PowerPoint Presentation Eng 2

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Created by Kaj Schwermer

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.

Unit 1 Unit 7

Unit 2 Unit 8

Unit 3 Unit 9

Unit 4 Unit 10

Unit 5 Unit 11

Unit 6 Unit 12

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student's Book 2, Welcome Unit, page 2

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Student's Book 2, Welcome Unit, page 3


© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student's Book 2, Welcome Unit, page 3

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student's Book 2, Welcome Unit, page 3

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student's Book 2, Welcome Unit, page 4

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Four Corners
Book 2
Unit 1

Click on a lesson.

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 5
My interests Click

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 6
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 6
My interests

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 7
My interests

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© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 7
My interests

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 7
My interests

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 7
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 8
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 8
My interests


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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 9
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 9
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 9
My interests

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 9
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 10
My interests




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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 10
My interests Click

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 11
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 11
My interests

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 11
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 11
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 12
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 12
My interests

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 13
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 13
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 13
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 13
My interests

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 14
My interests

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Student’s Book 2, unit 1, page 14
My interests

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Four Corners
Book 2
Unit 2

Click on a lesson.

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 15

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 16

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 16

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 17

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 17

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 17

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 17

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 18

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 18

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 19

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 19

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 19

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 19

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 20

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 20

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 21

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 21

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 21

Click for
Student B

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 21

Click for
Student A

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 21

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 22

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 22


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 23

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 23

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 23

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 24

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 2, page 24

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Four Corners
Book 2
Unit 3

Click on a lesson.

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 25
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 26
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 26
Rain or shine


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 27
Rain or shine


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 27
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 27
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 27
Rain or shine

Click for
Student B

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 27
Rain or shine

Click for
Student A

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 27
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 28
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 28
Rain or shine




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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 29
Rain or shine

the same / different the same / different the same / different


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 29
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 29
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 30
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 30
Rain or shine

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 31
Rain or shine

play / to play

I’d like to / I would to

do / to do

I’d not / I woundn’t

do / would

I’d like / I would

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 31
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 31
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 31
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 31
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 32
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 32
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 33
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 33
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 33
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 34
Rain or shine

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 3, page 34
Rain or shine

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Four Corners
Book 2
Unit 4

Click on a lesson.

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 35
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 36
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 36
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 37
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 37
Life at home

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 37
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 37
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 38
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 38
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 39
Life at home

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 39
Life at home

apartment / house apartment / house apartment / house

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 39
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 39
Life at home

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 40
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 40
Life at home

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 41
Life at home



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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 41
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 41
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 41
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 42
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 42
Life at home


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 43
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 43
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 43
Life at home

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 44
Life at home


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 4, page 44
Life at home

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Four Corners
Book 2
Unit 5

Click on a lesson.

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 45
Health Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 46

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 46

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 47

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quickly / slowly

quickly / slowly

heavily / deeply

quietly / noisily

carefully / heavily

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 47

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 47

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 47

Click for
Student B

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 47

Click for
Student A

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 47

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 48

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 48

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 49

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 49

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 49

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 50

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 50

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 51

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 51

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 51

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 52

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 52


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 53

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 53

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 53

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 53

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 5, page 54

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Four Corners
Book 2
Unit 6

Click on a lesson.

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 55
What's on TV?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 56
What's on TV?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 56
What's on TV? Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 57
What's on TV?

to watch / watching

to watch / watching to be / being

to watch / watching

to watch / watching to watch / watching

to see / seeing

to miss / missing


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 57
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 57
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 57
What's on TV?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 58
What's on TV? Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 58
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 59
What's on TV?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 59
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 59
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 60
What's on TV?


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 60
What's on TV? Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 61
What's on TV?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 61
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 61
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 61
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 61
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 62
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 62
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 62
What's on TV?

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? ?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 63
What's on TV?

? the models / the end of each show

? the costumes / the actors

? the teenagers / the stories

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 63
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 63
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 63
What's on TV?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 64
What's on TV?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 6, page 64
What's on TV?

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Four Corners
Book 2
Unit 7

Click on a lesson.

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 65
Shopping Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 66

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 66

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 67




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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 67

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 68


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 69

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 69

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 69

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 69

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 70

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 70
Shopping Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 71



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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 71

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 71

Click for
Student B

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 71

Click for
Student A

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 71

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 72

? ? ? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 72

? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?

? ?
? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 73


animals cell phones clothes fruit jewelry meat vegetables

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 73

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 73

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 73

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 74


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 7, page 74

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Four Corners
Book 2
Unit 8

Click on a lesson.

