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1. True or False? Class 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 are divided in to “Divisions” -> F

2. True or False? Cargo IMP Code of Flammable gas is RFL -> F
3. True or False? A Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods must be completed
by the Shipper for each consignment of dangerous goods. -> T
4. Could Emptied Cylinder impose any hidden hazard to a flight? N
5. Definition of Dangerous goods: Dangerous goods are defined to be articles or
substances which pose risk to: All of the above are correct
6. Alcoholic beverages, when in retail packaging, containing 75% alcohol by volume
must not be carried by passenger or crew in: All of the above are correct
7. Could Frozen food impose any hidden hazard to a flight? Y
8. True or False? Operator’s and ground handling agent’s staff accepting dangerous
goods must be trained Category 5 -> F
9. True or False? Single packaging: Are a combination of packaging for transport
purposes, consisting of one or more inner packaging secured in an outer
packaging. -> F
10. True or False? Incompatible dangerous goods must be segregated when loaded on
to the aircraft to prevent interaction between them in the event of leakage. -> T
11. True or False? A passenger is allowed to carry a total of 5kgs of dry ice in his
checked and carry-on baggage. -> F
12. True or False? NOTOC means Notification to Captain -> T
13. True or False? UN1114 Benzene required to appear on the information to Pilot-in-
Command -> T
14. When is the direction of orientation label to be followed? For all packages with
15. True or False? Swimming Pool Chemicals may contain oxidizing or corrosive
substances -> T
16. True or False? Classes are expressed by single-digit numbers -> T
17. True or False? The List of Dangerous Goods (DGR 4.2) contains articles and
substances likely to shipped by air. -> T
18. You have safety matches with you on board, where do you pack them? . In the
pocket of my jacket
19. True or False? The Pilot – in – command must be informed of the location of
“Alcoholic beverages, when in retail packaging, containing 43% alcohol by
volume with a total quantity per person of 2 L” -> F
20. True or False? Segregation requirements for incompatible DGs are shown in DGR
Table 9.3.A -> T
21. True or False? Class 3 must be segregated from Division 5.1 -> T
22. True or False? Dangerous Goods are divided into 9 classes -> T
23. True or False? In the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, The word “must”
indicates a mandatory requirement -> T
24. True or False? Training is an essential element in maintaining a safe regulatory
regime -> T
25. True or False? A Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods must be completed
by the Operator for each consignment of dangerous goods. -> f
26. Lithium batteries with a Watt-hour rating 120Wh for consumer electronic devices
must not be carried by passenger or crew in -> All of the above are correct
27. Examples of Dangerous Goods in operator’s property: Life rafts
28. True or False? Cargo IMP Code of Oxidizer is ROX -> T
29. Could Diving Equipment impose any hidden hazard to a flight? YES
30. True or False? Class 8 must be segregated from Division 6.1 -> F
31. True or False? UN3373 and UN2807 do not require a “Shipper’s Declaration for
Dangerous Goods” -> T
32. True or False? Drilling and mining equipment may contain explosive(s) and /or
other dangerous goods -> T
33. Electro shock weapons could be carried by passenger or crew in: None of the
above are correct
34. Could the following cases be transported by post: (1) and (3) are correct
35. True or False? Division 6.1 are Infectious Substances -> F
36. True or False? The minimum size for a Hazard Label is 100 mm x 100 mm -> T
37. True or False? The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations are published in order to
provide procedures for the Shipper and the Operator by which articles and
substances with hazardous properties can be safely transported on all commercial
air transport. -> T
38. True or False? UN3373 not required to appear on the information to Pilot-in-
Command -> T
39. Shipper’s responsibilities are: All of the above are correct
40. True or False? The order (from 1 to 9) does not imply a relative degree of danger
or the precedence of the hazard involved -> T
41. True or False? COMBINATION PACKAGINGS Are packaging which do not
require any inner packaging in order to perform their containment function during
transport. -> F
42. True or False? Dangerous goods packages contained in the overpack must not be
properly packed, marked, labelled and in proper condition as required by these
Regulations -> F
43. True or False? There are two types of package marks: Marks which identify the
use of a particular packaging for a particular shipment; and marks which identify
the design or specification of a packaging. -> T
44. True or False? Unserviceable Tyre assemblies may be transported as General
cargo provided that the tyre is completely deflated -> T
45. If a package of class 8 is discovered damaged and leaking: Isolate spill and
evacuate immediate area
46. True or False? A Package of Fish sauce is transported as Dangerous goods -> F
47. True or False? The Pilot – in – command must be informed of the location of
“Medical thermometer” -> F
48. Which hazard class has divisions? 5
49. True or False? Divisions are expressed by 2-digit numbers -> T
50. True or False? Packages or over packs bearing “Cargo Aircraft Only” label: must
be loaded on Cargo aircraft -> T

