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Structural Design 354 A2 2020

Formulas and Important Tables

Concrete Strength

Density of Concrete: 25 kN/m3 in this module

Screed 23 kN/m3
Ultimate Limit State:
STR Combination 1 – Floor load STR-P Combination 1 – Floor load
leading action leading action
• Favourable: 0.9 G • Unfavourable: 1.35 G + 1.0 Q
• Unfavourable: 1.2 G + 1.6 Q
STR-P Combination 2 – Wind load
STR Combination 2 – Wind load leading action
leading action • Unfavourable: 1.35 G + 1.0 W
• Favourable: 0.9 G (Q-imposed, G-self-weight)
• Unfavourable: 1.2 G + 1.6 W + 0.48 Q

Live loads
1. Wuls
The self-weight of construction works shall be classified as a permanent fixed action (see
SANS 10160-1).
Moment Redistribution
1. Apply design load (wULS)
2. Find elastic bending moment diagram (Plot - above and + below)
3. Reduce the largest bending moment (10%-30%)
4. Design section for the reduced moment and check restrictions on x/d (later)
5. As plastic hinge has formed, uses the known moment at that location to find bending
moment for the rest of the beam (get new reaction force)
6. Set up shear eq. (v(x)) and integrate for M(x). Where v(x)=0 we have new max +
bending moment.
7. Design the beam with the obtained bending moment and shear force diagrams

Reinforced Concrete
1. A neutral surface exists that does not 3. All deformation in the plane of a section is
undergo any change in length in the neglected
longitudinal direction
2. All cross sections remain straight and
perpendicular to neutral surface

Basic Stress strain Relations:

Rebar Calculations:

Xbal = 0.45d (x/d<= 0.45 req by EN 1992-1), ensures yielding before concrete turns plastic
Sbal = 0.8*Xbal (for non-balanced S=0.8X)

 cu 2  sy
= where x is the NA depth from top and d is the depth of rebar from top
x d−x

0.85  f ck
Fcc =  s b where b(mm) is the width of the section, s(mm), fck in Mpa
f yk
Fst = As  fyk in Mpa, As in mm2
s When Md(design) in N/mm, fy
f yk in Mpa and z or d in mm then
Mu = As (d − 2s ) As in mm2
s kNm
bf is top width, or beff if
Double Reinforcement you have a T/L beam

K= if K < 0.167 then single
bf d 2f ck
reinforcement, else double reinforcement,
Kbal = 0.167
If you use this double check that equilibrium
is satisfied MR=Fst·z=Fcc·z. Otherwise you
used the wrong bf when calculating K
 0.95
As =
0.87 f yk z
a = cnom + link + 2
 0.171 Then the compression steel has yielded use fsc=0.87fyk

Compression steel yielded:

M − 0.167 f ck bd 2 0.204 f ck bd
As ' = As = + As '
0.87 f yk (d − d ' ) 0.87 f yk

Compression steel did NOT yield:

M − 0.167 f ck bd 2 fsc=ƐscE where

As =
0.204 f ck bd
+ As '
f sc
As ' = Ɛsc = 0.0035(1-d’/x)
f sc (d − d ' ) 0.87 f yk 0.87 f yk

Check Spacing:
2  ( Nbars − 1)   + 2  a  bbottom
4  As
N bars =
2  a  hofbottomFlange
  2

M = Fcc (d − 2s ) + Fsc (d − d ' )

Continous Beams

lbd = 1 2 3 4 5lb,req

As ,req
As , pro
f yk
lb,req = 
4.6 f bd

Shear Reinforcement
Vertical Link

To see if angle is sufficient

Compare to Vef

Ratio look at table A3

Half of the force in the truss

Z/d <= 0.9

IF Asw < Asw, min use Asw, min instead
Vef = Ved -wl
Ved = (wl)/2
Transverse Reinforcement

Δx is half distance between point of zero moment and maximum

Flanged Beam(transverse shear)

Reinforcing Area Tables

Table 1 Shear Reinforcement


Max Rebar % = 4%


SANS 10100-1
Cracked Moment of Inertia(rectangle)

