GEC Alang Report (Main Document Part I)

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Ecological Restoration and Planning for

Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

availability of labour supply at competitive wage

1 rates and policies of Governments of ship-breaking
countries, besides some most favourable natural
attributes available at specific sites countries for
INTRODUCTION the growth of ship-breaking.

The emerging global concern for environmental It is significant to note that three important factors
protection, particularly for the sustainable caused flight of ship-breaking from the USA and
development of human societies, is now being the UK in favour of less industrialised countries
echoed in all corners. Moreover, the concern today like Spain, Italy and Turkey during the sixties and
is not limited to just the immediate and obvious seventies. They were:
but transcends several other boundaries in time,
space and perception. l rise in wages for labour,

The perception of the oceans being just global l increased global availability of steel scrap
dump yards is steadily being replaced by a at competitive prices, and
viewpoint that considers them as integral features
of the biosphere. Particular attention is also being l the issues raised by ecologists regarding
given to the crucial interface of the land and ocean pollutants contained in ships brought for breaking.
because of its characteristic properties that are
slowly being understood. These are also the areas Similarly, Japan abandoned ship-breaking when
for intense commercial activities such as the higher wage rates in Japan rendered this
anchorages and recreation. activity non-competitive as against the nearby
countries of Pacific Asia. Some of the East Asian
Ship-breaking is an activity that is presently countries like Taiwan and South Korea could
confined only to a few locales in the world. improve their share in ship-breaking, following
Consequently, few attempts have been made to the withdrawal of the USA, the UK and Japan,
understand the effects of this specialised type of due to sufficiently low wage costs. Pakistan also
activity, especially in terms of its effects on the entered into ship-breaking with an added
specific ecosystem functions. advantage of natural beaching of ships along
Gadani site, besides availabilities of workers there
Ship-breaking activity provides scrap salvage from at low wage rates. Later, Taiwan lost its share in
the ships to a significant proportion of the scrap the global tonnage of ship-breaking with the
users. Re-rollable and melting scrap is an disappearance in 1983 of the cartel, which
important raw material for several products of iron Taiwanese ship-breakers had formed for buying
and steel industry. Ship-breaking is, thus, ships at bargain rates.
essentially based on recycling of resources. Even
if we leave aside - for the time being - the South Korean ship-breakers' major attraction was
significance of this industry as an important source ultra large and very large crude oil carriers [ULCCs
of raw material for steel products, its relevance and VLCCs]. But the availability of such vessels
for conservation of natural resources need no over- got drastically reduced during the eighties, which
emphasis. made South Korea disinterested in ship-breaking.
It would be seen from the Table 1.1 and Table 1.2
that, ultimately, India, Bangladesh, China and
1.1 GLOBAL SCENARIO OF Pakistan emerged as the four major ship-breaking
SHIP-BREAKING countries in the early nineties accounting for
around 92 percent of the total tonnage broken.
Though the origin of the idea of ship-breaking may
be traced to 'forced' ship-breaking undertaken by
the USA and the UK during the Second World
War, its recent growth is phenomenal and is largely
the result of conditions in the steel industry,

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Overall summary of gross tonnage broken by major ship-breaking countries

Country 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995

Bangladesh 0.2 0.5 1.2 1.4 2.1 2.5
China 0.1 0.2 2.2 5.5 2.8 0.8
India 1.1 0.8 2.0 1.9 2.8 2.8
Pakistan 0.0 0.4 0.7 0.9 2.2 1.7
Sub-total 1.4 1.9 6.1 10.0 9.9 7.8
Other Countries 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.7
Total 1.8 2.4 6.6 10.7 10.4 8.5

Percentage share in the world total
Country 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Bangladesh 11.11 20.83 18.18 13.08 20.19 29.41
China 05.56 08.33 33.33 54.21 26.92 09.41
India 61.11 33.33 30.30 27.75 26.92 32.94
Pakistan - 16.67 10.61 08.41 21.15 20.00
Sub-total 77.78 79.17 92.42 93.45 95.19 91.76
Other Countries 22.22 20.83 07.58 06.54 04.81 08.24
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
(Source: Lloyds Register Statistics)

Though China enjoyed the top-ranking position l wage rates are competitively low in
in ship-breaking during the years 1992, 1993 and Bangladesh;
1994, the country lost its share drastically in 1995.
China has found it possible now to produce cheaper l limited availability of getting steel through
steel through routes other than ship-breaking and, the alternative routes in that country and
therefore, has reduced its ship-breaking activity. l prices of ship-scrap in the domestic market
China being a centrally planned, totalitarian in Bangladesh is relatively high.
country, could implement the sudden policy
change. The above analysis suggests that ship-breaking
activity is greatly influenced by a number of factors
It was believed earlier that when the limited which have made this industry prone to global
demand for ship-scrap is satisfied in the domestic locational shifts. Starting from the USA, the UK
steel markets of Bangladesh and Pakistan, India and Japan, this industry changed its location in
would have to face competition in ship-breaking favour of Mediterranean region and then moved
only from the side of China. But now, when China to East and South Asian Countries. The Industry
is almost out of the picture, India is facing pushed China to the top in the early nineties and
competition mostly from Bangladesh for three immediately thereafter reversed the situation.
reasons, viz., Factors affecting ship-breaking have given it a

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

roller-coaster characteristic, when its growth is market forces, if a country intends to continue
examined in the form of tonnage broken over time. reaping the gains typical of this industry.
The industry experienced fluctuation - not only of
the roller-coaster type but also of the leap and 1.2 THE INDIAN PERSPECTIVE
crawling type during the period of 1975-1995 (Fig
1.1 and Table 1.3). This further suggests that A sharp contrast between growth of ship-breaking
growth of ship-breaking cannot be left entirely to in India vis-à-vis that of the world is evident from


20 Global Gross Tonnage 80

Percentage share
% share India
Metric ton


10 40


0 0










Fig 1.1 Gross tonnage of ship broken in the World and share of India

TABLE 1.3:
Gross tonnage broken in World and in India during 1975-1995

Year Global gross India's gross Percentage share of

tonnage [MT.] tonnage [MT.] India in the world tonnage

1975 5.1 0.010 00.20

1976 6.6 0.047 00.71
1977 6.1 0.063 01.03
1978 10.1 0.013 00.13
1979 6.7 0.074 01.10
1980 6.0 0.090 01.50
1981 7.3 0.143 01.96
1982 13.6 0.313 02.30
1983 16.8 0.524 03.12
1984 17.8 0.460 02.58
1985 22.2 1.303 05.87
1986 20.3 0.636 03.13
1987 12.0 1.690 14.08
1988 5.0 0.462 09.24
1989 2.5 0.680 27.20
1990 1.8 1.092 60.67
1991 2.4 0.800 33.33
1992 6.6 2.000 30.30
1993 10.7 1.900 17.76
1994 10.4 2.800 26.92
1995 8.5 2.800 32.94

(Source: Lloyds Register Statistics and Kamdar 1997)

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Table 1.3 and Fig 1.1. When the global ship- following two important questions: First, why was
breaking was doing exceedingly well during the India trailing far behind as compared to other ship-
period from 1982 through 1986, India was just breaking countries and failed to improve its share
crawling. Whereas, during the subsequent period in the global tonnage till middle of the eighties,
after 1987, when world ship-breaking lost its and second, what helped India in achieving
momentum, India took a quantum jump. This is number one status as a ship-breaking country,
suggestive of a very important fact that factors during the current decade?
affecting growth of ship-breaking in India are not
entirely the same which decided growth of this The answer to these two questions lies in the
Industry elsewhere. development of Alang Ship-breaking yard - an
exclusive ship-breaking site which earned number
India has a vast and growing market for steel, one status for India as a ship-breaking country in
particularly for the long steel and light structures the world. On behalf of the Gujarat Government,
- used mostly in the construction industry. The the Gujarat Maritime Board made an intensive
most economical route for production of such items survey and identified the coastline near Alang as
is through the re-rolling mills which demands the most suitable site for developing ship-breaking
ship-scrap as a raw material. The re-rolling sector activity. A group of ship-breakers remained very
of India has accumulated high idle capacity which active during the search process and after making
allows this sector to immediately respond to a personal visit, the group endorsed selection of
changes in market-demand for long products and this site for the following reasons:
light structures.
l The site falls within a distinct high tide
The production of steel enjoys a cost-advantage in zone where the highest tide rises high upto
the re-rolling sector as compared to the alternative 10 to 11 meters. This is considered to be
routes- particularly on energy costs. For the the most favourable attribute when ship-
production of steel in India, the closest competitor breaking activity is undertaken through
of the re-rolling sector is the Electric Arc Furnace beaching method. In this method, the vessel
[EAF] route which consumes more electricity and bows forward during high tide and with the
is burdened by high tariffs. Re-rolling mills utilise help of fully propelling power of engine the
steel-scrap salvaged from ship-breaking through vessel is beached.
a labour intensive process.
l This site in the Gulf of Khambhat and its
Ship-breaking being labour intensive and capital anchorage are the protected areas during
saving, uses relatively less amount of capital per monsoon and allows ship-breaking during
unit of output. This tends to reduce interest costs rainy months also.
in producing steel-scrap.
l The coast of Alang is gently sloping and
The production of steel scrap in ship-breaking does has a long dry approach area which
not use motive power - particularly electricity. This facilitates reaching upto vessel.
gives a clear advantage to India's ship-breaking l The approach upto anchorage is silt-free
industry as electricity here has been suffering from and anchorage is located at a short distance.
severe supply side constraints. l The seabed at Alang dries up very quickly
during the ebb period and allows easy
There may be hardly any country in the world, accessibility for all kinds of material
except India, which is in a position to supply steel handling equipments.
scrap and its products - particularly long steel and l The silt-free beach condition of Alang helps
light structures - with the highest cost advantage ships in maintaining a stable position
in the domestic market through concomitant throughout the process of ship-breaking.
development of ship-breaking and re-rolling l Further the Alang-Sosiya area is free from
sectors wherein cost-optimality is achieved through any other claims for competitive uses like
the lower wage, interest and energy costs. merchant shipping, fishing, salt-works or
The above analysis, however, does not answer the

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

This yard, established in 1983, developed slowly This study seeks to analyse ship-breaking activity
in the initial period because of limited availability from an ecological point of view. Since most of
of foreign exchange for the purchase of ships for the study components could not be based on
breaking till close of 1980s. The industry made a repeated samples testing over a long period of time
smart progress in the current decade under more to determine various ecological parameters. The
liberalised economic policies and improvement in study results, reported in subsequent chapters, may
the foreign exchange reserves. be considered as reliably indicative and not
absolutely conclusive in final analysis. Specific
recommendations were to be made for regulating
1.3 ABOUT THIS STUDY and streamlining the activities so as to cause
minimum damage to the natural environment,
1.3.1 Background particularly fragile and sensitive ecotones such as
the littoral and coastal zones. The study also
attempted an understanding of the local ecosystem
Gujarat Maritime Board is the overall custodian
for the world's largest ship-breaking yard located dynamics necessary for evolving a practical
at Alang, about 50 km south of Bhavnagar in strategy for the upgradation of landscape,
conservation of biological diversity and betterment
Saurashstra, Gujarat. Stretching over 10 km of the
of the human population that is concerned with
coastline, at present there are 183 ship-breaking
this industry.
berths that are leased out to private entrepreneurs.
In operation since 1982, over 1,500 vessels have
been scrapped in this yard, including warships,
tankers and even oilrigs. 1.3.3 Approach

The ship-breaking yard has developed at Alang A holistic approach was adopted replacing the
primarily for reasons such as large tidal amplitude, traditional sectoral approach. The entire activity
availability of cheap labour, and a ready market. was, therefore, evaluated in the context of the
However, the nature of operation itself has its own macro-ecological setting taking into account the
ecological hazards. The compaction and complex inter-relationships between different sets
contamination of sediments in the littoral zone, of natural parameters, the interactions between
the dispersal of pollutants in the off-shore zones, neighbouring areas and the long-term
the bioaccumulation and biomagnification of consequences.
pollutants in the tissue of marine biota, the
development of infrastructure, and concentration Since ship-breaking activity is confined to the
of human population on the fragile on-shore zones interface of two major ecosystems and this
are some of them. These are serious issues and are necessitates a broad understanding of both the
now viewed with concern at all levels since these systems with particular reference to the dynamics
processes are slow but lead to irreversible damage at the interface. The geological setting,
to the ecosystems. geomorphological dynamics, landscape
development, atmospheric features and their
It is with a view to formulating an alternative relation with the native biota, therefore, form the
development plan for the region that is ecologically basis of this study. The study, thus focuses on the
sound and to devise methods for proper regulation three major areas of concern, viz., the onshores,
of activities that the Gujarat Maritime Board areas between the ship breaking yards and human
(GMB) approached the Gujarat Ecology settlements (township), the intertidal region and
Commission (GEC) to conduct a study. The the offshore region, 5 km from the shoreline.
Gujarat Ecological Society (GES) has actually
conducted this study under the aegis of GEC. The study helps to identify current activities that
are causes for concern, develop options and suggest
methods for restoration and improvement. In
1.3.2 Aims and objectives addition, the study also helps in the identification
of areas for fresh intervention that will lead to

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

ecologically sustainable development of the region. In this day-long workshop, the different
work plans were presented, discussed
threadbare by specific working groups and
1.3.4 Methodology (components and suitable modifications were made (Annex
scope) 1.1). The scope of work, along with the
time-frame, for each team was finalised in
consultation with the members themselves.
A study of this kind requires a multidisciplinary
team of a high standard. Moreover, a
4. Monitoring: The progress of different
knowledgeable person is required to provide
guidance and leadership to this team in order to groups was reported every fortnight. Efforts
ensure quality, uniformity and comparability were made to facilitate field operations,
obtain cooperation of different agencies and
amongst the sectoral studies. The views, opinions
eliminate bottlenecks, if any.
and criticism of eminent experts are essential on
critical issues. Some of the major steps in the
Comprehensive review meetings were held
process undertaken were as follows:
with all the team members at periodical
1. Identification of the project leader: A intervals to obtain a first-hand feedback of
the progress, findings and difficulties.
person with long-standing experience in the
field of marine ecology and coastal
5. Reporting: Monthly progress reports were
environment was identified as the Senior
obtained from each of the groups providing
Expert and Coordinator for this study. His
exposure at Central Marine Fisheries details of the field trips undertaken, analysis
Research Institute (CMFRI) and UK and of samples and flow of funds. The offshore
team provided reports after each round of
administrative experience in the Fisheries
sampling, once during the post-monsoon,
department of the Govt. of Gujarat were
winter and pre-monsoon.
perceived as major qualifications for
undertaking such an assignment. He was
mainly expected to co-ordinate with various A mid-term report was prepared in
study groups. December by each of the groups to present
the first findings to the GMB. The final
report was prepared in April, the draft of
2. Constitution of the project team: Persons
which was sent out for comments.
from different institutions and universities
Individual discussions were held with the
of the State were identified at the outset for
carrying out specific tasks. Seven major team members for incorporating the
groups were constituted for detailed study suggestions made by the reviewers.
of the regional geology and geomorphology,
6. Mid-course measures for strengthening
vegetation, physico-chemical features of the
the study: Some of the more critical aspects
littoral zone, biota of the littoral zone,
of the study, such as heavy metal pollution,
hydrobiological features of the offshore
zone, pathogens and microbes and socio- accumulation of oil and hydrocarbons and
economic features of the local human structure of benthic communities were
studied separately through specialists from
population. The team members of these
Jawaharlal Nehru University, MS
groups belonged to Saurashtra University,
University of Baroda and Calcutta
Bhavnagar University, MS University of
University respectively. Prof. V.
Baroda and professional groups. Detailed
work plans were prepared by these teams Subramanian, former Dean of the School
after extensive discussions. of Environmental Sciences, JNU (New
Delhi) was also invited to visit the site,
review the work done and propose suitable
3. Planning workshop: A high-level
measures for strengthening the study.
planning workshop was organised for
Following his advise, the heavy metal
obtaining the benefit of knowledge and
experience of several national level experts. contents were re-analysed at GSFC Science

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Centre and at JNU with the help of the Chapter 7 presents the ecological features of
sophisticated equipment. offshore zone and specifically highlights the
physio-chemical characteristics of water and
Similarly, the socio-economic survey was sediments, and biota that mainly includes
intensified to obtain a larger sample size, a phytoplanktons and benthic fauna. Chapter 8
health camp was organised for an specifically investigates the status of heavy metals
assessment of the status of health and in water and sediments of both intertidal and
hygiene in the region and an indicative area offshore zones.. Chapter 9 provides information
development plan was prepared. A on the socio-economic aspects of the local
communication package was also prepared population including their living and working
for different target groups in the region. An conditions, health and hygiene, social security
overall photo-documentation was also schemes etc. Finally, Chapter 10 provides a
attempted. management plan for integrating environmental
and social concerns into the development of
7. Development of the management plan: ASSBY. It also provides target-specific
The entire data collected during this communication packages that may be relevant in
exercise was presented in another implementing the proposed plan.
workshop, attended again by senior and
eminent experts of the country. This data
was discussed, broad conclusions drawn
and alternative management plans were
derived (Annex 1.2).

8. Draft final report: The main report

consists of two parts - Volume I presents
the integrated analytical report of the work
done, conclusions derived and the
management plan proposed. Volume II
provides a set of the final reports presented
by the different teams.

1.3.5 Chapter scheme

The following chapter provides an overview of the

ecological features of the study area, at regional
scale, in general; and of ASSBY, in particular.
Chapter 3 provides details of the ship-breaking
activity at ASSBY- its major features and
processes involved. Once the context is established,
Chapter 4 delves into the details of the
geoenvironmental features and specifically deals
with geology, geomorphology, drainage and coastal
deposits with a context to ASSBY. Following this,
vegetation pattern in and around ASSBY area is
presented in chapter 5 and includes a detailed study
of the vegetation in the coastal belt with a view to
understand the human impact. Chapter 6 provides
the ecological features of the intertidal zones - its
physico-chemical features, and biota. Specific
attempt has been made to understand the structure
of microbes directly related with the oil pollution.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

570 mm and average 32 rainy days a year (Choksi

2 1989).

