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Style of on screen text

Style guide for on screen text

Follow the same style as the Kate Lyons Posters

● Bold font
● Pick 2 beer colours and combine those two with
cream (5% yellow tint)
● Have an underline as per this design on short
statements or single words or places

● Where applicable for 1 to 3 word statements e.g

the locations on maps vary the font size to be
same as per the bottle design:

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Logo Intro
Five points logo intro - use this logo!

Animate the logo the same motion as this

example video
Logo outro is at the end here - Best video.

>Transitions into the montage

Creative / Collaborative / Comprehensive

Montage Sequence - Section 1

Fast paper style intro and these photos and the fact on screen - make the blue shutter image the largest with the
others being layered on top, with the highlights fact in yellow.

Make these 3 appear on screen in quick

succession like a GIF effect to bring
● We are The Five Points Brewing Company movement/fun feeling.

Creative / Collaborative / Comprehensive

Montage Sequence - Section 2

Then the product - make in montage paper style and high

impact on screen using impactful motion effects and if there is
empty background use one of the beer colours
This section - end of the green hops images

● We brew modern, flavourful, craft beer with a commitment to the community

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Montage Sequence - Section 3

● In 2013 we started brewing in a railway arch here in Hackney, East London

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Montage Sequence - Section 4

● In 2014 we became the UK’s first Living Wage brewery

● By 2016 we were selling over 1 million pints a year

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Montage Sequence - Section 5

● In 2018 1,500 new investors helped us to grow (start with Ed and Greg photo with this fact - then begin with pembury


● As we launched The Pembury Tavern to become our first pub

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Montage Sequence - Section 6

● By 2020 annual sales had increased to £4.8million

● And we were selling 3 million pints a year

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Montage ends - cut to fullscreen graphic of Now in 2021

● Now, in 2021

Put ‘Now in’ where ‘five points

is on this poster
Put ‘2021’ on the pint glasses

Creative / Collaborative / Comprehensive

Cut to the Map of the Hackney

We will illustrate this either in axo view or top down

view with possibly some 3D context buildings

Start closer to the pembury site,

pop on the five points lines,
Pop on the 5 points original site location logo
Pop on the PT logo (to show pembury pub location)
then zoom quickly out to reveal the full map
pop on the new 5 points logo to represent the new
brewery site - this happens very quickly and snappy
along with the following text line in ‘we are opening a
brand new brewery and taproom, right in the heart of
Then this statement pops up;
Are now we are inviting to own a part of The Five
Points Brewing Company

(not to scale)

Creative / Collaborative / Comprehensive

Moving along the length of the
Hackney Map

We pan over the map

As we pan over the map the following points of
interest are drawn to attention by animating a colour
shape to highlight /outline them using 2-3 five points
beer tin colours

The points of interest to highlight and pop up text are:

Mare Street
London Fields,
Broadway Market
Regents Canal
Victoria Park
Hackney Central Overground
Bethnal Green Overground
Buses on Mare Street

(not to scale)

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AXO View

Cut to the AXO View and we graphically highlight and pop up

the following text statements:

We are raising investment to complete our new flagship Five

Points site, which will showcase:

● Our new brewery

● A large open-air taproom with outdoor bar and
wood-fired pizza
● New indoor taproom
● A mezzanine drinking gallery, with views over the
● Regular brewery tours, tastings and events

WIP 3D Low Poly Model - Proposed AXO View position >Cut to eye level views of the new HQ bar and animate with 3d
depth and vectorised people

Creative / Collaborative / Comprehensive

Interior View

Cut to the Eye Level interior View and we graphically

highlight and pop up the following text statements:

● Drink amongst the tanks
● And join us for brewery tours and tastings

We will add more detail to this WIP low poly model and add colours
as per architectural drawings and place non-realistic silhouette style
people with beer colours
We will also add some motion and depth to some layers

Creative / Collaborative / Comprehensive

Exterior View

Cut to the Eye Level interior View and we graphically

highlight and pop up the following text statements:

● Open air pints and fun times in our taproom yard

● Wood-fired pizza from Hackney’s ACE Pizza
● Drink beer served straight from the tanks -
● The freshest pints of Five Points beer in East London!

We will add more detail to this WIP low poly model and add colours
as per architectural drawings and place non-realistic silhouette style
people with beer colours
We will also add some motion and depth to some layers

Creative / Collaborative / Comprehensive

End Messages

Bring up the following end statements set out

like one of the poster designs:
● You can own a part of The Five Points Brewing
● We are raising investment to help us complete our
● Own part of Hackney’s largest brewery and
● And get 25% back to spend on beer and pizza at
the new taproom
● Remember - please Invest Aware - Capital at risk
● See

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End Logo and End Messages

Cut to Animated 5 points logo

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