AS 1289.5.2.1-2003 Modified Compaction Test

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1 AS 1289.5.2.

Australian Standard
Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes
AS 1289.5.2.1

Method 5.2.1: Soil compaction and density

tests—Determination of the dry density/moisture
content relation of a soil using modified
compactive effort
This Standard sets out a method for the determination of the relationship between the
moisture content and the dry density of a soil, when compacted, using modified compactive
effort (2703 kJ/m 3). Compaction is conducted over a range of moisture contents to establish
the maximum mass of dry soil per unit volume achievable for this compactive effort, and its
corresponding moisture content. The procedure is applicable to that portion of a soil that
passes the 37.5 mm sieve. Soil that passes the 19.0 mm sieve is compacted in a 105 mm
diameter mould. Soil that contains more than 20% of material retained on the 19.0 mm
sieve is compacted in a 152 mm diameter mould.
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NOTE: Corrections for oversize material are not made in this method but may be made using
AS 1289.5.4.1 when required for compaction control.

The following documents are referred to in this Standard:
1152 Specifications for test sieves
1289 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes
1289.0 Method 0: General requirements and list of methods
1289.1.1 Method 1.1: Sampling and preparation of soils—Preparation of disturbed soil
samples for testing.
1289.2.1.1 Method 2.1.1 Soil moisture content tests—Determination of the moisture
content of a soil—Oven drying method (standard method)
1289.2.1.2 Method 2.1.2 Soil moisture content tests—Determination of the moisture
content of a soil—Sand bath method (subsidiary method)
1289.2.1.4 Method 2.1.4: Soil moisture content tests—Determination of moisture content
of a soil—Microwave-oven drying method (subsidiary method)
1289.2.1.5 Method 2.1.5: Soil moisture content tests—Determination of the moisture
content of a soil—Infrared lights method (subsidiary method)
1289.2.1.6 Method 2.1.6: Soil moisture content tests—Determination of the moisture
content of a soil—Hotplate drying method (subsidiary method)
1289.2.3.1 Method 2.3.1 Soil moisture content tests—Establishment of correlation—
Subsidiary method and the standard method
1289.3.5.1 Method 3.5.1 Soil classification tests—Determination of the soil particle
density of a soil (standard method)
1289.5.4.1 Method 5.4.1 Soil compaction and density tests—Compaction control test—
Dry density ratio, moisture variation and moisture ratio
1289.6.1.1 Method 6.1.1: Soil strength and consolidation tests—Determination of the
California bearing ratio of a soil—Standard laboratory method
for a remoulded specimen

© Standards Australia
AS 1289.5.2.1—2003 2

The following apparatus is required:
(a) Steel moulds, of size dependent on the maximum size of material being tested as
(i) Compaction of material passing a 19.0 mm sieve Mould A: A cylindrical
metal mould having an internal diameter of 105 mm and effective height of
115.5 mm fitted with a detachable baseplate and a removable collar assembly
about 60 mm high, both of which can be firmly attached to the mould. A
suitable design is shown in Figure 1 (see Table 1 for tolerances).
(ii) Compaction of that fraction of the soil material that passes the 37.5 mm sieve
but contains more than 20% of material, which would be retained on a 19.0 mm
sieve Mould B: A cylindrical metal mould having an internal diameter of
152 mm and effective height of 132.5 mm fitted with a detachable baseplate
and a removable collar assembly about 60 mm high, both of which can be
firmly attached to the mould. A suitable design is shown in Figure 1 (see
Table 1 for tolerances).
NOTE: A mould meeting the requirements of AS 1289.6.1.1 used with a steel spacer
disc of 150 ±0.5 mm diameter and of sufficient height to provide an effective specimen
height of 132.5 mm is a satisfactory alternative to Mould B.
(b) A 4.9 kg steel rammer as shown in Figure 2 and of dimensions as shown in Table 1.
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The design of the hammer shall permit the hammer to fall freely through the specified
drop height, and shall ensure that there is a clearance not greater than 6 mm between
the wall of the mould and the hammer during use. Alternatively, a mechanical
compactor may be used provided it meets the essential requirements of drop height,
mass and energy input.
NOTE: A mechanical form of apparatus may be used, provided the essential dimensions are
adhered to and the rammer has a free vertical fall of the correct height. It is also essential that
the design of the machine is such that the mould rests on a solid base. When a 152 mm
diameter mould is used in a mechanical compactor that does not permit the hammer to be
moved to compact around the periphery of the mould, a sector foot having a cross-sectional
area equivalent to the area of the circular rammer face may be used to enable uniform
compaction over the complete area of soil in the mould. Wear in the support mechanism of a
mechanical apparatus that rotates between blows may occur and cause energy to be absorbed
in the mechanism. Therefore, at regular intervals, comparison checks should be made between
maximum dry density and optimum moisture content test results obtained using hand
compaction and those using mechanical compaction. The difference in maximum dry density
obtained using a mechanical compactor should not differ from the value found using a hand
compactor by more than ±2%.
(c) A level rigid foundation on which to compact the specimen, for example, a sound
concrete floor about 100 mm or more in thickness or a concrete block of at least
100 kg mass.
(d) A balance of suitable capacity with a limit of performance not greater than ±5 g.
(e) Sieves, 37.5 mm and 19.0 mm complying with AS 1152.
(f) A strong spatula or a suitable knife.
(g) A steel straightedge, about 250 mm long, 25 mm wide and 3 mm thick, preferably
with one bevelled edge.
(h) Miscellaneous mixing apparatus, such as a pan or bowl, spoon, trowels and water
spray suitable for thoroughly mixing increments of water with the soil.
(i) A rule graduated in millimetres or a layer depth gauge.