1. Watertight containers must fulfill the requirements as stated in the IATA …..
Regulations. Dangerous Goods Regulations (1)
2. True or False? In the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, The word
“should” indicates a preferred Requirement. T
3. True or False? For a shipment containing packages of UN1088 (Acetal) in
Limited Quantity packaging, The following statement “Dangerous goods as per
attached Shipper’s Declaration” or “Dangerous goods as per attached DGD” and
“Cargo Aircraft Only” or CAO (If applicable) must be shown on the handling
information box of an Air WayBill-> T
4. Match the three Packing Group for dangerous goods with its definition. A –
iii, B – ii, C – i
5. How many divisions are there in Class 5? 2 divisions
6. Corrosives is an example of class… 8
7. What is the minimum distance to keep away from a leaking class 2 package?
8. True or False? Hazard Labels - Indicate the Nature of Hazard -> T
9. True or False? The Provisions of 2.3 and Table 2.3.A may be limited by
States or Operator variations. Passenger should check with their airline for the
current provisions. -> T
10. True or False? In the Checklist, if any box is checked “No”, the shipment
must be accepted for transport. -> F
11. True or False? Class 3 and class 8 can be loaded next to? -> T
12. True or False? Checklist is not required for Radioactive shipments -> F
13. True or False? Only some Dangerous goods listed in table 9.3.A could be
carried by passengers or crew. -> F
14. Is the use of an acceptance checklist required by operators for all dangerous
goods shipments? NO
15. NOTOC is required for Dangerous Goods and Live Animals
16. True or False? Division 16.1 and class 3 can be loaded next to? T
17. True or False? According to Dangerous goods Emergency Response Chart
(Ground incidents): “Do not use water under any circumstances for Division 4.3” T
18. Paint, alcohols, some Adhesives, aceton,… are examples of class… 3
19. True or False? In the training programme, Workbook 5 is developed for
Category 4, 7 (General Cargo Acceptance Personnel) T
20. COMAT means Company materials T
21. “Strike anywhere” matches are not restricted as per Table 2.3.A F
22. RCL is the IMP code of …? Cryogenic Liquid (Packing Intrustion 202)
23. Ebola Virus is an example for … Infectious Substances
24. For one small clinical thermometer, does the passenger need the approval
operator? No
25. The document required due to the nature of Goods for Dangerous Goods is:
Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods
26. True or False? Dangerous goods can be transported safely by air transport
provided principles in General Philosophy are strictly followed -> T
27. True or False? Live animals are transported as Dangerous Goods -> F
28. RFL is the IMP Code of: Flammable liquid
29. Paint is an example for … Flammable liquid
30. What is the IMP code of toxic gas? RPG
31. True or False? The shipper must ensure that the information on Shipper’s
Declaration is exact, easy to identify, legible and durable -> T
32. How many divisions are there in Class 9No sub Divisions
33. ROX is the IMP Code of Oxidizer
34. True or False? In the training programme, Workbook 4 is developed for
Category 5, 8 (Ramp and Warehouse Personnel) -> T
35. True or False? All Dangerous goods out of table 2.3.A are totally forbidden
to carry on board -> T
36. True or False? A passenger can carry pepper spray on his/her pocket. -> F
37. True or False? Flammable solid is any solid material, which is readily
combustible, or may cause or contribute to fire through friction -> T
38. True or False? Dangerous goods must not be carried in or as passengers or
crew, checked or carry-on baggage, except as otherwise provided in the Table
2.3.A -> T
39. RFW is the IMP Code of Dangerous when wet
40. True or False? Breathing apparatus is hidden Dangerous Goods T
41. Sodium is an example for … Flammable liquid
42. True or False? Handling Labels - Provide Handling and Stowage
Information -> T
43. Oxidizer is an example of division number … 5.1
44. True or False? Some Dangerous goods are forbidden T
45. Hydrogen gas is an example for … Flammable Gas
46. For safety matches, does the passenger need the approval operator? NO
47. An example of a Dangerous Goods is Air bag modules
48. How many divisions are there of class 2? 3
49. RCM is the IMP Code of Corrosives
50. True or False? Disabling devices are the items which a passenger may carry
in his baggage -> F

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