and marriage can permanently
be considered.3 5 As for the role of com-
Or are there life circumstances, set in affect happiness but, in psychologist’s
munity context, we know from the
motion by social contexts, which have parlance, there seems to be ‘‘complete
Subramanian piece that healthy com-
enduring effects on our levels of happi- hedonic adaptation’’ for income.
munities tend to be happy communities
ness? If we assume that people have a set Income’s inability to nudge us towards
and this finding should force us to
point of happiness homoeostasis that happiness, he explains, is attributable to
consider what forms of social organisa-
only wavers slightly in response to either the fact that material desires expand
tion are most supportive of these candi-
positive and negative life conditions and with increased incomes leaving us per- date common indicators of health and
events we might expect that happy people petually at roughly the same distance happiness.
will tend to feel healthy, be optimistic, between our material goals and our
vital, and we would expect health and ability to attain them. J Epidemiol Community Health 2005;59:614.
doi: 10.1136/jech.2004.031732
happiness to covary within individuals There also seems to be some kind of
across contexts. On the other hand, if it is hedonic adaptation at higher levels of Correspondence to: Dr N Ross, Department of
life circumstances that permanently social organisation. In the USA real Geography, McGill University, Montral,
change our level of happiness then we personal incomes have grown substan- Quebec, Canada;
would be more inclined to suggest that tially since the middle of the past
some underlying life conditions are century but the proportion of REFERENCES
implicated in the codetermination of Americans reporting themselves ‘‘very
1 Subramanian SV, Kim F, Kawachi I. Covariation
health and happiness. happy’’ has hovered around one third.3 in the socioeconomic determinants of self rated
Easterlin argues that there indeed are Internationally, happiness is not corre- health and happiness: a multivariate multilevel
some conditions of life, such as a decline lated with GDP per capita beyond a analysis of individuals and communities in the
USA. J Epidemiol Community Health
in health status, that permanently threshold of about $13 000.4 Indeed, 2005;59:664–9.
change our level of happiness. Pointing there is a remarkably similar shape 2 Easterlin R. Explaining happiness. PNAS
to data from the US general social (diminishing returns to both health 2003;100:11176–83.
3 Myers DG. The funds, friends and faith of happy
survey, he shows that across the life and happiness beyond a basic thresh- people. Am Psychol 2000;55:56–67.
course, those in poorer health report old) to the relation between income and 4 Doyle R. Calculus of happiness: assessing
consistently lower happiness than those health and income and happiness at the well-being across societies. Sci Am 2002;280:32.
5 Deiner E. Subjective well-being: the science of
in better health and he conjectures that scale of the nation state—suggesting happiness and a proposal for a national index.
the balance of evidence favours the that income, health, and happiness Am Psychol 2000;55:34–43.

J Epidemiol Community Health: first published as 10.1136/jech.2004.028985 on 14 July 2005. Downloaded from on December 4, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Nutrition consumed synthetic additives, such as
....................................................................................... artificial colours, flavours, and preserva-
tives may provoke untoward reactions

Nutritional transition: a determinant of

and long term effects of eating irra-
diated food have not been adequately

global health
studied. Toxins in food are also an
important concern in obstetrical care:
just as drugs and alcohol can affect the
Stephen J Genuis developing fetus, recent warnings that
caution pregnant women to limit con-
................................................................................... sumption of seafood because of terato-
genic contaminants36 give evidence of
Much of the world’s disease burden results from faulty nutrition, potential in utero impact of food toxins.
which is a largely preventable risk factor. It is now time for a An accumulating body of evidence has
global diet strategy. pointed to hyperinsulinaemia resulting
from dietary choices as an aetiological
factor in the development of many

