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API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector Preparatory Program

* CW - 01 *

1. The nondestructive examination method to be used for a particular inspection

should be determined by the:

1. availability of certified NDE examiners.

2. length of time since the last inspection.
3. age of the component to be inspected.
4. type, location, and orientation of the expected flaws.

2. In planning for an internal inspection of a vessel that has contained acidic

corrodents, what type and location of corrosion would you expect to find on
the vessel shell, away from the welds?

1. Hydrogen blistering in the vapor space

2. Hydrogen embrittlement in the vapor space
3. Hydrogen blistering near the liquid level
4. Hydrogen embrittlement below the liquid level

3. A pressure vessel is scheduled for pneumatic testing using the methodology

of ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, with the maximum allowable working
pressure = 635 psig at 375° F. The vessel is constructed of SA-516 Gr. 65
material and is neither enameled nor lined. The test metal temperature will be
a minimum of 50° F, per the owner's specifications. How many pressurization
steps are needed to achieve the minimum required test pressure, and at what
minimum pressure will the visual examination be performed?

1. 6 steps; 635 psig

2. 6 steps; 793.75 psig
3. 9 steps; 635 psig
4. 9 steps; 793.75 psig

4. The principal reason for inspecting a pressure relief device is to determine

1. the remaining life.
2. the spring coil diameter.
3. the body thickness.
4. if it is functioning properly.

5. A pressure vessel has been in service for 12 years and has a history of
corrosion over its service life. The original thickness was 1.9375 inches; the
current thickness is 1.405 inches. What is the corrosion rate for this vessel?
1. 0.044 inch per year
2. 0.089 inch per year
3. 0.266 inch per year
4. 0.532 inch per year
(API 510-CW01) 2/2

6. What can be done to extend the life of a vessel with a corroded area in the
shell plate 6 inches from the weld, a joint efficiency of less than 1, and a
corrosion thickness currently near the minimum required thickness?

1. Recalculate t minimum for current operating conditions using E < 1.

2. Recalculate t minimum for current operating conditions using E = 1.
3. Recalculate t minimum for design conditions using E = 1.
4. Monitor the thickness during the run.

7. Temporary repairs to pressure vessels:

1. must be replaced with permanent repairs during the next scheduled

2. may remain in place for long periods if approved by the pressure
vessel engineer and inspector.
3. may remain in place for long periods if approved by the API-
authorized pressure vessel inspector.
4. may remain in place permanently if approved by the pressure
vessel engineer and the API authorized pressure vessel inspector.

8.. Who must be consulted before the repair of a crack at a discontinuity where
stress concentrations may be serious?

1. The owner-user
2. The pressure vessel engineer
3. The National Board inspector
4. The vessel manufacturer

9. The WPS and the PQR are used to determine:

1. if the welder is able to deposit sound weld metal.

2. if the welder is able to operate welding equipment.
3. the welder's ability to produce welds that are radiographically free of
4. if a weldment has the required properties for the intended

10. In a certain arc welding process, coalescence of metals is produced by an arc

between a tungsten electrode and the work, and shielding is obtained from a
gas or gas mixture. Both pressure and filler metal may or may not be used. This
process is called:

1. FCAW.
2. GMAW.
3. GTAW.
4. SAW.
API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector Preparatory Program

* CW - 02 *

1. A standard seamless, ASME F & D head (Torispherical) is used for the

following conditions:

Material of Construction = SA 515 gr 60

Design Pressure = 250 psig
Design temp = 580ºF
Inside Crown Radius = 72 inches
Minimum available thk. = 1.14 inches

Category B welds are spot radiographed.

Corrosion allowance = 0.125 inches
Allowable stress at design temp. = 16400 psig

Your assessment is:

1. The head does not meet code requirements.

2. The head meets the code requirements.
3. Suitability would depend on decision of pressure vessel inspector.
4. Data are not adequate.

2. For a certain pressure vessel with spot radiography, and all Welds type 1,
Vessel diameter = 72 inch I.D.
M.O. C = SA 515 gr 70
Design temp. = 600°F
Allowable stress at design temp. = 20,000 psi

If shell thk. = 5/8" and C. A = 1/8", the MAWP for the shell will be:
1. 233 psi
2. 168 psi
3. 256 psi
4. None of the above

3. A pressure vessel (M.O.C. 516 gr. 70) has external jacket spread over 72 inches
length of the shell. (Jacket pressure = 180 psi, Jacket temperature = 350°F) the
vessel OD = 36 inches. Shell thickness= 0.5 inch, C.A. = Nil. Decide which of the
following are applicable in the present case.

1. Shell thickness is OK.

2. Shell thickness is NOT OK.
3. Data are not adequate.
4. Acceptance of shell thickness depends on opinion of vessel engineer.
(API-510-CW02) 2/2

4. Choose correct hydrostatic test pressure from given options for a vessel with the
following data:

Design Pr = 360 psi

Design temp = 675ºF
M.O.C = SA 537 Cl. 1
Allow stress (Ambient) = 18600 psi
Allow stress (675°F) = 16900 psi

1. 540 psig
2. 515 psig
3. 450 psig
4. None of above

5. In a pressure vessel one of the 2:1 ellipsoidal dished head is removed and a
new seamless dished head of same type is installed with a single ‘V’ joint with
backing strip and full radiography. What is the joint category, type and efficiency of
the joint now?

