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-Typhoon Yolanda caused severe damage to some of the Philippines biggest sources of -income,
destroying coconut farms all over the islands, leaving over a million coconut farmers without a means to
support themselves as they’ve had to wait years for their farms to recover. There are many casualties
because of the lack of preparedness not just by the disaster group of Tacloban but all the people who
has experienced Yolanda’s wrath. There would be a notice from other group of government authorities
and agencies , but the hurricane is too strong and people are not prepared enough when the hurricane
hit the land mass of Tacloban. Also the places of evacuees take shelter has been wiped out by the storm
surge combined with strong winds and floodings. Families take refuge on churches and high places but
unfortunately all places has almost destroyed by forces of nature.Many families lost everything during
Typhoon Yolanda and were left struggling once the storm was over. The lack of options for transitional
and permanent housing prolonged the displacement for many families, many of which are still trying to
recover. Range from structural damage to trees, watercraft, and buildings to both immediate and long-
term impacts on human life and livelihood. It was really one of the worst disaster ever happened on

“The Most Unforgettable Spooky Experience”

Let me tell about the time when I feel or saw creepy things I could never been expected. 10 years
from now. First, In the middle of the night I can’t sleep because of my sore throat. So I decided to drink
a glass of water. Suddenly, I hear some walk steps but I just ignored it. Second, I went to the bathroom
to pee and there was something knocking on the window until I heard it again from the door but I also
ignored it. Third, I saw something strange passing on our window. A white lady that full of blood on his
hands, her dark eyes and long hair. As I walk by back to my room. I quickly went to my bed and covered
myself with my blanket. Forget all what happen and go back to sleep. What I can say is that I’ll never
ever woke up again in the middle of the night even I’m not sleepy or to get something. I don’t want to
happen it again in my life.

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