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‘Assignment -2 2180903: PSPD Subject Code + 2180903 T, Scheme: 3.02 Subject Name : Power System planning & design | agg ‘Term Duration : 10122020%0 0152021 | ag 3.2001 Date of submission: 3103/2021 Dhblow A&B Subject Co-ordinator: Prof, H.CEjper CHAPTER-; CO 2: Design of distribution systems. SR ‘COURSE NO. CONTENT OUTCOME | Discuss chsstication of distribution systems with neat dingrams, What are the 2 advantages and disadvantages of cach? 2 | How the size of distibutors is valeulated? 2 Fiplain the methods of designing primary dstibuion system wih reference to 3 | a) Choice of volage (2) Conductor size (3) Type of distrbution system (4) 2 Voltage drop 4 | Bsplain the primary distribution design 2 5 | whut is lamp ficker? Diseuss its types and remedies for the lamp Hicker. 2 6 | Disouss various methods of voltage regulation used in disbibution system 2 ‘Al wire de dstibulor AB is fed fom both ends. At the Feeding point A vollage is maintained at 240 V and at feeding point B voltage 254V. The total length of dstribution is 200 meters and load are tapped off as under: 25 A at 50 mcters 7 | fom A; 50 A at 75 meters fiom A; 30 A at 100 meters fiom A; 40 A at 150 2 nxters from A. If the resistance per km of one conductor is 0.3 ohm Caleulate © The cuvent in the various sections of the distibufor. (Il) The siniemam vokuge and the point atit occur. ‘A sige AC dstibuor ABCD of kngih 400 ueler, deiernine the vokage drop over the distibutor if various cwrens tapped are as under. (1) At point B, 100 meter fom A, 100 arp at 0.707 pflagging 8 | 2) Atpoint C,250 meter Form A,125 amp at mity pf 2 G) At point D, 400 meter from A, $0 amp at 0.8 pf lagging, Point Ais feeding point and impedance i (0.25+40.125) per km num (go and ret) 9° | Compare radial, ting and grid distibution system State their applications. 2 70 | Deus biel the design comidersion mn datibuion system Deine and 2 cexplin the terms Feeder, Distibution and Service mins 11 | Explain the Glowing ditibuion systems with Heures. 1 Rada system J. 2 Parallel or loop system. 3, Netwosk or grid system 12 | Explain the role of Kelvin's law forthe selection and size of feeders, 2

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