The Better Health Centre

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City and state

This written report aims to understand the different requirements of using computer networks in
a Health Care Centre. For that purpose, it is important to know the different topologies that are
used for the Health Care Centre. The report covers the detail of two important computer
networks, i.e. LAN (Local Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network), their connections
types, topologies, advantages, disadvantages and their connection types. This report helps to
understand the importance and benefits of a good computer network for the Health Care Centre.
Therefore, the design of a good computer network plays an essentials role in the proper working
of a computer network for any organization.

Table of Contents

List of Figures..................................................................................................................................4

Importance of Computer Network...................................................................................................5

Two important Computer Networks................................................................................................5

LAN (Local Area Network).............................................................................................................5

1. Router................................................................................................................................6

2. Switch................................................................................................................................7

3. Hub....................................................................................................................................7

4. Server................................................................................................................................8

Cable schemes..............................................................................................................................8

1. Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable...............................................................................8

2. Shielded Twisted Par (STP) cable.....................................................................................9

3. Coaxial cable.....................................................................................................................9

4. Fiber optics........................................................................................................................9

Personal Area Network (PAN)...................................................................................................10

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)..........................................................................................10

Star topology..............................................................................................................................11

Ring topology.............................................................................................................................11

Mesh topology............................................................................................................................12

Client server connection.............................................................................................................12

Peer to peer connection..............................................................................................................12

WAN (Wide Area Network)...........................................................................................................13

Connection Method.......................................................................................................................14

Scope of connection.......................................................................................................................14






List of Figures
Figure 1 A typical LAN connected with switch, router and server.................................................7
Figure 2 WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)............................................................................7
Figure 3 CISCO Router...................................................................................................................8
Figure 4 CISCO Switch...................................................................................................................8
Figure 5 CISCO Hub.......................................................................................................................8
Figure 6 CISCO Server....................................................................................................................9
Figure 7 UTP cable..........................................................................................................................9
Figure 8 RJ- 45 connector................................................................................................................9
Figure 9 STP cable.........................................................................................................................10
Figure 10 Coaxial cable.................................................................................................................10
Figure 11 Optical fiber cable.........................................................................................................10
Figure 12 PAN (Personal Area Network)......................................................................................11
Figure 13 MAN (Metropolitan Area NETWORK)........................................................................11
Figure 14 Star topology.................................................................................................................12
Figure 15 Ring topology................................................................................................................12
Figure 16 Mesh topology...............................................................................................................13
Figure 17 Client server connection................................................................................................13
Figure 18 Peer to peer connection.................................................................................................14
Figure 19 WAN (Wider Area Network).........................................................................................14

The Better Health Centre

Importance of Computer Network

In a modern computer play a vital role in every field of life. The computer helps to complete the
work in a short time. The computer also calculates the results faster than human. After the
invention of the internet, computers were considered an important part of the internet. In a
modern world, the computer is used to send information from one place to another by the help of
an internet and computer network. The computer network is defined as a set of computers
connected to send and receive the information through any medium (wired or wireless). Internet
is now the most common example of a computer network. The use of the computer network
makes the system more reliable and effective to use. 
Some important computer network companies that are working in the world.
2. Huawei
3. Microsoft
4. Intel 
5. IBM
CISCO still at a number 1 and Huawei is at a number 2. Huawei is a competitor of a CISCO. In
this report, the focus is on CISCO computer networks (imedita, 2016).

Two important Computer Networks

Two important computer networks have discussed in this section. These two computer networks
are used in different organizations, departments and in different data centres to manage the
1. LAN (Local Area Network)
2. WAN (Wide Area Network)
Now discuss each computer network in details.

LAN (Local Area Network)

Local Area Network or LAN is one of the most important computer network that is used to
connect more than two computers. LAN is suitable for a small area like home, school, hospital,

library, cinema and other areas. LAN consists of many different types of cables, routers, switches
and hubs. LAN is also considered as a simple computer network type that connects more than
two different computers by the help of a wired connection or wireless connection.

Figure 1 A typical LAN connected with switch, router and server

Another important type of a LAN is a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). This is a type of a
Local Area Network that uses the wireless path for the sending and receiving the information.
The WLAN is protected by a protocol known as WPA (Wireless Protected Access). The figure
below shows the typical WLAN architecture.

Figure 2 WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)

There are some important components of a Local Area Network. These are as follows (Kurose
and Ross, 2013).
1. Router
It is a networking device that forwards and receives the data packages between the two different

computers. The router works on a principle of the routing table. The router is a per-port broadcast

Figure 3 CISCO Router

2. Switch
A switch is a physical hardware device that uses has multiple ports for the data receiving and
sending. The switch works on the principle of a MAC address. By default, a switch is a per-port
broadcast device, but after receiving the receiver MAC address, it acts as a unicast device.

Figure 4 CISCO Switch

3. Hub
It is an old device that is used for the connection of multiple Ethernet connections to a single
connection. The network hub is a per-port broadcast device. It means that information sends to a
one will broadcast to every port whether it is connected or not with a network.

Figure 5 CISCO Hub


4. Server
A server is any computer that stores the data and information of a user or a computer network.
The server plays an important role in the LAN network. It helps to save the data and information
of each user of the network that is a part of a server (Peterson and Davie, 2012).