STUDY AREA 2.2.2 Geological setting

The Saurashtra coastal plains show a well

2.1 LOCATION developed Cenozoic sequence comprising Deccan
Trap and Laterite overlain by Tertiary and
The ship-breaking yard at Alang is located at Quaternary sediments. The rocks of different
approximately 21º 24' N and 72º 12' E along the stratigraphic ages occur quite close to shoreline.
Western side of gulf of Khambhat at a distance of Ganapathi (1981) has shown a NW-SE fault along
about 50 Km from Bhavnagar, the district the Shetrunji river and an E-W fault along the
headquarters (Plate 2.1), in Talaja block. The Kalubhar river. These two faults are of considerable
nearest all weather port, airport and railway station significance and appear to have controlled the
is Bhavnagar. The area is accessible from mainland Quaternary depositional history and geomorphic
by air, road and railways (Fig. 2.1). From characteristics of the Gopnath-Bhavnagar coastal
Bhavnagar ASSBY can be approached through the segment. Around Gopnath the Tertiary-Quaternary
Bhavnagar-Veraval State highway no.6 via Trapaj rocks show a width of about 10 km. North-eastward
which is at a distance of 40 Km from Bhavnagar. of Gopnath, on crossing the Shetrunji river, the
An approach road of 10-12 km connects Trapaj coast shows a striking change in stratigraphy and
and ASSBY. An alternative route for reaching the lithology. The basaltic rocks come quite close to
ASSBY site from the Sosiya side is almost ready. the shoreline, almost 2 to 3 km only.
ASSBY thus, can be reached from the Alang as
well as from the Sosiya side. The Recent and Sub-Recent deposits, that includes
beach and dune sands, mudflats, alluvium and soils
shows striking differences between the northern
2.2 REGIONAL SETUP and southern sides of the river Shetrunji. This
reflects different processes of depositional
environments of the sediments on the two sides of
2.2.1 Climate river. The arenaceous sands of beach and dunes
occurring to the north of Shetrunji river are unique
The climate of the region in general is hot and
in Saurashtra, and are the sole representative of
humid except during winter between December
the Holocene clastics.
and February. The mean maximum temperature
during summer is about 40ºC and mean minimum
temperature during winter is around 12ºC. The
region comes under the monsoonal influence
2.2.3 Hydrogeology
during June-September receiving over 100 cm of
In the study area, a variety of aquifer systems,
rainfall during this period. There are large
mostly phreatic in nature, are reflected by the
variations in rainfall from north to south and on
diversity of Tertiary and Quaternary
the western and eastern coast of the gulf (Fig. 2.2).
lithostratigraphic units. The majority of aquifers
The Saurashtra side tends to be hotter during
are unconfined and located within the veneer of
summer months and receives relatively low rainfall
weathered and fractured basaltic flows.
as compared to the Gujarat mainland. South-
westerly wind blows during summer and monsoon
Around Gopnath, and to its west, shallow dugwells
months. On account of the long Saurashtra
of 17 to 20 m depths are encountered which are
Peninsular landmass, the effectiveness
situated within the Miliolite Formation which
provides suitable aquifer conditions and hence
of the S-W wind is very much inhibited with the
forms a good source rock for water supply.
gulf. During winter the wind blows from the north.
However, the groundwater behaviour in the
The study area, thus, experiences semi-arid to dry
limestone areas covered by the Miliolites south of
subhumid tropical climate with precipitation about

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Plate 2.1
IRS image of the Bhavnagar-Gopnath segment, Gulf of Khambhat

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Fig 2.1 Location map of the study area.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Fig 2.2 Rainfall in Gujarat

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Fig 2.3 Location of Gulf vis-a-vis continental shelf

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Shetrunji river is prone to serious salinity hazards

due to sea water encroachment in the freshwater

2.2.4 Oceanographic features

The gulf of Khambhat is located in the broadest

part of the continental shelf (Fig 2.3). The gulf
marks a unique site which comes under strong tidal
influence. Whereas the various depositional
features along the different segments of the gulf
coast, as well as the offshore sand and mud deposits
are typical of a tide dominated coastal waters, its
offshore areas present a complex picture of
sediment input, transport and deposition. The gulf,
along with its deposits like mud banks, shoals and
under-water ridges reveal a high tide domination,
strong tidal current, low wave energy together with
other variables like coastal physiography, tidal
currents, fluvial sediment influx and riverine input.
The tidal amplitude near Bhavnagar jetty is 12 m
and equally high tides are known to occur in the
areas around Dholera and Khambhat. Apart from
large changes in the water level, tides also generate
very strong currents. These tidal currents have been
responsible for most of the depositional and
erosional features in the gulf.

The gulf, by and large, forms an area of low wave

energy. Waves are generated generally by winds
and the geographic location of the gulf and its
configuration is such that the gulf waters do not
come under the direct influence of wind generated
waves. It is observed that the south-westerly winds
generate relatively high amplitude waves in the
open sea (outside the gulf mouth), but they reach
the gulf coast after considerable refraction, thereby
losing most of their energy.

2.2.5 Vegetation

Various authors who have described the vegetation

of the area consider it as shrub savanna and
scattered shrubs under Acacia-Capparis Series. On
the coastal side the area had rich mangrove forest
till 1960s which have now degraded considerably.
Most of these descriptions of vegetation are based
on the extensive surveys conducted in 1960s or

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

broken at Alang Shipbreaking Yard.

Alang is favoured with a 10 Km dry belt endowed
with the above attributes. This has made Alang
ALANG SOSIYA the world's largest shipbreaking yard. The ASSBY
has reinforced growth of downstream industries
SHIPBREAKING YARD like re-rolling, oxygen-manufacturing and LPG
(ASSBY) plants within Alang-Bhavnagar-Sihor triangle.
The ASSBY may, thus, be described more
meaningfully as a "basket case" area of Bhavnagar
3.1 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Sihor sub-region. In post 1983 period and more
particularly in post 1991 era of liberal economic
The coast-line of peninsular Saurashtra is 900 km policy, the ASSBY has elevated the economic
long and 22 ports out of the 42 medium and small status of Bhavnagar area and has become a leader
ports of Gujarat, are located on this coast. in the world of shipbreaking activity.
Saurashtra has remained an outward looking
maritime region since long and hence does not
confirm a case of peripheral region - very much 3.2 PRESENT STATUS
dependent on its mainland counterpart. Even
during the colonial period, Bhavnagar (now a The existing site of ASSBY is comprised of 183
coastal district of Gujarat along the gulf of plots of different sizes. The break-up of these plots
Khambhat) was one of the enlightened and is given below:
economically prosperous princely State of
Kathiawar (the erstwhile name of Saurashtra). Plot size Number
120 x 50 m 10
So far as manufacturing of steel is concerned,
80 x 45 m 24
Bhavnagar had already started re-rolling of the
50 x 45 m 56
railway scrap, before Independence, with its first
30 x 45 m 93
rolling mill established in 1945. In the subsequent
period, Bhavnagar and its neighbouring town Total 183
Sihor, witnessed proliferation of re-rolling mills.
With the development of Shipbreaking Yard at The above plots are developed along 8-10 km long
Alang the economy of Bhavnagar received a fresh coastal strip and are provided with a service road
impetus. Rerolling mills of Bhavnagar and Sihor which carries heavy traffic. This road is quite busy.
however were backed very much by the easy and More than 500 service sector establishments have
cheaper supply of steel salvaged from the ships

10000000 400
No. 300



10000 0














Fig 3.1 Numbers and LTD of ship broken at ASSBY

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

mushroomed along the service road, on the other Analysis of data concerning economic
side of the ship-breaking plots, which cater to the sustainability of ship-breaking in general and of
daily needs of the ASSBY people. Built-up ASSBY in particular suggests the following
infrastructure of the ASSBY includes two bridges outcome:
on the service road, a bank branch, a police station, l Table 3.2 shows very clearly that almost
a Red-cross dispensary, a couple of public sanitary 70 percent of total vessels and 90 percent
blocks, an overhead tank for water supply and the of the total LDT broken during 1995 at ASSBY

Table 3.1 LDT broken at ASSBY since its inception

Year No. of ships LDT Two year's

beached (in lakhs) Moving Average

1982-83 5 0.0025 -
1983-84 51 2.59 1.30
1984-85 42 2.28 2.44
1985-86 84 5.17 3.73
1986-87 61 3.95 4.56
1987-88 38 2.45 3.20
1988-89 48 2.54 2.50
1989-90 82 4.51 3.53
1990-91 104 5.77 5.14
1991-92 86 5.62 5.70
1992-93 137 9.43 7.53
1993-94 175 12.56 11.00
1994-95 301 21.73 17.15
1995-96 183 12.53 17.13
1996-97* 280 25.94 19.24
Total 1677 112.75 -

* Projected for March 1997 Source: GMB Office, ASSBY

administrative blocks of Gujarat Maritime Board. were of three major types, viz., Tankers, Cargo
The first ship was beached at Alang on February Carriers and Bulk Carriers. Average life of ship is
13, 1983. Thereafter, shipbreaking, at Alang has considered between 20-25 years and ships having
grown and attained a place of pride in the world more than 25 years of age are considered not
ship-breaking industry. Table 3.1 and Fig. 3.1 gives seaworthy and constitute supply for breaking.
an account of the growth of shipbreaking at Alang Table 3.3 gives an account of ships of more than
since its inception.

Table 3.2 Type of Ships broken at ASSBY during 1995

Ship Type Nos. % Share Tonnes % Share Tonnage
per ship
Tankers 42 22.22 1331838 47.40 31710.4
Cargo Carriers 79 41.80 721914 25.69 9138.2
Bulk Carriers 11 05.82 487977 17.59 4436.5
Sub-total [1to3] 132 69.84 2541729 90.47 45285.1
Others 57 30.16 267883 09.53 4699.7
Total 189 100.00 2809612 100.00 49984.8
Source: The Gujarat Ship-breakers Association, Bhavnagar.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

25 years of age, considering them as available in LDT. The industry has a history of buying
the global market for breaking. In GRT terms ships even at a rate of $220 per LDT. The
approximately 32 million tonnes and in LDT terms ship prices are determined by global market
(considering 1/3 of GRT as LDT), 11 million position of ships offered for demolition.
tonnes supply may be taken as available for Granting the fact that India has emerged
breaking. Tankers, Bulk Carriers, and Cargo as a dominant shipbreaking country, and
Carriers contribute 92 percent share in the total that there are no supply side constraints,
supply. Currently, India's share in the total LDT India may continue enjoying the current
broken is approximately 33 percent. Granting the purchase price of ships [$ 165 per LDT]

Table 3.3 Global availability of ships and tonnage for breaking by ship type

Ship Type No. of Ships having mor GRT Percentage in

than 25 years of Age Total GRT
Tankers 1840 5775530 18.0
Cargo Carriers 587 7811765 24.3
Bulk Carriers 7523 15955919 49.7
Sub-Total 9950 29543214 92.0
Others 4373 2571288 8.0
Total 14323 32114502 100.0
Source: Lloyds Register Statistics (1995)

possibility that the present structure of competition which stands quite competitive.
in the market remains the same and India is in a l The second item in the cost structure is the
position to claim its share, the country may very cost of cutting. In this regard, wages
well go upto breaking 4 million LDT per year. It constitute 25 percent share (Table 3.4).
is evident that both in terms of number and More than double of the amount of entire
tonnage, there are no supply side constraints in wage bill is remitted by ship-breaking
near future. industry to the Government treasury in the
form of custom and excise duty. The nodal
l The largest cost component in ship- agency [GMB] earns half of the amount of
breaking is the ship itself. The current the total wage bill paid to more than 30,000
buying price of ship is around $ 165 per workers.

Table 3.4 Costing (based on thumb-rules) per LDT at ASSBY

SN Items Rs. (per LDT)
1. Purchase of ship [ @ $165 LDT, conversion @ Rs. 37.50] 6154
2. Duty [Custom & Excise ] 738
3. Cutting Cost
[i] LPG O2 500
[ii] Wages 300
[iii] Interest 200
[iv] Delivery & Beaching 150
[v] Overhead 50
Sub-total 1200
4. Total [1-3] 8092
5. Average Selling Price 8200
6. Average App. Profit 100

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

3.3 MODUS OPERANDI After the removal of electrical and other

miscellaneous items, the vessel is cut vertically by
The total ship-breaking activities encompass oxygen-LPG torches into big blocks. These blocks
offshore, littoral, and on-shore zones. are of the sizes/weight of about 10 tonnes which
drop onto the beach on either side of the vessel.
The offshore processing starts with the arrival of These dismantled pieces are pulled on to the shore
a ship at Alang anchorage, when personnel from with the help of winches during the low tide. As
customs department, agents, marine surveyors and the size and weight of the vessel is reduced, it is
the buyer inspect the vessel, and final purchasing hauled closer to the shoreline by winches during
process is completed if the ship conforms with the the high tide. Finally, the hull bottom is cut and
purchase deal. Simultaneously, relevant permission pulled to the shore. Normally the process of
is sought from GMB and excise and customs breaking a ship of 4000-8000 LDT takes 3-5
department for beaching of the vessel. This is months.
accomplished, at appropriate plots in the intertidal
zone, with the help of professional crew. Either The major equipments used in beaching of a ship
the ships' engines are used or else a tug is employed and pulling the large blocks of steel are:
to move the vessels to their final resting positions.
The undersurface of the hull of these ships are l 10-15 tonnes' capacity winches generally
dragged over the rocky substrate upto its final with 100 HP automotive diesel engine
resting position through a process known as (Plate 3.1).
"forced beaching".
l 10-20 tonnes' capacity mobile crawler crane
The major ship-breaking processes are
accomplished at the littoral zone. These mainly l 20 tonnes' derricks generally reclaimed
include the removal of super-structures and cutting from vessels.
of the ship's hull, engine and the propeller.
Material removed from the ship consists of a
variety of items usually expected in a ship. These Activities in the on-shore zone mainly comprise
operations include: of cutting the big blocks into smaller transportable
pieces, and transferring these smaller blocks to the
l Pumping out of ballast water, fuel oil and desired destination.
lubricants. Bunker oil from the engine
bottom is removed after dismantling the The essentials for de-welding the ships are LPG
engine. and oxygen gas, LDO and lubricants, with
associated machineries, and equipments for
l Dismantling and removing of furniture, personal protection. Big blocks are cut into plates
lifeboat, loose cables, fire-fighting weighing 2-5 tonne in the plots (Plate 3.2) and are
equipments, ladders, window and transported out. Small pieces of rusted, broken,
doorframes etc. deformed steel are sold as scrap. The general
appearance of a yard is that of a junkyard with
l Removing of electrical and navigational metal pieces and, oxygen and LPG cylinders
equipments, nylon and steel ropes, shackles, scattered all over (Plate 3.3). The big pieces are
machinery spares etc. generally near the tidal area and smaller ones are
l Removing of some of the winches, masts
and derricks.
3.3.1 Products of ship breaking
l Dismantling and removing diesel
generators, boilers, air compressor, pumps Ships procured for demolition usually carry
etc. different types of organic and inorganic materials
some of which pollute the marine environment if
not controlled during dismantling. The material

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

that is released during ship-breaking include:

l Oil Fuel and lubricants

l Oil sludge in oil tankers and oil/bulk/ore


l Solid wastes such as glass wool,

thermocole, plywood, timber

l Heavy metals and other chemical

constituents of paints and coatings

l Remnants of toxic chemicals in the cargo


The oil bunker/tank of the ship is located either

under the engine room or in bottom hold of the
ship. As the marine bunker oil and the diesel oil
have a high market value, bulk of these oils are
pumped out from the tanks and the residual oil in
the bottom layers are removed by manual scraping
and are transported to the shore for sale. It is also
necessary to remove this oil from the tanks before
they are cut into smaller blocks. Crude oil tanks
of oil tankers and oil/bulk/ore carriers contain
considerable amount of oil sludge.

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Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Plate 3.2 Large Blocks being cut into small blocks

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Plate 3.3 A view of Alang-Sosiya ship-breaking yard

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Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Structural framework of the coastal segment

4 provides a combination of numerous regional faults
related to the Cambay Basin. The N-S Saurashtra
GEOENVIRONMENTAL coast marks the site of major lineament (Western
Cambay Basin Boundary Fault), which Ganapathi
FEATURES (1981) has referred to as Ghogha-Sanand Fault.
Ganapathi has also shown a NW-SE dislocation
Geo-environment of any area decides the longevity
along Shetrunji river (Shetrunji Fault); and E-W
of mega-developmental projects. This holds true
Kalubhar Fault, following broadly the course of
even more in the coastal regions, which are under
the Kalubhar river. While examining the fault
the continuous influence of ocean dynamics.
running east of Piram Island, he has invoked a
Geological formations under coastal erosion form smaller N-S fault in between Ghogha and Piram
provenance for sediments of littoral and offshore (Fig. 4.1). The Figure also shows the structural
region and determine the composition of these
framework of the area based on the works of
sediments. Special physical features, namely,
ONGC, Ganapathi (1981), Islam (1986) and
movement of water across the gulf, high tidal
Sridhar (1995).
amplitude, strong energy condition, large quantity
of suspended sediments and littoral zone with
rocky as well as soft substratum create an array of
4.1.2 Stratigraphy
area specific yet unique coastal conditions. An
understanding of various parameters of geo-
The Gulf of Khambhat and its environs comprise
environment is, therefore, a pre-requisite for sound
mostly of Cenozoic (younger than 65 million years)
developmental planning, especially in the coastal
depositional sequences, and are dominantly
areas. Keeping this in view, while studying the
marine. The Tertiary rocks (marine sedimentatires)
overall influence of ship-breaking activities at
rest unconformably over the Deccan Trap volcanic
Alang, on local as well as regional environment,
rocks and constitute the Cambay Basin. A large
a special attempt has been made to study the geo-
part of the gulf coast does not show any significant
environmental conditions of the area in depth.
outcrops of the Tertiary rocks but their subsurface
presence, stratigraphy and lithology have been
reported by the ONGC (Chandra and Chowdhary,
4.1 GEOLOGY 1969) (Fig. 4.2). However, a few exposed Tertiaries
occur on the Saurashtra side of the gulf. Ganapathi
4.1.1 Structural setup (1981) has given details of the stratigraphy of the
Saurashtra Coastal Block. Table 4.1 shows the
The tectonics of the Saurashtra coast (Gopnath- stratigraphy of the Bhavnagar-Ghogha coastal
Bhavnagar segment) have strongly influenced the segment.
coastal geomorphic evolution, as the configuration
and evolution of the gulf of Khambhat is a The Saurashtra coastal plains show a well
reflection of the various major and minor faults of developed sequence comprising Tertiary and
the Cambay basin. Quaternary sediments overlying older Deccan Trap

Table 4.2
Tertiary-Quaternary stratigraphic sequence around Gopnath-Methla area
Alluvium and Mudflats Holocene
Miliolite Formation Pleistocene
Gaj Formation Lower Miocene
Laterites Palaeocene
Deccan Traps Cretaceous-Eocene

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Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Fig 4.1 Structural setup of Gulf of Khambhat

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Fig 4.2 Geology around Alang

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and Laterite. The Cenozoic rocks of different Quaternary depositional history and geomorphic
stratigraphic ages occur quite close to shoreline. characteristics of the Gopnath-Bhavnagar coastal
Ganapathi (1981) has shown a NW-SE fault along segment. Around Gopnath the Tertiary-Quaternary
the Shetrunji river and an E-W fault along the rocks show a width of about 10 km. The following
Kalubhar river. These two faults are of considerable (Table 4.2) Tertiary-Quaternary stratigraphic
significance and appear to have controlled the sequence is encountered around Gopnath-Methla.

