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Volvo Car Corporation

Established Date: Issue: Page:
2011-09 4 1(51)


Computer-Aided Design Standards – CATIA V5

This issue differs from issue 4 in that the VDR reptype DWG is removed from table 8.


1 Scope and Field of Application

2 Definitions
3 Requirements
4 Startupfiles
5 Specification Tree
5.1 Part without 3D PMI
5.2 Part with 3D PMI
6 Released Documents
6.1 Release Requirements
6.3 Release Recommendations
6.4 Electrical Rules
6.5 Released CATDrawing
7 Mass, Center of Gravity, Inertia
8 V4 to V5 Migration
9 Fasteners
10 Multi-CATParts
11 Nominal Part – Manufactured Part
12 Holes and Flanges

Scope and Field of Application

This standard replaces Ford Motor Company's CAD and Drafting standard G-1.
The purpose of this standard is to provide CAD-specific direction to Volvo Cars Engineering Activities,
Suppliers, and contract engineering companies for the preparation of Product, Manufacturing and Service
of Master Data Files, and their contents for use by Volvo Cars and its suppliers. The primary design
objective is to create a fully described Master Data File, where the contents are various combinations of
3D CAD Geometry Files and/or Drawing Files and Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) Annotation.

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4 2(51)

2 Definitions
2.1 General
Table 1 General codes


DSM Digital Shape Model A geometric representation of a part using mathematical

formulas to describe form features and topology, stored
in a reference location.
("Numeric form model". Compare with V4 NUFO-Base).

CBD Computer Based Drawing A drawing stored as digital data on a format suitable for
editing in a CAD system.
This means that the logical drafting elements may be
edited on an intelligent level.

3D PMI Product Manufacturing The data elements required to completely define a

Information (in 3D) product.
PMI-Geometry Mating surface, weld points, etc.
PMI-Annotations Dimensions, Text notes, etc.

FTA Functional Tolerance and Annotation is the textural or symbolic information, without
Annotation any manual or external manipulation, which represents
those elements of the PMI that define the part's
production intent.

UDF User Defined Features Predefined Geometry instantiated from Catalog Browser.
For example: for creating holes and cut-outs for features
on a sheet metal Part.

MCI Mass, Center of Gravity, Application for transfer of metadata from CATIA to
Inertia Teamcenter (for example: measures, material data, etc.).

Re-Mastered A geometric representation that previously existed in

legacy software and that has been subsequently
mastered in the current native Volvo Cars approved CAD
software (CATIA V5).

Re-Modelled A geometric representation that has been re-created in

the current native Volvo Cars approved CAD software
from legacy software. The geometric representation is
NOT being used for PMI.

DILL Design Instance Local Links Links within the DI assembly, where the Ref-branch
content is copied, for example from Left-Hand Part to
Right-Hand Part.


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2.2 V5 Model and Assembly

Table 2 Part and Product


PART CATPart CATIA V5-document type that contains geometry,

metadata (material, coating, thickness, etc.) and
annotations (3D draw).

PROD CATProduct CATIA V5-document type that contains links to CATParts

and their positions (and metadata).

3 Requirements
• A Digital Shape Model, a Computer Based Drawing or an Annotated Geometry Model (3D PMI)
shall define all parts.
• The Digital Shape Model shall at least be a Packaging model (document subtype PACK, final
• The Digital Shape Model Basis shall be used as the basis in prototyping and at different
manufacturing stages.

3.1 File Identification

Table 3 File identification requirements

Requirement Description

Document Type Standard Further information regarding file identification is available in VCS
5021,61 "Document types".

File identification All DSM files and drawing files shall be identified and managed using
appropriate numbering conventions for an Engineering Part Number.

Volvo Cars Document Volvo Cars Document Numbering shall be used for all DSM files and
Numbering drawing files representing components in production and for service,
including those contained within service kits.
Volvo Cars document number and part number are not necessarily
the same number.

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4 4(51)

3.2 Document ID
The ID of each CAD "document" (= model) created in CATIA is set by saving the document in
Teamcenter. However, a temporarily assigned "Item ID" can also be changed in Teamcenter before
freeze operation. Consequently this means that identity creation is partly a Teamcenter-related issue.

3.3 Structure ID
Table 4 Teamcenter codes


PRG Program Node Vehicle structure (figure 1).

EBOM Product structure: engineering bill of material
PLN Manufacturing structure
VSS Vehicle Support Structure
ECS Engineering Collaboration structure

DI Design Instance A design instance is an object that carries a CAD model in a

vehicle position (figure 2).
DI Design Instance:
used to describe one usage of a design,
specifically a positioning of the design in a
certain usage in a car.
GENREF Generic Reference / Generic object:
to represent reference geometries
(E.g. LH in RH models).
VDR Volvo Design Representation:
is used to describe the geometry.

Fig. 1 Program node structure


Fig. 2 Design instance structure

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3.4 Item ID for Volvo Design Representation (VDR)

VDR-GEOM-PROD-88888888-INS-01 – (NAME)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Itemtype
2. Doctype
3. Subtype
4. Docnumber, 8 digits
5. Reptype
6. Rep ID
7. (VCC name, with title, location, position. For primary documents, the name shall
be the Part name plus demarcation in KDP.) Not ID, see figure 4.

Note: VCC part number and document number are not necessarily the same number.

Table 5 Contents of VDR Item ID


Item type Item type, for VCC Parts, shall always be Volvo Design Representation = VDR.

Doctype Doctype describes the contents of a document. For example, GEOM is used for 3D
Geometry, DRAW for 2D Drawings and GEAN is to be used for 3D Geometry with
3D PMI Tolerancing and Annotation.

Subtype Subtype describes the purpose of a document, what it is about.

Document Document number must be a valid Volvo Cars document number from KDP.