erhaps more than ever before in with a range of illnesses such as prostate
chronic medical problems.37–39 Hyper-
recorded history there is a huge gap cancer,14 miscarriage,15 and stroke,16 as
tension, dyslipidaemia, coronary artery
between health as it could be and well as an array of paediatric afflictions
disease, and type 2 diabetes are among
health as it really is. The management of including widespread behavioural and
the most common chronic conditions
patients with persistent affliction and learning disorders,17 certain congenital
seen by family physicians in western
unremitting pain increasingly domi- abnormalities,18 and even such common
cultures, yet remain rare in less
nates medical practice1 2 and it is appar- ailments as ear infections.19 The
westernised societies. For example, 50
ent that individual and public dietary Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, for exam-
million Americans are hypertensive, 10
habits are an important determinant in ple, recently highlighted various psy-
million have type 2 diabetes, and 72
the mounting load of chronic suffering chiatric challenges including anxiety,
million adults have dyslipidaemia.38
and illness.3 Exorbitant rates of adult depression, and hyperactivity problems
Habitual consumption of high glycaemic
onset diabetes as well as an epidemic of associated with insufficient levels of food carbohydrates such as refined sugar
paediatric and adult obesity have trig- essential fatty acids.20 Primary reasons and many common cereals promotes
gered a careful re-examination of for micronutrient insufficiency include the development of insulin resistance
national food guidelines and population the following: food is commonly grown and compensatory hyperinsulinaemia.38
dietary practices. In recognition of the in soil that has become nutritionally Awareness of the impact of raised insulin
health ramifications of faulty dietary deficient; microwaving and prolonged concentrations resulting from dietary
intake, the World Health Organisation cooking at high temperatures dimi- challenges is increasing; research has
in May 2004 implemented a global diet nishes nutritional value21 22; produce is implicated this physiological change with
strategy,3–5 a move branded as a ‘‘land- commonly harvested in advance of vine other common conditions such as acne
mark achievement in global public ripening, the stage at which many basic and hair loss,38 polycystic ovarian dis-
health policy.’’5 nutrients develop; and toxins including ease,40 pre-eclamptic toxaemia,41 as well
Distinct challenges related to nutri- various herbicides and pesticides may as prostate, breast, and colon can-
tion and health in developing countries, have an adverse effect on nutrients. cer.38 42 43 As increased insulin concentra-
such as food shortage and inequitable Furthermore, fast food with its ques- tions also have a significant growth
distribution of resources, often result tionable nutritional status has become a promoting hormone effect, higher fetal
from political, economic, and social dietary staple for many families.23 24 As insulin concentrations in response to
factors. Even within developed nations well as nutritional deficiency, exposures high glycaemic loads provided to the
enjoying prosperity, cutting edge medi- to potential toxins in foods are also a mother may be accounting for larger fetal
cal technology, and accessible health cause for concern. growth. With high rates of cephalopelvic
care, however, it is increasingly evident Potentially toxic and allergenic agents disproportion and associated caesarean
that rates of chronic illness are mount- in common foods are becoming more section figures of 24% in the USA and
ing,6–9 thus threatening the sustainabil- prevalent and, although much of the 21% in Canada,44 45 the issue of diet in
ity of health care systems in many research on toxic effect remains at an pregnancy needs to be carefully consid-
jurisdictions. The Centers for Disease early stage, there are increasing data ered. The myriad health sequelae asso-
Control and other groups have provided that evoke concern.25 To expedite rapid ciated with habitual high glycaemic
substantial research data confirming and maximal growth, many farm ani- consumption and mounting western type
that the rise in illness and chronic pain mals destined for human consumption illness in developing nations adopting
are, in part, attributable to nutritional are injected with potent hormones western dietary behaviours, explain the
choices.3 10–12 As early as 1988, the US including oestrogens, as well as being high glycaemic caution (in addition to
Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition fed potentially toxic growth promoting the fruit and vegetable promotion) in the
and Health concluded that illness feed additives.26–29 It is noteworthy that WHO ‘‘Global strategy on diet, physical
related to modern dietary habits had because of safety concerns, the Euro- activity and health.’’3
risen so noticeably that faulty nutrition pean Union has steadfastly banned beef While the medical discipline of nutri-
significantly contributed to most deaths treated with growth hormones.28 In tion is emerging as an area of primary
in the USA.13 North America, dietary analysis by pub- health importance, this domain has not
The integrity of the physical body is lic agencies has showed that some been a focus for medical training and
determined, to a great degree, by the ordinary foods consumed by many continuing medical education.46 47 It
quality of consumed nutrients that families now contain pesticide residue, would be outlandish for a building
continually nourish and rebuild the antibiotics, heavy metals, industrial contractor or architect to complete
human structure. Deficiencies of ordin- chemicals, and untested genetically training in construction without an all
ary micronutrients can be associated engineered ingredients.26 30–35 Routinely embracing knowledge of structural