Table 4.1
Stratigraphy of the Bhavnagar-Ghogha coastal segment
Holocene Recent deposits Alluvium, Beach and Dune
___________ _________________ ______________________
Pleistocene to Lakhanka Formation Soft friable ferruginous
U Early Holocene sandstones and sands with layers
A rich in agate pebbles and
intercalations of grey coloured
T clays
E ___________
C Mio- Pliocene
Unconformity ______________________
Piram Beds Hard and well cemented
fossiliferous conglomerates with
N R alternation of sandstones and
Y claystones
O ______________________
Z Disconformity
Fossiliferous conglomerates,
Bhumbli grits and argillaceous sandstones
O E Conglo- with intercalations of clays
R merate
I Member
T ___Unconformity_____
C I Lower
Grey and yellow coloured clays
R Ratanpur and marls with gypsum layers.
Clay At the base, basal conglomerates
Member and argillaceous sandstones with
cross lamination
____ _____ Palaeocene Unstratified red, brown, and
Lateritic yellowish brown hard laterites
ME rocks with clay pockets
SO ___________
ZO Cretaceous __Deccan Trap__ Variety of basaltic lava, felsite
IC and rhyolite with dolerite dykes

(Source: Merh 1997)

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Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Northeastward of Gopnath, on crossing the and Quaternary lithostratigraphic units in the study
Shetrunji river, the Ghogha-Bhavnagar coast area.
shows a striking change in stratigraphy and
lithology (Table 4.3). The basaltic rocks come South of Shetrunji the TDS content is low, and to
almost 2 to 3 km close to the shoreline. Laterites its west, shallow dugwells of 17 to 20 m depth are
and Gaj rocks are exposed along the coastline itself. encountered which are situated within the Miliolite
Calcareous facies (Miliolites) changes over to a Formation. Generally, Miliolite provides suitable
non-carbonate facies (Lakhanka Formation). aquifer conditions and hence forms a good source

Table 4.3
Stratigraphic sequences N-E of Gopnath coastal segment
Mudflats, Beaches & Dunes Holocene
Lakhanka Formation Pleistocene to Holocene
Piram Beds Mid-Pliocene
Gaj Formation Lower Miocene
Laterites Palaeocene
Deccan Traps Cretaceous-Eocene
(Source: Merh 1997)

The Recent and Sub-Recent deposits, that includes rock for water supply. However, the groundwater
beach and dune sands, mudflats and alluvium soils behaviour in the miliolites limestone in coastal
show striking differences between the northern and areas is prone to serious salinity hazards due to
southern sides of the river Shetrunji. This reflects seawater ingress in the freshwater aquifers.
different processes of depositional environments
of the sediments on the two sides of river. Alang The water tables in aquifers from Shetrunji river
is situated on the northern side of the river northwards to Ghogha show a marked difference
Shetrunji, where the beach and dune materials are in their nature between that of the coastline and of
essentially arenaceous and consist of fine to the backshore areas. The former consists of
medium grained sands. Near the upper tidal limit, accumulated sweet water in the coastal sands and
the beach material becomes of shingle size and is in the underlying Gaj Beds, but this gets saline in
made up of rounded to sub-rounded fragments of the premonsoon months. Such type of wells are
quartz, chalcedony, agate and basalt and Gaj rocks. observed in the villages Kuda, Ratanpur and Alang
A broad and continuous well developed beach is where the average depth of sweet water phreatic
seen in this part. Dune ridges are rather aquifer is from 7 to 10 m. On the other hand, inland
discontinuous, though a good development of dune coastal areas the wells are free from influence of
complex is seen from north of Hathab Bungalow sea water ingress, and hence hold sweet water,
to Kuda village and also near the village Alang. which is used even in small scale irrigation. In the
The arenaceous sands of beach and dunes Deccan Trap country the majority of aquifers are
occurring to the north of Shetrunji river are unique of unconfined nature and located within the veneer
in Saurashtra, and are the sole representative of of weathered and fractured basaltic flows. The
the Holocene clastics. average depth of dugwells is of the order of 12-15

4.1.3 Hydrogeology The coastal area of Ghogha and Bhavnagar has

got its own distinct hydrological conditions. Here
Groundwater in coastal area is mostly saline, and the demand of sweet water is being met through
availability of sweet water is very restricted. A surface ponds and shallow dugwells, and the
variety of aquifer systems, mostly phreatic in average depth of sweet water availability is only 5
nature, are reflected by the diversity of Tertiary m. The water at greater depth is saline as is seen

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

from a well at village Akhvada where brackish

water is encountered at 7 m depth (Table 4.4).

Table 4.4
Hydrogeological Conditions in the coastal segments

Well Aquifer Village Name Total Water Level [m]

No. Formation Depth [m] Pre Post

1 Methla 07.00 06.50 04.80

2 Miliolite Jhanjmer 19.50 18.50 10.60
3 Pithalpur 20.00 16.00 09.20
4 Gopnath 17.00 12.00 07.50

6 Fluvio-marine Saltanpur 09.00 07.20 04.60
7 sediments Dakana 04.50 04.00 01.50
Lilivav 17.00 13.50 08.70

8 Deccan Trap Kathva 18.00 16.00 12.80

9 Alang 17.00 15.00 09.60

10 Sandstone Mithivirdi 20.00 19.00 15.40

11 Dunal Sand Hathab 09.50 08.00 04.50

12 Deccan Trap Badi 15.00 10.00 06.45

13 Dunal Sands Kuda 05.00 03.00 02.00

14 Kuda 09.50 09.00 02.60

15 Sandstone Nava Ratanpur 05.00 04.00 02.20

16 Ghogha 11.00 05.00 01.80

17 Deccan Trap Thoradi 12.00 09.00 03.70

18 Budhel 11.50 07.00 03.40

19 Trap covered by Akvada 07.00 04.00 02.90


20 Deccan Trap Karnej 35.00 29.70 20.40

(Source: Merh 1997)

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Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

There are no significant data available on the are small, shallow and never exceed more than 50
chemistry of the groundwater. The chemical km in length. Though most of the streams and
quality of ground water is dominantly influenced rivers of the study area are ephemeral, their
by seawater ingression and inherent salinity of drainage patterns show considerable diversity (Fig.
marine formations, and percentile variation of 4.3). The breaks in the lower reaches of the river
various dissolved constituents provides a good profiles, linear extension of the high order
indication of the overall quality of the groundwater channels, and the emergence of new small
(Table 4.5; Islam 1986). In the area between independent streams all along the coast, and the
Shetrunji and Kalubhar rivers, the groundwater is deflection of the river courses also suggest change
saline and the TDS ranges between 474 and 3374 in sea level. Most of the streams follow
ppm. Sodium dominates over all other cations.
Bicarbonate and chloride dominate over all other straight courses, some have deflections at various
anions. angles either due to joint intersection or due to

Table 4.5
Chemical quality of Ground water
Sam. Depth TDS Cations [ppm] Anions [ppm]
No. [m] [ppm] Na K Ca Mg CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 pH

1 06.50 2669 1100 42 73 91 30 488 540 238 7.5

2 18.50 474 160 3 1 11 7 442 670 85 7.7
3 16.00 645 180 1 6 2 30 442 465 68 7.6
4 12.00 1225 130 2 109 48 - 153 603 56 6.9
5 07.20 1905 270 39 120 79 - 198 735 346 7.1
6 04.00 2541 560 35 67 64 60 885 845 620 7.7
7 13.50 943 125 1 95 106 - 290 358 256 7.2
8 16.00 657 50 2 14 62 - 259 248 44 7.3
9 15.00 645 90 3 31 51 15 229 355 262 7.4
10 19.00 478 65 5 27 21 - 198 952 96 7.3
11 08.00 2990 500 3 69 35 120 610 1100 242 7.1
12 10.00 790 80 2 2 31 - 381 465 43 7.8
13 03.00 1110 220 42 23 53 - 503 867 398 7.6
14 09.00 1153 315 1 11 52 - 702 1166 567 7.7
15 04.00 1003 235 2 9 38 45 290 1228 64 7.7
16 05.00 3118 535 4 70 108 30 275 1242 620 7.4
17 09.00 854 95 1 7 35 - 244 177 76 7.5
18 07.00 1238 270 9 8 34 - 473 355 148 7.7
19 04.00 3374 560 8 93 201 - 580 348 284 7.3

(Source: Merh 1997)

4.2 GEOMORPHOLOGY strandline change which reveals structural control

on the stream course.
4.2.1 Drainage
The lowermost reaches of the stream courses are
The coastline between Bhavnagar and Gopnath rather wide and curved though not meandering.
(Shetrunji River) forms a narrow NNE-SSW The beds are full of sediments of different sizes.
trending coastal plain backed by low hill ridges. Deposition being dominant, the beds do not show
Several small rivers and seasonal streams, cut any worthwhile erosional feature. The ratio of
across the plains and meet the gulf barring the width to depth is quite high in comparison to the
river Shetrunji. These streams and rivers, however, upper and the middle segments of the streams.

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Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Fig 4.3 Drainage Pattern around Alang

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The only perennial stream in the study area is the

river Shetrunji which originates from the Gir
range, about 150 km away, and enters the coastal
plains with final stage of growth, draining basaltic
rocks throughout its course. Near its mouth it forms
an estuarine delta. The characteristics of other
streams are given in Table 4.6.

4.2.2 Landform

The geomorphic attributes of the study area,

especially the landforms and the drainage patterns,
reveal interesting combinations of erosional and
depositional processes that operated during the
Cenozoic Era over a coastal terrain that was
subjected to frequent sea level changes. The
structural features of the trappean rocks - faulting
and jointing, contributed a major share in evolving
the landforms and drainage. The shapes,
configuration and slopes of the erosional landforms
are all dependent on the factors enumerated above.
The various river courses and their tributaries too
show close relationship with the faulting and
jointing of the trap rocks. Saurashtra coastal plains

The landscape of the coastal plains of southeastern

Saurashtra peninsula of which the study area forms
an important segment, has preserved within it,
imprints of the various weathering and
denudational agencies of more than one generation
(Fig 4.4). The coast typically marks area of uplift
during the Quaternary period and the landscape
is youthful. The various sub-aerial processes

weathering, mass wasting, fluvial erosion and

sediment transport and formation of flood plains
and terraces. The hinterland landforms, i.e., the
rocky fringe and the coastal plains that lie behind
the shoreline, are both erosional and depositional.

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Fig 4.4 Coastal landforms around Alang

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Table 4.6
Characteristics of the stream longitudinal Profiles

Name of Stream, Altitude,m Nature of Gradient Remarks

the stream length Km Max Min the profile
Adhewada- 21.500 140 18 Concave 0.0057 High
Malesari Concavity near
Nadi source might
be due to steep
Bhumbhli- 12.500 85 12 Gentle 0.0058
Malesari Nadi Slope
Koliyak- 24.500 240 12 Concave 0.0093 There are three
Malesari Nadi with three breaks, 1st break
breaks at 2.5 km from
source is due to
Ramadasi 12.500 80 10 Concave 0.0056 Tansa fault,
Nadi with one IInd and IIIrd
break breaks at 17.4
and 19 km
from source
Mithivirdi 14.200 80 8 Gentle 0.0051 area are due to
Nadi slope rejuvenation.
One break at
8.8 km from
source due to
a regression
Manari Nadi 20.700 140 8 Concave 0.0063
Bagad Nadi 38.600 280 7 Concave 0.0077 One break at
with one 5km from
break source is due to
local fault
Bhadrod 26.200 160 7 Concave 0.00582
Longdi Nadi 14.100 60 7 Very Gentle 0.0037
Roshia Nadi 13.600 60 7 Very Gentle 0.0039

All along the coastline between Bhavnagar and Shetrunji the Khokhra range trends N-S with steep
Gopnath the interior flank is made up of trappean eastern slope, abutting rather abruptly against the
hilly terrain comprising conical and flat-topped coastal plain, and the foothill slopes show a
hills and ridges, dissected by small streams. A pronounced accumulation of products of mass
erosion product of a jointed basalt flow country wasting.
dotted with dykes, the area is characterised by
undulating rolling topography. South of Shetrunji The coastal plains nearer the shoreline provide a
river these hills and ridges form the eastward good example of assorted depositional landforms
extension of the Gir Range, and merges with the of Tertiary and Quaternary periods, dominantly
coastal plain at southeast. On the north of river products of fluvial processes. Evidences of

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

prolonged history of deposition followed by some the tidal waters of the gulf. In this report samples
erosion are distinctly recorded in the area just from 19 locations have been included.
behind the actual shoreline and the various
landforms recognised are (a) terraces and flood It has been observed that the major bulk of tidal
plains, (b) point bars and bar islands, and (c) mud in all parts of the gulf coast is made up of silt
abandoned channels. size particles, their proportion varying from 60 to
75%. The sand fractions are always less than 6%,
The river Shetrunji and Malesari group of streams while clay fraction varies from 15% to 30%. The
have cut their own flood plains and their channels tidal muds thus fall within the `clayey silt' to `silt'
are flanked on both sides by hanging terraces, one category. It has also been observed that the larger
above the other; most of the terraces are paired. particles (sand + silt) are dropped at the high water
The upper terrace level has been recorded at the line during flood tide and the finer sediments are
heights ranging from 8 to 10 m; the lower ones carried back during ebb tide.
occur at 2 to 4 m above the riverbed. The various
terraces represent successive flood plains of the Beach deposits
past and reveal a sequence of depositional and
erosional events of the Quaternary times. Compared to the extensive development of tidal
The area also shows good examples of valley fill mud deposits, that of sandy beaches is rather
deposition caused by the impounding of the river subordinate and restricted. Beaches first appear
water due to transgression of sea; the regression near Ghogha and extend southward upto Shetrunji
that followed resulted into vertical downcutting river mouth, forming a narrow more or less
and carving of cliffy terraces. Point bars and islands continuous stretch. Beyond this river, the beach
in the riverbeds are the other interesting sands increase in bulk, dimension and lithological
depositional features. These are the products of characteristics.
deposition due to velocity variation of the stream
flow. South of Shetrunji river, the beach has developed,
and sand accumulations occur almost continuously
The rivers like Shetrunji, Vatrej-Malesari Nadi, from Gopnath to Methla and beyond. The particle
Bhadrod Nadi and Talgharda Nadi show size is dominated by coarse to fine sand (Table
abandoned channels in their lower courses, which 4.7), and are rich in carbonate content because of
could be related with sea-level changes.

Table 4.7
Statistical parameters of beach sands
Sample Location Mean in phi scale Standard deviation Skewness
Methla 2.84 0.58 -0.81
Gopnath 2.96 0.42 0.41
Alang 2.59 0.85 -0.01
Kuda 2.73 0.44 -0.07
Hathab 2.34 0.62 0.009
Piram 2.63 0.35 -0.77
(Source: Merh 1997)
4.2.3 Coastal deposits their richness in bioclastic grains, mainly
foraminiferal tests and molluscan shell fragments. Tidal flat deposits The carbonate content is 30 to 37% at Ghogha,
and almost 60% at Methla. Quartz is the dominant
Tidal mudflats which constitute, by far the most noncarbonate constituent.
extensive deposits appear to be the product of
strong tidal currents operating within the gulf.
Islam (1986) endeavoured to provide a bird's-eye-
view of the nature of sediment load deposited by

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat Shoreline morphology Ghogha towards Mahuva is marked by submerged

and dissected aeolianites (Miliolite). Here we
The shoreline of the coast between Bhavnagar and describe in brief the characteristics of the Ghogha-
Gopnath provides an interesting assemblage of Mathawada section to which our study area
erosional and depositional features, related to belongs.
tectonic and eustatic factors. On the whole, the
coastline between Bhavnagar and Mahuva has
been gaining land; overall effect is that of a Shoreline between Ghogha and
progressive regression with resulting emergence Mathawada
of new land. On the basis of different
morphological features, the nature of sediments From Ghogha to Kuda, the coast extends almost
and their transport and sedimentary history, the south-east, and then takes a turn to south-west,
shoreline can be subdivided into following discrete and runs straight upto Mathawada. This part shows
sedimentation zones: several interesting foreshore and backshore
features, though the berm line dividing the two is
a) Bhavnagar-Ghogha (Estuarine) not well defined.

b) Ghogha-Mathawada (Beach) The foreshore features mainly comprise of wave-

cut platform, beach and mudflat. The intertidal
c) Shetrunji Delta (Estuarine) platform which makes an erosional feature of wave
action is seen as a very seaward sloping rocky
d) Gopnath-Mahuva (Dune and Cliff) plane. From Ghogha upto one km south of Hathab
Bungalow the platform is of Gaj rocks, and further
Each segment of the shoreline exhibits both southwards it is made up of laterite and Lakhanka
erosional and depositional features, but their rocks. Width of this zone varies from 500 to 1,500
relative proportions vary from segment to segment metre. Good example of this wave-cut platform is
depending on the nature and intensity of the two seen near Ghogha village. The platform is covered
processes. Bhavnagar-Ghogha section, which by a thin veneer of tidal mud all along its length
forms the northern extremity of the area shows which gets washed out during monsoon. While the
geomorphic features related to various depositional platform is mostly devoid of any vegetation, the
processes operating at the present time. But there Gaj rocks support some shrub growth.
are certain landforms like ancient marine terraces
also, related to an earlier period when erosional A beach extends all along the coast from Kuda to
processes were effective along this part of the Mathawada. Its width varies from 25 to 200 m,
shoreline. The beach along the Ghogha- narrow at the south and broad at the north. Between
Mathawada consists mostly of depositional the Kuda guesthouse and Ghogha, the beach is
landform mainly beach and dune ridge complex. dissected by the Ratanpur Creek. The beach slopes
The erosional features are restricted to the lower very gently southwards. Landward the beach, is
part of the foreshore and are marked by wave-cut flanked by backshore dunes. The berm line is not
platforms. The well-developed beach and dune at-all well defined and the beach abruptly abuts
ridge complex evidently point to the dominance against the coastal dune ridge. The beach material
of depositional processes. Shetrunji delta is made varies in size from very fine sand to very coarse
up of a number of depositional landforms formed pebbly gravels and is made up of quartz, agate,
due to the interaction of fluvial and marine chalcedony, with small proportions of shell
processes under conditions of fluctuating sea level material and rock fragments etc. The beach
and perhaps tectonism. material is derived from the intertidal rocky
platform, material brought by the rivers from
Across the Shetrunji river towards Gopnath and inland areas and sediments brought to the gulf
further west, the shoreline dominates in erosional waters by the Mainland Gujarat rivers and
landforms, and on account of the irregularity in transported by longshore drift.
the shoreline configuration, processes of marine
erosion predominate. The indented shoreline from Towards Ghogha, the beach almost tapers out

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

because of a marked change in the shoreline The bathymetry of the gulf is very unique. The
configuration and sand accumulation. The beach tectonic and sedimentation factors have played a
at Ghogha is made up of shingles only. Evidently dominant role in imparting diversity of the gulf
the imbalance caused by the interference between bathymetry. The features of the gulf bottom are
wave action and longshore currents, appears an essentially products of graben faulting related to
important factor responsible for the exclusive the tectonics of the Cambay basin, and selective
accumulation of shingles, the sand particles being deposition of sediment load by tidal currents.
carried further N-N-W.
The gulf can be divided into three parts from the
The backshore features comprise only coastal bathymetric point of view, e.g., Inner gulf (north
accumulations, and studies have shown that these of Ghogha Dahej E-W line), Outer gulf (between
coastal dune ridges belong to two generations. Ghogha Dahaj and Gopnath-Surat E-W line) and
They are: open shelf outside the gulf (south of the Gopnath-
Surat E-W line upto Daman).
l A dune ridge complex immediately behind
the beach, and evidently related to the present day The inner gulf is very shallow, never exceeding in
shoreline. depth beyond 27 m (Fig. 4.5), and is replete with
mudbanks and shoals. The bottom topography here
l An ancient beach and dune topography just comprises N-S extending banks and underwater
at the back of the present day dunes which indicates shoals with intervening shallow channels which
a post higher strandline. are only 10 to 12 m deep.