Representation Representation type (and Representation identity) shall be used to give uniqueness
type to various CAD representations (such as representation of the Part when installed in
a vehicle, what the manufactured Part looks like, what the drawing looks like, each
drawing segment, etc.).

Representation The two-digit number Representation identity gives unique identity to each different
identity representation type (the representation identity has to be unique to the CAD
representation of another item with the same VCC document number, such as CHK-
01, CHK-02, etc.).

Revision Revision identity is automatically created by saving the document. The revision
Identity identity is the digits after the slash sign (/) in Teamcenter and after underscore
sign (_) in CATIA. See example, figure 3.

Teamcenter CATIA

Fig. 3 Creation of a document revision

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Item name

Item ID

Fig. 4 Item ID and Item name

For detailed description of doctype, subtype and reptype see below.

VDR - Doctype
Table 6 Doctype, the general contents of a document


GEOM 3D Geometry CATIA V5 document type that contains a CATPart or a


GEAN Annotated 3D Geometry A combination of a geometric representation of a part to

Model describe form features and topology and annotation and
attributes to describe other characteristics of the part.

DRAW CATDrawing CATIA V5 document type that contains a drawing of a

CATPart (and metadata). CATDrawing is an electronic
drawing file containing a Volvo Title Block and Revision
Block format with associated views of a part's CAD
Geometry with text and/or Annotation necessary to fully
define the part intended for production release. This
definition does not include Non-CAD Drawings.


Supplier drawings are not always CATIA V5 files.

Sometimes PDF-files may have identity DRAW-PROD.




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VDR - Subtype
Table 7 Subtype, complementary document description


PROD 3D Geometry or CATIA V5 subtype that contains a CATPart/CATProduct,

2D Drawing such as:
• All V5 mastered 3D production data but Electrical
• Also assemblies containing both V5 & V4
• 2D drawing
Primary Document
PACK Packaging Model A packaging model is a digital shape model used for
analysis like packaging and other space studies, or
simulation of motions.
A packaging model cannot constitute the legal basis for
manufacturing of the Part and may only be referenced as
a supplementary document in the Part Version
Document for the part.
Auxiliary Document

COMP Compensated Model Parts including both Nominal and Manufacturing visible
Primary Document

MAST Master Model Managing document,

which specifies detailed restrictions between Parts.
Document for Block leader/Package engineer 3D/(2D).
Auxiliary Document

EXPE Experiment Model 2D/3D Experiment Part.

Auxiliary Document

DESI Design Model Product design model (Styling Digital Shape Model).
Auxiliary Document


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VDR - Reptype
Table 8 Reptype, a type of a model representation in CAD

Requirement Description


INS As Installed Indicates how the Item is
used and positioned in the
Representation Types car.
makes it possible to have
multiple CAD-represent-
tations for one part number.
MFG As Manufactured What the Item looks like after
completed manufacturing.
If both MFG and INS Part
exist, MFG shall be the Part
connected to the Part number
in the Part folder. If MFG
exists, MFG is also the
Primary Document.
TOC Table Of Content Not to be used!

CHK Chunk Splits large Parts into several

other parts; Multi models.

e.g. Bonnet

The top level Part (INS 01) includes all other Parts as well, and will
control all common information used in downstream processes, such
as Teamcenter (for example co called MCI-data).

PIA Purchased In Assembly Only for Parts when

separation takes place
outside VCC and the Part
does not have a VCC Part

Deco panel

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3.5 Item ID for Design Instance (DI)

DI-VCC58-88888888-00001 – (NAME)
1 2 3 4 5

1. Itemtype
2. Program
3. Identifier (Docnumber)
4. Unique position identifier
5. (VCC name, with title, location, position). Name is not the Item ID,
merely a separate user option to be added at "Revision Name" text box.

3.6 Item Id for Generic Item (GEN-REF)

GEN-REF-VCC58-88888888-00001 – (NAME)
1 2 3 4 5
1. Itemtype
2. Program
3. Identifier (Docnumber)
4. Unique position identifier
5. (VCC name, with title, location, position). Name is not the Item ID,
merely a separate user option to be added at the "Revision Name" text


Fig. 5 Naming of V5 models

Note: VCC part number and document number are not necessarily the same number.

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3.7 Assembly modelling

Partly Teamcenter-related issue:
A design can be described by one Design Representation (DR) item holding one CATPart or as a
structure of DRs with anything from one CATProduct and one CATPart up to a complex substructure of
several CATProducts and CATParts. DR CATProducts are sometimes referred to as VDR assembly
items. See figures 6 and 7. The number of VDR levels depends on the corresponding KDP structure.
KDP specifies whether an item is a single Part or a delivery unit. Accordingly, there shall be a matching
VDR structure between Teamcenter and KDP.
However, this does not mean that a Part number in every situation has its corresponding item in a DI with
the same document number.

VDR Product, a sublevel to DI

VDR Part

VDR Product

Fig. 6 Example of VDR Products and VDR Parts in Teamcenter

VDR Product
VDR Part

VDR Product

Example of
several VDR
Parts under a
VDR Product

Fig. 7 Example of VDR Products and VDR Parts in CATIA V5

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Only one VDR is allowed directly under a DI. See figure 8. If the design needs to be broken down into
several VDRs, then these should all be structured inside a VDR assembly. This structure, below the
single VDR assembly under the DI, can be defined freely.

VDR assembly

Fig. 8 Only one DR is allowed directly beneath the DI

Auxiliary models, Alt. 1. Assembly chunk

In assembly chunk, an assembly is divided into several segments, which together form the total
geometry. See figure 9.