Figure 6 CISCO Server

Cable schemes
There are four main types of cables are used in computer networks. These are as follows.
1. Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable
It is the most common used cable in computer networking. It terminates with the RJ-45
connector. It connects host with the intermediate devices.

Figure 7 UTP cable

Figure 8 RJ- 45 connector


2. Shielded Twisted Par (STP) cable

It is a same cable as UTP but it has better noise protection than the UTP. It is also more
expensive than the UTP cable. It terminates with the RJ-45 connector.

Figure 9 STP cable

3. Coaxial cable
Coaxial cable consists of outer cable jacket to prevent the minor damage. Copper cable inside the
cover is used to transmit and receive the electronic signal.

Figure 10 Coaxial cable

4. Fiber optics
It is one of the most common and important type of cable is used in computer networking. It has
the highest capacity of data transmission than any other cable. Data transmits and receives with
the help of an electrical pulse.

Figure 11 Optical fiber cable


There are some other topologies that are also used in some other computer networks. These are
as follows (Mir, 2007).
Personal Area Network (PAN)
It is a type of computer network that is used for the connection of devices on a personal
workspace. It is suitable for a single user connection. PAN provides the data connection between
the devices like laptop, mobile, Bluetooth and smartphone.

Figure 12 PAN (Personal Area Network)

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

It is a type of a LAN (Local Area Network) that provides the connection between the two or
more computers in in a geographic area or a region. A WAN is an example of a MAN
(Metropolitan Area Network).

Figure 13 MAN (Metropolitan Area NETWORK)


Star topology
It is a computer network topology in which all the nodes of different devices are connected to a
single point just like in Hub or Switch. It has an advantage that when some cable fails only that
portion will out from the network not the whole topology.

Figure 14 Star topology

Ring topology
It is a type of a topology uses in LAN (Local Area Network) where devices are connected in a
circular path for the flow of a data or information. It requires less cable for the connection, but it
has a major disadvantage is that when some cable fails whole topology stop works.

Figure 15 Ring topology


Mesh topology
It is the most successful topology for the LAN connection. In this topology each computer is
connected individually to a network. It is also a most reliable topology for the computer
networks (Comer, 2005).

Figure 16 Mesh topology

Client server connection

It is a type of network connection in which a powerful computer known as the server is used. It
has better security. The server has the authority of each connected network device. Clients first
get permission from the server, and after that, they run the particular program.

Figure 17 Client server connection.

Peer to peer connection

It is a type of network connection in which server is not required. The peer-to-peer connection is
the most common connection used in computer networks. It has less security as compared to a

client-server connection (Stallings, 2005).

Figure 18 Peer to peer connection

WAN (Wide Area Network)

It is a type of computer network that has a wide range for the network connection. WAN allows
covering a larger area for the connection. It provides the internet facility for the different LANs
by the help of the ISP (Internet Service Provider). WAN is a connection of more than two LANs
(Local Area Network) (Forouzan, 2007).

Figure 19 WAN (Wider Area Network)


Connection Method
Following three connection methods are used in a computer network.
1. Wire connection: In this method, the wire is used for a connection between the different
computers connected in a network. It has a bandwidth capacity of 10 Mb/s.
2. Wireless connection: In this method, the wire is not used for the connection between the
different computers connected to a network. It has a bandwidth capacity of 54 Mb/s.
3. Fiber optics: It is the most common connection medium used for the computer network.
Optical fiber has a bandwidth capacity of 100 Mb/s.

Scope of connection
The network connection reaches to LAN or PAN with the help of the following two methods.
 ISP (Internet Service Provider)
 Wire connection and wireless connection.

Usually it is preferred that the connection must be a client server connection. But it is not a hard and fast rule.
The connection can be of any type depending on the need of the connection.

Following are the protocols used in different computer networks.
 HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol used for the website browsing.
 FTP: File Transfer Protocol used for the file transfer.
 SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol used for the email sending and receiving.
 TCP: Transmission Control Protocol used for the information transmission over the

Three types of topologies are used by the computer networks.
 Ring topology
 Star topology
These two topologies provide maximum path length for the connection types. Therefore, these
two network connections are preferred.

Computer Network plays an important role in communication between different devices. The use
of the computer network helps to communicate between the different users that are connected
through a network. By the help of the computer network and internet, it is now easy for everyone
to send or receive the information or data with the help of a computer network. Different users
can save information and data with the help of a computer network on the internet.

B.A. Forouzan, 2007. Data Communications and Networking. 1st ed. s.l.:McGraw Hill.
D.E. Comer, 2005. Hands-on Networking with Internet Technologies. 2nd ed. s.l.:Prentice Hall.
imedita, 2016. Top 11 Most Powerful Networking Companies Across Globe. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 6 November 2020].
J. Kurose and K. Ross, 2013. Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach Using the Internet.
6th ed. s.l.:Addison-Wesley Computer Science.
L.L. Peterson and B.S. Davie, 2012. Computer Networks a system approach. 5th ed. s.l.:Morgan
N.F. Mir, 2007. Computer and Communication Networks. 1st ed. s.l.:Prentice Hall.
W. Stallings, 2005. Wireless Communications and Networks. 2nd ed. s.l.:Prentice Hall.

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