The present day coastal dune ridge complex is The outer gulf is deeper, broader and has varied
observed right from the Kuda guesthouse to as far floor topography. It is made up of underwater
south as Mathawada. The width of the ridge varies channels and ridges which tend to diverge and
from 10 to 50 m. Its height varies from 3 to 20 m, open up southward, and some of the ridges rise
and is marked by a typical dunal topography. About above the low water line. The channels form the
one km south of Kuda, a maximum height of 27 deeper seas in between the various parallel
m is recorded. The dune-ridge complex extends underwater ridges. The deepest portion of the gulf
for about 30 km parallel to the shoreline, with comprises of median channels as deep as 45 to 49
frequent breaks on account of dissections by m, located east of the Piram island, and
numerous inflowing streams. The dunes are all
unconsolidated, though in recent years three diverging channels in the southern portion
considerable plantations have been made by the just outside the mouth of the gulf.
Forest department to check the inward migration
of the sands. The open shelf located outside the gulf forms a
part of the continental shelf. It overlooks the gulf
Behind these coastal dunes, there occurs an older mouth and forms an open flat shelf area averaging
dune-beach complex south of Hathab Bungalow from 30 to 35 m deep dissected by a number of
upto Mathawada. They rest over the Lakhanka channels with intervening sandy ridges which tend
Formation, and are considerably dissected and to converge towards the gulf mouth. The
eroded, and provide a rolling topography. This development of these underwater sandy ridges of
geomorphic feature provides an excellent evidence the order of 30 to 80 km long outside the mouth of
of a past higher strandline, 6 to 8 m above the the gulf is illustrative of the phenomenon of
present sea level. transport and deposition by tidal currents which
are presently performing an equally important role
4.3 OFF-SHORE: THE GULF OF of controlling the tidal current directions and the
KHAMBHAT pattern of sediment transport and deposition.
4.3.2 Tides and tidal currents

4.3.1 Bathymetry The gulf forms an area of highest tides along the
west coast. Fig. 4.6 illustrate the tidal range in the

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Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Fig. 4.5 Bathymetry of Gulf of Khambhat

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

different parts of the gulf, observed by Islam ridges which regulates the entry and exit
(1986). The computed time differences for the peak of the tidal water; and,
tides at various locations with reference to high l the unevenness of the inner gulf bottom
tide at Bhavnagar Jetty are presented in Table 4.8. characterised by numerous mudbanks and
shoals, and the obstruction caused by the
Table 4.8 Piram island are also the factors that
governed the movement of tidal waters.
Time differences for peak tides with A fact worth noting is that the various river
reference to high tide at Bhavnagar mouths, especially of Sabarmati, Mahi and
Jetty Narmada, react differently to the rising and
receding tides. During the flood tide, the inflow of
Location Time differences river waters would experience a resistance, thereby
slowing down or even reversing their flow
Methla -80 min
direction. However, during the ebb tide the river
Gopnath -70 min
water would join the seawater in its outward
Piram -15 min
journey. From these observations, it stands out that
Ghogha -10 min
the tidal current are rather week at the river mouth
Khambhat +60 min
during flood tide, whereas they are quite strong
Dahej -70 min
during the ebb tide.
Hazira -70 min
(Source: Merh 1997) The proportion of suspended load is directly related
to the shallowness of the gulf inlet, mudflats,
Apart from the phenomenon of the rise and fall of mudbanks, shoals and other offshore features. The
water level, the tide generates very strong tidal pattern of concentration is also indicative of the
currents. These currents during the flood and ebb trends of total currents and bathymetry. The
tides have been responsible for most of the proportion of sediment load near or outside the
depositional and erosional features in the gulf. Vast gulf mouth is much less. This points to a vital fact
coastal mud deposits, mudbanks, that incoming tidal waters are less loaded with
suspended sediments. The sediments are carried
shoals and underwater linear ridges show by tidal currents, such that the influx is both from
resemblance to the type diagram for macrotidal the south Saurashtra coast as well as from the south
coast (Hayes 1979), a shallow water zone Mainland coast. During receding tide there is an
dominated by high tide. The geographic location overall decrease in the sediment content. At the
and configuration of the gulf with respect to the peak high tide the stagnation of water would cause
Saurashtra coast and the south Gujarat mainland settling of the suspended sediments especially the
coast, the broad extensive shelf zone within which sand and the silt size fraction. Heavy concentration
the gulf is located and the dominant direction of during ebb tide is restricted to the inner tidal muddy
the monsoonal winds, in combination with the areas only. The median portion of the gulf shows
irregular floor of the gulf bottom have been only moderate to slight concentrations except
responsible for the pattern and behaviour of tides where the tidal water flow over the submerged
and tidal currents. ridges. The distribution patterns of sediment load
during different seasons are observed to be quite
The tidal current directions as observed on satellite variable.
imagery establish following facts (Islam 1986):
l the current directions during flood and ebb Along open coast, the normal difference between
tides have almost identical paths, high and low tide is only a metre or so, but within
l the tidal currents bothways follow the restricted areas like a gulf the tidal range always
bathymetric feature of the gulf, increases. In the gulf of Khambhat, the pattern of
l the fanning pattern outside the mouth of variation in the height range of high and low tides
the gulf is closely related to the presence of is strikingly different between the mouth and the
numerous underwater rhythmic linear interior part. The height of the tide at Bhavnagar

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Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Plate 3.3 A view of Alang-Sosiya ship-breaking yard

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

jetty is +12 m and equally high tides are indicated sediments are also similar to that of tidal flats.
in the areas around Dholera and Khambhat. Table 4.10 and Fig. 4.7 show the clay mineral
Main causes of very high tides could be listed as percentage in the gulf suspended sediments.
the convergence of shorelines, river water input, Montmorillonite, the major clay mineral in the gulf
and shallowness of the gulf. Strong southwesterly suspended sediments, makes up about 75 to 85%
monsoonal winds also augment the height of the of the total clay mineral assemblages, followed by
tides under stormy conditions, thereby causing illite (10-14%). The occurrence of chlorite and
extensive flooding of the low lying coastal areas kaolinite is insignificant. The distribution of clay
of Saurashtra and Bhal. minerals in the gulf is homogeneous, suggesting
a strong hydrodynamic condition in the gulf.
4.3.3 Waves

The gulf, by and large forms an area of low wave

energy. Waves are generated generally by winds
and the geographic location of the gulf and its
configuration is such that the gulf waters do not
come under the direct influence of wind generated
waves. Unlike the other coastal areas of Saurashtra
and of South Gujarat which experience north
westerly winds, the gulf is protected by the
Saurashtra landmass. A perusal of the climatic data
reveals that for most part of the summer and
monsoon months, strong winds blow from W and
SW, whereas during winter months landward
breeze blow from N or NNE. It is observed that
the southwesterly winds generate relatively high
amplitude waves in the open sea (outside the gulf
mouth), but they reach the gulf coast after
considerable refraction, thereby losing most of their
energy. Wave height observed during different
seasons are presented in Table 4.9

Table 4.9 Seasonal Wave height at

different location along the coast

Locations Winter Monsoon Summer

Methla 2-3 m 4-5 m 2.5-3.5 m

Gopnath 1.5-2.5 m 3-4 m 2-2.5 m
Ghogha 1-2 m 2-3.5 m 1.5-2 m
Khambhat 0.5-1 m 1.5-2 m 1-1.5 m
Dahej 1.5-2.5 m 3-4.5 m 2-3 m
Hazira 2-3 m 3.5-5 m 2.5-3.5 m

(Source: Merh 1997)

4.3.4 Nature of tidal sediments

The grainsize variation of the suspended sediments

is practically the same both spatially and
temporally. Mineralogically, these suspended

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Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Fig 4.7 Minerology around Gulf of Khambhat

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Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Table 4.10
Clay mineralogical percentages in suspended sediments

Location Month/ Montmorillonite Illite, Chlorite, Kaolinite,

Year ,% % % %
April 85 75.99 13.93 05.98 04.10
Methla July 95 78.96 11.69 05.20 04.15
October 85 77.77 13.23 04.40 04.60
January 86 80.97 10.56 04.65 03.82
April 85 75.90 14.28 05.01 04.81
Ghogha July 95 82.05 10.25 03.89 03.80
October 85 76.55 13.66 04.80 04.99
January 86 83.12 10.23 03.55 03.10
April 85 79.54 12.28 04.20 03.98
Piram July 95 75.36 13.53 06.31 04.80
East October 85 81.30 11.16 03.99 03.55
January 86 82.88 09.92 03.61 03.59
April 85 77.66 13.75 04.76 03.83
Khambhat July 95 78.53 14.13 04.48 02.86
October 85 74.28 17.71 04.01 04.00
January 86 78.59 13.83 03.48 04.10
April 85 73.27 18.30 04.23 04.20
Dahej July 95 79.74 11.96 04.20 04.10
October 85 77.88 13.21 04.50 04.41
January 86 75.98 15.17 05.16 03.69
April 85 77.53 11.98 05.67 04.82
Hazira July 95 79.33 10.34 05.34 04.99
October 85 83.11 10.56 03.18 03.15
January 86 82.35 09.42 04.75 03.48

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

two periods (Fig. 5.1) shows that the direct impact

5 of ASSBY on vegetation has been restricted only
to the coastal belt where the land was used for
VEGETATION agriculture or Prosopis plantation. Part of the area
that is occupied by ASSBY was previously a beach
and the direct impact is restricted only to the
Vegetation is one of the best indicators of the
regions of actual ship breaking and the houses of
ecological health of any given area by reflecting
the workers. This actually means a change in
changes in their structure (density, cover, etc.) and
landuse pattern in a 200 m (average) wide belt of
distributional pattern. Further, by holding the
about 10 km length.
lower most position of trophic level it supports
many other life forms, including the human.
The situation beyond this belt along the coastline
However, with growing population, pressure on
has mostly remained similar. At some of the places
natural vegetation has increased manifold in
the thickness of Prosopis julliflora has increased.
recent years, which finally breeds various types
Further towards landside, certain changes have
of environmental problems of different scales. A
taken place in the area, most of these changes are
similar situation is, therefore, met with in and
caused by the increase in agriculture land. Almost
around ASSBY. Keeping this in view, vegetation
all of the land that has been converted to
(especially of onshore areas) was considered as
agriculture was previously scrubland (in 1985).
one of the important study components to achieve
This comparison, therefore, reveals that ASSBY
the objective of formulation of environmental
has not caused the changes in vegetation structure
management plan for ASSBY and surrounding
beyond its actual existence, and it is other factors
that have resulted in the observed changes.
The study was conducted in two different phases.
In the first phase a floristic inventory was
prepared, while in the second phase, some detailed 5.2 FLORISTIC COMPOSITION
phyto-sociological studies were conducted.
The Study was conducted in three steps. In the 5.2.1 Methodology
first step the changes in the vegetation pattern
over the years was assessed at macro level from The floristic composition of Alang-Sosiya and its
satellite data. The second step was the preparation surrounding areas have been studied during
of floristic inventory, while in the third step some September 1996 to February 1997. The entire study
detailed phyto-sociological studies were area was divided into four blocks for the ease of
conducted. documentation and presentation of data (Fig. 5.2).
They are:
A. Block I: Alang - Sosiya with
5.1 VEGETATION CHANGE surrounding mainlands
DETECTION USING RS DATA B. Block II: Mithivirdi including coastal
areas and mainland
Remotely sensed (RS) satellite data of March 1985 C. Block III: Gopnath-Sartanpar coastal
and January 1998 was used to assess the impact area and the surrounding
of ASSBY on the natural vegetation in the area. mainlands
The RS data comprised of Landsat MSS for 1985 D. Block IV: Bhandaria - Talaja belt
(Plate 5.1) and IRS LISS III for 1998 (Plate 5.2).
The slides (diapositives) of both of these data were In each block a reconnaissance was made to
enlarged to 1:50,000 scale with the help of an identify some areas for intensive documentation
equipment called 'Procom', and was interpreted about the flora. This followed an intensive
with reference to changes in the natural vegetation observation of floral components at different
during this periods. habitats; for example,

A comparison of the landuse pattern between the

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Plate 5.1 & Plate 5.2

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Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Fig. 5.1 Comparison of vegetaion in Assby region between 1985 & 1998

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Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Fig 5.2 Categarisation of the study area for vegetation study.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

streams and river banks, pond and puddle areas, The floral abundance has been rated subjectively
protected grass lands, unprotected grazing as per the modified abundance scale (Pandya and
grounds, crop fields, hedges of the crop fields, Pathak 1995).
plantation areas, road side plantation strips,
orchids, coastal strips etc. The fieldwork included
identification of plants on the spot and 5.2.2 Floral abundance
confirmation of identification following Santapau
(1962), Shah (1978), and Bole and Pathak (1988).
A total of 433 species of wild and cultivated plants,
Identification in laboratory was accomplished with
including 365 dicots and 68 monocots, were
the help of recorded herbarium sheets and from recorded and identified from the four blocks of the
records of Cook (1901-08) and Bailey (1951). study area (Table 5.1).

Table 5.1
The Flora of Alang-Sosiya Complex and its surrounding

Blocks Dicotyledons Monocotyledons Total

I-Alang-Sosiya 199 37 236
II-Mithivirdi 241 58 299
III-Gopnath-Saltanpar 276 57 333
IV-Bhandaria-Talaja belt 341 62 403
Overall 365 68 433

In all the four blocks, the species of Leguminosae

family were dominant, followed by Poaceae and
Euphorbiaceae (Table 5.2). Due to the presence of
relatively high number of species (403 out of total
433) in general, and of family leguminosae and
poaceae in particular, block IV seems to be more
rich in floristic terms. However, comparatively
high ratio (0.78) of cultivated to wild plant species
(Table 5.3) indicate more human activities in this

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Table 5.2 Dominant floral families in the four blocks

S Families Total Distribution of species

N. Species Block I Block II Block Block IV
1 Leguminosae 72 44 45 57 71
-Papilionaceae 40 25 25 30 40
-Caesalpinaceae 17 10 11 15 16
-Mimosaceae 15 9 10 13 15
2 Poaceae 43 24 39 36 42
3 Euphorbiaceae 23 12 11 16 22
4 Convolvulaceae 18 13 11 10 15
5 Malvaceae 15 13 13 14 15
6 Asteraceae 15 10 12 14 15
7 Solanaceae 12 7 10 10 11
8 Cucurbitaceae 11 5 5 6 10
9 Amaranthaceae 10 6 8 9 10
10 Tiliaceae 9 7 8 7 9
11 Acanthaceae 9 9 8 9 8

A total of 136 species (111 dicots and 25 monocots)

aegyptium and Dichanthium annulatum
were recorded commonly in all the four blocks.
Floral analysis also reveals a fairly high number
B. Herbaceous legumes and forbs:
(109) of exotic species from the area. Avicennia
Alysicarpus vaginalis (Block III and IV
marina, was the only mangrove species observed
only), Goniogyna hirta, Rhynchosia
at the coastal site of blocks II and III, with poor
minima, Amaranthus spinosus, Boerhavia
population density.
diffusa, Borreria stricta, Convolvulus
arvensis, Cyperus rotundus, Echinops
echinatus, Eclipta alba, Evolvulus Common wild and alsinodes, Euphorbia hirta, Parthenium
naturalised plants hysterophorus, Pulicaria whitiana,
Trianthema portulacastrum, Tridex
The species in the abundance scale of 3 and more, procumbens, Vernonia cinerea.
and occurring at the frequency of 30% and more,
are considered here as common plants of the area.
The common species are as follows:

A. Grasses:
Apluda mutica, Aristida adscensionis,
Cynodon dactylon, Dactyloctenium

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Table 5.3
Habitwise distribution of wild and cultivated (cult.) plant species in the four

S Plant-habit BlockI BlockII BlockIII BlockIV

N Wild Cult. Wild Cult. Wild Cult. Wild Cult.
1 Herb-erect 51 14 79 21 87 25 96 34
-prostrate 37 01 44 02 41 01 46 03
-climber/twinner 11 02 09 04 10 04 13 05
Subtotal 99 17 132 27 138 30 155 42
2 .Undershrub-erect 20 01 21 05 28 05 30 10
-scandent 04 02 04 01 04 01 04 01
-climber 01 00 00 01 01 01 01 03
Subtotal 25 03 25 07 33 07 35 14
3 Shrub-erect 10 21 16 26 16 36 15 40
-scandent 03 03 04 02 08 00 07 03
-climber 09 03 08 01 09 04 08 07
Subtotal 22 27 28 29 33 40 30 50
4 Trees-small 02 16 03 22 06 27 06 42
-medium to large 01 24 01 25 01 28 01 28
Subtotal 03 40 04 47 07 45 07 70
Total plants species 149 87 189 110 211 122 227 176
Total of the block 236 299 333 403
(a) % of the wild species 63% 62% 63% 56%
(b) % of the cult. species 36% 36.8% 36.6% 43.7%
(c) ratio of cult. to wild species 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.78

C. Under-shrubs:
Achyranthes aspera, Pupalia lappacea,
Tephorsia purpurea and Sida spinosa

D. Shrubs:
Abutilon glaucum, Calotropis procera,
Capparis decidua, C. sepiaria (in hedges
only), Leptadenia reticulata (both in hedges
and grounds), Euphobia nerfolia and
Zizyphus nummularia.

E. Trees:
Ailanthus excelsa, Acacia nilotica, Prosopis
cineraria, P. juliflora, Salvadora persica.
Prosopis juliflora and Parthenium hysterophorus
are exotic weeds occurring in wide areas of all the
four blocks (Plate 5.3).

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat Cultivated plant species

The distribution of major and minor cultivated crop
species in the four study blocks is presented in
Table 5.4.

Ground-nut, pearlmillet and sorghum are the

major Kharif crops and onion and garlic are the

Table 5.4 Cultivated crops in the Alang-Sosiya complex and its

B lo c k s M a jo r-cro p s M in o r-c ro p s A n n u al crop
K h a r if R abi K h a r if R abi
I -A lan g & G ro u n d n u t + O n io n + G ram + C o tto n +
S o siya S o rgh u m + G arlic + C h illy+ P ig eo n p ea +
w h e at+ B anana+
S u garcan e+
II - M ith i- G ro u n d n u t+ + O n io n + + S esam u m M u sta rd + C o tto n + + +
v ird i + G arlic + + G ram + + P ig eo n
P e arl- W h e a t+ S u n flo w e r+ pea++
m illet+ + C h illy+ + B anana+ +
S o rgh u m + S u garcan e+
M a iz e +
III - G ro u n d n u t+ + O n io n + + S esam u m G ram + + C o tto n + +
G o p n a th & P e arl- G arlic + + C h illy+ P ig eo n p ea +
S a rtan p a r m illet+ + W h e a t+ B anana+ +
S o rgh u m + + C asto r
M a iz e + seed+ +
S u garcan e+
IV - G ro u n d n u t+ + O n io n + + S esam u m M u sta rd + C o t to n + + +
B h a n d ariya + G arlic + + + G ram + + P ig e o n p e a + +
to T ala ja P e a rl-m ille t+ + W h e a t+ + U d ad (R ) B anana++
b e lt S o rg h u m + + C h illy+ + M ag(R ) C a s to rs e e d + +
M a iz e + + S u n flo w e r+ + S u g a rc a n e +

Rabi crops of the study area. Sugarcane and banana

use pattern and vegetational covers of the four
are also cultivated in areas covered by the Shetrunji
blocks are presented in Table 5.5.
irrigation project.