VDR assembly

Multi-models separated by unique

representation identities

Fig. 9 Assembly chunks placed inside a VDR assembly structure

Auxiliary models, Alt. 2. Boolean chunk

Some models in the structure do not represent the final geometry but are necessary as input to the
generation of the final geometry. Examples of these are skeleton models and multi-models. These
models should be stored inside the VDR assembly and configured not to be shown, in the same way that
the GEN-REF item is. See figure 10. These chunk Parts can be used in numerous assembly

Fig. 10 Boolean chunks placed inside a VDR assembly structure

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3.8 Positioning
Positioning Definition

DI If the VDR assembly is to be positioned using constraints against geometry placed

in another DI, then the reference DI has to be placed inside the GEN-REF.

VDR assembly Inside the VDR assembly, any kind of positioning is allowed.

The reference DI has to be placed

inside the GEN-REF

Fig. 11 Positioning to another DI’s geometry is only allowed if the other DI is placed under GEN-REF

Flexible subassembly
Often, the same design can be reused if the models inside the VDR assembly can be repositioned relative
each other for the different usages.
This can be achieved using flexible subassembly. The internal models of the VDR assembly should then be
repositioned in the context of each DI without the need to store one VDR assembly for each configuration.

For example, when creating front-wheel suspensions for different vehicle projects, various camber angles
may be needed. Flexible subassembly allows several variants of a wheel angle without moving the
subframe. This would not be possible only using rigid subassemblies. See figure 12.

Subassembly for Suspension 1

Flexible subassembly for Suspension 2

Camber 1
Camber 2

A symbol of a flexible subassembly

Fig. 12 Front wheel suspension is reused in another DI and repositioned internally

using flexible subassembly

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3.9 Digital Shape Model Requirements

DSM files shall be delivered in accordance with the release quality requirements.

Table 9 DSM file requirements and recommendations

Requirement Description

Max CAD File size When possible, a file size of 80 MB should not be exceeded.

Standard Parts Only standard parts shown in the vehicle line program's specific
Vehicle Support structure should be allowed (named standard
At the moment, available only in SPA project.

Formal representation A solid model is the best representation for the CAD Geometry. If no
solid exists or cannot be generated, surfaces are the next best
representation but, in these cases, thickness shall be illustrated with
a section.
The minimum allowable CAD representation is 3D wireframe data.

Not an orphaned geom. A CAD Geometry shall not consist of an orphaned single solid,
surface or wireframe geometric entity as the master definition of an

3D Files for each unique All Components and Assemblies shall contain separate CAD
component Geometry for each unique component that makes up an assembly.
The CAD Geometry shall support the geometric representation of
each component, to aid in the complete definition of the assembly's
form, fit and function. This includes any sub-assembly or component
carrying a Volvo Cars part number, for service or otherwise, and data
of Symmetrically Opposite designs.

Delete unwanted geometry Delete unwanted construction geometry from DSM.

Line Geometry Data For Line Geometry Data, only one version of a line is generally
permitted; do not duplicate lines or extract portions of a line into line
Curve Geometry Data
segments unless it is required. Some examples of CAD deliverable
lines are Die Vector Lines, Parting Lines or Mating Surface Boundary
Lines (corresponding method with curves).

Service Requirement All dismountable objects shall be defined by separate files, such as
CATParts in a CATProduct. It is not enough to provide one delivery
unit since it is not separable.

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Requirement Description

Material thickness Surface Geometry Data PMI Annotation shall be used to control the
material thickness gage requirements of the design. For the purposes
of CAD Visualization and design, Surface Geometry Data shall
provide additional reference geometry that represents the nominal
material thickness and direction that is normal to the surface in at
least one local area, preferably in a mating location.

Model orientation Model orientation needs to be discussed on a part-by-part basis

between the Product and Manufacturing Activities and other
interested parties to establish the origin in a logical position with
respect to the model geometry and/or manufacturing needs.

Collector Assemblies A collector assembly VDR contains multiple instances of the same
part. A collector assembly is always connected to a DI.
Type in "Master properties form" shall be set to COLLECTOR.
(Note: Same TYPE, FGR, POS, POST in KDP).

Ex 1:
Sheet metal Part with a weld nut
(or weld screw). That is non
removable nuts or screws.
Ex 2 (fastener cluster):
May be used for identical articles,
containing same assembly data,
and which an "assembly plant"
operates exact same way (same
torque etc.).

Fig. 13 Example of CAD-File contents

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3.10 Drawing Requirements

CAD Drawing Files shall be delivered in accordance with the following quality requirements:

Table 10 Drawing requirements

Requirement Description

The same 3D - 2D The same DSM file shall be used in the construction of the Drawing.
This eliminates discrepancies between the DSM and the drawing
geometry and provides for linked updates of the drawing.
All drawing views, auxiliary views and sections shall be associative to
the DSM that they represent.

One Sheet / File Each drawing sheet must have its own file.

Shapes, entities, and fonts Third-party or externally referenced shapes, entities, and fonts shall
not be used. Only those included with the Volvo Cars startupfiles are

Axonometrical view It is permissible to include an axonometrical view (see figure 14),

scaled if necessary, on a detail where this would improve drawing
interpretation. Axonometrical views according to ISO 5456-3.

Axonometrical view

Fig. 14 Example of axonometrical view

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3.11 Nominals and Means – Values for Modelling

There can be a significant difference between mean and nominal values. In some cases, a dimension will
lack a nominal value. Where the mean does not agree with a nominal value, the nominal shall be used.
Where a dimension lacks a nominal value, the mean shall be used. See table 11.

