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 Becoming a professional and selling packages

 Taking the job seriously but not yourself

 How well are you behaving with families?
 Professional educational consultant
 First things first – know your products, why you sell them, what makes them unique
 Get to know the competition
 How they help – big books, kid’s books etc
 Understanding the CEA more and FBL
 Specific knowledge
 Update your album
 Video of CEA – show video vs pictures
 Know main universities, know the tuition
 Know stuff that the parents should know
 Selling in the same area helps
 All the questions you need to know before going to turf
 1. What schools and how many students there are in my district
 2. What the main sports kids play in my district
 3. Main employers – where do most people work and what their schedule looks
 4. Toughest teachers and subjects for kids + what’s the toughest for them in
specific subjects
 5. Do schools offer AP classes and do kids have homework?
 5. How many churches there are and what are the specific communities?
Mennonites, Lutherans etc.
 6. What are the closest universities, how to apply, what scores and fees they have,
any prepping centres close by
 7. What home-school programs are available – what are the most common
curriculum, what is used most and why – what do they like and don’t like
 Meet teachers at the beginning
 Mindset – whether or not what you have will be helpful – don’t wait for them to tell you that
 You should know what package would be the most helpful and the kids understand how it
 You need to know more than the person you sitting with
 Selling big packages
 You can’t sell what you don’t show
 Pre-demo plant the seed
 Don’t flinch and break the packages as soon as you get the objection
 Breaking the package should be the last option for people
 Once people make a decision that they will buy then upselling becomes much easier
 If people are not doing payments – more detailed demo and more emphasis on selling them,
they do payments, more emphasis on figuring out the payment plan
 400 customers, 10 cancellations
 Do pretty good solidification
 Explain where are you coming from that you buy the books in advance and you will be in
Europe and if I can count on you for 2 things, that this is your final order and you will do the
 The people you surround yourself with is key to your success

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