Lesson 44 Lesson 44: Cats or Dogs: Exercise 1 - Vocabulary and Expressions Expressions

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Beginner | Conversation Lesson 44 _LEVEL


Lesson 44
44: Cats or Dogs

Hi! How are you today?

Today’s lesson is about “Cats or Dogs
Let’s make learning English fun!

오늘의 목표: 애완동물에 대한 표현을 배워봅시다.

Exercise 1 | Vocabulary and Expressions (어휘와 표현)

Directions: Listen and repeat.

선생님을 따라 큰 소리로 읽어봅시다..

Vocabulary and Expressions Examples

frisky(기운찬, 놀고 싶어 하는) My pet is very frisky with balls.

turn(나이를 먹다) She turned 40, but she looks much younger than she really


kitten(새끼 고양이) Kittens are really cute.

sturdy(씩씩하게, 튼튼하게) I will train my dog so that it will grow sturdy.

the whole day(하루 종일) She is playing online games the whole day.

in common(공통적으로) Cathy and Wendy have nothing in common.

common I wonder why

they are close friends.

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Beginner | Conversation Lesson 44 _LEVEL

Exercise 2 | Dialogue Practice

Practice(이야기와 질문)

Directions:: Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

다음 문장을 선생님과 함께 큰 소리로 읽어봅시다. (굵은 글씨는 “Exercise 1”에서 배운 단어입니다.)

Sam is a dog lover, while Annie is fond of cats.

They are talking about why they love these animals.

Sam: Annie, do you have any pet?

Annie: Yes, I have a Birman kitten.. It’s turning two months this Friday.

Sam:: Two months? It must be cute!

Annie: Very much! And she is really frisky

frisky,, too! I love playing with her! I can spend the whole day with her!

Sam: Well, I love walking with my sturdy dog very much!

Annie:: Oh, so you have a dog. Does it know any tricks?

Sam:: Of course! It knows how to sit, roll over, play dead and catch a Frisbee! I really love dogs because

they are faithful and intelligent.

Annie:: I see. But honestly I love cats better than dogs. They are cute and very smart!

Sam:: Yeah. I understand. But I love dogs better than cats!

Annie:: I see. Anyway, having a pet is such a joy, that’s what we have in common!
common Well, I guess I have to

go now, see you around!

Sam: Nice talking with you! Take care


Check your understanding:: Answer the following questions.

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Beginner | Conversation Lesson 44 _LEVEL

1. Why does Annie love cats, and how does she describe her pet?

2. Why does Sam love dogs, and how does he describe his pet?

3. What do Annie and Sam have in common?

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Beginner ⅼ Conversation Lesson 44 _LEVEL

Exercise 3 | Listening Comprehension (듣고 확인하기)

Directions: Your teacher will read a text. First, listen to it. After that, choose the right answer to the

(선생님이 읽어주시는 지문을 잘 듣고
듣고, 아래의 질문에 대한 답을 골라 봅시다.)

“선생님의 말씀에 귀기울여 잘 들어보세요”

1. Why did Alina decide to buy a pet?

A. Alina’ss wanted to have someone she needs to take care of.

B. Her roommate is moving out, so Alina didn’t want to be alone.

2. Why did Giovanni suggest her to buy a puppy?

A. Because dogs are faithful.
B. Once it grew, the dog could protect her apartment.

3. Why did Alina choose to buy a kitten instead?

A. Alina wanted someone who she didn
didn’t have to walk every day.
B. She chose to buy a kitten because it purrs and is very soft.

4. What kind of kitten did Alina choose?

A. Alina chose a Persian kitten.

B. The kitten Alina chose was Siamese breed.

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Beginner ⅼ Conversation Lesson 44 _LEVEL

Exercise 4 | Role Play (역할 놀이


Directions:: Have a role play with your teacher in the situation below.

(선생님과 함께 아래의 상황에 대한 역할놀이를 해봅시다.)

Situation: You want to get a pet. Tell your teacher, who will act as your parent, why you would want to
have a pet.

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Beginner ⅼ Conversation Lesson 44 _LEVEL

Exercise 5 | Conversation Questions (대화와 질문)

Directions:: Take turns with your teacher in answering the questions.

(선생님과 번갈아가며 질문에 대답해 봅시다.)

1. Do you like or love animals?

2. Have you ever had a pet? If yes, what kind of pet? If no, would you consider having one?

3. Do you believe that animals have feelings too?

4. Which do you like more, cats or dogs?

5. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages o

of having a pet?

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