A variety of tree/woody species have been observed

along the road side strips, avenues and gardens. 5.3 PHYTOSOCIOLOGY
The common species are Acacia
The main objective of this aspect of the study was
leucophloea, A. nilotica, A. tortalis, Azadirachta to evaluate the impact, if any, of ASSBY on coastal
indica, Cordia sp., Delonix elata, Leucaena vegetation with special emphasis on onshore
leucocephala, Mangifera indica, Moringa oleifera, vegetation. For this, an intensive study was
Tamarindus indica, Prosopis juliflora and undertaken after the monsoon showers of 1997 in
Holoptelia integrifolia. four localities along the coastline, and at varying
distances from ASSBY (Fig. 5.2). The stations are:
Other species observed as plantation and avenue
trees are Albizia lebbeck, Cassia siamea, Delonix l S-ASSBY (upto 1 km from last ship-
regia, Mimosa hamata and Pithecellobium dulce. breaking plot on both sides)
The important horticultural woody species l N-ASSBY (-do-)
observed are Cocos nucifera, Punicum granetum, l N-Control (~ 3 km north of N-ASSBY)
Psidium guajava, Syzygium cumini and Terminalia l Ghogha - extension of N-Control (~ 15 km
cattapa. The details of topography, soil types, land- north of N-ASSBY)

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Plate 5.3 Thickets of Prosopis around ASSBY

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

cases ensured robustness of the results even using

non-parametric statistics. The minimum
5.3.1 Sampling probability of accepting the differences in groups
means was set at 95% confidence level, i.e.,
The vegetation of the area was studied in two probability of rejecting the results, P< 0.05.
phases at different times. During the first phase a Similarity indices were calculated following
reconnaissance was conducted in the areas around Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg (1974). The
the ASSBY- the disturbed site; Ghogha - an equation for similarity index is as follows:
undisturbed site and the influence zone along the
road between ASSBY and Bhavnagar. This survey ISE = Mc/2 X 100
helped in finalising the methodology for intensive Ma+Mb+Mc/2
sampling to determine the phytosociological values
and the impacts of ASSBY activities on vegetation. Where,
Ma = sum of density/cover of species
A stratified random sampling was adopted to study unique to site a
the vegetation. Stratification was based on the Mb = sum of density/cover of species
localities and distance from ASSBY. The on-site unique to site b
random sampling was done by walking 50 paces Mc = sum of density/cover of species
in the direction of the second's hand of the wrist common to both sites a and b.
A division of Mc by 2 is done because the common
species represent two sets (sites) of values when
5.3.2 Data collection there density/cover are used, but in terms of
presence they represent only a single set.

A 10m radius circular plot was used to quantify

the tree and large shrub species and their seedlings/
saplings. Individuals of a tree/shrub species were
5.3.4 Trees
counted in the plot. In case of trees, the Girth at
Breast Height (GBH) was also measured. Within Total tree species recorded in all sites were three,
this 10m radius plot, five 0.5X0.5 sq. m quadrates viz., Acacia leucophloea and Azardiacta indica at
were selected randomly by tossing pebbles. Small N-Control, and Avicennia marina at Ghogha.
shrubs, herbs and grass species were recorded and Except the first, others were seedlings/saplings.
their percentage cover was estimated in these Only one individual of A. leucophloea was
quadrates. recorded. This suggests low density, and highly
restricted distribution of trees in the area.
A total of 21 circular plots and 105 quadrates were
laid in the four sites at S-ASSBY, N-ASSBY, Seedling/sapling of A. marina were found in large
Ghogha and N-Control. A total of 22 plant species number at Ghogha coast. However, distribution of
were recorded. The specimens were identified at this mangrove species was limited and patchy (Fig.
the Botany department of M.S University of 5.3).

5.3.5 Shrubs
5.3.3 Data analysis
Six shrub species were recorded in the area (Table
Tree seedling and large shrub density was 5.6 & 5.7) three of which (Calotropis, Prosopis
calculated according to sample stations and their julliflora and Zizyphus nummularia) were medium
group means were compared. The significance of to large size and others were small.
difference among means were statistically Among the medium to large shrubs, the maximum
determined using non-parametric tests (Kruskal- frequency was that of P. julliflora (Table 5.6) and
Wallis test). The large sample size in most of the minimum was of Zizyphus nummularia. P.


Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Table 5.5 Site Characteristics of Alang-Sosiya complex and its surroundings
Blocks Sea-shore Main-land
Topography Soil Land-use Vegetation Topography Soil Land-use V
I - Alang & Plain, rocky Sandy, to Crop-fields, Grasses, some Plain to Medium Mostly crop fields, Grasses an
Sosya at places sandy loam fruit-gardens scattered shrubs tree undulating black, clayey undulating grass- scattered s
(horticulture) mostly absent except loam lands with small trees
those planted seasonal /
perennial climbers
& scandent shrubs
II - Sandy coast Sandy and Grassland, Mostly grasses with Undulating Light morrum Crop fields in low- Grassland
Mithivirdi with rocky sand mounts crop-fields succulent shrubs, area in undulating lying plain sp. undula
inter-tidal horticultural planted Prosopis interrupted area, medium grasslands in hilly fodder gra
zone fields chilensis in bushes; by some black in upland and grazing scattered b
some muddy area on plain and depression & in undulating area nummular
sea-coast with highly low-lying plain area locations, P
scattered seedlings & areas either abse
saplings of and growth
III - (a) (a) Plain (a) Silty (a) Crop- (a) Mostly (a) Plain, Clayey loam Crop-fields; Water-log
Sartanpar loam with fields Undershrubs & some low- in crop fields, grazing in low- sedges and
deep alluvial shrubs scattered as lying water- to sandy silty lying and water- marshes an
dipos at small bushes and logged areas loam in low- logged area dominated
(b)Gopnath (b)Rocky sea places (b)Crop- forbs (b) salty lying & bush form
shore (b)sandy fields (b) Muddy shore marshes marshy area thickets
silty loam with scattered
IV - (a) (a) Plain to (a)Light to (a)Crop-fields Scattered b
Bhandariya Undulating medium black grazing grounds chilensis, Z
to and silty loam Maytenus
(b) Talaja (b) mostly (b)medium (b) Crop-fields some grass
belt plain black-clayey
Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

julliflora was recorded in each plot at S-ASSBY of S-ASSBY-N-ASSBY road was different.
and its frequency of occurrence was 50% at N-
ASSBY and N-Control. The relatively higher
frequency of this species at S-ASSBY was due to
the location of the sampling strip at relatively
undisturbed site. The site at N-Control was under The density of medium to large shrubs ranged from
heavy cutting pressure. The strata at both the sides 31.8 to 764.3 individuals (or bunch) per hectare
in all the sites. It was maximum at S-ASSBY and

Table 5.6 Absolute frequency (AF) and Relative frequency (RF) of large shrubs

Large Shrub Density

Species S-ASSBY N-ASSBY N-Control
Calotropis sp. 83.3 45.5 16.6 20.1 0 0
Prosopis julliflora 100.0 54.5 50.0 59.8 50.0 50.0
Zizyphus nummularia 0 0 16.6 20.1 50.0 50.0

N-ASSBY (Fig. 5.4) and minimum at N-Control.

The overall difference was significant statistically contributor to the shrub density; Table 5.7) as
(K-W c2 = 7.78, degree of freedom = 3, P = 0.05). fuelwood which was supported by focal
An ocular estimate at Ghogha suggested that the observations.
shrub density would be similar to N-Control. The The frequency of occurrence of small shrubs/herbs
comparatively low shrub density at N-Control was which had just sprouted up was relatively poor at
due to cutting down of P. juliflora (the largest S-ASSBY and N-ASSBY (Table 5.8), and better
at N-Control.
The maximum frequency at which a small shrub/

Table 5.7 Absolute density/ha (AD) and Relative density (RD in %) of large
shrubs species Shrub Density

Shrub Density
Species S-ASSBY N-ASSBY N-Control Average
Calotropis sp. 79.6 22.3 10.6 4.2 0 0 31.4 13.7
Prosopis julliflora 276.6 77.6 212.3 85.1 47.7 40.0 173.6 75.5
Zizyphus nummularia 0 0 26.5 10.6 71.6 60.0 24.8 10.8

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat


1000 A vg.
H igh

(extension of
N -Control)

Fig 5.3 Avicennia maina seedling density at various localities on coast.

Shrub Density

600 A vg.
H igh


S-A SSBY N -A SSBY N -Control

Fig 5.4. Shrub density at various localities on coast.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

herb was recorded was 30% in case of Boerhavia


Similar pattern was observed for the percentage

of cover provided by small shrubs/herbs where B.
diffusa also dominates (Table 5.9). Shrub cover
was maximum at N-Control (K-W c2 = 56.31,
degree of freedom = 3, P = 0.0000) and minimum

Table 5.8 Absolute frequency (AF) and Relative frequency (RF) of small shrubs
species Small Shrub Frequency

Small Shrub Frequency

Species S-ASSBY N-ASSBY N-Control
Boerhavia diffusa 0 0 10 100 30 52.6
Indigofera enneaphylla 0 0 0 0 17 29.8
Tridex procumbens 6 100 0 0 10 17.6

at S-ASSBY and N-ASSBY (Fig. 5.5). The

increased shrub cover at N-Control could be due
to favourable substratum and increased input of
organic fertiliser such as, dung. The substrata at 5.3.6 Grass
S-ASSBY and N-ASSBY are sandy with
insignificant humus content. Desmostchaya bipinnata was the most dominating

Table 5.9 Absolute cover (AC) and Relative cover (RC) of small shrubs species
% Small Shrub Cover

% Small Shrub Cover

Species S-ASSBY N-ASSBY N-Control
Boerhavia diffusa 0 0 0.1 100 6.3 62.4
Indigofera enneaphylla 0 0 0 0 2.1 20.8
Tridex procumbens 0.06 100 0 0 1.7 16.8

grass both in terms of frequency (Table 5.10) and

cover (Table 5.11), followed by Cenchrus ciliaris.
The average grass cover was maximum at N-
Control and minimum at N-ASSBY (K-W c2 =
5.3.7 Similarity index
28.81, degree of freedom = 3, P = 0.0000), (Fig.
5.6). Similarity index (Mueller-Domboys and Ellenberg,

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat


% Shrub C over

A vg.
15 H igh


S-A SSBY N -A SSB Y N -Control

Fig 5.5 Percentage of shrub cover at various localities on coast.

% G rass C over

60 A vg.
H igh


S-A SSBY N -A SSBY N -Control

Fig 5.6 Percentage of grass cover at various localities on coast.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Table 5.10 Absolute frequency (AF) and Relative frequency (RF) of

grass species

% Grass Frequency
Species S-ASSBY N-ASSBY N-Control
Aleuropus lagopoides 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cenchrus ciliaris 0 0 40 54.1 30 39.0
Commalina nodiflora 0 0 7 9.5 0 0
Cyperus rotundus 0 0 0 0 7 9.1
Desmostachya bipinnata 43 61.4 0 0 40 51.9
Scirpus asticulatus 27 38.6 0 0 0 0
Unidentified 0 0 27 36.5 0 0

* A. lagopoides was recorded only from Ghogha (extension of N-Control). It had an absolute frequency
of 33% and relative frequency was 100.

Table 5.11 Absolute cover (AC) and Relative cover (RC) of grass species

% Grass Cover
Species S-ASSBY N-ASSBY N-Control
Aleuropus lagopoides* 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cenchrus ciliaris 0 0 1.93 65.9 3.8 22.6
Commalina nodiflora 0 0 0.20 6.8 0 0
Cyperus rotundus 0 0 0 0 0.75 4.5
Desmostachya bipinnata 2.83 78.6 0 0 12.25 72.9
Scirpus asticulatus 0.77 21.4 0 0 0 0
Unidentified 0 0 0.80 27.3 0 0

* A. lagopoides was recorded only from Ghogha (extension of N-Control). It had an absolute 2.96%
cover of and relative cover was 100%.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

1974) shows that the vegetation of S-ASSBY and

N-ASSBY was mostly similar (69%) while there
was about 50% similarity between the vegetation
of S-ASSBY and N-Control (Table 5.12).
Although, the similarity of vegetation between S-
ASSBY and N-ASSBY is almost 17% more than
that between S-ASSBY and N-Control, the
difference is not much and is due to the difference
in the substratum. The anthrogenic factors have
not played significant role in altering the
composition of vegetation as is evident by the fact
that the vegetation of N-ASSBY and N-Control
was 63% similar.

Table 5.12 Similarity of vegetation

between different sites


N-Control 51.7% 63%


The detail of floristic composition indicates that

block I, which includes ASSBY, is relatively poorer
in plant species compared to other blocks. Block
IV represents the rich species zone in the study
area. Herbs are less in block I relative to other
blocks. Wild tree species are rich in block III and
IV. The cultivated plant species also show a
progressive increment from block I towards block
IV (Table 5.3). The cultivated plant species
comprises of 58% of the total plant species in block
I, II and III, which increases to 78% in block IV.
This indicates a progressive pressure on natural
vegetation in block I, II and III.

On the other hand, quantitative studies in different

localities indicate that the variation in species
composition and abundance does not have any
correlation with ASSBY activities. Instead, it is
the variation in substratum, type of shore and
activities of villagers that have caused differences
in the species composition and abundance at the
three sites. In short, ASSBY activities being
primarily confined to off-shore and intertidal
region, coupled with the fact that the region is
under pressure from other anthropogenic activities,
no significant impact on on-shore vegetation was

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat


To understand the ecology of the intertidal zone,

INTERTIDAL ECOLOGY various physio-chemical parameters of water as
well as sediments and abundance and diversity in
The intertidal zone or littoral zone is a shore area macrobenthic fauna were evaluated. Special
lying between the extremes of high and low tides, attempt has also been made to collect information
and thus represents the transitional area between regarding the oil related micro-organisms.
marine and terrestrial conditions. However, it is
emphasised that this area is truly an extension of The study was undertaken in the region between
marine environment and thus been affected by the highest high tide mark and the lowest low tide
different physico-chemical-biological factors of level (eulittoral zone). A total of five transects were
marine environment. Further, since it was most marked for this study. Two transects, representing
accessible to humans for study purpose, it has been control sites were selected at the north and south
a constant source of information in better ends of ASSBY near Ghoga-Mithivirdi and
understanding and management of coastal marine Gopnath-Mahuva respectively, hereafter referred
environment. as N-Control and S-Control. For sampling the
ASSBY area, three transects were selected at the
Zonation is a characteristic feature of the intertidal north, middle and south part of ASSBY near
region, which can be divided into certain well Sosiya; Plot Nos. 1-15 and 30-40, and Sartanpar,
designed sub-zones depending on the tide levels. hereafter reffered as N-ASSBY, M-ASSBY and S-
Stephenson (1953) recognised three universal ASSBY, respectively. However, M-ASSBY was left
zones for intertidal regions which are as follows: out from the study on macrobenthic community.
The nature of the substratum at the sampling
a) Supra littoral zone (upper intertidal zone) locations were as under:
b) Mid-littoral zone (middle intertidal zone)
c) Infra littoral zone (lower intertidal zone)
In shores, where the tidal range is small, the
intertidal zone is narrow and therefore, the
The intertidal area at this location consisted of
zonation is not very distinct, whereas in shores
depositional landforms mainly beach and dune
having a wide tidal range like gulf of Cambay, the
ridge complex. The sediments were mainly clayey
zones are correspondingly wide and quite distinct
in nature with small contents of silt and sand. From
the high water line to 800 m, the sediment was
predominantly clay and silt with frequent layers
Organisms of the intertidal zone are adapted in
of well rounded medium to fine grain sand while
various ways to transitional environmental
beyond 800 m towards the sea, it was
conditions. Physio-chemical factors like waves,
predominantly clay and silt. At some places, the
nutrients, salinity, insolation and temperature have
upper intertidal area was rocky followed by a small
greater influence on otherwise densely populated
stretch extending to the lower intertidal region.
biotic communities of the intertidal region. The
availability of organic matter and, nutrients, mostly
derived from the disintegration of animals and
plant materials; adequate oxygenation and N-ASSBY
illumination ensure an abundance of life forms in
the intertidal region. Also, the nature and The 1-5 km long intertidal platform, which marked
composition of the fauna and flora of the intertidal an erosional feature of wave action was seen as a
zone depend on the nature of the substratum, very gently sloping rocky and sandy plane, together
whether it is rocky, sandy or muddy. with some muddy patches. The beach sediment
varied from very fine sand to very coarse pebbly
gravels in upper intertidal zone interspersed by
rocky patches while the lower intertidal area was

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

predominantly muddy. were directly picked up from known area (1 sq. ft

- 0.2 cm2) depending upon the species and
population of macrofauna.
6.1.2 Data Analysis
The intertidal platform had a very gentle seaward
slope of rocky muddy and sandy plane. The tidal Population counting of macrobenthos was done
exposure was about 2 km from the highest high following methods suggested by UNESCO (1968)
water line, of which first 200 m was completely and IOBC (1969). In the laboratory, the samples
rocky. The area above lowest high water line was were screened under a binocular stereo microscope
sandy with very coarse gravel. The rocks were and organisms were identified, sorted out, counted
generally covered with deposition of fine clay and and preserved separately in small plastic containers
other wastes. (Holme and McIntyne, 1984). The number of
macrobenthic animals present was calculated by
using the following formula:
No. of animals present in
The upper intertidal platform in this area was rocky No/m2 = 1 sq ft sample X 11
with silt and clayey patches in between. The lower No. of sq ft sample collected
part of the intertidal area was rocky but covered
with fine grain mud. The uppermost intertidal Biomass of macrobenthic organisms was estimated
region was sandy with rocky cliffs. on fresh weight basis. Each group of animals were
sorted out and adhered water content was removed
6.1.1 Sampling using blotting papers and finally weighed on an
analytical balance. Shells of molluscs were
removed before weighing.
The sediment and water samples were collected
and analysed following standard methods (APHA,
Diversity and Similarity index were estimated as
suggested by Magurran (1988). Taxa richness and
Shannon-Wiener group diversity index were used
For macrobenthic study, sampling was separately
to estimate diversity of macrobenthic fauna. For
planned for soft (muddy and sandy) and rocky
Shannon-Wiener Index (H') was calculated using
substrata. Four transects namely Ghogha (N-
following formula:
Control), Sosiya (N-ASSBY), Alang (S-ASSBY)
and Gopnath (S-control) were selected for this
H' = - pi log pi
study. Among them S-ASSBY and N-ASSBY were
presumed as affected sites while N-control and S-
Where, pi = the proportion of individuals of
control were presumed as control locations. While
different species groups.
for soft surface these transects were divided into
lower, middle and upper intertidal zones; for rocky
For Similarity index Jaccard and Sorenson index
surface the transects were divided only into upper
were calculated using following formulae:
and lower-intertidal zones. In each transect,
macrobenthic fauna were sampled from a total 10
c a = Total no of taxa at site 1
stations form these different zones.
J = -----------------
a+b-c b = Total no of taxa at site 2
Sediment samples were collected using a quadrate
of 0.25 m2, 1 sq. ft and 2 cm2 for rocky, muddy
and sandy intertidal regions respectively. The
S = --------------- c = No of taxa common to
sediments were sieved through a 0.5 mm mesh
a+b site 1 & 2
sieve and materials retained on the sieve was
preserved in 5% formaldehyde-rosebengal
solution. For rock-associated fauna, organisms

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

6.2 PHYSICO-CHEMICAL 6.2.3 Dissolved phosphorus and


6.2.1 Salinity, pH and Dissolved Phosphorus was determined as PO4- while

Nitrogen was determined as NH4+, NO3-, NO2 -
Oxygen (DO) and total-N, There was a very little difference in
the values of PO4-P within a transect at different
The salinity at and around the ASSBY showed
seasons. However, S-Control recorded lower
very little spatial and seasonal variations (Fig. 6.1)
concentration of PO4 (Fig. 6.7) than the other sites.
The salinity in the ASSBY areas showed a
No significant seasonal or spatial variation was
minimum value of 29.7 ppt in M-ASSBY during
recorded in the concentration of various species of
pre-monsoon season. However, during the same
nitrogen (Fig. 6.8 to 6.11). The range of variation
season the maximum value of 31.0 ppt was
of all species of N in transects at ASSBY are
recorded from S-ASSBY. However, these values
comparable with the transects at control areas.
were comparatively lower than the control
While S-Control recorded relatively lower
transects, where the maximum salinity of 33.1 ppt
concentration of total-N, NH4-N and NO2-N; the
was recorded from the S-Control. The low salinity
N-Control recorded the highest (41.5 µg/l)
reflects the semi-estuarine condition of the study
concentration of NO3-N during the winter season
(Fig. 6.10).