 Standards Australia

3 AS 1289.5.2.1—2003

(j) Sealable containers to prevent moisture loss.

(k) A sample extractor such as a jack, lever frame or other device suitable for extruding
compacted soil specimens from the mould (optional).
(l) A soil grater for fine-grained soil (optional).

Apparatus Dimension Tolerance
Mould A: 105 mm diameter
Internal diameter, mm 105.0 ±0.51
Height,mm 115.5 ±0.51
Nominal volume, cm 3 1 000 ±15
Mould B: 152 mm diameter
Internal diameter, mm 152.0 ±1.01
Height, mm 132.5 ±0.5
Nominal volume, cm 2 400 ±35
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Diameter (round foot), mm 50

Radius (sector foot), mm 74 ±0.52
Arc of segment (sector foot), degrees 41 ±0.52
Area of rammer, mm 2 1 964 ±31
Drop, mm 450 ±2.03
Mass, kg 4.9 ±0.013
Energy delivered per blow, J 21.62 ±0.08
Number of layers: Mould A 5
Number of layers: Mould B 3
Number of blows/layer: Mould A 25
Mould B 100
Energy input, KJ/m 2 703 ±60
1 Either but not both of the tolerances may be exceeded provided that the tolerance of volume is not
2 Either but not both of the tolerances may be exceeded provided that the tolerance of area is not exceeded.
Diameter and radius of arc of segment are measured 3 mm behind the face of the rammer.
3 Either but not both of the tolerances may be exceeded provided that the appropriate tolerance of energy delivered per
blow is not exceeded.  Standards Australia

AS 1289.5.2.1—2003 4
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NOTE: This design has been found satisfactory, but alternative designs may be employed provided that the essential
dimensions in Table 1 are met.


 Standards Australia

5 AS 1289.5.2.1—2003


1 Handle ∅ 35 thick black low-carbon steel tube 105 long

2 Rod ∅ 22 bright low-carbon steel rod

3 Guide washer 5 low-carbon steel flat ∅ 40

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4 Tube ∅ 29 × 3.2 thick low-carbon steel tube 90 long

5 Frame washer 5 low-carbon steel flat ∅ 75

6 Guides ∅ 8 low-carbon steel rods—3 no.

7 Full ring 25 × 3 low-carbon steel flat
8 Washer pad ∅ 45 leather
9 Rammer ∅ 50 bright low-carbon steel rod
10 Part ring 25 × 3 low-carbon steel flat

NOTE: This design has been found satisfactory, but alternative designs and materials may
be used provided that the essential requirements in Table 1 are met.