J Epidemiol Community Health: first published as 10.1136/jech.2004.028985 on 14 July 2005. Downloaded from on December 4, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
20 Haag M. Essential fatty acids and the brain.
What this paper adds Policy implications Can J Psychiatry 2003;48:195–203.
21 Vallejo F, Garcia-Viguera C, Tomas-Barberan FA.
Phenolic sompound contents in edible parts of
It is my desire that this commentary will The recent World Health Assembly broccoli inflorescences after domestic cooking.
bring attention to the contribution of strategy to introduce a new dietary J Sci Food Agric 2003;83:1511–16.
22 Gil MI, Ferreres F, Tomas-Barberan FA. Effect of
nutritional factors to the escalating initiative is an important first step in the postharvest storage and processing on the
problem of chronic disease. Many commitment to improve global nutri- antioxidant constituents (flavonoids and vitamin
people consider health and illness to tional practices. However, there is C) of fresh-cut spinach. J Agric Food Chem
be entirely independent of their own much literature to confirm that most 23 Schlosser E. Fast food nation. New York:
behaviour and voluntary choices, and physicians are not trained in nutrition Houghton Mifflin, 2001:13–270.
regardless of unhealthy practices, per- and do not consider this important field 24 Weisburger JH. Hazards of fast food. Environ
Health Perspect 2004;112:A336.
ceive that health can be purchased in a when managing illness. This paper will 25 Glade MJ. Food, nutrition and the prevention of
medicine or vitamin bottle. Much of the hopefully contribute to increasing phy- cancer: a global perspective. American Institute
general public now expects to consume sician awareness and facilitate the for Cancer Research/World Cancer Research
Fund, American Institute for Cancer Research
medical services in much the same introduction of policies and pro- 1997. Nutrition 1999;15:523–6.
fashion that they consume fast food: grammes to educate the public about 26 Canadian Food Inspection Agency. On
rapid service, brief encounters, and the need for prevention and promotion pesticides, agricultural chemicals, veterinary
immediate satisfication. As there is of community health, in part, through drugs, environmental pollutants and other
impurities in agri-food commodities of animal
mounting evidence of the close relation diet. origin. Fiscal year 1998/1999. Canadian Food
between nutritional transition and dis- Inspection Agency Report 1999;1:1–61.
ease, physicians need to be advocates 27 Rogan WJ, Ragan NB. Evidence of effects of
environmental chemicals on the endocrine system
for health promotion and prevention, 2 The World Health Report 2002. Reducing risks, in children. Pediatrics 2003;112:247–52.
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Organisation, 2002:3–167. over importing hormone-treated beef. Lancet
and intervention.
3 World Health Assembly. Global strategy on diet, 1999;353:1864.
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2004:1–20. Toxicol 1992;34:66–70.
materials, yet most physicians have 4 Phillips MW Jr. The WHO’s global health 30 Groth E, Benbrook CM, Lutz K. Do you know
received limited instruction about diet- strategy: a call to arms for dietetics professionals. what you’re eating? An analysis of U.S.
ary nutrients, the building materials of J Am Diet Assoc 2004;104:520–3. government data on pesticide residues in foods.
5 Meek C. Global diet and exercise plan approved. Public service projects department; technical
the human frame. As a result, consid- CMAJ 2004;171:22. division. Consumers Union of United States
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medical problems occurs infrequently of disease: a comprehensive assessment of 31 Buechner P, Neufeld S, Mausberg B. Metallic
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in everyday clinical practice48 and the and risk factors in 1990 and projected to 2020. Canadian diet. Environmental Defence Canada
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difficulties is commonly unexplored. 1996:4–990. 32 Wiles R, Davies K, Campbell C. Overexposed:
7 Wagner EH, Groves T. Care for chronic diseases. organophosphate insecticides in children’s food.
Despite ample evidence confirming the BMJ 2002;325:913–14. Environmental Working Group Report
need for good nutrition as a prerequisite 8 Nettleton S. The sociology of health and illness. 1998:9–45.
for optimal health,10 dietary habits have Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995:1–253. 33 Canadian Food Inspection Agency. On
9 Jones K, Moon G. Health, disease and society: an pesticides, agricultural chemicals, environmental
changed substantially over the past few pollutants and other impurities in agri-food
introduction to medical geography. London:
decades with accumulating research Routledge, 1987:12–376. commodities of plant origin. Fiscal year 2000/
showing that many contemporary foods 10 Centers for Disease Control and National Center 2001. Canadian Food Inspection Agency Report
for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health 2001;2:1–87.
are nutritionally inadequate and that 34 Butler D, Reichhardt T. Long-term effect of GM
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J Epidemiol Community Health: first published as 10.1136/jech.2004.028985 on 14 July 2005. Downloaded from on December 4, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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Mathematical modelling health impacts of non-healthcare policies

....................................................................................... and the lack of interest of most major
journals in publishing public health