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 75
Fun in the city Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 76
Fun in the city

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 76
Fun in the city Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 77
Fun in the city

? ?

? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 77
Fun in the city

? ? ?

? ? ?
? ? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 77
Fun in the city

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 77
Fun in the city

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 77
Fun in the city

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 78
Fun in the city Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 78
Fun in the city


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 79
Fun in the city

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 79
Fun in the city

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 79
Fun in the city

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 80
Fun in the city

? ? ?

? ?

? ? ? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 80
Fun in the city Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 81
Fun in the city


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 81
Fun in the city

? ? ? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 81
Fun in the city

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 81
Fun in the city

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 81
Fun in the city

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 82
Fun in the city Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 82
Fun in the city

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 82
Fun in the city

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 83
Fun in the city

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 83
Fun in the city

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 83
Fun in the city

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 84
Fun in the city


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 8, page 84
Fun in the city

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Four Corners
Book 2
Unit 9

Click on a lesson.

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 85

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 86

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 86
People Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 87


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 87

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 87

Click for
Student B

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 87

Click for
Student A

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 87

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 88
Click for

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 88

U.S. / U.K.

16th / 17th / 18th

Manchester United / Real Madrid.

Bolivia / Argentina / Cuba

Sydney / Athens / Beijing

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 89

? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 89

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 89

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 90

? ?
? ?
? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 90
People Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 91

? ?



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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 91

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 91

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 91

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 91

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 92

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 92

? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 92

? ?

? ?

? ?

? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 93

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 93

? ?

? ?

? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 93

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 93

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 94

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 9, page 94

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Four Corners
Book 2
Unit 10

Click on a lesson.

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 95
In a restaurant Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 96
In a restaurant

? ?

? ?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 96
In a restaurant Click

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 97
In a restaurant

an / some

an / the

a / some

a / the a / some
a / the

A / the an / the

a / an

the / some

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 97
In a restaurant

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 97
In a restaurant

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 97
In a restaurant

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 97
In a restaurant

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 98
In a restaurant Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 98
In a restaurant

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 99
In a restaurant

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 99
In a restaurant

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 99
In a restaurant

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 100
In a restaurant

? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 100
In a restaurant Click

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 101
In a restaurant


? ?

? ?


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 101
In a restaurant

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 101
In a restaurant

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 101
In a restaurant

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 102
In a restaurant

? ?
? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 102
In a restaurant

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 102
In a restaurant

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 103
In a restaurant

? ? ?


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 103
In a restaurant

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 103
In a restaurant

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 103
In a restaurant

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 104
In a restaurant

? ?
? ?
? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 10, page 104
In a restaurant

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Four Corners
Book 2
Unit 11

Click on a lesson.

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 105

? ? ?
? ? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 106

? ?

? ? ? ?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 106
Entertainment Click

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 107

? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 107

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 107

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 107

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 108
Entertainment Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 108

? ?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 109

? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 109

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 109

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 110

? ? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 110
Entertainment Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 111

? ?
? ?
? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 111

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 111

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 5

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 111

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 112
Entertainment Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 112

? ?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 113

? ?

? ?

? ?

? ?

? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 113

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 113

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 113

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 114


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 11, page 114

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Four Corners
Book 2
Unit 12

Click on a lesson.

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 115
Time for a change Click

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 116
Time for a change

? ? ?

? ? ?

? ? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 116
Time for a change Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 117
Time for a change

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 117
Time for a change

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 117
Time for a change

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 117
Time for a change

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 118
Time for a change Click

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 118
Time for a change

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 119
Time for a change Click

? ?

? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 119
Time for a change

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 119
Time for a change

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 120
Time for a change

? ? ?

? ? ?

? ? ?

? ? ?
? ? ?
? ? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 120
Time for a change Click

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 121
Time for a change

I’ll / I may

I’ll / I might

I’ll / I may

I won’t / I might

I’ll / I may

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 121
Time for a change

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 121
Time for a change

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 121
Time for a change

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 121
Time for a change

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 122
Time for a change

? ?

? ?

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 122
Time for a change

? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?

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Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 123
Time for a change

fifth / seventh

won / didn’t win

first / last

39 / 43

training / stress

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 123
Time for a change

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 123
Time for a change

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 123
Time for a change

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.
Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 124
Time for a change


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Student’s Book 2, Unit 12, page 124
Time for a change

© Cambridge University Press 2012. This presentation is not for sale. Created using content from Four Corners.

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