The pH was always in alkaline range at and around

ASSBY and varied between 7.86 to 8.16 (Fig. 6.2).
The seasonal variation in pH was not significant
in the study area. However, at ASSBY pH was
comparatively low and high during the pre-
monsoon and post-monsoon seasons, respectively.
DO content also showed a narrow range of
variation amongst the transects and seasons (Fig.
6.3). However, at ASSBY the higher DO content
was recorded during the winter season.

6.2.2 BOD, COD, and Oil-PHC

Wide spatial as well as seasonal variations in

concentration of BOD, COD and oil-PHC were
recorded during the study (Fig. 6.4, 6.5 & 6.6).
The value of these parameters were recorded higher
in the transects at ASSBY as compared to the
control transects. This suggests higher organic load
in the littoral zone of ASSBY. Further, in the N-
were recorded lowest and highest values during
the post- and pre-monsoon seasons, respectively.
However, in S-ASSBY the parameters recorded
no such seasonal variation.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

37 .0 P o s t-m on s oo n
W in ter
35 .0
P r e-m o ns o on

33 .1
3 2. 3
31 .9
33 .0

3 1 .0

3 1. 0
3 0 .8
3 0. 8

3 0. 7

3 0 .7
30 .6
3 0 .3

3 0.2
30 .1
p pt

31 .0

29 .7
2 9. 4
29 .0

27 .0

25 .0
N-Co nt rol N-A S S B Y M -A S S B Y S -A S S B Y S -C on tro l

Fig 6.1 Salinity variation of water in intertidal zone.

8. 5 P o st- m on so o n
W i nte r
P re -m o ns oo n
8. 3
8. 2
8. 1

8 .1
8 .0

8 .0


8 .0
7. 9


8. 0

7 .9
7 .9

7 .9

7 .9
7 .9

7. 8

7. 5
N-Co n tro l N -A S S B Y M- A S S B Y S -A S S B Y S -Co nt rol

Fig 6.2 pH variation of water in intertidal zone.

6.5 P o s t-m on s oo n

W in ter

6.0 P r e-m o ns o on

5 .7

5 .6

5. 5
5 .4
m g/ l

5 .4

5 .3

5. 3
5. 2

5 .2
5 .2
5 .1

5 .1


N-Co n tro l N-A S S B Y M -A S S B Y S -A S S B Y S -Co n tro l

Fig 6.3 DO variation of water in intertidal zone

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

3 0.0 P o st-m on so on

2 3.7
2 5.0 W inte r
P re -m o ns oon
2 0.0
m g /l

1 0.9
1 0.7
1 5.0

8 .7
1 0.0 7.2

5. 2
5 .0

2. 1


N-C on trol N-AS SB Y M-AS S B Y S -AS SB Y S -C o ntro l

Fig 6.4 BOD variation of water in intertidal zone

56 .8

P ost -Mons oo n
W int er
P re-m ons oo n
27. 3
m g /l

23. 2
21 .1

2 0.4

17 .9

1 8.2
15 .4

9 .9

4. 3


N-C ont rol N-AS S B Y M-A S S B Y S -AS S B Y S -C on trol

Fig 6.5 COD variation of water in intertidal zone

12 0
9 8. 0

P o s t-m o ns oo n
10 0
8 3.6

W in te r
72 .8

80 P r e-m o n so on
m g/ l

30 .9

29 .0

2 6.3

19 .1
1 6.3
1 4.2
1 1 .0

3 .3

N -Co ntr ol N-A S S B Y M -ASSBY S -A S S B Y S -Co n tro l

Fig 6.6 Oil-PHC variation of water in intertidal zone

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

25 P o st -m on s oo n
W i nt er

1 8. 2

1 7 .4

16 .3
1 6.1
P re -m o ns o on

1 5 .2
15 .5

1 5.6
1 3.8
1 2. 8

12 .5

1 1 .7

11 .3

1 0.7
m g/ l

9 .5

N-Co nt rol N- A S S B Y M -A S S B Y S -A S S B Y S -C on tro l

Fig 6.7 PO4-P variation of water in intertidal zone

P o s t-m o ns oo n
2 2 .4

W in te r
22 .1

1 9.2

P r e-m o n so on
1 7 .3
1 7.4

16 .4

1 6. 1

1 6.0
15 .0
1 4. 1
m g/ l

1 2.4
11 .5


1 0. 8

9 .4
8. 3

N-C on tro l N -A S S B Y M -A S S B Y S -A S S B Y S - Co ntr ol

Fig 6.8 Total N variation of water in intertidal zone

P os t-m o ns o on
W in te r
P re- m on so o n

µ g /l

19 .9

1 9.8
17 .0

1 7.0

1 4 .0

1 3. 7
1 1. 6

11 .5
9 .6
9. 2

8. 4


5 .0
1 .9

N-Co n tro l N- A S S B Y M -ASSBY S -A S S B Y S - Con tro l

Fig 6.9 NH4-N variation of water in intertidal zone

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

P o st- m on so o n
41 .5

W i nte r
P re -m o ns oo n

24 .5
µ g/l

19 .9

1 9. 1

19 .2

18 .8
16 .1

14 .3
1 3 .9

1 3 .5
1 3.7

1 3.5

1 2. 8
1 2.8
1 2.3


N -Co ntr ol N- A S S B Y M -A S S B Y S-ASSBY S - Co ntr ol

Fig 6.10 NO3-N variation of water in intertidal zone

50 P ost -m o nso on
W int er
P re-m ons oo n

µg /l

1 7.8
1 4.4

14. 4

13 .6

1 2. 4

12 .4
1 1.9

12 .1

12 .1
11. 9
8. 9

8 .5

7. 0

7 .0


N-C on trol N-AS S B Y M-A S S B Y S -AS S B Y S -C on trol

Fig 6.11 NO2-N variation of water in intertidal zone

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

6.3 PHYSICO-CHEMICAL variation amongst the four transects (Fig. 6.12).

PROPERTIES OF SEDIMENTS Total as well as average population densities in
both the ASSBY transects (viz. N-ASSBY and S-
ASSBY) were recorded significantly lower than
6.3.1 Particulate nitrogen and the control transects, especially when comparison
phosphorus were made of N-ASSBY with N-Control and S-
ASSBY with S-Control. Furthermore, under the
The sediments in and around ASSBY have similar mode of comparison (i.e. N-ASSBY with
recorded high nitrogen content. Total-N was N-Control and S-ASSBY with S-Control), only
ranging between 188 to 438 mg/kg at S-ASSBY, the lower intertidal zones recorded near equal
128 to 568 mg/kg at N-ASSBY, 14 to 134 mg/kg population density of macrobenthos and, middle
at S-Control, 12 mg/kg at Mahuva and 10 mg/kg and upper intertidal zones recorded significant
at N-Control. The phosphorus concentration at variations. These variations thus highlight very
different transects have also followed the similar patchy presence of suitable habitats for
trend as of nitrogen. Phosphorus varies in macrobenthic population, especially in the upper
concentration between 35 and 188 µg/kg at S- and middle intertidal zones of ASSBY areas,
ASSBY, between 53 and 113 µg/kg at N-ASSBY, possibly due to the direct disturbances caused by
16 to 46 µg/kg at S-Control and 18 µg/kg at N- ship breaking activities.

6.3.2 pH and oil-PHC

The pH of sediment was alkaline in the study area

and varies from 7.72 to 8.3. The oil-PHC content
varies from 10 to 450 mg/kg in the sediments of
ASSBY; while it was below detectable level at the
control points.


For the clarity and better understanding, the data

on macrobenthic community, e.g., species
composition, population, biomass and diversity,
were separately evaluated for soft and rocky
substrates in each transects. Further, the data on
macrobenthos were also analysed and presented
for three intertidal zones viz. upper, middle and
lower intertidal zones. Suitable comparisons were
made wherever possible for each study parameters.

6.4.1 Macrobenthos on soft substrates Population

Total macrobenthic population showed a wide

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Fig 6.12 Population of macrobenthic community.

Upper Inter tidal

Middle Intertdal

24000 Low er Intertidal

No/sq m

8327 1071
8000 616
2629 8103
7026 1452
5764 1202 1273
N-Control N-ASSBY S-ASSBY S-Control

The next step of analysis of macrobenthic

population reflects that while molluscans, and
particularly Gastropod velligers, dominated the
population in N-Control and S-ASSBY transects
(Table 6.1); polychaetes dominated in N-ASSBY
and S-Control transects. However, crustaceans
were recorded in comparatively higher number in
S-Control transect. Results also highlight that there
was no stratification of species group in three
different intertidal zones, except that the
population of Gastropod velligers in N-Control
transect recorded maximum number in upper
intertidal zone (11752 No./m2) and lowest (1601
No./m2) in low-intertidal zone (Table 6.1). This
again suggested very patchy distribution of even
different species group.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Table 6.1 Average Intertidal macrobenthic population (no/sq m) for self


Groups N-Control N-ASSBY S-ASSBY S-Control

Amphipods 44 7 - - - 14
15 11 3 198 136 132
Isopods - - 3 29 - - - - - - - -
Crab 4 18 8 59 235 3 11 11 - 51 7 14
Hermit crab - 18 6 - - - - - 4 - 6
Prawn (small) 136 18 25 - - - 15 37 41 15 26 58
Insect - 7 - - - - - - - - -
Decapods - - - - - - - - - - - 6
Barnacles - - - - - - - - - 7 - -
Gastropod 11753 7187 1601 62 224 74 15 1247 825 - 231 168
Bivalve - 37 17 4 - - - - - - 73 127
Onchidium 220 - - - - - - - - 11 --
Oyster - - - - - - - - - 26 18 -
Chitons - - - - - - - - - 51
- -
Fish small 4 7 22 - - - 4 26 36 - - -
Polychaetes 1837 1027 5343 3047 2171 5673 495 114 275 194 6992 756
Nematodes 209 3 - - - 18 4 - - - -
Cumaceans - - - - - - 40 - 14 - - 3
Copepods - - - - - - 4 - 3 - - -
Pycnogonida - - - - - - - 4 6 - - -
Cerithrids - - - - - - - - - 367 598 6
Calliostoma sp - - - - - - - - - 172 22 -
Total 14206 8327 7026 150 458 91 616 1452 1202 1096 8103 1273

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat Biomass Jaccard (0.27) and Sorenson (0.44) indices (Table

6.2). The two northern most transects (N-Control
and N-ASSBY), however, recorded the highest
Like the population density, the biomass of
macrobenthic communities also recorded a wide similarity in macrobenthic fauna as indicated by
variation amongst the four transects (Fig 6.13). both Jaccard (0.50) and Sorenson (0.67) indices.
N-Control also recorded high level of similarity
The total and average biomass in the control
with S-ASSBY (Table 6.2).
transects were recorded significantly higher than
the two transects in ASSBY areas. While the
highest biomass (151.9 gm/m2) was recorded from
the lower intertidal zone of N-Control transect,
the lowest biomass (3.4 g/m2) was recorded from
the middle intertidal zone of S-ASSBY transect.
However, no clear pattern of biomass was recorded
in three different intertidal zones (Fig. 6.13). The
variation in biomass, in this particular case, seems
to be controlled by the different proportion of
species groups present in the transects and different
intertidal zones (Fig. 6.14). Diversity

The diversity in macrobenthic fauna was estimated

in terms of richness of taxa and Shannon-Wiener
diversity index of macrobenthic groups. Taxa
richness was recorded maximum in S-Control and
minimum in N-ASSBY transects (Fig. 6.15).
Amongst the three intertidal zones across the four
transects, the highest taxa richness (11) was
recorded in the upper intertidal zone of S-Control
transect and lowest (3) was recorded from the
middle zone of N-ASSBY transect. However, there
was no clear pattern in taxa richness in three
intertidal zones. Maximum diversity (Shannon-
Wiener index) was also recorded the in S-Control
transect and minimum in N-ASSBY transect (Fig
6.16). However, in general the diversity was
recorded very low in all the transects and thei
respective intertidal zones. Comparatively low taxa
richness and group diversity in the ASSBY area
than the control ones, suggested the high level of
human related interferences, mainly the pollution,
in the area. While it was recorded that there was
no significant variation in term of diversity, it was
important to understand the level of similarity
amongst the four transects, in terms of their
macrobenthic communities. Two indices, Jaccard
and Sorenson, were measured using presence/
absence data of macrobenthos.

The two control transects (N-Control and S-

Control) recorded the lowest similarity by both

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

3 00
Up pe r Inte r t id al

2 50 M id dl e Int ert da l
90 .5
Lo we r Inte rti da l
2 00
g m /s q m 2 5. 8
1 50

1 00
15 1. 9 79 .3
4 .1 1 8 .9 3 .4 8 .9
3 8. 7
5 .7 10 .4
0 1 6 .1
N-Co nt rol N- A S S B Y S -A S S B Y S -Co n tro l

Fig 6.13 Biomass of macrobenthic community.

1 40 00
U ppe r In ter-t ida l
1 20 00 C ru s ta c e an s
Mo llus c an s
1 00 00
P oly c h ae tes
no /s q m

80 00
oth ers
60 00

40 00

20 00

N -C o ntro l N -AS S B Y S -AS S B Y S -C o ntro l

1 200 0
Midd le Ine r-tid al
1 000 0

800 0
no /s q m

600 0

400 0

200 0

N -C o ntro l N -AS S B Y S -AS S B Y S -C o ntro l

1 20 00
Lo w e r In ter-t ida l
1 00 00

80 00
no /s q m

60 00

40 00

20 00

N -C on trol N -AS S B Y S -A S S B Y S -C o ntro l

Fig 6.14 Species groups in different intertidal zones with different proportions.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Up pe r Inte rti da l
11 10
10 9 9 M id dl e Int ert id al 9 9
8 8 8
8 Lo we r Inte rti da l

6 5

4 3

N-C on tro l N-A S S B Y S -A S S B Y S -Co nt ro l

Fig 6.15 Taxa richness of macrobenthic community

2 .0
1. 8

Up p er In ter tid a l
1 .8
M id d le In te rti da l
1 .6
L ow er In ter tid a l
1. 3

1 .4
1 .2
0. 9


1 .0
0 .8

0 .6
0 .6

0 .6
0. 6

0 .5

0 .6

0 .4
0 .1

0 .2
0 .0
N-Co n tro l N- A S S B Y S -A S S B Y S -C on tro l

Fig 6.16 Diversity (Shannon-Wiener index) of macrobenthic community

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Table 6.2 Similarity index of macrobenthos in soft substratum

Stations N-Control N-ASSBY S-ASSBY S-Control

N-Control 0.67 0.64 0.44
N-ASSBY 0.50 0.50 0.48
S-ASSBY 0.47 0.33 0.48
S-Control 0.27 0.31 0.32

Sorenson index
Jacard index

6.4.2 Macrobenthos on rocky Population

A total of 23 species were recorded from all the
Of all the intertidal areas of the world, those four transects, of which the maximum number of
composed of hard material, the rocky shores, are species (14) were represented by group Gastropoda
the most densely inhabited by macro-organisms (Table 6.3). Transect at S-Control recorded 20
and record higher diversity than the soft muddy species, of which 11 were exclusive to this transect.
and sandy shore types. Therefore, keeping this in While in comparison rest of the three transects
view, these densely populated, species rich and recorded only 7-9 species with an unidentified
topographically diverse (microtopography) areas species of each of Potamides and Balanus recorded
were separately examined in detail. While in the exclusively in the N-Control and S-ASSBY
N-Control transect only upper intertidal zone could transects, respectively. Four species viz. Cerithium
be delineated, in the remaining three transects both scabridum, Cerithium morus, Calliostoma
upper and lower intertidal zones were delineated scobinatum and Balanus amphitrite, were recorded
for sampling. from all the four transects (Table 6.3). Of these
species, however, Balanus amphitrite was recorded
in abundance in all the transects. However, across
the transects, there was no significant variation in
the number of species in the upper and lower
intertidal zones (Fig. 6.17).

16 16
Upper intertidal
Number of species

Lower intertidal

5 5

N-Control N-ASSBY S-ASSBY S-Control

Fig 6.17 Total number of species in the intertidal zone

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

The total population density was recorded maximum value (42218 No./m2) in the lower
maximum in S-Control (96392 No./m2) and intertidal zone of S-Control transect (Table 6.4).
minimum in N-Control (14392 No./m2) transects Oysters were also recorded in high density in S-
(Fig. 6.18). Amongst the two ASSBY transects, Control transect. Record of higher species richness
N-ASSBY recorded higher density (34494 No./ and population density in S-Control transect and
m2) than S-ASSBY (10308 No./m2). Furthermore, the low population density and species richness in
only in the N-ASSBY and S-Control transects, S-ASSBY indicate that the latter has highly
lower intertidal zones recorded higher population disturbed shoreline.
density than upper intertidal zones (Fig. 6.18).
Amongst the species groups, Barnacle recorded
higher density in all the transects with the

Table 6.3 Species abundance of rocky intertidal macrofauna at sampling sites


Cerithium scabridum C -- C C C - A A
Cerithium morus R -- -- R R - C C
Astrea semicostalis -- -- -- -- -- -- -- A
Calliostoma scobinatum C -- C C C R A A
Clavatula Virginia -- -- -- -- -- -- C C
Clavus Preclara -- -- -- -- -- -- -- R
Nassarius ornatus -- -- -- -- -- -- -- R
Cantharus spiralis -- -- -- R -- -- C R
Diodora ticaonica -- -- -- -- -- -- R --
Haminoae galba -- -- -- -- -- -- R R
Trochus sp. -- -- -- R -- -- R R
Drupa subnodulosa -- -- R R -- -- C --
Planaxis acutus R -- -- R -- -- -- --
Potamides sp. R -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Cirripedes -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Balanus amphitrite A -- A A A -- A A
Balanus sp. -- -- -- -- -- A -- --
Crassostrae sp. C -- -- -- -- R A A
Donax sp. -- -- R R R -- -- R
Ischnochiton comptus -- -- -- -- -- -- C C
Onchidium verruculatum -- -- -- -- -- -- C C
Octopus honkongensis -- -- -- -- -- -- R --
Sponge -- -- -- -- -- -- R --
Tubular polychaetes -- -- -- -- -- -- A A

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat


Upper Inter tidal
75000 Low er Intertidal

No./sq m


32948 6128
14392 11526
N-Control N-ASSBY S-ASSBY S-Control

Fig 6.18 Population macrobenthic community on rocky substrate

Table 6.4 Population of macrobenthos in intertidal zone with rocky substratum

Group N-Control N-ASSBY S-ASSBY S-Control

Barnacle 14167 11500 22917 6071 4167 21875 42218
Polychaetes - - - - - - 293 -
Oyster 64 - 13 18 9 7 9688 20500
Drupa - - 4 15 - - - -
Chiton - - - - - - - 13
Octopus - - - - - - 1 -
Calliostroma 51 - 9 18 20 6 473 66
Cerithids 110 - - - 28 - 616 452 Biomass disturbances like pollution in the upper intertidal

Biomass of macrobenthic fauna of rocky surfaces
recorded the maximum value of 451.5 g/m2 from
upper intertidal zone of S-Control transect (Fig.
6.19). However, S-ASSBY recorded the minimum
biomass. Biomass distribution in different transects
and their respective upper or lower intertidal zones,
seems to be controlled by the proportional
composition of species. However, data vaguely
reveals that the lower intertidal zones recorded
higher biomass than the upper intertidal zone.
Reason for this could be the direct human

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

800 Upper Inter tidal

Low er Intertidal
gm/sq m

9.5 upp. inter.


200 451.5
336.0 6.6 upp. inter.