Mathematical modelling of health

research—are compounded in the UK
by the Research Assessment Exercise that

has led to a dearth (or death?) of
academic public health posts and
research. The third is the lack of studies
Jennifer Mindell, Mike Joffe of interventions to underpin modelling
research. This is both the most important
and would be the easiest to address, given
political will and the accompanying
Mathematical modelling is seldom applied to research of global funding.
measures of health or health inequalities mainly because of the What is needed to take forward this
lack of studies of interventions necessary to underpin modelling type of research? Firstly, good quality
research. primary studies on the effects of
change.5 Even where there is good
evidence of a causal relation, reversi-

n this issue, Cole and his colleagues the minimum costs were two to three bility cannot be assumed7: as a quanti-
elegantly demonstrate the use of times the basic social security (unem- fied illustration, the magnitude of the
modelling to estimate health impacts ployment benefit) rate.3 Any attempt to effect of a rise or a fall in cigarette price
of a policy.1 The Los Angeles City liv- reduce inequalities in health (or ‘‘differ- on cigarette consumption (the elastici-
ing wage ordinance sets a minimum ences’’ as they are officially termed in ties) differ.8 In relation to socioeconomic
wage for certain city employees. It the USA, in a use of language reminis- inequalities, while cross sectional stu-
also requires employers to contribute cent of Thatcherite ‘‘variations’’) must dies of unemployment and health are
towards health insurance premiums for ensure universal access to health care subject to direct and indirect selection
the affected workers or to add that and to income sufficient to meet all effects,9 factory closure studies over-
payment to their wages. Using results basic needs.4 come this problem,10 but do not directly
from other studies in a novel way, they The problem with applying the answer the question, ‘‘how much health
found that provision of health insurance method of Cole and colleagues more gain would be expected from the crea-
is a more cost effective measure to widely is the paucity of evidence on tion of a certain number of jobs?’’—
improve health than a modest rise in which their modelling depends for which arises frequently in the context of
income in their Los Angeles population. quantification of heath impacts. Health health impact assessment.
This is unsurprising in the American impact assessment prompts scientific In the UK, the 2004 Wanless Report
context. For the relation of health to the questions for which there is little evi- lamented the lack of evidence of cost
provision of any type of resource, there dence to provide adequate answers. For effectiveness of interventions to improve
is likely to be a diminishing return so example, there is a vast literature on population health.11 Where such evi-
that the gradient of the relation inequalities and health but it is difficult dence does exist, almost all focuses on
becomes flatter as the level of the to quantify the effect of added income individual level interventions, yet health
resource increases.2 The steepest part of on health. Even where there is excellent impact assessments consider projects,
the curve is the increase above zero. The evidence for a causal relation, quantify- programmes, or policies that affect
many uninsured in the USA will there- ing the difference an intervention is whole populations or significant groups.
fore gain appreciably even from low likely to make is fraught with difficul- Explaining the health effects of inter-
levels of access to health care. However, ties. These are reduced but not abolished ventions requires a robust study design
even for low paid workers, the steepest when a change model is used.5 Such that is able to answer the question
part of the curve between income and questions cannot be answered using asked12 but it does not require that the
health passed as soon as they were in cross sectional surveys. In this instance, researchers initiate or implement the
employment/compared with the unem- one needs to know the effects on health intervention whose effects are being
ployed. In any other economically devel- of a change in income, studying the examined. Wanless suggested that a
oped country, the relative impacts same individuals. This may differ from useful design is to exploit opportunities
would probably be different. the postulated effects extrapolated from of ‘‘natural experiments’’11; for example,
The minimum level for a living wage differences in health between indivi- there is good evidence of some income
to live up to its name will vary according duals, or groups, with different incomes. redistribution in the UK in the past
to the costs of meeting needs in differ- Mathematical modelling is well estab- seven years, but so far there seems to be
ent locations. Morris et al calculated that lished in infectious disease epidemiology6 no interest in assessing the health
minimum living costs in 1999 for young, but is seldom applied to non-communic- impact, even though it is likely to reflect
single men exceeded earnings based on able diseases or global measures of health well on the government. It remains to
the then national minimum wage by up or health inequalities, despite its great be seen whether the UK or other
to 55% of earnings (income depending potential. Problems are threefold. Two— governments and funders of research
on age, and costs on region). However, lack of research funding to examine will become interested in the type

