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TP N°6- Marzo- Inglés-6III

Docente: Torres, Carmen

Fecha de Entrega: 10/03/21

Contacto: Whatsapp: 2392-551854

Hola chicos! Mi nombre es Carmen Torres y los estaré acompañando en este tramo del año
en Inglés. Les envio mis datos y estoy en contacto con ustedes asi me hacen las consultas
que necesiten. Solo necesitarán entregar las respuestas por mail para la fecha

● Pensamiento Crítico: Comprensión e Interpretación de textos.
● Resolución de problemas: Aplicación y relación de conocimientos adquiridos.
● Aprendizaje Autónomo: Uso de recursos lexicales, gramaticales y sintácticos
adecuados al propósito comunicativo.
● Ciudadanía y democracia: Compromiso con la tarea.


Let's e s t !!!

Kar teK o
Karren lived with her parents in Karoo Basin in South Africa. The Karoo was famous for plant and
animal fossils. Karen's father was a paleontologist, and Karen enjoyed looking at all the dinosaur
bones in his o ce. She hoped to discover her own dinosaur bone someday.

Every summer, Karen's father invited paleontologists from around the world to the Karoo. As they
hiked through the dry land, he would show them fossil samples within the layers of sedimentary
rock and ash.
This summer, Karen asked her father if she could go along on the hike. He agreed, but he asked
her to stay closed by. As they drove to the trail, Karen's heart beat quickly with excitement. There
were so many places to explore! The hike was interesting, but Karen was too curious to stay on
the trail. Without asking, she ran down into the nearby ravine and looked among the rocks. Then,
she heard her father's voice calling to her. She ran up the side of the ravine. Suddenly, she
spotted white and shiny. Dad! she shouted excitedly.
Karen's father stood at the top of the ravine with the other people. They looked worried until
Karen pointed to the shiny object. All the paleontologists examined it. They nodded to each other
in surprise. It was the skull of a dinosaur, a dinosaur nobody knew about. The paleontologists
took pictures and shook Karen's hand. Her father smiled. 'Karen' he said 'You are now the
youngest paleontologist in Karoo!'

I-Words in context. Read and write.


a. Karen's father will try to Determine the age of the skull.
b. Jerome Tripped on the rock,but fortunately he didn't fall
c. Abe's Favourite pastime is looking at dinosaur bones.
d. Karen's Dream is to find a dinosaur skull.

II-Grammar focus
Gerunds are verbs that end in +ING. Gerunds can act like nouns.
Verbs like enjoy, finish and practice are often followed by gerunds.

Javier enjoyed playing with his friends.

verb + gerund
1. Read. Then correct the sentences.

a. I enjoy watch films about ancient history.

b. The people in the Karoo like show visitors their area.
c. Lars stopped do research for his dinosaur report.
d. I recommend take a break before we label these items.
e. Marin considered study paleontology at university.
f. Natasha disliked get her hands dirty.

A. Watching
B. F
C. Doing
D. Taking
E. Studing
F. Geting

2-Read. Circle the correct word.

a. The paleontologists agreed to excavate/excavating
the area right away.
b. They expected discovering/to discover more bones
near the skull.
c. The archeologists finished to examine/examining
the ancient tomb today.
d. Tara forgot labeling/to label the bone she found in
the ravine.
e. The general didn't mind letting/ to let his soldiers to
wash their uniforms.
f. The tourist seems to like/liking the dinosaur

See U soon! Take care =) Carmen

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