Table 11 Nominals and means, examples



15 14 - 14

14 ± 1 14 14 14

13.5 +1.5 14 13.5 13.5

- 0.5

14 +1.5 14.5 14 14
- 0.5

14 MAX 7 14 14

12.5 +2.5 DO NOT USE –

+0.5 Dimensions expressed in this format are not acceptable

12.5 - 0.5 DO NOT USE –

- 2.5 Dimensions expressed in this format are not acceptable

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4 Startupfiles

The released geometry definition shall be built based on the current CATIA Startupfile (= Start template,
such as StartPart or StartProduct). This is a first check to verify the common model structure. A startupfile
determines the basic structure for a document and contains document settings such as identification,
graphic properties and dimension styles. See example, figure 15. When creating new documents with
CATIA, startupfiles shall be used. Different startupfiles will be used depending on which area the design
is intended for.

Startupfile Definition

Part without 3D PMI Startupfiles for CATParts/CATProducts with CATDrawing.

All parts, except Sheet metal - start template from startupfiles.

Part with 3D PMI Startupfiles for CATParts with 3D annotations.

Sheet metal Parts - start template from startupfiles_3D PMI.

In Teamcenter


Identification according to

(After saving in Teamcenter)

Fig. 15 Example of start templates for Parts without 3D PMI

Note: Suppliers will receive templates at VCC site (

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5 Specification Tree
A specification tree describes the geometry of a Part as a series of steps, where every step can be
redefined or replaced.

All CATParts shall be structured into bodies to support construction of the geometry. Structuring shall
take place in accordance with the valid body standard.

Different specification-tree rules for different engineering areas:

• Design-Engineering specification tree (without 3D PMI)
• Package specification tree
• 3D PMI specification tree (with 3D PMI)
• Feature start part specification tree (PowerCopy)

5.1 Part without 3D PMI

The specification tree for Parts without 3D PMI can be found in a predefined template folder

Table 12 The Design Engineer decides the preferred strategies to structure a model, see below:


Thin Sheet Metal Surface modelling.

Uses "DSM surface" to create a solid
(using: Thick Surface).

Solids Solid modelling.

- Structures model using main bodies.
- Creates positive and negative bodies.

Solids, with Surfaces Surface modelling. Then continues

working with solids.
Solid modelling, but uses surfaces as
split elements.

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SURFACE Design-Engineering specification tree – See StartPart and case below:



Bordering surfaces
3D Locators
Indication of Spot Weld,
Continuous Weld, Sealants

Base elements, e.g. planes, center lines

A structure of Surfaces

Combined results of "Sets" above

Final Surface, with a specified

direction, as a base of a Solid
Symbols [ ] are an indication that renaming is required.
No [ ] indicates that renaming is not allowed.

Fig. 16 V5 specification tree for surfaces

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SOLID Design-Engineering specification tree – See StartPart and case below:


VCC identification


Bordering surfaces
3D Locators
E.g. Weld, Sealants

Base elements, e.g. planes, center lines

If necessary:
A structure of wireframe and surfaces
Final_Part usually empty in solid modelling
Symbols [ ] are an indication that renaming is required.
No [ ] indicates that renaming is not allowed.

Fig. 17 V5 specification tree for solids

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Start Part, Example (six pages) – Common for surface and solid design
Table 13 Detailed specification tree (six pages)


Main folder for construction geometry.

1. Mating surfaces
Common area defined by two components "Mating
Face". Faces of bordering models are copied to the
CATPart without links.
Mating Area

1 Boundary curves are allowed as well.

2. Master Location System
Folder for 6 or more master location points (according
to the 3-2-1 rule), establishing a Part's absolute
position in the car.

X-axis 3 pts
Z-axis 2 pts
Y-axis 1 pt

3. Joining Definitions
Only for Sheet Metal Parts. Elements used to define
joining geometry: spot weld points, laser/arc weld
paths (continuous weld), adhesive/sealing paths and
fir-tree tops.
Welding points

4. Tooling Direction
The tooling direction shall be described with a plane as
a reference and the line as the direction vector. If there
are several tooling directions, they shall be structured
into separate "Geometrical sets" under
“tooling_direction” with suitable naming (if possible
relating to supplier identification).
Tooling Direction

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Main folder for surrounding geometry and base


5. Inputs
Copies of referenced geometries without links outside
a delivery unit.

6. Skeleton
Base elements, e.g. vital planes, points, lines.
It is possible to control the complete model by editing
5 the "skeleton" (e.g. front-wheel suspension).


Wireframe and surfaces are located in these

"Geometrical sets". To be able to organize elements,
additional "Geometrical sets" can be created.

7. Function
Sets for wireframe and surfaces shall be named and
organized for easy identification of elements.


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Final Part is an origin of a solid.

8. Results, Surface models

Results shall contain integrated surfaces from
"Geometrical sets" in "functions". Result surfaces are
generally of a type "Trim", "Split", "Fillet", "Join", etc.

See also the

section Links (at
the end of this

9. Final Part, Surface models

The result of surface design that is used for solid
creation, and is located in the last “Geometrical set”
called Final_Part. Final surface is of a type "Join" or
"Split". Normal direction of the surface shall be pointing
at the material direction.


Final_Part should contain final surface, so called DSM

(Digital Shape Model).


Surfaces shall be
created down-
wards, not up-
wards in the
history tree.

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10. Material
Location for a Part's material is always on the
CATPart. The design engineer shall select valid
materials from Volvo Cars material catalog. The valid
material determines the density and the Part's mass
can be calculated.


11. Publication
All elements that are to be used in other documents
shall be published (in V5) in order to achieve a secure
way to communicate data.

• Final surface shall be published and named
• PartBody is published and named “PartBody”


• Intermediate elements used in other

documents as external references shall be
named with unique and logical names (as
o All publications are done at CATPart level

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o If linked copies are used, an icon in the

receiving document then shows what type of
published element, e.g. Point, Line or Plane,
that has been copied.
o When using a solid as external reference, the
PartBody is used.
o Recommendation: The name of the publication
and the published element shall be the same.


