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MARCH 10,2021

Environmental-sustainable and
Assignment 03

Sarthak Patel
Roll No- 18
Sem- 10
Sustainable Materials
Sustainable materials are materials used throughout our consumer and industrial economy
that can be produced in required volumes without depleting non-renewable resources and
without disrupting the established steady-state equilibrium of the environment and key
natural resource systems.  Such materials vary enormously and may range from bio-based
polymers derived from polysaccharides, or highly recyclable materials such as glass that can
be reprocessed an indefinite number of times without requiring additional mineral resources.  

Characteristics of sustainable materials

Environmental Impact

The material has low environmental impact over its entire lifecycle as compared to
economically feasible alternatives. For example, a wood product that is naturally resilient to
rot outdoors as compared to a wood product that has been treated with toxic chemicals to
improve its rot resistance.


The material can be produced at a reasonable cost and has properties such as durability.
Developing a material that is expensive and low quality but low environmental impact is a
useless exercise as it will not be widely used.


A material that is renewable such that it is continually replenished. For example, wood as
compared to a petrochemical product such as plastic.


A material that can be reused or recycled. In some cases, this mitigates the sustainability of a
material that isn't renewable. For example, large stones used as a construction material are
very likely to be reused with a durability of perhaps a million years. Likewise, any material
that originates with waste that has been reused or recycled is typically considered sustainable.

The following is the list of sustainable materials which will be used the thesis project –
“Museum of Senses”
List of Materials

Bamboo has a long history as a building material, stretching thousands of years. Lightweight,
durable and renewable – it offers the best of many worlds. Fast-growing around the world,
there’s no need to replant bamboo after harvest and it self-generates at an impressive rate. As
for construction performance: This perennial grass has more compressive strength than brick
or concrete, so it’s well-placed to bear heavy loads and withstand harsh conditions over time.
It’s commonly used as a sustainable building material for scaffolding, bridges, flooring,
structures and cabinetry. Be mindful though: Untreated bamboo attracts insects and swells
when exposed to water, so it needs to be treated to prevent this.

Reclaimed or recycled wood and metal

Aluminium and steel are high embodied energy materials due to the energy required to
produce them, such as mining the ore, heating and shaping products, and transporting a
relatively heavy material. But each time the metal is properly and efficiently reused or
recycled into new products, its embodied energy lowers and makes the material more
sustainable because "you're not extracting raw aluminium,"
Recycled metal is a long-lasting material that does not need frequent replacement. It tends not
to burn or warp, making it a viable option for roofing, structural supports and building

Reclaimed metals, such as plumbing components, sometimes can be used in their existing
forms instead of having to be recycled and manufactured into a new product.

Like recycled metal, reclaiming and reusing wood reduces its embodied energy, which
already is lower because of its light weight. Wood does have less strength though, so each
piece's integrity should be assessed and chosen for an appropriate project. 

Reclaimed wood can be used for a plethora of building purposes, including structural
framing, flooring, siding and cabinetry. Density varies by the type of wood and some stand
up better over time. However, most wood is susceptible to insects and
degradation, reinforcing the need to thoroughly inspect each reclaimed piece.  

Non-VOC paints

Non-VOC paint or green paint is recommended over VOC containing paints. Presence of
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in paint reacts with sunlight and nitrogen oxide
resulting in the formation of ozone which can cause severe health problems for the occupants.
If non-VOC paint is not available then try the paint with very low-VOC content in it.

Rammed earth
Rammed earth walls (or even floors) can be used as thermal storage, allowing the sun to
warm them in the day and then slowly release the warmth in the cool evenings. This low-
carbon technique uses forms in which soil and binder is placed in layers and then pressure is
applied to create a hard and durable surface. This type of wall can be used in the material
Recycled plastic

Rather than sourcing, mining and milling new components for construction recycling of old
plastic waste is used. This practice helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and is giving
plastic waste new use, rather than clogging landfills and contributing to plastic pollution. This
can be used to hang planters at different locations.

Sustainable resources
Solar panels
Active solar devices such as photovoltaic solar panels help to provide sustainable electricity
for any use. Electrical output of a solar panel is dependent on orientation, efficiency, latitude,
and climate—solar gain varies even at the same latitude. Typical efficiencies for
commercially available PV panels range from 4% to 28%. The low efficiency of certain
photovoltaic panels can significantly affect the payback period of their installation.

Rainwater harvesting
Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is the collection and storage of rain, rather than allowing it to
run off. Rainwater is collected from a roof-like surface and redirected to a tank, cistern, deep
pit (well, shaft, or borehole), aquifer, or a reservoir with percolation.

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