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1)How to create a secure password.

 Has minimum 12 character.You have to choose password that is long enough.A longer password would be
even better.
 Must include numbers,symbols,capital letter.This make the password harder to hack.
 Stay away from obvious dictionary words and combination of dictionary word.
 Doesn’t rely on obvious substitutions.
 Avoid using your own name and suggested to mix with punctuation.

2.a)What is infected computer symptom ?

 Computer will run extremely slow.

 Application won’t start
 When connect to internet,all types of windows open or the browser display pages that have not requested.
 Firewall is disable or antivirus will be disappear.
 Language of certain application changes.
 Internet session or application open sporadically on their own.
 So many pop-ups.
 Browser can’t load pages.

b)What to do if you suspect infection on your machine ?

 Back up your personal files.

 Disconnect from the internet.
 Boot in safe mode or with a live antivirus rescue disk.
 Get another computer with Internet Access.
 Try to identify the actual malware and search for fixes.
 Scan with multiple programs until no infection found.
 Clean up temporary files and worthless programs.
 Remove system restore points.
 Fix post-malware removal problems.
 Strong password.
 All application patched.
 Uninstall programs.
 Space cleared.

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