The procedure shall be as follows:
(a) Prepare the sample in accordance with AS 1289.1.1.
(b) Screen the prepared sample over a 19.0 mm sieve. If necessary, brush fine material
from the material retained on the sieve. Determine the mass of the retained material
and calculate the percentage retained on the 19.0 mm sieve from the equation:
Po = . . . (4)
Po = percentage by mass of + 19.0 mm (oversize) material
mo = wet mass of +19.0 mm (oversize) material, in grams
m = wet mass of total sample, before screening, in grams  Standards Australia

AS 1289.5.2.1—2003 6

If P o is greater than 20%, screen the retained 19.0 mm material over a 37.5 mm sieve.
Determine the mass of the retained 37.5 mm material and calculate the percentage
retained on the 37.5 mm sieve using the above equation, substituting +37.5 mm for
+19.0 mm in the equation notation.
If required, keep the material retained on the 19.0 mm, or 19.0 mm and 37.5 mm
sieves for dry mass and volume determinations.
NOTE: It is necessary that the dry mass and volume of oversize material be determined if a
correction is required to the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content as detailed
in AS 1289.5.4.1.
(c) Select the size fraction and mould to be used in the compaction test using the criteria
in Table 2.
Record the mould used; that is, A or B. When necessary, recombine the material
passing the 37.5 mm sieve and that passing the 19.0 mm sieve and thoroughly mix.

Percentage retained
Test Mould Portion to be tested
37.5 mm sieve 19.0 mm sieve
> 20 Not testable using this method
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≤ 20 > 20 B All material pass 37.5 mm sieve

≤ 20 A All material passing 19.0 mm sieve

(d) Split out four or more representative portions of the sieved soil, each of sufficient
quantity to produce a compacted volume in excess of the volume of the mould.
NOTE: For material compacted in a 105 mm diameter mould, a mass of 2.5 kg will be
adequate for most soils. A gravel may, however, require up to 3 kg, whilst it may be possible
to use as low as 2 kg with a heavy clay. For material compacted in 152 mm diameter mould
about 2.5 times the mass of the material required for a 105 mm diameter mould will be
required. An extra portion may be required to determine initial moisture content to assist in
determining the amount of water to be added, or removed.
(e) Take the portions of the soil as prepared in Step (d). Thoroughly mix each portion,
adding or removing water so that the optimum moisture content is judged to be
straddled. Use essentially equal increments of moisture between portions and ensure
that the moisture steps are not excessive for the soil type.
NOTE: As a guide, suitable intervals of moisture content range between 1% for crushed rock
and gravel and 2% to 3% for clays.
(f) Allow the soil portions to cure for an appropriate time for the soil type. Record the
time of curing.
NOTE: It is important that the water is thoroughly mixed into and uniformly distributed
through the soil since adequate mixing gives rise to variable test results. It is desirable to
keep the mixed soil in a sealed container to allow the water to become more uniformly
distributed throughout the soil before compaction. For materials of low plasticity and high
permeability prepared in a moist condition close to optimum moisture content, little or no
curing is required, but if the soil is a completely dry heavy clay up to seven days curing may
be required before testing. The more clayey a soil, the more time required for the water to be
uniformly distributed through it. Normally, soils should be cured for a minimum of 2 h.
(g) Clean the mould, collar and baseplate. Inspect and clean the rammer and ensure that it
is free in the guide.