No construction in PartBody. Assemble final Solid

structure to PartBody.
12 12. Complete Solid Body

13 Create empty body with accurate name at all top



13. Main Bodies

Structure model using main bodies.


14. Adds
Positive bodies.


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15. Removes
Negative bodies.

16. Draft, Fillet, etc.

All released models shall be defined completely
regarding the form (no sharp edges!) Drafts and
fillets can either be created under Main body or Sub-

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17. Create a solid from the final surface


Use DSM surface to create a solid in PartBody.

In order to keep consistency, there is no solid

operation allowed to modify the shape geometry.



CATIA V5 does not handle various applications, such
as measurements, constraints, kinematics, etc. with
same logic as a normal geometry.

o Links are allowed only working with Left-Hand and Right-Hand Parts (RH and LH), Template
projects, BiW fastener assemblies and Chunk Parts. Only published geometry shall be used.

o If the Design Engineer decides to create links, the Design Engineer is also responsible for the
created links.
o Only at VCC: When working with Left-Hand and Right-Hand Parts, Template projects, BiW fastener
assemblies and Chunks, the whole structure should be loaded from PSE.
 When saving the structure back to Teamcenter, all links will be intact.

As Result With Link (A Copy of a Published element) OK

As Result (Elements with no history) OK

(This is not a link anymore)
Broken Link (e.g. the original element is deleted)

Fig. 18 Specification-tree symbols

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5.2 Part with 3D PMI

This specification tree will support 3D PMI on Part and Assembly level. The specification tree gives the
design engineer a basic model structure and basics in 3D PMI methodology. This specification tree can
be found in a predefined startupfile folder (07_STARTUPFILES_3D PMI).
Links information and some of the specification tree notes are in accordance with section 5.1, Part without

Table 14 Specification tree


The specification tree gives the design engineer a basic

model structure and basics in 3D PMI methodology.

The Contents of the DR 3D PMI Start Part:

1 1. Parameters
To be filled by correct data.

2. Design_Area
Tooling dir Plane and line
Driving Surrounding models and own base geometry
Functions Own wireframe and surfaces
2 Results Last surface from the respective "Functions"
3. CAD_Deliverables
Material-X In cases when it is not possible to create a
solid from DSM, a section is needed
3 First_Frame Title Block, General Notes, Revision Block,
Part Info
Hole Location for "User-Defined Features" (UDFs)
that define holes inserted from Catalogs
Mating Contact area to other Parts
Joining Spot weld (pt), Laser/Arc weld,
Adhesive/sealant (crv)
Master_Loc Master location points
Trademark Trademark Feature in Catalogs
4. Final_Part
4 Will contain the final geometry with holes
5. PartBody
6 Create the solid using the final geometry as input

6. PMI
Annotation Views and Annotation Dimensions

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6.1 Release Requirements, Product

• DI carries the global position (DI in Teamcenter: yellow ball).

• Use "VDR product" as a carrier for other assemblies, including their relative positions, for example
when positioning fasteners (VDR in Teamcenter: blue ball).
• Use only VCC StartProducts (startupfiles).
• Position Parts of a DI properly.
• Do not use links outside DI.
• Do not use in Product: split, hole pocket, add, remove, symmetry.
• Do not create overconstrained Products.
• Do not use "Deactivated components" before release.
• GEN-REF should be used for creating opposite, symmetrical geometrical Parts. For example, when
creating a Right-Hand Part, a related Left-Hand Part should be placed under GEN-REF. In other
cases, GEN-REF is not supposed to contain entire Parts. Except symmetrical Parts GEN-REF
should primarily contain items from Vehicle Support Structure.

6.2 Release Requirements, Part

• Use VCC StartParts (start template).

• Main branches should not be changed (exception: some compensated models).
• Describe the complete model (applies also to symmetrical CATParts).
• Correct axis system shall be activated before freeze. Important, e.g., for drawing view creation, if
axis system is created.
• Update the CATPart.
• For thin Sheet Metals, use primarily DSM (in "Final_Part") to create a solid.
• Using solid modelling, assemble "result solid" in PartBody. Using 3D PMI, "result solid" can be
created directly in PartBody.
• Material definition is only allowed on Part level.
• Normal direction for final surfaces should be same direction as for material. After creating a final
surface, change of the direction is not allowed.

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• Select PartBody as "Define in work object”.

• Geometrical sets and bodies from startupfiles should not be renamed, exceptions are user-created
sets and bodies under lower level branches, or sets and bodies marked with [ ].
• Refer to features (avoid sub-elements, e.g. vertex, edge, so-called Brep elements, etc.) to create a
stable model.
• Use untrimmed, oversized surfaces to create a stable model.
• Create a user-friendly specification tree.
• CATIA and Teamcenter shall be synchronized.

Show/Hide for Parts without 3D PMI

• Before release, place everything in "Hide" except the “PartBody”, "mating_surfaces”,
“master_location_system”, as well as Geometrical sets "functions" and "Final_Part".



In case solid does not exist

DSM shall be placed in "Show".

Fig. 19 "Show" - "Hide"

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Publication (in V5) for Parts without 3D PMI

• The Partbody shall always be published with the name PartBody (included in the start part).
• Geometry to be mirrored shall be published.
• Every surface in the functional models expected to be consumed shall be published.

• PartBody
• Master Location Points
• Other items

Fig. 20 Publication in CATIA V5

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Show/Hide and Publication for Parts with 3D PMI

SHOW in the DR 3D PMI: PUBLISH in the DR 3D PMI:

(Parameters: using
mouse button 3)

Also hole features
are allowed here






SHOW Digital Shape Model
Master Location Points
Other items

The rest of the Geometrical Sets and Publications can be found at the bottom
Geometry must be in HIDE! of the history tree!