1. Category-B, Type-1 & E-0.9

2. Category-B, Type-2 & E-0.9
3. Category-A, Type-2 & E-1.0
4. Category-B, Type-2 & E-1.0

6. A pressure vessel of overall height 80’ has its part MAWP at various parts as detailed
in the sketch. What is the vessel MAWP (hydrostatic head 1’ = 0.433 psi)?

1. 419 psi
2. 420 psi
3. 430 psi
4. 426 psi


426 psi



440 psi

442.5 psi

454.64 psi
API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector Preparatory Program

* CW - 03 *

1. Following four new seamless standard torispherical heads are available for use
under following design conditions. Choose the correct one.

Design pr = 235 psi, Head I.D = 72’’, and S = 20000 psi with no C.A.

1. Design thk = 0.9882”. Provided thk after forming = 1.0”

2. Design thk = 0.4886”. Provided thk after forming = 0.5”
3. Design thk = 0.6184”. Provided thk after forming = 0.625”
4. Design thk = 0.7496”. Provided thk after forming = 0.75”

2. Following four new seamless (2:1) ellipsoidal heads are available for the
following design conditions. Choose the correct one.

Design pr = 332 psi, Head I . D = 60’’ and S = 20000 psi with no C A

1. Design thk = 0.7382”. Provided thk after forming = 0.75”

2. Design thk = 0.9788”. Provided thk after forming = 1.0”
3. Design thk = 0.4985”. Provided thk after forming = 0.5”
4. Design thk = 0.7377”. Provided thk after forming = 0.75”

3. Head in Q1 (torisph Head-A) is to be analysed according to API 510, after

placing the vessel in service for 10 years. For the purpose of API 510 analysis,
value of crown whose radius can be taken as:

1. 72’’
2. 60’’
3. 48’’
4. 54’’

4. For head in Q.2 (Ellip. Head - B) value of crown radius for API 510 analysis can
be taken as:

1. 72’’
2. 60’’
3. 48’’
4. 54’’

5. The crown portion for head A may be considered as the portion lying entirely
within a circle whose centre will be same as head centre and diameter will be
1. 68.5’’
2. 36.4’’
3. 57.6’’
4. 54.0’’
(API-510-CW03) 2/3

6. For head B, the crown portion would lie within similar circle of diameter:

1. 60’’
2. 30’’
3. 54’’
4. 48’’

7. Required minimum thickness of crown portion for analysis as per API 510 for
head A shall be:
1. 0.3695’’
2. 0.4075’’
3. 0.4235”
4. 0.4825’’

8. Required minimum thickness for crown portion for head B as per API 510 shall
1. 0.4490”
2. 0.4262’’
3. 0.3652’’
4. 0.4863’’

9. The minimum nominal thickness of new cylindrical shell with design pr=555 psi
inside diameter = 58’’, S= 20000 psi and E = 0.85 with corrosion allowance of
1/8’’ [C.A. for expected life of 20 years] will be:

1. 1.0 inch
2. 0.75 inch
3. 1.125 inch
4. 1.25 inch

10. After 10 years of service, extensive corrosion was observed on the shell over a
patch lying entirely beyond 6 inches from weld for the vessel in question 9
above. Thinning as measured on this area was 3/16’’, while on weld area, the
corrosion was within expected limits. As on today, is the vessel is:

1. Safe for design conditions

2. Unsafe for design conditions
3. Safe only if welds are fully radio graphed and ok
4. Safe only if welds are UT checked and OK

11. According to API 510, for vessels with I.D. = 48’’ corrosion averaging along
most critical element can be done over a length not exceeding:

1. 12 inches
2. 16 inches
3. 20 inches
4. 24 inches
(API-510-CW03) 3/3

12. If diameter of vessel above in Q. 11 is changed to 72’’, the length for corrosion
averaging will be:

1. 36 inches
2. 24 inches
3. 40 inches
4. 18 inches

13. A cluster of scattered of pits was observed on exterior of vessel shell. The
description of pits is as follows:

Nomial vessel thickness = 5/8”

Corrosion allowance = 1/8 inch
Total area of pits = 5.8 sq inch
Pit of largest depth: 0.5 inch dia., 0.20” deep

All pits could be enclosed in a circle of 8 inch dia. and maximum cumulative
length is 1.75 inch within the circle.

1. Pits may be ignored as per API 510

2. Pits are unsafe as the total area pf the pits is beyond
3. The cluster is unsafe as depth of deepest pit is beyond
4. The cluster is unsafe , they are exceeding cumulative
length criteria

14. If in Q.13 above, depth of deepest pit was 0.15’’, cumulative length was 2.3
inch ( other data remaining same) your analysis will be:

1. The cluster is still safe

2. Cluster is unsafe as depth is still beyond limit
3. Unsafe as cumulative length is beyond limit
4. 2 and 3

15. If total area of cluster is 8 sq inch other data remain same as Q.13, what is your

1. Cluster is unsafe due to increased cluster area

2. Cluster is unsafe due to pit depth still being unsafe
3. Cluster is unsafe due to 1 and 2
4. Cluster is safe


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