 Standards Australia

7 AS 1289.5.2.1—2003

(h) Determine the mass (m 1) of the mould plus baseplate. It should be noted that some
moulds have the baseplate attached to the compaction block. In such cases determine
the mass of the mould alone.
(i) Assemble the mould, collar and baseplate and place the assembly on the rigid
(j) Compact the specimen as follows (the procedure depends upon the size of the
(i) Testing material passing the 19.0 mm sieve only (Mould A) Take one portion
of soil, mix it thoroughly and compact it into the mould in five layers, so that
the compacted height of soil in the mould is 23 mm to 28 mm in the first layer,
47 mm to 52 mm in the second layer, 70 mm to 75 mm in the third layer,
93 mm to 98 mm in the fourth layer and 116 mm to 120 mm in the fifth layer.
Specimens that do not meet these tolerances shall be discarded. Material from a
previously compacted specimen shall not be reused.
Compact each layer by 25 uniformly distributed blows of the rammer falling
freely from a height of 450 mm. Use only sufficient soil, which is
representative of the portion, to meet the layer heights above.
NOTE: It is necessary to control the total amount of soil compacted since, if the
amount of soil struck off after removing the collar is too great, the test results will be
inaccurate as the energy input will not be within the required tolerances. Some large
particles may protrude a little more than 5 mm above the surface for the passing
37.5 mm material. Suitable allowances in the trimming process must be made for these
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particles but the average height of the compacted specimen before trimming should not
exceed 5 mm above the mould.
(ii) Testing material passing the 37.5 mm sieve (Mould B) Take one portion of
soil, mix it thoroughly and compact it into the mould in three layers, so that the
compacted height of the soil in the mould is 44 mm to 49 mm in the first layer,
89 mm to 94 mm in the second and 133 mm to 138 mm in the third layer.
Specimens that do not meet these tolerances shall be discarded. Material from a
previously compacted specimen shall not be reused.
Compact each layer by 100 uniformly distributed blows of the rammer falling
freely from a height of 450 mm. Use only sufficient soil, which is
representative of the portion, to meet the layer heights above (see Note to
Step (j)(i) above).
(k) Free the material from around the inside of the collar and then carefully remove the
(l) Trim the surface of the specimen while the mould is still attached to the baseplate as
follows (the procedure depends upon the characteristics of the soil):
(i) Essentially fine-grained soil Trim the compacted soil level with the top of the
mould by means of the straightedge; use smaller size material to patch any
holes developed in the surface from removal of coarse material during
(ii) Soil containing stones Trim the compacted soil in the mould ensuring that
portions of stones standing above the top of the mould are compensated by
hollows of about the same volume below the top of the mould.
(m) Determine the mass (m 2) of the mould and soil, with baseplate if appropriate.
(n) Immediately remove the soil specimen from the mould and either use the whole
specimen or obtain a representative sample from the full height of the specimen.
Determine the moisture content (w) of this sample in accordance with AS 1289.2.1.1
or one of the subsidiary methods, AS 1289.2.1.2, AS 1289.2.1.4, AS 1289.2.1.5 or
AS 1289.2.1.6 for which a correlation has been established in accordance with
AS 1289.2.3.1.  Standards Australia
AS 1289.5.2.1—2003 8

(o) Discard the used soil. Soil from a previously compacted specimen shall not be reused.
(p) Repeat Steps (g) to (o) excluding Step (h) with the other portions of prepared soil to
obtain at least four points, at least two of which shall be dryer, and one wetter, than
optimum moisture content to satisfactorily define the dry density/moisture content
(q) If the optimum moisture content has not been straddled or is imprecisely defined, use
additional soil portions prepared in the same manner as in Steps (a) to (c) and
compact these at appropriate moisture contents as in Steps (d) to (o).
NOTE: If, with increasing moisture content, the wet mass of compacted soil markedly
increases and then starts to decrease, the optimum moisture content probably has been
straddled adequately. For soils with low plasticity and high permeability, points wetter than
optimum moisture content may not be achieved due to loss of water during compaction.

Calculate as follows:
(a) For each specimen, density of wet soil (ρ) from the following equation:

(m2 − m1 ) . . . (5.1)
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ρ = density of wet soil, in tonnes per cubic metre

m2 = mass of mould plus baseplate plus specimen, in grams
m1 = mass of mould plus baseplate, in grams
V = the measured volume of the mould, in cubic centimetres
(b) For each specimen, density of dry soil (ρd ) from the following equation:
100 ρ
ρd = . . . (5.2)
100 + w
ρd = dry density of the soil, in tonnes per cubic metre
ρ = density of wet soil, in tonnes per cubic metre
w = moisture content of the specimen, in percent
(c) Calculate points for the chosen air voids line (see Note) from the soil particle density, either
assumed or determined in accordance with AS 1289.3.5.1 from the following equation:
(1 − Va / 100)
ρd = . . . (5.3)
1 / ρ s + w / 100
ρd = dry density of the soil, in tonnes per cubic metre
Va = volume of air voids in the soil, expressed as a percentage of the
volume of the undried material
ρs = soil particle density, in tonnes per cubic metre
w = moisture content of the soil in percent.
Plot the air voids line in accordance with AS 1289.0 (see Note).