J Epidemiol Community Health: first published as 10.1136/jech.2004.028985 on 14 July 2005. Downloaded from on December 4, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
of research that Cole and others are REFERENCES 6 Anderson RM, May RM. Infectious disease of
humans: dynamics and control. Oxford: Oxford
pioneering. 1 Cole BL, Shimkhada R, Morgenstern H, et al. University Press, 1991.
J Epidemiol Community Health Projected health impact of the Los Angeles City 7 Mindell J, Boaz AL, Joffe M, et al. Enhancing the
2005;59:617–618. living wage ordinance. J Epidemiol Community evidence base for HIA. J Epidemiol Community
Health 2005;59:645–50. Health 2004;58:546–51.
doi: 10.1136/jech.2005.034355 2 Backlund E, Sorlie PD, Johnson NJ. A 8 Andrews RL, Franke GR. The determinants of
comparison of the relationships of education and cigarette consumption: a meta-analysis. J Public
...................... income with mortality: the national longitudinal Policy Market 1991;10:81–100.
Authors’ affiliations mortality study. Soc Sci Med 9 Bartley M, Ferrie J, Montgomery SM. Living in a
1999;49:1373–84. high-unemployment economy: understanding the
J Mindell, London Health Observatory, UK health consequences. In: Marmot M,
3 Morris JN, Donkin AJM, Wonderling D, et al. A
M Joffe, Department of Epidemiology and minimum income for healthy living. J Epidemiol Wilkinson RG, eds. Social determinants of health.
Public Health, Imperial College London, UK Community Health 2000;54:885–9. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
4 Maslow A. ‘‘Higher’’ and ‘‘lower’’ needs. 10 Keefe V, Reid P, Ormsby C, et al. Serious health
[Reprinted in Stacey C, DeMartino M, eds. events following involuntary job loss in New
Correspondence to: Dr J Mindell, Department Understanding human motivation. Cleveland: Zealand meat processing workers. Int J Epidemiol
of Epidemiology and Public Health, University Howard Allen Publishers, 1958], J Psychol 2002;31:1155–61.
College London, 1–19 Torrington Place, London 1948;25:433–6. 11 Wanless D. Securing good health for the whole
WC1E 6BT, UK 5 Joffe M, Mindell J. A framework for the evidence population. London: HM Treasury, 2004.
Funding: none. base to support health impact assessment. 12 Petticrew M, Roberts H. Evidence, hierarchies,
J Epidemiol Community Health and typologies: horses for courses. J Epidemiol
Conflicts of interest: none declared. 2002;56:132–8. Community Health 2003;57:527–9.

Speaker’s corner ..............................................................................

The misuse of euphemisms in public health: the case of ‘‘food


e can assume that public health tends to suffer a do not even need expert middlemen to prescribe food. There
kind of primordial tension between the individual is no ‘‘need’’, but in today’s world there are clearly many
and collective levels of organisation, which can nutritional experts who dictate the healthiest ways of eating
manifest itself in different ways and demand distinct in individual and collective terms, with a view towards health
treatments. The issue is known to affect the risk of fallacies promotion.
(aggregative or atomistic/ecological) when you attempt to In addition, in both Portuguese and Spanish, we have
study aspects pertaining to individuals or societies and moves coexisting in the same expression (‘‘segurança alimentar’’ or
back and forth between these levels of organisation. In this ‘‘seguridad alimentaria’’, respectively) something that fails to
process, the terrible individual experience of hunger is over- lexicalise a specificity in hunger problems. Meanwhile, in
attenuated and ‘‘transformed’’ in collective terms into English we have ‘‘food security’’ to designate facets related to
something comparatively harmless, referred to as ‘‘food the precariousness involved in insufficiency or scarcity of
insecurity’’. food, whether in production, stability of distribution flows,
It would be worthwhile to begin here with an argumenta- and access. And we also have ‘‘food safety’’ to indicate
tive exercise verging on the absurd by clarifying our position, aspects related to the precariousness involved in sufficiency
even though risking the possibility of falling into sophistic (or excess) food in terms of quality and harmlessness (lack
rhetoric. In this sense, we draw an analogy between hunger of contamination by micro-organisms or toxic metals). Even
and pain. Based on Michel Serres,1 one of the most striking so, there is a certain famished element causing discomfort
events in the 20th century was the possibility of greater due to the outrage that is unduly attenuated by treating the
control over somatic pain through the development of hunger of multitudes of human beings as something
powerful analgesics and anaesthetics widely used in modern impersonal under the cold technical designation ‘‘food
medicine. How do you consider, in collective terms, the insecurity’’.
dimension of individual pain, a non-transferable human Correspondence to: Dr Luis David Castiel, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz,
experience, proper to yourself? Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Rua Paula Freitas 100/101,
The expression ‘‘analgesic insecurity’’ would certainly Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil;
prove unsatisfactory and perhaps even absurd for such a
purpose. Clearly, in various aspects, a person’s relationship to
food is not equivalent to that with anaesthetic and analgesic REFERENCE
drugs. Humankind would not survive without food, and we 1 Serres M. Hominescences. Paris: Le Pommier, 2001.

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