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5 steps

Who makes resolutions?

117 million Americans 51% made at least 1 new year resolution

More than 71% 18.34yr made new years resolution

The older you become, the less likely you are to make a change

People who have children make more resolutions than people with no kids

Who survives?

66% who made resolutions did not keep them more than 30days

2 out 3 people will not last beyond 30 days

Discouraging – why bother?

18% of people can’t keep the resolution even 1 entire day

Real life science and struggle

Struggling with self-discipline is universal

The older we get the less ambition we get

5 step plan/elements

1. Create vision

Picture that moves you emotionally

Something that gets you excited

Inspires you


Realistic goals and realistic habits

Big goals is big habits

When you fall asleep look at the vision board

2. Goals

Give you clear focus

One mistake – boring goals, unemotional

Humans are not logical, they are emotional

Track your goals

3. Create your CSF

Critical success factor

Daily basis measured

Controllable activities

You cant control your results, you can influence

They get distracted because they are not receiving the results

Don’t think about your goals, think about the CSF

Focus on your work habits

3 out 4 people who made passed 30 days are still following through their resolutions

If you can make the past 30 days its likely to become a lifestyle


Calling up – power of the coach

4. Schedule

Put on calendar

Creating your ideal schedule – perfect week

If you don’t know what your perfect looks like, you don’t know how to schedule

Time management is the #1 crisis in the work world

5. List of affirmations

You may have fear

Re-program your mental programming

You can buy into and execute the plan

The brain believes whatever you tell it

Whatever you tell it most often, it will start to believe

Affirmations are the pro-language for your brain

One line of code is not going to make it happen

You have to run it, test it

This is my new permanent view on things

Say if you don’t like vegetables, you say I love eating vegetables because it gives my body fuel

If you don’t like asking referrals, say that you are a master of referral asking

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