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February 16, 2011

Board Members in Attendance

Mrs. Anne Bennett, Mr. Richard Freisinger, Mr. Lynn Laird

Mr. Jeff DeWeese, guest; Mr. Joshua McElhaney, District Conservationist; Mr. Eddie
Cooper, Division Manager NRCD; and Mrs. Debbie Williams, Environmental Technician

Call to Order
Mr. Lynn Laird called the meeting to order at 8:35am.
Those present stated the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in unison.
Mr. Eddie Cooper gave the invocation.

Minutes of the Last Meeting

Mrs. Anne Bennett made a motion to accept the January's Board minutes. Mr. Richard
Freisinger seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.

Acknowledgement of Public Notice

The meeting advertisement was noted.

Treasurer's Report
Mrs. Bennett presented the Treasurer's Statement.

Public Forum
Mr. Laird introduced Mr. Jeff DeWeese as a candidate for the vacant Board seat.
Mr. DeWeese gave a brief background about himself. He is a native of Pensacola and
works at the O'Sullivan Creel CPA firm. He grew up working on the family farm in
Alabama and is interested in conservation. He would like to raise awareness of the
north end of the county, look for additional funding options for farming/conservation
projects, and make the Board more visible to the people of Escambia County.

Mrs. Bennett made a motion to appoint Mr. Jeff DeWeese the vacant Board's seat.
Mr. Freisinger seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.
Mr. DeWeese will prepare a letter regarding his appointment for the Chairman's
signature. This letter will be sent along with the February's Board minutes to the
Supervisor of Election's office.

Mr. Joshua McElhaney gave the District Conservationist report.
Work is continuing on EQIP and WHIP application rankings. Mr. McElhaney distributed
information on the EQIP Organic Initiative program. Deadline to sign up for this batching
period is March 4, 2011.

Mr. McElhaney stated he would not be attending the March Board meeting due a training
he will be attending.

Mr. McElhaney discussed Mr. Yoder's micro-dairy project and requested the Board
support the project for funding assistance from Three Rivers RC&D. Motion was made
by Mrs. Bennett to support the project. Mr. Freisinger seconded the motion. The
motion carried unopposed.
Mr. DeWeese stated he would also look into additional funding assistance for the project.
Old Business
Discussions were held regarding the upcoming Stormwater Erosion and Sedimentation
Control Classes. Mrs. Bennett stated it was an excellent class and if any of the Board
members were interested in attending they should. There is also the availability that a
Board could earn money by becoming instructors for the class.

New Business
Discussions were held on House Bill 4089, which repeals the establishment of Soil and
Water Conservation Districts. Mrs. Bennett read a drafted letter to send to our
Representatives stating the need to support the Districts. After a change was made,
Mr. Freisinger made a motion to accept the letter. Mrs. Bennett seconded the motion.
The motion carried unopposed.

Discussions were held on House Bill 457, which would amend current fertilizer
management statues in Florida. Mrs. Bennett read a drafted letter to Representative
Clay Ingram requesting he attend a Board meeting to discuss the issue. After a few
changes were made, Mr. Freisinger made a motion to approve the letter. Mrs. Bennett
seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.

Mr. DeWeese will rewrite the letters with the changes and send over to Mrs. Debbie
Williams for Mr. Dan Cain's signature. Mrs. Williams will mail them out.

Discussions were held on the land fill being planned in Conecuh County. It is proposed
that approximately 15,000 tons would be disposed there from all over and Escambia
River would be affected. Mr. DeWeese will draft a letter for the Board stating their
concerns of the environmental impact of the land fill. He will bring the letter to the
March meeting.

Mr. McElhaney requested the Board pay for Micah's $25.00 registration fee for the
2011 Agribusiness Conference being held on Thursday, February 17 in Milton.
Mrs. Bennett made a motion to pay the $25.00 registration fee. Mr. Freisinger
seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.

Discussions were held regarding the need for Mr. Cain's signature on February's minutes
in order for Mr. DeWeese to submit with his paperwork to the Supervisor of Elections'
office. The minutes reflect where the Board appointed Mr. DeWeese to the vacant Board
seat. Mr. DeWeese will contact the Election office and let Mrs. Williams know the correct

Mrs. Bennett thanked Mr. DeWeese for his interest and appointment to the Escambia Soil
and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors.

With no further business before the Board, Mr. Freisinger made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Mrs. Bennett seconded the motion. Mr. Laird adjourned the meeting at 9:55am.

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