0 9.5
N-Control N-ASSBY S-ASSBY S-Control

Fig 6.19 Biomass macrobenthic community on rocky substrate Diversity

Jaccard's and Sorenson's similarity indices reveal

that in terms of macrobenthic composition of rocky
substratum, the N-ASSBY and S-ASSBY had very
high level of similarity (0.56 and 0.71, respectively;
Table 6.5). Similarly, the two control transects
recorded very low level of similarity as indicated
by the two indices (0.18 and 0.31, respectively).

Table 6.5 Similarity index of macrobenthos in rocky substratum

Stations N-Control N-ASSBY S-ASSBY S-Control

N-Control 0.53 0.55 0.31
N-ASSBY 0.36 0.71 0.48
S-ASSBY 0.38 0.56 0.40
S-Control 0.18 0.32 0.25

Sorenson index
Jacard index

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

6.5 MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES 6.5.3 Physiological types

This component focuses mainly on the microbial The relative abundance of bacteria capable of
population in the intertidal regions vis-à-vis the degrading agar, chitin and cellulose was estimated.
oil related pollution in the ASSBY area. The result highlights that the number of
Considering the complexity of the system, the chintinolytic and cellulolytic bacteria were
research is focused on the estimation of total significantly high in the soil samples from the two
number of micro-organisms and relative pre- ASSBY sites, especially from the S-ASSBY (Table
dominance of different physiological types. Study 6.6). Since both these enzyme systems are
also attempts to identify the oil degradation inducible, the result indicates their high
potential of bacteria of the ASSBY area. availability in the area, possibly through different
types of pollutants.

6.5.1 Methodology

The soil samples from two different sites at ASSBY

(M-ASSBYand S-ASSBY) were collected in a
sterile bottle. For control, soil samples were
collected from the old Bhavnagar port at
Mathavad, approximately 50 km away from the
ASSBY. The bacteria were cultured in various
suitable mediums with some known treatments.
Standard techniques were used in culturing and
counting the bacteria (APHA, 1989).

6.5.2 Total Number of Bacteria

Since the soil samples were collected from the

intertidal zone, it was essential to find out the
bacterial population under different salinity levels.
Three different concentration of NaCl were
checked for its effect on the growth of bacteria in
nutrient agar (NA) medium (Fig. 6.20). 3.4% NaCl
was considered as sea water salinity. There was a
qualitative variation in the number of bacteria that
could tolerate different level of salinity. Especially,
in S-ASSBY, the result indicate that the bacteria
present were halotolerant. Almost equal number
of bacterial cells in all the three samples of 3%
NaCl treatment indicate that the total microbial
load was not affected by the ship breaking activity.
Further analysis revealed that the bacteria count
go significantly high under the treatment of
unpolluted artificial sea water as compared with
the treatment of polluted water collected near the
ASSBY area (Fig. 6.21). This indicates that certain
pollutants might suppress the growth of certain
bacteria and deserves further research.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Nut. agar + sea water

Nut. agar + artific ial sea water 18
18 17

16 Zobell m arine agar

No. of cells x (107 c ells/m l)


8 8
8 7
6 5
4 4
Control M-Alang S-Alang

Fig 6.20 Viable count of bacteria on different media

30 28
S eaw a ter %

n il
a t 5 0%
(x1 01 1 c ells/ m l)

a t 8 0%
a t 9 0% 15
10 9

4 3.4 4
1 .5 0. 5
0 .4
E .c oli S . typh i S . dyse nt ry

Fig 6.21 Viable count of the Bacteria in Unpolluted sea water

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Table 6.6 Enumeration of bacteria of different physiological types from the soil
samples near Alang

Sample. Viable Count of Organism (X 10 6 cells/g)

Site Agarolytic Chitinolytic Cellulolytic
M-ASSBY 0.64 1.4 22
S-ASSBY 0.67 56.3 36
Control 2 3 7
3% (w/v) agar, 0.5% (w/v) chitin and 0.5% (w/v) cellulose was used as the
sole carbon source in the basal medium.
Composition of Basal Medium (g/100 ml) :
Peptone, 1.0; NaCl, 0.1; K2 HPO4 , 0.1; KH2 PO4 , 0.1; MgSO4 .7H2 O, 0.05.

Consortium of microorganisms from soil samples

6.5.4 Oil related microbes collected at S-ASSBY and M-ASSBY showed the
50% and 76% degradability of BHC, respectively,
One of the major pollutants at the ASSBY sites is when analysed by gas chromatography (Fig. 6.22).
petroleum hydrocarbon, i.e., oils. The biological However, a little less degradability was recorded
effects of oil in the marine environment is well by gravimetric analysis. These values were
studied. In this study, the degradability of the significantly high as compared to the control
hydrocarbon by microbial activity was analysed sample. This result, therefore, suggested that
by gas chromatography (Hanson et al. 1994) and though the total number of bacteria present at all
gravimetric methods. While during the ship the sites were relatively constant (Fig. 6.20 and
breaking activity various types of petroleum 6.21), the number of oil degrading bacteria seems
hydrocarbons are released and mixed with each to be very high in the polluted ASSBY area.
other, their degradability by microbial actions is
very difficult to ascertain. Keeping this in view, as
representative, 0.5% Bombay high crude (BHC)
oil was used to test the microbial potential.

% degradation

60 48.74

40 31.7 31.6


Gas Chrometography Gravimetric

Fig 6. 22 BHC Oil degradation by consortium of microorganisms

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Further, it was of interest to isolate and characterise

the predominant bacteria from the soil samples of
ASSBY area. On the basis of colony morphology
and biochemical assay, the most dominating
bacteria was tentatively identified to belong to
genus Pseudomonas (Table 6.7).

Table 6.7 Identification of isolate 2 from the soil sediment of M-ASSBY

Size Shape Colour Margin Elevation Opacity Consistency

2 mm Round Green Uniform Slightly Transluscent Mucoid

Biochemical test Results

Pseudomonas Isolate 2
Gram’s Staining Gram Negative Gram Negative
Reaction Medium to small rods Thin rods
Cell Morphology Motile Motile
Hanging drop motility Negative Negative
Indole test Positive Positive
Citrate utilisation Positive/Negative Positive
Nitrate reduction Positive Positive
Gelatin liquefaction Positive Positive
Catalase test Strongly Positive Strongly Positive
Oxidase Test Positive/Negative Positive
Growth in Anaerobic Jar
Sugar fragmentation
Glucose Negative Negative
Lactose Negative Negative
Sucrose Negative Negative
Maltose Negative Negative
Xylose Negative Negative
Maltose Negative Negative
6.6 CONCLUSION increased concentrations of nutrients, oil-PHC and
some heavy metals. While the nutrient enrichment
The degradation in the water quality of the may be due to the break down of organic matter
intertidal zone is related to enrichment of the present in water, oil-PHC and heavy metals occur
organic matter of all kinds: the biodegradable kind as a result of direct input from shipbreaking
(as shown by increased BOD), non-biodegradable activities. It is interesting to note that hydrocarbon
kind (as revealed by increased COD) and oil-PHC. degrading microbes have been isolated mainly
However, significant spatio-temporal variations in from S-ASSBY where shipbreaking activity is
parameters suggest sporadic loading and rapid recent compared to M-ASSBY. It is likely that
systemic assimilation. A number of pathogenic increased amount of heavy metals in M-ASSBY
microbes have also been isolated which are may be acting as inhibitors for these specialised
probably related to the continuous input of microbes.
degradable organic matter into this system.
The macrobenthic population in ASSBY region
The sediments in the intertidal zone reveal was impoverished in terms of taxa richness,

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

diversity and biomass. The molluscan populations,

particularly in the upper and middle intertidal
zones, were worst affected in this regard.
Macrobenthic communities were similar in N-
ASSBY and S-ASSBY but were different from the
control sites.

It may, therefore, be concluded that distinct

changes are taking place in the ecological set-up
of the intertidal region due to disturbance caused
by human activities. However, the damage is
presently contained by the assimilative capacity
of the system and therefore calls for immediate
and appropriate corrective actions. Regular study
and monitoring of the system is required on a
priority basis to prevent further degradation and
provide for mid-course corrections.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

of brine, shifts in equilibrium between evaporation

7 and precipitation rates and global climate change.

OFFSHORE Whatever may be the cause, such dramatic shifts

HYDROBIOLOGICAL in salinity and hydrologic and energy regimes
induce large-scale changes to the Gulf and its
FEATURES associated ecosystems. A recent study on the spread
of salinity around the Gulf of Khambhat (GEC
As mentioned earlier, the sub-tidal region off the 1997) reveals a drastic reduction of mangrove
shore of ASSBY is a highly dynamic system with cover from over 350 sq km in 1960s to less than
very high tidal amplitudes and strong currents. 10 sq. km today. Satellite imageries reveal
The biological productivity in this zone is lower, increasing silt deposition in the mouth of various
primarily due to high turbidity and lower rivers draining into the Gulf and shift of mudbanks
penetration of sunlight. Fishing and other and shoals towards inland. Rapid industrialisation
commercial activity is less in this region which and changes in the quality of freshwater inputs in
perhaps explains the scant attention it has received recent years are some other causes needing a
from the scientific community so far. thinking.

Information on the ecological aspects of this region The present attempt at identifying the nature and
is sporadic and fragmentary. Satyanarayana et al. extent of impact of ASSBY on the nearby offshore
(1971) provide a preliminary account of certain zone is, therefore, in the context of this highly
hydrobiological features of the Gulf of Khambhat. dynamic and rapidly changing ecological scenario.
Later studies have mostly focused on specific
parameters such as water quality (Zingde et al.
1980, 1981 and 1985), sediment nature (Islam 7.1 METHODOLOGY
1984), zooplankton (Nair et al. 1981) and macro-
invertebrates (Varshney et al. 1981, Rao and
7.1.1 Sampling strategy
Parulekar 1985).

However, it is well established that the Gulf of Three rounds of comprehensive sampling during
Khambhat is a system with high energy regimes October '96 (post-monsoon), December '96 (winter)
which manifests in very strong tidal currents, and April '97 (pre-monsoon) were undertaken
absence of any vertical stratification and large keeping in view the overall objectives, available
suspended sediment load. The conditions created time frame and logistic factors. Sampling was done
are those characteristic of large, well mixed along five transects:
estuaries which export large quantities of detritus
to the nearby open seas and converting these to I. N-Control: about 5 km north of ASSBY
fertile and productive regions. Although the extent II. N-ASSBY: northern end of ASSBY
of nutrient transport from the Gulf of Khambhat III. M-ASSBY: zone of maximum breakage
to the open ocean is yet to be studied, it is perhaps at the middle of ASSBY
the most important support system for sustaining IV. S-ASSBY: southern end of ASSBY
the high fish production in south Saurashtra coast. V. S-Control: about 5 km south of ASSBY

Even by analysing the meagre scientific data However, sampling was not done in the control
available, it becomes evident that the ecological sites during the post-monsoon period. Each round
features of this region have witnessed significant of sampling was completed in a single day covering
changes over the past few decades. The average one flood and one ebb tide.
salinity of the Gulf waters has increased
significantly and even a slight increase in the Three sampling points were located at distances
average water temperature has been reported. of 1 km, 3 km and 5 km at each of these transects.
Some of the major factors that have probably Samples were collected from both the surface and
caused this shift are reduced discharge of bottom layers. Since there was no significant
freshwater from rivers draining into the gulf, input variation in most of the parameters with depth,

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

probably due to the shallow depth and mixing f) Nitrogen and phosphorus: Nitrite-nitrogen
pattern, surface and bottom data was pooled in (NO2-N) in the sample was allowed to react
most cases for each of the sampling stations. with sulphanilamide in acid solution. The
resulting diazo compound was reacted with
NC l-napthylene diamine to form a highly
7.1.2 Field and laboratory techniques coloured azodye which was measured
colorimetrically using a Spectrophotometer
at 543 nm. The results are expressed as mg/
Water samples were collected using Niskin
sampler, transferred to clean polyethylene bottles
and transported to a shore-based laboratory under
appropriate conditions. A Van Veen type grab g) Nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) was determined
by cadmium reduction method. The filtered
sampler (Plate 7.1) was used for collecting the
seawater sample is passed through a
benthos while suitable nets were used for sampling
column packed with amalgamated
the plankton.
cadmium to reduce the entire nitrate present
a) Current: The surface and near bottom in the sample to nitrite, which is then
current at ten stations was measured by estimated by the azodye method. The
amount of nitrite originally present in the
using Roter currentmeter, covering one
sample was subtracted from the total
tidal cycle during the post monsoon
amount of nitrite to obtain the concentration
in the sample. The values are expressed as
b) pH and temperature : pH was measured mg/l.
immediately after the collection of sample
h) Ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) was
with a portable pH meter. The instrument
determined using the Indo-phenol blue
was calibrated with standard buffer just
method. Ammonium compounds in water
before use.
give blue colour of endophenol when
c) Suspended Solids: 500 ml of water was reacted with phenol in presence of
filtered on preweighed millipore filter paper hydrochlorite. The absorption of this colour
was measured at 630 nm using a
(Whatman GF type) having pore size of
Spectrophotometer and the results
0.45 micron. These were oven-dried (at
expressed as mg/l.
60°C), stored in a desiccator and re-
weighed on digital balance. The values are
expressed as mg/l. i) Inorganic phosphate (PO4-P) was
determined by the ascorbic acid method.
Acidified molybdate reagent was added to
d) Salinity and Chloride Content: A suitable
the sample to yield a phosphomolybdate
volume of sample was titrated against silver
complex which was then reduced with
nitrate (20 g/l) with potassium chromate
ascorbic acid to a highly coloured blue
as indicator. The salinity, expressed as parts
per thousand (ppt), was calculated by using compound. The absorption was measured
Knudsen's Tables. using a Spectrophotometer at 882 nm and
the values expressed as mg/l.
e) DO and BOD: Dissolved oxygen (DO) was
j) Oil-PHC: Ten litres of seawater sample was
determined by the Winkler's method. The
collected in a narrow mouth amber bottle
values are expressed as mg/l. Direct
unseeded method was employed in the (Plate 7.2) from a depth of 1m at each of
determination of Biochemical oxygen the sampling stations. This was then
analysed in the laboratory using standard
demand (BOD). The sample was filled in a
BOD bottle in the field and was incubated
in laboratory for 5 days at 20º C after which
k) Phytoplankton pigments: For the
oxygen content was determined.
estimation of phytoplankton pigments,

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

surface samples were collected. Chlorophyll

a, and phaeophytin were estimated by
extraction of pigment in 90% acetone
following standard procedures.

l) Zooplankton: Oblique hauls were made

using a Heron Trantor net (Plate 7.3; mesh
size 0.3 mm and mouth area 0.25 m2). All
collections were of 5 minute duration.
Biomass was found out by displacement

m) Benthos: Sediment samples were collected

by using a Van veen type grab of 0.04 m2
area. The sediment was sieved through 0.5
mm mesh sieve and animals retained were
stained with Rosebengal and preserved in
5% buffered formaldehyde solution.


7.2.1 Temperature, pH and salinity

During the study period, water temperature off the

coast of ASSBY varied from a minimum of 23.4ºC
during winter to a maximum of 31.9ºC during
postmonsoon, both recorded close to the shore (1
km). A slightly smaller range of variation in
temperature was observed at 5 km off the shore of
ASSBY (Table 7.1). The pH was alkaline, varying
between 7.9 and 8.2 (Table 7.2). Salinity was lower
during the post-monsoon (27 - 28.8 ppt) and higher
during the pre-monsoon (33.3 - 33.7 ppt). There
was no significant spatial variation in the levels
of salinity (Table 7.3).

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Plate 7.1 Van Veen type grab sampler

Plate 7.2 Narrow mouth sampling bottle for oil

Plate 7.3 Heron Tantor net for zooplankton sampling

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Table 7.1 Temperature. (ºC) variation of offshore water

Distance Season N-Control N-ASSBY M-ASSBY S-ASSBY S-Control

1 km Postmonsoon - 31.9 31.9 31.7 -
Winter 24.2 25.4 24.7 24.7 23.4
Premonsoon 28.2 27.3 28.8 26.3 28.4
3 km Postmonsoon - 30.2 30.5 30.7 -
Winter 24.3 24.7 24.7 26.5 23.9
Premonsoon 27.9 27.2 26.4 28.6 28.4
5 km Postmonsoon - 31 30.7 30.4 -
Winter 24.5 25 24.9 24.9 24.1
Premonsoon 28.5 26.6 28.3 28.1 27.5
- data not available

Table 7.2 pH variation in offshore water

Distance Season N-Control N-ASSBY M-ASSBY S-ASSBY S-Control

1 km Postmonsoon - 7.9 7.95 7.95 -
Winter 7.95 8 8 8 8
Premonsoon 8 8.1 8.15 8.05 8.1
3 km Postmonsoon - 8 8 7.95 -
Winter 8 8 8.05 8.05 8.05
Premonsoon 8.05 8.05 8 8.05 8.05
5 km Postmonsoon - 8 8 8 -
Winter 8 8 8.05 8 8.05
Premonsoon 8 8 7.95 8.05 8.15
- data not available

Table 7.3 Salinity (ppt) variation in offshore water

Distance Season N-Control N-ASSBY M-ASSBY S-ASSBY S-Control

1 km Postmonsoon - 27.6 27 28.8 -
Winter 30.6 30.4 30.3 30.7 30.6
Premonsoon 33.5 33.55 33.4 33.6 33.5
3 km Postmonsoon - 28.4 28.4 28.6 -
Winter 30.5 31 30.4 30.4 30.8
Premonsoon 33.7 33.5 33.55 33.5 33.65
5 km Postmonsoon - 27.9 28.2 28.4 -
Winter 30.3 30.5 30.6 30.7 31
Premonsoon 33.3 33.5 33.5 33.4 33.5
- data not available

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

Variations in temperature and salinity are largely 7.2.2 Total suspended matter (TSM)
governed by seasonal changes and there is little
variation between the different sites in the study The TSM of the surface waters ranged from 14.6
area. Depth and distance from the shore also do to 2995 mg/l, while that of the bottom waters
not have any significant influence on the ranged from 43.2 to 4010 mg/l. TSM was relatively
temperature, pH and salinity of the water in this lower during the winter, possibly due to the lower
region. wind speeds during this period. Some prominent
variation in TSM can also be noticed between the
surface and bottom waters (Table 7.4). The spatial
variability was also without much significance.

Table 7.4 Suspended solids (mg/l) in offshore water

Distance Season N-Control N-ASSBY M-ASSBY S-ASSBY S-Control

1 km Post monsoon S 57.6 208.4 136.8 - -
B 1971.2 3824.4 4010.4 - -
Winter S 721.0 629.0 98.4 14.6 71.4
B 156.4 85.8 103.2 747.8 43.2
Premonsoon S 864.0 118.0 1111.0 667.0 1671.0
B 732.0 2425.0 3736.0 1153.0 1473.0
3 km Post monsoon S 103.6 166.0 187.6 - -
B 748.4 3365.2 3566.4 - -
Winter S 305.6 115.0 102.4 478.2 56.2
B 352.0 186.2 39.8 379.6 1187.2
Premonsoon S 363.0 372.0 528.0 1814.0 2476.0
B 4466.0 3486.0 1253.0 1945.0 2720.0
5 km Post monsoon S 420.0 148.0 964.8 - -
B 2838.0 3028.0 1495.6 - -
Winter S 65.8 2995.0 686.0 82.3 156.8
B 305.6 698.6 168.6 752.4 208.9
Premonsoon S 367.0 1408.0 687.0 1099.0 427.0
B 735.0 3618.0 655.0 3393.0 966.0

- data not available: S - Surface; B - Bottom

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

7.2.3 DO and BOD

The dissolved oxygen (DO) in offshore waters was

slightly lower (5.3 - 7.3 mg/l) during premonsoon
than during post-monsoon (6.2 - 7.1 mg/l) or
winter (6.2 - 7.9 mg/l) during winter. There was
no significant variation between the different study
sites (Table 7.5). DO was also not affected in any
significant manner by the distance from shore.

