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Developing a leadership culture

 John Maxwell book

 Leadership is influence
 What you do has far greater impact than what you say
 It all begins with you
 #1 Law of the lid – leadership ability to determines your level of effectiveness
 The higher you want to climb, the more you need leadership skills
 The greater impact you want to make, the greater your influence needs to be
 What is my leadership lid level? I think 5
 Raise your lid level
 The true test is how many people want to come back because they want to be like you
 What do you need to do to rais
 e your lid level?
 Maybe how to connect better or service-minded or management skills, how to sell better
 #2 The law of magnetism – who you are is who you attract
 The better leader you are, the better leaders you will attract
 What you get is not determined by what you want. Its determined by who you are
 We teach what we know, we reproduce who we are
 Write down 3 top qualities you would like people on your team to have
 Obsessed, loyal and hard-working
 Do you have these qualities? Yes I do
 What changes do you need to make to build those qualities you do not possess?
 #3 Inside out Leadership
 Leadership is an inside job
 Competency – what I can do as a leader
 Character – who I am as a leader – you need both
 The inside influence the outside
 When you are bigger and better on the insider (character), over time, you will become
greater on the outside (reoutation)
 We tend to focus on the outside (personality, clothes, etc)
 Private victories come before public victories
 NOTE: we see people as we are, not as they are…
 What do I need to work on inside? How do I improve my character?
 Pride is powerful. We all have blind sports. Ask a good friend for honest feedback
 What do I need to work on?
 Do I value people more than positions?
 Comparing Is dangerous
 #4 the law of pain
 Every pain introduces you to yourself
 Tough experience on the bookfield can be the greatest growth times
 Embrace the pain – it is a teacher
 The pain of inexperience
 Incompetence – don’t know what I am doing
 Disappointment – wish it didn’t happen
 Change
 Conflict – people are messy
 Pain of not being #1 – I deserve to win
 Pain of setback
 When we succeed, we party. When we fail, we ponder
 People connect with you better when you have humility
 Biggest strength – Resilience
 Play the long game with your SWA experience – not year by year
 SWA Leadership experience is concentrated
 Recruiting teams & building orgs is like the real world
 The culture begins with you

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