 Standards Australia

9 AS 1289.5.2.1—2003

(d) Plot the dry densities obtained for the compacted specimens against their
corresponding moisture contents. Draw a smooth curve of best fit through the
resulting points with the wet leg of the curve tending parallel to the air voids line (see
NOTE: Plotting the curve The value of soil particle density for calculating the air voids lines
may be obtained using the method described in AS 1289.3.5.1 or assumed on the basis of
previous tests. A rough check is to select a dry density equal to that of the wettest data point,
nominate a percent air voids (2% often gives a satisfactory result), and calculate an apparent
particle density for a point 1% wetter than the wettest data point using Equation 5.3. The soil
particle density so derived is taken as the assumed value. A curve-fitting calculator or computer
program that plots throughout the points, such as those based on the cubic spline techniques, may
also be used to determine the coordinates of the peak point of the curve.

The precision of the test is shown in Table 3.

Results Maximum density Optimum moisture content
Repeatability, single operator 2 10
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Reproducibility, multi-laboratory 4 20
1 These values, in 95% of cases, should not be exceeded by the difference between any two results,
expressed as a percentage of the average value.
2 The values shown are based on test results from a wide variety of soils but in some cases, such as heavy
clays, these values may be exceeded.

Report the following values:
(a) The dry density corresponding to the maximum point on the moisture content/dry
density curve as the ‘modified maximum dry density’ in tonnes per cubic metre to the
nearest 0.01 (see Notes 1 and 2).
(b) The percentage moisture content corresponding to the maximum dry density on the
moisture content/dry density curve, as the ‘modified optimum moisture content’ to
the nearest 0.5 (see Notes 1 and 2).
(c) The percentage of oversize material retained on the 19.0 mm sieve or the 37.5 mm
sieve and the sieve on which the material is retained, whichever is applicable to the
nearest 1.
(d) When required, the plot of dry density against moisture content.
1 When the results are to be used for further calculations such as dry density ratio values and in
the assignment of values for maximum dry density and optimum moisture content, and for
statistical analysis, the values may be used to the nearest 0.001 t/m 3 for maximum dry density
and 0.1% for optimum moisture content.
2 If a subsidiary method for determination of moisture content has been used, the accuracy to
which moisture content and values calculated using moisture content may be reported will
depend upon the correlation established using AS 1289.2.3.1.  Standards Australia

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AS 1289.5.2.1—2003

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AS 1289.5.2.1—2003
AS 1289.5.2.1—2003 12

This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee CE-009, Testing of Soils for Engineering Purposes. It was approved on behalf of the
Council of Standards Australia on 28th February 2003 and published on 29 April 2003.

The following are represented on Committee CE-009:

Australian Building Codes Board
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Australian Geomechanics Society
Australian Stabilisation Industry Association
Crushed Stone Association of Australia
Department of Transport and Works Northern Territory
Engineering & Construction Laboratories Association
Institution of Engineers Australia
National Association of Testing Authorities Australia
University of Melbourne
University of Sydney
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Keeping Standards up-to-date

Standards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are
periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued. Standards may also be withdrawn. It
is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which may have been
published since the Standard was purchased.
Detailed information about Standards can be found by visiting the Standards Australia web site at and looking up
the relevant Standard in the on-line catalogue.
Alternatively, the printed Catalogue provides information current at 1 January each year, and the monthly magazine, The Australian
Standard, has a full listing of revisions and amendments published each month.
We also welcome suggestions for the improvement in our Standards, and especially encourage readers to notify us immediately of any
apparent inaccuracies or ambiguities. Contact us via email at, or write to the Chief Executive, Standards Australia
International Ltd, GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001.

Originated as part of A89—1986.

Previous edition AS 1289.5.2.1—1993.
Second edition 2003.

This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 02224.

© Standards Australia International
All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher.
Published by Standards Australia International Ltd
GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia
ISBN 0 7337 5100 8 Printed in Australia
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