The moment that will cause cracking in the section

M is the Design Moment

Shrinkage Curvature

Flexural Cracking

Deflection from Curvature

1. Calculate curvature due to uncracked section
2. Calculate curvature due to cracked section
a. Calculate the neutral axis position
b. Calculate the second moment of area of the cracked section
c. Calculate the curvature of the cracked section
3. Calculate the ‘average’ of the cracked and uncracked curvature
a. Calculate Mcr
b. Calculate
c. Calculate the ‘average’ curvature
4. Calculate shrinkage curvature
a. For the cracked section
b. For the uncracked section
c. Calculate the ‘average’ shrinkage curvature
5. Calculate deflection
a. Total curvature
b. Use eq 6.14 and Table 6.14
Column Design
If l0/h >10 SLENDER
Effective length l0 = factor(β) x clear height

Compare λ to λlim

If creep factor and M known use:

Unbraced C = 0.7
Braced max C = 2.7
Braced min C = 1.7

fcd = 0.85 * (fck)/1.5

If λ < λlim Short Column If λ > λlim Slender Column

𝑁𝐷 = 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 + 𝛾𝐺 (𝑆𝑒𝑙𝑓𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡)
Slender Design
Reinforcement Details!

One-way spanning
If only two supports use redbook tables!!!

> 0.13%
(minimum req)
Actual ratio = l/d
From fig 6.3 > Actual

Two-way Spanning

Simply Supported
Restrained slab
Flat Slabs
No Beams

If drop width > lx/3 then

column strip should be
width of drop
Clear between column head
Steps: = centres - hc
slab thickness includes drops
1. Total dead and live load (kPa)
2. Ultimate load F (kN per Panel) (1.35Gk + 1.5Qk)
3. Equivalent distributed load(n) = F/slab area
4. Effective span L= clear between column head + slab thickness/2 at either end
5. Bar spacing and size limits
a. Check slab thickness >200mm
6. If variable less than permanent & bay size > 30m 2 Use Table 8.1 for Moments
a. Use L (effective span) and F(per slab) ->(kNm)
b. Use Table 8.7 for redistribution
c. If middle strip> half of panel dimension
𝑊𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑝
i. Then adjust %𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 8.7 × 𝐻𝑎𝑙𝑓 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛

Punching Shear
Centre slab :
U= 2*c1+2*c2 +2*1.5d
Post Tensioning

• E modulus change over time
• Elastic shortening’
• Concrete creep
• Concrete shrinkage
• Relaxation of Steel
• Friction and wobble
• Draw-in wedge or anchor
* Jack from both sides to reduce losses
1 kN·m = 106 N·mm
1 N/mm2 = 0.001 GPa
1 kN/mm2 = 1 GPa
1kN/m = 1 kPa
A2 Guide:
Design Loads
Characterized Unfactorized line loads
1. Use SANS10160 Tables
2. Redbook or provided, Reaction in Beam
3. Distributed loading over beam includes self-weight of beam
Design Line loads
1. Use Ultimate Limit State: find leading
Load Pattern
1. Draw the beam
2. On either side of Max shear or Moment apply UnF
3. Alternate F from there
Beam Design
Moment Reinforcement

Shear beam design

Shear diagram and critical shear
1. Use redbook or provided get reactions d = h – cover- ½ bar
2. Draw shear diagram from reactions and loads diameter
3. Critical location at d distance from face of highest shear support
4. Critical shear value at that position on graph
Flanged Shear design
1. Check needed compare Ved to 0.4fctd (tensile design strength)
2. Compressive strut angle
a. Use smallest theta first (26.5 (Compression) or 38,6(Tension)
b. If not adequate (Ved<Calc to be adequate) solve for theta
c. If theta solved not allowable (if >45) change flange height…..Only if you are designing whole
3. Use Asf/sf and Asfmin/sf and find on Shear Reinforcement table

Slab Design
Two-way spanning slabs
• For span/depth ratio, use lx (short span) and Table 10 SANS 10100-1 , the longest short span
Rebar Design(incomplete)
1. Gk and Qk get factorize loads (Ultimate Limit State:)
2. Ly/lx (not needed if only long span done)
3. Look at either Simply Supported or Restrained slab tables to get moments
4. T2 & B2 for longspan, T1 and B1 for short span
5. T resists negative moment, B resists positive moment
Flat slabs
• Slab supported only by columns no beams
Punching Shear

Column Design
Unbraces- Lateral movement is not restrained
Short Column
1. & From Nd & Md calculated or provided
2. Go to interaction diagrams
3. Calculate As from ratio read off
4. Then go to Reinforcing Area Tables
Slender Column
1. Check slenderness using limits or lx/h
2. Get a new increased Moment
a. If K2 unknown use 1 and iterate
3. Follow steps of Short Column

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