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The Affordable Care Act

Giving Women Greater Control

Over Their Own Healthcare
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will lower costs for women, provide greater choices, and ensure that
women have greater control of their care and their family’s care. After years of paying more for their
healthcare and facing greater discrimination by insurance companies, the Affordable Care Act makes our
healthcare system more affordable and equitable for women.

Key provisions of the law that will make a difference in the lives of millions of women now and in the
• Stops the discriminatory practice of charging women more than men for health insurance.
• Ends insurance abuses such as denying coverage because of pre-existing conditions – formerly
including cesarean sections, diabetes and domestic violence – and dropping individuals after they
become sick.
• Guarantees preventive care, including free screenings for breast and cervical cancer and
immunizations for children.
• Expands coverage for young adults by allowing them to stay on their parents' health plan until age
• In 2014, extends health care coverage to tens of millions of women and families who currently
don't have insurance.

Lower Costs for Women

• Eliminates all lifetime limits on how much insurance companies will pay.
• State health insurance exchanges and all new plans will limit out of-pocket expenses, such as co-
pays and deductibles.
• Provides tax credits starting in 2014 for women who cannot afford quality health insurance.

Greater Choices for Women

• Stops insurance companies from denying children coverage based on pre-existing conditions.
• Prohibits insurance companies from denying any woman coverage because of a pre-existing

Better, More Affordable Care for Women and their Families

• Ensures coverage of prevention and basic health services, including maternity benefits under plans
offered though state health insurance exchanges.
• Requires coverage of basic pediatric services for children under 18 under all new health plans, as
well as oral and vision needs, starting in 2014.
• State health insurance exchanges will provide consumer-friendly comparisons of prices, benefits
and performance of health plans so women can decide which option is right for themselves and/or
their families.

Repeal of the Affordable Care Act would mean higher costs and
less access to quality care for tens of millions of women in America.

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