Fig. 21 Show / Hide and Publish

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6.3 Release Recommendations

• Base geometry and oversized surfaces should be used as much as possible. Subelements
(vertex, edge, etc.) should be avoided.
• "Functional zones" (functions) can be used to better understand how a Part is built or to make
geometry changes possible.
• Geometry copied from other models should be put under a separate geometrical set under
"Inputs" (1 set for each model).
• Parent/children relationships should be kept uncomplicated, by defining areas that can be worked
separately (e.g. hood, where inner bonnet can be defined in areas, such as flange, plenum cover
and 12 hexagons).
• "Positioned sketch" should be used.
• Sketches should be fully constrained.
• Sketch profile only with contour fillets, avoid finish fillets.
• Created curvature should be of good quality (with respect to tangency, curvature continuity, gaps
or overlaps, etc.). Often curves are used to generate surfaces.
• The geometry that describes a Part should be created from surfaces of good quality.
For example:
• The maximum permissible tangency deviation in a cross-section between surfaces should
be determined in discussions between the relevant parties, such as design, engineering,
purchase, suppliers, production etc.
• The limit values for gap/overlap depend on the situation. General recommendation:
gaps/overlap ≤ 0,05 mm.
• As limit value for discontinuity curvature between visible styling surfaces, the general
recommendation is ≤ 10 %.
• Final surface without hole should be created at the end of the modelling process. All holes should
be cut in one operation to create the very last surface.
• Large radii should be created before smaller ones. Carefully planned fillets should be used to get
stable fillet structure.
• Entities in a part that are not used should be deleted before release.
• The geometrical set should be "auto sorted" to get the elements in chronological order.
• Logical names should be used to make it easier to understand and find the base/reference
geometry (Example: A line defining the tooling direction should be renamed “tooling_direction”).
• Elements should be modified instead of recreated.
• Graphical attributes of bodies should not be changed from default.
• To check model quality, Q-Checker in CATIA V5 should be used.
• Healing should not be used within construction, only to clean other than V5 input data.

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6.4 Electrical Rules

o VCC StartParts, from a predefined folder (04_ STARTUPFILES_ELEC), shall be used for all
kinds of elecrical Parts (from delivery unit and geometrical bundle to support features).
o Components, such as connectors, supports, protections, splices or grommets, shall be selected
from the Elec. V5 Catalog.
o 3D bundle length dimensions and additional 3D PMI should be added to the Catia V5 harness
bundles for further downstream usage.
o To be able to reuse the CATIA V5 Electrical harnesses and the components inside the
Geometrical Bundle, the naming convention inside the CATIA V5 Electrical Harness assembly
should be followed. See examples table X.

Table 15 Naming and numbering for Composite Harness and Modular Harness


Harness delivery VDR-GEOM-ELEC-00000000-INS-01

Type of harness – Steering position – Harness context assembly – Project

Geometrical bundle VDR-GEOM-ELEC-00000000-CHK-02

GB (CATProduct) Type of harness – Steering position – Number of GB - Project

Multibranchable for VDR-GEOM-ELEC-00000000-CHK-03

MultiBranchable – Number of MultiBranchable

Multibranchable for VDR-GEOM-ELEC-00000000-CHK-03, 04, 05 etc.

modular harness
MultiBranchable (KDP) – Number (KDP ???)

Harness VDR-GEOM-PACK-00000000-INS-01-LW (Teamcenter ID)

components under
GB (CATPart) 00000000 (Catia ID)

Geometrical bundle


Harness components under geometrical bundle; such as cable

channels, grommets, connectors and supports (clips etc.)

Fig. 22 Using harness RepTypes

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o For harness components, a RepType INS shall be used for "as installed in vehicle Parts". The
manufactured part shall be marked with a RepType MFG. These different Parts shall also have a
unique identifier, a Rep ID.

o Some generic guidelines for creating bundle-segment topology in CATIA V5

o Only one bundle-segment should be created within a branchable.
o It is allowed to have various branchables within a given Multi-branchable.
o A Multi-branchable should be created when it is known that the take-out needs to be
optioned in or out of the harness content (Modular Harness).
o Use of points in space which do not have any physical retention must strictly be at a
minimum to control the bundle-segment slack. Only physical bundle retentions like bundle
supports (retainers, clips, grommets, shields, etc.) need to be added to the bundle-segment
in the route definition.
o All bundle-segments shall be connected together to ensure wire-routing.
o Bend Radius on bundle segments is allowed to have a ratio lower than 1:1 because of
added growth (35 %) in the Harness.

o Some design prerequisites for connectors, supports, retainers and grommets

o Outer geometry such as locking features, mechanical coding and connector fixing (for
different types of retainers) shall be included.
o Radii < 0,5 mm and chamfer < 0,5 mm are excluded.
o Termination cavities shall be designed from connector back and mating face with 3 mm
o Inside cavity geometry should not be used; it only increases model size.
o The number of operations shall be reduced to a minimum and the tree structure shall be
kept logical.
o The final result shall always be a recognizable component representing all outer limitations
to support packaging.
o Routing points shall be published in CATIA V5.

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6.5 Released CATDrawing

Table 16 2D and 3D drawings

Options Description

2D Drawing - Create a drawing from DSM using Volvo Cars Standard.

- Create View, Title Block, Frame, Grid, Text Notes, etc. (VCS5021,21).
- A supplier drawing can be added as a picture (CGM) inside a VCC frame.

Annotated Create a DSM, with 3D functional tolerance and annotation (generic part tolerance,
geometry dimensions, text, leaders, view planes, roughness, master location system, etc).

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7 Mass, Center of Gravity, Inertia

MCI includes information of mass, center of gravity and inertia, as well as material designation, sheet
material thickness and coating.
For these data, a "Geometrical Set", MCI_DATA_CONTAINER, shall be created using Volvo Cars
"CreateMCI.CATScript". See figure 23. Information from the set shall be picked out for computerized
transfer to Teamcenter. See figure 24. Suppliers without "Measure Inertia" script shall deliver VCC
requested measuring data instead.

