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The Problem: Misbehavior of the Students


This study aimed to examine the conceptions student misbehaviors in classroom.For instance,

daydreaming in class, not completing homework, talking in class, lesson disruption, bullying, and rudeness to

the teacher are named as “problem behaviors”, “behavior problems,” or “disruptive behaviors” These

behaviors referred to “an activity that causes distress for teachers, interrupts the learning process and that

leads teachers to make continual comments to the student” or “the myriad activities which disrupt and

impede the teaching-learning process” .Noting that school misconduct is one of the manifests of the problem

behavior syndrome , the term “problem behavior” was used to refer to all externalizing behaviors that violate

explicit rules or implicit norms, disturb the classroom order, and irritate the process of teaching and learning

in this study. Some student behaviors that have not be mentioned in the previous studies, such as

daydreaming, sleeping, looking out of window, playing with personal stuff in private, bullying, disrespecting,

talking back, arguing, quarrelling or fighting with teachers, complaining, and lack of independent.


1.Monitor the Students Closely

-It is recommended that the teacher constantly circulate throughout the classroom to check on

students’ progress and give quiet suggestions in the event anyone is struggling with their work.

2.Model appropriate Behavior

- Be careful not to send students mixed messages about the behavior you expect from them. Set a

positive example by showing high levels of patience, organization, courtesy and enthusiasm.
3. Have regular class meetings

-If multiple members of a classroom are struggling with the same problems or if a particular issue gets

out of hand, call a classroom meeting. Make it clear what is unacceptable about the students’ behavior

and why. Ask the class for suggestions on ways to improve the situation and to keep it from coming up.

4. Stay Calm

-Take a deep breath and try to handle the situation as calmly as possible. If you attempt to put a stop

to misbehavior in an angry state, your decision-making will suffer, and you will only pass your negative

feelings to other students who will easily sense your lack of control.

5.Use Non-Verbal Cues

-Create nonverbal reminders to let the students know you need their attention. Flip light switches, ring

a bell or come up with hand signals that alert the students to quiet down instead of raising your voice

to settle commotion. Discuss these cues with your class before you implement them so students know

exactly what they mean and how they should respond to them.


Table 1

A Summary of the perceptions of student problem behaviors inside classroom.

Category Subcategory Number of


Dealing with personal stuff 5

Category Subcategory Number of


Doing homework 8

Doing something in private Using electronic device (for texting, playing 5

games, surfing webpage, listening to music)

Irrelevant reading 2

Irrelevant drawing 1

Subtotal 21

Talking out of turn Calling out 1

Making remarks 1

Having disruptive conversation 5

Subtotal 7

Verbal aggression Teasing classmates 2

Attacking classmates 3
Category Subcategory Number of


Quarrelling with classmates 1

Speaking foul language 4

Subtotal 10

Disrespecting teachers Disobedience/Refusing to carry out instructions 4

Rudeness/Talking back, arguing with teacher 3

Subtotal 7

Non- 10


Sleeping 2

Out of seat Changing seats 5

Wandering around the classroom 2

Catching 1
Category Subcategory Number of


Running away from the classroom 1

Subtotal 22

Habitual failure in submitting 5


Physical aggression Striking classmates 1

Pushing classmates 1

Destroying things 1

Subtotal 8

Copying homework 5

Non-verbal communication Via body language, facial expressions, papers 4

Clowning 3

Playing 9
Category Subcategory Number of


Lateness to class 5

Eating/Drinking 7

Have not yet prepared textbook well 1

Passive engagement in class 1

Total responses 110


Classroom management is a very difficult task for all teachers because of the different kinds of

misbehavior that students have; and to look for a solution to those misbehavior problems is a matter of the

instructor. Misbehavior problems can have different sources in every student, like example; self- confidence,

problems with the curriculum etc. no matter what the source of the problem is, the most important thing to focus

the attention is that, those students who misbehave are affecting the learning process of themselves and their

classmates; and that is why having an action plan to know what to do, to prevent, or to solve this kind of

problems is a very important thing for the teacher, in order to have a good classroom environment.


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