Table 7.5 DO in offshore water

DO (mg/l) N-Control N-Alang M-Alang S-Alang S-Control

1 km Postmonsoon - 7.1 7 6.25 -
Winter 6.95 7.85 6.2 7.55 7.9
Premonsoon 6.7 6.55 5.3 6.55 6.8
3 km Postmonsoon - 6.7 6.7 6.2 -
Winter 7.1 7.7 6.35 6.35 7.65
Premonsoon 5.3 7.2 6.4 6.7 7.15
5 km Postmonsoon - 6.65 6.5 6.5 -
Winter 6.2 6.65 7.4 7.85 6.95
Premonsoon 5.75 7.3 6.6 6.75 6.65

- data not available

The spatial and temporal variation of biochemical hardly any difference with distance from the shore.
oxygen demand (BOD) are presented in Fig. 7.1.
Highest BOD (6.6 mg/l)was recorded at 1 km off 7.2.4 Nitrogen and phosphorus
the shore of Northern ASSBY followed by 6 mg/l
at 3 km off the shore of Middle ASSBY, both The NO3-N content was highest during the post-
during the post-monsoon period. This suggests an monsoon (491 - 572 µg/l), decreasing during the
increased organic loading in the off-shore area winter (389 - 420 µg/l) and lowest during the pre-
during post-monsoon period, probably as drainage monsoon (210 - 323 µg/l). There was no significant
from the onshore region. BOD is lowered during spatial variation (Fig.7.2).
winter, possibly due to the increased availability
of dissolved oxygen. However, during the
premonsoon, BOD at ASSBY area was always
higher compared to the control sites and there was

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

8 P o stm ons oo n
1 km 6 .6 W inte r
6 P re m on so on
m g /l

4 3 .4 3.1 3 .4
2.8 2.7
2 .2 2.3 2.2 2.4 2.2
0 .5

N-C o ntro l N-A S S B Y M-A S S B Y S -AS SB Y S -C ont rol

3 km
m g /l

4 3 .4 3.6
2 .8
2 .3 2. 4 2. 4
0 .8 0 .6 0.6 0.9 0.6 0. 8

N-C o ntro l N-A S S B Y M-A S S B Y S -AS SB Y S -C ont rol

5 km

m g/ l

4 3 .3 3.1 3.4 3.2

2 .9
2 .4 2 .4 2.6 2 .5 2.4

2 1 .4 1. 4
0 .6

N-C on trol N-A S S B Y M-A S S B Y S -AS SB Y S -C ont rol

Fig 7.1 Variation of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in offshore water

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

7 00 Po stm on soo n
1 km 5 72
6 00 W inte r
51 1 54 6
5 00 Pre m on so on
4 03 40 3 42 0 405
4 00
(µg /l)

3 23 3 94
3 00 24 9 231 221 2 12
2 00

1 00

N-C on trol N-ASS BY M-AS SB Y S-AS SB Y S-C on trol

6 00
3 km 49 9 4 95
49 1
5 00
4 13 40 3 4 10 39 9
4 00
(µg/ l)

28 1
3 00 241
226 2 11 22 8
2 00

1 00

N-C ont rol N-AS SB Y M-AS SB Y S-ASS BY S-Co ntro l

6 00
5 km 50 9 51 5
4 93
5 00
4 09 39 2 401 40 3 39 6
4 00
(µg/ l)

3 00 25 1 245 235 235

2 32

2 00

1 00

N-C ont rol N-AS SB Y M-AS SB Y S-ASS BY S-Co ntro l

Fig 7.2 Variation of NO3-N content in offshore water

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

The NO2-N content, on the other hand was lower

during the post-monsoon (4 - 11 µg/l), varying
during the winter (4 - 24.5 µg/l) and higher during
the pre-monsoon (8 - 20 µg/l). There was no
significant spatial variation (Fig. 7.3).

There was a wide fluctuation in the NH4-N content

in the study area (Fig. 7.4). However, it is difficult
to derive any meaningful pattern from this spatio-
temporal variation.
The PO4-P concentration was relatively higher (90
- 157 µg/l) during the post-monsoon compared to
the winter (73-114 µg/l) and pre-monsoon (50-
146 µg/l). This seasonal variation was more
pronounced closer to the shore (1 and 3 km)
compared to farther off (5 km). There was no
significant difference in PO4-P concentration in
the ASSBY area compared to the control sites (Fig.

7.2.5 Oil and PHC

PHC concentration was generally below 35 µg/l

in the study area (Fig. 7.6). However, much higher
concentrations (85 - 182 µg/l) have been recorded
at 5 km offshore of the study area, particularly
during the post-monsoon and winter sampling


7.3.1 Phytoplankton pigments

The concentration of chlorophyll a is a measure

of biomass productivity in the offshore aquatic
system. Higher concentration of chlorophyll a (Fig.
7.7) was recorded during the post-monsoon period
(1.07 - 2.67 µg/l) compared to the winter (0.5 -
0.8 µg/l) and pre-monsoon (0.5 - 1.7 µg/l). Even
during the post-monsoon, the 5 km offshore zone
recorded a slightly higher chlorophyll a content
compared to the 1 km and 3 km offshore zones.
There was no significant variation between the
control sites and the sites within ASSBY.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

25 P os tm o ns oon
1 km W in ter 20
20 17 .5 P rem on soo n

(µ g/l)

11. 5 1 0.9
10. 5
10 9 9 8 .5
7 .5 8
6 5 .5

N-C on trol N-AS S B Y M-AS S B Y S -A S S B Y S -C o ntro l

3 km 22
1 6.5

15 13
(µg /l)

11 .5 11
1 0.5 1 0.5
6 .6 6
4 4. 9 4

N-C on trol N-A S S B Y M-AS S B Y S -AS S B Y S -C on trol

5 km

20 1 8.5
24. 5
(µg/ l)

15 13 .5
12 11. 5
1 0.5
8 8.9 8 .5
10 7 .5
5. 2 5 .8

N-C o ntro l N-AS S B Y M-AS S B Y S -AS S B Y S -Co ntro l

Fig 7.3 Variation of NO2-N content in offshore water

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

50 Pos tm o ns oon
1 km W in ter
40 35 Prem ons oo n

30 25
(µ g/l)

9 8 .5
10 7 5 .3 5.5 7
3. 9
1. 8
N -Co ntro l N-ASS BY M-AS SB Y S-ASS BY S-C on tro l

42. 5
3 km

(µg /l)

20 15 15
9 8
10 5.3 4. 6 5 4 .5
0 .7
N -Co ntro l N-ASS BY M-AS SB Y S-AS SB Y S-Co ntro l

5 km

(µg/ l)

2 0.5 21 .5 20 .6
13 13
10 5
3 3 3
N-C ont rol N-ASS BY M-AS SB Y S-ASS BY S-C o ntro l

Fig 7.4 Variation of NH4-N content in offshore water

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

20 0 P os tm o ns oon
1 km 1 57 W in ter
16 0 P rem on soo n

10 7.5 113 .5
12 0 98 1 03 98
(µg /l)

89 .5 90
78. 5 72. 5 76. 5 73

N-C o ntro l N-ASS B Y M-AS S B Y S -ASS B Y S -C ont rol

3 km 1 69 173
160 14 6
13 2

120 99
(µg /l)

89 8 4 7 8.5 90
76 80 7 9 73


N-C on trol N-ASS B Y M-A S S BY S -ASS B Y S -C ont rol

20 0
5 km
16 0
1 02 .5
12 0 9 4.5 94 99
9 5.5 9 5.5
(µg/ l)

93 .5 91. 5 8 8.5
84 8 2 85
75 .5


N-C o ntro l N-ASS B Y M-AS S B Y S -ASS B Y S -Co ntro l

Fig 7.5 Variation of PO4-P content in offshore water

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

200 P ost m on so on
175 1 km W int er
150 P rem o ns oo n
(µg /l)

4 5.5 2 8.7
50 31. 3 3 0.1 31 .3
24 .4 2 3.4 25
19 .2
8 .7 12 .1 12. 7 20

N-Co ntro l N-A S S B Y M-A S S B Y S -AS S B Y S -C on trol

20 0
17 5 3 km

15 0
12 5
(µg /l)

10 0
45 .7 27
50 31 .3 29 .7 29 .6 21 .6 1 9.6
2 0.8 26 .2 2 2.4
25 14 .1 1 0.7 1 4.9

N-C on trol N-AS S B Y M-A S S B Y S -A S S B Y S -C o ntro l

5 km 16 4.2 181 .5
1 24 .7
125 113 .2
(µ g/l)

100 8 5.8
50 3 4.9 27 .4
1 8 24. 6 1 4.5 1 1.5 20
21. 6
N-Co ntro l N-A S S B Y M-A S S B Y S -AS S B Y S -C on trol

Fig 7.6 Variation of Oil-PHC content in offshore water.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

3 P os tm o ns oon
1 km W in ter
P rem on soo n
1.6 1
(µg /l)

1.0 7 1.0 7 1.0 7

1 0.8 0 .8 0. 8
0. 53 0 .53 0. 53 0.5 3 0 .53 0.5 3

N-Co ntro l N-A S S B Y M-A S S B Y S -AS S B Y S -C on trol

3 km
2.1 4
2 1. 7
(µ g/l)

1 .07 1 .07
1 0 .8 0.8 0.5 3
0. 53
0. 53 0 .53 0 .53 0 .53 0.5 3

N-C o ntro l N-A S S B Y M-AS S B Y S -AS S B Y S -C on trol

2.6 7
5 km
2.1 4
1. 61
(µg /l)

1 .1
0 .53 0 .8
1 0.8 0. 8 0.8 0.8
0 .53 0.5 3 0. 53

N-C ont rol N-A S S B Y M-AS S B Y S -AS S B Y S -C o ntro l

Fig 7.7 Variation of Chlorophyl a content in offshore water.

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

There was adistinct seasonal variation in the

phytoplankton density observed in the offshore
Phaeophytin concentration is usually low (< 2 µg/ waters of the study area (Table 7.6). It was highest
l) in the offshore waters of the study area (Fig. during the post-monsoon (11,500 - 164,800 nos.l-
7.8). However, there is a distinct increase in the 1) and much lower during the winter and pre-
phaeophytin level (2.5 - 5.25 µg/l) during the monsoon periods (3,200 - 19,600 nos.l-1). There
winter season. Again, no significant spatial was also a distinct shift in the dominance of major
variation could be observed. groups of phytoplankton over the different seasons.
Navicula sp., Nitzschia sp. and Thalassiosira sp.
dominated during the post-monsoon while
7.3.2 Phytoplankton Coscinodiscus sp. begins to dominate during
winter. Other diatoms like Cyclotella sp. and
Pleurosigma sp. appear during the pre-monsoon
to dominate the phytoplankton assemblage along
with Coscinodiscus sp.

Table 7.6 Variation in Phytoplankton at different stations at Alang

Stations Population range (no/l)

Post-monsoon Winter Pre-monsoon
N-Control 22560-164800 5600-19600 5600-19600
N-ASSBY 24960-86400 4000-14000 4800-10000
M-ASSBY 11500-110400 4000-6000 3200-16000
S-ASSBY - 4800-10000 4000-6000
S-Control - 3200-12800 6000-14000
Major genera Navicula sp. Coscinodiscus sp. Coscinodiscus sp.
Nitschia sp.. Navicula sp. Nitschia sp.
Thalassioira sp. Nitzschia sp. Cyclotella sp.
Rhizosolenia sp. Thalassisors sp. Pleurosigma sp.

- data not available

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

6 P os tm o nso on
1 km W in ter 4.8 9 4. 7
P rem ons oo n
4 3 .66 3 .5
3 .12
(µg /l)

2 1.7
1. 07
0 .96 0. 96
0. 59 0.4 3
1 0.4 3 0. 2
N-C o ntro l N-AS S B Y M-AS S B Y S -AS S B Y S -C ont rol

5.2 6
3 km
4 .14 3 .96
3.8 7
(µ g/l)

3 2. 51
1.9 2 1.7
0.9 6
1 0 .43 0.4 3
0 .2
N-C on trol N-A S S B Y M-AS S B Y S -AS S B Y S -C on trol

5 km
5 4 .33
4 .11
2. 86 2.9 4 2.9 4
(µg/ l)

2 1.7
1 .07
0.5 9 0. 78

N-C on trol N-AS S B Y M-AS S B Y S -AS S B Y S -C o ntro l

Fig 7.8 Variation of Phaeophytin content in offshore water

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

7.3.3 Zooplankton

Again, a distinct seasonal shift in the composition

and density of zooplankton was observed in the
offshore waters of the study area (Table 7.7). Only
six groups were recorded during the post-monsoon
which included copepods, their nauplii and
cirripeds. Chaetognaths, copepods and larvae of
decapods and gastropods dominated the
zooplankton assemblage during the winters when
a maximum of 13 groups were recorded. The
recorded number of groups reduced to 7 during
the pre-monsoons, among which salps, fish larvae,
copepods, crustacean larvae and chaetognaths were

Table 7.7 Variation in Zooplankton at different stations at Alang

Post monsoon Winter Premonsoon

Stations Max Population Ma Population Biomass Ma Populatio Biomas
No range x range (ml/100 x n range s
(no/1000 No (no/1000 m) No (no/1000 (ml/100
m3) m3) m3) m3)
N-Control - - 13 1226-1566 0.31 6 240-642 2.00
N-ASSBY 6 - 13 1297-1327 0.66 5 217-5687 1.35
M-ASSBY 3 - 13 990-1500 0.59 6 2024-19698 3.55
S-ASSBY 5 - 12 603-1576 0.9 5 208-5223 1.32
S-Control - - 13 2154-4620 1.74 7 625- 1.52
Major Copepods, Chaetognaths, copepods salps, fish larvae,
genera cirripds, nauplii decapods, larvae, copepods, crustacean
gastropods larvae, chaetognaths

Major genera Copepods, cirripds, nauplii Chaetognaths, copepods decapods, larvae,

gastropods salps, fish larvae, copepods, crustacean larvae, chaetognaths
- data not available

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

prominent. was the most stressed transect having almost a

foraminiferal dead zone within which only two
The population of zooplankton was high during opportunistic species Ammonia beccarii &
both the winter (603 - 4,620 nos/ml) and pre- Nonionenllina turgida survive. No agglutinated
monsoon (208 - 19,700 nos/ml) seasons. There was foraminifera were encountered from the study area.
also a definite increase in the zooplankton biomass Many of the forams might well have shifted the
from winter (0.31 - 1.74 ml/100m) to pre-monsoon ecological niche to avoid the ecological crisis. The
(1.32 - 3.55 ml/100m), possibly due to the size reduction of certain forams like Ammonia spp.
dominance of salps and fish larvae. clearly indicates ecological degredation. The
contaminants from the ship breaking yards inflict
damages to the resident foraminiferal fauna
7.3.4 Benthos directly or indirectly by destroying the feeding
material of the forams.
The macro-benthic community is composed of only
a few forms, such as polychaetes, molluscs, prawn
larvae and ostracods. The total population density 7.3.5 Fishery
is also seldom more than 50 nos.m2. Somewhat
higher numbers were recorded during the pre- The fish landing data was obtained from the
monsoon period. The biomass was also negligible. Department of Fisheries, Government of Gujarat.
Foraminiferans dominated the meiobenthic No landing is reported from the ASSBY area. The
community. A total of 48 species of recent benthic nearest landing centres are Ghogha and Bhavnagar
forminifera belonging to 25 genera under 13 family in the North (60 km away) and Katpar in the South
were identified and reported from the study side. (again 50-60 km away). All commercially
The N-Control transect was the most healthy important fish (such as Bombay duck, Hilsa,
transect. Among the three transects around the Mullets, Prawns etc.) landings reveal a decreasing
Alang ship-breaking yard, the N-ASSBY transect trend from 1991 to 1995 (Table 7.8), although in
case of shrimp the increase at Katpar may be
Table 7.8 Fish landing data (kg/yr) at the neighbourhood of ASSBY.


1991 1995 1991 1995 1991 1995
Bombay duck 102,069 93,862 116,865 46,129 74,792 32,591
Hilsa 7,020 Nil 31,762 15,860 Nil Nil
Clupid 1,860 Nil 22,905 23,309 - -
Mullet 44,308 24,809 112,695 12,776 - 5,689
Catfish 2,175 - 13,950 2,250 - -
Colmi 175,250 909,151 30,015 48,072 20,240 62,004
Medium prawn 704,179 408,121 108,534 18,690 78,180 27,831
Jumbo prawn 214,314 80,400 30,225 Nil - -
Lobster 87,141 21,199 1,500 2,769 3,162 110,639
Coilie - - 3,348 - - -
Dhoma - - 11,487 3,565 - -
Other fish 420,538 186,427 106,951 27,854 34,056 52863,089
- data not available

Ecological Restoration and Planning for
Alang-Sosiya Ship-Breaking Yard, Gujarat

attributed to increased effort. Gulf has also been reported (Stephen et al. 1990).


The predominance of the seasonal and other
Many of the hydrobiological features described natural factors in the functioning of the offshore
above suggest the predominance of seasonal factors ecosystem suggest very little anthropogenic
over others. The post-monsoon period is disturbance, particularly those related to immediate
characterised by large input of freshwater, through and concentrated activities such as ship-breaking.
surface drainage, resulting in a drop in salinity, The problems, as mentioned in the initial sections
increased turbidity and enrichment of nutrients. of this chapter, are obviously related to more broad-
This leads to an increase in the primary based changes operating on a wider scale.
productivity, as evident from the increase in
chlorophyll a, and the density of phytoplankton. The slight increase in BOD and certain nutrients
Grazing causes a sharp decrease in phytoplankton in the near shore waters (1 to 3 km) indicate
density during winter with a corresponding loading of organic matter form the ASSBY region.
increase in both the number of species and density The levels are also seen to reduce drastically at
of zooplankton. The species composition of the 5 km zone. Therefore, it might be concluded
phytoplankton also changes, with a corresponding that any effort made to reduce the input of organic
change in the concentration of phytoplankton matter in the intertidal region would naturally take
pigments. care of the problem in the offshore zone as well.
Oil-PHC has much lower natural degradability and
Species composition of both phytoplankton and hence efforts will be required to reduce its escape
zooplankton changes during pre-monsoon. Many into the marine system. The levels of heavy metals
of these are the hardy types, capable of surviving are also within acceptable limits at present but
higher salinity ranges and reduced concentrations constant monitoring would be required to ensure
of oxygen and nutrients. that levels do not build-up beyond the critical
The study reveals that loading of organic matter
from surface drainage in the ASSBY region might
be contributing to the BOD of these waters.
However, higher levels of BOD have also been
observed elsewhere in the gulf region by Zingde
(1980a & 1980b, 1981 and 1985). NH4-N, a
decomposition product from organic matter is also
observed occasionally in higher concentrations.
NO2-N concentration is also consistently higher
during the pre-monsoon. These forms of nitrogen
have the potential to reduce productivity and can
even prove toxic to the biotic systems, although at
much higher concentrations.

Another important impact is the occurrence of

petroleum hydrocarbons in this region. Although
oil-PHC levels are lower in 1 and 3 km offshore
zones, considerably higher values were recorded
at 5 km offshore zone during the post-monsoon
and winter sampling periods. Oil pollution in the
intertidal area along the South Gujarat coastline
have been reported much earlier (Dwivedi et al.
1974). Increase in the petroleum hydrocarbon
concentrations in the sediments of western Arabian


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