Fig. 23 Automatically created MCI_DATA_CONTAINER

This information will be used by various downstream users and applications.

MCI information in Teamcenter (same as in CATIA)

Nominal Weight

Weight with respect to thickness

Fig. 24 MCI information in Teamcenter

Having a chunk model with several segments, the MCI data should be created at the top level Part (that is
INS 01). However, it is allowed to place manually created MCI data in VDR assembly instead
(Note: MCI data shall never be placed at DI).

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8 V4 to V5 Migration
Table 17 Converting V4 models to V5

Method Description

Remastering - alt. 1 Model modifications are not allowed in V5. Convert V4 solid models (and
surface), using V5 copy-paste as Result, to get geometry without history.

Remastering - alt. 2 Model modifications are not allowed in V5. Convert V4 solid models, using V5
copy-paste as Spec, to get geometry with history.

Remodelling - alt. 1 Model modifications are allowed in V5. Convert V4 solid models, using V5
copy-paste as Spec, to get geometry with history. Design just some elements
or design the part from scratch.

Remodelling - alt. 2 Model modifications are allowed in V5. Convert V4 surface models, using V5
copy-paste (all paste options will result in a geometry without history). Design
desired elements.

V4 Ditto Convert V4 detail models, using V5 copy-paste with special settings in V5


Migration Batch Convert models to/from IGES, STEP, CATIA, etc., using V5 Migration Batch

Surfaces and curves created in another CAD system than CATIA V5 and then opened or pasted into a
CATIA V5 document will be converted to CATIA V5 format. This means that the geometry may have
poorer quality than if it had been created in CATIA V5 from the beginning.



Fig. 25 From V4 to V5

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9 Fasteners
Fastener Part number should be checked at the Intranet homepage of VCC Engineering Standards
( See figure 26.

Fig. 26 Find out the Part number of a fastener

CAD representations of fasteners shall be picked up from Teamcenter.

Standard Parts shall be assembled into a Product structure.

10 Multi-CATParts
Relationships at the specification tree should be kept uncomplicated and easy to recognize.

Fig. 27 Specification tree in multi-parts

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A hierarchic structure shall be created using Bodies put together with Boolean operations. Operations
shall be arranged so that bodies are easy to break down from the specification tree. Moreover, it is
important to consider which branch levels Bodies should retain in relation to each others.

Specification tree break down

Fig. 28 Creating a specification tree

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11 Nominal Part – Manufactured Part

11.1 Definitions
• Nominal Parts are created to illustrate the intended appearance of a complete vehicle.
Consequently, a Nominal Part shall show the Part after it has been assembled in the vehicle.
• Manufactured (= Compensated) Parts are created to adjust a Part's form, so that the Part in the
complete vehicle shows approved styling. This compensation is a necessary correction in order to
take into account, for example, sealant applied in door openings, on lids, or on hoods.
The manufacturing process can include several process steps. These process steps might, for
instance, include complementary forming or hole creation, and may therefore be performed by
several different suppliers. Some examples of potential process steps are flanging (or folding),
bending of a flange for laser welding, drilling in a spring tower on a complete body, etc.

Exposed area

Adhesive area

Latches - No compensation for lower door panel needed

Fig. 29 Upper door panel needs to be compensated by the manufacturing process to adjust sealant applied

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11.2 Requirements for Compensated Models (COMP)

General requirements:
• StartPart "DR_3DPMI_START_PART", in folder "STARTUPFILES_3DPMI", should be used.
• One Nominal Part (called Final_Part), and one Manufactured Part for each process step, shall be
included, as in figure 30.
• Parts including both nominal Part and manufactured Part shall have SubType COMP (Compensated).
• If a Manufactured_Part consists of styling surfaces, then Styling shall deliver these surfaces to the
Part. On the other hand, all concealed engineering surfaces should be created by design engineers.
• PartBody (nominal solid) shall be created from surface DSM - nominal in Final_Part. PartBody shall
only be used for packaging purposes.

Compensated Part
- Tier 2

Compensated Part
- Tier 1

Nominal Part

Fig. 30 Manufactured_Part - stamped, Manufactured_Part - delivered, Final_Part

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Naming Requirements:
• The identity of a compensated Part shall retain the code VDR-GEAN-COMP (or VDR-GEOM-COMP).
Identity is created in CATIA by saving the document in Teamcenter. Consequently, this means that
the identity of a compensated Part is partly a Teamcenter-related issue.

Fig. 31 Using StartPart

• Geometrical set "Manufactured_Part - after stamping" shall be created for Parts, which are handed
out from the pressing plant. See figures 31 and 32.
• Geometrical set "Manufactured_Part - delivered to VCC " shall be created for Parts, which are
handed out from the assembly plant. See figures 31 and 32. In cases where only one
Manufactured_Part is needed, it shall be named "Manufactured_Part – delivered to VCC".
• A surface in Final_Part shall be named to DSM (Digital Shape Model).
• Surface naming in Geometrical set Manufactured_Parts shall reflect the process steps and contribute
to a clearer understanding of a specific moment.





Naming requirement

Fig. 32 Naming of COMP geometrical sets

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Final_Part requirements for COMP models:

• Final_Part shall only contain surface DSM. See figure 33.
• Final surfaces (DMS's) are of type "Join" or "Split".
• PartBody shall be published.
• All final surfaces (DMS's) shall be published.

Fig. 33 Nominal Part with a surface

Manufacturing Requirements:
• Tier 2 and Tier 1 shall only use surfaces from the respective geometrical set "Manufactured_Part".
See figures 30 and 35. Manufacturing surfaces shall be placed in "Hide", but they are nevertheless
product defining surface requirements for toolmakers.
• Other Manufacturing elements, such as centerlines of holes, punch directions, cut lines, etc., shall be
placed in the geometrical set "CAD_Deliverables". These elements are product defining, although
they may not necessarily be visible.
• Final_Part shall only be used as a packaging model in a complete vehicle.
• PartBody is only complement for surfaces. DSM surfaces shall be used as origin.
• Material direction shall be indicated on manufacturing surfaces and is illustrated by an arrow when
creating a "Join" surface. See figure 34. No later change of the direction is allowed.
• Material thickness shall be indicated in the application Parameters, Material_Thickness, as in figure

Fig. 34 Surface material direction and thickness

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Example of what a Part

looks like when handed
out from stamping
(pressing plant)

After stamping, the thin

Sheet Metal Parts are
sent to be assembled in
the vehicle

Example of what a Part looks like when

handed out from the component
assembly plant and delivered to the final
assembly plant

Example of what a Part looks

like after it has been
assembled in the vehicle

Fig. 35 Specification-tree requirements

A specification tree of a Compensated model (COMP) and the manufacturing process follow the same
process cycle. However, the working order in CAD is the reverse. The first surface to be created is the
nominal surface, followed by compensated surfaces. When cutting surfaces, large cuts are created before
smaller cuts.

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11.3 Show Requirements for Compensated Models (GEAN-COMP)

In Show:
• CAD_Deliverables:
Material-X-Section, Hole_Features, Trademark, Mating_Surface_Boundary,
Master_Location_system, Trimedge_requirements
• ThickSurface in PartBody (solid)
(if PartBody is empty, DSM in geometrical set Final_Part shall be visible)








Fig. 36 Hide / Show requirements

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12 Holes and Flanges

The result of surface design that is used for creation of Solid is called DSM (Digital Shape Model). DSM shall
contain required hole geometry. It shall be located in Geometrical set Final_Part. Quality assured surface
should be of type "Join" (or "Split"), with the surface normal pointing in the direction of the thickness. Cutting
hole features may well be used and they are to be found in Catalogs. All holes should be cut in one operation.

Final surface with holes

DSM surface with holes shall be used to
create Solid-feature (ThickSurface).


Fig. 37 Surface with holes as a basis for a Solid

The direction of the normal for the solid and the direction of the processed hole are not necessarily identical
when a solid is created from ”DSM”. See figure 38. In cases where normal direction and processed hole
direction from "Geometrical set" " Hole_Features" differs, " Hole_Features" shall contain product defining
requirement for toolmakers, although solid packaging shows "false" hole track. Center lines shall be visible (in

Center Line

Fig. 38 Normal direction versus hole direction from CAD-Deliverables

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Hole direction should also be described with a text in annotation (as in figure 39).


Fig. 39 Hole direction using annotations

It is allowed to place Center lines either in Geometrical Set "Hole_Features" or in Geometrical Set
"Master_Location_System", as in figure 40. Center_Points can sometimes be used both as a center for a
Center_Line as well as a Master_Location_Point.

Fig. 40 Hole_Features or Master_Location_System

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• Flange determination should be one of the first steps at engineering design.
• Surrounding templates may offer help with dimensioning flanges. See figure 41.
• Potential templates shall be placed in a program node, under vehicle support structure.
• Edges should be cut in one operation.

Door trim limitation

Inner wheelhouse


Inner wheelhouse

Fig. 41 Deciding wheelhouse flange using Door template

Examples of flange dimensioning can be found at the homepage of VCC Engineering Standards, at Design
guidelines/Joining/Welding/Metallic material. For example, Fusion welding/Figuring_and_dimensioning or
Spot welding/Design_and_dimensioning recommends minimal values for flange widths. See rough sketch in
figure 42.

Welding tip

Determine minimum
spacing for welding

Fig. 42 Flange dimensioning

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Templates information
Synonyms for the term Template are the English words “guide” or "model". Template is a collective term
that describes geometry, structure and analysis generation based on predefined specifications. For
example, various CAD templates ensure common, repeatable CAD design techniques.
Template types:
Using predefined building blocks
• Powercopy
• User-Defined Features
• Design Table

Structure creation

Tools & help templates

Simulation template

Engineering template
• V5 Template Library: VCC Production
Catalog &
• Teamcenter: CATIA Templates (folder)

Assembly template
• CV spec

Template strategy:
• Templates strengthen standards
• Several predefined templates can be stored in Teamcenter, in structure PRG-VCCTMPL
• Template geometry shall be built on robust and generative geometry
• Engineering shall define engineering standard as input for a template
• More than half of the Body engineering geometry can be defined by templates
• Adequate V5 competence is required to maintain templates

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CATIA V5 – V4 "similarities"
Table 18 The terminology table below shall only be used to increase understanding, rather than to
seek absolute correlation between terms

V5 Terms ...correspond to… V4 Terms

Digital Shape Model, DSM NUFO Base

Compensated Part, COMP Nominal Shape – Adaptive Shape

As Installed in Vehicle / As Manufactured Flexpart


Catalogs "Library with Dittos"

Chunk, CHK. Product in Assembly, PIA 3D Segment

VDR-GEOM-PROD-88888888-CHK-03 etc.

TOC (Table of Contents) Multi-Segment document (drawing)

Not to be used!

Left-Hand & Right-Hand Parts Twin Geometry

Document Model

CATPart Surface or solid model

CATProduct Session

CATDrawing Drawing (Auxview)

Overview: Specification tree Overview:

Geometrical Sets & Bodies (see below) Layer-Filter, Sets

Geometrical Sets ….contain => Surfaces (& pt, ln, crv, pln, etc.)

Body (& PartBody) ….contain => Solids

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